February 12, 2024 5:46 am
A review of Usher's Halftime Show & the commercials | Amy has a MAJOR gripe with something during the CBS broadcast | The biggest turning-points of the game.
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Instacart for the win. Halfway through the official Super Bowl post game show here on CBS Sports Radio, my 12th and the second in the span of my time here with the network where we've had overtime. We can no longer say Patriots Falcons the only Super Bowl to ever require OT because we now have a second. It's amazing all the years all the decades gosh half a century right until we had any of them go into overtime and now two in the span of what is it seven years.
Sometimes the numbers all blend together. It's after hours with Amy Lawrence on CBS Sports Radio. I haven't even gotten to my extra extra stuff yet but I will and I'm looking for you all to tell me what you thought about halftime, Usher and friends. Alicia Keys she never goes out of style.
She's got a phenomenal voice. I thought Usher was terrific. I generally am taking notes during halftime as well catching up on some of the notes from the first half about the game so not notes about halftime itself but I was working on my notes and thinking I'll listen I'll watch because I want to be able to to comment on it or just to know what everyone is talking about and similar to the Dr. Dre and friends halftime which was what two years ago it's two years ago right this one was terrific. I found myself be bopping along. Usher's got some timeless classics and then I laughed out loud and said of course when he took off his his I guess it was his coat on top to reveal a bare chest. Of course you knew that it'd be part of his halftime show.
Anyway I thought it was fun. I enjoyed the music. He is an extremely talented dancer in addition to to having a great voice. He's an extremely talented dancer. I love the fact that he wasn't lip syncing that he was out there doing the work so I thought he was great. I'm trying to think who else that Ludacris Ludacris was part of it too right and was it Lil Wayne or Lil Jon sorry my fault. I'm not cool at all but I did appreciate the the various segues. I use that in radio sometimes. I guess we can call them segues from song to song and I know he has a lot of hits so he had a lot that he had to get to but it seemed like just as you were getting into one of the songs he would transition and go to the next one. Anyway thought it was really entertaining.
I hope that you enjoyed it. I'm not sure where they go. Every year I think this where do they go from here but it's it'll be another what six months before we find out more than that even before we find out who's next. I did see the rumor on social that Taylor Swift was supposed to join him for a couple of minutes but honestly I never believed that was true. She has not wanted to be in the spotlight as Travis Kelsey's girlfriend or I think more appropriately she hasn't wanted to take the spotlight away from the Chiefs. Now she showed up from Japan according to Arash Markazi. I guess he joined us in the first hour.
He was still an Allegiant Stadium. There were actually people tracking her plane or what they believe was her plane from Tokyo after she got done with a concert which is just over the top asinine. She did show up with some famous friends. I had to look up Ice Spice. I didn't know that was Ice Spice and I couldn't tell you Ice Spice's name.
If you gave me a multiple choice I wouldn't know which one she was. Maybe. Maybe I heard it years ago. They were obviously big years and years ago. Blake Lively seems to be with her a bunch. It's not the first game that Blake has attended their BFFs and there were others there. Oh she had a conversation with Roger Goodell. So Roger was up in the suite there. Maybe it was the first time he met her. Maybe he was thanking her for all the extra attention. All the new fans but she didn't want to be the center of attention so I would have bet most of what I'm worth that there was no way she was going to perform at halftime.
She wanted to be there to watch the game probably exhausted having come from Tokyo after a concert. Although generally these stars fly private or charter and they have beds or much more comfortable seats than the one that I rode in on the way back from Las Vegas which required me sitting on my coat the whole time. Don't you hate it when plane seats are old enough that they have butt indentations in them especially the exit rows because people love those and people will pay extra.
