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Delivery fees may apply. Old Man Winter here. If I had it my way, it would stay winter all year long. Short days, wind chill, black ice, and a good polar vortex.
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Call 562-314-4603 for details. Sometimes I have no idea what is happening on this show, and it's got my name on it. Sometimes, and this is what I love about radio, especially when you're talking about a talk show that meanders through a four-hour time slot. It takes on a life of its own. That's what happens.
It morphs into something I never intended, but I am not sorry about it. We have a lot of fun on the show, but as I just said to producer Jay, it figures I make brilliant, brilliant opinions. I give you great analysis about sports. They're unique.
I'm proud of them. What do you call about? Urinals. Just, you know. So I have a urinal. I'm not going to get offended by that. In fact, we have five of them in there.
Right. What you really got excited about, a la George Brett, is urinals. Jay, what does that say about me as a sports radio host, that when I talk about things like urinals, people get very fired up?
But when I talk about sports, meh. Unrelated. Unrelated.
Speaking of unrelated, this actually is related. My fourth and fifth graders, you know, they're kind of the next wave of cool, at least they think they are, that I teach on Sunday mornings at my church. I asked them whether or not people still said meh, and the reaction I got, the facial expressions. One little boy who's a fifth grader, he made this expression of horror on his face like, oh, I don't know. But other, some of the girls were like, yeah, yeah, that's still cool. Oh, really?
Okay, yeah. So I guess meh is a thing for fourth and fifth graders. Either they love it or they hate it, judging by the reaction.
Meh was such a polarizing word. Yeah, no idea. Is it really a word? Has it been added to the dictionary? Probably, actually, by this point. Probably. It's really sad.
My Twitter and Facebook right now are inundated with your messages and your comments about urinals. Meh is in the dictionary, by the way. I just looked it up. Stop it. Okay. Let's see. A few more of your, a few more of your reactions.
Stan says your callers are inspiring me to install a urinal in my house. That's not the point. Right. That's not the point, number one.
Number two, make sure you run it by the one who really makes the decisions in your home. Willie on Twitter, all the urinal talk makes me think of Randy Quaid in Kingpin. All right. You'll have to go and look that up, producer J. Let's see. Another one from J, a different J.
A former boss turned his basement into a man cave, including a urinal when he had a holiday party. I'm going to paraphrase. I used it.
I came, I saw, I used it. Yeah, that's the thing. We're talking about a novelty. We're not talking about practicality or something that those of us, would you call us the, the more domesticated sex.
She's teasing. After living with a man now for three months, I'm thinking, oh yeah, I'm glad I'm a woman. That's all I have to say. Anyway, I don't know whether this would appeal to my husband. I don't think I'm going to bring it up.
Also, since it's my name on the deed currently, does that mean I have final say about these types of home improvement projects? I would say so. Okay, good. Yeah. All right. If you don't, I'm not even going to answer that. I'm not going to dignify that with an answer. If you don't know what all the brouhaha is about, we'll play it again.
For those of you who are waking up with us on this Thursday morning, you're welcome. George Brett did an interview, a serious sit down interview with KC TV five in Kansas city. And apparently he has a thing for urinals that he that's even historical pieces. He collects them. I remember when they took down Yankee stadium, friend of mine was vice president of the Yankees back then, Arthur Richmond. And I called him, I said, Arthur, I'd like a bat.
I'll pay for this. I want someone to go in there before they demolish that stadium and go get a lot of urinal out of Yankee, out of the Yankee stadium locker room. The one that Babe Ruth went to the bathroom and the one that Lou Gehrig, the one that Reggie, I want one of those in my house and he couldn't get it for me. But how great would that be to have Babe Ruth's urinal in your house right now?
Okay. First of all, how do you know which one he peed in? He thought around to ask, is there a sign? Was there a sign in the old Yankee stadium that indicated this is where Babe Ruth peed? Or hands off. This is all, actually you don't need your hands. This is only Ruth's.
How would I know? This is only Ruth's urinal. Babe, only Babe pees here. It would have to be in the baseball hall of fame by that point, right? If it was his specific urinal?
No, come on. The baseball hall of fame can't be that tacky. Cooperstown could not be that tacky to have a urinal. Well, I don't think there was one, but if there was, if it was like a, you know, folklore, like Babe Ruth only peed in the second toilet to the left, like in this one bathroom, then I feel like by this point it would be, I don't think George Brett would own it. It would be on eBay.
