The Sultan of Sizzle. The Titan of Toastiness. The Kingpin of Kindling.
These are the admired ones. Those who've created the prime place to gather. They don't just have a backyard. They have the backyard because they know a Solo Stove Fire Pit is more than just the ultimate smokeless fire pit. It's a place where friendships are forged, football is revered, and food is enjoyed. Solo Stove. The perfect flame for the big game.
A Peanut Butter M&M's Production. In a world where Super Bowl winners get the world's admiration and a fancy ring, but the runners-up get nothing, one retired cop returns. That's one retired quarterback. Read the script.
Oh, sorry. One retired quarterback returns to claim what's his. Um, that's claim a ring with diamonds made from M&M's peanut butter, but you're on a roll.
The Ring of Comfort. Coming soon to a Super Bowl new you. Dead center of the work week. We're doing our absolute best to keep you entertained. Are you not entertained?
It's after hours on the hump show, which means you get to ask Amy anything. It's so funny to see the reaction of some Facebook followers, friends, whatever, to the questions of other people. I appreciate that you all are interested in my married life. It's been six weeks. We're still working it out. I've already told you it's been a massive change in many areas, and it has for Bob as well. But many of you are asking questions, which I think is cool.
We're going to do a YouTube video at some point and we'll we'll answer your questions with some of the fun stories. You all care about the pets. You care about the schedule. You care about lots of things, which I think is awesome. Thank you for caring about my life. But then you have the random poster who says, when are we going to get over the wedding? When can we stop talking about you being married?
I feel a little bit like Taylor Swift. Yeah, people, people have other options. You have other options.
You can watch and listen to whatever you want. It does not have to be us. But we appreciate that you make us your choice. Many of you and that you even stick a long enough stick around long enough to be pissed at the fact that we dare mention the host being married or getting married after all this time. Maybe that's why I'm happy for Travis and Taylor. If they're happy, I'm happy because I know how hard it is and was to find the right partner. And now that I've found it, finally, I'm kind of putting in myself back in that space where I didn't have it and recognizing that it's it's challenging.
It's worse than trying to find a needle in a haystack, like worse than that. So send your questions for Ask Amy anything to our show Twitter after our CBS, as well as our Facebook page. Some of you are sending suggestions for Las Vegas. Here's the crazy part. People think we go to Las Vegas, we'll experience the atmosphere. It'll be so much fun. Do you know what we do the majority of the time?
Work. So, yes, we've taken the show on the road to a bunch of different places. And this is pre producer Jay. So this will be his first Super Bowl on Radio Row. I'm really excited for him because once you see it, you kind of understand the magnitude of it until you see it, you don't really get it. The first time that producer Tom went to the Super Bowl with After Hours, the look on his face the whole time, he couldn't do enough to take it all in. Now, he was an uber fan as well.
So he would see people that just he was mesmerized by. Jay, not quite the same personality when it comes to that, but I can imagine you'll be busy snapping photos and taking videos and all those things, those things that you love, the elements that you love. But it's such a grand scale and Radio Row is it's like nothing you've ever experienced. The noise, the number of people who are posted up in that space, the number of shows that are broadcasting from there during the course of Super Bowl week. Yeah, it's like unlike anything else that I've ever done in my radio career, even including say media days, because that's still a select number of schools slash media outlets. The Super Bowl is a different scale. It's a different magnitude.
There's nothing like it. And it's concentrated in one area, which means there is a mass influx of sponsors, corporate partners, marketers, agents, not to mention athletes, entertainers, celebrities, which is why it's funny that people are mad about Taylor Swift being shown at the Super Bowl. Do you know how many other celebrities are going to be there?
It's a place to see and to be seen. There are Hall of Famers, there are current and former players. Many of them are either pitching a particular product, they're getting paid to pitch or they're drumming up interest and recognition for their own charitable organizations or different projects that they're working with. You want to get the word out? Super Bowl week is how you do it. You want your client to be seen and to be heard?
Super Bowl week is how you do it. Do you know who I interviewed in my last radio row? Some of you may remember. Two of the stars from Top Gun Maverick.
