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2-6-24 After Hours with Amy Lawrence Podcast : Hour 2

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence
The Truth Network Radio
February 7, 2024 4:29 am

2-6-24 After Hours with Amy Lawrence Podcast : Hour 2

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence

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February 7, 2024 4:29 am

Amy sits down with Brandon Lang to discuss his story and a look into the big game. Also Amy gives her thoughts on the Athletics move to Vegas. Hour 2.


The Sultan of Sizzle. The Titan of Toastiness.

The Kingpin of Kindling. These are the admired ones. Those who've created the prime place to gather. They don't just have a backyard. They have the backyard because they know a Solo Stove Fire Pit is more than just the ultimate smokeless fire pit. It's a place where friendships are forged, football is revered, and food is enjoyed. Solo Stove, the perfect flame for the big game. There's joy in every journey.

2024 Santa Fe available early 2024. This is his first full season as a starter. He competed his ass off today. He kept grinding. Touchdown San Francisco.

Guess who's still playing in the NFC? It's a party party. Heck of a game manager. Wow.

Manage the heck out of that game, boy. He the reason we gonna have a chance to win us a ring. I love him. From the home of Super Bowl 58, it's After Hours with Amy Lawrence. Sponsored by Southern Recipe.

Alright, I need to add this music to my running playlist with another half marathon on the horizon. That is brilliant. Irrelevant. He was Mr. Irrelevant, but he is irrelevant no longer. And don't you forget it. Except he doesn't need to toot his horn, so to speak. Because his Niners teammates cannot stop raving about Brock Purdy.

So why is it that he is the object of so much ire and criticism? That's what we want to know. If you are a football fan or if you're not, you know Brock Purdy, you know the Niners, or you don't. You've only maybe seen them play against your team.

Why is it that Brock Purdy has been the object of so much criticism? On Twitter, ALawRadio, also on our Facebook page, After Hours with Amy Lawrence. We are indeed from Sin City in Las Vegas.

98.5 HD2 The Bet is our home for the shows this week. And throughout the day then, we're on Radio Row at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center. If you have not seen the photos, Mandalay Bay, the profile and the color, they're iconic. And so I did share those as well as a selfie with King Tut. Because everyone should have a selfie with King Tut in her or his lifetime. So my Twitter has got multiple photos already from the airport and the bling that's everywhere.

I mean it's gaudy bling welcoming you to the home of Super Bowl 58. And then some photos that I've taken personally. And then Jay was taking photos while we were doing interviews, our first four on Radio Row. Oh my gosh, we're not sure what day it is, what time it is, what time zone we're in, where we are. But what we know is that the whole point of being on Radio Row is to hit the ground running, which we did.

And well, hit the ground walking for miles and miles and miles. But we want to make sure that we bring you not just guests that we wouldn't normally have during the week, but guests with unique perspectives. And of course, the fact that I would rather talk about them and talk about the experience than talk about football.

It's too far out to talk about the actual football game yet. So again, find me on Twitter. Also, After Hours, CBS, and then producer Jay is sharing various photos and videos as well on our Facebook page as soon as we can get them up. Have you heard of Brandon Lang?

I had not until a couple days ago. I did not realize that Two for the Money, starring Al Pacino, Rene Russo, and Matthew McConaughey is a movie from 2005 based on his life and his experience. So Jay introduced me to him, I started Googling him, I started doing some research, and then, as you'll see from a photo that Jay's going to post here on our show Twitter, had a chance to sit down with him at our CBS Sports Radio desk. He lives in Vegas because he is an athlete turned handicapper. Vegas gets its first Super Bowl, and people are talking about the buzz all around the city, and yet the city hosts events all the time.

So I asked Brandon, how do you feel like it compares so far? This is better only because the Grand Prix got a lot of excitement, but they shut down half the strip and people couldn't move. This is different, you know, we're used to the stadium and the congestion around the stadium, so it's allowed the locals to move around a little bit more, which is all they really care about. You knew Vegas was going to get a Super Bowl when they first got the Raiders, but the stadium looks like Darth Vader, and it's so centrally located where it's accessible to everyone.

So the city's buzzing, they've been waiting for this week for a very long time. I know me personally as we talked off air that I purposely co-parenting my daughter. I have my daughter this week, so there's no temptation to drag me away and go zero dark 30, which is perfect. Everybody else can go do criminal things in Las Vegas. My mom moved here in 1982, been there, done that, so good luck.

