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Well, multi-tasking pro. Cars like the ones in the gym parking lot are for sale on AutoTrader. New cars, used cars, electric cars, maybe even flying cars. Okay, no flying cars, but as soon as they get invented, they'll be on AutoTrader. Just you wait.
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They're still here, and at the end of the day, it's my job as a mother to keep my child safe. Talk to your child's doctor and learn more at WhyVaccines.com. Brought to you by Merck. Even as I hear the iconic imperial march from Star Wars and John Williams, I actually forgot to share this with you guys. You know, John Williams is my favorite composer.
It's not just because of Star Wars. He has hundreds of movie and TV scores to his name. He's brilliant. He's into his 90s now, and while I hadn't decided that I would make the trip to see him this summer in Massachusetts, where I saw him last year, as it turns out, he's recovering from an illness. He is expected to fully recover. This is not a life-threatening illness, according to his spokesperson, but John Williams will not be making the appearance that he normally makes at this one particular concert venue. I guess I'm worried about him a little bit. I'm glad I didn't buy tickets, because it would have been really disappointing to not have him there, which is generally the promise when they sell you the tickets, but now it makes me even more grateful that I saw him last year, and my friends were able to secure me one ticket underneath the pavilion so that I could be up close, and the videos and the photos that I have from there, they're dynamic.
I just am so grateful that I have them. So he won't be there this year, but again, he's expected to fully recover, and I could listen to his music all day. On a road trip?
Yeah, I have to be careful when we're doing road trips, because I could listen to the entire six soundtracks that I happen to have on a thumb drive, and I suppose at some point, any travel companions would be ready to pull their hair out. What? Nah.
Not the right ones. Right, seriously. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence. Thanks so much for joining us. We're halfway through our second show of the week, so we're saying sayonara to Monday, ushering in a Tuesday. There are a couple of things that I still hadn't a chance to get to from the weekend, and one of them I was saving in particular because producer Jay wasn't with us on our last show, and I don't know if he's seen this particular documentary. I know Jay likes to watch this bunch of stuff on YouTube, but this one isn't YouTube.
This one comes, well, it was produced for IMAX, but now it's on Amazon Prime. The documentary about the Blue Angels that just came out in 24th of the spring, but it's about their 22 season, so the entire documentary is done about their 22 season, and I recommend it for any sports fan because you don't realize how much teamwork is involved. There are 141 people, only six pilots, 141 people that make those air shows and their season run smoothly, and when I say run smoothly, we're obviously not just talking about the entertainment value and how close they can get together in their signature diamond formation, but we're talking about safety, and to get a behind the scenes look and all these personal interviews with the six pilots, some of whom were outgoing, it was their last year, so I believe you sign up for a three year term, and they're constantly rotating. In any given year, there's at least two brand new pilots on the team, and the process of them selecting the new pilots as well as the new leader, and then the way that they're rotating their crew in and out, the fact that they have two crew chiefs for each airplane. For those of you who are pilots or you are familiar with flying, you may think about how every time you get into an airplane or a cockpit, you yourself go through all the pre-flight instruments and all the pre-flight checks to make sure that as much as you can tell, everything is working the way it's supposed to, and you're set to go. Well, in the case of the Blue Angels, they have two crew chiefs for every single plane, jet. These pilots never do the pre-flight checks. They trust their crew chiefs to do the pre-flight checks in such a way that they get into the cockpits, they're comfortable, they're confident, and they take off. Yeah.
Is there a bigger trust than trusting someone to keep your airplane? Yeah, and so the documentary is fascinating, not to mention the cinematography is phenomenal. So you're seeing it from the air, of course, you're seeing it from their perspective. They've also got some version of a GoPro camera in their cockpit so that you can see what they see. And when they line up in their diamond formation and they get closer and closer, because over the course of the season, they get more and more comfortable, they get closer and closer. And you see from the number four spot, which is below, it's middle and it's below, the two jets on either side and the jet that's just directly in front of him, but also over top of him.
