If you're the cooking queen in your house like I am, let me drop a kitchen hack that's been a total game changer for me. Primal Kitchen. I'm always on the go juggling a million things like work deadlines and school pickups, so finding time to eat right is tough. Primal Kitchen makes it super easy to whip up meals that check all the right boxes like honest ingredients I trust and delicious flavor. They have everything from unsweetened ketchup to barbecue sauce, avocado oil mayo you'll want to eat by the spoonful, and dressings that double as marinades. Genius, right? If you want to make quick, simple meals you can feel good feeding yourself and your family, trust me, Primal Kitchen has you covered.
You can find Primal Kitchen at Target, Walmart, or any of your local grocery stores, or you can save 20% off your entire online order with code PODCAST at checkout on primalkitchen.com. Your fever is high and the pressure to log in at work is too. But when you finally decide to take care of you, there's Instacart. Just because that one perfect coworker of yours is attending all meetings, camera on while she's sneezing, coughing, and aching doesn't mean you have to do the same. Take it from us, trying to stay on top of things will only get you further behind. Instead, get everything from tissues and teas to cough suppressants and comforting soups delivered through Instacart in as fast as 30 minutes.
If anyone needs anything, they can just redirect their questions to that one perfect coworker of yours. Yo, next round is about to start. You ready? Yeah, yeah, just shopping for a car in Carvana. For real?
Yeah, Carvana makes it super convenient to shop whenever, wherever. For real? That's a ton of car options. Yep, and these are all within my price range. For really real? You can afford that?
Yeah, with Carvana. And boom, just like that, I'm getting it delivered in a couple days. For really, really real? You just bought a car.
For real? And you just lost. My turn.
Visit Carvana.com to shop for thousands of vehicles under $20,000. It is that time of the week again. Wowsers, it does come quickly. And yet it still seems like the weekend is pretty far off in the distance. I know I say it, I say it every week, but this is what happens when you work overnights. I think those of us who work through the overnight hours, there's a special challenge.
Life sometimes feels like it's upside down. And then the flipping of my schedule every weekend, I don't know how you all do it, but I flip my schedule every weekend. I don't stay on overnight. I don't sleep all day Friday or Saturday or Sunday because I have stuff to do and a life and now a little fam of my own. So I don't sleep all day on the weekends, which means then that you're constantly kind of tweaking your sleep schedule and playing with it. And it can be, yeah, it can be exhausting. People ask me all the time, you know, how do you manage the sleep schedule?
Well, I wouldn't say that you'd want to take any of my advice because I don't do it very well. A lot of napping, less napping in the last year, but used to nap like a champ all the time. Not so much anymore, but it really is about trying to get one or two good days of sleep a week. And I am not above taking drugs.
I'll just readily admit that. And it usually is that the hump show is the hardest show for me in terms of just being mentally and physically tired. So that that's why we got into this. We get over the hump, we call it our hump show. It's the middle show of the work week. Get over this hump and then all right, you've got the weekend as some incentive as you kind of cruise downhill.
You hope, you hope that you pick up speed as you get closer. Now last week was decidedly unfair. I know I sound like a whiner.
It wasn't unfair. It just was a different schedule that meant my weekend didn't start until 12 hours later than usual. And then because I worked most of the day, I volunteered in a work capacity most of the day on Saturday, Sunday rolls around and it felt like the weekend had just started.
Ouch! So yes, I'm very much looking forward to this weekend. I know it's only Tuesday night into Wednesday morning but I hope you don't mind that I'm already looking forward to it.
A couple of things on the horizon. The Hubby and I have our first ever double date. Is that like a big deal? You guys double date? It's our first time ever going on a date with another couple so that'll be fun. We have friends of mine in the neighborhood that I've known for years but he just met them at the wedding.
They traveled to Texas for the wedding and the two men hit it off pretty well. In fact, our neighbor helped us empty the truck and the trailer when we moved back to New Jersey and so we're going on a dinner date with them which is awesome. Kind of a thank you for helping but also really excited for Bob to make some friends of his own after he moved.
