Ready to start talking to your kids about financial literacy? Meet Greenlight, the debit card and money app that teaches kids and teens how to earn, save, spend wisely, and invest with your guardrails in place. Parents can send instant money transfers, automate allowance, and more. Plus, keep an eye on spending with real-time notifications. Join more than six million families building healthy financial habits together on Greenlight. Get your first month free at slash odyssey.
That's slash odyssey. Worried about letting someone else pick out the perfect avocado for your perfect impress them on the third date guacamole? Well, good thing Instacart shoppers are as picky as you are. They find ripe avocados like it's their guac on the line. They are milk expiration date detectives.
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Additional terms apply. Hey, I'm Andy. If you don't know me, it's probably because I'm not famous, but I did start a men's grooming company called Harry's. The idea for Harry's came out of a frustrating experience I had buying razorblades.
Most brands were overpriced, over designed, and out of touch. At Harry's, our approach is simple. Here's our secret. We make sharp, durable blades and sell them at honest prices for as low as $2 each. We care about quality so much that we do some crazy things like buy a world-class German blade factory.
Obsessing over every detail means we're confident in offering 100% quality guarantee. Millions of guys have already made the switch to Harry's. So thank you if you're one of them. And if you're not, we hope you give us a try with this special offer. Get a Harry's starter set with a five blade razor, weighted handle, shave gel, and a travel cover. All for just three bucks plus free shipping. Just go to and enter code smooth at checkout.
That's code smooth. Enjoy. In Ecuador, they attempted to serve me an actual chicken foot. It was in my soup. So I was eating the soup. The foot was in my soup.
The delicacy there. So I was staring at the foot. You're sitting down for lunch and they bring out a bowl with a chicken foot in it.
When you go to other countries, you don't want to insult traditions. I cannot eat a chicken foot. I'm sorry. However, I did eat the rest of the soup and then offered the chicken foot to someone who was sitting next to me who was excited to eat it.
This is After Hours with Amy Lawrence. I remember telling the story. I've told that story more than once, actually, because every now and then on Ask Amy Anything, people want to know what's the strangest thing you've ever eaten or the strangest thing you've ever seen in your food. Actually, I once had a staple in my food at a restaurant. That's another story.
And of course, your random hair or whatever, which is disgusting. That's not new. But a staple in my fish tacos. I had that once at a restaurant. The waitress and the restaurant were so mortified that they comped the entire meal. They were so embarrassed. Yeah, that's bad.
It was pretty bad. I actually did eat it and then was pulling it out of my mouth thinking, what is this? I thankfully did not swallow it or bite down on it because it could chip a tooth, I would think, if you bit on it the wrong way. That's probably the strangest thing I've ever had in my food is a staple. But the chicken foot in a bowl of soup, you might not think it's a big deal until you see a chicken foot without a chicken in your soup. And it's brought out in a bowl and you have to maintain a poker face, if you will. But it's jarring.
It's jarring. That happened in Ecuador. My first trip to Ecuador. Thankfully, the leaders of my team, I was there to play soccer with little kids in the Andes Mountains. And we took school supplies and we were able to teach them songs and share, just share our faith just share our faith with them, but a bazillion other things we did with them while we were there.
They can school you in soccer at three and four years old. Anyway, that first trip was one of my introductions into international travel. It wasn't the first time, but it was the first time that I had been to an area which was third world country like. And I remember the two lessons I learned.
Number one, be careful how you eat chicken in other countries. I ended up getting salmonella poisoning from eating undercooked chicken. Oh yeah, that was the worst. That was the sickest I've ever been. I traveled back with salmonella poisoning. It was awful.
Talking about weight loss in the span of two days, I lost seven pounds. That's how bad it was. But the other thing is, and it's not that I didn't know this in terms of head knowledge, but to practice it. When you go to other countries very often, if they have you as a guest and they are feeding you, they're giving you the best of what they have. This has happened in many places, in Ecuador, in Cuba. I've been to multiple places in Africa and they're offering you the best that they have to give as their guest. And so even if you can't eat it, because I could not know on a chicken foot, I just couldn't know on a chicken foot, you need to remain grateful and gracious and understand that that's a delicacy and cost money for them, or at least cost a chicken. And so I was able to give it to one of the Ecuadorians who was on our team, one of the young men who was always hungry, who was constantly badgering me to eat, to eat my food. And he was really happy. But I learned first and foremost, you stay grateful because they're giving you their best.
