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10-5-23 After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 3

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence
The Truth Network Radio
October 5, 2023 5:53 am

10-5-23 After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 3

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence

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October 5, 2023 5:53 am

A new Penny story, demonstrating her brilliance | Is Jrue Holiday a perfect fit for the Celtics? | QB News.


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For important information, visit slash disclosures. We are now into a Thursday morning for those of you waking up in the eastern or central time zones. Just walk by a colleague who's here to work the morning show on our New York affiliate. And a lot of times morning show hosts will end up going to bed a little earlier the night before right so that the two later baseball games he may not have seen now I give him credit he comes in he watches because these days you can get the archive footage you can watch them on line you can see them on YouTube whatever after the fact I know a lot of morning hosts do that he said to me man those are some really compelling entertaining playoff series huh yeah no entertaining in terms of the fan support in Minneapolis for sure in Philadelphia oh my goodness they are primed and ready for another shot at the Braves I love the way that we saw the Diamondbacks rally in both games first playoff series wins 2017 to set up a rematch with the Dodgers and obviously when you think about what the Rangers did and how they recovered from what was an disastrous end of the regular season they deserve credit as well they look like they're back on track we saw some incredible pitching while we're talking Rangers Jordan Montgomery and Nathan of Aldi how about Aaron Nola who was able to pitch for the Phillies and bring his experience with seven scoreless innings we saw the Diamondbacks pitchers as well be able to strand runners on base so that the Brewers would get close but they couldn't break through there's a lot to like about the winners and I think the four division series are very interesting interesting so which one has got you flashing the jazz hands overlapping polls still a few minutes to go for the after-hours TD of the week normally we've got that put to bed by now because Jay was out attending probably the best football game of his whole life that he's ever seen in person he was gone on Monday which meant that we pushed it back to Tuesday so that poll is still ongoing as well thank you to those of you who continue to check out our latest YouTube videos it's crazy because I haven't shared them even on my personal Facebook page you yet haven't shared the link to the second video at all actually we we put it up there we've told you about it on the air the fact that it was available and that we finished up with asking me walks down the aisle in part two those are your frequently asked questions and without us even promoting it other than me just mentioned it a couple times on the air you all continue to find the videos and I will say giving Jay the thumbs up giving him his props and and making him happy with new subscriptions to our YouTube channel we've seen those go up as well so thank you for that at some point I'll get to those social media posts there's always seems like there's something else going on especially in October which is in fact the fulcrum it's after hours with Amy Lawrence on CBS Sports Radio we had popcorn as our mid-show snack I hope that you've got a snack you're pulled up and you're hanging out with us your comfy unless of course you're at the gym like our friend Ellen who called us a couple nights ago she was well I guess she was on her way to the gym but to get to the gym she was doing the elliptical home that made no sense to me but I was really impressed with her in her energy and her drive at 3.30 in the morning St. Louis time Jay doesn't believe me because he wasn't here but I'm telling you she was on the elliptical before she walked the dog and before she went to the gym at 3.30 a.m. Central Time I feel like the dog and the gym are like two separate workouts on their own do you need the elliptical in there to complete the trifecta well maybe she has an old dog like mine who shuffles and doesn't walk but man don't try to pull a fast one with Penny because she is not having it are you ready for this penny story I haven't even told producer Jay yet because I wanted to get his reaction on the air I've told you many times how smart my dog is she's half Aussie she's an Aussie hybrid Aussie and golden retriever and we've had Aussies my whole life they are some of the smartest creatures on the planet right up there with dolphins but I read this article once that was talking about or was writing about the facial expressions of Aussies and one of the reasons they look at you the way they do with those quizzical eyes is because they can't figure out why you're not as smart as they are anyway penny is almost 14 and recently had a little accident where she fell down six steps I freaked out she fell she was limping for a couple days she tried to turn on the stairs is what happened and when she turned she lost her balance and no joke like a rock just boom right down to the bottom of the stairs smashed into the coat rack and tried to scramble up and was limping for a couple days I was really nervous something was was wrong with her something like a torn ligament or even worse thankfully she stopped limping after a couple of days and she's OK but she is old and as you know many big dogs who are older struggle with arthritis her back legs don't support her all the time so she's got these moments where