The media company that, well, they were working with a PR company, but Paramount made them available, sent a press release to a bunch of different media outlets, including CBS, and made two of the pilots, actors that were pilots, available to us on radio row. I've interviewed Olympians, I've interviewed an astronaut who spent a year and a half at the space station. No joke, she finally went to the space station about five years after I met her. That's how I originally met the first ever woman to officiate in a Super Bowl. Right? I mean, it's amazing the people that you cross paths with there. And because we do the majority of our interviews over the phone, in some cases over Zoom calls, this is our one week out of the year or one of the very few opportunities out of an entire year where we get to stare our guests in the face.
Right? We get to shake their hands, we get to speak to them in person, we get to make eye contact. It's invaluable for me as a host and for us as a show in terms of networking and connecting.
But it is a sight to behold. And so our general schedule while we're there, Jay's actually flying in next Monday night, I'm flying in Tuesday morning on a direct flight, and we will hit the ground running in Vegas. So I get off the plane, I go straight to the hotel, I paid for early check in so I can drop my stuff, I can change clothes, and I can walk over to Radio Row.
So that was kind of the cool thing was being able to find a hotel that is directly across the street from Mandalay Bay, which is where Radio Row, the convention center is hosting this year. Beware, Jay, you need time because you have to go through about four levels of security. But you know, I've met some really cool members of law enforcement who also have bomb sniffing dogs that listen to the show, and it brought their dogs up to meet me. In fact, one particular dog in Houston, who's a black lab, he was relatively young, and his handler said, Hey, listen to your show all the time. I forgot the dog's name. I'll have to go back and look.
But he said, I know you're a big fan. Would you like to meet? I think it was Chloe. Would you like to meet Chloe? And so I'm petting Chloe because you know, generally you don't, you're not supposed to touch the dogs.
They're working, right? It'd be like touching us while we're working. Don't do that. So he said you can pet Chloe if you want to. So I'm petting Chloe, and then he's talking to me about the show. So I stopped petting Chloe for a second. I look up to talk to him because I'm down on the floor with Chloe. Chloe takes her jaws and just clamps down on my arm like, Hey, get back here.
Not her teeth, just her jaw. She wanted your attention. She wanted my attention.
It was really sweet. So I did not get a picture with Chloe. I felt weird asking because, again, member of law enforcement, and she was a bomb sniffing working dog. But we've met several members of law enforcement who work odd hours and listen to the show. And in Las Vegas, we have an affiliate. In fact, we'll be hosting from our affiliate, so we will not be on Radio Row.
It's a big cavernous convention center, and the acoustics are awful with nobody in the room. So we'll be in a radio studio. That way, Jay can run the board and everything else, and we're looking forward to it. So we work for five, six hours on Radio Row from about lunchtime until dinnertime. We meet people.
We set up interviews. Jay's going to have a master schedule. It's going to be nutso. We then have maybe a couple hours to grab dinner, to plan for the show, to catch a nap if we're lucky. Now on Vegas time, this is awesome. I love my favorite part of doing a Super Bowl Pacific time zone. The show starts at 11 p.m. We're off the air by 3 a.m. That is the best part.
So doing this in San Francisco, going back to Super Bowl 50, it was amazing. Off the air by 3 a.m., sleeping by 3.30. Fantastic. It's almost, quote, unquote, normal.
Almost. And so we have to be in studio by 9 p.m., right? So you grab dinner, you take a nap, and you go back to work. You get back to your hotel room at 3 o'clock, 3.30.
What do you do? Well, you grab another nap, you get up, you shower, you prep for the next round of interviews, you go back to the convention center. And it's three days of that. But it's three days that are extremely beneficial for our show, so we're really looking forward to it. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence on Twitter. After Hours, CBS, that's how you can find all our photos and videos from Super Bowl Week in Las Vegas. And again, we're really thankful and excited to partner with Southern Recipe Pork Rinds and Gridiron Grates.
They're sponsoring our trip to Las Vegas this year. So questions for Ask Amy, because next week we probably won't do it. It gets really crowded and crammed with all our interviews and our stories.
So we'll probably table Ask Amy during Super Bowl Week. We'll get back to it the week after. But don't worry, there'll be plenty of stories, plenty of ancillary extras that you just can't get anywhere else, of course, because it's me and I am unique.
Not special, not cool, but definitely unique. So we'll do that next week for you where we're excited. So for now, send your questions to Twitter and Facebook, and it's about 30 minutes away. Our phone number 855-212-4227.
