April 24, 2024 5:56 am
You'll never guess what Roger Goodell's middle name is... | Ok, but seriously why is it that | Ask Amy Anything!
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Price and coverage match limited by state law. How fired up are you about the NFL draft? I'm fired up because it means we don't get any more mock drafts. That's what I'm fired up about.
Just kidding. I'm looking forward to seeing some of our questions answered. I also think I missed Roger Goodell. I'm looking forward to seeing the NFL commish holding court in Detroit and of course looking forward to the booing. We'll see whether or not Detroit can raise the roof with the booing like what we saw in Philadelphia.
Now that was pretty intense when the draft was in Philly. And I just love how he eats it up. That's his moment.
It's his moment in the sun, producer J. Every year he knows he will be the center of attention for those 30 seconds as he walks out onto the stage and the fans start booing and he opens up the NFL draft. It's all about Roger Goodell.
At no other point, even his press conferences that he does, they're just him talking behind a microphone. This is Roger Goodell under the lights and nothing happens until he says so. He opens the draft, he introduces all of the picks in the first round or he introduces the special guest who will introduce the picks. He's got the embraces and the welcomes for these picks that come up jacked onto the stage and they're all about their dreams coming true which is amazing. He's the first person to greet them in the NFL world. I'm telling you this is his one night where he shines like the brightest sun.
It's time to have some fun. And he loves it. He eats this stuff up. He's really leaned into the whole thing over the years.
Oh yeah. His awkwardness with the awkward exchanges, awkward hugs I suppose. There's not the awkward exchanges really but the hugs with the draft picks, I find those amazing and especially the ones that pick them up. I was just gonna say that. Those are my favorites and yet people get so upset about it, these bro hugs, that they just should not be happening. Are you kidding?
There's nothing wrong with them. These draft picks have waited months through this whole draft process but have waited years to hear Roger Goodell call their names. Of course they're going to embrace him.
If I'm Roger Goodell I'm the one who will be upset because they're crushing me and when they go for the handshake and the high five these are huge defensive linemen some of the time. He's just a normal pretty average sized guy I suppose. I suppose. It must hurt.
Probably does actually. I wonder if he's ever had any broken ribs. He's definitely you know he's gotten out of like a handshake or a high five and like had to go off screen and been like a shake one of those shake his hand off. Now these young men who are getting drafted as you point out the linemen in some cases are enormous mountains of men and that's great that's what they're supposed to be doing. They're all in great shape because they've been working out non-stop since the combine but I remember a story that Boomer Esiason told us when I first started working here and this was in regards to our very teeny first boss at what was CBS Sports Radio what is now Infinity Sports Network. He was probably shorter than me by seven inches or so. He was pretty short and he was a slight guy. Love Mark. Great man and one of my favorite people in this entire business.
Best boss I've ever had but I digress. Boomer apparently twice hugged him so hard that he cracked ribs. Stop it. So now Roger Goodell is a bigger man than what was or what is Mark. So we're not talking about the same ratio when it comes to people and human power but if Boomer Esiason broke a couple of Mark's ribs then I wonder if that's ever happened to Roger Goodell. You don't believe me? No I believe that's crazy though. Yeah he hugged him so hard that he cracked ribs but we're talking about Boomer who probably has a hundred pounds on Mark.
Easy. Yeah and then Boomer is what six four ish and Mark is not. Mark's probably 10 inches shorter if not a full foot shorter than Boomer. So yeah the way he hugged him he cracked his ribs.
I was all about the beefcake boys. He definitely used the beefcake to crack some of our boss's ribs. So I hope Roger Goodell has never had that aspect but I can imagine getting picked up. I mean he's an older dude he's not old but he's older and sometimes weird injuries happen to older people. And also these guys are so hyped up and so in the moment that they're not really thinking about I'm not going to crack the commissioner's ribs right now. No they just want to hug him as hard as they can and enjoy that moment. So I'm sure yeah he's gotten squeezed harder than he wanted to. And whether or not they're even thinking about the hug the fact is that they're hyped up as you point out.
