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6-4-24 After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 3

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence
The Truth Network Radio
June 4, 2024 5:56 am

6-4-24 After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 3

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence

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June 4, 2024 5:56 am

What game/sport or league have you been drawn into because of one single athlete? | Novak Djokovic fighting through injury to make history | The MUCH anticipated (kidding) Mike Tyson/Jake Paul fight has been postponed.


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Yeah, that guy, that was way early in my tenure here at the network and he called up and he said it multiple times. I have a confession to make. I listened to you for the whole night. I listened to you. You're a girl and I listened to you for the whole night.

Man, we've had some great callers over the years. I know routinely we'll take, I don't know, a week or two where we get a bunch of calls and then we'll go stretches where we don't and if you've listened to me for any stretch of time you know that I'm not a huge fan of caller driven radio. Don't take it personally.

It's not about you. It's just my personal preference. When I listen to radio I prefer to listen to the host or I prefer to listen to whatever audio they're sharing with me. When a caller is on the air I right away change to a different channel or a different network. It's for the most part people will tell you that's not why they listen to the radio and not to mention I was trained in non-caller driven radio so my previous network we did not take any calls at all and so I remember when I got this job the boss who hired me, Mark Chernoff, who I love dearly, he and I had to find a compromise and he wanted me to keep using the phone number and to take whatever calls came and I told him well I'll take phone calls as long as they're on topic because I don't think there's anything worse for a host than you're in the middle of a great segment. You've got audio.

You've got an opinion. You're driving the show forward. You're giving it your best and then you have a caller that you take right in the middle who's talking about something completely different like his favorite game from 1962.

It just it can be a showstopper if you will and it can really take the show in a completely different direction so we kind of went back and forth and we compromised a bit. I think the nature of our show though doesn't always invite callers which is okay. I'm glad you're listening. I know you're listening. I get routinely posts on both Twix and Facebook about how long you've been listening. I've never called. I've never reached out to you before but I've been a faithful fan, a faithful listener.

Those are my favorites. I don't need you to let me know though it's good to hear from you but I don't need you to let me know. I believe and I am fully trusting that you are out there and you are paying attention.

It's after hours with Amy Lawrence coming up. We'll get to some of your responses. One athlete who sucked you into watching a sport, a league. Maybe one athlete who got you to watch an event that you never would have watched otherwise.

Love to hear from you. Twix is at ALOL radio or our show account which is at Amy After Hours and then on our Facebook page easy to find but maybe just maybe if you were more like Franklin our friend who did he win he says he won the survivor pool going back to last fall our NFL survivor island and every single day for the last how many months? He has posted multiple times on our Facebook page wondering where his survivor prize is.

He's persistent. It's on the way. It's on the way. I finally was able to write back to him. Producer J told me it's on the way to you Franklin. Thank you for your commitment, your dedication. It's on the way. The check's in the mail.

Oh no no not like that. 855-212-4227. One athlete that has sucked you into a particular sport or league or event that you would not have watched otherwise. I just really quickly want to say thank you to a faithful listener Donna who sent me this chart. I had not seen this. This was posted by let's see a play-by-play announcer. Oh yeah yeah I know his name.

Pat Boylan. He's the play-by-play for the Pacers but he's also the play-by-play for the Indiana Fever and he's a personality. He's a an announcer, a host, and a personality in Indianapolis for the two basketball teams.

He got these numbers and posted them on Monday. The top nine games in terms of fan attendance in the WNBA this year have all featured one of the worst records in the league. The number of people who say to me if the Fever don't start winning people are going to stop watching.