Oh man, it is dicey. These pilots, they have to have not just nerves of steel, but they have to trust the guy on their left, the guy on their right, the guy above them, the guy behind them. So after watching this documentary, we were so blown away by the teamwork and the precision and the excellence that they aspire to. Not to mention in general, the Navy, and there is a Marine pilot usually on the crew as well. The way that the members of those two armed services or armed forces actually try out for this, right? And the way they revere the opportunity to fly with the Blue Angels, it's the best of the best. You're a pilot, but then as a Blue Angel, it's something completely different.
You're better than that. Yeah. And the process they go through of debrief and prep and yeah, the leadership that's required from various positions with the pilots is phenomenal. We went ahead, because this is the kind of thing that Bob and I do, we decided after watching the documentary, we wanted to see them, found out that the weekend after July 4th, they're going to be in Binghamton, New York, which is upstate. Well, upstate to the west slash western New York, I guess. It's more probably central New York. Anyway, they're going to be there on a Sunday at the Binghamton Air Show.
It's in actually Johnson City, which is near Binghamton. And they're going to be there doing both a Saturday and Sunday demonstration. And there are a bunch of other air routines and different trick planes and shows and crews and all that stuff. But the Blue Angels are the big draw. So we actually bought tickets. They were relatively cheap.
They were 25 bucks for adults. And we bought parking on site. So we park at the airport. We don't have to worry about taking a shuttle.
And so we feel like these are $70 that are well spent. I cannot wait to see the Blue Angels in person. Now, it's not the Thunderbirds, of course. So when we first started watching, I thought, oh, the Thunderbirds, the ones we interviewed in Las Vegas when we were doing Super Bowl week. And that was one of our favorite interviews from Vegas.
So not the Thunderbirds, but the Blue Angels. And a couple of significant things. Number one, you know, I'm a member of the Intrepid, which is the World War II aircraft carrier that's docked in New York City. It's now a museum, but it's right up my alley because I love naval history.
I love military history. And I'm enamored of aircraft carriers. Would love to do a show on an aircraft carrier or broadcast a game from an aircraft carrier.
That is kind of a bucket list crazy dream that I have. Anyway, so I love the Intrepid. I take people to visit the Intrepid.
And it's always something that makes me happy. Well, on the deck of the Intrepid, they have not only a space shuttle that you can go and you can visit and walk around. Right now, they're doing this really incredible Apollo exhibit.
I guess it's like this world renowned Apollo exhibit. But they're also on the deck of the Intrepid housing a bunch of old helicopters and planes from different eras of our military history. So for instance, there's an F-16 Tomcat, one of the, well, it's not the Tom Cruise plane, but one of the planes they flew during the making of the original Top Gun, right?
That became a relic and was archaic by the time they got to Top Gun Maverick. But they've got a Tomcat on the deck. They also have a Blue Angel. Those things are small.
They're little. So yeah, it's pretty amazing to see this documentary. And now I can't wait to see them in person, knowing some of the history and the science with their tricks and the formations they fly.
But also this is really neat. And I know she's still on the crew because the documentary was made in 22. They were transitioning to the 23 pilots. So they brought in two new pilots for 23 and their selection was made at the end of 22.
Again, very competitive. Apparently it has to be a unanimous vote. All 17 people, meaning the pilots and the captain. And I think there's pilots and an officer and then the crew chiefs.
It all has to be unanimous. Makes sense, right? Right.
And so it has to be a perfect vote. And sometimes they say pilots have missed out by one vote because it's not unanimous. But the neat thing is that for the first time ever, they have a female demonstration pilot. The Blue Angels have never had a female who flies. They've got plenty of female on the crew. In fact, their flight surgeon, who's a doctor and who's really obviously integral to what they do to remain safe, she was a female in their last rotation. But for the first time ever, they have an actual female pilot, which is so cool. Her name's Amanda. I forgot her last name. But she's a lieutenant in the Navy and she's going to be part of that air show and this 2024 season.
So yeah, I'm psyched to see them in person. Amanda Lee? Does that sound familiar? Yes, that's her.