I suggest what you should go do, where you should go eat, other than that, good luck. Oh, see, we're all about the food, for sure. My producer and I, that's what we care about is the food. Also, you're now my favorite guest, having dropped a Star Wars reference since I'm a Star Wars nerd. Thank you.

That's exactly right. You know, I have friends that go, dude, if I come to Vegas, this is like 20 years ago, dude, if I come to Vegas, can I have the, I want the Star Trek experience. I'm like, you want to go where no man's gone before?

Well, if you do, it'll cost you a little bit, but we'll go where no man's gone before. That usually gets a few laughs, but again, it's going to be great for the city, because this really is a great place to hang out. It's a tough place to raise kids because of the environment, Sin City. I don't think if I had my druthers, I would have moved my daughter at seven from Jacksonville, Florida to Las Vegas, but be that as may, she's doing great, but it's still tough. It's an adult city, not a kid city.

That's probably the best way to put it. Did you ever think that there would be so many pro sports teams here with another one on the way? No, I guarantee you, I'm not going to use the word guarantee, but I'm 90%. There's no way Oakland comes here.

Really? Something's going to happen because people are not going to support baseball here. You're not going to get people to set in the stands, in the heat, unless you build an indoor stadium. Even then, Vegas residents are restless. They like action. They like the slop machines. They like the blinky lights. They like the ting, ting, ting, ting, ting.

They just like action. To get them to sit down and have some peanuts and beer and watch a baseball game, it's slow. Hockey, fast moving.

Football, fast moving. Again, I don't know if we'll get an NBA team here. If you can't get UNLV as the basketball product up to standards and get people jamming that place out, I just don't know. The exhibition games when they come here aren't sold out.

I just don't know. I just think football and hockey is about as good as it's going to get. Not WNBA.

They are champions. Next. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence here on Radio Row. Brandon Lang meeting you for the first time, having of course read your story, and you also are a host on Believe Network. What made you want to get into radio?

Kind of Bron who started it. We did our first Radio Row eight years ago in San Francisco. Oh, that was my first Radio Row. Yep. He just walked in.

No nobody. Just hired him. Walked around and dropped my bio to every single person. We just drummed it up.

We killed it. He kind of saw where radio was going and he said, Will you do some shows for me if I put this together? I'm like, whatever you need. Whatever you need. I'm fine.

I'll do it. But we just got dropped by stadium. They're going all live programming. So we don't have a home right now.

So Bron's coming in tomorrow. What are we going to do? Just let me know.

Just when you figure it out, let me know. I'll go back on air. Go back to dropping press releases on every day.

I don't think we're going to do that. We've had a good run at Radio Row. But again, radio stations are falling. Everything's podcast and stuff like that.

Got to have a digital owner. It's so different now than it was even seven years ago. Well, I'm glad you brought that up because I was going to ask about the sports betting industry considering that whenever you got here and whenever you got into it, Vegas was it.

It was fairly exclusive here in Las Vegas. What's your reaction to the way that it has grown and expanded and now people don't need to come here to be able to do it? Boosted my business.

Gave it another run. Because most of your wagering is done online anyway. Right. And so at, which is my website, and then I also have a TV show that's going to drop on Pluto Network in March called Cappers. And it's basically about how myself and my nine handicappers live, are alive, picking games every day. Because you can only celebrate success for so long when you have to pick that next game the next day. Example, I lost Friday night in the NBA with the Pacers.

The Kings beat them. Saturday I had my clients step up a little bit with South Carolina over Georgia. Pretty big play for me.

And then I rate my plays to tell people how much they should bet. So if it's like a 25 dime to a 75 dime, that's a pretty good move. If it's a 150 dime, I need you to step it up a little bit. And South Carolina over Georgia was a 150 dimer.

And that was number three in a row that I've hit in 13 of my last 19 of hitting that play. Sunday, 40-dimer Wisconsin. And now we come Monday. 40-dimer Cavs over the Kings.

Yes! Guess what? I got to pick a game tonight. So again, having a movie made about your life, I can never win enough to sustain the demand for my picks. Perfect example, six weeks ago, I went on an 11-day run where I had 11 college basketball plays in a row.

Whoa. And nine of those were underdogs that won the whole game. Just dialed in.

Going for 12 in a row, I had 50 new buyers at That game lost. Those 50 guys said, he stinks. I'm done. I'm out. I'm out of here like a fat girl in dodgeball. I'm gone. See you. Gone. Done.