So he's the first person on stage that they hug and I can imagine he gets a lot of that emotion squeezed into the hugs. Take a wild guess how old Roger Goodell is. Wild guess 62. 65 years old. I had no idea he was that old. I didn't think he was that old.
Oh sorry that sounds wrong. I had no idea he was in his mid 60s. I assumed either late 50s or early 60s. I thought I was being a little older with 62 also to be honest. I feel like he's aged well.
Are we allowed to have this conversation on the radio? Anyway he apparently robbed the cradle when he was younger because his wife is a whole eight years younger than him. Wow. Uh-huh and they've been married since the late 90s and that's his only wife so good for him he's just he waited and he found the right person but if they got married in 1997 right so doing the math he was definitely later in life when they got married. Yeah good for him.
He waited he picked the right person I believe they have twin daughters or they have I know they have daughters and he's now 65 and large and in charge and this is his moment the night of the NFL draft first round spotlights on him nothing happens until Roger says so. Do you think there will ever be a location of a draft that doesn't boo him? No.
Would you want to be that location? Of the draft? Like say if you're like the draft is in Indy this year and there and then Indy I thought you said India at first I was like oh don't say that okay. So the draft's in Detroit this year so say the Detroit audience all decides we're not gonna boo Roger Goodell we're gonna cheer him because we love football.
Mm-hmm. Breaking tradition. Is that tradition that you want on your city or do you got to keep this going for as long as he's the commissioner and even into the next commissioner? See I don't even think they mean it when they boo him anymore I just think they do it because that is the tradition so yes I would think you would want to be the city that continues that so you don't get called plain. Would it be funny if the next commissioner of football after Goodell we cheer him like crazy every time he steps up to the stage or does anything? I think it would be fun to cheer him just to switch it up. Exactly.
He might not know what to do he might get very confused and think where am I? Is this an alternate universe? It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence on the hump show middle show of the work week. We're looking for your questions for Ask Amy Anything coming up in the next 30 minutes. You better get to work because producer Jay's gonna need those questions. Last Ask Amy Anything my last hump show until the middle of May so I will not be here next week and the first two weeks of May I'll be gone on my honeymoon eek.
Yes of course you'll want to ask questions about what we did while we were in Hawaii Jay this is not at all where I was going with this segment but I just got completely thrown off guard by Roger Goodell's middle name. Don't you dare google it. I don't know it.
Don't you dare. Do you know how many people have tried to guess my middle name and can't come up with it? Now somehow Jay believes that he got it on the first guess just randomly.
You nailed it. No one nails my middle name. You had to have looked it up somewhere or asked someone.
It's one of those points of contention Jay and I will never agree on this because I don't believe he's telling the truth. However if you would like to know something really funny Bob nailed it on the first try. Same thing I'm like did you ask my mother? How in the world did you guess it on the first try? So the two of you no one else in my life has ever guessed my middle name on the first try and somehow the two of you did that. He didn't ask me so. Right well he didn't know you at that point.
He barely knew me at that point. Anyway that's nothing compared to Roger Goodell's. I could give you a hundred guesses and you would never come up with Roger Goodell's middle name which is a name I've never heard before in my entire life.
Really? Country of origin? No it's got no I have no idea. I'm going to assume you know what happens when you assume?
I'm going to assume that it's a last name or a family name. If you're googling in there look at you I can see your fingers moving. You better not be googling and take what are you doing in there?
Something for the show. No you're not. I promise I am. Okay you swear you're not googling it?
Okay. I'm writing if you must know for the for our podcast write-ups I'm writing you'll never guess Roger Goodell's middle name. So he doesn't forget. I'm not kidding you I've never seen these letters before in this order and I've never heard his middle name either which is kind of interesting because you would think at some point the fact that it's so unique would have dawned on people. Nope never heard Roger Goodell's middle name before in my life.