I think it would be like in the hall of fame. For millions of dollars. Come on. No.
All right. He goes on. He's determined that since he swung and missed ha ha at Babe Ruth's peapot, that he will instead get one from his old haunt. I grew up in locker rooms my whole life. And when I built this house, I have a urinal. In fact, we have five of them in this house. I'm going to exchange one and I want to get a urinal out of Royal Stadium.
Urinal. And put it in my house. That's the only thing I want. I don't want a seat. I'm going to get one out of, I'm going to get one. If they, if they demolish that stadium, I promise you, I'm going to go there in the middle of the night with the guy that built this house and I'm going to say, come on, we got to figure out how to get one of these things out of here.
Here's the thing. If you're a hall of famer and you are a guy who still knows people who can get you in, what's to stop him? Who's going to tell George Brett not to take the urinal? The Yankees didn't let him take it.
Well, right. But he didn't play for the Yankees. Did he? Did I miss something? I don't believe so.
Late in his career, did he wear pinstripes? Uh, yeah, this is just weird. But thank you to KCTV5 for stirring up the audience. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence here on CBS Sports Radio. One more and then we'll, we'll, I guess we'll get back to more serious things.
Ah, that sounds boring. Randy on our Facebook page, who knew men's bathroom fixtures would be a topic of discussion on your show? Yeah, and actually, Randy, just to interject there, earlier this week, thanks to Jason Kelsey, we were talking about male body parts and why they, it caused him to sob, both Nick Foles and Doug Peterson. And the biggest on the team going up to Doug Peterson and asking for the Philly special. And Doug Peterson having the biggest balls in the stadium.
Say yeah, let's do it. Do you think they need extra large urinals? I'm not going to get into that one. This is so gross. I feel as though I've devolved into just low brow humor. Tacky.
It's so tacky. But I didn't do it. George Brett did it. Right, the audience there. I mean, created.
I mean, we're, it's, it's our job to play the news. All right. Randy goes on to say, while there are none in my house, I distinctly remember when they were dismantling the silver dome in Pontiac, Michigan, they were auctioning off all sorts of things. One such item was a urinal. One sold for 200 bucks under the condition that it was signed by hall of Famer Barry Sanders.
Barry said, why not? So far as I know, this was the only autographed model recovered during demolition. I guess if you're George Brett and you could get a signed urinal from Babe Ruth, you might actually, that you might be able to die happy. That'd just be the end.
Ruth signed it. What about, what if his picture was on it? What if, because we can't obviously get a signature, what if it was a urinal that had his photo on it? Like a real old time photo.
A hologram? Oh, I mean, now we're getting expensive. Oh, well it's George Brett. He has five urinals in his home.
It's true. He's got five urinals. He's made of money.
Okay. So while we're talking about the Jason Kelsey, we should follow up. This is actually kind of funny because Nick Foles was in on it. He was in on it. He knew it was happening. Jason and Travis did their New Heights podcast on Wednesday. And yeah, of course, Jason reflects on his retirement speech.
So he was maybe not intending to be so emotional. It's been a long time coming. You know, obviously I've debated retiring for the last few seasons. So I think it's, you know, it got to the point where, you know, I knew that that's what I wanted to do and it was nerve-wracking getting to that day. But a lot of the things that I said and kind of, you know, shared are things that I've wanted to share for a long time. And you wait for the moment where it feels right to do it. A lot of those things were notes that I've compiled throughout my career.
I like take notes on my phone. So it's just kind of like plugging in place. It felt good to finally get it out there in some ways. In other ways, it's, you know, it's so hard and it hurts. It didn't look easy.
It's weird. It's not like it's easy or hard to say it. It's more just like hard to like come to grips with like the finality of it. But yeah, I was hoping I had said it enough times that I wouldn't cry as much as I did. I think it's good to show emotion through it, but I mean, I couldn't, I was sobbing before I even started. I hope it doesn't become like commonplace that everybody's just referencing this. It's like, all right, who's got the biggest ****?
How can I thank them? It's just so legendary. I felt like it needed to be a part of it. It was so perfect because it was, obviously it was very emotional. You do a great job of keeping things light and fun.
Mix in some moments where people can have a laugh here and there. That was an iconic moment of the Super Bowl. Nick and Doug together somehow decided to call it a trick play on fourth down and it ended up being, you know, one of the biggest plays in football history at this point. I texted Nick to make sure he was a big fan of the Super Bowl. I was like, you know, I'm going to be a big fan of the Super Bowl. He was okay with it. So yeah, you can tell everybody. But the surprising one was when he said I asked Tori and Tori, his wife and Tori gave the okay.