And it probably cost them a lot. And I know in the United States and other parts of the Western culture, Western society, we have more than enough food and I think we take it for granted. So even though it was a chicken foot, I said, thank you. I was gracious.
I smiled. And after I'd eaten everything around the chicken foot, so it was nothing but the chicken foot left in the bowl. Yeah, the chicken was not clucking anymore. I was able to give the chicken foot to a native Ecuadorian, a teenage boy who was eating everything in sight. So that was the best option. It was a win-win.
But I'm not kidding. Even though I was prepared for it, knew it was coming, they did say this particular family group likes to serve chicken feet as a gift. It's jarring when you see the foot just in your bowl. What was around it? So what else was in there? Pieces of chicken, chicken meat, potatoes, carrots. It was a bit of a stew.
Gotcha. And the chicken foot was right there in the middle. Just jarring in there? Yeah, it was just right there in the middle of the bowl. How do you attack that? Fork and knife?
Like a drumstick kind of deal? I think you pick it up and you gnaw on it. I don't know. I'm sure many people find it delicious. I just could not think about where those feet had been, but also I just could not. It's very strange. It's chicken feet are not attractive, but then to see it without the chicken, mind you, the chicken was not there. It was just the chicken foot. You realize that's a chicken's foot. They chopped off its foot. I'm just like imagining gnawing on it or biting into it.
I don't know if I could do it. My favorite off-beat food, I would say. Have you ever eaten octopus? Yeah. Oh, so good.
I love octopus. I don't know. Maybe it's not as offbeat as I think. I don't know how many people eat squid or calamari. It's not that different. A little chewier, a little thicker, a little gummier. I guess I've really only had it in like calamari form. Oh, you've had octopus instead of calamari?
No, actually maybe. I guess I've never had octopus. So yeah, it's calamari squid, right?
Right. We eat that every year in my family. It's part of our Christmas dinner, but and also we just enjoy it. It's yummy. Oh yeah. But octopus is, it's a little bit different.
It's good. Like I said, it's a little chewy, kind of gummy. Calamari's a little chewy. Oh, it is, but they're smaller.
Right. The little tentacles. Do you eat the tentacles? I do. I like the round pieces more. I'm sure that you do.
Yes. I have friends who simply can't eat it because of what it looks like. Well, that's how I felt about the chicken foot. I get it. Oh, you goodness.
So you guys, it's After Hours with Amy Lawrence. I don't specifically remember that particular piece of production though, that we started the show with. I suppose that's an Isaac treasure. That was mine. You put that together? I did.
In the last two years? So that was actually one where I had pieced it. I'd made it, but I didn't like trim it. It needed work.
And I actually was just, just found it in the last break and pieced it up. I was like, why not? Okay. I like it. I'm sorry. I thought it was older than that. Maybe because I haven't heard it in so long. The years tend to blend together.
Now it's ready. Kyrie Irving swears that, well, he didn't swear anything. Kyrie Irving will tell you, no doubt, that there's no hard feelings about Boston and that it's just simply the next team in the way. And that's true, but, oh, this is personal. Come on.
This is going to be personal. I cannot wait for this delicious twist to the NBA Finals and whatever other impressions you have of the Finals. We've got a week to talk about it. It's not quite the two weeks in between Championship Sunday and the Super Bowl, which make my eyes roll back in my head for two weeks of discussing the Super Bowl from every angle. After a while, I just can't listen.
I'd rather watch Mr. Rogers. But when it comes to the NBA Finals, this is my first perception. Yes.