Yeah, that's her. That's awesome. And what are the odds of that that you just find this and get into this and they're right there. I love that stuff like that. Well, ever since we talked to the Thunderbird pilots in Vegas, Bob has been pretty into Thunderbirds and I guess he stumbled on the Blue Angels. You know how when you're searching or looking at videos on your phone. A wormhole. Right, the phone sends you suggestions.
And so he ends up with suggestions, no doubt. Sees about the Blue Angels documentary. And as much as we want. So it was made for IMAX. We wanted to watch it in IMAX, but it's not at our local IMAX. So we weren't able to see it. Instead, we watched it with mom on Friday on Amazon Prime. And so it was tremendous. And now we're going in early July. I'm going to check that out because I remember when we talked to the Thunderbirds after that.
I was Wikipedia Googling anything I could to believe about them. I loved like you were saying the teamwork and how they all were together. It's honestly incredible.
If one person does the slightest thing wrong, the whole thing fails. It's unreal. I don't want to give too much away about the documentary, though it's still worth seeing. But there's this scene early when they start practicing. So long before they actually get out there and do the air shows, they have essentially a training camp. That's why it's a lot like sports and they don't see their families.
For months, they're not with their families. They start before dawn, they finish after dark, and it's pretty much nonstop. And when they're not together as a crew working, they get up in the air three times a day. When they're not in the air practicing, they're studying their flight patterns and their books and just all the debriefs and stuff. Anyway, one of the really neat things that they do or one of the things that I really enjoyed seeing was the fact that they would, as we talk about with the teamwork, they go through these debriefs and you've got not just the pilots that are debriefing and the crew chiefs, but then you've got the crew themselves that they're responsible for taking care of the planes and all the work they have to do to make sure that they're in shape. They fly from place to place with a C-130, which holds the whole crew all their gear except for the jets. The one thing that I didn't get an answer to was how do the jets get to the next spot? Right? How do the jets – someone must fly them.
I guess, right? So how do they – well, they don't take them in the C-130. There's not enough room for six jets. Drive them? It's a jet. Drive them?
You mean like on a flatbed? Yeah. Oh. Yeah, I didn't think about that. It would go so much quicker if you just fly them. It would be weird to – but I don't know what the fuel costs for those or what kind of mileage they want to put on them. I'm not sure. Mileage on the jets? You're worried about mileage on the jets? They might be.
I'm not. That's kind of fun. So yeah, it was tremendous. An inside perspective and the interviews that they did with the various members of the Blue Angels and what an honor it is for them to serve on this crew and how it's one of the most highly sought after assignments in the entire Navy. And not just the pilots, but the crews as well. And do they go around the country? Like they're doing Binghamton and – Oh yeah. It shows all over the country. So their base is in Pensacola, so they'll go there a couple times, but they have I think 36-ish shows all over the country. They do two a weekend and they just – they're constantly on the move.
That's cool. And so it's a little bit like – in fact, one of the pilots even said it's a little bit like traveling when you are on a team and you're constantly on the road. So there's one other spot that I really liked and it was nerve-wracking too. When they first started practicing, one of the new pilots went the wrong direction. So you've got – the rest of the formation is up here and he peels off and goes the wrong direction.
Could be catastrophic. And so initially the flight surgeon who's kind of in charge of this kind of stuff, the technical as well as the safety, she had to determine do I say something? Do I jump in and say, hey man, you went the wrong way? Or do I just let him figure it out knowing that he went the wrong way? And she said the first thing we have to do is make sure that he's not in the path of another aircraft, right?
Because that would be catastrophic and tragic. And so they kind of let him figure it out on his own and it was a big mistake and it was hard for him but they had to get up the next practice run and do it again. And the motto is six men up or six planes up, six planes down. That's the motto. I wonder how many mistakes you get like that in that role until they're like, okay, you're kind of a liability at this point. I don't know. It's the Navy.
So I think at this point you're talking about the best of the best in the entire world. They don't make mistakes usually. Right. Oh, something else they did, oh gosh, this freaked me out. Their very first assignment, the new pilots, was to get into one of those centrifugal force machines.
One of those machines, it's a little bit like a carnival ride, but it goes so fast it creates... Like a gravitron? Yeah, it creates the necessary Gs to simulate what you're going to feel in the airplanes, in the jets. Do you know, on one of their last maneuvers where they peel off and they go around, it's like a U-turn essentially, they peel off from formation and do a U-turn.