her back legs kind of slip or she sways a little bit almost like she's stumbling around but I give that dog credit she's so happy tail all the time she's really stuck on her routine we do not deviate from the routine let me just tell you and if we do I get a dog following me around the house panting and pacing until I get back on point she runs my life she runs my schedule anyway I worry about her going up and down the stairs because of what happened when she fell and I just don't want her to get in a situation where she stuck and I can't be there when I'm sleeping I with Bob visiting the last few days he was working downstairs in the office so working from home I was upstairs on the other side of the house sleeping now Penny normally sleeps next to my bed probably for four or five hours from the time I go to bed in the morning until I don't know mid afternoon or so and she generally gets up in mid afternoon and now this is with nobody else in the house because we've lived alone for a long time she gets up she goes downstairs and get some water and and usually stays down there not always but sometimes just stays down there for the rest of of the time that I'm sleeping so in order to keep her from going up and down the stairs a couple of times but also I will admit in order to not be awakened by her click click click click click click click click click click click click click click all over my hardwood floors upstairs but also because she makes a lot of noise she's like I said she struggles to get up sometimes when she's even turning over from one side to the other it's a big production so she she kind of she scuffles on the floor and she has to stand herself up and and generally she goes right back to sleep but when it comes to that early afternoon window that's when she's most awake and so she gets up she moves around she gets to the door she goes downstairs it's just a lot of noise okay she makes a lot of noise she's an old dog she makes a lot of noise anyway Bob decided he would keep her downstairs and so we propped up a huge couch cushion so one of the cushions that you sit on off the couch we prop it up at the bottom of the stairs now I'd been doing this a few times when I was gone from the house just to keep Penny from going upstairs again because I was worried that she would fall and I wouldn't be there and something would would go wrong so I go to sleep I know that Penny's downstairs Bob's working and there's a couch cushion propped up against the base of the stairs so she almost like a baby game of sorts but but even more so than that it's a big old thick couch cushion sometime around noon on Wednesday I wake up just because I do and I open my eyes and I realize Penny is laying next to the bed right so I thought oh well Bob must have let her upstairs or maybe Bob came upstairs to get something out of the spare room so that's where his stuff was and maybe then he went back downstairs and just Penny followed him up and he didn't want to come into the room where I was sleeping and be like Penny Penny come back here because she's deaf she can't hear him so and she wouldn't listen to him anyway she's she's stubborn as heck right she wouldn't listen to him anyway so I'm thinking okay well maybe he just she just got upstairs but you know because she followed him or maybe he just let her upstairs she was Penny doesn't whine a lot but maybe she was maybe he just decided fine let her go I look over and my bedroom door is open which I thought okay that's that's weird because he would have closed the door he's really worried about making too much noise while he was working on conference calls and stuff and so he I know that he wanted the door to be shut anyway I just fall back asleep couple hours later Penny does what she does she wakes up she makes some noise she wakes me up I go over I open up the door again she goes outside she goes downstairs fine when I finally wake up I say to Bob hey did you let the dog upstairs or did she follow you upstairs he goes no actually I went outside he was doing a little work on my stoop he was painting my stoop isn't he the best he decided to do household chores while he was I told him not to oh he's very handy I told him not to but he's yeah he's really sweet like that he wanted to fix it because the paint was all it just chipped and it looked really bad so he was painting it so he was outside painting it apparently and he said no I was outside I came back in and the couch cushion was moved aside and Penny was nowhere to be found it not only did Penny wait until Bob wasn't there anymore so that she could get all sneaky but then my dog moved a couch cushion that is two times her size Jay it's two times her size now it doesn't weigh 70 pounds like she does but it was propped up against the bottom of the steps and the dog waited till he was gone outside and then moved the couch cushion the couch cushion was not on the floor excuse me meaning it wasn't laying down on the floor now why am I dying in the middle of my story why am I dying maybe it's because I'm all fired up the couch cushion was propped up it was still standing upright but it was backed up against the wall the dog actually moved the couch cushion out of the way when Bob was outside came up the stairs I didn't hear any of this of course because I was sleeping came upstairs and then Jay here's the kicker I had a laundry basket propped up against the door because my bedroom door doesn't latch and the cat likes to come in and out problem with the cat is you know how cats are they don't like closed doors so if she like squeezed in and the door closed behind her she would then howl this it's like zoo central okay it's just it's it's the San Diego zoo without the cages and so I can't believe it but the dog not only moved the couch cushion