I know how hard it can be to move, pick up and start over at a new place and and hope that you find some friends quickly. So we're doing double date on Friday and then really just working on the house. Since Vegas and since the trip for Super Bowl week, a whole lot of nothing has been done on organizing the house and so I was having a bit of a temper tantrum on Tuesday because I have piles everywhere. I was just mad at myself, mad at the fact that it's March and I still have piles everywhere.
So yes, we're still in the process of unpacking and hopefully we'll make some progress this weekend. Plus a new blog post. Now I won't tell you what it's about but it's one that I've been thinking about and planning now for a couple of weeks and it's also one that I need to write. Do you ever feel the need to write? It's a different form of expression but it's therapeutic for me and so it's a blog post that I need to write and I will look forward to sharing with you.
So that's the big weekend plans which all in all is not a whole lot but really excited to have one that doesn't feature work. Maybe features a couple naps in there, just maybe. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence on CBS Sports Radio. We are looking for your questions for Ask Amy Anything so you can send those to our show Twitter After Hours CBS or to our Facebook page. Producer Jay and I haven't done Ask Amy in, gosh I think it's been, no actually it's been four weeks hasn't it? Because last week you weren't here, no last week I wasn't here on The Hump Show.
The week before you weren't here on The Hump Show, the week before that Ryan was filling in for you because you were on vacation and the week before that we were in Vegas. So gosh it's been a month since you and I have done Ask Amy Anything together. And Jay is also compiling questions for our next video version of Ask Amy Anything which will be next week for you all on YouTube. We've been talking about it a lot for a while and we want to pay off on that before we get to March Madness. And speaking of YouTube and our social media, we actually started a question kind of late in the show last night that I want to follow up on even as we get closer and closer to what is the start of the legal tampering period in the NFL. So we'll get to that here coming up. Plus a hug that got a whole lot of attention on Tuesday.
It was a bit bittersweet. Gave me the idea for another show question that we'll have to get to. I don't know maybe later in this week we'll see what Producer Jay thinks of it. Our phone number is 855-212-4227.
That's 855-212-4CBS. Big news in the NBA. The Celtics see their 11 game win streak ended by a Cavaliers team that was down 22 with nine minutes to go and had no Donovan Mitchell and no Evan Mobley. He got hurt. Instead it was Dean Wade to the rescue.
My little brother's name is Dean so I think that's perfect. Dean Wade to the rescue. Elsewhere the Suns had a big lead over the Nuggets only to see it vanish in the fourth quarter. They went into overtime and the Suns were able to survive.
Kevin Durant didn't have the shots dropping earlier in the game but saw them drop when the team's team needed him most. Draymond Green with a new episode of his podcast and yeah he's a little bit like Micah Parsons where he just covers everything really. It's kind of fascinating to me including a few of the NBA headlines but also a story he tells that I don't know where it came from but it's hysterical. And speaking of stories, when was the last time you thought about Randy Moss as a patriot?
Probably not in a really long time but for those of you who are watching The Dynasty which is this documentary this docu-series on Apple Plus, Randy Moss is featured and tells a pretty funny story. Well his perspective is humorous about an interaction between Bill Belichick and Tom Brady plus the Iowa women's basketball coach Lisa Bluder talking about the team's regular season now heading into what will be the Big Ten tournament where Iowa is attempting to secure the automatic bid but either way we'll have a trip to the NCAA tournament on the horizon so plenty to talk about. Again the phone number 855-212-4227. Let's talk to Jason who's in Cleveland. Welcome to the show.
