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After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 2

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence
The Truth Network Radio
November 16, 2023 5:57 am

After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 2

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence

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November 16, 2023 5:57 am

Don't miss your MANY chances to win After Hours SWAG! + FINALLY your newest Hall of Flame inductee | Draymond Green suspended 5-games for headlock on Rudy Gobert | It's Dame Time again for the Bucks, but will he & Giannis ever actually play together??


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About two weeks ago, I gave three stated goals for the final what was it two months of the calendar year and Jay and I talked about them here on the air and I asked him do you think these things are possible there were three of them and I believe even though we haven't yet set up the after hours holiday zoom room that at least that is in the rearview mirror because we closed the contest on Wednesday morning and producer Jay was going to go through the numbers so you all were guessing numbers between one and a thousand and we were going to choose the five closest and we'll do a special holiday zoom room coming up between Thanksgiving and Christmas well between Thanksgiving and wedding I hate to break it to you but the week of the wedding I will be unavailable for a zoom room so producer Jay have we had the chance did you have the chance because I know this was on you to go and figure out who had the five closest guesses to the number that we chose so I have two who I know are not going to be beat the other ones I still have to go through there's a ton of numbers but I have two who I know right now are in they're in are we telling people what the number is yet or not yet oh okay not yet so you're oh okay not yet so you're worried that people might try to jump on it's possible well now you can look at the dates though yes yeah no it has to the cutoff has to be November 15th 6 a.m eastern time that was the cutoff because that's when we got off the air on Wednesday morning and we told you that it would run through the hump show and that was it all right so we're going to invite five of you well I really can't tell people the number all right you can tell the number okay so I wrote this number down even as Jay and I were going through well we were going through the my goals for the rest of the year and when we got to the after-hour zoom room I said to him okay I'm going to write down the number now I'm going to take a photo of it I'm going to give you this piece of paper I don't know if he still has the piece of paper but I texted him so we both had the number on our phones to participate in the after-hour zoom room you were trying to guess the number as close as possible to I wish we had a drum roll or just a drum 346 that was the number I did see a bunch that were in the threes I'm assuming that there's a little math involved which means Jay has to count his fingers because he's he's not real comfortable with actual math in his head or a calculator for some reason and so instead he does the counting on his fingers so it may take him a little longer but you're telling me you found two answers that were darn close I'm pretty sure I saw a couple that were within 10 or 15 I mean there could be more I just so far that what I've gone through I've seen two so in other words you didn't really go through them yet not all of them no like I said oh producer Jay I asked him if he wanted me to do it no no I'll do it I'll do it so we should have that reveal for you by the end of the week yeah definitely okay so that's cool because that was goal number one of the three activities I wanted to get done before the end of the year that was goal number one and so again we'll schedule that after our zoom room at your convenience but we'll do it with a holiday flare an ugly sweater contest and between thanksgiving and december probably 13th or so so we're talking about about a two and a half week window ish the second goal is to give away a bunch of after hours swag and we're already working on that Jay has brought me a jar Jay where did you get this jar did you steal it from your mother's cabinet no that was actually packed away it wasn't like being used for anything packed away where in a closet you know like a box so you went rummaging through a closet for a jar but not your own closet for my job no I looked and I thought I saw I even looked around the basement where I thought I might have seen it and I just and I had a shower and get ready for work so I was like all right let me just take this and I know that this is a jar I can replace it for the time being and but I've noticed how Jay waits until the last possible second to look for my jar I thought you told me it was in your closet have you also lost the bottle of pasta sauce I haven't seen it I know it's around like these things it's around I just they don't grow legs and walk away it's in there I know it's in there gosh as scared as I am to see what's underneath my shed I would think I'd be even more fearful of seeing what's in your closet if you can't actually find these two things that you are keeping from me that need to be returned to me so Jay has given me a jar I hope it's not precious to his mom because it's now in my possession come next week I will fill this with holiday candy I may go not just red and green m&ms like we did last year I may go a bunch of different holiday candy just for fun maybe I'll do gummy bears or gummy worms yeah actually we still have to order I mean it's the holidays now I'm gonna order without you because I Jay sometimes gets overwhelmed with things so he's busy so I may go ahead and order the candy without you and we'll fill the jar with candy I'm not giving it to you this time because I don't trust you so you're gonna have to count it here it'll disappear yeah nope nope you're gonna have to count it here or I will count it as I put it