They're pulling seven, is it seven and a half, seven and a half Gs. So they have cameras inside this machine, this simulator. Two of the three who were incoming passed out. And it is crazy to see a pilot just pass out, bounce forward, eyes roll back in their heads. It makes their face look like it ages eight years, right? It's scary to see a person pass out like that. And then when they come to, they're really disoriented. But that's part of the training.
No thanks, I'm good. Yeah, I don't know about that. Anyway, it was fascinating. So I highly recommend it. And yeah, because this is what Bob and I do, we decided immediately that we had to go see the Blue Angels in an air show. Oh, that's incredible how that worked out.
If I saw that, I would have bought them immediately. It was the only option for one that was near us. There was nothing else that we could get to that would fit our schedule. So there was one in Houston in October, but we decided not to go back. I think that's a good spot.
Right. So yeah, we're really looking forward to it. Should be a lot of fun. On a Sunday, I'll have a full report that night, of course. And I bet I can get some great video. Should be awesome video.
Should be. Yay. I highly recommend it.
Make sure you check it out because it was phenomenal and also breathtaking to see some of the cinematography in the air. All right, coming up, it's a new role for Roger Federer. I think he's so good at it. We should have known this was right up his alley, but also life lessons. And then back of the hour, Kevin Stefanski giving an update on Nick Chubb, as well as talking about his quarterback, Deshaun Watson. A little bit of other QB news in there as well. So we're glad to have you with us.
Second show of the work week. I know we mix in a whole bunch of stuff, like Utah team names. And many of you have hopped on that and are now sending us some, let's see, Utah Stingers, according to Chris, because the state insect of Utah is the bumblebee. Wow, I wouldn't have thought that.
I didn't know that either. The Utah Stingers. Damanon says, let's see, Damanon Lewis.
Thank you for joining us from, I think he works for one of our affiliates. Yeah, 92.9 the game. He says the Utah Peaks. I like that one. Like a mountain reference?
Yeah, definitely more than the Utah Aspen, which seems to me not to be a Utah reference, but to be a Colorado reference. That's a good try. Right.
Let's see. Another one. I like the Utah Yeti or the Utah Sasquatch. Sasquatch works. I don't know if he's, I think he's notorious to, or indigenous to Washington state though. The Sasquatch? The Sasquatch, yeah.
He's actually indigenous to the US? Legend has it. Legend. All right. The Yetis sold on me though. I feel like we could have come up with some other names, but if that's the list, then the Yeti to me is the, is the most unique and the catchiest.
I like Yeti too at this point. All right. Is it spelled with one T or two? Just one.
Just one T. All right. Easy to put on the back of a Jersey. Easy to come up with some really cool logos for it. It's way better than the Commanders. It is. It's got that almost alliteration like you were saying, like the Utah Yeti. It could work. Yeah, it does. Thanks for joining us.
If you can think of a coach who needs to be on the hot seat in 2024 in the NFL, we're taking those answers in light of it not being Mike Tomlin. Too bad so sad. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence. You are listening to... Look around. You can find cars like these on AutoTrader. New cars, used cars, electric cars, maybe even flying cars. Okay, no flying cars, but as soon as they get invented, they'll be on AutoTrader.
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Member NYSE SIPC. The After Hours Podcast. It was never supposed to be that way. It's just happy to play tennis and spend time with my friends really. And it didn't end here. So it's been a perfect journey. I would do it all over again.
This is After Hours with Amy Lawrence. Roger Federer at the Laver Cup. One of his last big tournaments, last big events as a professional tennis player. If you saw his speech to the crowd where he's so beloved, there were tears. Even some of his fellow professionals and guys that he played against and with for years, they were in tears.
Now he and Rafa are doing commercials for Louis Vuitton, if I remember correctly. And he's a very sought out, very highly sought after and sought out public speaker. Like Dartmouth, who got him as their commencement speaker.
This is really amazing. He did the speech at Dartmouth. He was brilliant.