Oh no I don't think that's the case and actually the more controversial it is the more people are going to tune in. Top nine games in fan attendance this season and it's a young season in the WNBA they've all featured the Fever and actually half of them are on the road right so people who couldn't get to Indianapolis but want to watch Kaitlyn Clark in their own market. Tops on the list the LA Sparks we were just talking about that with our friend Michael Duarte an hour ago he said he'd never covered a WNBA game in his life but he was assigned for his host station NBC LA he was assigned to go cover the Sparks and the brouhaha to see what it was all about with the Fever visiting. 19,100 people there to watch the Sparks and the Fever. Next on the list 18,340 people when the Fever were on the road at the Seattle Storm. Next on the list the two games that the Fever have played at Barclays Center against the Liberty. Each of them attracting well more than 17,400 fans. Then the Indiana Fever hosting the Liberty and the Indiana Fever hosting the Connecticut Sun and the Indiana Fever hosting the Chicago Sky. All of them sellouts 17,274 people. That's the sellout number for the Cambridge Field House. Indiana Fever hosting the Sparks 16,000 people. Indiana Fever hosting the Storm 15,000 people.

Top nine games for fan attendance in the league this year. I disagree with Angel Reese. I think many of you do disagree with her when she says that making it all about Kaitlyn and I know I don't disagree with what she's saying is that there are other talented players there other incredible teams in this league hey it's not just a one-person league but for her to say no one watches the WNBA for one person no one watches the league simply because of one athlete there are all kinds of numbers and all kinds of people who would say that is not the case for me I'm certainly watching because of Kaitlyn Clark. It's after hours here on the Infinity Sports Network. Yeah I don't I don't love the whole women are catty these women are jealous type of thing. I mean there's certainly professional jealousy I get that and and there is uh I mean there's something to that for all of us as human beings I do think that there's the natural tendency to ask the question of why Kaitlyn Clark I mean I've asked that question of so many people Val Ackerman who is the commissioner of the Big East her former coach Lisa Bluder Lindsay Gottlieb the coach at USC I keep asking people why Kaitlyn Clark and there's theories there's reasons there's ideas nobody really knows why she's been selected as the chosen one for the WNBA she's got a fantastic game she's got a great attitude she's dynamic she's passionate her team was winning her teammates loved her she comes from Iowa I mean I don't who knows I mean who knows why we get attracted to people that we do but I've compared it to Steph Curry because he was this skinny little kid who could shoot the lights out from anywhere in the gym this weird anomaly from Davidson for heaven's sakes so I think there's some of that it's kind of the novelty of what from where who oh wait a minute he's a former double or he's a former NBA player's son you know like it's just a it's an interesting story right just I love it but I can't fully explain it and I'm not sure everybody else can either and so some people will rage against the machine and Angel thinks it's unfair that it should be all about Kaitlyn a lot of us have done so much for this game and Kennedy has been here before obviously but there are so many great players in this league that have deserved this for a really really long time and luckily it's coming now she's not wrong about the great players in the league and we've talked about that that's kind of the idea behind the question why Kaitlyn why now is because there are some incredible players in the WNBA I don't know how many people would tell you that Kaitlyn's the best player in the league I can't say that I wouldn't say that there are better all-around players there are players who have adapted a lot better now there are players who are champions and MVPs she may get there but that's not where she is right now I think the potential is sky high but when Angel says we deserve it the players deserve it ah see the thing is I don't know what we deserve who deserves what and who decides who deserves what right that's the beauty but also probably a little bit of the frustration of living in a country like the United States of America we have a bazillion options when it comes to our free time and our discretionary income and we're we we are attracted by winners we're attracted by things that go viral we're attracted by headlines video clips we're attracted and dazzled by people who do accomplish feats that we've never seen accomplished before and that's Kaitlyn and so yeah there's some pretty incredible athletes at every level there's incredible athletes in every sport but why does one quarterback get more attention than another right well I mean it's sometimes it's situational sometimes it is about the winning in a meteoric rise sometimes it's about money sometimes it's about social media presence sometimes it's about looks or charisma do you remember Odell Beckham Jr honestly wasn't he famous for one play one moment his rookie season on Monday Night Football all