Thanks Amor. As far as your moving and having boxes, moving into a place is way more pleasant than moving out. Well we did that too so we moved my husband out of his house and then we put everything into my house which is decidedly smaller and so for that reason we're it's kind of our slide puzzle we call it we're moving things around we're donating things we're purging it's just right now we're still in the process of doing that. But you're over the stressful part which is the you know getting rid of our place so yes anyway hopefully it's pleasant and you're not in a rush because you're you're good where you're at but regarding the Iditarod the thing you mentioned that story about the moose it struck me because there is no other beast maybe the bison you know buffalo and a moose there's nothing else that will actually like knock a semi you know shut shut down a semi and to see one of those things up close oh they're massive well yeah full-grown moose is massive and I'm sure really scary growing up in New Hampshire we saw a bunch of them and it couldn't it never ceased to amaze me that people thought it was a good idea to get out of their cars and get as close as possible to a moose to get a picture especially I remember one particular time we were up in the white mountains and there was a mom with her calf and somehow people thought it was a good idea to get out of their cars and take pictures of the mom massive mother moose with her calf. Yeah public notice never mess with bears or or anything with their young because that's when they're in protective mode and they should win yeah when they're in rut yeah but I thought that was amazing to think about a pack of dogs coming across a moose that would be just I don't know that would be a YouTube video well and they got tangled up apparently the moose and I don't know how old he was or you know what happened but apparently he got tangled up in their lines the leashes and the leads and so the dogs and the moose were all tangled up and the musher too was in danger because his sled was was getting all like turned upside down and stuff so yeah it was a dangerous situation for all of them. So that was I could I could see it because driving up in Vermont in Maine seeing them things yeah real time that is nothing to be toyed with but anyway about the basketball thanks for covering the Cavs game that was a nice surprise but I wondered why the national coverage is always like Lakers and Golden State and I don't think there's been a national game and I think this was the Cavs first national game on TNT but I have yet to see Oklahoma City or Minnesota and I just wondered why they're showing these games with like the the 10 seed and the nine seed well and you you must know why Jason you sound like a smart guy yeah right I mean how many people out there can name maybe one star from each of these teams from the Timberwolves and from the Oklahoma City Thunder they're relatively new they haven't had a lot of success in their tenure I guess with the Thunder going back to the days of KD and Russell Westbrook but it's been a while they kind of been in purgatory a bit so yeah the reason is because the NBA is already dealing with waning TV viewership and so they're trying to market and showcase their superstars LeBron's still a draw Steph Curry will always be a draw Draymond Green's a lightning rod but he's still a great player and with the Celtics yeah you're talking about the best team in the NBA plus a very passionate fan base so there are reasons for their their choices I just wish that we would see some of the you know the top teams at the moment you know and in the playoffs you will get some shine you know let some people see uh uh Gilda Salzander you know and uh uh I don't know even what Minnesota's doing like who who's their driving force is it uh I mean what what made them so good you're talking about the the teams at the top the Thunder that kind of thing no I was saying the T-Wolves is it like a big cat or uh well yeah he's a he's part of it for sure I mean Anthony Edwards is really talented yeah yeah yeah yeah anyway thanks for taking the call and I appreciate you you're welcome thank you Jason for listening Ted is in Massachusetts Ted welcome to after hours CBS sports radio hi Amy um second time caller uh do you actually think that anybody could uh run with the Celtics for the title of course I mean that's if we didn't think that why bother playing like what what would be the point of playing if if it was a foregone conclusion I mean I'm sure since you're in Massachusetts you remember what happened to the Bruins last year right yes that job that's embarrassing well I mean that's sports I mean I know to use the playoffs or a different animal they definitely are now I do think the Celtics have a pretty impressive package when it comes to experience and veterans I like the moves they made as much as and the fan base misses Marcus smart and it's kind of odd to see them without him this year you know to add Drew Holliday the moves that Brad Stevens made the Kristaps Porzingis move has shored up the middle and I mean there was not to love about what they do they've got multiple guys who can score they've got great leadership and in both Drew and Al Horford I mean they're a really good team and they're very well coached with Joe Mazzola in his second season so there's a lot to like but I do think that when you get I mean the Celtics are