The Truth Network Radio
Search Results : Heavenly


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: Heavenly
Building Relationships
Dr. Gary Chapman
February 15, 2025
What is the answer to the division in our country It rsquo s a great question and you rsquo ll hear answers on this Building Relationships with Dr Gary Chapman Former President of Moody Bible Institute and Cornerstone University Dr Joe Stowell urges Christians to pivot from battling for an earthly kingdom to embracing a heavenly one Don rsquo t miss a hope-filled conversation on Building Relationships with Dr Gary Chapman Featured resource THIS LIGHT OF MINE LIVING LIKE JESUS IN A NON-JESUS WORLDDonate to Moody Radio http moodyradio org donateto buildingrelationshipsSee omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 12, 2025
So give back to Caesar what is Caesar s and to God what is God s - Matthew This statement from Jesus is one of the most profound and thought-provoking verses in the New Testament While it is often quoted in discussions about paying taxes it carries far deeper implications What does this passage truly mean for us as Christ-followers today Let s explore its historical context and the spiritual truths that challenge us to live with a kingdom perspective The Trap Set for JesusThe words of Jesus in Matthew came during a tense confrontation between Him and the Pharisees [... more]
Summit Life
J.D. Greear
February 11, 2025
What kind of memories do you have of your dad Maybe he was a good father or maybe your relationship has been strained Pastor J D explains that no matter what our relationships with our earthly dads look like we all have some sort of childhood wounds In a series titled Foretold we re learning how our heavenly father heals all wounds [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
February 11, 2025
Jesus work of redemption reveals the boundless love of God for His adopted children Today Michael Reeves explains how the gospel guides us to look to our heavenly Father with dependent wonder and adoration Request Michael Reeves teaching series The Fear of the Lord on DVD plus lifetime digital access to the messages and study guide with your donation of any amount https gift renewingyourmind org donate Meet Today s Teacher Michael Reeves is president and professor of theology at Union School of Theology in the United Kingdom He is the featured teacher for the Ligonier teaching series The English [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
February 06, 2025
God is not a heavenly spectator without any influence on the events of this world Today R C Sproul explains how the Lord is actively involved in preserving His creation even working in our personal circumstances and choices Receive R C Sproul s book Everyone s a Theologian his -message teaching series Foundations An Overview of Systematic Theology as a special-edition DVD collection and lifetime digital access to the messages and study guide all for your donation of any amount https gift renewingyourmind org donate Meet Today s Teacher R C Sproul was known for his ability to winsomely and [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
January 31, 2025
Kim settled in by the window bag packed waiting eagerly for her daddy to arrive But as the bright day darkened and then turned to night her enthusiasm faded She realized Daddy wasn rsquo t coming mdash again Kim rsquo s parents were divorced and she longed to spend time with her father Not for the first time she thought I must not really matter He must not love me As Kim later learned mdash and as all of us who receive Jesus as our Savior come to know mdash though our earthly parents and others will disappoint us we [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
January 24, 2025
We all want certain things for our children We want them to be healthy and happy We want them to make good choices foremost among them being accept Jesus as their Savior But our kids reach a certain point and the principles we taught them are working their way in to the specific choices they make Today on A NEW BEGINNING Pastor Greg Laurie says our Heavenly Father rsquo s guidance is similar The closer we get to God and His values the more we rsquo ll know that we rsquo re walking in His ways Send help and hope [... more]
In Touch
Charles Stanley
January 16, 2025
Trust your heavenly Father in seemingly hopeless situations just as David trusted the Lord for victory against Goliath [... more]
Summit Life
J.D. Greear
January 01, 2025
What kind of memories do you have of your dad Maybe he was a good father or maybe your relationship has been strained Pastor J D explains that no matter what our relationships with our earthly dads look like we all have some sort of childhood wounds In a series titled Foretold we re learning how our heavenly father heals all wounds [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 01, 2025
Did you know that anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses in the U S today You might assume that we have a major anxiety problem just by the number of commercials you see for new medicines to treat these disorders but is anxiety really a new thing The Reality Of AnxietyModern medicine recognizes anxiety in many forms generalized anxiety disorder panic disorder social anxiety and various phobias Data shows nearly a third of all U S adults will experience some form of anxiety in their lifetime The cost of treating anxiety disorders in the U S runs into [... more]
Wisdom for the Heart
Dr. Stephen Davey
December 25, 2024