I mean, even better than he is as the navigator on Waze, which I still find highly amusing. Yeah, he used examples from his own career, his own experience to provide life lessons for the graduates. Tennis is brutal. For me, one of the biggest was the finals at Wimbledon in 2008, me versus Nadal.
Some call it the greatest match of all time. Okay, all respect to Rafa, but I think it would have been way, way better if I had won. Some defeats hurt more than others. I knew I would never get another shot at six in a row. I lost Wimbledon. I lost my number one ranking and suddenly people said he had a great run.
Is this the changing of the guard? But I knew what I had to do. Keep working and keep competing. In tennis, perfection is impossible. In the 1,526 singles matches I played in my career, I won almost 80% of those matches.
Now, I have a question for you. What percentage of points do you think I won in those matches? Only 54%. The truth is, whatever game you play in life, sometimes you're going to lose a point, a match, a season, a job.
It's a rollercoaster with many ups and downs. The best in the world are not the best because they win every point. It's because they know they lose again and again and have learned how to deal with it. Ah, great, great wisdom and experience from Roger Federer and those stats blew me away.
That's why I really like that clip. Because, yes, he won nearly 80% of his matches and he has 20 Grand Slam singles titles to his credit. He was world number one for years. One of the most popular tennis players ever for a ton of reasons.
And yet, in those matches, you break them down. Over the course of his career, he won 54%, just barely a majority of his points. He lost nearly as many points as he won.
And yet, he was able to turn that into one of the most successful pro tennis careers of all time. I like what he has to say, if you're going to be successful, if you're going to achieve your goals, you're going to have to fail first and fail a lot. One of the things I tell students and others that I mentor sometimes when I do speaking engagements on a much smaller scale, I wonder if that will be a key that I made it. Someday I get invited to do a commencement address.
I made it, Jay. It's a good honor. Yeah, pretty amazing. Anyway, I don't know why Dartmouth, but I think that's awesome. I'm sure he's done others. Could you imagine?
Yes. A former colleague of mine on my previous network actually just got invited and just did a commencement address at Cuse. He was also a grad this last May, which is pretty amazing. I don't think it was the entire graduating class.
I think it was specific to Newhouse. But yeah, to address graduates, I would be shaking. I'd be so nervous. I can talk to hundreds of thousands of people who aren't staring at me.
But when you're staring at me, especially that age, oh dear. So that's why I feel like I've done well to get through two classes. Anyway, one of the things I tell my students is failure is only the end if you give up.
It's only the end of your road if you give up. You're going to fail. You're going to suck. You're going to make mistakes. You're going to have really awful days on the radio. You're probably going to get fired. And if you don't get fired, you're going to get dropped from a job or laid off. That's just the business that we work in.
And honestly, it's the economy and the America that we live in right now. Failure is only the end if you walk away and you give up at that point. Otherwise, it's just a part of your story. And then I told them I've been fired twice. I got dropped from a rotation once before. Yeah, I've lost all kinds of gigs.
And you just have to keep going as hard as it is. It's so much more powerful coming from Roger Federer than me, but I can certainly empathize and relate to what he had to say. 855-212-4227, Rajeev is listening in California. What do you got, Rajeev?
Hey, how you doing? You're talking about Federer. I just saw on TV that they said there's going to be a new documentary that follows him across the final 12 matches that he had in his career. Oh, that's awesome.
It's going to appear on Amazon Prime, I think, on June 20th, I believe, and then it's in the theaters on the 13th or so. But before that, you were also talking about the Blue Angels and that documentary, and I happened to catch it out here in California on IMAX. So I tweeted, or you like to say twixed about it a while back, but if anybody has a chance to see it as you're right, it's absolutely mind-blowing. But what was surreal is that while you were telling that story, I happened to have the TV on in the background here, they had the new actress from The Acolyte, Amanda Stenberg, and she was playing the violin and she was playing the Star Wars theme. So as you were telling the story about the Blue Angels, you were being serenaded with the Star Wars theme in the background.