Yes. Kyrie Irving versus Boston. Let's get it. So who is public enemy number one for you? Whether it's your favorite team, whether it's your city that has public enemy number one. It's interesting because I saw two posts from commanders fans on Facebook. One indicated that Dak Prescott is public enemy number one, which would be more recency bias. That obviously doesn't go back very far. Another one said, you know who our public enemy is or our top villain is. I know this is an assumption, but I'm thinking it might be Dan Snyder. I saw that and that's where my first reaction went.
No longer the owner of the commanders, but wreaked plenty of havoc before they essentially forced him out. So who is public enemy number one for your favorite team or your fan base? And producer Jay is retweeting them from our show account at Amy After Hours.
Just look for Anakin Skywalker. It's fantastic. And then also on our Facebook page, there's a thread there as well. This comes from a Dallas Cowboys fan. It will always be the referees. Hashtag Dez caught it.
He didn't though. Let's see, another tweet from the Boston area for Boston fans by sport. Basketball, it's Kyrie Irving after leaving the Celtics. Baseball, Roger Clemens and Johnny Damon when they went to the Yankees. Also A-Rod, Aaron bleeping Boone and Bucky bleeping Dent for those of you who know the references.
Oh I remember the Aaron Boone moment vividly. And then football, he says it's Eli Manning. So I wondered how many Patriots fans would point to Eli.
I thought maybe a few might go Nick Foles because that was a year in which the Patriots were also favored in the Super Bowl, but probably Eli and David Tyree because that was the year that they were perfect. Well almost. Well I mean the regular season. Only the Super Bowl stood in the way from, was it 20-0? 19-0? 19-0.
NFL keeps expanding on an urban sprawl. Chase says Cincinnati public enemies Ben Roethlisberger and Kimo Von Ohlhaufen. I'm sorry?
That's what he says. Kimo Von Ohlhaufen. I hate him. Is this a sumo wrestler? Why can I not place the reference?
I hate him so much I just put them all out of my mind. I can't place the reference. This is my fault.
It's a stealer, which makes sense. Is that the David Krumerei? I mean the, um, shoot, no that wouldn't be him. He played, let's see, he was selected, no he was selected by the Bengals. Oh maybe he went from Bengals to Steelers.
Oh! He's the guy who hurt Carson Palmer? Maybe. Maybe?
I'm thinking, I'm trying to. He did go from the Bengals to the Steelers. Right, I'm, yes, and so I'm, I'm, I can remember vaguely that game but I don't remember the details of it. I'd have to go back and watch it but I do know that many Bengals fans felt like the Steelers did it on purpose. That the Steelers on purpose took out Carson Palmer. Okay so you, that was when Palmer tore his ACL one of the times. 2005 wildcard playoff game. Oh heavens. I'm gonna have to go back and watch the highlight but I do remember seeing it Carson Palmer get hurt but I was, I was not in the business then so I, I don't, I didn't watch it for work so sometimes those, those references get lost.
That makes sense now though. It's a good one. Kimo Von Ohlhaufen. Thank you Chase. Chase finding us on behalf of Cincinnati. Dan on Twitter. Devils fan. For a Devils fan, this is New Jersey Devils.
It's Mark Messier, Mike Richter. For a Knicks fan, although he says Kicks fan, which is kind of funny. Yes for a Kicks fan.
It was Michael Jordan who kicked, who kicked you around. He goes with number 23. Mets fan, Chipper Jones, former Brave. Honorable, honorable mention to Pat Burrell and then Steelers fan Ray Lewis. That's interesting.
So a Steelers fan going Ray Lewis Baltimore. All right. Those are, I like that they're unique and that they're not ones that I would have picked. So those are, those are good answers.
Thank you for being so thorough and we'll get to your responses on Facebook as well. 855-212-4227. Before we get to Allen in Toronto, guess who resurfaced on Thursday? He's about to go into the Pro Football Hall of Fame but before that he was inducted into his own franchise's Hall of Fame.
I still miss him on the football field. Allen is in Toronto. Allen, who's public enemy number one for Toronto? Allen?
Yes, hi, maybe. Hi, who's public enemy number one for Toronto? Yes, Dan Snyder, owner of the Knicks and the Rangers. He's owned Madison Square Garden since.
