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After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 2

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence
The Truth Network Radio
March 20, 2024 6:02 am

After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 2

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence

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March 20, 2024 6:02 am

The Final Four of... what?? | Zion Williamson makes his case for Dunk of the Year | Will the Dodgers run-away with the NL West?


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Minimum $10 per order. Additional terms apply. How many of you remember four years ago in the shows we did four years ago? I know people do because every now and then I'll get tweets or Facebook posts about the fact that you started listening during the pandemic so if you weren't with us then or you don't remember I did shows from home for gosh let's see actually wouldn't have even been this time four years ago because I was still in studio longer than anyone else but maybe about this time I suppose I remember doing a Sunday night into Monday show the boss said I could do one more and that was it then I had to go home but I resisted it as long as I possibly could I was the last man standing so to speak and so it was maybe third week in March when I finally got sent home and I was back in studio though my boss wouldn't let me tell anyone I was I was back in studio the week after July 4th of 2020 so I was the first host to come back and it was months before anybody else returned and gosh a year and a half before let's see yeah it was a year and a half before the company finally forced everyone to come back um they kept putting it off and pushing those dates back for the hosts who just didn't want to commute and didn't want to come into work it was less about the health and it was more about not wanting to drive into New York City which I understand the commute was rough but four years ago when I did those shows from home we had to expand our horizons if you will not one time did I ever struggle with topics or how to do a show or what to talk about actually it was easier than I would have thought in terms of topic and management and development not the fact that it I was home sitting in my spare bedroom staring into a corner because that was the best place that I could get audio it took quite a while before I ever showed you a video of it but there is a video up there on both Twitter and Facebook of first time that I took you inside the after hours super secret home base and so it wasn't difficult to connect with people or to talk for four hours each night we had some really thoughtful insightful conversations we ended up doing much longer form interviews and part of that I've kept since then and also my determination to not stay beholden to every sports headline that comes across our paths but instead while we do cover the major events and we do obviously enjoy sports and we recognize it's entertainment and that's why you're listening we also do a lot that isn't sports and according to you all whether it's stories about family or pets or getting married or now being married whether it's travel stories or moving stories or just experiences that we can connect over you've indicated that many of you and I would say the majority of you find that part of the show part of the show even more entertaining and you look forward to to those topics and conversations that really have nothing to do with sports yeah I can tweet or post on Facebook this incredible interview I've done in sports or I can post this awesome insight and I'm so proud of myself and it barely is a blip but then I post a photo of my dog and somehow that is the I mean you've never seen anything quite like it or a video that Jay and I have done on YouTube so we recognize that the connection isn't only over sports and so we like to do things such as the Chubby Bunny World Championship which we'll be doing again coming up this spring I think it's actually our fifth one this will be the five-year anniversary of the Chubby Bunny World Championship missing a couple of years in between actually or our fifth ever we like to do things like the after hours hall of flame we enjoy having conversations about onomatopoeia yeah you'll have to look it up or gosh dogs food you get to ask Amy anything in fact we're taking your questions now on our show Twitter after our CBS or on our Facebook page well four years ago to fill in the gap left by March Madness we decided that we would do a final four in four different categories and ask you to send us your final four now I had come up with three of them I remembered three of them and for all these years for these four years I'd remembered we did final four zoo animals final four movie soundtracks which broke the internet on that morning and final four breakfast foods those are the three that I remembered I didn't remember that I had to look it up last night on Twitter I didn't remember that we had done final four upsets of all time in any sport across any era well as we start talking about it you all start popping up with your suggestions and now I feel like we have to do it again so we're gonna open it up and we won't put a post up this is just you hear the sound of my voice whether it's live here right now or whether it's on podcast we want you to generate some topics although I feel like we've already come up with a few that are perfect we'd not done this before at the time of course we would talk about our dogs and our pets but I don't think we had well we hadn't yet done the show that may have been our most popular of all time best dog breed mm-hmm that was actually how we got