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2-8-23 After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 3

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence
The Truth Network Radio
February 8, 2023 6:04 am

2-8-23 After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 3

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence

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February 8, 2023 6:04 am

Kyrie Irving on why he wanted to leave Brooklyn | Sports Spectrum host & Media Director Jason Romano joins the show | Aaron Rodgers undertaking a... new adventure 


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That's Goalie gummies get you so close to your goals you can actually taste them. The trick? Simply start with bite-sized steps like Goalie's apple cider vinegar gummies with added B vitamins for daily health or Goalie ashwagandha gummies to help you relax, restore, and unwind. Tastes like wellness just got a whole lot better. And when goals taste this good, it's easy to achieve them. Goalie. Taste your goals.

Learn more at today. It is the hump show. We're dead center of the work week and man, it feels like we've been waiting for Super Bowl 57 for a long time.

57 days as opposed to just over nine days. Thanks for hanging out with us on our hump show. We are literally in seconds posting and by we I mean producer Jay behind the scenes. We are posting the latest episode in our Super 6 Super Bowl series. It's part three and in this video you're only gonna find it on Twitter.

I'll give you the clue this time. You're only gonna find it on Twitter so it's exclusive to that particular site and we talk best halftime shows. So we've had a bunch of fun trying to come up with different places, different locales, different backgrounds. We've got a cameo from an NFL MVP in this one. Actually we had a cameo from an NFL MVP but maybe it could be a two-time MVP soon. That was part two. Part three, more old school as we go over the best halftime shows. We're trying to come up with goofy ways moving forward now.

Same thing. We want different backgrounds, maybe some props. Don't worry, we are going to have an entire video devoted to snacks.

Here's a sneak peek though. I can't get over this. The average American consumes, are you ready? 2,400 calories during the Super Bowl. 2,400 calories. That's more than the average daily average daily allotment. So I would suggest not eating breakfast, lunch, maybe your party starts really early. Between the foods and the drinks, we average Americans consume 2,400 calories.

I hate to be those who were higher than the average. You don't need to eat for a couple of days after that. It's a day for gluttony apparently and I heard this list. I'm not going to give it to you yet because we've got stuff to do. Maybe we'll save it for that particular video when we get to it. I think Jay and I have decided that's going to be the capper to our Super 6 series because, well, we feel like it's most important so we're ramping up to it.

It's the crescendo at the end of our song. I heard the list of most popular Super Bowl foods. Number four, it's going to catch you off guard. I was stunned and this is just food, not drinks. Pizza's number one, that's no big thing.

But number four, it's actually much higher than wings. What? I love it but it's not traditional.

When you think Super Bowl foods, it's not traditional but it's right up my alley. So Super 6 part three just posted to our show Twitter after hours CBS. To come here in the next 15 minutes, a conversation with my friend Jason Romano who joins us once or twice a year. He's on radio row for Sports Spectrum.

He had a chance to wander around opening night and the things that he saw, the people that he talked to, pretty amazing. Sports Spectrum is a different perspective on the world that we cover day in and day out. It's not just the football, the baseball, the basketball. It's the family aspect, the football plus the family and then plus faith this week. And we know faith came much more into focus, there's another f word, much more into focus around the DeMar Hamlin cardiac arrest on the field and how people were so open, speaking about their faith, certainly their mental health, the conversations that were taking place in locker rooms. We heard about it from various members of the NFL. So it'll be good to catch up with Jason.

I can't wait to share that conversation with you. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence on CBS Sports Radio. On my Twitter, ALawRadio, also on our Facebook page, After Hours with Amy Lawrence. So yeah, we now have one video on YouTube, one on Facebook, one on Twitter. Something for everyone.

But our hope is that you will go and you will look at all three. The YouTube channel is rocking. It's because producer Jay's got a birthday coming up and people want him to eat broccoli. Got to be it.

