The Truth Network Radio
Search Results : scourged and beaten


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: scourged and beaten
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
September 17, 2023
On the road to Emmaus the resurrected Lord Jesus taught two travelers how the whole of the Old Testament reveals His suffering and glory Today R C Sproul continues his sermon series in the gospel of Luke to describe this life-changing encounter with the incarnate Word of God Get R C Sproul's Expositional Commentary on the Gospel of Luke for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org luke-commentary Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
April 22, 2023
Jesus came in humility to become one with His people taking their weaknesses and their debts upon Himself Today R C Sproul describes the significance of the states of Christ in His redemptive work--His humiliation and exaltation Get the 'Foundations An Overview of Systematic Theology' DVD Series for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org foundations Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
December 17, 2020
Jesus came in humility to become one with His people taking their weaknesses and their debts upon Himself Today R C Sproul describes the significance of the states of Christ in His redemptive work -- His humiliation and exaltation Get the 'Foundations An Overview of Systematic Theology' DVD Series for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org foundations Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources [... more]
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