connected to matt the musher in Alaska because he called to tell us about huskies siberian and alaskan well alaskan malamutes siberian huskies the mushers they're athletes and workhorses indeed fatigueable and so that show was awesome stands to reason producer j that we would do a final four category of final four dog breeds oh I totally agree with that one yeah seems to be always a hit when we ever dogs come up well and there's hundreds of them yeah in fact there are more every day I'm not sure if you know this but they create more dog breeds every day oh that's interesting yeah it's it's the is it the aka is that the yeah American Kennel Association yeah American Kennel Association okay so the aka certifies different dog breeds now they're not all allowed to participate in in dog shows or or contests those types of things but they do certify new breeds all the time the whole doodle line is elaborate doodle yeah they keep growing oh gosh there's everything I mean there's so many of them now uh because yeah theoretically a poodle is a hairless not a hairless sorry a it's a non-hair dog wait how do you say it when they don't they don't shed right but yeah I know what you mean it's the quality of their someone can tell me how to properly say it I'm not a big poodle fan I hear they're extremely smart and I know people are huge fans of them but there's a way to say it it's a non-hair it's a it's not a hairless dog it's a hypoallergenic yes that is it hypoallergenic so it has to do with the quality of their hair or their fur they're not supposed to shed though but you know if you cross them like for instance a golden doodle which is a golden retriever and a poodle I like them right a golden doodle if you if you cross them there's a chance you can get more of the golden than the poodle and so one of my best friends she was actually at the wedding uh Mel in Oklahoma they had they have one of their kids is allergic somebody in their family's allergic so they ended up getting a golden doodle thinking that it would be hypoallergenic and wouldn't shed oh no ruby sheds everywhere oh gosh so yeah it's much more about the golden than it is about the doodle anyway there's so many oodles now oodles and oodles of doodles labradoodle is another popular one but there's there's so many and everyone thinks that their dog or their favorite is the best so it's a good debatable topic right but final four you'd have to come up with four the final four dog breeds that's how we'd say it the final four dog breeds final four breakfast foods final four movie soundtracks so that's one that's been suggested in multiple places on both twitter and facebook another one that I really like and I was actually uh sharing some of these on twitter when I got home on tuesday morning but another one that I really like is are you ready for this final four tv shows gosh to narrow my favorite tv shows to four we're both huge tv fans we love tv that's hard am I going like nostalgia am I going on just like critically acclaimed my favorite what I think the writing is that's how there's so many options so many factors here how about this one it's gonna blow you away although maybe fewer to choose from final four ice cream flavors there's a lot to choose from right a lot or as you and I were kind of stumbling through this on tuesday morning final four candy I don't know if I could do that I have so many I think I have like eight favorites see we can't ask jay about candy we can't ask jay about soda because he can't keep it together it's a problem he can't keep it together all right so that's the that's kind of where we're starting that's the crux of of what we do and then on four consecutive nights slash mornings during final four week we will do our final four categories and the idea is that we're going to do our final four week and the idea is that you send your answers to our show twitter after our cbs and you get retweeted sometimes I promise that jay and I will do that and it's it's actually rough because then we get hundreds and hundreds and we can't keep up but on our facebook thread so many of you communicate with one another and you look at everybody else's answers so that works so I'm I'm kind of toying with some of those right now dog breed ice cream flavors candy we can't do two foods I don't think we need to have four completely distinct categories tv shows I love but see is it tv shows and streaming or is it just tv shows like actual terrestrial tv no I think you got to include streaming like yeah like shows that were on netflix or oh my gosh I don't have netflix well you know then they won't be in your final four that's true like you know netflix shows are like but you have you have um amazon prime right I have prime I have paramount those are the two and I and I have disney plus you do have disney plus you got netflix too just like you have paramount you know you know it's really funny jay uh whenever I turn on disney plus and watch say an episode of clone wars or watch a movie I have not watched the taylor swift eras tour though apparently in the first 24 hours they have five million downloads wow yeah I didn't even know it was on there right it is anyway every time I open it up I see continue watching like wait I didn't watch that who's that who's that on there and then I try to figure out which of your family members was watching it's usually usually just me no it's not you're not watching lady in the tramp oh who's watching that I don't know that's what I'm saying maybe they are using it at least it's getting good use right it is trying to think what else was recently on there that was continue watching I think Moana which I was like that's that's not Jay either Jay's not watching Moana I'm a