Our phone number is 855-212-4227. I see too, and Jay is much more tuned in to the numbers, but I also see that a lot of the views on our other videos are going up as well. So there's a lot there. Jay has turned me into a YouTuber. Uh-huh. I believe he's turned me into a YouTuber. Uh-huh.

I blame Jay. It's way out of my comfort zone. But we've had fun with some of our goofy escapades, like playing Wordle for the first time on video. Also the Mystery Box.

I'm not going to tell you what's in it if you haven't seen it. The Chubby Buddy Challenge. We put that on video as well. And then our Stairway to Seven series. We've done three different steps, three different steps and eps, of our Stairway to Seven series. And once football is done, we'll get back to that. So yeah, we try to get creative. This is Jay's cup of tea and I play along. This week it's a different hat for every video in our Super Six series. Again, After Hours with Amy Lawrence on YouTube, on Facebook, and our new video is up on our show Twitter.

After Hours, CBS. Even as the tributes pour in for one LeBron James, and actually I'm looking up now at one of the TVs here in studio and Kevin Durant, who we haven't heard from, about the Kyrie Irving trade to Dallas, he recorded a video for LeBron on Brooklyn Nets Twitter. So we'll get to hear from him, just not what people want to hear from him, which is your reaction to Kyrie Irving demanding a trade and then getting shipped to the Dallas Mavericks. In case you didn't hear the reports, there are multiple reports out on Tuesday, that Durant is now, once again, deep in conversation with Nets owner Joe Tsai and general manager Sean Marks, talking about the future.

Let me forget the currencies and what about the future? The direction of the franchise. Can this franchise be a contender? We talked about this with Brian Lewis, going back to Sunday night when the trade dropped. He said the Nets don't have any intent of letting Kevin Durant go.

What they want to do is convince him that they will put pieces around him. Now the trade deadline is Thursday. Can they package some of their picks, bring in another above average player to put with above average player to put with Kevin Durant? Maybe to convince him that they're serious, because it did not work with Kyrie Irving.

So the Nets keep insisting to KD that they're serious about winning and that they're just kind of heading this off at the pass. We have no intention of trading you before Thursday. You can ask, but that's not happening. Kyrie, of course, different story. Why? Because he is coming up on the end of his contract and they weren't going to give him a deal that he was going to accept.

The two sides were at an impasse. Kyrie did not like the offer that came back from the Nets, which reportedly included money that was tied to the team winning a championship, meaning he would have to be all in. He'd have to be willing to play the majority of the season.

Can't go AWOL, can't check out can't leave without telling anyone, got to be available, got to be present, got to be playing at a high level or you're going to miss out on money. And that's not acceptable to Kyrie Irving. So he demanded a trade last Friday. On Tuesday, he made his first public comments since the deal with the Mavericks.

Why did Kyrie decide he had to get out of Brooklyn? Sitting in the seat today, I just know I want to be places where I'm celebrated and not just tolerated or or just, you know, kind of dealt with in a way that doesn't make me feel respected. And there were times throughout this process when I was in Brooklyn where I felt very disrespected and my talent worked extremely hard at what I do. No one ever talks about my work ethic, though. Everyone talks about what I'm doing off the floor.

I just felt like being in New York City and the media capital of the world, there were so many things that leaked out that I didn't even know where they came from. And I'm answering things that I don't deserve. And ultimately, I don't pay attention to that much.

So I'm just grateful that I got to move on now here. Well, first of all, he definitely pays attention. That's not true. Any time you are responding to the storm around you, you're definitely paying attention. Any time you're talking about feeling disrespected, you're definitely paying attention. It blows me away how blind this guy is to the way his actions have created the narrative around him. His actions, his choices have created this attitude, as he phrases it, of being tolerated, not celebrated. How do you celebrate a guy who bags on his teammates and just disappears for a week without telling anyone? How do you celebrate a guy who leaves his coach at the time, Steve Nash, high and dry for days in a row? I haven't heard from Kyrie.