That was the surprising part. I was like, okay, all right. I'm so proud of you. Such an honor being your teammate.
I'm so excited about what's next for you. As always, great speech. Everyone loved it. I'm sure you got some great laughs, some tears, everything in between. So Nick falls having insight as to what Jason Kelsey would say about him and getting the stamp of approval from his wife, which I think is really funny. Great speech. When Nick is delivering that video message, he's got a giant grin on his face and you hear Travis in the background. Yeah, I'm sure that you enjoyed it.
I'm sure that you enjoyed it. It's after hours here on CBS Sports Radio. One more from the new heights podcast only because it's hysterical. It actually isn't the Kelsey brothers. But the one from Travis is kind of good too, actually. So, but this is somebody on their show, probably a brilliant producer, lined up the congratulatory messages from the Mannings and it's incredible how similar Peyton and Eli sound.
And I wonder if they were reading off the same script. Jason, congratulations on your retirement from the NFL. Congratulations on your incredible football career.
You did it the right way. You were a great teammate. You did it at the highest level and you did it for a long time. One of the great players at your position. So it's an honor to compete against you. And I have great respect for you for the way you carry yourself on the field and off the field.
Peyton and Eli. We always knew they sounded alike, but you did it the right way. This was the star-studded retirement of Jason Kelsey.
Okay, I know I said one more, but this one's really good too. Just because it, as a sister, as someone who has a brother with whom I'm extremely close, this would absolutely be me. I would have been there at his retirement. I would have been blubbering my eyes out. And then the next day or two days later on the podcast, I would have cried again.
So this is Travis reflecting on Jason's career. I wanted to make sure that you didn't feel any pressure from me to keep going, knowing I wanted you to keep going. I wanted you to keep playing this game. Why didn't you tell me this?
I would have changed my mind. No, no, no. You've always been a step ahead of me in this game.
Yeah, but it's in this game alone. You've always been a step ahead of me. And it's always been like, I've had that flotation device right there to have you out of it, man. It feels, it feels empty and it definitely, it feels like it's complete. You know, it was a success.
I hear you. It was a funny journey to watch. And like I said yesterday, man, I just appreciate you showing me the way and bringing us all along the journey with you, big guy. We showed each other the way.
I see as much as people key in on Travis and yelling at Amy Reed or his relationship with Taylor Swift or Jason and the tush push and the particular language he used to describe Nick Foles and Doug Peterson's male parts and all the crying. The thing is they started as brothers. They've walked through it as brothers. They are amazing siblings and no doubt, they've had their own knockdown drag outs, but I love their relationship. At the very basic level, they're family. That's really what it's all about.
Again, they're superstars, they're hall of famers. They've, they've got all kinds of reasons that, that they've made money with their podcast slash football careers, but they started as family. And that's the, that's really the tone that's woven throughout their podcast. They know each other so well. They love each other tremendously.
They support each other. And that's why I like them. It's not because of all this other stuff. I, I'm sure there's lots of Swifties out there who appreciate that they get to hear from Taylor's boyfriend on a regular basis.
But for me, it's the relationship that I really appreciate so much. Yeah. They're, they're cool family. We'd have to see if my brother will show up at my retirement ceremony. And will he blubber?
No, my brother is one of my biggest fans. He's, he's funny. He enjoys it when I do daytime shows, cause then he can put them up on it. One of his, he has like seven computer screens in his office.
One of his computer screens and watch. On Twitter, a law radio. You guys are cracking me up. Someone's sending us a link to a bachelor pad for sale in Michigan that had two urinals in the kitchen. I don't want to know on our, exactly on our Facebook page after hours with Amy Lawrence. Here's the thing. Producer J is a guy and he's grossed out by all of this.
I just think having been raised by not just your mom, but your older sister now having a younger sister, this wouldn't fly. Oh no, it was not fly. But in the kitchen now is another one. That's where you eat, make food, food in there, not pee in a urinal.
Not you necessarily, but maybe they're just novelties. I told you people might use them as planters. Laundry baskets. I don't sink with the urinal. Stop it. That's so gross.
There isn't one, no, there isn't one cleaning, not bleach, not one cleaning supply out there that you could ever use ever that would make it sanitary enough to have in your kitchen. I can't imagine. Even if it wasn't, it was an unused urinal, never even like in service.