aside and it was still upright it was still standing came upstairs but then must have figured out how to open up my door with the laundry basket behind it meaning she had to try multiple times because you can't just push it open it was it had laundry in it right it was heavy she must have first kind of threw her body weight against it pushed against it noticed that she got half an opening right I mean I was usually I sleep pretty hard in the morning so I don't know at what point this happened I just know that you're right she timed it she waited until he was outside then she moved the couch cushion came upstairs figured out how to push the laundry basket aside come in and get back to her sleeping she's a mastermind I mean she must have been exhausted by then no wonder she was sleeping right she earned that one but that's to me that's that's the story she's the mastermind where she waited she knew the whole time that she can get up those stairs you think oh I know it this wasn't really uh it wasn't something she had to investigate she was just waiting for the optimal time she knew the whole time that that cushion was not gonna do a damn thing to stop her from going up those stairs but she didn't want to like give up her cover and make you put you know something else there something heavier there so she's like all right like that'll that you know wink wink that'll stop me wait till bob goes outside times her move it's like I wouldn't even think to do it like that that's genius no it's genius seriously would moose come up with something like that no no no moose would just sleep I can't I couldn't get over it what are you kidding and then to figure out a way inside oh yeah right right somehow she managed to wedge the door open and move the laundry basket aside that part I feel like wasn't premeditated that was some sort of whatever she figured out on her own meditated my premeditated dog somehow seriously that's mine she'd be convicted of first degree murder this was premeditated she waited for the opportune time she did and then I still have no idea how she did it I don't know how she moved that couch cushion aside without knocking it over not just moved it just moved in like a door just pulled it open like a door how does bob feel well I think he felt duped yeah he said he came back inside and didn't see her anywhere but didn't know where she went kind of walked around the house and then realized the couch cushion was moved it was like oh I don't know if I could trust her again it is penny's world and I am just living in it I exist to walk and feed the dog and give her shots now that's it treats that's that's pretty much it otherwise penny rules the roost so remember the question last weekend ask amy anything you started out with when daisy who is bob's dog is introduced into this blended family who will be in charge who rules the roost and he was a little bit put out that I said penny because because sugar's she's not she's more of a fraidy cat not all the time but she generally would tend to hide so it's it's not going to be sugar and daisy is a smaller dog and a little more timid she's a run and she's a mini aussie and I said well it's penny she's the biggest she doesn't she can't hear anything so she's not going to be afraid not moving she doesn't move aside for anything really she's always in my way she's always in everybody's way she sleeps wherever she wants she does whatever she wants and he's he was a little put out by that he thought daisy would be the one because she was younger had more energy la la okay I mean you've had a taste of what what penny does now she does what she wants whenever she wants and she doesn't make her plans no and she's very very silent she's furtive oh she's a silent seriously the dog is almost 14 and yet still coming up with new stuff I'm amazed by her I wish I had seen it at work if only I had a camera you gotta get like one of those door cameras that like but put it the other way rather than looking outside just have it facing inside the house oh my gosh speaking of that my neighbors came over on wednesday evening and knocked on my door so I had the I had yeah seriously I had the front door open the screen door was closed but I had the front door open apparently this is crazy they live next door to me on my left they park a car on the street and at three o'clock in the morning and I'll tell you why they know it was three o'clock in the morning this is next door to my house at three o'clock in the morning last night so a group of guys or gals whoever a group of hooligans oh yes definitely hoodlums a group shows up props their her cars on the street props the car up on blocks of some sort or stilts cuts out the catalytic converter underneath the car steals it and leaves it took four minutes and you know how they know this because our neighbor across the street has a doorbell cam that caught the whole thing on video so they know exactly when it happened how many people there were what they did to cut the catalytic converter out of the bottom of the car when they put it down on the ground again and how long it took four minutes this is a crew a crew of people who is going around the neighborhood they called the police and apparently the police say it's happening all over the neighborhood it got down to a science yeah they do four minutes now here's the thing the doorbell cam caught the the photos the video but did not get their faces they were all wearing hoodies and could not get a license plate because their getaway car well their arrival and getaway car was faced well the the so the it was faced away from them it was so they're perpendicular to the street so it was perpendicular to the doorbell clearly i knew what they were doing oh yeah yeah can you believe that right next door to me so the