Whoa! Wait, she's an actress and she plays the violin in public? Yeah, and she's in the new Disney Plus Acolyte Star Wars series. Oh my goodness. So if you Google tonight her performance on The Acolyte, you'll hear her playing the violin, the Star Wars theme. Oh, that's amazing.
Wow, this is right up my alley, Rajiv. Like the best phone call I've had in weeks. But I thought it was just surreal. It's like listening to you and you had the Star Wars. It's like you're part of your own movie there. Yes, I like that.
That's pretty amazing. But thank you so much for listening. I know that you had to be listening for a while, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten all of that. Absolutely. Good talking to you. Take care. You too. Thanks so much. Have a good night.
That's amazing. So he's got one TV show on. He's listening to the radio. He's watching some Star Wars music and an actress from the new series, The Acolyte, which Bob actually said to me recently that he's interested in watching. Have you thought about watching The Acolyte? It goes back to the old Republic.
Yeah, I will definitely watch it. I'm just not there yet. I got some other stuff I wanted to finish first before that.
Gotcha. Yep, I got some series. We got some series.
So the Blue Angels in IMAX, he says, is mind-blowing. That's enough for me. I can be all in on that.
That would be awesome. They should re-release it. Oh, I think it's still... Maybe it's... In IMAX. Oh, is it done?
No, I don't know. I was talking to Rajeev when I was screening him, and he said that he thinks it was only a 10-day run in the IMAX theater, at least by him. It was only there for a really quick time. Oh. I wonder, though, if it's moving to different IMAX theaters.
That could be possible, yeah. But I feel like what's in an IMAX theater all the time, because not every movie comes out in IMAX, so I feel like there's got to be days where it's kind of like nothing playing. Well, not all of them. Yeah, not all of them come out in IMAX, but a lot of the action movies do, but they have to be filmed specifically for IMAX, otherwise they won't work. IMAX 3D is damn cool. I saw, I think, all three of the most recent Star Wars movies, or three of the four, including Rogue One, in 3D in IMAX. Oh, that's cool. Oh, yeah. Oh, my goodness, to see The Force Awakens in 3D in IMAX. That is cool.
It's like the Star Destroyers are flying into you. You saw Top Gun in IMAX, too, right? I did. Well, Top Gun Maverick.
Maverick, yeah. I'm turning into an IMAX snob. I still haven't done it for a movie that's come out in the theater, only Disney World or something like that, where they have it. You know what would be amazing? I didn't do it for this one because I didn't see it in theaters.
The next Mission Impossible movie will be in IMAX. It should be if it's, yeah. Yeah. All right.
How do we get on these tangents? We just do. It's good. I just saw this awesome tweet.
You ready for this? What is it? We lost a listener, though.
That's a problem. Sorry about that. Mike says, Thanks a lot, Amy. Just getting ready to go to bed, but now after hearing you talk about the Blue Angels, I'm watching it. Catch you in the podcast in a couple hours. Whoops, we lost a listener. Well, you're welcome, bud.
All right. Got to be careful what I promote and what I tout here on the show. As it reported ahead.
As it reported ahead. Bob has Roger Federer as his Waze Navigator. Oh, he still does? Yeah, he does. Every now and then, he'll say something about how it's time for a coffee. And the two of us are like, yes, yes, it is time for a coffee. Roger says that?
Yeah, he does. He'll talk about how, like if you're coming up on a rest stop or there's a, I don't know, some type of road services, he'll say it might be time for a coffee to stay awake or something like that. Or maybe that's just Waze version of don't, you know, don't fall asleep at the wheel. Be careful. Stop and get some coffee kind of a thing.
Maybe that's their little sneaky promotion. Yes. All right. Coming up, a little bit of football, football, football. Some of your answers. Which coaches are on the hot seat in 24?
Or if not, you think they should prove it to you or they should lose their gigs. We're so impatient as sports fans. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence. Here's why April chose to vaccinate her child. I think actually meeting someone who was not vaccinated and now has a lifelong struggle with a childhood disease really cemented for me that it's super important that we as parents continue to vaccinate our children.