a good example too right when you get into the playoffs at a seven game series um it's it's about matchups and the Miami Heat last year just had this incredible formula the way that they played the Celtics yeah I thought there's something with the Celtics with the Heat what there's something that when the Celtics are facing Heat it's like two years in a row they have like a problem with them well I think a lot of teams have a problem with them because their defense is so physical and tough and they try to make opponents just play uh they make them grind and they make them play at a level sometimes where it just requires every ounce of energy and also you know the the defense can mess with your shot and mess with the rotation and so yeah it's a the heater built for the playoffs because they'll slow the game down and they'll just grind on you and over a seven game series that can wear opponents down it's worth the match up to certain teams certain teams match up uh different you know that's true that's so true they have uh their their coach is very very good too oh yeah of course Eriks Bolstra is not only one of the longest tenured coaches in the NBA but he's one of the richest now he and Pat Riley have a good thing going there yeah um I have a real quick I have a tribute trivia question about baseball pitching I want to see if we can guess it okay I I see the last who's the last 40 game winner pitcher in baseball 40 game winner yes ma'am I have no idea in one season I don't remember that it it can't be my lifetime the um that it's what it's like in the late 60s oh when I was young it's Jenny McQuain all right well yes definitely before me so I did not know the answer to that um and I'm sorry I'm sorry about uh Penny your puppy you're sorry about her you're sorry about her I thought I overheard that something happened to Penny well Penny's 14 so a lot of things happened to Penny yeah she's oh I thought I thought I uh I only got this in pieces she's still she's still around with you a penny still trucking god bless you god bless you Amy thank you Ted I appreciate it okay thank you god bless you so uh trivia questions are not my thing especially ones that happened before I was on the planet uh so I yeah people want to do that that was my biggest fear when I was younger in my career is that people would call up and would ask me questions that I couldn't answer and now I'm whatever I'm too old to care whether or not people get mad that I don't know a trivia answer or every piece of history one of the things um yeah one of the things that I used to tell people and tell producers of mine is like don't let anyone on the air who is not who is not on topic for fear they would ask me a question that I don't know the answer to but now I just say I don't know that's the answer is I don't know and it's all right to not know everything yeah even radio hosts we we just well in my brain I just can't possibly know everything so on twitter send your questions for ask Amy that's our show twitter after hours cbs or on our facebook page after hours with Amy Lawrence coming up it's a hug it's a hug that gave me all the feels and it got me to thinking about some of the more painful divorces in sports history can you think of a few even if it had to happen for financial purposes or because the team needed and a player needed to part ways because it wasn't getting them where they wanted to go sometimes the athletes and certainly the fans get caught up in the fallout and so that's where it becomes painful it may be a business to them but we are emotionally attached it's after hours with Amy Lawrence on cbs sports radio if you're the cooking queen in your house like I am let me drop a kitchen hack that's been a total game changer for me primal kitchen I'm always on the go juggling a million things like work deadlines and school pickups so finding time to eat right is tough primal kitchen makes it super easy to whip up meals that check all the right boxes like honest ingredients I trust and delicious flavor they have everything from unsweetened ketchup to barbecue sauce avocado oil mayo you'll want to eat by the spoonful and dressings that double as marinades genius right if you want to make quick simple meals you can feel good feeding yourself and your family trust me primal kitchen has you covered you can find primal kitchen at target walmart or any of your local grocery stores or you can save 20 off your entire online order with code podcast at checkout on primalkitchen.com oh should we start this show yeah I'm down just buying a car on carvana first oh for real yeah it's super convenient I already got pre-qualified in two minutes all I had to do is answer a few questions oh that's helpful and now just customizing my down and monthly payments oh that's a very fair deal yep boom just bought a car and you get to take me to the carvana vending machine in a couple days to pick it up I'm kind of busy visit carvana.com to finance your next car financing subject to credit approval when the whole family comes together to watch the game nobody wants to miss a second of the action to run to the grocery store with instacart you can get all your weekly groceries in as fast as an hour less time shopping means more game time let's go visit instacart.com to get free delivery on your first three orders offer valid for a limited time ten dollar minimum per order additional terms apply you are listening to the after