So a lot of times you have people who need more space and anyway exit rows are very popular. So the seat that I was in because I was Bob and I were in an exit row coming back it had a butt indentation meaning that you you dipped down into it and that always is painful for me because after even an hour of sitting on what feels like the metal just behind your tailbone oh it makes my back hurt and so I no joke when I travel never knowing what age of the airplane will be that we're gonna fly in I take a coat or a fleece to sit on because it happens a lot where you get an older plane and the seat is it's lost its padding and it's not comfortable anymore. So yes I was not traveling like Taylor I was sitting on my coat but I did manage to get a bit of a nap. There wasn't much sleep when we got home on Sunday though goodness I think I slept 90 minutes and then it was pets and it was grocery store and it was buffalo chicken dip and it was getting ready for the game but the game was worth it and I did start taking notes even during the pregame so we'll get to that here coming up. Some of the extra extra elements that I noted the Chris Pratt ad for the Pringles was really funny there were so many superstars in these commercials and I guess it makes sense when you consider that you really want to make an impression because a 30-second ad last year and this year cost seven million dollars seven million I remember when they were five hundred thousand dollars that goes back now but I remember when I was a kid growing up and the ads it was a big deal that they cost half a million dollars and then in 95 they crossed the threshold to 1.2 million dollars and since then the rates have gone through the roof though interestingly enough they stayed the same from last year they will not stay the same next year because the ratings have been record breakers this playoff run for the NFL but yeah 23 and 24 seven million dollars per 30-second ad that's according to front office sports I liked Chris Pratt as Mr. P I didn't know his name was Mr. P but made a lot of money off the fact that his mustache looked just like the guy on the Pringles can I also love the Messi ad Messi and Dan Marino but Messi waiting for his Michelob ultra I had to write down which which beer and which product they were hawking because I always forget that part but yeah Messi out on the beach dribbling through a bunch of MLS defenders oh wait sorry these were just average peeps but that's what he did when he first came on the scene in MLS right and then Dan Marino offering it up to Dan who then chucks it back been a lot of Dan Marino sightings around the Super Bowl so that ad I really enjoyed I think my favorite funny ad though I did like the David Schwimmer Jennifer Aniston interaction but can I tell you I feel like Uber Eats went way too far like they stretched that I it's hard to make that connection you can forget everything else but not Uber Eats but why are these people forgetting everything else I guess is that kind of the question the the Beckhams doing their Uber Eats ad was really funny because they I think they are convincing as a couple who doesn't know that the Super Bowl is American football and and doesn't have any idea about the sports because they're so immersed in their own football which has been their life for years so that one was a little more convincing than Jennifer Aniston forgetting the guy that she smooched for over years on friends anyway so that I didn't like I love the fact that they had a bunch of stars for Uber Eats but I didn't really think the connection made its point or landed the funny ad the one that I enjoyed the most and actually laughed at the E-Trade babies they're always good right and they're playing pickleball and they're explaining pickleball and they're trash talking the adults who are on the other side of the net what was it it's tennis for babies right and it's it's actually tennis for babies anyway the E-Trade babies they're great they're toddlers now I guess so those two are funny and then the one that the two that made me nostalgic the Budweiser Clydesdales were back for what I think is now their 47th Super Bowl so of the 58 they've done 47 of them with the dog who led them through the snow and also I really I'll just admit I teared up because I really love the young ice skater who was performing and her grandfather couldn't make it because he's in a wheelchair and so her dad drove her it was the Kia ad her dad drove her in their Kia through the snow to get to their grandfather's house where they were able to create a bit of an ice rink because it was cold and it was winter and she performed her routine right there on the rink the the makeshift rink in front of her grandfather's home while he was looking through the window so that was a really emotional one I liked that one as well what were your favorite commercials and what did you think of Usher and Friends at the halftime show Super Bowl 58 in Vegas he was Vegas worthy let's be honest he was Vegas worthy by the way speaking of Vegas shows did you guys see or hear about how Jason Kelsey went to see Adele on Friday night so Adele and I was walking around the strip with Bob on Friday and we saw the signs for Adele weekends with Adele I think it was Caesar's Palace pretty sure it was Caesar's Palace so she does weekends there Jason Kelsey went to the show because he was in town all weekend and apparently she asked the question of who are you rooting for Niner's Chiefs or maybe