I don't know where Kyrie is. How do you celebrate a guy who does that? How do you celebrate a guy who makes it all about him? I've never heard anyone question his work ethic other than he will tell you basketball is not his top priority.

When he wants to work, he works. But how do you celebrate a guy who didn't want to go to the bubble with his teammates? Now, he said it was because of social justice issues and he thought the entire NBA should shut down, but he did not go to the bubble with his teammates. There have been multiple times over the past couple years, regardless of reason. We don't even have to know the reason. We just know he needed personal time and he was away from the team. It wasn't injuries. They weren't excused absences. So we don't even need to know. We can all speculate about where he was, some birthday party, yada yada yada. That part doesn't even matter.

You weren't with your team. We know that to be sure. How is it that he can rail against the types of things people say about him, but not understand that people are reacting to his own choices? He always puts himself first over the team. It's got this feeling it smacks of entitlement, but also just being completely oblivious to where he falls in the whole spectrum.

Not only does he think the earth is flat, he thinks the sun, the moon, and the stars revolve around him. A lot of times that's how he acts, but he feels disrespected. How about Steve Nash? Do you think Steve Nash feels disrespected? Do you think your teammates feel disrespected because you put yourself ahead of them every single freaking time? This sob story, it's like the old nursery rhyme about crying wolf.

It doesn't resonate anymore. It's not all about you. He goes on to say, and this is this is certainly a personality trait. I don't begrudge him the desire to have time away from the spotlight because I can't imagine being in the shoes of a professional athlete. Everywhere you go you're recognized.

I'm happy being a y-list celebrity. I have zero desire to be in the spotlight the way these guys are, but I just can't imagine why you pick a professional sport if you still don't think there should be any spotlight and you rail against it. I just know I need healthy boundaries, especially in this entertainment business. There's a lot of disrespect that goes on with people's families, with their names, and I'm just not with it. So it's not personal against any of those guys against in the front office.

It's just what I'm willing to accept and I took a chance and luckily and fortunately the Dallas Mavericks picked me up. He makes it sound like that the lack of boundaries goes back to the Nets front office and that's just not true. It's life as a professional athlete. He likes his platform.

He talks about his platform and his impact and his influence. In order to have that, well, sometimes your boundaries get blurred. I agree with him. The way that social media treats athletes and families, it's gross.

The way that social media treats celebrities, it's disgusting most of the time. But come on, man. If I can manage it, if I can deal with it, so can you. And some of this he brings on himself because of his choices and what he says. So what about Kevin Durant? The two of you wanted to team up and win multiple championships in Brooklyn, so how's that relationship? It just didn't work out and we still remain brothers, but it is a business at the end of the day as we always say and I got to look out for my family and ultimately I want to be at peace every time I come into work rather than things hanging over my head or wondering what people think about me in the building or whether or not a report's going to come out tomorrow that I don't talk to my teammates which is untrue.

I'm sure a lot of it is untrue. I'm not saying that he gets treated fairly quote unquote all the time, but it's not all about him. He's not, if he minds his own business and plays basketball and just goes about his business without creating some of these crazy headlines where he disappears or what he does with his social media, then he probably gets treated the same as most other pro athletes. He's an NBA champion.

He's played with some of the greatest, but that's never enough for him. He's right in the center of this storm. He likes it when it suits him. He likes it when he can use it to his advantage. He doesn't like it when the narratives go sour. I don't know that Dallas is any different. Maybe, maybe he'll get left alone if that's really what he wants.

Of course, players that get left alone don't get max contracts. He usually doesn't go together. You can find me on Twitter, ALawRadio, also on our Facebook page. He wants to get left alone, but he wants to go to LA.

How does that work? ALawRadio, but find our newest video up on our show, Twitter After Hours CBS, Super 6 Series for Super Bowl week and back to that, my friend Jason Romano on Radio Row this week in Phoenix. Some faith family football ties even as we count down to Super Bowl 57. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence, CBS Sports Radio.

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Tess here. I've always had problems sleeping. And once I fall asleep, I couldn't stay asleep. I searched getting to sleep ASAP.