big disney guy but those two would not be my go-to's all right so what we're needing then is final four categories can you come up with any yourself I suppose we could do I suppose we could do something goofy like final four art supplies supplies final final for tourist traps final for vacation destination I was just gonna say that but that's also really tough because there's gonna be so many that nobody's ever heard of right because there's gonna be places that people have gone that are obscure right small towns that no one's heard of so that one I feel like would be a little bit too difficult in a globe with as many destinations as ours like bands or musical acts final four islands islands just islands let's see if we were gonna do a sports one which I'm kind of meh on we could do final four mascots someone suggested final four mascots and now we've already got people who are writing in with their final four dog breeds oh they're already coming yeah no you have to wait don't write it yet about your final four dog breeds this is for final four week you goofballs hold your horses but see anything to do with animals is going to get people fired up zoo animals was a really good I'm telling you it got way more played than I thought it was going to I thought it would be so it was Chris and Dave and I who were working then and I don't know who was in studio or in the control room that week so they had to rotate out so one would be on the other one would be sleeping I mean they were supposed to be working but they never were but I do I think it was Dave who was in the control room that week and Chris was the one who was supposed to supposedly doing social media at home and I just remember the three of us were blown away by the number of people who weighed in about zoo animals thinking just like fast food french fries they're not maybe not enough I don't think there's enough of them not enough of them yeah I just got this great suggestion from Josh who's a Browns fan according to his twitter final four video games now see that's a completely different generation I love that mine would be old school because I grew up with commodore 64 and burger time I'm telling you my time I think I can now is it I think now see all I want is a burger time game on my computer and I would well wordle Lexor wordle that would count technically right would you count that no no no that's a wait an app no that's a word game well no it's like a puzzle it's not but like so is Tetris and that would count as a video game right different that's like a puzzle but Tetris was a video game first before it was on your phone yes true correct wordle I don't know I guess we'd have to define it so how about like candy crush you know that that app that's not a is that a video game or is it an app well it can it can be they're not mutually exclusive but it it can't be a word game that's not a video game okay video game has to have you have to be moving a character around the board I think I see or a character or characters like video games but we also talked about final four board games or yes we did like party games like Monopoly final four party games would be fun like pin the talent donkey but no how old are you it's a party game I know but for five-year-olds not for it's a party there's a party on there all right so if you have suggestions we're looking for final four categories and in essence we're looking for a category of a pop something from pop culture or that's popular outside of sports and it needs to have more than 12 possible answers right we're looking for a wide open category anything that had to do with food or fun or family or yeah anything like that it would be perfect canines or felines fantasy it's gonna be so fun I never anticipated that we bring it back but it was a suggestion on social after we started talking about it yesterday and it seems like the perfect time four years later it's really the the mathematical ties here four years later it's 2024 it's the final four again let's go so that's what we need we need your suggestions and I don't Jay what are we gonna do we're gonna vote we're gonna have someone pick them for us I guess you'd have to kind of be to a poll or we can't though we can't do a poll I guess there's really no winners in the end here right fine I'll do the dirty work and I will pick them so you can send your suggestions to either twitter a law radio or to our facebook page now coming up and we're not going to put a post up just find us and tell us what your final four category would be uh coming up in 45 minutes Jesse Agler live from Seoul South Korea he's the play-by-play voice of the San Diego Padres who had a miserable 2023 campaign they've since traded Juan Soto they've since tried to well they they lost Blake Snell they've tried to figure out ways to dial back on payroll and still be competitive but on this particular occasion it's not about winning the division this is about first ever regular season baseball games in South Korea it's about Ha Seong Kim it's about Yu Darvish and Yamamoto and Shohei and different guys that fans are showing up to see and I think that's really cool that baseball can kind of extend not just its footprint but knowing the the lift and knowing the interest that is building in Asia I mean the Dodgers are so far ahead of this but it's worth it to them to pay a hundred billions of dollars to try to expand not just their popularity but their roster with Asian players especially when you're talking about players like Shohei and Yamamoto because now it's become a pipeline and now you're going to have other Japanese players and other Asian players who want to play for the Dodgers for that very reason so yeah there's a lot uh that we can talk