in that might work yep that's what I'm gonna do so this is how you earn after hours swag if you're no longer on Survivor Island and we will have three winners from Survivor Island you will soon be able to earn after hours swag by guessing the number of pieces of Christmas candy holiday candy thank god we're not doing Halloween here and talking about candy corn you will be able to guess the amount of holiday candy specific pieces in the jar we did this last year and it was a lot of fun we actually had so many guesses we were pretty close too we had a couple that were right on it so that'll be our second contest leading into the holidays we'd also wanted to make it a charitable endeavor so if you we do have a bunch of swag to give away so if you would like to offer us proof that you've donated to a coat drive or a toy drive or a Christmas fund something along those lines we would we would also be happy to extend you some charity and send you an after hours swag a muffin swagalicious item is swagalicious a word do you think it's in the urban dictionary absolutely swagalicious can we look it up i i do think you should look at it i don't know how many pieces of swag we have but i feel like we should give it away before the end of the year i'm on a swag giveaway trend i'm on a crusade to give away all the swag swagalicious when you're so swagger you need another word for the amount of swag that you have yep that's a swagalicious after hours swagalicious giveaway to be one with the swag yep yep yep you have to be one with your swag if you don't know what swag we're talking about oh my gosh when you say a word over and over it all of a sudden sounds foreign to you now swag sounds really foreign to me i need some baby shark music to get it out of my brain no i don't nope nope we promise this would be a baby shark free zone don't it's ready so yeah j is he's trying to play baby shark and i can see him i can see the the baby sharks moving around in his brain and i'm mourning him do not make a liar out of me anyway we'll do the christmas do the christmas candy the christmas candy jar we'll let you guess how many pieces of candy and then we'll give away swag for that as well as the winners of survivor island which might take us till after the first of the year and then the last piece of of the trifecta to so we can hit the trifecta is that we'll do one more holiday edition of ask amy anything so if you want to send your holiday questions it'll also have an ask amy walks down the aisle segment or component to it and so you can send your last minute wedding questions as well and you can reach producer j on our show twitter after hours cbs because that's the name of the show after hours yeah yeah that and patrick mahomes so j tell me when you're ready we owe people a big reveal do you know what i'm talking about okay we this is why i tell producer j not to make a liar out of me because i am a liar in many cases i tell you we're going to do something and then i get busy doing other things and i forget and some of you come back to me and say wait a minute what was the answer to the question or what was the the topic that you teased in this day in this case we asked you to vote it was a tight race too we asked you to vote for the next inductee to the after hours hall of flame this goes back to friday and we had four candidates and j if you have them let me know because i i want to play all four just for our own amusement so j will get those four racked up and ready to go and then we'll let you hear them again but what we do have a new inductee to the after hours hall of flame as i say very tight race but certainly one that's worthy of all the ballots that you cast i was psyched about it i was kind of bummed because mine didn't my choice didn't get in but uh you guys made a worthy choice so we'll get to that this hour i promise i try i try to keep my promises um but sometimes as i say i run out of real estate it's after hours with amy lawrence on cbs sports radio our phone number eight five five two one two four two two seven that's eight five five two one two four cbs another cleveland browns fan finding me on twitter a law radio thank you for your compassion oh he says this is devastating yeah it's it's certainly disappointing and i would feel like a a hammer got dropped on me because the browns are playing some of their best football we know the defense is world class and they'd just gotten to show him back on the field and for the second straight year he's unable to play the entire way through completely different circumstances of course but there's so much potential and promise and they're right in the thick of not just a division race but a playoff race i hope that the defense allows them to stick around the defense and the run game it's a formula that works it really is gosh it's taunting too for those of you who wanted to go back and watch ravens and browns from week 10 it's on nfl network right now so thank you for your tweets matt calls it devastating and i've seen a bunch of you on our facebook page as well after hours with amy lawrence now jay tells me we have the four candidates we'll give them to you in order one of them actually does come from i don't know like we'll call it a a hall of flame wrinkle for qb news or with qb news uh this goes back to when the cults lost anthony richardson the cults are also well coached uh and they have misha and misha is a very very confident backup very different offense with misha but they'll probably have to play misha this week and sit richardson is in the uh concussion protocol yeah that's the extended version so these are not the edited ones just so you know jay right so that that's not the edited version is all i'm saying so you maybe we shouldn't go back and play them all because we did some play the full one for that one we did no i took off the end because it was dated because he was talking about concussion protocol so i took it off the end um yeah so we don't need to go back and play them all unless you want to do the quick edit um but for those of you who remember uh it was mike