Why did God choose shepherds the lowest of society to be the first to hear about Jesus birth What was God trying to communicate by bypassing the elite the powerful and the religious In this episode Stephen Davey takes you back to that incredible night when angels appeared to humble shepherds giving them the honor of witnessing and sharing the news of the Messiah's birth The shepherds story is one of divine grace where those seen as unworthy by society were entrusted with the most glorious news ever told Stephen explains why this heavenly 'reveal' was a profound demonstration of [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
December 20, 2024
Photographer Ronn Murray likes cold weather Very cold weather ldquo Cold means clear skies rdquo notes journalist Lee Cowan in a TV interview with Murray ldquo And that can open a window to the wonderful rdquo Ronn and his wife Marketa provide Alaskan photography tours dedicated to tracking Earth rsquo s most spectacular light show mdash aurora borealis the northern lights Murray speaks of the experience as ldquo very spiritual rdquo If you rsquo ve ever seen this iridescent display dance across the heavens you rsquo ll understand why But the lights aren rsquo t only a northern phenomenon Aurora [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
December 18, 2024
When we think of the nativity scene we often focus on the humble circumstances of our Savior s birth Today R C Sproul reminds us that Jesus arrival into the world was also accompanied by a display of heavenly glory Get R C Sproul s book The Work of Christ plus lifetime digital access to two of his teaching series The Messiah Is Born and What Did Jesus Do for your donation of any amount https gift renewingyourmind org donate Meet Today s Teacher R C Sproul was known for his ability to winsomely and clearly communicate deep practical truths [... more]
Our American Stories
Lee Habeeb
December 17, 2024
On this episode of Our American Stories Luke Mickelson founder of Sleep in Heavenly Peace tells how a meeting in his church turned into a Boy Scouts project a Christmas tradition and free beds for needy nbsp families every year Support the show https www ouramericanstories com donate See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
December 16, 2024
What began as a normal cable car ride across a Pakistani valley turned into a frightful ordeal Shortly after the ride began two supporting cables snapped leaving eight passengers mdash including school children mdash suspended hundreds of feet in the air The situation sparked an arduous twelve-hour rescue operation by the Pakistani military who used ziplines helicopters and more to rescue the passengers Those well-trained rescuers are to be commended but their work pales in comparison to the eternal work of Jesus whose mission was to save and rescue us from sin and death Prior to Christ rsquo s birth [... more]
In Touch
Charles Stanley
December 13, 2024
Discover how God sees you and learn to love yourself the way your heavenly Father already does [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
December 11, 2024
I loved my weekend in New Orleans mdash happening upon a parade in the French Quarter visiting the World War II Museum and trying grilled oysters But as I fell asleep in my friends rsquo spare room I missed my wife and kids I enjoy opportunities to preach in other cities but I most enjoy being home One aspect of Jesus rsquo life that rsquo s sometimes overlooked is how many of His most important events happened on the road The Son of God entered our world in Bethlehem an incalculable distance from His heavenly home and far from His [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
December 10, 2024
Sadly in the U S there are more than million children with no father in the home Dads are absent from of single-parent homes But each and every one of them has a Heavenly Father who cares deeply for them And today on A NEW BEGINNING Pastor Greg Laurie helps us recognize the blessing of provision and protection that provides Pastor Greg points out we have a Father in heaven who loves us and always has time for us Good encouragement coming from the Psalms Listen on harvest org --- Learn more and subscribe to Harvest updates at harvest org [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 03, 2024
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your sake he became poor so that you by his poverty might become rich - Corinthians That verse is among the most cited on the subject of generosity and for good reason It links generosity with the Gospel Dr Nathan Harris joins us to make that connection even stronger Dr Nathan Harris is Vice President for Strategic Initiatives at the University of Mobile in Mobile Alabama He is also the author of A Short Guide to Gospel Generosity Giving as an Act of [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
November 28, 2024
Thanksgiving is more than just a feast it's a celebration rooted in faith courage and sacrifice The Pilgrims' journey and pursuit of religious freedom have shaped American heritage and continue to inspire gratitude The Pilgrims also known as Separatists broke away from the Church of England believing it had strayed from biblical teaching In contrast the Puritans or Non-Separatists sought to reform the church from within While the Puritans aimed to purify the Pilgrims chose complete separation making their journey to the New World a bold stand for freedom of worship Fleeing Persecution and Seeking FreedomPersecuted in England for their [... more]
