The Truth Network Radio
Search Results : God feels


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: God feels
Summit Life
J.D. Greear
October 06, 2023
How do you think God feels about people who claim him as Lord but do not walk with him or submit to his lordship In this message Pastor J D looks at Romans to show us how while God has kept his promise to Israel he will also remove anyone who does not demonstrate a staying faith like he did with Israel [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
June 29, 2023
Chip shares some very simple practical tools for effectively sharing your faith with another person [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 17, 2023
Researchers at Emory University used MRI scans to study the brains of grandmothers They measured empathetic responses to images that included their own grandchild their own adult child and one anonymous child The study showed that grandmothers have a higher empathy toward their own grandchild than even their adult child This is attributed to what they call the ldquo cute factor rdquo mdash their own grandchild being more ldquo adorable rdquo than the adult Before we say ldquo Well duh rdquo we might consider the words of James Rilling who conducted the study ldquo If their grandchild is smiling the [... more]
Summit Life
J.D. Greear
November 03, 2022
When our prayers don't seem to get any response we often start to wonder if God is even hearing us And if he does hear us does he just not care [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
February 28, 2022
Catherine and I were good friends in high school When we weren rsquo t talking on the phone we were passing notes in class to plan our next sleepover Sometimes we rode horses together and partnered on school projects One Sunday afternoon I started to think about Catherine My pastor had spoken that morning about how to have eternal life and I knew my friend didn rsquo t believe the Bible rsquo s teachings the way I did I felt pressed to call her and explain how she could have a relationship with Jesus I hesitated though because I was [... more]
The Urban Alternative
Tony Evans, PhD
December 15, 2021
Coffee is great when it's served piping hot or cold and frosty But lukewarm Well that's nothing but a disappointment Join Dr Tony Evans as he explains why God feels that exact same way about people Discover the steps involved in relighting the fire of your faith before you become spiritually useless [... more]
Destined for Victory
Pastor Paul Sheppard
October 05, 2021
How God feels about the poor and how they are treated the consequences of practicing favoritism based on James - CLICK HEREto ORDER this full message on MP [... more]
Destined for Victory
Pastor Paul Sheppard
October 04, 2021
How God feels about the poor and how they are treated the consequences of practicing favoritism based on James - CLICK HERE to ORDER this full message on MP [... more]
The Urban Alternative
Tony Evans, PhD
August 27, 2021
Coffee is great when it's served piping hot or cold and frosty But lukewarm Well that's nothing but a disappointment Join Dr Tony Evans as he explains why God feels that exact same way about people Discover the steps involved in relighting the fire of your faith before you become spiritually useless [... more]
Summit Life
J.D. Greear
July 30, 2021
We would never forget to put on clothes before we leave the house in the morning But often we forget to get dressed spiritually [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
July 20, 2021
What if you had a son who really liked to work on cars and so you bought him a nice tool set But months later there it was in the original box still shrink-wrapped Or you gave a pallette of paints and canvases and brushes to your daughter who liked to paint But they went untouched Disappointing huh That may be how God feels with the spiritual gifts He makes available to you and me Today on A New Beginning Pastor Greg Laurie helps us put those gifts to good use View and subscribe to Pastor Greg's weekly notes --- [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
May 26, 2021
You know that sick feeling you have when you lose something that's really valuable And then that feeling of pure joy and relief when you find it again Well those are the same feelings God has when a person is lost or wandering - and then is found Join Chip as he explains the amazing lengths God will go to celebrate every single person who comes home to Him [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 06, 2021
On January the US Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart seventy-three seconds after takeoff In a speech of comfort to the nation President Reagan quoted from the poem ldquo High Flight rdquo in which John Gillespie Magee a World War II pilot had written of ldquo the high untrespassed sanctity of space rdquo and the sense of putting out his hand to touch ldquo the face of God rdquo nbsp Although we can rsquo t literally touch God rsquo s face we sometimes experience a stunning sunset or a place of meditation in nature that gives us an overwhelming sense that [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
December 08, 2020
Chip shares some very simple practical tools for effectively sharing your faith with another person [... more]
Truth for Life
Alistair Begg
August 08, 2020
Sometimes God feels distant especially when life seems to be going wrong Even when our hearts are broken though we're never outside of God's care That's our focust as we conclude our study of life in the Spirit on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg Listen [... more]
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