hours podcast the next delivery trout swings at that one and drives the ball deep out into left center field that one's carrying and it is trouta here he jumped all over that pitch there from gallen here's the pitch chancho he drives the ball deep into right center it's way out of here right out of the blocks here on this wednesday it's showtime two nothing angels this is after hours with amy lawrence well that's a bit nostalgic terry smith on the angels radio network trout otani five mvp awards between them in the american league but parting is such sweet sorrow it's after hours with amy lawrence on cbs sports radio i'll ask producer jay to retweet not just the hug the moment the hug seen around the world and trust me when i say that's legit it absolutely was the hug scene around the world even in japan where otani is under a microscope all the time and so as you can imagine there were a lot of fans and if you actually google it or search for it i suppose google is becoming one of those words that does enter intertwined or i guess inter what's the word i'm looking for you can enter not interlace oh it bothers me so much when i'm doing a radio show and there's a word i can't think of it just it really does eat at me eat at me i'll remember it at some point uh it's interlaced nope intertwined nope interspersed nope inter interswapped nope that's not a word anyway uh there if you look on social search on social then you will find there are even japanese outlets that were sharing and tweeting about the hug the reunion between mike trout and otani on tuesday now granted they'll play each other during the regular season dodgers and angels they'll have three four game series but this is the first time that they've seen each other since a the divorce between the angels and otani and obviously since otani got married and since mike trout's been married a few years maybe he has some wisdom for him so this was the reunion with all angels teammates but specifically the hug between trout and otani attracted a lot of attention and they're out there for for a few seconds well a few seconds they're out there for a couple of minutes talking without shohei's interpreter so if you ever wondered if shohei knows english the answer is yes he does know enough to be able to communicate and even write uh if you saw his post from i guess it was last week he wrote in english to announce his wedding and and getting married at least here in the united states he used his social for that so they were able to reunite and have a hug and and there's video out there as well i think a microphone caught some of their exchange and then shohei's translator came up and obviously he's around he was around the angels too it's the same guy uh that works with them they hired him to be specifically uh with otani and so he was there too and there were hugs between him and mike trout they just think it's neat that they have a good relationship but also it's kind of depressing uh that you see otani had to leave and go somewhere else to try to win meanwhile mike trout who desperately wants to win with the angels is left behind now the divorce it wasn't necessarily between trout and otani but you can kind of look at it that way i think for the purposes of throwing it out there uh the more painful partings in whether it's pro sports or college sports that we've seen in the past i mean another one i just mentioned these guys earlier uh the parting between russell westbrook and kevin durant that was a tough one too and boy did oklahoma city sports fans take that hard in fact russell westbrook was so angry that the first time they saw each other again in a game uh he uttered some choice words that we cannot repeat here on the radio and then refused to shake katie's hand and actually wouldn't well told his teammates not to shake katie's hand as well right and so i can think of a bunch of these partings these divorces that you that you would that you would think maybe it wasn't their first choice maybe you thought they'd be together forever it seemed like a perfect match bill belicheck tom brady even with the reports of that relationship being frayed that's another one until it happened i wasn't sure we'd ever see those two work with well never see tom brady work with a different coach in the nfl uh just got this tweet interchange yes interchangeable duh such a normal word it's can be an interchange on a highway interchangeable so yeah these days when you say google you could just mean search there's a term for that when you start to use the brand name to refer to the product so kleenex band-aid band-aid yeah that's another example do you remember the name uh there's a term for that when it when it starts to happen vaseline milk yeah you just call it milk right it is milk well it's that's there's a brand oh yeah i guess right i had it the other way around that's one more that's we don't call it the brand name we just call it the product interesting i mean that's the majority of products out there no like you like a band-aid like that there are a few isolated examples right so kleenex again it's it's not called facial tissue it's called kleenex no one refers to it as facial tissue everyone refers to it as milk right but there's different brands of milk that i don't know like hood is a milk company but if i said to you well you pick up some hood at the store you wouldn't think milk no right but that's like kind of the