about with Jesse Agler but he'll join us coming up at the top of next hour from Seoul South Korea on Twitter and Facebook you can send your questions for Ask Amy anything but we're asking you as well we need some final four categories and what's worth staying up overnight if you could only pick one which one is it March Madness I guess it's not staying up overnight it's worth losing sleep for what's worth losing sleep for Amy get your categories right there's just a lot of categories out there so many categories huh colors colors are there enough though it's a lot of colors final four colors yeah but you thought lavender was a color and not a plant see I don't know I'm a little bit nervous about dudes trying to come up with colors and you got like sky blue this is right on the heels of having a conversation with colors about colors with my husband when we were trying to pick a color for the wedding and it was Christmas time so he wanted red and green no and then when I told him when I told him purple when I told him purple he was like great purple and then I had to explain that there are I don't know four dozen shades of purple out there oh it's very important that we match them there are a lot of colors I know but how many guys can actually do more than say purple red blue orange I guess if it's a color of your particular school or mascot what about mascots yeah mascots is good there's a lot of them this is gonna be tough college too this is just like all mascots hmm I might go with the Stetson hatters like the Stanford tree all right we're gonna figure it out we've got a couple weeks to to decide which ones on Twitter after hours CBS also on our Facebook page great to have you with us eight five five two one two four two two seven right after Anthony Edwards delivers a candidate for dunk of the year Zion Williamson may have outdone him that's next here on CBS sports radio you are listening to the after hours podcast the keel reached in on Keontae George and turned him over it's another Keontae George turnover and goes up for the dunk and thunder slams it in traffic over John Collins and may have hurt his left hand he comes right to the bench that was sick he took off launching himself to the iron Collins is down and comes over to the wolves bench and he's actually gone back up the tunnel I wonder if he might have hit his finger on the rim and maybe dislocated something it looks down at his left hand oh my god hey that's my best knock on my career I'm not gonna lie that's oh you've had some good ones now I didn't even react because I dislocated my finger you see it on your left on your left hand too I couldn't react to I wish I could have reacted to it I wish I could have getting you to the good half of your week it's the hump show on after hours you'll have to decide which one is the dunk of the year but we had back-to-back candidates on two nights first from Anthony Edwards as you hear on Timberwolf's radio and then they were playing again and he was up to his old tricks on Tuesday night but the dunk was Monday night over the top of John Collins he launches almost sideways not directly toward the hoop from the free throw line is above the rim and leapfrogs Collins and comes down with this massive dunk but as he does so he dislocates his finger on the rim so he's hit his head on the rim he's dislocated his finger but still magnificent marvelous massive monster moment for Anthony Edwards well we know that Zion Williamson is good for moments like that and now that he's healthy finally and playing well the Pelicans are a force to be reckoned with and well he's just a flat-out force well stolen away by Najee Marshall he took it away from Thomas throws a lob for Zion and a two-hand slam wow a steal and a transition lob to Zion Williamson who was flying in alley oopsie fly big boy and that's what everybody in this building has been waiting for all night long the soaring he has been trying to catch a lob that's the third opportunity and he cashed it and it started defensively with the Najee Marshall steals I think he was two feet above the rim fully extended he was two feet above the rim and as he kind of pulls his legs up behind him man it was spectacular he got ups Zion Williamson had 28 points but none that got a greater reaction than those two and you hear first Nets radio and then Pelicans radio and what I love is that Zion is healthy he's in shape and he can actually do this and of course his teammates are looking for him it was what Najee Marshall right who threw the ball up in the air and so Zion was asked post-game what what he was thinking when he saw the steal throw it up because it was crazy because me and him they like just talked about he said hey man you need to you go to the paint you need to start dunking so when he got the when he got the steal I said oh he's throwing it so he threw a good pass and when he got it Z was great his force his ability to dissect the defense get to the basket get to the free go line make the extra pass when it's there he he carried us in that second half is now your best lab thrower on the Najee and Bi they they're both pretty good at it but you know Z goes up and catches almost anything so he makes it easy to throw it to Bi referring to Branton Ingram but yeah if you've got a healthy a healthy Zion who's running the court and can get as Willie Green says force I mean that is he's force all right I wish I had those bunnies I've always been impressed and again this is when he's healthy but going back to his days at Duke do you remember he blew out a shoe in one game that was Duke QNC right but he's got such force and power and explosiveness and yet he can be really light on his feet he's got great touch and also has