That's 855-212-4CBS. People are currently sending us suggestions about what to do in Vegas. And my whole point of talking to you about the schedule is that until we wake up on Friday, I guess late morning, early afternoon, Jay, when are you flying back to New York? Late Friday night.
Oh, you are. You're leaving Friday night. OK, so would you like to go investigate the strip then on Friday when you wake up? Of course.
What time do you have to check out of your hotel? I'm probably like 11, I guess. Oh, no. What are you going to do all day? Hang out with us?
Yeah. Enjoy the strip. Check it out.
All right. I've never seen it, so I'm going to walk it. I'm going to walk the strip.
I'm going to check out the sites. I'm going to take photos. And if you want to, I guess I could tell this to you or say this to you off the air, but you can put your stuff in our room so you don't have to carry it around all day. And if for whatever reason your room isn't ready when you get there, I will be there. Don't say that.
I'm just saying you can put yourself in my room. OK, I appreciate that. But don't say that because it's going to be ready. Of course it will be. I paid for early check-ins.
Anyway, so that's good. What time's your flight? On Friday. Yeah.
Is it like a red eye or is it? No, I think it's I think I have to be at the airport. Not too late.
I get home late because the time changed back in New York, but I think I leave like 6 p.m. Vegas time. We've got some time. We've got some time to look around. Yeah.
So on Friday night, I'm actually checking one item off the bucket list, and that is Cirque du Soleil in Vegas. That's awesome. I've seen I want to say like maybe clips or no, that doesn't sound right. I have seen. What would you call them? Not the whole troop, but but like, you know, a few of the Cirque du Soleil artists. OK, like in a different venue. Right. So on my cruise to Alaska, there were what would you call them?
A segment, a section, a fraction. It wasn't a full Cirque du Soleil show, but there were a few acrobats and athletes from Cirque du Soleil who were performing on the cruise that I took to Alaska, however many years ago. But my my bucket list item is always to see Cirque du Soleil in Vegas. And so we got tickets to Mystere, which is the iconic show that's been running for years.
So can't wait to see that. We thought about Michael Jackson, but the tickets were like twice as much. And so we went with we went with iconic and cheaper because we could get a lot closer and and still be able to afford it. That's awesome. It's the original.
It's classic. Yeah. Can't wait. Can't wait. So that's on Friday after we walk the strip and then Saturday we're getting the heck out of Vegas and we're going to the Hoover Dam. Like total nerds, we're going to take the tour. Yeah, we're going underneath into the tunnels.
Yeah. Hoover Dam is so cool. So going to be geeked out over the Hoover Dam. And then also we're going to try to hike.
There's a bunch of places you can hike and see Lake Mead and all that jazz. So that's kind of the plan for Saturday before we take a red eye home on Saturday night. And you know how much fun that's going to be for me since I don't sleep on planes. I've already warned Bob. Yeah.
If I don't sleep, you don't sleep. I'm just teasing. I'm totally teasing. I'll be like, oh, excuse me.
Like drop something on him. Oh, wow. I'm sorry. I didn't see you there. No, I will let him.
Turbulence. Yeah. Hey, babe, what about want to watch this movie with me? This movie looks good.
Let's check it out. That's mean. I won't do that.
I'll let him sleep because he's going to be keeping our hours for a while, which is not easy. They're a little more normal. That's true.
In Vegas, they're a little more normal. So we're looking forward to that. Thank you for all your suggestions.
I appreciate them. Again, I don't know how much time we'll have to visit and sightsee. We've got a few things on the calendar, but we'll take a good restaurant. A suggestion.
Some guy wrote in. You have to have In-N-Out Burger. Are you kidding me? I'm not going all the way to Las Vegas during Super Bowl week to have In-N-Out Burger like a lunch real quick. We don't have time for lunch. We're working a quick bite for a half hour if I need something and I see it. In-N-Out Burger. That's the thing. You're going all the way to Las Vegas and you're going to eat chain food.
No. That'd be like going to Vegas and eating at an Applebee's. We're not doing that either. Nothing against Applebee's, but we're not going there or Chick-fil-A. We're not going to Lone Star Steakhouse. We're not going to Wendy's. We're not going to Hard Rock Cafe. I don't care.
We're not going to Hard Rock Cafe in Las Vegas. Oh my gosh. We have to have a local flair. Whatever that is. I think we'll find it. You think so?
I do. It's not In-N-Out Burger. It's definitely not In-N-Out Burger. It's not In-N-Out.