of a sudden he was the biggest name in sports and producer Jay I'm sure you remember that moment I can still see the catch in my mind's eye I've seen it a bazillion times I think it might be safe to say other than the Super Bowl win and the touchdown on the Super Bowl that was the pinnacle of his career that one catch he went viral for other things OBJ went viral for proposing to the kicking net fighting the kicking net right having temper tantrums on the sidelines certainly became a guy who had to battle his physical body and all the injuries but he became uber famous for one moment on Monday Night Football where he is fading toward the front corner while the front pile on the the corner of the end zone and the goal line and he reaches back not only is he prone but his arm is actually bending him backward and one-handed hauls in a touchdown catch from Eli Manning that moment catapulted him to superstardom and I'm not saying he he wasn't a a really good receiver but I think it's fair to assess OBJ's career like this he didn't meet his potential because of the injuries because of some of the locker room stuff he did not ever meet the potential that we thought he would based on that one catch so yeah who knows why people are attracted to an athlete or a celebrity or I mean sometimes there really isn't a true explanation for it but I do know we like winners we like to be dazzled we like videos that go viral it's funny it is a strange example of Odell because he didn't win as a giant and he also was a jerk I mean he really was by the time he was out of there and they traded him do you remember the Josh Norman game against the Panthers where he was like literally launched himself full like a tour human torpedo at Josh Norman's head yeah that was just he was out of control Odell Beckham for a while there and he wasn't winning and the Giants weren't winning and we still loved him yeah that's I mean he wore out his welcome in a couple different places right so Cleveland same way he and Baker Mayfield were never on the same page you can blame whoever you want there's always more to the story it's never just about one person but I but I do know that when he got to Los Angeles Sean McVay was determined that he was going to figure out a way to utilize his skills and we got to see uh that kind of that that blip that flash for what three months maybe not even three months I can't remember exactly when he was traded he did get his Super Bowl catch and then probably tore his Super Bowl touchdown which was his seventh with the Rams and promptly tore his ACL and then had to sit out another full year and we kind of had the the chatter about him potentially going to the Giants but he wasn't ready he wasn't healthy uh he spent last year with the Ravens right and now is with the is it Dolphins shoot where is he now just went to the Dolphins yeah so he never fully realized all the potential that was captured in that one touchdown reception on Monday Night Football that you can probably see in your mind's eye even as I'm talking about it who knows why we're attracted to what we're attracted to we just are and I don't know what we deserve or don't deserve and I understand what Angel's trying to say there are other great players in this league it's not all about Kaitlyn but for a lot of fans it is about her and I hope that they like the product and they stick around but right now it is about her also some of you have said to me think about all the people who started watching the NFL this year and the Chiefs this year just because of Taylor Swift different example but truth truth there are millions of young Swifty fans out there who didn't know Travis Kelce from President Obama well okay that's a bad example from President Reagan they wouldn't have known Travis Kelce from Ronald Reagan and now they do now they're die-hard Chiefs fans because of Taylor Swift I thought Michael Duarte made a great point too Messi has drawn a whole lot of new fans to MLS simply because he's messy remember the crazy excitement and the the sellout crowds and the buzz around the MLS last year when he was participating with Miami in that in-season tournament whatever that was and the fans were buying tickets like nobody's business I mean but between he and Taylor Swift they were the stories of 2023 so sometimes it's here sometimes it's there we just yeah social media changes a lot too while we're talking about receivers though I mentioned the market in the wake of this Justin Jefferson deal with 110 million dollars fully guaranteed 35 million dollars average annual value our friend Mike Ross who is in the scouting department mark on NFL network he was kind of looking ahead to what the JJ contract means for the wide receiver market for these other guys doors take us to summers away or winter adventures and afternoon getaways your dedicated fidelity advisor can help you open those doors by working with you on a comprehensive plan to help you reach your wealth's full potential because doors were meant to be opened visit slash wealth investment minimum supply fidelity brokerage services llc member nyse s i p c this episode is brought to you by progressive insurance whether you love true crime or comedy celebrity interviews or news you call the shots on what's in your podcast queue and guess what now you can