francesco was the one who made the it was mike francesco talking about gardner misha and those gardner misha led cults now have the same record as the bills very confident backup we also gave you justin verlander from inside the victorious locker room for the astros after they advanced to their seventh consecutive american league championship series boys this is uh this is one of those seasons you know nothing went our way early we battled through injuries yeah um we grinded i wasn't even here seventh time seven time all right don't look that don't take that for granted on seven everybody pop these so that was another option one from the world of media one from major league baseball then we were inside the mind of jonathan allen of the washington commanders until everything that was in his mind just came out of his mouth his frustration after the commanders lost to the giants and only scored seven points they worked out plain and simple gotta be better that's i'm tired of this tired of this it's been seven years of the same tired of this what can you do now going forward to get it turned around get our minds right and get ready to play philadelphia yeah so again not the edited version but you still get the gist of it so jonathan allen he didn't just unload on that week the week that was nah he unloaded on the last seven years which is why when people ask me which coaches are on the hot seat the first one i say is ron rivera because the commanders have been stuck in neutral for years and it's not all their faults they haven't been able to come up with a with a single starting quarterback uh since kirk cousins i mean they've they've tried everything and they kept going back to taylor heineke who's now a falcon so it's partly the fact that the front office hasn't been able to find the right option at quarterback uh though sam howell a lot of people are really high on sam howell uh but they ended up how do you call waving the white flag but they ended up making a very clear indication of what their future plans are at the trade deadline when they sent montes sweat to the bears and they sent chase young to the niners and i'm not sure if you've heard this but the niners actually weren't they were not planning on making a deal for chase until right before the deadline the commanders lowered their asking price that's how badly they wanted to get rid of chase young and and it's not a personal thing it's because they don't want to pay him and so that's a pretty clear indication of what the commanders are doing so for jonathan allen yeah my response to that would be mad it's probably going to get worse before it gets better it was jonathan allen and justin verlander that gave us the tightest race all the way through i mean you guys were were making them the top two candidates and they were neck and neck as i was watching the balloting on friday it's after hours with amy lawrence here on cbs porch radio one more candidate we had and this is kind of how i just thought of it because if you need a wake up a pick me up anything like that patrick mahomes will do it as he runs from the tunnel onto the field for any given game i came up the tunnel like don't you're not yelling so you just feel kind of yeah yeah i watch i watch i watch every other quarterback run out of the tunnel and they just run out like this and then i get up come out i'm like that's what it sounds like in my head yeah i watch i watch he is a spaz but that's why we speak the same language my mom frequently calls me a spaz it almost sounds like he's throwing up i can't decide if i think he's i think he might be the cookie monster i know sometimes we compare his voice to kermit the frog here but in that case he might be the cookie monster so good jay how do we do it you tell me when you have a drum roll and we will reveal the choice i voted for patrick mahomes by the way because i i couldn't help it that was so good but you have selected one and one inductee only for the after hours hall of flame boys this is uh this is one of those seasons you know nothing went our way early we battled through injuries yeah um we grinded i wasn't even here seventh time seventh time all right don't look that don't take that for granted on seven every poppy you all love justin verlander and his rant post alds we grinded i wasn't even here that's the best part we did this we did that i wasn't even bleeping here seven times and yes he was there for all seven that's the crazy part twice he got traded to the the astros at the deadline he was there for number one and he was there for number seven and who knows through injuries he may be there for number eight just though it's just from the category of you can't make this stuff up so i apologize for the delay in getting you the winner of the after hours hall of flame i don't always believe that it's better late than never but in this case you deserved it better late than never i that doesn't apply actually to sending in your guesses for a number between one of the thousand that ship ship has already sailed but we will give you the after hours holiday candy jar and let you guess for a chance to win swag me shaw that has nothing to do with swag me shaw has no swag me shaw has no chill and he has no swag very confident backup it's after hours with amy lawrence coming up draymond green i told you he was going to hear from the nba it's time to talk about felix the 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gets in there to hug gobert away and a headlock and we've got a scramble we have security people on the floor coaches flying over the place clay thompson gets pulled aside by chris ball draymond and gobert gets separated but draymond went after gobert as if he saw gobert do something and gobert now pointing and gesturing at draymond's direction john burry warrior security store jerry's over there yeah clay's jersey is the ritz and here we are a minute and 43 in this is clay thompson four-time champion with the golden state warriors you're listening to one of the best shows in america after hours with amy lawrence on cbs sports radio yeah