who's gonna win something like that and Kelsey yells out Eagles like as loud as he can and apparently Adele took exception to that didn't love it and while Kelsey wasn't identified meaning they didn't show him or there were no photos of him he's he's confirmed that it confirmed that it was his voice that was yelling Eagles like a heckler at an Adele show that's funny it's after hours with Amy Lawrence on CBS sports radio oh Blake says on Twitter that ice spice is a new artist oh I thought she was part of the spice girls I guess she would be older if she's part of the spice girls is she a baby spice she's a she's the daughter of a spice girl I'm not that familiar with her work to be honest no I've honestly never heard of her before so please forgive me for not knowing who ice spice is apparently she's new though according to Blake so not baby spice not different different spice right not related to the spice girls not that was Victoria Beckham right no it's not Beckham's long-lost daughter maybe uh Joe says it's got to be the Tua Creed commercial oh I like that one too but I forgot what they were hawking Paramount Plus oh that's right that's right I only know that because hey Arlan was in it who's my favorite TV character of all time oh yeah he's the one that got chucked you got shocked he's football head we're not chucking the kid no one's throwing the kid of course it didn't work right that was awesome all right so on Twitter a law radio also on our Facebook page after hours with Amy Lawrence our phone number eight five five two one two four two two seven that's eight five five two one two four CBS uh Travis you have Jason Kelsey oh okay do we have any chief fans here tonight do we have any fans here tonight oh sorry you're outnumbered tonight aren't you but don't worry this is a big loving loving show you're gonna get oh well maybe not inaccurate so did he film himself doing that I don't know this is just a video I found on Twitter I think it's just someone else who was at the show just filming and having to catch the encounter of him screaming that on video so it's there it's what I tell young people who are getting ready to come into the broadcasting industry someone is always filming always just know that when you decide to be the center of attention or you maybe you think you can get away with it someone is always filming and once it's on camera it never goes away it's after hours on CBS sports radio uh let's talk to Sean who's in Kentucky Sean welcome to the show hey um thanks can you hear me I guess I don't know I sure can yeah thanks for taking my call and um this is the first time I've ever called in and I've only listened to your show a few times but I got hooked just because of your laugh your laugh just makes me feel so much better so I appreciate that it's genuine but um you know I when I moved here guy who over answers phone said you know what do you want I just you know why just come in second seems so painful and hurts so bad you know what I don't know what I forget Bill Earnhardt said second is just first place loser or something like that right you know and um I mean I'm a nobody you know I played high school college ball or whatever I can remember coming to second in big things and it was painful um but it just you know I heard your caller calling in earlier and said how bad that was gonna hurt for for so long and I'm a Ravens fan and I'm thinking I wonder if they would rather be you know the Ravens fans be in the Super Bowl and come in second you know I mean you cannot take away the hard work and everything that got them to get where they are San Francisco so I just you know I told the guy who answered that San Francisco obviously have their own parade and celebrate how they did and you know I mean I know they're right there they're right there at the finish line and just you know got stopped before the finish line but uh it's just a saying that second place has to hurt so bad and minimize uh the accomplishment of second place well it does and here's why Sean I think I truly believe this I think that coming so close to what you want coming so close to realizing your dreams only to recognize that you're even if you're within you know like striking distance of it you still can't get there and then also in sports the idea is that you have to start all over again right you're never going to have the same group of people together not in pro sports or college really you're never going to be guaranteed of getting that close again and so the fact that like any human we have big dreams we have big ideas we have plans we have goals we have bucket list items these guys some of them like Trent Williams for instance waited and what is he 35 34 he's in his mid-30s and it's taken him this long to play in a Super Bowl right he's a he's an all-pro he's one of the best at his position but everything has to come together the NFL is so competitive half the playoff field turns over every year and so for the Niners and and it's becoming more and more painful for the Niners in the fan base because they've come so close multiple times they did 10-point lead four years ago in the fourth quarter and couldn't hold it and now they finally get back there again and have another opportunity and still they've come so close multiple times these last five years and when they've got the Super Bowl they've just run into a team that's that much better so I think it's that for me I can certainly understand if you never get close well then