Where were they for the 11-0? And so you just grind, put out the best product possible, just try to win a little bit more than you lose. It's such a God-forsaken business. A friend told me once, because I don't gamble a lot, and he said to me, you're not prepared to lose. I'm a terrible loser.

Is that accurate? You have to learn how to lose. You have to be okay with losing to be able to make this a pretty regular thing or even a business? You're not okay with losing. I don't do well at losing. If you only bet what you can afford to lose, you can't win with scared money. Right. Okay.

And money management plus discipline equals success. Now, here's the biggest key that I can give people when they come to Las Vegas. To gamble.

No. I've told my friends this. Let's say you come to town and you're going to gamble $2,000. I'm bringing two grand. I'm going to play blackjack.

Maybe we'll bet a few games. Two grand. I tell them, take the attitude that you're going to lose this two grand.

It's gone. You don't care about it. You're going to lose it.

Here's what happens. You gamble more freely. You don't gamble tight. You don't make tight decisions. You gamble more freely, so by gambling more freely, you make better decisions, and by making better decisions, my friends go, dude, ever since I just said, you have the two grand, I don't care. Dude, I've won like nine of my last times coming to Vegas. It's just the mentality.

Sounds like an athlete. You can't play tight. You can't play tight. Interesting. And that brings us to the Super Bowl.

I really believe one of these quarterbacks is going to play loose and one of these quarterbacks is going to be able to play tight, and that's going to be the difference in the game. Interesting. So people have this debate a lot in my business. Is it skill? Is it luck?

What is handicapping? Is it skill? Is it luck? Oh, my God, you need a little bit of both. You need a little bit of both, and man, you better be lucky sometimes because there's some stuff that happens in these games. You sit back and say, I'll give you a perfect example.

I'm glad you brought that up, okay? I got the Detroit Lions plus seven and a half. I'm up 24-7, so I'm up 31 and a half to seven. Dan Campbell kicks the field goal. If Aaron Glenn gets on the headset and goes like this, Dan, Dan, Aaron, Aaron. Dan, it's Aaron.

Listen to me. Dan, my defense has held them to ten points with seven minutes to go in the third quarter. Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan. Dan, we've been through a lot together. I mean, we've built this thing from the ground up, Dan. Dan, please just give me 30 seconds.

My defense has held them to ten points with seven minutes to go in the third quarter. Dan, if you kick this field goal and give me a 17-point lead on my daughter's life, my grandmother's life, my wife's life, they're not going to score three touchdowns on my defense in the next 22 minutes. Dan, I swear, I'll quit. I'll quit and I'll go work at Best Buy.

I swear to God, Dan, I'll work at Best Buy. They've got to score three long drives against my defense in the next 22 minutes. It's not going to happen.

You've got a better chance of seeing God come down the sideline right now with Michael Jordan and Kielo Koch. It's not going to happen, Dan. Just kick the field goal.

Give me a 20. Just Dan. And that's saying our offense isn't going to score for the rest of the game. Dan, Dan. Dan, I'm going to start crying. Dan, Dan, Dan, just kick the field goal and put us in the Super Bowl, Dan, and then our picture will be up there instead of the Niners, Dan. Just kick the field goal, Dan, and we're there. We're there, Dan. Well, Dan didn't do that, so now we've got the Niners. Thanks, Dan.

That's why it's still always an uncertain business. Now, I said all that, and I still needed Detroit to convert a fourth down and goal to get me the cover. That's where the luck came in, where I shouldn't even have needed that. I got it, and I was lucky. All right.

So it's lucky, but it's also skill. Absolutely. Okay. You have to know the games. You have to know the games. What else rivals football when it comes to sports gambling? March Madness, college basketball.

Does it? Yeah? That three weeks in this town, March Madness. The first four days, the first four days of March Madness, that Thursday through Sunday, it's insanity, and I always tell people if you want to bet on sports and it's on your bucket list, you have to come to Vegas for the first four rounds of the NCAA Tournament, Thursday through Sunday.

Forget Sweet 16, Elite 8. That's different. Yeah.

Those first four days is insane. I've been there. I've done that.

Everybody's got to do it at least once in a lifetime. Okay, cool. So I bet you get asked this question a lot, but since I don't know, I'm going to ask how much of the movie is accurate? 80%. Really?