It's not In-N-Out Burger. No. Alright, so we were yapping and telling you a little bit of our plans. That's coming up next week, Super Bowl week. I swear, coming up next, the plot thickens. Patrick Mahomes has a different version of the story than does Justin Tucker.
And I'm here for it. I love that Marco Belletti actually led his cast with the Justin Tucker, Patrick Mahomes drama. That's beautiful. It's a man after my own heart right there. The Sultan of Sizzle. The Titan of Toastiness. The Kingpin of Kindling.
These are the admired ones. Those who've created the prime place together. They don't just have a backyard. They have the backyard because they know a Solo Stove Fire Pit is more than just the ultimate smokeless fire pit. It's a place where friendships are forged, football is revered, and food is enjoyed. Solo Stove, the perfect flame for the big game.
A peanut butter M&M's production. In a world where Super Bowl winners get the world's admiration and a fancy ring, but the runners up get nothing. One retired cop returns. That's one retired quarterback. Read the script.
Oh, sorry. One retired quarterback returns to claim what's his. Um, that's claim a ring with diamonds made from M&M's peanut butter.
But you're on a roll. The Ring of Comfort, coming soon to a Super Bowl new you. When the whole family comes together to watch the game, nobody wants to miss a second of the action to run to the grocery store. With Instacart, you can get all your weekly groceries in as fast as an hour.
Less time shopping means more game time. Let's go. Visit to get free delivery on your first three orders. Offer valid for a limited time.
$10 minimum per order. Additional terms apply. It's After Hours on CBS Sports Radio.
You are listening to the After Hours Podcast. Tenth player of the Chiefs Drive is first and ten after the penalty at the Raven 19 near hash. Mahomes to throw against a four man rush. Fires it near side to Kelce. Comes back to the ball and holds it in. Touchdown!
It ends on city. Patrick Mahomes absolutely took duct tape and just wrapped the ball around the waist of Travis Kelce for a 19 yard touchdown. Getting you to the good half of your week.
It's the Hulk Show on After Hours. Travis Kelce had a whale of a game in the AFC Championship. And he was also real busy running his mouth and picking fights.
I mean, I use that loosely. Of course, he wasn't getting tossed out. He was just being an instigator. And he was fired up. He was feeling himself. He has been open about how he played this year. In fact, he said it multiple times that he sucked.
He's been terrible. But he showed up at just the right time. And some of the catches that he made. Forget the crazy throws that come from Patrick Mahomes on the back foot, falling backward, ducking under coverage, sidearm, whatever. Sometimes he shovels it with his left hand. Travis Kelce made some incredible catches.
And he's a big reason why the Chiefs are headed back to their fourth Super Bowl in five years. Maybe, just maybe, he was fired up because of what happened during the pregame. About 90 minutes before kickoff, the plot thickens. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence on CBS Sports Radio. It's one of those old radio theater productions they used to get. Remember, they didn't have TV going back, well, before Jay and I, even before Black and White. But they would do radio theater where they'd have actors and actresses who would voice the various parts. It's actually a lot of fun to go back and listen to them because the sound effects are brilliant. Anyway, that's me.
I'm a radio nerd. We had heard from one Justin Tucker that this was actually Patrick and Travis taking exception to the fact that he was warming up the same way he always does. If you need a reminder, here's what Justin Tucker had to say about Patrick kicking his, well, Patrick removed his kicking tees. Travis chucked his tees, his footballs, his helmet.
It was a whole brouhaha. For those that don't know, the way it works is each team's kicker goes to the other team's designated warm-up area on the field. For me, it's usually about 90 minutes before kickoff.
I've been doing the exact same thing for 12 years, never really had a problem with anybody. That's just the way we've always done it and the way kickers around the league have always done it. I saw Patrick there trying to warm up and get some drop backs. He asked me while I was on the ground stretching if I could move my helmet. I happily got up and I moved my helmet out of the way. At least I thought it was enough out of the way.
Then Travis comes over and he just kicks my stuff and he throws my helmet. I just thought it was all just some gamesmanship, all in good fun. They seem to be taking it a little bit more seriously. I'm totally willing to let it all go. I just wanted to explain that that's just what I've done for 12 years. It's not like I'm out there trying to be problematic. I'm just trying to get ready for the football game just like they are.