No, no, wait. That's James Dolan. James Dolan. Oh yeah, James Dolan.
Yeah, a slip of the tongue. His father, Charles, owned HBO and Cablevision and he says the stress of the fans gets to him. He says he doesn't really like being the owner of the Rangers, both of them, he says. And whenever there's a chant of sell the team, he gets furious. He's infuriated, you know. When he finds his ears, he looks for the fans and he bars them for life.
And then of course the Charles Oakley incident, that's still fresh in my mind. He's certainly not beloved by the Garden faithful. And two words which nobody in the entire universe can argue with me or disagree with me, no class.
A man has absolutely no class whatsoever. The Knicks have made the playoffs for the past three years but before that they were the butt of many jokes. They were laughing stock. So that's another thing why he was public enemy number one too. Because of mismanagement, he had a lot to do with it too. I would say that James Dolan and our parent company are also public enemies.
In fact, he's made it very public. It has nothing to do with me. I'm not going to tell you what it's to do with but there is a host who works in the same building as we do.
First for our New York affiliate who's now here on the network, who had a public feud with Dolan. And because of that, the Knicks and Rangers will not allow any of us who work for the company to have press credentials. For the first time in my 25-year career, I was denied a press credential for an event. That has never happened in my whole life.
I just wanted to go to a regular season hockey game last year and was denied a credential. Again, that's never happened in my entire career but that's the kind of power that James Dolan has and he carries a grudge. And Dan Snyder too. He was forced to sell the commanders and he was fined $60 million for sexual harassment and financial improprieties. But it's mostly for the lack of success that he's public enemy number one because they've had two playoff appearances since 1999 and they gave up the Redskin name after 87 years. They were called the football team for two years. So it's more what happened on the field than off the field. Although the sexual harassment incidents, they forced him to sell too. So both of them, Snyder and Dolan, are both public enemy number one.
I never could figure out which one was the worst. All right, Alan. I appreciate your phone call. Thanks so much. Always a pleasure, Amy. Thank you. Have a great weekend.
855-212-4227. We'll get back to that. Also, not sure if you heard, this is an interesting concept. There are two players in the WNBA who are going to start their own league. It won't run at the same time as the WNBA, but will provide another women's pro basketball option.
And I think it's timely, of course, capitalizing on what is the popularity of the league. But it is something that I've heard Breonna Stewart talk about before. She's one of the founders of this league that will start in January. And we'll let you hear from her.
She was making the rounds on Thursday, a Good Morning America is where I caught her. Anyway, that plus Christy Sides, she's defending her fever and Kaitlyn Clark is defending her coach. It's hard when you lose one out of nine games.
It's really difficult. And then we'll take more of your responses. Who's public enemy number one for your team, for your city, for your fan base in light of the Boston Celtics fans preparing something special for the Kyrie reunion. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence on our Facebook page, on Twitter at Amy After Hours. Thanks for joining us. Good morning to you if it's already your Friday here on the Infinity Sports Network. You are listening to the After Hours podcast.
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The bank is open 24 hours in Minnesota. He does the Michael Jordan shrug as he runs back the other way. It's a good feeling, man. I can't lie.
Just go out there. You know, it's us against them. Just stay together. But that feeling, that feeling is great.
This is After Hours with Amy Lawrence. Luka Doncic, killer instinct on display in game five Thursday night as the Mavericks get back to the NBA Finals for the first time in 13 years. Completely different crew. And even though Kyrie has been to an NBA Finals, that was with Cleveland Cavaliers.
He was so young in his career. Now of course he's four teams later. Okay, three teams later. Boston, Brooklyn, Dallas. If he had his way he would be in LA. But he's back into the finals. He's found a home in Dallas.
Don't know if it's permanent or if it's just temporary, but winning cures a lot of ills. And he and Luka, they definitely have found something together. And for Jason Kidd, who was on the team the last time the Mavericks were in the finals and they won that championship against the Miami Heat. And it was Dwyane Wade. Was Shaq on that team? Ah, no. That was LeBron and Wade and Bosh. Was it? I didn't, was that still the big three?