So check this out. Sleep ASAP is a real product by NutriStrips. It's not a pill or drug. It's this amazing little thin strip you put right on your tongue. And it activates immediately. Tastes great too. Best night's sleep ever. Go to and discover how you can try a full month's supply free.

That's I'm going to say this. The Eagles are 15 minutes and 43 seconds away from the Super Bowl. They're going to throw it across the formation and it is caught over there now slipping. And the Chiefs will tackle him. This game is over.

This game is over. You can doubt the Chiefs. You can dislike the Chiefs. You can disrespect the Chiefs. You're going to have to deal with the Chiefs.

This is After Hours with Amy Lawrence. Thanks so much for hanging out with us. We're counting down to Super Bowl 57 Meryl Reese and Mitch Holtus on Eagles and Chiefs Radio respectively. Man the game still feels like oh gosh it's a little bitty cloud off in the distance but we'll get there.

We will get there. Radio row in full effect. We saw opening night the prime time series made for tv on Monday with all kinds of crazy characters. My friend Jason Romano who is the media director and podcast host for Sports Spectrum was right in the mix of everything there in Phoenix.

Jason I know you were mingling. What did you see and who did you talk to on opening night? Yeah we saw a bunch of well you always see these spectacles. Opening night is so interesting.

It's like that old media day where everybody and their mom and sister and cousin come out. Some of them dressed quite interestingly interesting enough and just asking the weirdest questions to these players but I also noticed as we were approaching this night I really went in not expecting to get a ton of content just thinking that it's opening night you just kind of want to be around but these guys are just distracted to no end with so much going on and yet we came away with a lot of conversations even though they were two minutes long here and there. We got to talk to a few of the chiefs including their owner Clark Hunt. We got to talk to the defensive coordinator Steve Spagnolo. We got to talk to their kicker Harrison Buckner and with the Eagles you know it was really interesting to talk to some of the lesser known names if you will with the Eagles like Jamal Singleton who is you know the assistant head coach. He's Nick Sirianni's right-hand man and getting to talk to some of the coaches getting to talk to some of the players was fascinating to me because it's a different type of conversation than maybe later this week when we get to sit down with them during their open media availability where there's not 15,000 people inside an arena and there's not a thousand people some dressed to the nines asking the weirdest questions it's kind of back to football and for us football faith and of course you know family so it was really good we had a lot of great conversations and some of them are already out and many more will be coming later this week.