Interesting because I feel like after watching the videos, and we've scrutinized the videos 7 ways to Sunday. After watching the videos it certainly seems like Justin Tucker put his kicking tees down just close enough that Patrick might actually trip over backwards. Oh I'm sorry, did you sprain your ankle?
Oh no! Well here's the thing though Pat, I've seen you play with a sprained ankle and you're amazing. So no big deal.
No harm, no foul. I don't know, it certainly seemed like his kicking tees were pretty darn close to where Pat was doing his drop backs. So if you watch the two videos on our show Twitter After Hours CBS you see one, Mahomes moving the kicking tees not once but twice. And the second time he waits until Justin Tucker's turned his back for like a half a second and throws it again. And then you see Travis Kelce kind of come through the first video and he and Pat have a brief consultation. And then in the second video it's where Travis decides enough is enough. You jabroni, get back to your side of the field, take your stupid footballs, your helmet and your kicking tees with you. And Travis becomes the enforcer.
Who the f*** is that guy? I don't think he said that. And I'm not even sure he and Tucker spoke to each other. I just know that Travis was done. And once Patrick gave the word, Travis swooped into action. Well we got Justin's side of the story.
Are you ready for Patrick's? This is on 610 in Kansas City. Mahomes says, yeah funny it only ever happens with one guy. I've had like seven years of kind of doing that same warm up routine. And there's only been like three occasions where there's been a kicker that wasn't Cause you usually talk to guys that have been a kicker that wasn't necessarily moving out the way.
Or you weren't kind of sharing the field in the right way. And I mean it was in Baltimore all three times. Okay so when Justin Tucker says every kicker in the league this is what we do. He just means him in Baltimore. This is what I've been doing for 12 years in Baltimore against the Chiefs. Strict warm up routine against the Chiefs. I do not deviate.
Oh I was just going to use that word. I do not deviate from my routine against Kansas City. It's all mental.
Kansas City comes in, got to do that. I mean I was with him on the whole thing about hey it's your turf, it's your stadium. How can they be throwing your stuff out of the way in your stadium? But the fact that Mahomes is saying Baltimore is the only place where this happens. Now it's total gamesmanship.
I mean total. And Patrick isn't buying that this was an accidental encounter. He does that little stuff I think to try to get under our skin. And I asked him to move his stuff and he got up and moved it I think two inches. But didn't move it out of the way. And I was going to kind of let it fly but Travis kind of got it and moved it for me. And then after that I wasn't going to let him put it back down.
We move on. I mean I have a lot of respect for him as a player and as a kicker. One of the best kickers of all time.
Probably the best kicker of all time. But at the same time you got to have respect for each team. And we all share the field and we try to do that in a respectful way.
Huh. Alright well on 610 in Kansas City that is the Patrick Mahomes version. So I ask you again are you Team Tuck or Team Travis? Are you Team Tuck or Team Pat? Jay who are you?
How do you identify? Team Tuck or Team Pat? Yesterday I would have said I'm Team Tuck.
Oh you flipped. Because I felt like Tuck was in the right. He was just doing his own workout thing in his own stadium. He's a kicker.
He needs a kick. He didn't move it. He put it over.
They could have just went to another area. But then I hear Pat's version and I'm watching the video again. And I'm like did Tuck really just only move it a little inch just trying to get under their skin? And now watching it and hearing Mahomes and knowing that it happened three other times only in Baltimore.
Yeah there's no doubt Justin Tucker was. It was gamesmanship. Well now I'm Team Tuck but I totally think he did it on purpose.
He did it on purpose. Because the look on his face when Pat is throwing his kicking tee out of the way. And then the look on his face. That's the first time. He doesn't see the second time because Pat waited until his back was turned. But the look on his face when Kelsey is throwing the footballs and the helmet out the back of the end zone. Oh it's priceless. Tucker's bemused look.
As though to say I've been found out. The gig is up. I'm telling you he did it on purpose. And maybe he does it to every team that comes in because it's his stadium and he can get away with it.
Security's not going to tell him to leave. But the fact that not every team has a Travis Kelsey who will serve as the enforcer for his quarterback. Well that's where his gig is up now. The gig is up because Travis Kelsey is not allowing you to come anywhere near the golden goose of the Kansas City Chiefs.
