The Truth Network Radio
Search Results : religious Jews


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: religious Jews
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
April 16, 2024
Episode Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer caller questions Show Notes CoreChristianity com How can I ward off spiritual attacks Why must I be conformed to the image of Christ if I'm made in God's image Why don't religious Jews sacrifice animals anymore How can I attend church and tithe if I have to work on Sundays Today's Offer Praying with Jesus Want to partner with us in our work here at Core Christianity Consider becoming a member of the Inner Core View our latest special offers here or call - -THE-CORE - - to request them by phone [... more]
Summit Life
J.D. Greear
May 10, 2023
In Romans Paul goes after religious people who think they're better because they know the Bible and go to church and he's talking to us Pastor J D continues in the Romans series in this message as he explains why on the final day God will look beyond the outward performance of religion to our inward motivations and how both religious and irreligious sinners are welcomed back into God's family through the cross [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
November 29, 2019
In the first two chapters of his letter to Christians in Rome the apostle Paul establishes that all people are sinners and separated from God spanning the spectrum from non-believing Gentiles to religious Jews Paul describes what leads the former group non-believing Gentiles into downward spiraling degrees of sexual immorality and other sins is suppressing the truth and not acknowledging God v That makes sense reject the authority of God and man is the authority and goes a long way to explain why American society today is depraved full of strife arrogant inventors of evil and gives hearty approval to [... more]
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