No, I still wouldn't. Just the idea of it is really icky. It's scary.
It is scary. And yet there are so many men who've responded who now want urinals in their man caves. All right. Not in their regular bathroom. We'll see how much clout you have at home. Yeah, right. I love the guy who's like, I have a regular bathroom and I have a half bath that's off the garage.
Where no one can see it. All right. Good morning to you. It's Thursday. It's crazy day. A little bit from the NBA, actually college hoops with a couple of emotional moments. We're into those emotional moments right now.
George bright getting emotional about urinals. It's after our when the whole family comes together to watch the game. Nobody wants to miss a second of the action to run to the grocery store with instacart. You can get all your weekly groceries in as fast as an hour less time shopping means more game time. Let's go visit instacart.com to get free delivery on your first three orders offer valid for a limited time $10 minimum per order additional terms apply.
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You've been unbelievable. This is after hours with Amy Lawrence. That is the unmistakable voice of Dick Vitale going back to November of 2021 when he first returned from a bout with throat cancer and it's been a while since we've seen him but he vowed to return. He was clean and then the cancer returned and he's been trying to get healthy.
He's been working on returning to the platform and the game that he loves and we just got a brand new update in a video that he posted on social last night. It's after hours with Amy Lawrence on CBS Sports Radio. Again this comes from Twitter and it's actually Dick Vitale and his doctor. I'm really excited to be here at our exam today. I had an exam.
I had a scoping by who I think is the genius of what he does. Dr. Steven Seitels, please give the people the report you gave me about the evaluation. So we did a reconstructive procedure a couple of months ago and we're now at a place that we see the result. What I did was I took the tissue and the membrane from the cancer side which couldn't vibrate because of the tumor and I restored the length of your other vocal cords. So I used one side to restore the other side using very tiny eyelid sutures and placing them. It's all healed. Your left vocal cord is now tremendous and you should be able to begin announcing again you can get back to what you love to do. How about that? Amazing. So the cancer is gone. He's had this reconstructive surgery in which this doctor has taken part of one vocal cord to repair the other so that he can get back to court side so that he can get back to what he loves and what he's known for his passion. That is incredible.
There's more too and you can hear that Dick's voice is still a bit rough but it's also clearly him. I feel tonight like I won the lottery. I have to be very controlled.
I'm certainly not going to go crazy trying to do anything games two hours right now. I can shoot for next season really. Shoot for next season but I can't thank you enough.
I mean really man. That's amazing and actually this is going back to last year. He went on vocal cord rest meaning he was completely quiet for seven months so he had seen the return of the cancer. He'd had to go through treatment for that again but in order to protect his vocal cords and again this goes back to last fall. He did a video that was posted on social in which he was able to break that seven month silence and now moving forward not only is he cancer free and he's speaking again but he's had this what feels like an innovative maybe groundbreaking surgery where his vocal cord is repaired and the doctor assures him that you will be able to go back to what you love.
Wow and considering the week we had in which we lost another legendary broadcaster in Chris Mortensen one that I had worked with in my previous network. He had a bout with cancer a couple bouts with cancer himself. I wanted to share this news because in this case Dick Vitale continues to fight and could very soon be back on the sidelines. I think he's shooting for next season which would be amazing but in a battle with cancer battles with cancer we all have some story right all of us have lost someone or maybe gone through it personally and beaten it. I mean cancer touches every family it touches every relationship in some way our loved ones or again each of us individually have had to deal with it and so to to get an awesome report like this from Dick Vitale who's so beloved and has such a long career and cares so much about getting back to it.
That's the thing in his mid 80s he's still fighting to get back to what he loves that's incredible passion. It's after hours on CBS Sports Radio on our Facebook page. I did post the link to watch Matt the musher in his analysis of the Iditarod that's coming up on Monday so I know many of you are going to want to watch him on YouTube live so that link is already on our Facebook page.
He shared it even before he went to bed. If you missed that conversation we got his insight his wisdom about what's happening on these Iditarod trails and also about Dallas Seavey. This champion has won the Iditarod multiple times who dealt with the moose and now has a penalty because he didn't properly dispose of the moose and so Matt kind of walks us through what has to happen how you're prepared how you're trained and really the dangers of animal encounters fascinating including what has been record snow in Alaska now so that adds to the challenge of this year's Iditarod. He joined us live from Alaska at the top of our second hour so it'll be hour two on the podcast we hope that you will check that out.