awesome footwork is the whole thing but the challenge is to stay healthy and then when he's healthy stay in shape and that can be uh right at catch 22 because if you've got lower body injuries it's really hard to then stay in shape and we were talking about this earlier some body types if you don't work out you lose weight but that's not Zion that's not me and that's not Zion if I don't work out I put on weight just like Zion does and so it's and and with his size and and obviously with the force he's not that force not the star the star wars force although Jay did you notice that there was in fact a star wars marathon on TNT this is what I was they were doing the original trilogy this is what I was thinking they expected people to be looking for the first four and the the channels for the first four include you know like the the well the four channels that will be carrying men's NCAA games are CBS true TV TBS and TNT and you know what happens when people can't find it on CBS then they look for TBS then they look for TNT well so to TNT strategically put star wars on just to remind people that they do star wars marathons no I did see that because like you I could have went to the channel guy but I was just flipping through trying to find the game and found it on true TV but of course went through all the other ones first uh-huh got stuck on star wars for only a couple minutes oh well I got I did both I went back and forth between true TV and TNT watching watching star wars but also catching the game so yeah that I think that was sneaky that was sneaky of TNT to put star wars on there because they know people get sucked in people like you and I yes anyway so true TV it was where we had the first four but it was star wars that that I got stuck on for a while there so not that force but the force as in e equals m e what's that formula e time e equals mc squared yes yes e equals mc squared I like it uh one of my favorite things about Oppenheimer have you seen Oppenheimer I just did actually oh my gosh I just saw it a week and a half ago okay and you've seen it Jay I saw it yeah one of my favorite things is that it includes Albert Einstein he's in a critical part of it Albert Einstein's in Oppenheimer yes he plays a big role had no idea in fact I was thinking is that real well that's how they wanted it at the time that's true I guess I will say that that's the one that I haven't fact checked I don't know if all of I mean it's a movie so like I don't know what's right and what's real and what's not I haven't looked I try to take things for the movie aspect as yeah instead of like you know is this historically correct I don't know I always go back when it's a movie about history I always go and and google what about Oppenheimer is true yeah what's not true yeah so I love to do that so I did that the only thing is that sometimes it takes away like you know some people get upset well this is messed like JFK they get so upset about certain things that weren't really historically right it's like yeah no I know but it's also a movie like you gotta give it a little bit of license to entertain otherwise it kind of becomes three hours of wait what right I mean it's the same thing with a movie that's like based on the bible right so Noah I remember watching that a few I think it was even last year was like wait a minute Russell Crowe was Noah but also there was some things yeah I know it was I don't miss that yeah it was it's an older movie but yeah same kind of thing you watch it and you think all right it's a movie you know if that's the case like you know gladiator they have like Australian accents they're in Rome I mean like it's a movie like or when you have a movie where clearly the they're not supposed to be speaking English right like at some point like you just gotta you know take the step back from reality bastards bastards um the other one with Tom Cruise Valkyrie Valkyrie yes where you have a movie that's set right in Italy or Russia or Germany and everybody's speaking English exactly that bothers me there's times where you have to let that stuff go sometimes it's annoying and sometimes you just gotta let it go so for Oppenheimer I thought it was a really good movie but I don't know if everything is um 100 accurate it was so long that the hubs and I had two bags of popcorn yeah I will admit it's worth it uh I did something I never I try never to do this but I didn't have three straight hours I saw it in two different days oh well I don't okay like to watch movies that way I don't like to watch movies that way because it does detract it takes away from it I just didn't have I had like an hour one day and I was like yeah I'm never gonna get three straight hours I think I watched it in three different parts I've said like more than once that I need to watch that movie again because there's so many characters that it was hard to keep everybody straight yeah no I would definitely I would love to be able to see it once in one shot but even still I need to watch it again just that digested a little bit better but it was very good it was make sure you do your fact checking all right coming up next I'm not gonna make me do that yes we are just over two hours away from the start of the major league baseball season opening day actually takes place in Seoul South Korea for the first time ever Dodgers Padres now top of the hour Jesse Agler will join us from Seoul he's getting ready to do the broadcast for this first game but before that just some of the some of the money well some of the money three players for the Dodgers cost them a billion dollars three players this off season cost them a billion dollars so some of these numbers are outrageous some monopoly money and yet the