call them on your auto insurance too with the name your price tool from progressive it works just the way it sounds you tell progressive how much you want to pay for car insurance and they'll show you coverage options that fit your budget get your quote today at to join the over 28 million drivers who trust progressive 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group whereas a t higgins let's say or iu their value for teams may not be as much and you might pass on paying them all of this money that jj just got and and we we know that these other guys will cd will definitely get so i think there's still a little bit of okay you still determine the value of how good these players are compared to that guy that's going to get it as opposed to like the quarterbacks where whoever's up just pay those guys they're gonna get paid no matter what so mark ross doesn't believe that this will set the market for wide receivers moving forward but it does believe that teams will be keeping an eye on the jj contract in light of their own receivers that deserve to be paid and maybe can compare stats type of thing can compare impact the relationship with the quarterback the reliance on that wide receiver one so it may not be automatically the next non-qb break the bank nfl history um like it is with quarterbacks he said it's automatically that way if you're a qb1 although i don't know daniel jones got a ton of money but he didn't get the next biggest contract so i still think there's an upper echelon of quarterbacks that will get the next big thing trevor lawrence likely will i mean coming off last season well jared got for sure uh he did get paid and so now that kind of reset the market he's not the highest no not the highest but top five right i'd have to go back and look but yeah so i so i think if you're talking about a quarterback and this is not a knock on two uh i think two is a terrific leader and i think he's a great quarterback but are they likely to pay him 55 million dollars a year i'd be stunned i'd be stunned so we'll see what happens but i still they say there's an upper echelon of quarterbacks when it comes to the guys who just automatically get the next big contract all right taking your responses and they've been great thank you for the info and the intel that you're sending one athlete who drew you to a particular sport or league or event that you would have never watched otherwise on our show twix account at amy after hours and then also on our facebook page j do you know what friday is are you ready i thought of you of course i thought of you i'm ready national donut day i knew it was a national something day national donut and day national and crispy cream is giving away free donuts no purchase necessary you don't have to buy coffee to get a free donut on friday national donut day we acquire those well i've got one near me in jersey do you have one near you i do not oh you might have to make a detour it's after hours with amy lawrence you are listening to the after hours podcast so muddy and so heavy you know conditions very cold you know balls were not going on anywhere so you wouldn't get too many free points with the serve so you have to work every single point of the night this is after hours with amy lawrence it's not been an easy road for novak jokovic in his quest to win a 25th grand slam singles title which will be the most all-time men or women not only has he had a tough season to this point hasn't made a final in any tournament that he's played in to this point now uh with the french with the french open finals still ahead of all of them this weekend he can change that trend but he was 0 for 3 in semi-finals getting to paris also has not felt himself he's been open about that just not felt like he normally does and at 37 years old many of you think father time is catching up with him except now despite the late hours and remember his last match ended at 3 30 a.m local time and he and coco golf and others are among those who are bringing attention to the fact that this completely changes an athlete's routine but despite back-to-back five setters ending late at night he's still standing against guys who are 15 years younger and presumably not that they're in better shape but just they've got more energy at father time it's after hours with amy lawrence so here's what we know about our friend novak jokovic he wins another five set victory even though he's down a set and a break in this match meaning it was quite a rally so he took the first set or francisco serendolo six one and then lost the next set five seven as well as the third set three six he's on the brink in set number four meaning he's down and his opponent who's right number 23 in the world is about to take him out already has the break in hand when jokovic battles back part of what he was dealing with in this fourth round match is a knee injury so injured it monday needed some anti-inflammatories to be able to finish this five setter but did say that as the match went on he started to feel more and more like himself which is good news so again he survived but don't know how he's going to feel come time for the quarterfinals the whole fifth set was almost without any pain which is which is great you know but then the effect of the medications will uh not last for too long so