The Truth Network Radio
Search Results : ownership and incentive


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: ownership and incentive
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
November 26, 2022
This program was previously aired but the DVD offer is available again for a short time GUEST DR JERRY NEWCOMBE producer The Pilgrims documentaryA small group of biblical Christians known as the the Pilgrims are widely considered to be the founders of America Numbering only about - souls they had fled religious persecution in England to settle in Holland But after ten years there they decided on another move across the Atlantic Ocean to an unknown land that would become the United States About Pilgrims were on the first vessel called The Mayflower arriving in modern-day Cape Cod in Massachusetts [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
November 26, 2021
GUEST DR JERRY NEWCOMBE producer The Pilgrims documentary A small group of biblical Christians known as the the Pilgrims are widely considered to be the founders of America Numbering only about - souls they had fled religious persecution in England to settle in Holland But after ten years there they decided on another move across the Atlantic Ocean to an unknown land that would become the United States About Pilgrims were on the first vessel called The Mayflower arriving in modern-day Cape Cod in Massachusetts in November One year later in November after a brutal winter in which many of [... more]
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