opposite of like i i i was wrong with my example of milk but it's kind of like the same idea just the opposite way around oh right so now so the opposite of a good example yes yes that was a bad example yes barco is trying so hard not to laugh at you milk but what's the actual term for milk then no it is bad example bad example you know bad example bad example anyway so now when people say google they could mean just search right so i just said something earlier about googling on twitter but that would be wrong you wouldn't google on twitter but what i meant was search so it's getting to the point now where google is interchangeable with search what's the name of that term i don't know i'm gonna have to look it up kleenex talk amongst yourselves can you think of another one it's a literary term uh there's one that winds up being like uh it's it's just for jersey but it becomes a stupid thing with taylor ham and pork roll because taylor ham is actually the name of the brand and if you're in north jersey they say you always say taylor ham egg and cheese but there is actually no such thing as taylor ham it's just the name of the brand it's pork roll so it becomes like a jersey thing where it depends on where you're from in new jersey uh that's the only one that i can think of other than the ones that you gave me with the kleenex and um chlorox and all that kind of stuff i'm sure there's a million of them though because we do this all the time true but it is as i say it's uh there's a literary term for when right i just don't know what it is when the brand name becomes the acceptable term for everything you know that falls in that category so yeah blu-ray would mean uh here's some other examples which are uh that which are kind of funny blu-ray when we mean digital disc really does everyone say blu-ray these now well i mean it was there was blu-ray one out what was the other thing that came out at the same time and blu-ray one bot you don't remember what i'm talking about no there were like two different systems yeah it was like a there was a blu-ray and it was something else it was hd dvd or something like that one of them one out and blue one out i didn't realize it was a different term though hmm uh shoot i was just gonna say something and i forgot this is what happens when i start listening to marco and then i forget what i'm going to say i'm gonna just left it listening to me no no no uh i think i got it q-tip is another one right so q-tip is actually a brand name not the generic term for it i think it's called a metonym a metonym the substitution of a name or an attribute or adjunct for that of the thing meant okay uh another one is uh let's see chapstick instead of lip balm okay or these are fun post-it instead of sticky note which i guess the generic is sticky note really yeah and post-it is the actual brand huh that one i did not know but i'm telling you there's a name for it somebody find me on twitter a law radio i know there's a name for for when this happens sometimes things escape me but yes interchangeable blu-ray when we mean digital disc and you said that hd dvd i would say was eight wasn't it like an hd tvd player and there were the old the two things it was almost like you know way back in the day was vc vhs and beta and then the vhs won out nobody had the beta anymore and i feel like blu-ray beat something i want to say it was an hd dvd i could be wrong but it definitely beat something out and made whatever the other product was be like a beta in oklahoma when i live there and this actually happens in texas too according to my husband they say when you want a soft drink or depending on which part of the country you're from soda you say i'll have a coke and the response when i got in oklahoma was what kind right so everything's a coke in oklahoma you ask for a coke and they give you dr pepper it's it's really interesting huh i was gonna say i've heard soda and pop and all the different things depending on where you are i didn't realize you could ask for a coke and then get a dr pepper that that to me feels like um we we might want to revisit that you need to sit down and explain that one to everybody not in that part of the country yeah no that's see that now you're wrong so there's a difference oh you do use a different term now you're just wrong you can't say give me a coke and then give me a mountain dew which is not doesn't make sense but to you the coke is the brand name product and to them a coke is just a soft drink yeah no sorry i don't care what part of the country that is you're just wrong now there's difference you can just be wrong that's just wrong okay uh we're talking about painful divorces well painful for the fans i don't know about the players uh but the otani and mike trout hug it left me wistful and i was thinking brady belicheck also um well i could think of a few that were not painful um but like just guys that you never thought wouldn't be in the same place or that they kind of became synonymous um kind of like we're talking about right Kleenex and facial tissue but athletes kd and russell westbrook man that was a painful divorce just the athlete itself so not to the organization so not like joe montana to the 49ers because it wasn't joe montana to bill walsh because he was already gone so it was george seaford which didn't have the same you know poll so no so not the person to the it's going to be the person not the organization steve