i'll see i guess uh we'll do some more feel the screaming screening and tests and checks checkups tomorrow as well so he said the knees kind of getting giving him trouble it's been a little bit bulky for a couple of weeks but then tweaked it in the second set so remember he won the first set handily but tweaked it in the second set and then struggled with it for a while took a medical time out a couple times had a trainer visit him a doctor and these are available to the to the athletes novak then takes the medicine indicates that it makes him feel better but obviously at some point the effect of the meds will wear off he actually said after the match that he considered retiring wondering whether or not retiring from tennis but retiring for the match wondering if maybe he shouldn't continue and so he's expected to have more scans on tuesday and i know it's already um about lunch time i guess late morning late morning in paris right now yeah so maybe he's already had them because he's got a battle against the number seven seed casper rude in the quarterfinals on wednesday so this is a tough match and he's just come through back to back five centers so how do you manage this the rest of the way the good thing about the slam is that you have a day between that will allow hopefully the healing process to happen more more more efficiently for me uh that's it i i don't i don't know uh what will happen you know tomorrow or after tomorrow if i'll be able to to step out on the court and play you know i hope so um let's see what happens my goodness jokovic joker ranked number one in the world but needs to get to the final to keep that number one ranking he would drop out of that number one spot in the world if he doesn't make the final again because his 2024 has been pretty rough so far but at 37 years old he's just gone through back-to-back matches that lasted nearly five hours each that's a lot and as i said he's in one case at least uh the match went until 3 30 in the morning and his next opponent if the name is familiar to you it was rude who lost to jokovic in the french open final last year and then the year before lost to rafael nidal so rude has some success in paris just hasn't been able to break through to win the the title yet but has been knocking on the door so this should be a very tough opponent i suppose like any athlete in his mid-30s or her mid-30s you could say that pain is just part of the equation i had you know muscle tears and different things and played with that during the tournament i'm not the only one you know many players have played with the different injuries their medications anti-inflammatories stuff that you can do the adrenaline of course kicks in that helps you go through the tournament i'm rooting for him i don't know how many more opportunities he'll get although even in saying that he's still one of the best players on the planet it's just that now you've got guys who are 15 years younger who have more energy and themselves are hungry and are coming after you right you still have the target on your back and because you're novak jokovic you're everybody's super bowl if that makes sense you get everybody's best shot that's what it's like to be on top everybody's coming for you it happens in team sports too so i'm rooting for him i would love to see history i just think it's astounding that when roger federer got to 20 grand slams there are a lot of people who thought that was it that would be the number nobody would ever eclipse that and then rafael nidal he gets to 22 and then joker around everything that happened with covid and being denied entry to some tournaments because of his vaccination status all that jazz i mean he's obviously gotten older and yet here he is knocking on the door you gotta fight for your right here's why april chose to vaccinate her child i think actually meeting someone who was not vaccinated and now has a lifelong struggle with a childhood disease really cemented for me that it's super important that we as parents continue to vaccinate our children talk to your pediatrician or visit y brought to you by merc tired of sifting through countless supplements unsure of what's actually effective introducing legion the choice of over 800 000 discerning fitness enthusiasts with all natural products clinically effective ingredients doses and hassle-free money back guarantee you can achieve your fitness goals without the unnecessary guesswork say goodbye to wasted efforts and hello to results with legion you don't need supplements to build muscle loose fat or get healthy but the right ones can help visit legion go to legion to get 20 off your order now one two three four those are numbers but you already knew that if you want to know what number you're going to pay each month for your car use kelly blue book my wallet on auto trader they're really good at numbers auto trader doesn't want to hear that again i want to hear it again he might retire if he got to 25 who knows well what more do you have to prove rafael nadal is unlikely to get another one now he might he might but he's battling his own body and and just is not the same hasn't played the kind of of tennis that he needs to to be back in form similar to tiger woods at any given moment he could capture lightning in a bottle again and be the best player