While we're doing emotional moments why not we're big into the crying this week on the show. Maybe you've heard this before but Tom Izzo's son Stephen was a walk-on with the Michigan State Spartans. Last night was senior night and the two of them were interviewed post-game obviously. Stephen had his parents out there on the court as he was interviewed or as he was being honored I should say for senior night and then they did an interview on the Big Ten Network with Andy Katz and it's really neat the bond that they share and how much it means to coach Izzo. I mean he's a guy who's passionate about his kids anyway his students many of them would tell you it's a father-son relationship but this is actually his his son who walked on who chose to play there or and not play very much right because it's a school with such an incredible standard and expectations but the the the emotion comes in where Tom actually got to be there for his son and spend this time with his son even though he was away so much when Stephen was growing up. I tell every man and woman out there that coaches a men's or women's sport if you can have your son or daughter with you there's nothing better there's nothing better man it's we've all sacrificed a lot a lot of coaches sacrifice more than I do but getting some of that back that means the world to me. And if you thought Tom Izzo was the one who would be the most emotional his son actually topped him. So thankful that he allowed me to walk on five years ago it's been the greatest decision that I've ever made no matter how hard the lifts are or how long meetings go it's all worth it at the end of the day and I'm uh just so grateful that I'm able to do it with you. I'm so thankful that you let me walk on I'm so thankful that I had the chance to do this with you. He doesn't play a ton he did have some points this season as a senior which are really cool but on the Big Ten Network the two of them they're blubbering together like father like son right because Tom Izzo has always been very emotional but nothing quite as emotional as having his son play for him and then uh having him be part of this senior night.
If you haven't seen the video check it out on the Big Ten Network twitter it's yeah it might bring you to tears it's pretty incredible. Let's take a quick call here Mitchell's in Cleveland Mitchell welcome to After Hours. Hey Amy good to hear good to talk to you.
You too sir. I'm the one that my daughter always asks me have you talked to the lady that sings the song let me clear my throat. Oh no that's how she knows me.
Yeah that's how she knows you and she snuck and listened to your show one night at three in the morning when she was supposed to get me to school but it's good to hear. Hey Amy two things I want to know do you I'm a big Cavaliers fan Sam Merrill for the Cavaliers do you know where he where he came from? Do I know where he came from? What school did he come from?
I can look it up I don't know off the top of my head but I can certainly look for you. Yeah because he's a great player he's a great three-point shooter even though last night he didn't do so well. I was just wondering you know I'm totally blind for all of my uh uh sports things I listen to I think they do better play-by-play over the radio than the tv so I listen to a lot of like uh Tom Hamilton and all the guys play-by-play because they call the plays much better for somebody that's visually impaired and speaking of that have you ever are you familiar with the blind baseball league? Actually yes I have heard about it. Yeah I used to play long time ago it's very exciting and I really uh really enjoy it I'm a big big time sports fan and then you're talking about you were talking about how our how we get emotional with our children and things like that I'm totally blind and I have three sons and it's so good to hear my sons always say man if my dad is blind and he can get out here and work because I work in a child care center I work for daycare and they always and you know it's always good to hear my son say man if my dad is out here blind and working and make it I can do it too fully healthy and that's what I taught my sons man no matter what the challenges is nothing beats a failure but a trier. So there you go I like that what an inspiration that you are that's really neat that you have a relationship with your sons and daughter like that. You asked me about Sam Merrill right?
Yeah. Okay he went to Utah State. Oh Utah State okay because they never say where he came from but it's always great talking to you and my daughter told me to tell you that she heard that she was up the night that you were talking about Penny. Oh she said that if you ever talk to her make sure you're asking how Penny's doing.