That was the first year of that team. Oh, got it. Okay. All right. I was thinking that it was before them, before the big three got together in Miami. Gotcha.
Okay. So Jason Kidd, he was there. They won. And yeah, he likes what he sees with his two stars. It's a beautiful combination. Those two play off of each other.
And you can see that they care, they care about one another. They're in competition right now. Who's playing the best defense? And that's kind of cool to see because we used to look at Kai and Luka.
A lot of times they're not known for our defensive, you know, guys, but they're competing and it's fun to see internally and it's a healthy thing. We're getting our Mavericks Heat championships straight here behind the scenes. 2011 Dirk Nowitzki, Jason Kidd. They beat the big three of the Heat. That was LeBron, Chris Bosh, Dwyane Wade.
The two of their, well, they had two titles. They played San Antonio then the following year, right? Sounds about right.
Because they beat the Spurs one year and then lost to the Spurs the following year. I think so. I'll have to go back and look. It feels like a long time ago. About 12 years ago now. 13 years ago. But you were referring also to the 06 finals.
We just met Shaq was on the 06 Heat that beat the Mavericks in 06. Gotcha. Okay, yeah. I wasn't sure exactly of the dates.
Like I said, they all blend together. That's what the internet is for. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence. Chuck Cooperstein on Mavericks radio.
Fauzi is listening in Fort Worth. What do you think? Oh, I'm asking you.
What do you think, Amy? Last time I called you, I asked you before the series of the Timberwolves. And I asked you who do you think was in the win? And he played Sweden. Always. Always. But it's actually Switzerland.
It's Switzerland that's neutral. All right. Either way, you were saying, hey, the Timberwolves might win. The Mavericks might win. Of course.
Now, I'm asking your thoughts. Who do you think is going to have the finals this year? Yeah, see, I don't do predictions because they're just guesses. The thing is, Shaquille O'Neal, he just went inside the NBA on TNT right after the game and said the Celtics don't have three or four guys who can guard Luca. I'm going Mavericks. He's just guessing.
He has no idea. The same thing that people would have said about the Nuggets and the Timberwolves, right? The Mavericks are a five seed, so they really don't have a whole lot of business being here. People weren't picking them. In fact, gosh, Charles Barkley predicted that the Timberwolves would force the game six back to Dallas. So even the guys who played the game are just guessing.
I think that's a waste of time. So I'll listen to what you have to say. And I can tell you, I think the Celtics are, this is on paper, of course, are deeper. They have more experience. I do think that they've got all the tools to guard Luca. Luca's a superstar player, but they've got multiple defenders that will match up with him, embody him. And even if it's not the same guy the entire series, they'll send different guys at him who can play physical on him and try to get him frustrated.
So I do think they have the right formula, but I don't know if, who knows? Whoever knows who's going to win a series. All right, so let me remind you, whenever the Mavericks won the championship in 2011, we were the fourth seed and then we played the Trailblazers. Everybody thought we're going to lose that series. We beat them. Then we swept the Lakers and then we beat OKC and then we won the championship against the Miami Heat, the Big Three, as you were saying. So every time we're the underdog, we always overachieve.
Gotcha. So you're saying that's the formula? A hundred percent. It's almost serendipity, you know? It's a matter of time, right?
So everything feels right. All the cards are lining up for us, right? My second point is that, yeah, the Boston Celtics do have a good team, but our bench, in my opinion, is way deeper than their bench is. All they have is Pritchard, and if Pritchard is placed, that's going to help them out. But I think that we can hold them down with Lively and Gafford, and now that Cleaver is back in effect, I think we have a very good chance of winning this series.
Oh, absolutely. I mean, they're playing great basketball. They've got good momentum, obviously a ton of confidence, two incredible superstars, and as you point out, they also do have guys who either can come off the bench or who can contribute. I love what we've seen from P.J. Washington in this postseason. Derek Lively back on the court again.
He rarely misses, though I'd like to see him get a few more opportunities with the ball in his hand. I love the alley-oop, the athletic, aggressive approach that they take. Celtics do the same thing, though. The Celtics will force the issue.