in the world but he's constantly battling body parts that have been sewn back together or held together with metal plates and have multiple surgeries on them so yeah it's it's so impressive then when you think about tom brady or gosh the reaction from quinn and williams last week when someone told him that erin rogers was going into year 20 yeah this is fantastic i mean this is what younger guys anthony edwards said mike conley was old as you know what i mean this is the perspective because some of these guys can't imagine playing as long as saying erin rogers in 20 seasons 20 years yeah i didn't know that erin 20 years in nfl yeah man and i run it back the number zero is 20 years old yeah so he's been so he's been in nfl long as he's been alive that's crazy huh i gotta joke with him about that i mean that's the thing like some of the guys that play with tom brady at the end of his career not only did they grow up wanting to be tom brady or they grew up watching football because of tom brady but some of them weren't even alive when tom brady started playing in the nfl i mean that's crazy we forget that the average pro career in football in hockey and in basketball isn't even five seasons and here you got guys that are playing into their 40s i think i'll be able to throw pretty good so i'm about 60 or 70 no please don't i mean yet yay but please don't um also you think about serena williams and venus williams how late they played in their careers and in serena's case coming back after having a baby and so it's it's astounding the longevity in the tenure and i am rooting i am rooting for him to get number 25 i don't i don't want to say i don't care what happens after that but i really i'm personally invested in novak getting 25 just because i love to see history by the way our friend christopher clary as we're talking about it here on after hours just retweeted his post about jokovic and the comeback but the knee injury as well so you could always check it out if you want to at christoph clary he joined us from paris live last week and um he's my my foremost authority on tennis especially the grand slams eight five five two one two four two two seven we're going to get to some of your answers about a sport or event a league you watch because of one athlete just one you are listening to the after hours podcast this is after hours with amy lawrence we are asking you what one athlete what single athlete caused you to start watching a league maybe a sport altogether an event that you wouldn't have watched otherwise maybe you never watched it before that for me it's tiger woods and i've seen that answer for some of you i never watched a single golf tournament i thought it was boring as heck watching golf on tv this is obviously before i was in the business never watched a golf tournament until tiger woods but once he came on the scene i actually watched a couple of junior golf tournaments asked me how many i've watched since tiger woods golfed in those none i watched a couple of junior golf tournaments and then watched almost every single tournament he played in in the prime of his career and i i still watch now because of work but it's clear it's not the same without tiger golf still is missing tiger woods i bought tickets to go to golf tournaments so i could walk around and be part of the galleries that follow tiger and then after i worked in the business i would get credentials to go so that's a an extreme example for me there are others and i'm really enjoying reading your examples on twix at amy after hours and then on our facebook page too we'll get to some of your examples but i like that you guys are giving me all kinds of different sports and the athletes that sucked you in a popular answer mike tyson with boxing oh poor mike tyson you know he was supposed to battle jake paul battle i'm using that term loosely he was supposed to take on jake paul until he had some type of a flare-up with an ulcer so an emergency and jake paul is hoping for a rescheduled date for the fight um has spoken to mike tyson he says he still is gonna knock me out and i bought myself some time so mike is still talking over there he's actually pretty bummed out right i mean he's concerned for mike who isn't he's an icon if you're a boxer but jake paul he recognizes or at least thinks he recognizes that this is a disappointment not just to him but to fans as well i think this fight's gonna change the world and i turn all my l's into w's that's a motto i live by the universe makes no mistakes so let's see what's in store but sorry this didn't work out to everyone the fans love you guys yeah see i think he has a little more time to dream big over all of his l's turning into w's this fight's gonna change the world i have no idea maybe maybe he'll attract more people to a sport that never watched it before it's after hours with amy lawrence speaking of a sport that people are now into every year it's become an incredible event that attracts a ton of attention in large part because of the oklahoma women's softball team they actually lost a game at the women's college world series the suitors did for the first time in their last 20 matches this is a pretty big be a pretty big deal now paddy gaso's club is not eliminated this is a double elimination tournament when you get to the women's