I don't know if I'm Team Kelsey though. See I like Mahomes. He's like I just went to move it. And then Mahomes wasn't going to throw it like inconsiderately. He did wait until Tucker turned his back and then picked it up and threw it again.
He picked it up and kind of placed it. Travis comes in and was like I'm setting the tone here. I am throwing this.
This isn't happening. Bully. So that's a little bully. I don't love that from Travis.
I get it. Protecting his guy. Hey if someone did that to me and I was about to sprain my ankle warming up for the biggest game of the year.
You wouldn't take the kicking tee and chuck it. So you think Travis in that moment knew or definitely thought that Justin Tucker was doing it on purpose. Oh I'm pretty sure that Patrick knew that Tucker.
Because he said this only happens in Baltimore. You think that was in like hindsight thinking about it? At the moment he's like this guy again. Yeah.
Why can't we get rid of you? You're a kicker. No I think he totally did it on purpose. Or he knew he was doing it on purpose. Because the first time he moved the tee Tucker put it back. And then Pat picked it up again. But in the meantime had to get Travis Kelsey as the solution. He's the solution.
Like a mob or something. He just knows that Tucker can't do anything about it at that point. When Kelsey comes in and throws his stuff what's Justin Tucker going to do to Kelsey? Exactly. Nothing. So I don't know.
Pick up someone your own size. But. I mean.
Like so where is. If Mark Andrews wasn't injured. It's all about the company that you keep. I mean it's too bad for Justin Tucker that he didn't have Mark Andrews on the job. If Mark Andrews is on the job then maybe Travis Kelsey's not picking up his crap and chucking it. But since Justin Tucker was out there alone on his island. He thought he'd be a big bad ass all by himself. He went broke.
Shouldn't have done that. He needs backup. That's what happens when you don't have a wingman. He needs his wingman. Patrick Mahomes has the best wingman in the history of the world.
That's a fact. Fantastic. Alright on Twitter after hours CBS. Last chance to send your questions for Ask Amy Anything.
Same thing on our Facebook page. You guys are cracking me up with your comments about Vegas. And are you Team Tuck or Team Trav. Whatevs.
It's all in good fun. And you know you're going to listen to Tom Brady. Whether or not you really want to or will ever admit it. You are listening to the after...
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No long term commitments or contracts. That's Code Program. After Hours Podcast. This is After Hours with Amy Lawrence. Time to ask Amy anything. Sort of. Hit me with your best shot. Fire away. As always, thank you for your questions. We never run out. Jay never runs out.
I would think you'd be bored after 11 years, but the questions keep coming. Thanks so much for hanging out with us. Good morning to you. If you're waking up on your Wednesday, it's your hump day.
Our hump show, middle show of the work week. And I know you're going to go through withdrawals next week. So I got out on time.
I gave Jay plenty of real estate. He is armed and dangerous. Are you going to get through every question today, you think? I think we might. I think we might. I'm ready. Let's go. Of course, to tease our newest video that will come out in the next month or so.
Maybe earlier. As Amy walked down the aisle. Walked. Past tense. Maureen wants to know how big of a sports fan is Bob? And what, if any, teams does he follow?
This is a really easy answer. He's not a big sports fan. He only likes college football. He only follows college football. He'll watch the NFL with me now and then. But he is a diehard Texas Longhorns fan.
So UT, burnt orange, everything. And I have been, I've been grafted into the family. So I now have to adjust accordingly with my college loyalties. I had the chance to watch some of the Longhorns football games with his family this fall.
Okay, that was an experience. They're all big fans? Especially since I worked in Oklahoma for four years and covered OU football as part of my time there.
Oh yeah, they're out to make sure that I have no remaining loyalties to the Crimson and Cream. So we've had some pretty serious discussions. But yeah, he's huge into UT. Loves the Longhorns. He's been great about wearing the Broncos hat that I gave him.
The winter hat because he doesn't have his own. But for the most part, he's really just a college football fan. And UT is what he bleeds. And the Longhorns are things of looking up, so that'll get more intense.
He's really glad that Sark didn't leave. Nice. Gray wants to know, will you be sharing pictures in Vegas or from Vegas as the week goes on? The question might a week from now be, will you stop sharing pictures from Vegas as the week goes on? Yes, in fact, that's one of producer J's big jobs while we're there is photo, video at every turn.
We want you to see what we're seeing and we'll take you on some tours. We'll do some goofy videos. You know, last year we had a video for every day of Super Bowl week, but it was from here. We did best party food. We did what? Best Super Bowls ever. We did all kinds.