thank you clay on my mom's birthday i played that for her at some point i will put it up i'm waiting for the opportune moment maybe after clay has a massive game maybe after he hits a game-winning shot this year maybe after they win more than 10 games on the road something along those lines i will share that liner on our social media so that people have it and can hear it over and over again but yes for my mom's birthday for my mom's birthday i played that for her because clay thompson is one of her favorites in the nba it's after hours with amy lawrence on cbs sports radio tim roy with the warriors version of the skirmish that took place before any points were scored in the game in the bay area on tuesday night warriors hosting the timber wolves i'm telling you it's the edginess of this in-season tournament that's it guys are so hyped over the in-season tournament emotions are running so high it might as well be the nba western conference finals it's it's that big the nba didn't waste any time in suspending draymond green for five games without pay five games without pay for quote escalating an on-court altercation now remember he was ejected but so were clay thompson and jade mcdaniels those were the two who had grabbed each other's jerseys or spinning each other around like a whirling dervish who refused to let go and ultimately who had their arms flailing about as well rudy go bear tried to break the two up and in doing so kind of had an arm cuffed around clay's ear and jaw clay took exception to that he shoves him kind of tries to get away from him and meanwhile draymond green comes flying in from the other side and grabs go bear around the neck essentially puts him in a headlock or the term that the nba uses forcibly grabbing rudy go bear in an unsportsman like and dangerous manner and that part i agree with that was the the statement from joe dumars i agree with the fact that it was dangerous when he dragged him away and go bear actually buckled at the knees and was getting pulled down by draymond green and draymond refused to let go of him it's one thing if you get him off your teammate okay you got him off your teammate that i would say is part of defending your guy making sure that he doesn't hurt clay thompson but when you don't let go of go bear even when you're five six seven eight steps away from the skirmish you don't let go of him for a good five seconds close to 10 seconds now well then that's a problem and i told you draymond's repeat offender status was going to bite him in the ass and it absolutely did so according to dumars his history of unsportsmanlike conduct played a role in the length of the suspension which is five games thompson and mcdaniels were fined as was rudy go bear so go bear did get fined though nothing happened to him during the game and according to the pool reporter remember the crew chief spoke to i think it was anthony slater from the athletic and he said he thought go bear was in the role of peacemaker but go bear did get fined after the fact the nba fined those three guys but it's draymond who will miss the next five games including one against wendy you know that he was going to want to match up and go toe to toe with wendy that seems harsh to me when no one else got suspended and i don't think anybody should have gotten suspended but i assume that draymond would because of again the excessive nature of what he did but also because he's run amok and a foul of the nba in the past so yeah it's clear that the league is attempting to send him a message early in this season the more that you engage in this extracurricular activity the more punitive the discipline will become the heavier the hand the more you defy the rules and the more you take liberties and the more you put teammates or that was in the case of jordan pool all the the warriors handled that but the more you put other players at risk even though you've been reprimanded and disciplined over and over again even though you've been suspended in the past the more you do this the heavier the hand will be and i know we've talked about this before the warriors are willing to put up with it obviously they believe that and steve kurt was defending him his teammate his teammates in his locker room were defending him because they felt like his actions were warranted based on the fact that he was defending clay but even steve kurt got into his face when he had an arm around the neck of rudy gobert and was like let go of him let go of him let go of him but draymond in the heat of the moment what did steve kurt tell us in the past this is last year you really can't get him to calm down like there's not a whole lot you can do when draymond gets like that draymond has a podcast i don't know if he did it today but we need to google that and find out if he's spoken i have not heard anything from him i've not seen any quotes from him really not heard any quotes from anyone except for gobert now what we heard from jayden mcdaniels on tuesday night but gobert said this actually he spoke on wednesday oh okay so jay tells me the audio is really bad so i'll just read you the quote every situation is different but no but to me that was more than just a reaction that was a personal attack me being fine when i was being a peacemaker and i chose to keep my hands up while i was being assaulted it's shameful shameful and i'm going to appeal that fine see i disagree with that i don't i understand he was trying to get jayden and clay apart but i still say a flagrant foul not a two but a one was warranted in his case too because he had an arm around the jaw and then the the side of the head and the ear of clay thompson was kind of trying to drag him away like that so i felt like he had a dangerous move as well even though it wasn't intentional he wasn't grabbing around the neck but often in the nba flagrant fouls are assessed for incidental contact to the head and neck and so gobert is saying i was a peacemaker i don't even deserve a fine but he called this whole situation personal and i mean you could say draymond has a personal history with pretty much