college world series or the the the world series for the men that's in omaha women play in oklahoma city i've covered that venue in that event i've actually done play by play for games at the women's college world series it's really exciting people get so into it anyway they're not eliminated because it is a double elimination tournament but yeah you've got some real competitive teams and florida ended up rallying for a nine-three victory over the sooners and this is a largely home crowd too because of where they play they play about 20 miles from the norman campus and so yeah ou was undefeated in bracket play um and the gators had already had a loss so they had no choice they either would win or they were out they got shut out by texas over the weekend um so still the sooners are alive they will battle florida again on tuesday and the winner goes on the loser goes home so this is a big deal because the sooners are chasing a fourth straight women's college world series title tough game for a lot of women tough game for us florida hit the ball really well today credit them for that we left 10 runners in scoring position so that's tough when you look at the box scores i don't think this was our best game by any means and the beauty of this is that we get another opportunity to make it right this team has been in this position before even last year we've been in this position before so we know how to get out of this um our first year here at the world series we lost the first game and came out of the losers bracket so this feeling isn't new to us so just really going forward we're not pressing at all we know exactly how to win ball games we know exactly what we need to do going forward so just really looking forward to it and we're never going to give in so no matter if it's o2 and we're down by six runs in the seventh inning it's never over for us so florida and oklahoma at the women's college world series later on tuesday and as i say patty gasso's club and then you hear kenzie hanson talking about the experience yeah i mean they're chasing a fourth consecutive championship so certainly they've been in these situations before but this is a dominant sooners team so it is a stunner that they lose at the women's college world series for the first time in 21 games they just have rattled off so many wins that have been the gold standard in the sport for so long that this was this was an attention grabber but now you've got florida and oklahoma coming up on tuesday and then texas is still alive as well stanford too so um some real good clubs there and i hope you'll take the chance to watch it's a it's obviously softball and it's a lot like baseball in many respects but softball at the high school and college level for women it's just a different game different strategies the field is smaller the pitching is way different now it's fast pitch softball not slow pitch that's beer league softball so it's it's challenging uh it's it's an incredible game and it's really entertaining so if you haven't seen it i highly recommend it especially patty gasso's club it's after hours with amy lawrence one more story that i have to share with you because this is amazing uh this captured my attention over the weekend and we just didn't get to it on sunday night into monday robert mackintosh he's a 27 year old first time winner on the pga tour he's scottish and so i love his accent but that's not why i want you to hear from him he won his first tour event over the weekend at the canadian open with his dad as his caddy and understandably emotional the two of them when he finally won so again his first ever pga tour win and his dad was with him every step of the way that was incredible it's um everything that i've done in my life has been with the support of my family um again my golf was kind of passed down the generations from i mean i got it from my dad and luckily he's a head man at an open at glincroton and we've got a house between where you cross the road for four holes over the road at glincroton and we used to go out every night in the summer no matter the weather we'd play four holes every night and he taught me the game of golf and then this week when i when i phoned him to come and caddy for me to be honest i was just coming here to play a golf tournament there was no expectation there was a lot going on with with visas and stuff during the week and to win it with him in the bag is just to be honest i still can't believe that it happened he goes on to say it's a dream of mine to play golf for a living it's been a dream of mine to win on the pga tour i just can't believe i did it with my dad on the bag his dad dougie he says this guy's taught me the way i play golf yeah really cool uh he was able to hang on this is just his 45th career start so it's not like he's been out there for a lot of time um it has more losing than winning that's the case for most golfers but he's put in the work at 27 years old this kind of gives him a new lease on life but the the video of him with his dad is amazing if you haven't seen it check it out it's really sweet and you know me i'm a sucker for the family affairs the brothers the sisters uh the the moms and the dads i love this stuff i eat it up one hour to go thanks for joining us 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