80. Did they consult with you on it? Dan and I, when writing the script, I just went to his office in Brentwood and laid on his couch and would talk for three hours. It was therapy. He had so much tape of me that he pretty much nailed the script. Now, we didn't leave Pacino to think that I slept with Rene Russo because the real woman didn't look like Rene Russo, so that did not happen. All right, so that was embellished. That was embellished, and Dan put that in the script. To this day, I don't know why Dan put it in the script. My mom wasn't a crucifix-wearing blackjack dealer. My mom was a little pissed about that, so had to deal with that nonsense. I said, Dan, really?

You just got to go there? This works better that way. I'm like, thanks, Dan.

I appreciate it. I didn't play football. I was going to walk in and play basketball at UNLV. I was averaging 35.

I did not know that. I was averaging 35. I was 24 years old. No, 26. 26 years old.

Best shape of my life. Averaging 35 a night in a winter league, and key star, the assistant coach, saw me, was guarding me in a Saturday pickup and asked me if I had my eligibility, and he said, yeah. I said, you talk smack. You're confident. You don't back down to anybody.

You're rock solid. He goes, listen, you need to come walk on and play for us. He goes, you won't see a lick of playing time.

That was their national championship team the next year. He goes, but I need an older guy in practice that will flat out get after these guys, and you're it. He goes, come meet Tark at his restaurant. So I go down to Tark, meet him at his restaurant, sit in his booth, chewing on the towel. I walk in. I sit down. First thing he goes, Keith tells me you can play.

It's a great story. He goes, Keith tells me you can play. I go, Tark, would it be here if I couldn't? He goes, I only have one question.

Can you get good grades? And I go, Tark, I'm 26 and I'm white. What do you think? And he could not stop laughing. And he looks at Keith and he goes, I like this kid. He goes, I'll tell you what.

You go through our preconditioning program in September. It's one month of hell. I'll let you walk on. I said, you got it. Two weeks later, I was playing pickup down at the supporting house and blew my knee out. And there was no coming back from it?

No coming back from it. So then what we did is we changed it to football rather than, well, we took Matthew to a playground and I threw him out of basketball and he shot the basketball. Can I just tell you, that brother can't play dead in a Western. I mean, I had him in a basketball. Matt shot it one time. Elbow all funky.

Couldn't play dead in a Western. So I said to J. Cole and the producer and Dan, I go, it can't be basketball. So we got the football out. Threw Matt a football. Matt could throw the football.

I go, it's going to be a football quarterback. Would you have picked Matthew McConaughey? I had three guys. Ben Affleck, Vince Vaughn, or Matt.

Those were the three I had in mind. Interesting. And I got Matt. So would he have been your first choice, though? Yes.

Yes. Because he gambles. So he understands the intensity of it, what it is to lose a game, and how you feel. And he captured that. Matt did a great job.

He really did. Two for the money. 2005. Are you still getting royalties? No. Oh.

Been there, done that. You know, it's streaming. It's like streaming.

Well, right now, every year, they beat it like a drum during Super Bowl. So all my friends, I'll get eight million messages. Your movie's on you. I'm like, guys, it's 17 years.

You guys text me. Can we let it go? That ship sailed. That ship sailed.

Okay. So last thing before you let it go. What do you do for the Super Bowl, then, as a handicapper? Is it just straight game? Is it all the prop bets?

I mean, what do you do? I got prop bets that I like. I bet a little bit, but nothing crazy.

Pacheco. What did you say? No 140 dimer? It's a 150. Oh, it's a 140. I'm releasing the game tomorrow at

It's a 150, number four in a row. And I will be at home by myself. I don't like to be bothered. I don't like to be at Super Bowl parties. So different. Although my girlfriend, if she's in New York, we do the long-distance thing.

If I was with her, I'd go to a Super Bowl party, man up and be social. But for the most part, I like to watch the commercials. I don't want to be bothered. I like to pause it and fast forward and go frame by frame and see the play. It's really weird.

You can't do it at someone's house. I say, stop it. Pause it. Can we run that playback? Can you hear that down?

Everybody be quiet. I just can't. I want to hear the commercials. I want the commercial.

There's a Pepsi commercial. I saw it. It's supposed to be really good. So that's kind of like, you know, is that my daughter? She wants to watch it with me. So we'll just chill on the couch and watch it. That's fun. I love it. It's good to meet you and glad to have you on the show for the first time.