The Urban Alternative
Tony Evans, PhD
November 25, 2024
Seeing is believing or so the saying goes But in Revelation God unveils realities that reach far beyond what our eyes can see In this message Dr Tony Evans provides a picture of God s heavenly throne as revealed in the pages of Revelation [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
November 16, 2024
Tre is a regular at the fitness center and it shows His shoulders are wide his muscles pronounced and his upper arms close to the size of my thighs His physical condition prompted me to engage him in a spiritual conversation I asked him if his commitment to physical fitness in some way mirrored a healthy relationship with God Though we didn rsquo t go too deep Tre did acknowledge ldquo God in his life rdquo We talked long enough for him to show me a picture of the four-hundred-pound unfit unhealthy version of himself A change in his lifestyle [... more]
Pathway to Victory
Dr. Robert Jeffress
November 15, 2024
The Bible says that God is making all things new including our bodies Some day in Heaven we ll all receive new and improved bodies built to last for eternity So what exactly will they be like Dr Robert Jeffress explains how our heavenly forms will be different from our earthly bodies To support Pathway to Victory go to ptv org donate [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
November 15, 2024
How would you describe your relationship with God Are you close Or is it more like that co-worker you see daily but know nothing about In this program Chip will give us a simple spiritual litmus test Learn how connected you are to your Heavenly Father and what you can do to develop deeper intimacy Main Points Introduction What do Hebrews Niagara Falls and Jesus most important parable have in common The Question How did Jesus make disciples in such a hostile environment that were so much like Him that they overcame the darkness and changed the world He modeled [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
November 13, 2024
Mila a baking assistant felt too helpless to defend herself when her supervisor accused her of pilfering some raisin bread The unfounded assertion and corresponding salary deduction were just two of many wrongful actions from her supervisor ldquo God please help rdquo Mila prayed each day ldquo It rsquo s so hard working under her but I need this job rdquo Jesus tells of a widow who also felt helpless against injustice She turned to someone with the authority to resolve her case mdash a judge Despite knowing that the judge was unjust she persisted in approaching him nbsp The [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
November 02, 2024
My six-foot-three son Xavier lifted his giggling toddler Xarian into the air with ease He wrapped his large hand around his son rsquo s tiny feet securing them firmly in his palm Stretching out his long arm he encouraged his son to balance on his own but kept his free hand at the ready to catch him if necessary Xarian straightened his legs and stood With his smile wide and his arms resting at his side his eyes locked on his father rsquo s gaze The prophet Isaiah declared the benefits of focusing on the Father ldquo You will keep [... more]
Pathway to Victory
Dr. Robert Jeffress
October 30, 2024
Tragically many Christians today have a one-dimensional view of God as a loving Heavenly Father who welcomes all with open arms But we can t celebrate God s boundless love without also acknowledging His righteous judgment Dr Robert Jeffress describes the terrible fate that awaits those who reject Jesus Christ To support Pathway to Victory go to ptv org donate [... more]
Delight in Grace
Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell
October 29, 2024
As we consider what God has to say to His people in Isaiah an image of His heart emerges clearly God brings His people from shame into honor from emptiness to abundance He is a God of relationship redemption and restoration Because of Christ we move from lonely despair into the tender care of our heavenly Father [... more]
Delight in Grace
Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell
October 28, 2024
As we consider what God has to say to His people in Isaiah an image of His heart emerges clearly God brings His people from shame into honor from emptiness to abundance He is a God of relationship redemption and restoration Because of Christ we move from lonely despair into the tender care of our heavenly Father [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
October 25, 2024
Jeremy didn rsquo t realize what he was getting into when he arrived at the university for his three-year course and asked for the cheapest dorm room available ldquo It was awful rdquo he recounted ldquo The room and its bathroom were terrible rdquo But he had little money and little choice ldquo All I could do rdquo he said ldquo was think I have a nice home to go back to in three years rsquo time so I rsquo ll stick with this and make the most of my time here rdquo Jeremy rsquo s story mirrors the everyday [... more]
Delight in Grace
Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell
October 25, 2024
As we consider what God has to say to His people in Isaiah an image of His heart emerges clearly God brings His people from shame into honor from emptiness to abundance He is a God of relationship redemption and restoration Because of Christ we move from lonely despair into the tender care of our heavenly Father [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