young and to yeah no no no i mean i would feel the same way if patrick mohams and travis kelsey played in different places that would just be weird well you could say montana and rice but i mean again montana left and rice stayed and then it was young and rice um see yeah was it really like a the belicheck brady was because it was so long but was there tissues i feel like i don't feel like there was any tears shed when the two of them broke up i feel like they were more than done with each other maybe for them right but for fans yeah i guess yeah that was painful because wow there are a lot of fans that were hoping that were hoping that would never six titles yeah that would never 20 years come to fruition i just think that if you're an angels fan that had to be a pretty painful moment only mike trout no otani he's with the dodgers and you're just left on your decade-long playoff drought i guess but it almost feels like that was so inevitable like was was there any angel fan even the most devout the most i mean head in the clouds did you honestly think otani was coming back there was no chance he was coming back if they made the playoffs there might have been really yeah i i i feel like he was he had two feet out the door for a while he wanted nothing to do with that place anymore he wanted out of there i mean if they would have made the playoffs i mean yeah that's nice but you know now we got to redo the entire organization for the last five years they had no chance of making a playoffs for the last five years i mean it's just there's nothing there there the angels haven't had much i don't know to me that one doesn't really that was inevitable there's difference where it was kind of like you know the belicheck brady was it was inevitable in the idea that was coming to an end but it was still shocking because it was so long you know tani and tratt it just felt you didn't do anything and then afterwards you knew it was gone and was kind of like so you go from what in other words marco is not on board with my show no i like that i like the question i just don't think those two i mean for them for the fans it just kind of felt like i mean what'd you lose you lose you lost the best player and you lost five games in the standings i mean you were already garbage i just uh you know all right i don't we don't call teams or players garbage on my show not the players the team no no that team is terrible d dio nim i see that's that's not a term i've heard before but kathy says on twitter it's d&m dio nim i know there's a term i don't know what it is you could say anything right now and i can tell you i don't know i don't know what the term is i know there is a term that's as far as genericization that's it is what producer j has come up with generic is a the process in which a trademark or proprietary name becomes widely perceived as a common noun or verb describing the type of product it's it's or service like milk often losing brand recognition like not unlike milk but that's an example of what it's not so that's not generic as a genericization degeneration what a great word genericization can you spell that marco no i can't i don't know if i don't even know if i could pronounce that sure you can generic ization get well when you break it down like that that seems like there's there's a little too much for me uh i don't know that's not i've never heard that so i that if i've heard this word before that ain't it feels like a long time that we were in high school english thank goodness i wouldn't go back to school if somebody paid me i'm good no thanks plenty of studying to be done just for the job no no i like to read but no not would you tell me to read on twitter ala radio actually send your questions for asking me to our show twitter after our cbs or to our facebook page our phone numbers eight five five two one two four two two seven i don't know what i want to do next maybe a little iowa women's basketball because did you see the record numbers that came out of katelyn clark's pursuit of pistol peach old man winter here if i had it my way it would stay winter all year long short days wind chill black ice and a good polar vortex heaven wait is it getting warm in here your cold snap is over old man winter spring has arrived spring spring is here which means it's the perfect time to get away in the Hyundai you've always wanted visit the Hyundai getaway sales event where you can get great deals on all of our award-winning Hyundai models like the tech-filled Tucson and Kona as well as the spacious Palisade enjoy wherever you go with the peace of mind that comes with America's best warranty and three years or 36,000 miles of complimentary maintenance but hurry in these deals won't last add more joy to your journey at the Hyundai getaway sales event now get zero percent APR or up to 1500 bonus cash on the Hyundai Tucson now during the Hyundai getaway sales event offers end soon call 562-314-4603 for details when something happens to your car you might say my car but what you really need to say is something that can actually help like a good neighbor State Farm is there and just like that State Farm is there to help you file your claim right on the State Farm 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So park now with 17. This is the record setter going to be on a free throw it is another chart topper for Kaitlyn Clark as she passes Pete Maravich as the all-time scoring