you think okay we you know that dream we we couldn't see it we couldn't taste it we couldn't smell it but when you're this close that's why it hurts so much right and when you come in so far behind you know there aren't expectations of you know I could get that the you know that big trophy or whatever and um yeah that's that's I mean it's a good point and um it's just you know I hate to minimize people in second and I could not do that myself and like I said I'm a nobody you know but I came in second and the Ironman to qualify for the Hawaii Ironman you had to have you know had to be first and um I mean I just was so depressed forever and then finally you know I did something a lot of people couldn't do right you know and um but anyway I just I love your show and I love your junior laugh it just makes me feel good inside oh I'm glad to hear that thank you go Ravens for next year all right well that's that's another one right the Ravens that everything seemingly come together for them this year they were able to host the Chiefs on their own field Lamar Jackson obviously the MVP but the defense was one of the stingiest in the league and still right like they hold the Chiefs scoreless in the second half of the AFC Championship and still can't beat them I mean it's it's got to be frustrating for these other teams that run into the Chiefs regardless of whether they're at home or away whether you think they've had a really down year offensively there's always the potential and yeah I think that's why it's so painful is to come so close to the point where it's almost within your grasp and then it's ripped away that's the part I think we we naturally have expectations as humans and to have a 10-point lead in a Super Bowl is a big deal how about the Lions a 17-point lead at halftime against the Niners and they came so close to getting to their first Super Bowl and all the years of disappointment are then compounded and it feels all too familiar when you don't win you're back in the dumpers again right Emily is listening in San Diego and told producer Jay she's a Chiefs fan Emily how you feeling oh I'm feeling excellent I took off from work enjoyed the game I was I was so I wasn't surprised because at the first the first day the Chiefs played even though they lost I knew they were going to be in win the Super Bowl I knew they just they just have that kind of spirit they they don't give up and they had a hard time of it this year with their offense but it kind of clicked all of a sudden and the last four games they really showed who they were so I was I was really excited I wanted to ask you Amy the the commercial they had all the the bird teams flying around did you see that one I did the YouTube TV one yeah and they were all the they were all like the Hawks and the the Ravens yeah and that was really a killer commercial well they actually YouTube TV had a couple of them one was kind of a nostalgic look back at the season that was you know we're already missing you see you next year and then yes the one with the birds migrating away but I didn't understand why the Vikings were in that commercial do the Vikings fly like they were the Minnesota was in there too that's the only one that I didn't really get was like why were the Vikings part of it yeah I don't know but I when I when I I looked away for a second and I turned around I just saw these football players flying all around and I thought that was yeah you know it was you know for for all these there was so much hype and like haters and stuff like that because I listen to talk radio like 11 hours a day because I I drive for Uber and and there were so many people that for the the different sports radio talk show people that had and it was so intense near the end that I can understand why this hit everybody really hard and they just you know and I and I can understand that I don't know I don't know what it feels like to be so down in the dumps and so low about the team but I know that that young gentleman who called you know had a open heart and there's a lot more people out there that are out there and there's a lot more people out there that feel that same exact way and I my heart goes out to them and but you know it was all I'll just tell you one more thing it was all on the flip of a coin that is something last year that I realized every time the coin flip was going the chief's way they would defer and they would win the game and that's exactly what happened this super bowl they won the coin toss and at that point I knew they were going to win oh interesting well there are all kinds of numbers and science about what I mean that's just straight odds it can't be that way every time um but in this particular case it was although there was another coin flip for the overtime as well which they did not win uh Emily thank you so much for your phone call congratulations to you as a member of the chief's nation thank you so much bye-bye be safe eight five five two one two four two two seven running a little bit late actually but seeing all of your reaction on twitter a law radio or our show twitter after hours cbs and also our facebook page I have a major beef with cbs and I mean a major beef with the parent network and the host of super bowl 58 which I will get to hard it's after hours cbs sports radio you okay picture this it's Friday afternoon when a thought hits you I can spend another weekend doing the same old whatever or I can hop into my all-new Hyundai Santa Fe and hit the road