Are you ready? What's it start with? An S. It's not Sam.
And it's. Or Sean. And it sounds like a like a last name? Not like a not a first name? Well there may be on this planet of seven plus billion people someone who has this first name but I'm telling you I've never heard this name before in my entire life. Santerberry.
As opposed to Canterbury? I don't know. I could spell it for you but I don't even know how to pronounce it.
Alright I gotta hear it. Are you ready? Yeah. Are you sure? Now I'm ready. Roger Stocko I think it could be Stoko it could be Stoko Goodell.
I don't know are you ready? It's not spelled like taco though. Not like S-T-A-C-O. It's not like it's taco night but it's stoko night. No it's not that. Maybe it's stoko? S-T-O-K-O-E. Roger Stoko Goodell.
How come we've never heard this before in our whole lives? Whoa yeah I see it now. S-T-O-K-O-E. Stoke.
So I would say because the K-O-E is likely the long O that it's stocko. S-T-O-K-O-E. Stoke. Stoko. Roger Stoko Goodell. As in Stoko the flames.
Stoke the fire. As in the stoko eclipse. It's the stoko eclipse of the heart. I don't know where that came from Jay. Have you ever seen that word before in your life? No that's a weird one.
How in the world did we never know that Roger Goodell has the most unique middle name on the planet? There's a stoke stokey stoko farms in Rochester New York. S-T-O-K-O-E?
S-T-O-K-O-E. Largest petting zoo. He was born in Jamestown New York. That's not Rochester but I wonder if that has any thing to do with it? Does Roger Goodell's extended family own a family fun farm in Rochester New York? Huh.
Well let's check it out. I don't have any idea but we're gonna have to do a deep dive on Roger Goodell's middle name. Maybe it's a combination of two family names although I don't know of a name that ends in K-O-E.
But stoko stoko? My guess would be Polish. I'm not sure though. Yeah I'm not even gonna take a wild guess on that. Huh.
No idea. He's got some very impressive family members I'll tell you that but and there's a bunch of brothers but I have no idea where this came from. Can we google it? How do you pronounce Roger Goodell's middle name?
I'm gonna try. You guys I've never seen that before there's got to be a story but how come this isn't something that we've discussed on the show? Huh.
I got to read his whole biography now. I guess. Stoko. Stocko?
Stoko. Nope. Don't know. Don't know. Hmm.
We're gonna have to do a deep dive on this I'm telling you I need to know more information but I'm gonna tweet it when we get to a break because I've never heard it before maybe someone else knows the backstory we need we need a Paul Harvey feature on the rest of the story and that's the rest of the story. I don't know how to pronounce the O-E at the end. Okay. No I don't I'm not sure that's what I have to look.
Oh right I guess I could be wrong. Oh stocko oh stocko it can't be stoko it it would be spelled differently stoko and there's no c-k it's just s-t-o-k-o-e. Jay what's happening? I don't know. I don't either.
All right we didn't even get to what I wanted to get to which was Mike Tomlin who is terrific and fun and enjoys screwing with people and also Brock Purdy who gives you a little insight into his offseason now post Super Bowl loss and as he filters through that so I do want to get to that but I'm now hung up on Roger Goodell's middle name. Wow. All right. I can't find anything on this.
Uh-uh. Did you Google stoko origins? I'm trying stoko origins Roger Goodell middle name origins nothing. All right stoko. There is a stoko farm in Scottsville New York. I'm telling you I wonder stoko farms let's let's to Jamestown New York let's see if they're close by. Hmm. Nah see they're not really Jamestown actually Jamestown is not that far from Rochester. Huh. But the I mean it's not close to Rochester it's like south and west of Buffalo it's between Buffalo and Erie sort of a little far south so I mean it's 120 miles so it's not that far away but why would yeah why why would Roger Goodell be named after a farm in Rochester unless it's a family farm. Unless it's a family farm. Do you think the Goodell's are into farming in western New York? I didn't until now. All right well so there's a mystery we may never have the answer to a little bit like Ipe Mitsuhara and how he managed to swindle 16 million dollars from Shohei Ohtani with no one knowing about it.