leader men or women in NCAA history we have witnessed history Rob this is a moment this is a moment it's been a lot um but this is what's so fun and so special and like this is what we've built here and this is these are the moments you dream of and you know obviously our fans were incredible um kind of feels like you're living in a little bit of delusion because this is just so awesome. This is after hours with Amy Lawrence. On Learfield IMG the moment that Kaitlyn Clark became the all-time scoring leader in NCAA Division I history and then her reaction to it and she applauds the fans she gives credit to the Iowa basketball fans every time she has an opportunity and they weren't just in the arena on Sunday they were also watching on TV in record numbers again the impact of Kaitlyn Clark and the Iowa Hawkeyes and the I think the transcending of the sport becoming a household name not just because of the records but because of her style of play a record is just a record so she becomes the all-time women's scoring leader passing not just Kelsey Plum but then Lynette Woodard for major college records but to have more points in her career than one of the best players in history Pistol Pete regardless of era three point shot how many shots she takes per game think about the incredible players that came before her and she is the one that has the most points in a college career at the d1 level which is where the best players reside it's after hours with Amy Lawrence on CBS Sports Radio the game between Iowa and Ohio State attracted more than four million viewers at its peak the most watched women's regular season basketball game in 25 years that's according to Fox Sports the average viewership was 3.39 million I don't know why I have hiccups 3.39 million viewers and when Clark set the record with those free throws just before halftime the game was real good to the end and so it was nearly four and a half million viewers late in the second half not since UConn Tennessee in January of 99 have that many people watched a women's regular season basketball game awesome and actually to take it even further the game was the most second most watched college hoops game of the year only Michigan State Arizona on the men's side and that was after a thanksgiving football game on fox that people stuck around to watch this men's game Caitlin Clark the accolades continue to pour in she'll be highly decorated in her final year in college hoops but her head coach Lisa Bluder knows it's more than just the scoring everybody talks about the logo threes and they're absolutely spectacular and you know you could have a highlight reel of those but it's her passing and again yesterday you know she had 12 assists at Minnesota and yesterday she led us with nine assists I mean people don't understand how hard that is to do she leads the country in assists I mean amazing so I mean to me I've seen a lot of those logo threes over the last four years but and I and I still appreciate them but I really appreciate her passing on the Iowa Hawkeye report you can hear her speaking to an audience so a live audience as she records this show that was done on Monday and yeah now it's on to the conference tournament along with Ohio State Iowa they have the top two seeds at the women's Big Ten tourney really is uh fun to think back on the year and you know how it got all started in the crossover in Kinnick and almost 56,000 people there to watch that game and that kind of kicked everything off for us but you know 26 and 4 is unbelievable but this team is not done they are not done they you know senior night it was just kind of like okay let's move on to the Big Ten tournament now and they feel very confident going in as the number two seed we've been the number two seed the last two years where we've won it all it's not easy and speaking of seniors you all if you're watching and many of you were you may remember that one of the seniors Molly Davis got hurt in the first half and when we talked to Chelsea Brown from Iowa City she was on the court the big fear was that Molly had torn her ACL Lisa says on the Hawkeye report that Davis is is not only not having to deal with an ACL injury but she's not dealing with a season ending injury either it's a kneecap injury she didn't specify but Davis should be able to return for the tournament that got big cheers from the crowd it's after hours with Amy Lawrence the hump show on CBS Sports Radio we've seen a lot of change in the past 20 years but two decades later Mountain Dew Baja Blast is still a fan favorite bringing you the cold tropical lime flavor that folks can't get enough of it takes you back to a sunny day at the beach with every delicious sip and don't you want that feeling all the time well 2024 is the year in celebration of their 20th bajaversary you can sip baja blast all year long so pick up a baja blast wherever you are in stores now old man winter here if i had it my way it would stay winter all year long short days wind chill black ice and a good polar vortex heaven wait is it getting warm in here your cold snap is over old man winter spring has arrived spring spring is here which means it's the perfect time to get away in the Hyundai you've always wanted visit the Hyundai getaway sales event where you can get great deals on all of our award-winning Hyundai models like the tech-filled Tucson and Kona as well as the 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