Best commercials. We did some fun ones. But this actually puts us right in the center of the action in a place that will be all new for us. So yes, you will see it through our eyes.
Going to be an editing machine. Make sure you follow our show Twitter after our CBS and then also our Facebook page. So you went on a trip last week, not a trip. You went away last week, left the state of New Jersey. Paul wants to know, how did you like Augusta? Augusta, Georgia was, yeah, it was cool. Mostly it was because of the people that I met in working with the Peach Belt Conference and getting a chance to collaborate with a bunch of other women and professionals in the sports industry. All of us broadcasters.
Everybody else, administrators, coaches, trainers, compliance officers, commissioners. So it was all manner of sports professionals there, not broadcasters. And then to have the chance to support and encourage younger athletes and professionals earlier in their careers was really neat as well. I will admit that I was a bit of a stalker at Augusta National. So my host, the deputy commissioner of the Peach Belt Conference, Diana, drove three times by Magnolia Lane slowly so that I could gawk.
It was awesome. The gate was open and we actually got to see down Magnolia Lane, pristine. And with some of the trees not having quite as many leaves, you could even see snatches of the green and the golf course.
But they've got it gated off. The trees themselves are iconic. You can recognize the trees from all the times we've seen it on TV. So, yeah, that was really neat.
I felt like I was in the presence of greatness even though it was just a golf course. Did you get the urge to play? Yes.
But, of course, back in the northeast, there's snow and all manner of frozen ground, so that's not happening for a while, but always. So we're due for a round. We are.
From like last year's birthday gifts. Yes, we'll get that in. Brian wants to know, are all of your pets friends now? They are. Actually, other than keeping Daisy, the puppy, away from everyone else's food, they get along just fine. So, yes, the cat no longer gives two shakes about the fact that there's an extra dog in the house. Sugar has given her an earful a couple of times when she felt like Daisy was too close. And so now Daisy gives her a respectable amount of space. I would say that Justin Tucker could learn a thing or two from the way that Daisy handles the cat. Everything's good.
We don't have any squawking or howling or hissing or barking or anything like that. That was really funny. The plumber showed up on Tuesday, and Daisy, who's lived at the house for all of six weeks, decided that she would go ballistic and bark at the plumber.
That was hysterical. Territorial. Yeah, first of all, Daisy's like 16 pounds.
Like Justin Tucker. Yeah, but also she apparently has claimed the house as her own territory, so watch out. Time to get into some food here, of course. Yes. Susan wants to know, do you think you'll ever make a recipe book on cookies or chili?
I feel like that's scary. What if nobody read it? What if nobody bought it? No. What if nobody liked it? What if nobody tried it? Nah.
It would take one person to buy it and be like, wow, this is great. Let me spread the word on this. Okay. I don't know. I think I'm too much of a fraidy cat. I don't want to be rejected.
Eat your cookies. What if you pour all of your time and effort and energy into doing it and then it's a flop? Then what do you do? I mean, that's with anything, right?
Oh, well. That's true. At least you enjoyed the process.
Yeah, it's fun. Trust the process. I mean, everyone would buy it. I'd buy it.
What? You don't cook or bake. Well, I would buy it so I'd know how to make them.
I'd have someone make them for me. Oh, okay. Got it. That's how it works. Brian wants to know, which is your favorite cut of steak?
Oh, shoot, this is not a good question to ask me. I like filet mignon. Isn't that the really expensive, delicious one? I like filet mignon. But when I can't afford filet mignon, a T-bone is pretty good too because I actually like a little more fat in the steak.
It just tastes so good. It's not like a skirt steak. I mean, a skirt steak I've used in other recipes. So I've made them before, but I do like a little bit of fat.
It's, I don't know if I need it to be a marble piece, but it's tasty that way. It's got some juices. Yeah, it's got some juices, but I don't eat steak very often. Now Bob eats a lot more steak and he grills it to perfection. In fact, when his grill was covered by snow a couple of weeks ago, it went against everything he stands for that I've made steaks in the broiler. Oh no, that, I mean, he wasn't even sure he was going to eat them. No, he did eat it.
He was like, well, okay, it's all right. But I mean, your grill's covered by snow. What are we going to do? You're going to do, champions adjust.