Did you just walk up to Clark Hunt and ask him for a couple minutes? So here's how that works it's fascinating that you asked this so I'm with my colleague Leah she's down here doing our videography and kind of producing a lot of the content for us and I said to her we're going to hang in the back because I saw where Jeffrey Lurie was with the Eagles and it's very possible that Clark Hunt might come back to this area and if he is I want to be ready and we can tape an interview so the the Chiefs players start walking out into their different zones and different areas and all of a sudden there's Clark Hunt and he's just standing there and with one of his people I don't know if it was a security guard or a PR person or what and he's just kind of standing there and I looked at Leah and I go let's go and so I walked up to him it was like within two minutes of the event starting and I said Mr. Hunt I'm Jason Romano from Sports Spectrum would you be willing to take a few minutes and he was like absolutely and he was absolutely and he knew if he was out there that he was going to be doing interviews and so we grabbed him and we got maybe two minutes two and a half minutes which I know is an extremely long time but you don't get a lot of long interviews at the Super Bowl when you're covering the media like this or covering the games at the media availabilities right so we got two minutes asked him three or four questions and he was great he was gracious and talked about faith talked about family and the importance of his prayer life and some of the questions that we might ask it's a difference in your typical sports media company. Jason Romano is on site in Phoenix covering Super Bowl week and Radio Row again is the director of media for Sports Spectrum and also a host of the Sports Spectrum podcast and I've been honored to appear on it a couple of times it's about faith it's about family it's certainly about football this time of the year it's after hours with Amy Lawrence here on CBS Sports Radio in the wake of everything that happened with DeMar which believe it or not was just over a month ago it maybe seems like forever ago but when he suffers that cardiac arrest on the field I think we saw a different side of the NFL Jason more players as well as coaches willing to speak out about faith the anxiety and the concern for one of their brothers we almost saw the league grind to a halt which never happens and I know you've spoken with chaplains and players what have you heard about that moment that event and how significant it was well it certainly had a bunch of ripple effects I think and first of all we were all praying for DeMar and we all saw a man practically die on the field twice and be resuscitated and then survive and a miracle happened and prayers were answered and this guy is now alive it looks like he's going to be okay immediately after you're watching that you saw the response on the field you saw social media everywhere offering thoughts offering prayers offering their best wishes and praying for a miracle here not knowing how severe I think it was for DeMar on the field and then from that you go into the next few days and you see somebody like Dan Orlowski praying on ESPN for DeMar not offering prayers but actually praying which very rarely ever see on a national broadcast of any sort much less ESPN and so then you start to see the teams talking about prayer and you start to see players and others really be open to the fact that hey this was a guy who almost died and for all of us you know our mortality is is real right where none of us are going to live forever and so what does that mean when faced with our mortality and I think a lot of us gravitate towards prayer and more spiritual thoughts and like the afterlife and questions that's why I think it was bigger than just the NFL even though the NFL responded in a really powerful way I think the NFL is one of the more open leagues to being you know willing to go into the the spiritual space the faith space the Christian space the prayer space then when you saw DeMar starting to get better and better and better it was oh my gosh we're witnessing a real miracle here that yes the doctors and all the first responders had a big hand in but really at that moment all you can do is give it to God and say okay God we're trusting you here because there's not much more that we can do so I think you saw some ripple effects to that that I think still transitioning into today being at the Super Bowl here in Phoenix and you see guys more open to talk about prayer to talk about their faith and you know team chaplains being equipped inside those locker rooms to to talk to so many players who had so many questions and were fearing for their own mortality in many ways there's a lot of layers to this Amy I think and I think they still continue here at the Super Bowl as we talk to people I thought it was really candid of Josh Allen to admit that inside the Bills locker room they were discussing things like prayer and church and as you point out mortality now you've had the chance to talk to both of the team chaplains of the Chiefs and the Eagles what are their roles in locker rooms in the NFL that's a great question yeah each team in the NFL is equipped with a team chaplain it's basically a spiritual advisor a spiritual coach you know some call it a character coach but really those guys are in charge if you will to work with the players and in many cases I know for the Chiefs and the Eagles to work with the coaches as well to help them grow in their faith to lead and offer up opportunities to study the Bible to attend chapel services and small group settings to be able to grow in their faith spiritually because you know the grind of an NFL season as