neighbors came over to tell me they were going around the neighborhood to warn people about this crew that's stealing catalytic converters and so i guess it's a good thing that my car is not there but it makes me wonder right are they going to try to break into the house seems like they just need the converters and they got that system down but they were not deterred by the doorbell cams though i have one and my neighbors across the street have one but that's what the hoodies are for i guess i guess so i mean and just if you if they got it down it doesn't matter if it's daylight or dark out right just four minutes pull up get it done and it's that's horrifying that's um wow yeah i mean i believe it but i do i do believe that that it's happening but the police said that they can't catch the crew because there's not been enough video to be able to identify them or any shot of their license plates which i find hard to believe in my town but i i a crew that's clearly familiar and knows what they're doing how about that the first time in your town or no no the police said it's been happening all over the town yeah and not just in my town in surrounding towns it's like a new it's a catalytic converter ring gosh not it's not a car thief ring it's a catalytic converter ring and caught the whole thing on camera there was a camera right there wow all right let's back to the penny story because that was far less depressing nervous now yeah right on twitter a law radio also on our facebook page we're asking you to cast your last minute votes for td of the week but also which national league or american league division series are you most geeked up about which one floats your boat on twitter on facebook i've got our youtube channel as well you can find us anywhere google after hours with amy lawrence straight ahead drew holidays now a member of the boston celtics jay thinks they're better than the bucks i'll let him explain that on paper right dame goes to the bucks drew goes to the celtics he did exercise work out with them for the first time on wednesday and they're thrilled to have him john marant by the way he won't be back with the grizzlies for games he is suspended and derek rose has got a message for his new back court mate so a little bit of basketball to mix in and then we'll do some qb news on the back of the hour good to have you with us good morning if you're waking up on your thursday so close to the weekend it's after hours with amy lawrence on cbs sports radio you are listening to the after hours podcast here's holliday going the other direction feathers the pass right wing to crowd her back to holliday at the top of the arc jab step in on struce now he spins his way into the block puts the shot off the window with good weeks in the left hand again and holliday just looks like a different player tonight this is after hours with amy lawrence drew holliday was a critical member of the milwaukee bucks for the past few years i love the maturity and the leadership that he brought to the table i felt like he hit the ground running when he joined the milwaukee bucks out of new orleans right he was in new orleans um and the the fact that he is a tremendous two-way player just as good on defense if not better on the defensive end than he is with the basketball in his hands but a distributor even more than he sought to be a scorer or one who is in the spotlight and also brings a toughness not just forged through years in the nba but also forged through a tough stretch in his own personal life you remember his wife lauren who's a pro soccer player had battled through brain cancer they've got a couple of young kids so he has a lot of life experience that makes him more mature and a better leader really quality people big fan of of who they are and have followed their careers now for years it's after hours with amy lawrence on cbs sports radio drew and lauren and company are headed to boston after getting traded away from milwaukee to portland and this is for the purposes of bringing in damian lillard now he gets flipped from portland to boston and according to lauren his wife they didn't find out that they were leaving milwaukee or getting traded away from milwaukee until they saw it on well someone else saw it on social and drew woke up to a bunch of messages on his phone from other people who had seen the news online it's definitely been a whirlwind uh just my family was established there and we had uh school and and things like that we had friends but it's also a part of the business um i feel like coming here is definitely my best chance of winning and being able to help the guys here that uh have made big moves and and done great things in this league so i'm here to really just help step up that game and become a champion and he certainly can't speak to that right because he won a title with the bucks in the 2021 season started all 23 games for them during that run as i say instrumental in terms of his leadership his offense his defense the way that he worked the court with chris middleton and yana satana kumpo and now gets to adjust to two different superstars in jaylen brown and jason tatum so how will they fit together i want to make the game easier for him um i know that i am a threat offensively i know that uh i do love to pass and and um really be that type of player but i can also be aggressive offensively too um not only that defensively i feel like i'm pretty good um there might be times where jaylen's picking up full court and and he's using so much energy defensively i can take that over i can be the guy where he's one of our best best scores i i can help him in that way conserve energy to go down there and score so i'm really just here to serve i'm here to um be do really well next to everybody on the court but for