That dog she's she is famous I tell you that it's like my Grammy Helen I talk about them and they become they become household names in America. I know and one more one more quick thing Amy I never get the things to ask Amy do your family members ever call in on your show and do you think your husband would ever call in on you? Actually my husband's been here in studio he was here for a New Year's Eve show and he did not want to open the mic so he sat right here in the chair next to me and didn't have any desire to go on the air so that's not his thing so I don't I don't think so it would have to be some like really specific reason that he would be part of the show he's just not interested in being on the air. As for my family members my mom has called in multiple times so she's been on the show I think four times and the interviews at least three of them are preserved on a YouTube channel if you ever want to listen to them they're great she's she hates the whole time one of them I actually did with her in person the whole time she's talking to me on the air she's making faces about how you know I don't want to do this and stop asking me questions and because she doesn't know a lot about sports and so she thinks that she'll sound dumb like mom you're really smart there's no way that you could sound dumb so yeah I've convinced her a few times but she really she really resists she doesn't like to do it. Okay and one more thing for you and Jay I want to challenge you and Jay do you think you could walk around your whole house blindfolded? I could yeah my house is not that big and I know where everything is well I did before my husband moved in and now I guess I would probably run into some of his furniture but no I'm pretty good at that in fact when it's dark in the house I can still get around pretty easily. Cool tell Jay to do it. Yeah Jay you gotta practice Jay's got like three stories he might fall down the stairs I don't know about that. All right good night talking to you guys great show Amy. Thank you Mitchell take care of yourself well that's really neat the fact that he's an inspiration to his sons I don't know how many of you watch the amazing race I'm actually Bob and I are watching the season that aired last fall but we are so so so into first of all the race itself but this one particular team that is a father and son and they have an amazing relationship the father as well as the mother who's on the race are both deaf and so the son he he can hear just fine but both of his parents are deaf and so the relationship they have and how they communicate and how much they love each other I mean it's awesome to see that and to know of course same thing that Mitchell was saying no doubt he is also inspired by his father who's overcome great challenges and yet is out there running the amazing race with them and actually the first two legs they finished second don't tell me what happened because I haven't we haven't watched it yet on twitter a law radio little qb news to whet your appetite we're getting so close to free agency so we'll wrap up that way also on our facebook if you're the cooking queen in your house like I am let me drop a kitchen hack that's been a total game changer for me primal kitchen I'm always on the go juggling a million things like work deadlines and school pickups so finding time to eat right is tough primal kitchen makes it super easy to whip up meals that check all the right boxes like honest ingredients I trust and delicious flavor they have everything from unsweetened ketchup to barbecue sauce avocado oil mayo you'll want to eat by the spoonful and dressings that double as marinades genius right if you want to make quick simple meals you can feel good feeding yourself and your family trust me primal kitchen has you covered you can find primal kitchen at target walmart or any of your local grocery stores or you can save 20 off your entire online order with coke podcast at checkout on primalkitchen.com when something happens to 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the faith cooper cuts guys touchdown l.a burrow back to throw looking firing deep for chase in the end zone he's got it touchdown joe burrow and the bangles lahomes fires for the end zone caught touchdown kansaw city and off the echo again no herbert keeps it in so touchdown charges herbert with his second of the day here's the snap josh gonna keep it himself and run it again inside the five into the end zone touchdown buffalo josh allen nine yard touchdown run the bills respond and then some it's time for qb news on after hours just a little bit to whet your appetite considering that we are just days away from legal tampering that's the run-up it's the hors d'oeuvre if you will to the start of free agency in the brand new league year it's after hours with amy lawrence here on cbs porch radio let's begin with the carolina panthers who don't need a quarterback but they do need to work with their quarterback new head coach dave canales was a guest with k adams on her show up and adams how will he get the best out of last year's number one overall draft pick he's got a lot of experience a lot of big stage wins the heisman a lot of pressure things that he's had to deal with i'm gonna lean on that experience i'm gonna lean on his poise one of the first things i mentioned about bryce is when you watch him play in college football and you saw him in those big games on tv whether it was early in the season or whether it was later in the season against really good opponents if you look behind the face mask the eyes are the same his countenance is the same and he's just cold-blooded and so those things were what really you know encouraged me to say this is going to be the top guy coming out because he's the guy he is him that's the is that what people say nowadays some people i suppose cool people i suppose dave canales with k adams all right so then if bryce young is your qb and you think he's got the goods what about baker mayfield are you rooting for him to go back to tampa where you worked with him last year i think the more resources he you know occupies for the bucks the less you know great players they can add to the team so let's go ahead and pay that guy whatever he wants and pay baker mayfield was kind of in the works all along you know let's keep this market going up here so give us the advantage again oh i like how he thinks hey baker mayfield through the nose so you then end up having to scrimp and save in other positions isn't that