with available h-track all-wheel drive and three-row seating my whole family can head deep into the wild conquer the weekend in the all-new Hyundai Santa Fe visit hundayusa.com or call 562-314-4603 for more details Hyundai there's joy in every journey 2024 Santa Fe available early 2024 a peanut butter m&ms production in a world where super bowl winners get the world's admiration and a fancy ring but the runners-up get nothing one retired cop return that's one retired quarterback read the script oh sorry one retired quarterback returns to claim what's his um that's claim a ring with diamonds made from m&ms peanut butter but you're on a roll the ring of comfort coming soon to a super bowl new you listen up I won't sugarcoat it this is the longest cold flu analogy season we've ever seen but we're not alone we've got instacart sure you may be a coughing snot faucet who just wants mommy but you're not giving up not when cold medicine fragrant herbal teas and honey shaped like bears can be delivered through instacart in as fast as 30 minutes now let's go win the sick playoffs daddy I just want my soup oh sorry sport app says it'll be here in in a few minutes instacart for the win who are listening to the after hours podcast hello friends jib nance of cbsports you're listening to after hours with a.d. lawrence on cbs sports radio and all right cbs let's have it out right now I am not happy at all with the lack of attention and coverage the air force thunderbirds got for their flyover I get it it was a domed stadium the people inside allegiance stadium weren't going to be able to see the thunderbirds but they could certainly hear them at the end of riba's national anthem and that means we were the ones that were supposed to be able to enjoy this flyover to the fullest but that's not what happened for those of you who listened to our shows from vegas last week you know that I sat down with the lead pilot commander nathan malafa and his left wing zachary taylor they were one and two in the formation I was all excited we talked about training which they were doing every morning right over the luxor we talked about timing and teamwork it's 165 people that get that flyover ready and in the air not just the six pilots 165 it's 165 people on their team we even talked about top gun maverick we were so excited to see the flyover at the end of the national anthem they told us how it would work out how they would know when it was the right time how long they'd be in the air what the communication was like cbs flubbed it by the time they cut away from riba to the flyover the thunderbirds were already over the stadium and and essentially passed it the flyover was done and they never even mentioned unless I missed it I don't think they ever mentioned it was the thunderbird it was their cutaways they went to commercial I get that riba was finishing up and they wanted to keep the camera on riba but you can do a split screen you can have riba inside the stadium and the flyover from beyond the stadium as it approaches that's classic it's one of those moments that gives people chills riba did a great job she nailed the national anthem and I believe it was the under I don't don't quote me though because it seemed quick but sometimes I lose track of time when I'm listening to the national anthem but yeah I was so mad that the only footage we got the only coverage of the flyover were these few seconds as they were essentially over the stadium and passed boo Jay feels the same way we couldn't wait we talked about it on the show I told my family and friends oh but Jay loves Google and he's great at the search engine and he just told me he found good video of the flyover courtesy of w nope not wk meaning it's west of the Mississippi ktnv channel 13 Las Vegas he is going to retweet it on our show account after hours cbs I need to go watch it I meant to but I just got so busy during the game that I didn't have a chance but if you miss that conversation with commander Malafa and his left wing Taylor they were our guests on radio row on Wednesday and it was along with Bobby Flay one of the the highlights of the week the best interviews of the week they were a lot of fun they take you behind the scenes with the Thunderbirds and I know the flyover is done but this is this is what they do it's what they train for it's part of their job is to do flyovers at big events and they talked about the adrenaline and how much excited it was for them as a team as well I could be wrong but I'm I felt like I didn't even hear the cbs I didn't hear Jim Nance even say that the air force Thunderbirds did the flyover it was they showed it and they and it went to the commercial whatever just just as quick because I remember I was watching with my dad and I was like oh like we know these guys we had the moms and they were these guys we had them on like check it out this is awesome like we'd like the guy leading it and his left wing and then before he can even look up and it was on it was over it was over and they went right to commercial I think after that yeah uh actually did you notice that cbs had some issues a couple of times they started a commercial or a liner as we call it meaning someone was talking over whatever footage they had going on and they had to cut away from it so a couple of times they had to drop audio or Jim Nance was in the middle of a read and they had to cut out of that I mean it seemed like they had some major timing issues they a couple of times they were