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Minimum $10 per order, additional term supply. You are listening to the After Hours Podcast. Music. Sometimes at pro days I'm looking at people that I'm not interested in because I know everyone's watching. And so to be bluntly honest, there's not a lot of my peers that work on the pro day circuit the way that I work. And so I understand my movement, what I pay attention to, who I conversate with all becomes media fodder. And so sometimes I have fun with you guys.
This is After Hours with Amy Lawrence. Why can't Mike Tomlin be the head coach of my team? Seriously. I'm a little bit jealous. And I don't mind telling you that I would trade him for Sean Payton tomorrow.
We want them to be fat and sassy and spoiled. As in tomorrow. As in today. I would.
But that's not an option. So I'm asking you, because we now know that Mike Tomlin will not be a lame duck in 2024, the Steelers offer him and he accepts a three-year contract extension. He's now with the Steelers or at least under contract with the Steelers until 27.
Love it. He's never had a losing season. Some Steelers fans get so angry about this. Seriously, I say your team has never had a losing season and it makes you mad.
It's not good enough. It's like Patriots fans complaining about the fact that their team hasn't won a Super Bowl in, I don't know, four years. You could be like my team, the Giants, and never have a winning season.
Ever. Or in the case of Sean Payton's club, haven't had a winning season, haven't had a playoff spot since Super Bowl 50. We're all orphan dogs. Right. And he calls the quarterbacks orphan dogs.
And Zach Wilson. Are you kidding me? My blood runs hot. I cannot. I cannot do this. I'm a Husky guy.
I like Huskies. I don't care. You're not supposed to be a starting quarterback in the NFL. After three seasons of watching him with the Jets, somehow the Broncos think they're going to rehab the guy and throw him right out there and he's going to be an amazing starter?
Tender, tender loving. Jay, it's not funny. It's not funny at all.
Might I remind you, you've got your own quarterback problems. That's why I'm laughing to ease my own pain, I think. It's, no. I can't. I can't. It's as bad as it's ever been. It's not good.
This might be rock bottom. They mortgage and trade away an arm and a leg to get Russell Wilson. He barely lasts two seasons.
It doesn't change a thing except make it worse because now they've got really no options and somehow, somehow they think Zach Wilson might win the job out of camp? He might. Jay, get that evil grin off your face. I can't.
I can't do it. Anyway, we're talking about Steelers fans. Well, I guess too late for that because I already talked about the Russell Wilson thing. Maybe Mike Tomlin can rehab Russell Wilson. Maybe they can rehab him there in Pittsburgh. Maybe it's a better situation.
Who knows? I just think Mike Tomlin is the bomb and it's for a lot of reasons. I love the accountability.
I love the discipline. He's certainly a players coach. He's a guy that doesn't accept excuses. He builds a culture that is based on accountability and winning. Now, granted, every team's got guys who come through that are divas or whatever else.
I know Antonio Brown was there first. But the Steelers have a higher standard and in 18, well, going into his 18th year, in 17 seasons under Tomlin, they've never had a losing record. Do you know how many teams in the NFL would sign up for that right now? Even if you make the playoffs and you don't have a shot at winning the Super Bowl or you think you don't have a shot because, honestly, any team that gets in has a chance. The idea of never having to deal with a losing season in nearly two decades, stop it with your Mike Tomlin is not good enough.
You just said it. Every team that gets in has a chance. Not to mention, there are Super Bowls in the recent history. More recent than a hell of a lot of other franchises in the NFL.
I get it. You want to win again. It's a higher standard because it's Pittsburgh. But there is something to be said for no turnover. I tell you constant change equals constant losing in sports.
You only have to look, it's not that far north, but you only have to look to Cleveland. I'm sorry Cleveland. You've got some stability now at Coach and I'm happy for you. But regardless of what's happening now, the Browns fans should tell you that it's been a nonstop revolving door. Front office, coach, coordinator, quarterback, all the major positions.
It's brutal to try to win when it's constant change. The Steelers, you may say that they're too committed to people for too long, but honestly that's part of their culture. The Rooney family likes it that way and Tomlin brings them stability, not to mention guys want to play for him.
So there's a major step up in that case too. All of that to say, Tomlin will not be a lame duck, but who do you think needs to be proving himself or be out of a job? I know it's me.