October 07, 2024
One of the enemy s favorite tools for discouraging Christians is the question What if Unfortunately those What if questions lead right down the road to fear Timothy reminds us for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control How many times have you worried about your finances asking those scary what if questions like What if I lose my job What if I don t have enough money for retirement What if something bad happens to me or my loved ones We all have these fears often driven by uncertainties about the [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
October 04, 2024
If you knew that you had the resources to handle anything ANYTHING that came your way would that change your outlook on life Sometimes our demeanor is soured when life has been harsh and we feel there s nothing we can do about it Today on A NEW BEGINNING Pastor Greg Laurie brings some good news You can have an attitude of contentment no matter what Because your Heavenly Father knows what you re facing and He has a plan to bring you through Good insight coming your way today Listen on harvest org --- Learn more and subscribe to [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
September 30, 2024
Where does your electricity come from in your home The electric company right You re connected directly Your neighbor is connected directly You re not running an extension cord over to the neighbor s to power up your lights At least I hope not Well we each need a direct spiritual connection to our Heavenly Father And today on A NEW BEGINNING Pastor Greg Laurie points out how that sheds light on Paul s injunction to work out our own salvation Glad you re along today for Pastor Greg s Worldview Series Listen on harvest org --- Learn more and [... more]
In Touch
Charles Stanley
September 28, 2024
Dedicate time to developing a health prayer life and strengthen your relationship with your heavenly Father [... more]
Pathway to Victory
Dr. Robert Jeffress
September 24, 2024
As Christians we re called to a higher standard of living one that reflects the very nature of God Himself But how can imperfect people possibly imitate our perfect Creator Dr Robert Jeffress shares three ways we can walk in the footsteps of our Heavenly Father To support Pathway to Victory go to ptv org donate [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
September 23, 2024
Whether we mean to or not we often think of God as a fast food restaurant where we place our order and expect God to give us what we want quickly However in this program our guest teacher Gregg Dedrick challenges that flawed perspective of God s character Join us to get a clearer picture of our Heavenly Father as we study the life and faith of Joseph from Genesis chapter Main Points Joseph s journey Dream fulfillment stage The pit Dream fulfillment stage Potiphar's house Dream fulfillment stage Prison What do we learn from Joseph Joseph had to wait [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
September 12, 2024
Look at the birds of the air they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns and yet your heavenly Father feeds them Are you not of more value than they - Matthew God has promised to provide and He is ever faithful Knowing that is one thing believing and living by it is another Taylor Standridge and Chad Clark join us today to launch a brand new tool to help you overcome financial fear and anxiety Taylor Standridge and Chad Clark along with Carolyn Calupca are the authors of the new FaithFi devotional Look At The Sparrows A -Day [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
September 05, 2024
Angels unfortunately suffer from a good deal of bad press Fake news Inaccurate reporting They re not plump little babies sitting on clouds playing harps They don t have two wings and a glowing halo And not all angels are the good guys What s the truth about these heavenly beings Pastor Greg Laurie has the answer today on A NEW BEGINNING from the only reliable source A book inspired by God the creator of angels the Bible Listen on harvest org --- Learn more and subscribe to Harvest updates at harvest org A New Beginning is the daily half-hour [... more]
Wisdom for the Heart
Dr. Stephen Davey
August 29, 2024
As Jesus faces off with the religious leaders in Luke - He delivers a profound lesson that resonates with believers today The Pharisees and Herodians despite their differences unite with a common goal to trap Jesus with a tricky question about paying taxes to Caesar Jesus with divine wisdom answers in a way that not only silences His opponents but also sets a precedent for how believers are to navigate the tension between earthly and heavenly responsibilities Join us as we explore what it means to render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
August 23, 2024
Applause rang out as a school rsquo s top students received certificates of excellence for academic achievement But the program wasn rsquo t over The next award celebrated students who weren rsquo t the school rsquo s ldquo best rdquo but instead were most improved nbsp They rsquo d worked hard to raise a failing grade correct disruptive behavior or commit to better attendance Their parents beamed and applauded acknowledging their children rsquo s turn to a higher path mdash seeing not their former shortcomings but their walk in a new way The heart-lifting scene offers a small picture of [... more]
Pathway to Victory
Dr. Robert Jeffress
August 19, 2024