Got it. Is he a storyteller or what? That whole bit between Aaron Glenn and Dan Campbell, he was not even looking at me. In fact, he was looking straight ahead. He got lost in his impressions to the point where I wasn't even there and I was trying so hard not to howl with laughter. No doubt he had practiced that in the mirror. He absolutely had practiced and rehearsed that bit. And he delivered it perfectly. Also Jay is really impressed with the fact that I asked about a 140 dime versus a 150 dime and sounded like a friggin' pro. Nailed it! All right. There is a photo of Brandon Lang.

You can decide whether or not he looks like Matthew McConaughey. That's on our show Twitter After Hours CBS and we put up brand new photos as well on our Facebook page. After Hours with Amy Lawrence from Las Vegas, sponsored by Southern Recipe Pork Rinds.

98.5 HD2 The Bet is our local affiliate. We're pleased to be here in studio. Not on Radio Road tonight because I, to be honest, don't want to be sitting inside a humongous convention center. Just me and Jay and the cleaning crew walking around that makes me a little bit nervous. Unless, of course, they have bomb-sniffing dogs who are patrolling.

That would be fun. But the acoustics are not great in a large room where there aren't any bodies, so it's better for us to be in studio. This is our comfort zone.

All right. Coming up, did you hear what Brandon said about the Oakland A's and their move to Vegas? Well, maybe he heard what the Las Vegas mayor said on Tuesday. You will hear it coming up. Is there a chance that this is hanging in the balance? Are we in flux with baseball in Vegas?

It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence, CBS Sports Radio. The sultan of sizzle, the titan of toastiness, the kingpin of kindling. These are the admired ones. Those who've created the prime place together. They don't just have a backyard, they have the backyard because they know a solo stove fire pit is more than just the ultimate smokeless fire pit. It's a place where friendships are forged, football is revered, and food is enjoyed.

Solo Stove, the perfect flame for the big game. Hey, Mel, Bri here. Got to work from home today because the whole family caught a nasty... Daddy. Hey, Mikey, if you're going to puke, find the popcorn bowl. But my availability is 110%, coincidentally, so is my fever.

Kidding. Mel, I'm so cold, but hot. But I'm going to get you that budget just as soon as... Mikey, popcorn bowl.

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2024 Santa Fe available early 2024. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence on CBS Sports Radio. Again, thanks so much for hanging out with us as we bring you our first show from Las Vegas. And we're not on the strip, actually, for these shows. We had enough of the strip. We had to get off the strip after all of 12 hours.

No, I'm just kidding. We have barely begun to explore. But what we realized is that the station where we're doing our shows, our Vegas affiliate, that is out west. And so we had a bit of a car tour, ride share tour, if you will, and got to see a little bit of what it looks like outside the strip, which as we found out, is not Las Vegas proper. It's Paradise, Nevada. That's the actual location of Allegiant Stadium and the strip.

And Allegiant is at the south end of the strip with Mandalay Bay and the MGM resorts like Luxor where we're staying. So Paradise, Nevada is hosting the Super Bowl, which to me is perfect. But of course, they're labeling it Las Vegas because it's the Las Vegas Raiders. Will we have the Las Vegas A's?

That is the question. And if you heard what Brandon Lang said a few minutes ago, he's a Vegas native. He's lived here for decades. He actually doesn't think that baseball will survive here. And so he's thinking that it's not a done deal. Well, according to the Las Vegas mayor, again, the strip is not in Las Vegas, so she really doesn't have a whole lot of say, but she can make a lot of noise. Carolyn Goodman, she isn't really rolling out the red carpet for the A's. They're planning to build a $1.5 billion stadium. But she's not sure it makes any sense at all.

We heard from her on Tuesday. We have a very large complex, probably about 60 acres. We probably could cobble together more land so they could possibly have 100 acres. And it's in the historic old part of town, which is where all major interstate highways come together. We have seven access points to it. It isn't an opportunity zone.

There are all these benefits. And so when they said no, I thought, hmm, this doesn't make sense. And so why is it happening? And then I thought, well, because they really want to stay in Oakland. They want to be on the water. They have that magnificent dream, and yet they can't get it. Would it be a good thing if the A's do, in fact, move to the Tropicana?

I personally am not talking about anybody else, anywhere else in this community. I personally think they've got to figure out a way to stay in Oakland to make their dream come true. Now, that's the perspective of the Las Vegas mayor. The problem is the owner of the A's, the ownership group and Major League Baseball, they want Las Vegas to host the A's. She did say she was excited about the prospect of MLB in her city. But she still doesn't think it's a match made in heaven. She thinks in a perfect world, Oakland should keep its baseball team. But this was her quote, which kind of blew me away.

