The Truth Network Radio
Search Results : committed to turning


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: committed to turning
Faith And Finance
Rob West
September 05, 2024
We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin - Romans Being born again in Christ changes a person We re given a new nature that fights against our old corrupt nature Sometimes the evidence of this is in the area of finances Straight ahead a journey to faithful stewardship Bobby s TestimonyIt's always a great privilege to connect with people answer their financial questions and offer help whenever possible Recently we spoke with Bobby from Nebraska [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
October 27, 2022
Have you ever been watching a thrilling movie or TV show when suddenly without warning it just ends And you're left thinking 'what happens next' Well in this program guest teacher Ryan Ingram picks up in our new series You Were Made for More Don't miss the good and the bad we can learn from the biggest cliffhanger story in the Bible [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
September 13, 2022
Have you lost hope I mean as you see the unrest corruption and evil happening all around us have you thought 'What's the point in talking about Jesus ' In this program guest teacher Kyle Idleman continues his series One at a Time with an encouraging message Don't miss how we can cling on to the hope we have in Jesus and the simple ways we can pass it on to a discouraged world [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
July 11, 2022
If someone asked you how do you know Jesus actually lived or can we really trust the Bible what would you say In this program we begin a new series called Jesus Skeptic from guest teacher John Dickerson He's gonna unpack the evidence for Christianity and highlight notable Christians from history that changed our world [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
April 04, 2022
Chip's wife Theresa begins this series with her story of hope in the midst of pain and discouragement - a journey toward wholeness concerning the same things that so many women struggle with today Men have much to learn as well about the women they love and their own relationship with the Lord [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
November 11, 2021
The statistics for young people leaving the Church after high school and college are grim In this program we explore how to help your kids walk with God and become young people of character conviction and compassion [... more]
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