The Bible often describes God as a Heavenly Father who loves us unconditionally so it s no surprise that He would also care deeply about our relationship with our earthly parents Dr Robert Jeffress shares some practical ways we can all honor our father and mother at any age To support Pathway to Victory go to ptv org donate [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
August 15, 2024
The dictionary says integrity is being honest and having strong moral principles God s Word says Better is the poor who walks in his integrity Than one perverse in his ways though he be rich Are you living with integrity in your financial dealings Understanding IntegrityIntegrity isn't just about honesty it also means strength and dependability When we say a bridge has integrity we mean it s sturdy and consistently reliable able to withstand any amount of traffic without collapsing As Christians we are called to be like that bridge representing Jesus Christ to the world by being honest strong [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
July 28, 2024
Pilgrim is a musical based on The Pilgrim rsquo s Progress an allegory of the life of a believer in Jesus In the story all the unseen forces of the spiritual world are made visible to the audience The character of the King representing God is present onstage for almost the entire show He rsquo s dressed in white and actively blocks attacks from the enemy tenderly holds those who are in pain and nudges others to good works Despite his indispensable role the main human characters can rsquo t physically see the King only the effects of what He [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
July 13, 2024
In this episode we revisit a classic crusade message from Pastor Greg Laurie titled See You in the Morning Originally preached at the Harvest Crusade on August Pastor Greg points out in this message that many people get their notion of Heaven from television or the movies He calls that cartoon heaven He points out the biblical truth about our heavenly home Get a guided tour of life hereafter And don't miss out on this year's Harvest Crusade happening July Get event details here --- Learn more about Greg Laurie and Harvest Ministries at harvest org This podcast is supported [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
July 04, 2024
An old friend sent me a note after my husband rsquo s death ldquo Alan was a grappler with God He was a real Jacob Israel and a strong reason why I am a Christian today rdquo I rsquo d never thought to compare Alan rsquo s struggles with the patriarch Jacob rsquo s but it fit Throughout his life Alan struggled with himself and wrestled with God for answers He loved God but couldn rsquo t always grasp the truths that God loved him forgave him and heard his prayers Yet his life had its blessings and he positively [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
July 03, 2024
Tired of feeling like you re just going through the motions spiritually Wish you could experience God in a real fresh new way Chip explains what the Bible has to say about true authentic spirituality and how you can begin to experience it Main PointsTrue Spirituality begins with an accurate picture of God True Spirituality is built on the principle of relationship Romans provides us with a relational grace-based pathway of True Spirituality Key Relationships - r Biblical Responses Relationship with God Surrender to God - Romans nbsp Relationship with the world Separate from the world rsquo s values - [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
July 03, 2024
Tired of feeling like you re just going through the motions spiritually Wish you could experience God in a real fresh new way Chip explains what the Bible has to say about true authentic spirituality and how you can begin to experience it Main PointsTrue Spirituality begins with an accurate picture of God True Spirituality is built on the principle of relationship Romans provides us with a relational grace-based pathway of True Spirituality Key Relationships - r Biblical Responses Relationship with God Surrender to God - Romans nbsp Relationship with the world Separate from the world rsquo s values - [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
July 02, 2024
True spirituality - what is it and how do you know if you ve got it Simple right Join Chip for this journey of what True Spirituality looks like in the lives of some of God's favorite people Main PointsTrue Spirituality begins with an accurate picture of God True Spirituality is built on the principle of relationship Romans provides us with a relational grace-based pathway of True Spirituality Key Relationships - r Biblical Responses Relationship with God Surrender to God - Romans nbsp Relationship with the world Separate from the world rsquo s values - Romans nbsp Relationship with yourself [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
July 02, 2024
Did you know that anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses in the U S today You might assume that we have a major anxiety problem just by the number of commercials you see for new medicines to treat these disorders but is anxiety really a new thing The Reality Of AnxietyModern medicine recognizes anxiety in many forms generalized anxiety disorder panic disorder social anxiety and various phobias Data shows nearly a third of all U S adults will experience some form of anxiety in their lifetime The cost of treating anxiety disorders in the U S runs into [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
July 02, 2024