You got to fight through adversity. That's it. All right, David wants to know, do you have a favorite flavor of Gatorade? The blue one or the purple one, the purple ice one.
Big difference. I know, but I like the blue and the purple. The purple is Riptide Rain, excuse me. That's the lighter color purple, right? There is a darker purple. Yes, I think the Riptide Rush is the purple. That's the freeze one, the ice one.
Yeah, I'm going to Google it right now. Dark purple Gatorade flavor. But there's also multiple blues.
That's true. No, I like purple. It's called Fierce Grape. Oh, that one. There we go. Fierce Grape and Riptide Rush.
Those are my favorite, the purples. Greg wants to know, Cheetos, crunchy or puffy? And he says, this is important. See, I don't really like Cheetos, which means now I'm no longer your favorite radio host. But if I'm eating them, I'm going to get more bang for my buck. More substance.
So give me the crunchies. Oh, interesting. Mm hmm. Those are really good in Chex Mix, by the way. That sounds good.
Yeah, it's good. All right. Moving off of food here.
Why? We'll move it off. We'll move back.
We'll come back. Joshua wants to know, do you like video games? Not really. I've played a few in the past. I played Tiger Woods Golf once with an ex boyfriend. I liked Ms. Pac-Man when I was a kid and we played it on our old Commodore 64 with a joystick. I really liked Frogger. I know it's a throwback. Half of those of you listening have no idea what Frogger is.
Jay doesn't know what Frogger is. I do. Oh, you do? OK, good.
Gotta get across the street. Yeah, it's awesome. Frogger was my favorite video game when I was a kid. But again, we played it on a computer. I also like to go to arcades and do the race cars at arcades or like Dave and Busters and do pinball machines.
So that's kind of the extent. I've told you guys, I am a total nerd. I'm not cool at all. My brother got the video game jeans.
I did not. You know they have Star Wars like video game toys or machines at like Dave and Busters. You can go in this whole thing like you're flying like an X-Wing. Come on.
It's pretty unreal. That's it. My next date night is Dave and Busters.
All right. David wants to know, do you have a comfort read book? Hmm, well, I would say that there are a couple of authors that write murder mysteries that I absolutely could get lost in whenever I need a break from reality. So Ann Perry writes mysteries about Victorian era, so I love her.
She's really good. Also, they're called the Jane books or anybody who loves Jane Austen. They're called the Jane Austen mysteries. And you'd have to be someone who's like really into this particular genre, but they're also amazing too. So Stephanie Barron writes them and then any of the Star Wars books. So Timothy Zahn is my favorite Star Wars writer.
Those are three of my authors that I dig. Laura wants to know, what's your favorite relaxing thing to do? I love playing piano. That's relaxing. Not like golf, which I love to do, but it's not relaxing most of the time. I actually enjoy doing exercise. I enjoy walking. I enjoy running, well, running hurts, but I like doing it. I like hiking. To me, that's relaxing. It may, you know, test your muscles, but it always sparks endorphins as well.
So exercise, playing piano, certainly reading, talking on the phone, anything like that. Big Jim wants to know, what's the first album you ever bought? Probably, yeah, let's see. You know that when I was a kid, I had vinyl, one vinyl album and it was Dolly Parton working nine to five. Do you remember that?
She's still making music. It was, what's the small one? It wasn't the big one. It was a small LP.
No, no, no. The small vinyl. It was like the little vinyl records.
It wasn't the big one. Oh, okay. Those are total like icons now. They're like epic.
They're back. We have a little rapid fire here to close us out. Tacos or empanadas, tacos, hamburger or hotdog, hamburger every day, education or experience, education, book smarts or street smarts. Well, I only have book smarts. I'm not street smart. So napkin or paper towels, paper towels.
I use paper towels for everything. Predictability or excitement, excitement, spontaneity, baby, hand soap or hand sanitizer, hand soap, private office or reserve parking spot, reserve parking spot. It's amazing. It's after hours on CBS sports radio.
A peanut butter M&M's production. In a world where Super Bowl winners get the world's admiration and a fancy ring, but the runners up get nothing. One retired cop returns. That's one retired quarterback. Read the script.
Oh, sorry. One retired quarterback returns to claim what's his. That's claim a ring with diamonds made from M&M's peanut butter, but you're on a roll. The Ring of Comfort coming soon to a Super Bowl new you.
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