Should that fail? So she profits and Las Vegas profits if the partnership between the A's and Oakland fails. Las Vegas has shown that it is a spectacular market for Major League sports franchises. But do you agree, though, that baseball in Vegas might not be the best fit?

I was kind of thinking about baseball in Florida, in Miami, where there are so many other options along South Beach, and how hard it is to get people to commit to supporting the Marlins by shelling out money for tickets. Not supporting them by watching them on TV, yada, yada, yada. Not saying I'm a Marlins fan when they have one of the game's youngest superstars or when they win a couple World Series.

No. Can you support them and buy season tickets? Can you support them by showing up at games night in, night out? Same thing with the Tampa Bay Rays.

They are a franchise that continues to churn out winning seasons, even though they have one of the lowest, if not the lowest, payroll in baseball routinely every season. People don't support the baseball teams there, even when they're winners. Would Vegas be the same thing? Now, is it any different than Oakland? How often did we see fans show up? And I know the Coliseum is a dump. I keep trying to tell producer Jay he's determined to go see it, but that may not be their home anymore. It's a dump.

I understand that it's not a great experience for fans. But the thing is, there are some other old stadiums across Major League Baseball. Fenway, old. Now, they've done upgrades to it. They've expanded the concourses. They've added some restaurant options a few years ago, well, a few years ago. They added the Green Monster and the Wrightfield bleachers, or the Wrightfield Pavilion, actually, above the bleachers. They also added more bathrooms and food options. But the seats are tight, and Fenway is a dinosaur. And yet that's the charm. Same thing with Wrigley Field.

Although I kind of liked my experience there, I didn't have any issues with it, but it's tucked into a neighborhood on the north side of Chicago. So old stadiums can work if they have character, if there's history, if there's a draw. The Coliseum was never intended to be a baseball-only stadium. It was, for the longest time, shared between the Raiders and the A's. So it's not meant to be baseball.

It doesn't have the same friendly confines, if you will. It doesn't have the same feel as a baseball-only stadium with its history and tradition, though there is a lot of tradition there with the A's. But the only time fans showed up last season was when? When they were protesting the move away from the Bay Area. When they were protesting, remember they showed up and they were chanting, sell the team! Sell the team!

That's when they showed up, is to protest. So I don't know whether or not Vegas and Vegas residents will be a prosperous match with the A's. Again, we're talking on the strip, there's a lot of congestion, she, the mayor, actually wants them to be north Las Vegas, but she doesn't really have any jurisdiction over the strip because it's technically not Las Vegas proper. So there are a lot of questions over whether or not it's going to be a good fit, but A's owner John Fisher, he's determined, determined that he wants to be in Vegas. He's seen the success of the Vegas Golden Knights, now they weren't moved from somewhere else, they were an expansion team. He's seen the, I would say the draw of the Raiders, not the 6CS yet, but the draw, and actually what we found out, just based on our walking through the malls and concourses and casinos of Luxor and Mandalay Bay for about 8 miles on Tuesday, fans of any opposing team will show up because Vegas is a destination. We'll explain more about that coming up and why Jay was so confused on Tuesday.

We finally figured it out. It was actually a big deal for one of the sports teams here in Las Vegas. We made it to Radio Row just in time for our first interview, no thanks to the NFL who had forgotten to print our credentials. Producer Jay took video right away and he's just now posted it on our show Twitter after our CBS.

You can also find all of the photos and videos on my Twitter, ALawRadio, because I'm re-sharing them on our Facebook page too. It was a good first day, though I don't know if we were coming or going. I walked 8 miles in heels, that will not happen again. We did not, I didn't have a meal. Jay had a meal inside our hotel, but we have not had a meal yet.

We didn't want to do food court in Las Vegas, that seemed just wrong. So we've already gotten a question, Producer Jay. We'll have to answer this following the update. On Twitter, from Javier, when are you going to Tacos El Gordo? That and Dirt Dogs are calling our name on Wednesday. I'm going to go sue and I'm hungry. Yeah, so we have a secret to tell you, we'll do that coming up.

Marco Belletti, we miss you. This is After Hours with Amy Lawrence. Now the perfect opening, and Chandler Stephenson gives Vegas the lead, 2-1, 90 seconds into the third. Live from Las Vegas, After Hours is brought to you by Southern Recipe. The reason we are using a hockey highlight during Super Bowl week on Radio Row is because it happened in Vegas.