The mysteries of the universe we have to just be content. Stoko notation is the first phonemic script used for sign languages it was created by William Stoko for American Sign Language. I wonder if it was named after that. That makes sense. Well I mean we can't just assume but that would make more sense than stoko farms. A little bit it's either the farm or him yeah. Maybe he's related to that guy it's part of his family tree. On the farm? No the sign language father the father of sign language. The tree on the farm. Oh no all right well maybe if we ever have Roger Goodell on the show we can ask him.
First question. Could you no not the first question oh my gosh good thing you're not asking could you imagine if we did have a chance to talk to him and brought it up I would bet we'd be the first and only show to ever ask him about his middle name. You would definitely remember that. Do you think he got made fun of when he was a kid? No because nobody could pronounce it.
Probably a little bit. Maybe it was just Roger S. Goodell. Roger S. Roger S. Roger S. Or R.S. R.S.
like a ship. The R.S. Goodell. The R.S. Goodell. Oh man I'm not kidding I need to know.
This is now the number one question about the NFL in my brain forget the draft. I want to know Roger stoko Goodell or stoko Goodell. I don't know how to pronounce this. Stoko stoko it could be like s-t-u-c-c-o stoko Goodell. Are you stoko Goodell? Oh no anybody else out there has some insight please if you work at stoko farms or stoko farms or you know about the sign language with stoko farms or something okay completely mind blown by Roger Goodell's middle name. It's crazy the things we find up we find out and talk about on this show it's pretty amazing sort of. Also Mary I apologize I didn't mean to say that Roger Goodell is old of course I didn't express myself clearly 65 is not old no it's absolutely not my Grammy Helen lived to be a hundred it's not old my mom is is in her 70s and she's not old in any way so I did not mean to say 65 is old I meant to say that I didn't realize Roger Goodell was in his mid 60s. I hope that clarifies I didn't mean to offend anyone who is in his or her 60s. I apologize Mary but I forgot to thank Roger Goodall.
Maybe we've been saying it wrong all along RS the RS Goodall. Oh man bon voyage. Send your questions for Ask Amy anything but if you have any questions about Roger Goodell's middle name I have no answers. I have questions on Twitter a law radio and then on our Facebook page. All right so on that note Mike Tallon next. I think I'm good. Doors take us to summers away or winter adventures and afternoon getaways.
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This episode is brought to you by Progressive Insurance whether you love true crime or comedy celebrity interviews or news you call the shots on what's in your podcast queue and guess what now you can call them on your auto insurance too with the name your price tool from Progressive it works just the way it sounds you tell Progressive how much you want to pay for car insurance and they'll show you coverage options that fit your budget get your quote today at Progressive.com to join the over 28 million drivers who trust Progressive Progressive Casualty Insurance Company and affiliates price and coverage match limited by state law I'm good too it's After Hours with Amy Lawrence you are listening to the After Hours podcast with the first pick in the 2023 NFL Draft the Carolina Panthers select Bryce Young quarterback Alabama getting you to the good half of your week it's the hop show on After Hours we may have some answers I'm not sure but we may have some answers interesting though to hear you and see your responses about Roger Goodell's unique middle name never heard it before but we may be getting to the bottom of it it's After Hours with Amy Lawrence you've got a few minutes left to send your questions for Ask Amy Anything it is the last home show for me into the middle of May so last time you get to ask Amy until then so on our show Twitter at Amy After Hours and then also our Facebook page you can send your questions I know producer Jay has been working on a few behind the double pane glass but that comes up following the break let's talk to Joe who's in Chicago Joe welcome to After Hours hello Amy Lawrence enjoying your show you know here's a little bit of mystery how you saw this you know a hundred years ago I knew a lot of baseball players that played in the 1930s and 40s these guys were they're all gone now they would use their mother's maiden name or as their middle name because either they didn't have one or they did it for identification now I personally know a lot of people even in Chicago that would use their mother's maiden name because they just never had one so okay I think Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson would be proud of you right now so you think that I was on to something