what the bills are going through right now 40 million dollars over the cap they end up having to get rid of three veterans two captains shawn mcdermott seeing major change on you know that roster but a lot of it has to do with josh allen has to be paid right you got to pay your quarterback and the going rate these days about 50 plus million dollars per year see i can see why he wants that well dave canales now in carolina what about a possible reunion with russell wilson as a backup or a tutor for bryce young this is not the situation for russ but what i will say about him is taking the taking that chance and that opportunity to go to denver um i really admire him for that i really admire the courage it took to say i'm going to branch out away from what i'm comfortable with you know and and certainly guys like me who was with him for all 10 years you know and uh the level of comfort that comes from like i know exactly what he wants what he needs what he's going to ask for i can anticipate those things and he really he really gambled on himself to go and try to do something a different way to see what that could become so and what it's become hey the film's out there but i really credit him for that even though russell wilson was traded he did have to waive that no trade clause and then obviously signed the new deal with denver it did not work out and now we find out i mean this is not a big surprise but the broncos have allowed russell wilson and his team to go ahead and start speaking with other franchises immediately in fact russell wilson doesn't have to wait until legal tampering he can meet with other teams in their own cities right so that generally doesn't happen until these two days before free agency but the broncos they don't care this is not one of those situations where you break up with a significant other and then you're kind of jealous of your ex seeing someone else nah they're they're good to go go find someone else be free fly russell wilson fly it's after hours here on cbs sports radio dave canales with up and adams and k adams joe flaco did an interview with serious xm nfl radio and you know he's a free agent he's available so where does he want to go next season i talked to my agent i talked to joe uh maybe this weekend you know he was out in the combine just kind of seeing you know what what kind of opportunities may be out there um i can tell you that you know all things equal cleveland is definitely the the place that i would feel best about now you know that then you have to get into the world of is somebody going to actually give me a chance to play you know and and and all the different things that go into that i can't help but have a special feeling about cleveland just because of the few weeks that i spent there and and how great the city was and listen at the end of the day i i don't necessarily want that to be a huge part of like all of the decision but i do think it will factor into the decision if i have if i end up having a decision to make all right cleveland brown's fans he was the comeback player of the year helped you get to the post season from the couch two weeks ago to the post season uh what about being d'shawn watson's backup though obviously if i go back to cleveland then i'm gonna have to you know then i've wrapped my mind around that idea obviously i want to play football you know that's also a really really really big factor uh probably the biggest factor but that's what i'm saying i i don't think you can really make that decision without any you know hard things laid in front of you and sit down with your family and and see what's best um you know listen there's all kinds of things i could take you through that i could that would probably have a factor in my decision we don't need to go into all those right now so i can i can honestly say that cleveland is an unbelievable place and it definitely will hold a special value when i make those decisions i'm psyched for him 38 years old not sure when his birthday is but joe flaco rides again and decorated on serious xm nfl radio uh hey i don't know if you've heard this or not but aaron rogers he's he's resurfaced he's talking he's chatty kathy on the keep hammering collective podcast he reflects on his short 2023 with the jets was so disheartening and heartbreaking about last year was was the work that i put in at 39 to put myself in a position to be able to play the whole season i mean i i grinded i came back you know as as fit as i've been in a long time and and hired a chef who helped me you know with my diet and and constant body work and stuff just to like be able to get through the the season and then the you know can play four plays was it was really really tough especially with all the excitement around us with hard knocks and new team and and we're playing on 9 11 you know it was just a beautiful beautiful night before that so you know i gotta i gotta stay healthy um uh beat back father time a few more years i do feel for him i mean that was from the category of you can't make this stuff up so what about the jets then moving into 24. i like our chances you know i like our guys i like our coaching staff um we just got to put all together we got a fan base that's super super hungry and desperate for wins and i think we got the right guys we got a good group of uh of really talented young guys we have the rookies of the year from a couple years ago and garrett wilson and then saas gardner top corner and top receiver we got a couple guys behind and we're also incredible rookies and coming off great second years jermaine johnson had a big year for us as defensive end and breeze hall are starting running back who had a phenomenal year we got to shore up the offensive line a little bit to add a couple guys there maybe get another receiver but um i like our chances and and uh you know i feel like if i'm out there we always got a chance all right if you are buying what aaron rogers is selling then the jets are in a good spot of course he does have to stay healthy it was a team built for him and honestly there are a lot of jobs riding on whether or not he stays healthy and plays well in 24 so much quarterback news going into next year we got one more show tonight following celtics and nuggets so join us thursday night it's after hours with amy lawrence cbs sports radio boom old man winter here if i had it my way it would stay winter all year long short days wind chill black ice and a good polar vortex 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