you know Amy is just so encompassing and all-consuming that these guys really if they're not careful can get so caught up in what they do for a living whether they're a coach or a player and to have a chaplain like Ted Winsley with the Eagles or to have a chaplain like Marcellus Casey with the Chiefs to be able to pour into these players and be there to guide them spiritually is I think obviously the NFL recognizes how extremely important that is because every team has a chaplain and they're not employed full-time you know by the staff or by the team in most cases there's a couple chaplains that are full-time with their teams but for the most part these guys are volunteers they're pastors at their local church and they've earned the trust of the players and coaches to come in when invited and be able to share with them you know the hope that's found in God. More and more we're seeing conversations around mental and spiritual health when it comes to pro sports so yes their roles even more critical as we move forward and athletes understand that there shouldn't be any type of a negative connotation talking about these things and so they're more willing to speak up and support one another. Jason Romano is with us from Phoenix Sports Spectrum podcast host he's an author he's a speaker I know this because we're friends and you mentioned six years on Radio Row two of those years have featured the Eagles in the Super Bowl and you as a longtime Cowboys fan sometimes it's hard to put that aside isn't it? Oh Amy you gotta put your fandom aside and be a professional and I always try to do that to be honest with you not only am I a Cowboys fan but my middle brother who's you know my hero and my hero in faith and you know a professor and PhD in biblical studies and a bible professor he's a die-hard Eagles fan and his two sons my nephews are die-hard Eagle fans so we go at it every single football season with the Cowboys and the Eagles and I'm not saying I'm rooting for the Eagles this Sunday I don't think I'd ever say that publicly but at least the experience of talking to the Eagles and being around them I can put myself I guess in my brother's shoes and my nephew's shoes and understand how much they would give their right arm if they could to have the experience that I get to have in covering this Eagles team but yeah let's put it that way I appreciate the Eagles though because they're extremely accessible they have a strong faith journey faith culture within their locker room and they're really good like they're set up for the next few years with this team if they if they play their cards right and it's been cool to kind of follow along on their journey even though I do root for their arch rivals with the star in their helmet well the Cowboys didn't have a bad season themselves the NFC beast as we like to call it this season yeah so you would think that the potential is there too for that division to continue getting stronger moving forward you and I are about the same age I go back to John Elway in the helicopter play in the late stages of the Broncos Packers game I think that was 1998 but 97 season do you have a favorite play or plays from Super Bowl lore I love this question see one of my favorite topics is the Super Bowl you know and I love kind of looking at the history of the Super Bowl and being able to remember games and scores and highlights so one of my favorite Super Bowl plays was probably there's this play that happens in Super Bowl 13 so this goes way back and I don't remember watching this on TV but I've watched so many like Super Bowl 13 NFL films highlights right that I there's a play in this game that happens where Terry Bradshaw is rolling out right and he's trying to you know get ready to throw a pass and Thomas Hollywood Henderson and another player on the Cowboys come and sort of corral him and they steal the ball from home and they run it back for a touchdown and the Cowboys take the lead Steelers ended up winning that game 35 to 31 but there's an announcer who makes a call in that game who talks about one you know held him the other one robbed him and it was just I don't know that that brings back the lore of Super Bowl certainly I ran into David Tyree this morning who who I mean you just run into a Super Bowl hero right right but I ran into him and I thought wow it's been 15 years since he made the helmet catch which at the moment you're not even sure he made the catch and then the more you see it and the more you watch the NFL films you know footage of it you realize it's one of the great catches if not the greatest of all time and I think it was voted number two in great moments in Super Bowl history was the helmet catch so that's probably another one I think that stands out that's more recent and it was held here in Phoenix 15 years ago I cannot believe it's been 15 years I can remember exactly where I was and what I was doing I was in a group of people who went nutso some of whom were jumping on couches at the Super Bowl party where I was in fact that was probably one of the last Super Bowl parties I ever attended so yes it's a vivid memory for so many sports fans Jason in addition to the sports spectrum podcast and the interviews that you do on site when you travel sports spectrum also has a magazine what will people find when they pick up this magazine yeah so I'm really excited about our sports spectrum magazine that's coming out because we got to travel to Norman Oklahoma uh late last year and sit down for really two days with the Oklahoma University Sooners softball team which might be if you know this Amy the most dominant sports team in America right now patty college or pro and they have a strong faith culture within that team as well led by their their head