everyone in the nba i don't i feel like that's uh pretty much his track record so yeah probably a lot of centers and forwards in the league believe that draymond is personally attacking them it's part of his it's part of his repertoire his resume is in fact to try to get inside your head you're a clown see what i mean we need some some reaction from his own his own uh podcast i wish for him that he would grow up in this area and that he would learn how to control his emotions like i said the warriors are willing to accept it the whole facts of life thing you take the good you take the bad or actually as i get ready to say my wedding vows for better or for worse in richer and poorer in sickness and in health sometimes draymond has a sickness and the warriors still love him he is the heart and soul of their team but boy does he put them in the worst possible positions going all the way back to was it the 16 nba finals when he got himself suspended for game four and that series turned when he was suspended in game number four and that's the thing we're not just talking i know marco you called him an enforcer going back to our last show and there is that role and i think he embraces that but he's also one of the best players on the team and he and steph curry have they've got a connection that's been forged over years and over thousands of games so i i agree with you that he does take on that role of protector big brother almost but i do believe he's also the best defender on the team and he's the heart and soul in terms of of their emotion their spirit and when he's not out there they're a completely different team he does all the little things that they need i mean they have a lot of and that's what a basketball team especially a championship team and what they've been able to do they got to have different pieces to do different things he knows the role that he's supposed to play right defense facilitate don't shoot like there's things don't shoot there's things that he needs to do not need to do i mean and he knows his role and there's nobody else that's going to be able to do that on that team and he does it well so yeah i mean they're much better when he's playing the role that he plays i mean i'll be fair with his track record i thought he kind of got off light at five games i thought it would have been worse i think that would have been in the three to five range for anybody that would have grabbed somebody in a headlock the way he did the fact that it was him and he only got five i think he should feel pretty lucky because i could have easily saw you know the league looking at it going draymond how many times we've done this 10 and it could have been real easy because he that does come into play it's not like well you can't go back into yeah you can your history comes into play if you're somebody that is habitual in this regard then yeah they're going to punish you further so i all in all i think five games is actually kind of light and it's not going to be that big a deal for the warriors i know it's a long season they can get through five games without draymond green let let it's not ideal but they'll be able to they'll be able to move on and he is kind of an old guy now he's kind of a gray beard i suppose this could be the load management thing yeah if anything it would actually be better load management later in the season you know 50 60 games in now it's not exactly the ideal time when you want to take five games off you've only played what 10 so i get that regard but you know it's a long season they'll they'll recover from this on twitter a law radio also on our facebook page after hours with amy lawrence thanks so much for hanging out with us coming up we had a couple of impressive individual performances on the hard court like dame finding his rhythm with the milwaukee bucks though it seems like every time he's playing yanis is not and when yanis is playing he's not so you know it's good thing they have one star on the court i'm not sure that's how they drew it up but yeah they're like ships passing in the night uh and then celtics and sixers ready to start talking to your kids about financial 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it box led by 23 halftime they trailed his point by 22 last time he played lillard knifes his way right through the teeth of the defense and lays it in with a left hand on the reverse side of the rim lillard long three straight on and he buries it from about eight steps behind the arc is it safe to say dame is back lillard once his shot goes right at purl puts the shot up and in with the left hand thought he got fouled too dame inflicting damage despite the fact he's going against the seven foot one inch jakob purl out of austria lillard's got 37 now for the bucks through three quarters this is after hours with amy lawrence on the bucks radio network we may not get yanis and dame in fact they may be the same person who knows we never spot them together we may not get yanis and dame together on the court i'm sure this is not quite what the bucks had in mind when they traded for damion lillard and traded away some of their key pieces like pj tucker well pj tucker actually went from miami i guess but uh traded away drew holiday which was a big deal to go to the celtics and of course he's already thriving there but damion lillard finding his groove 37 points and 13 assists as they went on the road north of the border the situation just was was right for it you know i mean yon it's not playing i knew i would have more responsibility i knew i would have to um be more aggressive and kind of assert myself from a playmaking and scoring standpoint and uh last time we came here they kind of blitzed us and start the game so i wanted to you know from the tip i wanted to assert myself in that way and just dive right into the game instead of waiting and um you know i was able to to to get it going that's the dame we all know uh it was great to see him uh in a good rhythm comfortable out there and leading the team you know he did a great job leading us uh offensively making sure