They can hurt you a variety of ways. They shoot the three like nobody's business, and when they're on, they're really tough to beat there. So as much as you could point to the bench, of course, as much as you could try to find flaws, Jason Tatum, Jalen Brown, Derek White contributes nearly 18 points per game in this postseason alone. Drew Holidays already won a title, and he's running the show should see Kristaps Porzingis back. Al Horford's been playing extremely well. He's tenacious, but they're deeper maybe than some people think.
Yeah, for sure. I would tell you that the one flaw that Boston does have that's going to be good against us is that everybody can shoot the three. This whole playoff set, we've been able to guard a little bit of three and guard the whole. So we played Zubac, we played everybody.
We played big man, Rudy Gobert, Chet Holmgrom, people that can't shoot the three, and we've been guarding the paint. So I will tell you that the fact that Boston can't shoot the three is going to be something that we have to change up for this whole playoff that we haven't done this year. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it.
It should be a lot of fun, and I'm sorry. I'm all excited about Kyrie back in Boston, too. Goofy stuff.
Oh, yeah. Boston has been cheering for Kyrie. They better hope what they're asking for is not what they really want. I've been seeing the social media. They said forget Kyrie, and a lack of a better word. I'm excited.
I've been excited for the series all year. All right, be careful what you wish for. Thank you, Fauzi. Enjoy your weekend. Yes, ma'am.
855-212-4227. That's the thing is I'll start talking about a particular matchup, and I can talk myself into either way. I can see it going a variety of ways, but you work in sports for this long, and I'll just say this. If you always knew how it was going to play out, you'd never watch.
That's the fun of sports. That's why we watch is because it very rarely goes exactly as you think, and just the Mavericks being in the NBA Finals alone is a bit of an upset. Now, they're not as large an underdog quote-unquote as they were when they started these playoffs. Considering the confidence that they've built, the way they're playing right now is incredible. I do think they need more from, I'll just use the term, I don't love this term, but you'll understand what I mean, the supporting cast around Kyrie and Luca than what they got on Thursday night in terms of scoring. They need a more balanced attack than that, and we have seen it from them. They've got a lot of bodies they can run out there, but can they provide more offense?
In fact, their own coach has said the same thing through the course of these playoffs, different places. Jason has said, we need more scoring. We need more offense. We need more options than just Kyrie and Luca. Now, because Luca started out the way he did, he had already put the Wolves in a hole by himself, and then after his 20 points in the first quarter, then you've got Kyrie who's hitting crazy shots. Gosh, his bank shot sometimes there, they're nutso. So, it's amazing to see the the one-two punch there, and the tenacity, and Luca calls Kyrie old, so maybe there's more experience there, but yeah, the fact that they can get contributions from other guys means, at least to me, that we're not looking at a sweep. We're not looking at a lopsided affair, and now, even though I have nothing to do with Vegas, now the odds makers are saying that this is a lot tighter than what it was or what it would have been when the playoffs began.
I think because they're playing so well and because they're confident, they'll be able to bring everything they've got to Boston, and they're not afraid of a raucous crowd either. That doesn't phase Luca. I said this earlier in the series, Luca's been playing pro basketball on international stages since he was 13 years old. He was 13.
He turned pro at 13 years old, and while he wasn't in the NBA that whole time, he was playing international ball. He was representing his country. He's been on these stages.
He's had a ton of pressure on him since the very beginning. He's used to it. It doesn't phase him. He doesn't get rattled. I'm pretty sure he was talking to Snoop Dogg when Snoop was on the sidelines in Minneapolis.
All right, who is public enemy number one? I like what that last caller had to say. He's been looking at social. Take it with a grain of salt. And Boston Celtics fans are asking for Kyrie. They want Kyrie to face them in the NBA Finals.
Well, be careful what you wish for, because he is still a very talented offensive player. Very. Who are the public enemies for your favorite team, or your city, your fan base? On Twitter, at Amy After Hours, or Twix as we call it. The Hubs likes Twix. I mean Twix, the nickname for the social media site, not Twix the candy bar, though I think he likes those two.