by suggesting it's a family name of some sort and probably a last name you are absolutely correct that's the closest you're going to get because this is what something they used to do I know I know an old-time ball player I'll be real quick about his name was Roy Henshaw he pitched for the 1930s Cubs teams his middle name was Nickelbein with a silent K and I asked him one day how did you get the middle name he goes that's my mother's maiden name oh okay how about that that makes sense so we're gonna take that into account but that seems the most likely to me it sure is and you know even today some people still do it but this is something old-fashioned that was done a long time ago that believe it or not it still exists today no I like it I like tradition I'm big into that considering that my one my maternal grandmother lived until she was 91 and my paternal grandmother lived until she was a hundred I'm big into family traditions okay Amy have a wonderful day thank you I appreciate that information from Joe so Joe believes that we're on to something in indicating that it is a family name I'm gonna go through some of these tweets first of all Anthony says stoke well he says the s-t-o-k-o-e title for the farm in Rochester is pronounced stokey so that's what he says stokey Daniel finds us on Twitter and says regarding the name stoko and he pronounces it stoko like Coco I've only ever heard the name once before it's in sports Bob stoko was the manager of the Sunderland soccer team that won the FA Cup in England in 1973 his name rhymes with Coco no connection with Roger though I'm sure so I guess we don't know exactly how it's pronounced is it Coco or is it not well it's not Coco is it stokey or is it stokey we don't think it's any connection to the farm even though weirdly enough both the farm and Roger Goodell are from western New York just not yeah a couple hours apart okay so then moving on Oh Mary would like to say thank you for clarifying about Roger Goodell's age of course I don't please 65 is a spring chicken I'm gonna still be working when I'm 65 for heaven's sakes I I'm gonna be redefining the sports radio industry Kevin sends this link from a column in the Buffalo News now Buffalo is between kind of Rochester and Jamestown so there you've got some local interest in Roger Goodell and his family this comes from 2018 and it's a file photo of Jean Rice Goodell okay Jean Rice Goodell Jean is his mother I believe Jean Rice Goodell is Roger Goodell's mother we need to Google that just to be sure but Roger stoko Goodell was named after this is according to the article in the Buffalo News was named after Jean's mother's maiden name so that would be his grandmother so I'm trying to find right so if it's I think his mom is Jean actually I just I saw that a couple minutes ago that's correct so if his mom is Jean and she was named well she's Jean Rice Goodell and this is her mom's maiden name it's Roger Goodell's grandmother on his maternal side and so he was named after his grandmother but also his mom's maiden name that would be if the story is true Jean's mother's well Jean's mother's maiden name it sounds like her maiden name was rice maybe if they're keeping with tradition but it was be it would be his grandmother's maiden name so I kind of nailed it I mean I was I was firing shots in the dark so to speak but I finally I actually did say that first it's got to be a family name you did you know like a last name not a first name I'm trying to find Goodell's mother's maiden name on I don't know why it would be on Wikipedia or anything but I'm searching so I could try to prefer if it's stokey but yeah oh stokey versus stoko stoko where hmm so let's see I think this is a cool tradition I like this do you think that a couple generations down the line well see Lawrence is actually a first name too that someone in my family tree will have the middle name Lawrence it's possible I think it's a good tradition maybe Jean Rice Goodell I wonder if her maiden name was rice then yeah interesting so she's from Buffalo as well from western New York in the Buffalo area so that's why there's the local interest all right we've gotten to the bottom of it we believe it's a half hour of your lives you'll never get back but come on aren't you intrigued that's way more interesting than my analysis of the Bucks Pacers game don't you think we now know something new about Roger Goodell I like it I still am not we need to know how to pronounce it though it's you're not really the Goodell family has ties to that farm I don't think so how to print maybe though if it was his grandmother's maiden name and it's his maybe that is a maiden name the case in the general vicinity of where the family is I'm googling how to pronounce stoko the phonetic spelling of stoko stokee s-t-o-h dash k-e-e or stoko s-t-o-w-c-o so we don't really know if it's stoko or it's stokee all right well that was fun it