the most part i think it's about winning and helping out my teammates just become as good as possible as good as they can drew is fantastic i know a tremendous amount of respect from drew from somebody who he's guarded and i've had to guard you know it's just he plays with a certain force that you could just feel you know he's just uh he's a super solid man and just as a competitor he's an assassin you know so to be playing alongside i think it would be you know a tremendous honor that is the voice of jaylen brown now think about the changes the celtics have been through this season i remember marcus smart is gone and so they traded away marcus smart uh malcolm broad didn't also well to get kp right cristop sports i think that was also a three-way trade wasn't it yeah so this is another one of those trades where they're swapping pieces all over in the nba because you know the money has to work in the nba that's uh that's why you see those trade calculators online in you know some websites and some forums because fans or analysts or analysts can plug in different salaries and different numbers to try to make the the trades equitable on all sides which is why you often see a third team that's kind of roped in when it's really two teams that want to make a deal because they don't have the numbers of the salary to make it work so they have to get creative so drew holliday ends up in portland uh didn't really think he was going to stay there because portland didn't really want him or i should say they didn't want a veteran in his position right they drafted a young point guard and they're good with that it's one of the reasons why they we knew they were insulated and ready to move on from dame if that's what he wanted so drew is kind of replacing marcus smart i guess they're they're different players of course uh but the same tenacity and toughness and and that mentality of making everyone around him better i thought it was interesting to hear what brad stevens had to say because they've already retooled their lineup so much and yet this was one opportunity he just couldn't pass by there's a list of guys in the league that you always think you'll never have a real chance to get that you think are like perfect fits and um that you'd love to be a celtic and drew was you know one of those guys and um and the reasons are i mean everybody can see what he does on the court um and he's a really good player multiple time all-star the defense has been well documented etc but i think it's the you know just the he's an elite um teammate elite um competitive character you know all of those things so producer j said to me yesterday that he thinks now we're talking paper here paper roster is not talking about on the court that the celtics might actually be in a better situation and have a better roster on paper than the bucks who add damian lillard to the mix i will say this and i'll let j defend his position if he wants to and fortify his position uh i think that the bucks are giving up defense by getting rid of jew holiday now are they bringing in a guy dame averaged 32 32 and a half points last season uh it might have been a career high but if not it was damn near close so he is one of the best offensive forces in the nba but he's not a defensive guy and he's looking to shoot first i don't think that's bad i think you see plenty of superstar combos in the nba where you've got guys who like who are sharing the basketball because they're both extremely good offensive players i still say the offense runs through jana so it takes a little more time to adjust but they're giving up a lot on defense when it comes to not having drew why do you think the celtics are better because they did lose some pieces to malcolm brogdon uh marcus smart they obviously made deep runs in the playoffs the last two years yeah i mean i'm not trying to say that they're better right now i just think on paper at the moment i think i like the cohesion of their starting five better because like like drew holly i just said it himself he's gonna take so much pressure off of jaylen brown on that defensive end like you're saying i think the bucks gave up maybe a little too much on defense and the celtics added where yeah like jay drew holly doesn't have to go score 30 points a game and jaylen brown he now he he kind of can and that's what he's best at doing is scoring and shooting and that's all he has to focus on and you got jason tatum there too but this i only think the celtics are better on paper if porzingis stays healthy which is a huge if yeah because if he can stay healthy then they have that height and they can still rebound and not worry about you know he doesn't have to score either you can just go rebound and dish it back out and they could run quicker but if he's not healthy they don't have that size so he needs to stay healthy yeah i do wonder about what they've given up though they've had some pretty impressive chemistry they lose the sixth man of the year in malcolm brogdon they lose their heart and soul in marcus smart they also lose robert williams so while we're talking about defense he's been a tenacious rebounder and defender in the paint although he's been injured a bunch too and a pair of first round draft picks so yes they have three all-stars they have kristaps porzingis as you point out they were looking to beef up their interior and he's got to stay healthy i'm not a huge fan i know he's very talented but i i feel like he's frail he's on the frail side yeah that's fair to say and so i'm not i'm not i'm not sure how that's going to work out but i love adding drew because what you get is a marcus smart type player he's not marcus but he's a marcus smart type player yeah the only fear i have with the celtics against the bucks is are they small like i