Probably likes those two. Yeah, how can you not? I heard you say it earlier in the show, just kind of like rolling off, and I like it. It sounded good. I'm trying to incorporate it into the conversation.
Twitter is too, it's convoluted when you're trying to work it into a sentence, and it's two syllables. Twix is so much easier. It's nice.
It's compact. Yeah, it's like a celebrity marriage. Twix. Just like that. So we're taking your responses, and we're getting some good ones.
Public enemy number one on either Twix. Hey, I'm Andy. If you don't know me, it's probably because I'm not famous, but I did start a men's grooming company called Harry's. The idea for Harry's came out of a frustrating experience I had buying razor blades.
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Visit slash wealth investment minimum supply fidelity brokerage services LLC member NYSE SIPC or Facebook after hours with Amy Lawrence. You are listening to the after hours podcast. Person 10 from the 11th breeze under center looks to throw over the middle has Mike Thomas across the goal line touchdown. Mike Thomas finds a hole in the zone settles and does the rest of the work in this Saints take a six nothing lead with 509 to play here in the first quarter. This is after hours with Amy Lawrence. Wow that's a blast from the past Drew Brees retired after the 2020 season and just returned to new orleans again to be inducted into the Saints hall of fame so the pro football hall of fame well that's on the horizon of course but he's got to wait the five years before he can be on the ballot this specific to the crescent city this is a tremendous honor it's always always great to be back in this building um obviously we're we're no strangers to uh to new orleans or to the to the Saints facility here I feel like we're back here about eight to ten times a year and in fact if you're wondering why my boys heads are wet right now it's because they were in the whirlpool hot tub cold tub playing hoops with the guys in the locker room and running around on the field so this is like a second home and it always has been but don't ask drew what he thought might happen when he went to new orleans it certainly wasn't that longevity obviously wanted to win a super bowl but his relationship with the city of new orleans and his tenure with the saints it exceeded expectations we hope that we would be able to make an impact not just on the field but off the field never one of our wildest dreams could have imagined that it would be 15 years and we'd raise a family here and all four of our children would be born in new orleans and consider themselves new orleanians um and now all of a sudden I have a son who's talking about wanting to go to lsu so uh go tigers he does have regrets though of course every athlete has regrets and he didn't necessarily walk away at the point at which he wanted to there was a little bit of a lack of closure you know um and honestly man if my if my right arm was still working I probably would have played another three years my body feels great but not my arm he goes on to say my arm I can't throw how about that a dead arm he's been retired now for four years and well three years because it was after the 2020 season so three years he's been retired and his arm just doesn't work it's the price you pay for being a hall of fame nflqb right and boy did he throw and throw and throw and throw and throw until tom brady eclipsed a lot of his records most passing yards most passing touchdowns and the way that new orleans celebrated him was incredible I remember some of those nights as he was setting records and it was awesome he's one of my favorite quarterbacks to watch ever as a broadcaster but also as an nfl fan and now people are comparing him again to tom brady but not because of the of the football but because brady is heading into the broadcast booth as a number one announcer for fox that's actually what drew wanted to do drew wanted to sit in a broadcast booth and call games as an analyst the thing that I wanted to do most that I felt like I could bring the most value it was broadcasting nfl games and it was the thing I had the least opportunity to do right um I was able to do a little bit of college at notre dame just two nfl games broadcasting they were eight weeks apart and then the studio stuff right but man I love the game and I I would love to broadcast nfl games you know at some point um again um I think I could be the best at it oh I have no doubt I would love to hear how he breaks down a game I've always thought he was a great interview it was with nbc they didn't really have a spot for him they didn't do what fox did which is sign brady up to be the number one forget whoever else is in line or what cbs did cbs signed tony romo up to be number one analyst didn't have any experience they didn't care and what drew really wanted to do was talk about the game from the press box while it was taking place nfl games not college and I can agree that would be the place where you would think his knowledge would be most utilized and most critical and maybe another network will pick him up it's after