was I've never heard that before in my life no that's a crazy middle name don't say crazy it's just it's a family name it's like absurd and it's just that it's like out there it's different it's unique it's unique and I like the fact that it's family tradition see to that really appeals to me I like Roger Goodell even more now than I did before and it's on Twitter now so more people can be blown away by this name we've not seen before he should come out on the draft when he comes out for the draft for the first time and announce and introduces himself he should use his middle name you think that would cause people to be confused maybe it would stop the booings everyone would be like wait what did you say or maybe one of the special guests or one of the draft picks addresses him as RS Goodell or mr. mr. roger stoko Goodell commissioner stoko commissioner stoko sounds like a space captain I got a Star Trek something like that all right coming up next I know I didn't get to what I wanted to get to but we still have time before Thursday's NFL draft first round coming up next is that call from mom answer it call silenced instacart knows nothing gets between you and the game that's why they make ordering from your couch easy stock up today and get all your groceries for the week delivered in as fast as 30 minutes without missing a minute of the game you have 47 new voicemails download the app to get free delivery on your first three orders while supplies last minimum ten dollars per order additional terms apply that's not just the sound of that first sip of morning Joe it's the sound of someone shopping for a car on carvana from the comfort of home that's a good blend it's time to take it easy like answering some easy questions to get pre-qualified for a car in minutes talk about starting the morning right just like customizing your term so your car fits your budget visit carvana.com or download the app to experience car shopping the way it should be convenient comfortable after the end of a good fight you deserve an ice-cold reward medella the mark of a fighter you've earned this rich golden lager with a crisp refreshing taste because you know the bigger the fire the better the reward you put in the hours the energy the tough labor you are a fighter and medella is your reward medella the mark of a fighter trick responsibly beer imported by crown import chicago illinois gamey anything so have at it let's go you are listening to the after hours podcast this is after hours with amy lawrence time to ask amy anything sort of hit me with your best shot fire away well now that we've gotten to the bottom of the biggest mystery in the nfl this week i feel better now and i'm prepared to go full speed ahead into ask amy anything thank you for your questions as always producer j enjoys grouping them together by categories and generally those categories do not include sports in fact i just want to give you some insight j generally laughs at your sports questions so if you really want your question to be posed i would say go off and away from the sports genre j am i wrong no that's normally where i lean is away from where i lean i like it for this segment yes let's hop in here because i gotta start here paul wants to know what are you looking forward to most about your upcoming trip to hawaii oh man first of all i can't wait to see it i just can't wait to step out of the plane and get out of the airport and see hawaii after all the pictures of my family and friends who've been there but also the people who rave about how it's a slice of paradise so i'm even excited about an 11-hour plane flight i don't even care i just want to get there but of the activities that we've got planned we're psyched about hiking some of the vault the volcanoes that you can kind of hike up and into and then also really excited about a gift from some dear friends of mine this is part of our wedding gift a helicopter tour of the big island which is a first for me i've always wanted to go up in a helicopter but i've never been i don't think i want to fly in a helicopter like tom cruise would do in mission impossible i would prefer to stay in the helicopter but i'm fascinated with them and so i'm really excited about that and then swimming with dolphins that was bob's birthday gift but really it doesn't even matter we are staying in an airbnb in a village that's away from the resorts he's not a big beach guy i can't wait to see the beaches and the animals but we're you know we're going to compromise we're going to go hard for really nine days while we're on the big island and see absolutely everything we can and then eat whatever we want because we'll be going all day long oh well you let me right into it john wants to know what are you what are you going to eat in hawaii anything planned so far well i did tell you about the shaved ice my nieces have said to me that no matter what you do you have to