everyone was in their spots getting people involved uh and just being himself that voice that voice of brooks lopez yeah they definitely have assumed more of the personality of dame and they're trying to feed him they're trying to find shots for him because he's a rhythm shooter right once he gets into a rhythm watch out watch out it's lights out the issue is that he's missed a couple of games yanis has missed a couple of games as i say they may actually be it may be a clark kent superman situation or let's see who else could we uh hmm trying to think of who's oh peter parker and spider-man it could be alter ego situations here because we don't actually ever see them in the same place at the same time when i was a kid no no joke when i was a kid and i first discovered batman and spider-man wonder woman too she was my favorite the original linda carter she's awesome i had a chance to meet her at the gracie awards in la a few years ago anyway that said nothing to do with this i used to wonder out loud i would ask my mom how come no one realizes that they look exactly alike that's the question that's my mom like why doesn't anyone understand that that they look exactly alike no don't worry about that it's like why doesn't anyone understand that santa claus only appears on christmas and no one's allowed to see him we never actually see him eating the cookies many times i tried to stay up when i was younger of course every every year did they make you go to bed or you just couldn't stay awake i usually just couldn't stay awake because we would put out the cookies put out the milk you know do the whole nine yards and then i would be my sisters we'd be like oh like this year we'll get them we're gonna get them like you keep me up i'll keep you up and then like by 12 o'clock we're out and wake up and like they're taking you know my parents took a bite of it or whatever and we're like we missed them we missed them yep but there's a reason why you never see your dad and santa claus in the same place that is very true that's yonis and dame it's after hours here on cbs portraitio as i say though they're already assuming some of the identity of dame i like the toughness we know drew holiday was a great leader dame brings a different level of experience i think a different level of ability and so they certainly follow him that team can go out there and beat somebody by 20 as they were tonight and we didn't have our best player either so i mean uh we weren't looking at who's not playing here that we had to come out and you know the last time they blisters and we had to come out here and set the tone and be aggressive be physical and um you know stand our ground and try to win the game we did that okay legit question here jay i need you to answer me when dame says our best player do you think in his mind he really believes that yonis is the best player on the team or does he say that because that's what you say and he actually believes he's the best player on the team that's a good question i i think rhetorical of course because we don't really have an answer but i think that he believes he should believe that he's as good as as yonis is but i think that he's knows and has that respect there like to say that to know that this is yonis's team this is yonis's city i haven't done anything here yet true that he's got a ring right he's got an mvp right so i think that's just a respect factor where this is yonis's team i'm just here to help him but that was an example of him i'm just here to be his running mate oh come on now maybe i'm going to take the lay of the land first before i take over right but he's gotta you know earn his keep and then he'll have his best moments do you ever earn your keep with these types of contracts if you win a championship you do your franchise makes buku bucks off you if you win a title which is why tom brady who is never the highest paid quarterback in the nfl was always worth his weight in gold uh they could have made him the the highest paid qb forever uh same thing with steph curry if we're using a basketball example uh steph curry clay thompson draymond green you pay those dudes because they not only have made the warriors one of the most popular teams in the world but they have built a new stadium for heaven's sakes they move from oakland to san francisco on the strength of all the money they make with merchandising and tickets and everything else i mean they're worth all the money that the owner uh the lakeham family wants to pay them they've changed the franchise absolutely the franchise is now one of the most iconic in the nba for sure on twitter alaw radio also on our facebook page after hours with amy lawrence if you didn't know now you know i did go back and i answered a bunch of your ask amy questions on facebook i didn't have a chance to get to all the ones on twitter yet but i swear that i will uh so that that'll do sometime over the course of the next 24 hours or so just gets busy when it's just uh j and i who are doing all the social media now coming up next hour we'll get to your first edition of qb news we kind of have to break it up because always on wednesdays the quarterback speak and as we know there's yet another starting quarterback who is gone for the season so we'll get to that did you hear this strange well it's not strange but it's intriguing dramatic of course out of new york where john carlos stanton's agent now keep in mind stanton has a no trade clause he cannot be traded without his permission there's far too many of those in major league baseball but his agent came out and warned other potential free agents about making a move to the yankees all i could think was i wonder if shohei otani is paying attention to that you know because he's not from the united states of america he but but the thing is he's already an international global superstar so maybe it wouldn't flummox him but yeah we'll explain coming up next hour it's after hours with amy lawrence cbs sports radio this episode is brought to you by fx's a murder at the end 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