Dodgers they're on to something you can tell they're off to something also it's kind of crazy to think about Mookie Betts Freddie Freeman and Shohei Ohtani all in the same lineup yeah I was just thinking in my head I feel like isn't it two players that are a billion dollars too just Yamamoto and Ohtani Yamamoto Ohtani and glass now cost them a billion dollars it is and yet they're worth it and the real part is we're probably going to get to the point where somebody's going to actually get a billion dollar contract at somewhere I wouldn't be surprised if all of Ohtani got what he did there will be some at some point and he's not repped by Scott Boris it's brilliant that's why I didn't sign in March it's after hours with Amy Lawrence you are listening to the after hours podcast here's the pitch he swings and drives the ball deep out into left center field it's out by the wall and that one is out of here there's a swing and a drive deep to right field this ball's headed back it is gone home run number 29 for Freddie Freeman and the Dodgers lead it three to one Mookie Betts who scored two tonight and Betts with a long shot to left and it is gone a home run Mookie with another this is after hours with Amy Lawrence the Dodgers and the Angels radio networks and pretty soon we're going to get actual 2024 major league baseball play-by-play for games that count and the first ones come from Seoul South Korea and these are two teams that are coming from opposite directions they know each other well and my goodness they're what 90 minutes apart San Diego and Los Angeles if even that so I could be a little off there but we know that they have a fierce rivalry although more lopsided in the last couple years the Dodgers have won 10 out of the last 11 NL West titles falling short um gosh was it three seasons ago to the San Francisco Giants when they both were over 100 wins and it went down to the last day of the regular season Padres meanwhile pushed the Dodgers in the playoffs two years ago so going back to 2022 and then got to the NLCS where they lost to the Phillies so that was this incredible rise Padres fans and the stadium were lit they spent a ton of money on both bats and arms though more bats big loud bats Manny Machado Juan Soto well they traded for him Fernando Tatis of course he spent most of 22 being suspended and being injured they went big and they thought they could build on that NLCS appearance in 22 except it was a big letdown and a huge disappointment in 23 so they divest themselves of some pieces and some salary they don't bring back Blake Snell Juan Soto he's gone and while they still do have stars like Manny Machado and they still do have local talent and recognizable talent like Joe Musgrove it's not the same Padres and here they are starting against a Dodgers roster that has Shohei Ohtani and we'll see the debut of Yoshinobu Yamamoto coming up in game two Freddie Freeman Mookie Betts MVP candidates last year in the national league so what about the competition in the NL West it's Padres manager Mike Schilt from my lens we compete against ourselves you know it's not about who else in our division I I can't control it wouldn't even begin to try other people's perceptions all I can talk about is our clubhouse and the view of which we take it and I take it and that would be that you know we play our game we're going to be respectful of our opponents we have high expectations and that doesn't change regardless of who's in our division or who's not in our division you know we're the San Diego Padres and we played our game they've got an uphill climb they do the Dodgers are going to be tough to unseat in the NL West and the Giants have made a bunch of noise to themselves this offseason still though regardless of what happens in the rest of 2024 this is a damn cool way to start the 24 season hope springs eternal and for Fernando Tatis it's amazing to be a part of this event in Seoul South Korea they're really um loud and uh also that they're almost standing up 90% of the game so you know I'm really looking forward to that um especially playing in front of them I feel like that's going to be a really beautiful experience all the way around for them for us so I'm ready to give them my show they've had some exhibition games and the atmospheres have been electric and coming up in just nine minutes nine minutes to Jesse Agler who's the play-by-play voice of the San Diego Padres on their radio network the flagship being our affiliate in San Diego 97.3 and so he's going to join us from Seoul South Korea that's awesome as for the Dodgers well they've got three MVP candidates and it's just kind of a fun thing with Harold Reynolds and the three of them Freddie Freeman Mookie Betts and Shohei Ohtani because even guys like Freddie Freeman were excited when Shohei became a Dodger that week you know um hearing about planes going to Toronto and stuff like that I think we're all just like you know when he signed with us I think I think I don't think I lost a smile for a few days you know it's just one of those things where we get to have Shohei on our team and be a part of this organization and you get to play with Shohei. It's not just about playing with Shohei Ohtani though now he will be a draw Yamamoto may say he did not pick the Dodgers solely because of Shohei but that had to help the Dodgers that and the money of course but these guys Freddie Freeman Mookie Betts Shohei Ohtani they get to help each other in the lineup Shohei will eventually pitch but they get to see this machine work. I mean the Dodgers are bidding to be a global phenomenon they're well on their way it's after hours with Amy Lawrence on CBS Sports Radio. 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