in the wrong place with their cameras and something else was going on yeah so it did seem like they I don't know if they had a new director new producers Tony Romo was singing the songs to the bump out music again yeah there were some funny moments there where I wondered if there was yelling and screaming and stress going on but for for what and I said this even to Bob on Sunday afternoon for what I cared most about the flyover to have so little coverage I mean like two seconds maybe and I don't even think it was that long and to not get identified to not hail or celebrate that moment yeah it bothered me but I suppose for those people inside the stadium you don't care you still got to hear it but we didn't get to see it the timing was way off I mean you could at least show them as much as a Taylor Swift moment all right on Twitter a law radio on our Facebook page two commercials halftime actually it's re-airing right now in NFL Network they started the game from the beginning the broadcast on CBS immediately went to NFL Network so they're at halftime it's 10 to 3 we're going to get to all the big moments coming up here it's after hours on CBS sports radio you are listening to the after hours podcast nobody wants a surprise in their jelly donut it's toothpaste that's because the middle is the most important part at Graybar we're at the middle of electrical and datacom jobs across the country connecting installers facility managers and business owners with smart solutions for their most challenging projects which means stocking and delivering crucial products on time and on budget with no surprises thanks to our nationwide logistics network yep Graybar does that make this valentine's day one shall remember forever with an engagement ring from jamesallen.com James Allen knows each love story is unique that's why they make it easy to custom design engagement rings at up to half the price of a traditional jeweler choose from 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tight end of block well played by the niners the ball the niners got it back what a play there by deomador lanore to force that back inside side the niners cause the fumble and the grave digger comes away with the football sunday sunday sunday the super sunday off the field on the money and after hours it's time to talk football with amy lawrence what a great nickname the grave digger you hear both of these star running backs cough up the football in the first half of super bowl 58 christian mccaffrey he was uh disconsolate as you can imagine uh and that was on the opening drive for the niners the call with mitch holtis on chief's radio and after that on the heels of mahomes finally opening up the offense with a 52 yard bomb up the right side to meet cole hardman isaiah pacheco fumbles on the next play and that's greg papa and tim ryan on it definitely was a super sunday after hours with amy lawrence on cbs sports radio yeah the san francisco 49ers have been in this position before up double figures on the chiefs in the super bowl second and ten niners up three nothing pretty gonna throw a double pass back to juan jennings a throwback across the field to mccaffrey he's got it 20 10 5 touchdown san francisco cmc enter the dragon baby six points on a trick play this was right after the niners lost dre greenlaw to what we now know is a torn achilles so it sucks for him he's liable to be out for a good portion of next year if not the whole season and so that was about nine and a half to go in the second quarter when dre got hurt but the chief's defense or excuse me the niners defense forces a three and out by kansas city uh and the san francisco niner 49ers are moving the ball at this point they get to the 21 and it's a trick play it's brock purty who laterals to juan jennings who waits and he waits and he looks like he's gonna get clobbered people get nervous and he draws the defense to him only to pass it back across the field to christian mccaffrey who cut right through what was the only line of defense it was just a couple of guys there for the chiefs and the end of the end zone for the touchdown in the 10 nothing lead and even though the niners did end up losing this game it was quite a performance for juan jennings and yeah pretty impressed with his own t.d pass to make that uh play uh i just think about my uh quarterback coach from high school i know he's so proud right now um and then uh i thought i thought we're gonna win it man yeah no doubt that trick play it worked to perfection now kansas city responded right before half with a 13 play drive but had to settle for a field goal because patrick mahomes was sacked by eric armstead now you may have heard jim nance mention on the broadcast that no team that had ever failed to score in the first half of a super bowl had ever come back to win i think the number was oh and 13 but don't quote me on that a lot of numbers in my brain the chiefs managed to score and it was really interesting too because harrison butker is kicking this long field goal and there were kind of these throwback moments or these images of last year when he kicked the game winner against the eagles but he's been in this situation a ton obviously uh had a new follower on twitter mentioned that right after we started the show is that harrison butker is the real mvp well we had two longest field goals in super bowl history in the first half the rookie jake moody had a 55 yarder and then he had the 57 yarder for butker that gets them on