coach patty gas so their manager and then their players like their top players uh the best pitcher their best hitter their best defensive player are all strong in their faith and so we got to go down there sit down we interviewed maybe six different members of the team uh got to do some really cool photo shoot uh you know opportunities with them that's going to be on the cover of the magazine so this spring edition to me I could not be more excited about it I think it's the best magazine that we've done thus far since I've been on board with sports spectrum because of the fact that we were able to go and create this content that nobody else will have it wasn't just stories that we wrote based upon other people's interviews this was us going to Oklahoma sitting down with the players sitting down with patty gas so and really finding out what is going on within this program not just in how much they uh excel on the field as as softball players and dominate but really a culture that's been built of love of family and certainly of faith so I'm excited hmm patty has built an incredible legacy there and also jocas de glione as the athletic director there he really puts his coaches in position to succeed so you want to go to sports that's where you can order the sports spectrum magazine and then you can find jason and the links to his social media links to his sports spectrum podcast on his twitter at jason romano it's always good to catch up with you and hear the latest enjoy your time in phoenix I prefer the cold myself but okay whatever with your 75 and sunny amy come on nobody prefers the cold do they really I gotta go back to this in three days so come on here you know this is just how it is we're waiting for you in the northeast jason spring can't come soon enough we'll just say that but I appreciate you my friend and always appreciate you inviting me on your show good to talk to jason and if you check out his twitter you'll see his conversation with chiefs owner clark hunt and others from opening night but I really appreciate that he is willing to have honest open authentic conversations sometimes he listens more than he talks and and that's one of the reasons why he's a great host and for years and years he was in the talent booking business meaning for a lot of the big time tv shows in my previous network our previous network he was the one who was scheduling the interviews and he was constantly in touch with some of the biggest names in sports so he's had a pretty incredible career and walked away from that portion of the business to be able to work with sport spectrum because because he believes so much in that aspect of faith and then working and incorporating family into telling stories of football and other sports so definitely find jason also find us on twitter after our cbs brand new episode of our super six video series is now available this time on twitter so we've gone youtube facebook now twitter now we're not gonna make it easy for you coming up next erin rogers has got a grand new plan to help him to help him decide if his football career should continue hope he finds what he's looking for you are listening to the after hours podcast goalie gummies get you so close to your goals you can actually taste them the trick simply start with bite-sized steps like goalies apple cider vinegar gummies with added b vitamins for daily health or goalie ashwagandha gummies to help you relax restore and unwind tastes like wellness just got a whole lot better and when goals taste this good it's easy to achieve them goalie taste your goals learn more at today goalie gummies get you so close to your goals you can actually taste them the trick simply start with bite-sized steps like goalies apple cider vinegar gummies with added b vitamins for daily health or goalie ashwagandha gummies to help you relax restore and unwind tastes like wellness just got a whole lot better and when goals taste this good it's easy to achieve them goalie taste your goals learn more at today tess here i've always had problems sleeping and once i fall asleep i couldn't stay asleep i searched getting to sleep asap so check this out sleep asap is a real product by nutra strips it's not a pill or drug it's this amazing little thin strip you put right on your tongue and it activates immediately tastes great too best night's sleep ever go to my sleep and discover how you can try a full month supply free that's my sleep me one of the core tenants of your mental health is that self-love and that's what ayahuasca did for me was help me see how to unconditionally love myself and it's only in that unconditional self-love that i'm able to truly be able to unconditionally love others this is after hours with amy lawrence i'm sure you remember that aaron rogers revelation from the aubrey marcus podcast well there's a new revelation and a new trend that aaron is aaron is about to try following the super bowl week it's after hours with amy lawrence on cbs sports radio on tuesday making his weekly appearance on the pat maccavey show though i'm wondering if he foregoes that for his upcoming darkness retreat city and isolation meditation dealing with your thoughts it stimulates uh stimulates a dmt so there can be some uh hallucinations in there but it's uh it's just kind of sitting sitting in silence which you know most of us never do you know we rarely even turn our phone off or you know put the blinds down to sleep in in uh in darkness so i'm really looking forward to it how does he know how does he know we don't put the blinds down to sleep in darkness and some of us sleep in the daytime so we don't have the chance to sleep in total darkness very often my goodness he comes across very superior to the rest of us peons who don't have