said that's why porzingis being healthy is gigantic for them because they do still have horford who's you know aging but he's a nice big man off the bench aging yeah but the bucks with yannis and brooke lopez i mean those are two huge guys you got to defend in the paint so they're going to have to be able to do that i'm going to have to look it up to see how old al horford is now that you've called him aging just because it'll be fun he is 37 he is by far well by far uh drew is 33 but those are your two 30-somethings on the roster those are the only two actually on the celtics current roster that are in their 30s wow i know so a younger team with a kristaps is only 28 doesn't feel like he's been around for eons ever and he's only 28. all right coming up joe burrow answers the question of why this is a must win week five a must win we've got the update on kenny pickett as well because we'll do a little qb news patrick mahomes no he's not talking about taylor swift he's talking about how he's putting the chiefs in jeopardy wow and then tom brady he misses it he really does it's after our cbs sports radio you are listening to the after hours podcast here's holiday going the other direction feathers the pass right wing to crowd her back to holliday at the top of the arc jab step in on struce now he spins his way into the block puts the shot off the window a good reason the left hand again and holliday just looks like a different player tonight this is after hours with amy lawrence drew holliday was a critical member of the milwaukee bucks for the past few years i love the maturity and the leadership that he brought to the table i felt like he hit the ground running when he joined the milwaukee bucks out of new orleans right he was in new orleans and the the fact that he is a tremendous two-way player just as good on defense if not better on the defensive end than he is with the basketball in his hands but a distributor even more than he sought to be a scorer or one who is in the spotlight and also brings a toughness not just forged through years in the nba but also forged through a tough stretch in his own personal life you remember his wife lauren who's a pro soccer player had battled through brain cancer they've got a couple of young kids so he has a lot of life experience that makes him more mature and a better leader really quality people big fan of of who they are and have followed their careers now for years it's after hours with amy lawrence on cbs sports radio drew and lauren and company are headed to boston after getting traded away from milwaukee to portland and this is for the purposes of bringing in damian lillard now he gets flipped from portland to boston and according to lauren his wife they didn't find out that they were leaving milwaukee or getting traded away from milwaukee until they saw it on well someone else saw it on social and drew woke up to a bunch of messages on his phone from other people who had seen the news online it's definitely been a whirlwind uh just my family was established there and we had uh school and and things like that we had friends but it's also a part of the business um i feel like coming here is definitely my best chance of winning and being able to help the guys here that uh have made big moves and and done great things in this league so i'm here to really just help step up that game and become a champion and he certainly can't speak to that right because he won a title with the bucks in the 2021 season started all 23 games for them during that run as i say instrumental in terms of his leadership his offense his defense the way that he worked the court with chris middleton and yana satana kumpo and now gets to adjust to two different superstars in jaylen brown and jason tatum so how will they fit together i want to make the game easier for him i know that i am a threat offensively i know that i do love to pass and and really be that type of player but i can also be aggressive offensively too not only that defensively i feel like i'm pretty good there might be times where jaylen's picking up full court and he's using so much energy defensively i can take that over i can be the guy where he's one of our best best scores i i can help him in that way conserve energy to go down there and score so i'm really just here to serve i'm here to um be do really well next to everybody on the court but for the most part i think it's about winning and helping out my teammates just become as good as possible as good as they can drew is fantastic i know a tremendous amount of respect from drew from somebody who he's guarded and i've had to guard you know it's just he plays with a certain force that you could just feel you know he's just uh he's a super solid man and just as a competitor he's an assassin you know so to be playing alongside i think it would be you know a tremendous honor that is the voice of jaylen brown now think about the changes the celtics have been through this season i remember marcus smart is gone and so they traded away marcus smart uh malcolm broad didn't also well to get kp right cristop sports i think that was also a three-way trade wasn't it yeah so this is another one of those trades where they're swapping pieces all over in the nba because you know the money has to work in the nba that's uh that's why you see those trade calculators online in you know some websites and some forums because fans or analysts can plug in different salaries and different numbers to try to make the the trades equitable on all sides which is why you often see a third team that's kind of roped in when it's really two teams that want to make a deal because they don't have the numbers of the salary to make it work so they have to get creative so drew holiday ends up in portland uh didn't really think