hours with amy lawrence we're asking you who's public enemy number one for your favorite team your city your fan base dan is listening in south carolina dan welcome to after hours hey thank you you're welcome I figure that I drive the truck so I'm on the road in Atlanta now but I'm from New York originally and I can't figure out why the Rangers still hate hot fans they still say he sucks even though he hasn't played in 30 years oh yes it's the chant every time you go to a Rangers game it actually sometimes on the road I've been at devil's games and I've heard Rangers fans start the Felix Potvin chant oh Dennis Potvin my my fault yes I grew up an islander fan and for me the islanders were it was Gretsky because he ruined their streak before the second cups and as far as the jets you got telecheck you know that's sort of what a day and then went on to new england but my brother would tell you as a Dallas fan that his enemy is back rest cop this will never win the football game never say never he's still there there's always a chance yeah but my brother he's given up on Prescott he's waiting for somebody else to come in gotcha oh man I appreciate you letting me say those little little things and absolutely hope you have a great day we're glad to keep you company dan be safe thanks so much thank you let's talk to Brock who's in Georgia Brock who's public enemy number one for you hey uh thanks for taking my call amen uh my all-time favorite is Reggie Miller Indiana Pacer I'm a Pacer fan and I gotta say for the Pacers it gotta be Ron Artis going in the stands and then not coming back the next year you know it didn't go on to win the championship and we was a lot to win when he went in the stands thank you for taking my call absolutely oh my goodness and he's got thank you Brock in Georgia he's uh had a bunch of different names since then uh but yes that malice at the palace uh that whole mess I mean I don't know that that will ever um that will ever have its equal let's hope it doesn't have its equal in sports history um but the way that impacted the franchise uh the Pacers they were up in that game and it turned everything upside down this brawl between the Pacers and the Pistons um and into the stands and what a mess um yeah you you kind of wonder I guess if you're a Pacers fan you kind of feel like it changed the course of your franchise really um I could still see the the images and the the fight play out in my head the number of times I watched that and gosh that's going back now what was the date let's see the date was hmm I don't remember the exact date but I'm gonna look it up ah there were 22,000 people in attendance that I know 2004 20 years ago 20 years ago Friday November 19th 2004 I can still remember it you know what else I can still remember vividly is Allen Iverson we talking about practice and that's been what 30 years gosh am I old has it been that long I it's I feel like it's closer to 30 than 20 but you'll have to look it up and let me know Tom's in Baltimore Tom who's public enemy number one for you hey how you doing good how the rabbits oh mama moved them uh about a day and a half after we found them I'm glad because I wanted them to be safe but I do miss them I'm hoping I'll see them hopping around in a couple weeks that's cool yeah I got a bunch of them on my property too um yeah uh so ravens Steelers has got to be the best rivalry I mean Steelers are our enemy they they beat us when we're we have a better team they still find a way to win so as you're narrowing it down is there one particular athlete who reps that that kind of enemy status oh gotta be uh um I'll tell you that oh what was his name um from Pittsburgh let's go verse I'm gonna say well he was the receiver right black's a good receiver yeah let's go but Orioles Yankees that's do you know where the Orioles actually the original oil team went to New York the Newark Yankees were Baltimore Orioles they bought them in like 1901 yeah yeah so yeah I really love when the Yankees come in and we can give them now that we're good again I can I can mess with their fans now going back to 1901 Tom yeah 1901 yep the oil the Baltimore was bought by New York they were the highlanders and then became the Yankees and you're gonna hold that grudge oh yeah oh yes I like it all right hey I appreciate talking to you yes Tom good to talk to you too have a good weekend save it for those Yankees he vividly remembers 1901 and he's not letting that go he's not gonna let it go who is who is public enemy number one would you like to write a song about this particular team the way that Darren Waller wrote a song about Kelsey Plum I hope your song is more appealing to the ears who's public enemy number one for your team your city your fan base it's after hours with Amy Lawrence Instacart Shopper thoughts how do they know exactly when this milk will expire does a milk sommelier take a sip and just like no am I knocking on this melon to check its freshness or because I want to play the bongos a little of both this bagging groceries teach you patience yes planning yep how to 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