True spirituality - what is it and how do you know if you ve got it Simple right Join Chip for this journey of what True Spirituality looks like in the lives of some of God's favorite people Main PointsTrue Spirituality begins with an accurate picture of God True Spirituality is built on the principle of relationship Romans provides us with a relational grace-based pathway of True Spirituality Key Relationships - r Biblical Responses Relationship with God Surrender to God - Romans nbsp Relationship with the world Separate from the world rsquo s values - Romans nbsp Relationship with yourself [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
July 01, 2024
In the First Century B C Roman historian Sallust said Prosperity tries the souls even of the wise Most people would choose financial prosperity despite its temptations But what if you re living with financial adversity Today we ll talk about how to be wise in good times and bad The Temptations of Financial Success and AdversityWhen things are going well financially it s tempting to take credit for your success leading to sins like pride and greed On the other hand adversity brings its own set of temptations such as self-pity bitterness and envy Neither set of attitudes is [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
June 27, 2024
Have you ever seen your child face something pretty tough Maybe it was an important medical procedure that was quite painful You knew it was necessary and helpful in the long term but your child just focused on the suffering Today on A NEW BEGINNING Pastor Greg Laurie helps us trust our Heavenly Father to know what s best even when there s pain in the present We ll learn the encouragement that comes when we focus on the future benefit and the present presence of God in our lives Keep up with Harvest Crusade details --- Listen on harvest [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
June 26, 2024
More than nbsp two hundred million people from a variety of faiths undertake a pilgrimage each year For many throughout the ages a pilgrim rsquo s task has been to journey to a sacred place to receive some kind of blessing It rsquo s been all about reaching the temple cathedral shrine or other destination where a blessing can be received Britain rsquo s Celtic Christians however saw pilgrimage differently They set out directionless into the wild or let their boats drift wherever the oceans took them mdash pilgrimage for them being about trusting God in unfamiliar territory Any blessing [... more]
Love Worth Finding
Adrian Rogers
June 26, 2024
Jesus taught us profound heavenly lessons in the most practical parables However despite its simplicity the strange mystery of the precious pearl is often misinterpreted by the most devoted believers In this message Adrian Rogers shares the true interpretation of this parable and what it tells us about Jesus Christ s great love for us [... more]
Running to Win
Erwin Lutzer
June 17, 2024
Many have never felt the warmth of the Father s love Like the prodigal s father our Heavenly Father longs to welcome us home In this message Pastor Lutzer encourages us to keep our children from moral harm and point them to the Gospel This is the only message that can keep our souls and our families anchored in a culture falling apart This month s special offer is available for a donation of any amount Get yours at rtwoffer com or call us at - - - [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
June 15, 2024
In his first home game after the death of his father National Football League running back Aaron Jones wore something special a football-shaped pendant necklace that contained some of his dad rsquo s ashes At some point during the game the necklace fell off and was lost in the vastness of the turf One of the team rsquo s athletic trainers searched the field for hours mdash into the early morning mdash until he found Aaron rsquo s treasured pendant The irreplaceable value of the pendant is what prompted the trainer to persist in the search on Aaron rsquo s [... more]
Running to Win
Erwin Lutzer
June 13, 2024
Many of us are looking for ways to guide our children in this cultural moment God s Word provides a solid defense against the world s godless agenda In this message Pastor Lutzer offers practical instruction and definite action steps for Christian parents Whether we are Christians or not all of us are invited to come home to the Heavenly Father This month s special offer is available for a donation of any amount Get yours at rtwoffer com or call us at - - - [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
June 05, 2024
My friend hurried from her stressful job at the hospital wondering what she would prepare for dinner before her husband returned from his equally demanding job She had made chicken on Sunday and served leftovers on Monday Then they had yet another round of chicken mdash this time baked mdash on Tuesday She found two pieces of fish in the freezer but she knew the fillets weren rsquo t her husband rsquo s favorite Not finding anything else she could prepare in just a few minutes she decided the fish would have to do As she placed the dish on [... more]
Pathway to Victory
Dr. Robert Jeffress
May 30, 2024
It s disappointing when a prayer goes unanswered Sometimes our Heavenly Father clearly says no Other times He tells us to wait And we don t like either one of those responses Well Dr Robert Jeffress shares one request that God responds to every single time by saying yes To support Pathway to Victory go to ptv org donate [... more]
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