get shaved ice and they gave me the place where i have to go to get the shaved ice so that part is kind of funny but also we've had recommendations for restaurants from some friends who go there frequently actually one of our managers here at infinity sports network goes to the big island on a regular basis so he's given us some restaurant recommendations too so other than the shaved ice it's the hawaiian style cafe for pancakes that's what my brother's family said they said do it on the way to the botanical gardens and do it early because if you don't go early you will end up having to stand in line which we don't want to do so yeah we've we've got all kinds of places that we're excited to see now we've made lists of course you know me i i'm just as giddy over the packing list which we'll tackle this weekend bob thinks i'm a wacko but i love the packing list almost as much as i love the trips i know i know go ahead you can say it nothing wrong with the packing list it's fun right you got all these things together i'm gonna use this here i'm gonna use this here oh yeah i'm really excited he's agreed to leave the packing to me yes let's get into some food now why not so are you familiar with this new item in the pittsburgh pirate stadium called the renegade dog no but tell me what it is so it was should i google it are you gonna tell me get a picture of it just so you have like an idea of what it looks like in your head okay it was introduced this year it's a footlong hot dog with pot roast potato pierogies pickles and caramelized onions whoa and steve wants to know that he just saw this renegade dog's existence in a post he wants to know if you're at a pirate's game would you try it a footlong hot dog with pot roast mini pierogies pickle slices and onions available at pirate's home games first of all i love pnc park it's my favorite park in the majors so i can't believe they would steer me wrong i am looking at the photo right now the renegade dog you know i don't normally eat hot dogs but if it's dressed up with pierogies which my grandmother my grammy helen would make for years that's a polish thing we love it i love pickles i love onions i love pot roast i don't think i could eat the whole footlong so i'd have to be really hungry or could i split it with producer j but i am all in bring me a renegade dog do i need to go to pnc park just for a renegade dog now because this appeals to me far more than anything other than ice cream in a mini upside down helmet you get that after the renegade dog well i might not have room i don't think i could eat the whole thing but that sounds and looks delicious now it does help that my stomach is currently growling so anything right now would sound delicious but yes pierogies and you got me you got me at hello pierogies we need a renegade dog now all right michael wants to know what's your favorite candy bar oh gosh well i love almond joys so that's a huge one a rarer candy bar that i adore is the hershey's gold and i think they came out not the most recent olympics but the the last olympics before that so pre-pandemic i believe and and they're delicious it's melt in your mouth chocolate and it's golden it's yeah you feel rich like this is something they would serve on the upper level of the titanic john wants to know what's your go-to baking item actually it's funny that you asked because for my final class with my students i had to make sure none of them have gluten or wheat allergies but i'm baking for them because it's a long class of listening to everyone else's radio segments their final projects and then they need to participate with you know constructive criticism so it's a it's a long class and we'll be sitting around listening a bunch so i've agreed to bring baked goods and my go-to plus this is early mother's day as well we'll be sending them to our moms the oatmeal caramel chewy bars which are so good everyone here at the office loves them and then the island cookies which you also really love and so yes those will be my two go-tos now the double chocolate brownie cookies are also really good i'm not opposed to doing those because they don't even require a mixer so we'll see we'll see but i'm thinking i'm going the oatmeal caramel chewy bars and the island cookies nice if uh chris wants to know if you could only drink one liquid besides water for the rest of your life oh yeah oh i love milk i cannot live without milk and i don't just mean in my cereal i drink milk i i love milk ever since i was a kid it's why i've never broken a bone this one's kind of food i guess bam bam wants to know are you a fan of bucky's in texas yes absolutely when uh the day after our wedding so we got married on a sunday and we spent the following day with my mom and her husband and my brother's family because they weren't sticking around for christmas one of the places we went to was bucky's family field trip to bucky's the only