And as I've told you, it's become my new pet peeve. What happens in Vegas does not stay in Vegas, otherwise it would never count anywhere else. The Vegas Golden Knights, hosting the Edmonton Oilers, who are on a 16 game win streak, except the Knights got lucky, ha ha, is it better to be lucky than good?

Here maybe it is. No, the Golden Knights are just that good. And they not only got 30 shots, 30 shots stopped, 30 saves from Chandler Stephenson, excuse me, from Aidan Hill, but Chandler Stephenson had that go ahead goal and the Oilers were able to run right into what is the Vegas Buzzsaw, or at least it was tonight.

Here's the funny part, we kept walking through the hotel slash casino slash mall slash food court, it just goes on and on and on and on. All the concourses between the Luxor and Mandalay Bay and Jay kept remarking about all the Oilers jerseys and couldn't figure out why there were so many Oilers jerseys. Well that's the reason, because it's a destination city for the teams that are now housed here, the teams that call Vegas home. And that includes the Golden Knights at T-Mobile Arena and that was the call on their radio network.

It's after hours with Amy Lawrence on CBS Sports Radio, kind of felt good to hear some hockey, the name Jonathan Marcheso could only be hockey. And again, the Vegas Golden Knights, we know they've had a ton of success since they were born here in Vegas as an expansion team. The Raiders, not so much. What would happen with the A's? Well they'd pour a lot of money into it. Major League Baseball wants a piece of the Vegas pie, no doubt. But do you agree that maybe baseball's a little bit too slow or that fans who are coming here are primarily fans from other cities and other franchises, they're supporting their teams as they come to Vegas and not, I don't want to say homegrown, but not native Vegas baseball lovers? That part to me could be similar to what we see with the Raiders, where sometimes their opponents have more fans than they do, number one. Number two, is that really what the ownership John Fisher wants?

Or does he not care? He just wants to be in Vegas and have access to what is a growing city, a growing market, and certainly a growing vacuum when it comes to sports. It just sucks everything in, right? Super Bowl, brand new stadiums, fans from other cities, yeah it is, it's a vacuum, it's a destination and it sucks you in. Look, here we are. From Las Vegas at 98.5 HD2, The Bet, our local affiliate, we're pleased to be back on Radio Row, well I'm back on Radio Row, back at Super Bowl week, producer Jay, his first time, and Jay I'll leave it to you to answer the question, because it's coming about Tacos El Gordo.

So we desperately want to eat this week. The problem is, when you're working Radio Row during the daytime, and no joke, it's a 20 minute walk from a hotel, even though we never go outside. Also weird about Las Vegas, you very rarely see the outside. It's odd, because you are walking through concourses that go on for miles and miles with escalators and stairs and different arms and branches, everything's elaborate, and you, exactly, and you never, great word, you never see the outside.

And so as we're walking back toward the Luxor Hotel, there was a window, one concourse that had a wall of windows, it was actually more like a bridge, and it blew me away. It's light outside, I feel like we've been inside, and you walk through the casinos and people are bombarding you, are you staying, are you gonna be here tomorrow, would you like to try our machines, I mean it's rings and it's dings and it's pings and it's bling, it's everything in Las Vegas, right, so we'll have to take some photos of the casinos as well, I'm not sure if that's allowed, but we'll try to sneak it. We need to get outside though, so how do we get to Dirt Dogs and Tacos El Gordo, you my friend are the foodie tour guide, we've got to get outside our hotel, we have to.

We have to get to Tacos El Gordo too, because I'm looking at the menu right now, and each one just looks better than the next, I'm looking at the chorizo taco, and like I need five of these, like right now. Jay ate one meal for breakfast almost 24 hours ago, well not quite 24 hours ago, he ate a meal for breakfast, I don't know, maybe 16 hours ago, 17 hours ago, I have not eaten a meal since Monday night, because I opted for a nap instead of food on Tuesday, it was quite the travel experience to get here as you all know, six hour flight on Spirit, here's what I've recently learned about Spirit, while I do appreciate that they have cheaper fares, they charge you even for water, so thankfully I had my own water bottle and I filled it up in the airport before we left, but a six hour flight, I had my own snacks, and my bag of the problem is Jay, I ate the snacks that I was supposed to have for the show, and so Jay gave me a protein bar, and I was able to drink my own water, but that's it, six hours with only food and water for purchase, they don't actually give you a complimentary anything. How much do they charge for water, just curious. Well I didn't even ask, I didn't want to know, I was not going to buy a water on a plane, that's crazy, six hours and they make you buy it?