In 2024, lots of different answers. I don't think it's Kevin Stefanski. I wouldn't say that Stefanski is on any kind of a hot seat. Although the Deshaun Watson equation, people who didn't love all that guaranteed money for Deshaun a few years ago are now needing him to prove it.
But I don't know that that's on the coach because he didn't give Deshaun Watson the deal that was fully guaranteed for the rest of his life. Nick Chubb is a major piece of what the Browns do and so Stefanski did give an update on Monday. He's doing great. He's here. He's out watching practice. He's rehabbing every day. I think he's the first one in the building.
He gets whatever rehab he's prescribed. I think he's doing it twice. He is doing everything in his power.
I'm not putting a timetable on it. He's not. He's really got the blinders on and focusing on the work that's in front of him. But it's so fun to have him in the building, in the meetings, out of practice and his teammates. And he was around last year, Rich, during that whole run we had. Nick was in the building. He was around. So he knew he saw it firsthand. He understands how much this team thinks of him. And he'll continue to push himself to be out there as soon as he's ready. Kevin Stefanski on the Rich Eisen show.
That's the Rich that he refers to. And yeah, last year Joe Flacco, I know they wanted him to return to Cleveland, but Joe Flacco and the four other quarterbacks they had starting last season. Not to mention losing Nick Chubb.
Was it week two they lost Nick Chubb? And some of the other injuries they dealt with and yet still made the playoffs. So there's a bazillion reasons why Stefanski's not on the hot seat. But primarily because he's not the one that gave Watson that deal that they're now locked into. It's worse than the Russell Wilson deal, if that's possible. Not to mention what they gave up to the Texans, right? So a lot of you are weighing in with your coaches that you think deserve to be on the hot seat in 24. But I like this tweet from Blake. Hey, I'm a Jaguars fan.
Y'all stop bragging. Alright, point taken. Do you think Doug Peterson needs to prove it in 24, Jay? His name did come to my mind.
Not immediately, but I did think about him as a, I don't know. Like if Trevor Lawrence doesn't take that next step, we all think he's supposed to. And the team kind of falters again and is up and down, maybe.
Well, he took a step and then he took a step backward. Right. Let's talk to Chuck who's in Pittsburgh. What do you think of Mike Tomlin? Yeah, the standard is not very high. It's more like mediocre because he hasn't won in quite a long time. You name me the last playoff win he's had. So in other words, the wins during the regular season don't count. The only thing that counts is what you do in the playoffs. Not in Pittsburgh. Okay.
So then how can they upgrade? Who's a better option? There's a lot of them out there. You also got to take chances so you can take a college young gun or someone in the offense. Let's say 49er system has a lot of good ones.
I feel like all of those guys have taken jobs elsewhere. So you really would be willing to dump Tomlin in favor of someone who has no coaching experience just to take a flyer and see if it works. Of course. Of course.
Interesting. I don't happen to agree with you, Chuck, but I understand why you think the Steelers standard is higher for sure. All right.
Good to talk to you in Pittsburgh. He's one of those people who believes that they can do better by taking a flyer on someone that has zero coaching experience. You can't name someone. Right. He said there are lots of people out there. Well, it's like our resident Steelers fan here who came in this morning and is very unhappy and I was talking to him during the break. Yeah, I get it.
You need to find someone new if you're feeling that way. But who? Neither of them can name who that next guy is. If you don't have a guy in place, what are you doing?
Why would you get rid of something that's working? I understand why the standard isn't regular season, but you can't win in the playoffs unless you get to the playoffs. And they made it in twenty three. And again, keeping in mind this the quarterback issues they've had, not to mention run game turnover, receiving turnover.
Love the defense. But in twenty three this past year, they made it and lost at Buffalo. Remember that game. So the last few playoffs they've made. So twenty, twenty one and twenty three, they made it in three of the last four years and they've lost in each of those wildcard rounds. In seventeen, they were they catapulted right into the divisional round as I didn't have to do wildcard and lost to Jacksonville. That was that forty five forty two game. Do you remember that one? So last time they had a playoff win was in sixteen.
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