thing is it's gotten really touristy now and the prices have been jacked up because bucky's has become a thing outside of texas people go there it's a destination and and now they've not only raised all the prices but it's yeah it's not quite as texas as it used to be we still enjoy it but it's yeah it's it's become a little bit too touristy commercial at least the one where my mom and her husband take us that's i mean i've only heard about it recently and if i ever go to texas that's one of the places i'm definitely going to stop oh yeah you need a t-shirt yeah oh i need a t-shirt yeah uh let's go into this one this comes from darryl he says as the amazing radio host and wordsmith that you are does it bother you when you hear people use the word um during meetings or interviews well i don't want to be hypocritical i've used the word um about eight bazillion times in my life i notice it i wouldn't say it bothers me not everyone is a professional public speaker and i am and i still use the word um i think that the more you listen to yourself speak the more that it stands out to you it's it's essentially taking the place of a pregnant pause it's just some people are not quite as comfortable or it's not quite as common for them to just take a break and take a breath so they fill it with an um and i mean bob uses um i use um or like i mean those are two crutch words or whatever or obviously or again i mean these are all words that we just kind of drop in as a placeholder if you will so no it doesn't bother me because i don't judge people based on how i speak that would be unfair you just mentioned bob and james when will we see you and bob competing together on the amazing race oh if i had my way it would be immediately i adore the amazing race and for the first time we just watched an entire season of the amazing race together and we had so much fun we binge watched it over the course of a couple weeks and i think that if we put in a video of our unique story don't you think that we would end up getting chosen i think you'd have a very good chance yeah they and they love unique stories as in stories that are you know off the beaten path and that's definitely us so i really want to apply it won't be this year though because here's the problem you have to take away essentially a month of traveling and being prepared because of course we would be in the final three you have to be prepared to travel around the world and be gone for a month so what do you do you what do you do with your pets with your kids i mean it puts a strain on your family and your job i i think i theoretically have four weeks off vacation after being at the company for over uh 10 years but do i really want to use them all on the amazing race that's a problem that's the issue is not so much that we wouldn't make it or we would crush it but that how do you just get away from your life for an entire month i think you'd get on though thank you jay well certainly especially now that we're not cbs anymore because it airs on cbs so we no longer have any ties uh let's see big jim wants to know as a teenager whose poster if any did you have on your wall that's a good question i had you're gonna laugh but i had posters of animals on my walls i wasn't one that idolized people necessarily now i did start getting sports illustrated when i was 16 years old and so i would read that and i would i loved the covers i saved them all um and i there were some pop culture icons that i really liked but my posters were animals oh the celtics i did have the the starting five of the celtics in the late 80s so i guess there's that larry bird robert parish kevin mccale dennis johnson danny ange last before rapid fire rich wants to know have you ever or would you ever consider being in a dunk tank i've done it before it's fun as long as it's a hot day no bigs all right let's get into the rapid fire to close us out being too hot or being too cold oh i i can't stand the heat being too cold any day friends or seinfeld friends 80s or 90s 90s river cruise or ocean cruise anything to do with the ocean i'm in cheesecake or brownie brownie peas or brussels sprouts oh i love peas i love peas they're so good baseball cap or beanie i've never won a beanie in my life no no last one here paramount plus or disney plus paramount plus is the one i have it's after hours with amy lawrence okay picture this it's friday afternoon when a thought hits you i can spend another weekend doing the same old whatever or i can hop into my all-new hunday santa fe and hit the road with available h-track all-wheel drive and three-row seating my whole family can head deep into the wild conquer the weekend in the all-new hunday santa fe visit hunday usa dot com or call 5 6 2 3 1 4 4 6 0 3 for more details hunday there's joy in every journey this episode is brought to you by progressive insurance whether 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