Any price seems inappropriate. But they do have cheaper fares, so I will say that. They get you on, they get you where you gotta go, hopefully, but I've actually never taken Spirit to be honest.

They have direct flights to a lot of places from Newark, I want to hear something else that freaked me out for a couple of minutes, and I thought, okay, it's a miracle. So when you do self check in at the airport, often they have a scale where you can weigh your bag, and I thought, because this has been standard for years, that as long as your suitcase isn't over 50 pounds, that you don't have to pay extra. Oh no, Spirit, now I don't know if this has changed across the board for airlines, Spirit has lowered the acceptable weight to 40 pounds, and I'm thinking, okay, that's a really large suitcase.

Not only did I bring my stuff for just walking around, but my hiking shoes, Bob's hiking shoes because he'll be here for the weekend, we're gonna go to Red Rock Canyon, I brought dresses and nice outfits for Radio Row, then different outfits for work at night, we've got a party to go to on Thursday, the Mike Ditka and Ron Jaworski cigar party, so there's just a lot that I had to bring with me, not to mention work equipment and stuff. And so I'm thinking, okay, I have up to 50 pounds, I put it on the scale, it's 44. So I fudge it, I don't enter into the Spirit website and say that I have something extra and I'm thinking, shoot, maybe they'll let me sneak on the extra four pounds, I get up to the bag drop, which is the counter, put it on the scale, 39 and a half. What?

Right, I'm telling you it was a miracle. I took nothing out, the suitcase was locked, I don't know. Did they weigh the scale on the self-checkout one more to get people to pay? They might actually, isn't that underhanded and devious? That's what I thought. If it wasn't a miracle, then they have calibrated the scale out by the self-check in to be heavier, which means that you then end up paying a fee, I found you out Spirit, you end up paying a fee because you think that your bag is overweight, only to take it up to the bag drop and realize that other scale was five pounds too heavy.

I think we just uncovered Spirit Airlines. Isn't that wrong? That's so wrong. That's horrible. Yeah, it is. You didn't take anything out of the bag. It's crooked and it's devious.

It's terrible. The bag was locked. They're gonna charge you for water too? They're gonna charge you for water, they're gonna charge you for a bag that's not too heavy.

So I'm glad I didn't pay, the guy paid no attention to it whatsoever, he just took the bag, put the tag on it, actually I put the tag on it and that was it, it was gone. I was stunned. So either it was a miracle or Spirit's crooked, one or the other.

Maybe a combination of the two. Also that's just my opinion and Jay's opinion, I suppose we can't actually accuse Spirit of being crooked because that would be wrong. It's shady. It's sketchy. It is a little bit shady.

Alright, coming up next hour, a conversation with NFL Network and NFL Media Senior National Columnist. That's quite a title but she is worthy of it. Judy Batista sat down with us on Radio Row and guess what, she was wearing the color of my wedding.

I told her that. It's been really cool to connect with people who I either haven't heard from on social media or haven't seen in a long time and how happy they are for me. That's really sweet. I appreciate all the congratulations.

It's been eight weeks almost, it'll be eight weeks Sunday. Then people stop congratulating you. At what point would you stop congratulating someone that got married? Well I guess it doesn't end because then you're thinking like anniversaries where you congratulate someone every year and then it's like oh 20 years, 30 years, 40 years. Then that's when it gets even more congratulations so it really doesn't end right? It doesn't end for me.

I'm okay. Although we are really looking forward to three month anniversary because the leftover cupcakes that my best friend made, these were the, wait let me see if I can remember, white chocolate raspberry coconut cupcakes with the chocolate ganache filling and the buttercream frosting and Jay and I are starving which is why we want some cupcakes. We brought back only a handful so we're only eating them every quarter. So as we get to the quarter bowl, we get you cupcakes, yes. All right so we've got videos and photos up on Twitter after our CBS on my Twitter, ALawRADIO. Our Facebook page too, sponsored by Southern Recipe Pork Rinds. We're in Las Vegas at 98.5 HD to the Bet, halfway through our first show covering Super Bowl week for you. Producer Jay, I'm Amy Lawrence.

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