the board before the break but man there was not a lot to love about the offense each quarterback at 123 passing yards in the first half i mean they were completing passes at a nice percentage but not getting deep downfield so think about it mahomes is 123 yards and almost half of it comes on one play to me cole hardman so there wasn't a lot of room for them to run the ball either team the defenses were definitely stuffing the run and the niners were dominating the line of scrimmage in the first half they were combined four for 11 on third down and the niners never even made it into the red zone in the first half the chiefs were 0-2 it was a disastrous start to the second half for kansas city because patrick mahomes floats a ball over the head of his target actually was kind of in between targets so over the head of kelsey short of the back or the deep wide receiver and it was intercepted by jayir brown who is a rookie but once again following a turnover all three turnovers to that point the team then punts right after so there are no points off turnovers and then we go into this kind of log jam if you will in the third quarter where it's three consecutive three and outs by san francisco and kansas city is not really able to find a ton of movement until late in that quarter and it's a pair of runs by patrick mahomes he has a third down scramble to pull defenders across the line so he actually gets greeted by a couple of niners defenders two yards shy of the first down marker but he puts his head down and he drives forward and he gets across the line he drags them with him and then what do we know about late in the game this seems to happen where whether it's whether it's a design run which is actually relatively rare or whether it's him scrambling he's got his eyes up he's got great instincts and when a hole opens up he does not hesitate he's fearless when it comes to that not a speedster not lamar jackson he's not going to juke you most of the time but he will look for those opportunities and he goes around the right guard this was a design run around the right guard for a 22 yarder and harris and butger kicks another field actually that might have been the longest one in super bowl history there were a lot of field goals in this game uh so you get this kind of ebb and flow but really the momentum was it was curtailed so quickly so you'd see a couple of impressive plays by the offenses only to kind of see that momentum snuffed out so the the muffed punt really is kind of the turning point because kansas city has just punted in late in the third quarter right the ball hits off the back of a player's foot and so it's not actually the punter who muffs it it turns into a live ball when it glances or bounces off the back of a san francisco player's heel and that muff is recovered by recovered by kansas city and right there it's instant red zone and the chiefs take advantage the homes frank for the marquez fouled and scrambling 16 yards on a seam up the numbers and kansas city has its first lead of super bowl 58. 13 to 10 on a 16 yarder and mvs not one of the top receivers though he's called on a bunch when travis kelsey was not playing his best football during the season but as patrick mahomes noted this game this win for them a microcosm of their season why because the offense is disjointed and out of rhythm for the first half there's dropped passes there's missed opportunities there's turnovers they really can't seem to get a whole lot going but what happens the defense keeps them in it the defense plays so hard and plays physical enough to match the niners match the ravens keep them in it so that finally late in the game just like late in the season when the chief's offense settles in and that experience and explosiveness finally surface the defense has kept them close i thought there was a great observation for mahomes post game into the fourth quarter san francisco faced a fourth and three but does not blink because george kiddel holes in the catch he reaches over the line and moves the chains and then it's brock purty who has the opportunity to put the niners in the lead which he does juan jennings again fires two over the middle and he bounces off defenders kind of spins for a 10-yard td but this is another turning point right another moment where maybe things could have gone differently for the niners so the muffed punt but also jake moody according to jay fehley sorry name is katie for a second according to jay fehley long time nfl kicker who does some analysis for cbs and their big games jake kicked the point out of the game jake kicked the point after attempt low and for that reason it was blocked and so instead of being up 17 13 the niners are up 16 13 and that's where it really started to get good we'll get into it again after the top of the hour it's after hours with amy lawrence cbs sports radio a peanut butter m&ms production in a world where super bowl winners get the world's admiration and a fancy ring but the runners-up get nothing one retired cop return that's one retired quarterback read the script oh sorry one retired quarterback returns to claim what's his um that's claim a ring with diamonds made from m&ms peanut butter but you're on a roll the ring of comfort coming soon to a super bowl new you says here that gray bar is a distributor yeah we support electrical and datacom projects all over the country so you can get me the products i need where and 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