he was going to stay there because portland didn't really want him or i should say they didn't want a veteran in his position right they drafted a young point guard and they're good with that it's one of the reasons why they we knew they were insulated and ready to move on from dame if that's what he wanted so drew is kind of replacing marcus smart i guess they're they're different players of course uh but the same tenacity and toughness and and that mentality of making everyone around him better i thought it was interesting to hear what brad stevens had to say because they've already retooled their lineup so much and yet this was one opportunity he just couldn't pass by there's a list of guys in the league that you always think you'll never have a real chance to get that you think are like perfect fits and um that you'd love to be a celtic and drew was you know one of those guys and um and the reasons are i mean everybody can see what he does on the court um and he's a really good player multiple time all-star the defense has been well documented etc but i think it's the you know just the he's an elite teammate elite competitive character you know all of those things so producer jay said to me yesterday that he thinks now we're talking paper here paper roster is not talking about on the court that the celtics might actually be in a better situation and have a better roster on paper than the bucks who add damian lillard to the mix i will say this and i'll let jay defend his position if he wants to and fortify his position uh i think that the bucks are giving up defense by getting rid of jew holiday now are they bringing in a guy dame average 32 32 and a half points last season uh it might have been a career high but if not it was damn near close so he is one of the best offensive forces in the nba but he's not a defensive guy and he's looking to shoot first i don't think that's bad i think you see plenty of superstar combos in the nba where you've got guys who like who are sharing the basketball because they're both extremely good offensive players i still say the offense runs through yanis so it takes a little more time to adjust but they're giving up a lot on defense when it comes to not having drew why do you think the celtics are better because they did lose some pieces too malcolm brogdon marcus smart they've obviously made deep runs in the playoffs the last two years yeah i mean i'm not trying to say that they're better right now i just think on paper at the moment i think i like the cohesion of their starting five better because like like drew holly i just said it himself he's going to take so much pressure off of jaylen brown on that defensive end like you're saying i think the bucks gave up maybe a little too much on defense and the celtics added where yeah like drew holly doesn't have to go score 30 points a game and jaylen brown now he he kind of can and that's what he's best at doing is scoring and shooting and that's all he has to focus on and you got jason tatum there too but this i only think the celtics are better on paper if porzingis stays healthy which is a huge if yeah because if he can stay healthy then they have that height and they can still rebound and not worry about you know he doesn't have to score either you can just go rebound and dish it back out and they could run quicker but if he's not healthy they don't have that size so he needs to stay healthy yeah i do wonder about what they've given up though they've had some pretty impressive chemistry they lose the sixth man of the year in malcolm brogdon they lose their heart and soul in marcus smart they also lose robert williams so while we're talking about defense he's been a tenacious rebounder and defender in the paint although he's been injured a bunch too and a pair of first round draft picks so yes they have three all-stars they have kristaps porzingis as you point out they were looking to beef up their interior and he's got to stay healthy i'm not a huge fan i know he's very talented but i feel like he's frail he's on the frail side yeah that's fair to say and so i'm not i'm not i'm not sure how that's going to work out but i love adding drew because what you get is a marcus smart type player he's not marcus but he's a marcus smart type player yeah the only fear i have with the celtics against the bucks is are they small like i said that's why porzingis being healthy is gigantic for them because they do still have horford who's you know aging buddy who's a nice big man off the bench but yeah but the bucks with yanis and brooke lopez i mean those are two huge guys you got to defend in the paint so they're gonna have to be able to do that i'm gonna have to look it up to see how old al horford is now that you've called him aging just because it'll be fun he is 37 he is by far well by far uh drew is 33 but those are your two 30-somethings on the roster those are the only two actually on the celtics current roster that are in their 30s wow i know so a younger team with a christops is only 28 doesn't it feel like he's been around for eons ever and he's only 28. all right coming up joe burrow answers the question of why this is a must win week five a must win we've got the update on kenny pickett as well because we'll do a little qb news patrick mahomes no he's not talking about taylor swift he's talking about how he's putting the chiefs in jeopardy wow and then tom brady he misses it he really does it's after our cbs sports radio i'm here to tell you about pom pom at home where comfort meets elegance pom pom at home is offering 20 off site wide for a limited time see why so many of the top designers use pom poms luxury easy care bedding they have created a timeless beautiful coastal living look 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