the enlightened ideas that he does aaron rogers on the pat maccafee show so why is he taking this four day four night retreat i think it's gonna be important um to get through this week and then uh you know to uh to take my uh you know my isolation retreat and just to be able to contemplate all things uh my future and then and then make a decision that i feel like is it's best for me moving forward and in the highest interest of my happiness and then uh and then move forward what's isolation retreat we're just going into a cave is it just you in there and if you're just in there alone do you know how many days you're in there are you taking an ipad so it's four nights of complete darkness what where is it you can leave if you if you you know you can't do it you can just walk out the door but it's uh it's a darkness retreat and i've had you know a number of friends who've done it and had some profound experiences and it's something that's been on my radar for a few years now and i feel like it'd be awesome to do regardless of where i was leaning after this season so it's been on the calendar for uh months and months and months and it's coming up in a couple weeks so sometimes pat maccavie's reaction to aaron is actually funnier or more interesting than anything aaron says what what exactly i feel like pat maccavie speaks for a good portion of america when he hears that it's four days and four nights in total darkness now what are they putting black crepe paper on the windows uh can't light canceling curtains and blinds because unless he literally is in a cave as maccavie indicates uh it's unlikely to be complete darkness that would mess some people up do you guys remember well it's one of my favorite tom hanks movies castaway where he is in isolation now he had sunshine but he's in a cave for a good portion like when there's storms that was hitting that were hitting his island he was in isolation in darkness in this cave during these storms and he he was there for a much longer time than four days and four nights i don't think aaron could hack it uh but he eventually was going crazy which is where we got wilson he tried to take his tooth out with an ice skate he did take his tooth out yeah he had to it was it was getting infected and creating great uh agony and pain it's after hours here on cbs sports radio aaron by the way is still basking in the glow of his victory at the pebble beach pro am and had his trophy front and center with him for the pat maccavie interview hey congrats on the big win we're all proud let's go thank you we're all very proud of you this dwarfs uh my other trophies i was talking about how you know when you win mvp you get this little you know little trophy it's about this yay high and then preceding years it was even smaller and smaller smaller than i won this sunday this is a real trophy right here this is a real thing with his canadian partner ben silverman they won the pebble beach pro am on sunday josh allen was there too and congratulated him am i the only one who just wants to hear rogers talk about football we don't actually get that very often though he did give some insight into the super bowl and how the eagles and chiefs could each win the game if the eagles line can can control the line of scrimmage i feel like uh they should win but uh you know pat uh is just such a dynamic player if he gets red hot and they uh go up and down the field um you know make philly one-dimensional it could be uh the recipe to to win but i really feel like they need to get ahead early and if they can get it to two scores that's gonna change the dynamic of the game just football i'm okay with just the football talk but it seems as though it's less and less of what aaron rogers does specifically this time of the year he calls himself the covid mvp he thinks the trophies have gotten to be itty bitty uh he likes his pebble beach trophy more than any of his mvp trophies i'm sure that the nfl will appreciate hearing that uh and now he is about to go into some type of a dark hole for four days and four nights raise your hand if you're gonna miss aaron rogers okay my hands in the air i'm because i'm demonstrating raise your hand if you cannot bear the thought of aaron rogers disappearing for four days and four nights into a dark hole i dark hole i suppose we can practice pretending that he retired and see how we like it i'd miss the football it's after hours with amy lawrence cbs sports radio goalie gummies get you so close to your goals you can actually taste them the trick simply start with bite-sized steps like goalies apple cider vinegar gummies with added b vitamins for daily health or goalie ashwagandha gummies to help you relax restore and unwind tastes like wellness just got a whole lot better and when goals taste this good it's easy to achieve them goalie taste your goals learn more at today goalie gummies get you so close to your goals you can actually taste them the trick simply start with bite-sized steps like goalies apple cider vinegar gummies with added b vitamins for daily health or goalie ashwagandha gummies to help you relax restore and unwind tastes like wellness just got a whole lot better and when goals taste this good it's easy to achieve them goalie taste your goals learn more at today tess here i've always had problems sleeping and once i fall asleep i couldn't stay asleep i searched getting to sleep asap so check this out sleep asap is a real product by nutra strips it's not a pill or drug it's this amazing little thin strip you put right on your tongue and it activates immediately tastes great too best night's sleep ever go to my sleep and discover how you can try a full month's supply free that's my sleep
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