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JR SportBrief Hour 1

JR Sports Brief / JR
The Truth Network Radio
July 22, 2024 7:22 pm

JR SportBrief Hour 1

JR Sports Brief / JR

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July 22, 2024 7:22 pm

Jordan Love won't practice until he gets a new contract l LeBron James named a Team USA flag bearer l Aaron Rodgers explains absence from minicamp

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Get six times longer lasting freshness plus odor protection with Downy Unstoppables in wash scent beads. This is the JR Sport Brief Show here with you on the Infinity Sports Network. Happy Monday to you. Wherever you at, whatever you do. And I hope you're good. I hope you're safe. I hope you're well.

I hope you had a tremendous weekend. I'm going to be hanging out with you for the next four hours. This is when the show gets started every single weekday at 6 p.m. Eastern, 3 Pacific. I'm coming to you live from Atlanta, Georgia. Our super producer and host Ryan Hickey is coming to us live from New York. And thank you to you again for listening.

Because if you're not listening, there is no show. You can always tune in on the free Odyssey app. You can lock in locally on your Infinity Sports Network affiliate wherever you live. Sirius XM Channel 158. And if you've got a smart speaker, ask the speaker. Yeah.

Talk to the computer and ask it to play the Infinity Sports Network. We've had a busy weekend. We've had a busy day. Team USA Basketball. They have another close call against Germany. Sudan on Saturday.

We'll get into that. What a trip that was. Jordan Love. Green Bay Packers. He wants his money. He showed up to work. But he ain't he ain't working. Jamar Chase. It doesn't look like he's going to get paid. Aaron Rodgers has showed up back to work. The ACC is still trying to settle the beef with FSU and Clemson as they try to leave. Major League Baseball Hall of Fame was yesterday. Did anybody notice? Lamar Jackson is getting tons of praise from his own head coach. It's like, sheesh, relax.

Putting them in the potentially greatest of all time conversation, like slow down. NBA on TNT might be back. Looks like Warner Brothers Discovery is having a last ditch effort. I told you about Jamar Chase. Doesn't look like he's going to get paid. Joe Burrow cleared for contact after that wrist injury last year. So we got a lot to discuss, a lot to get into. Next hour, we're going to be joined by Jeff Kerr from CBS. He's going to come through and chat it up with us about everything going on in the NFL as more and more camps start to open up. More and more players show up. And then, yeah, we'll even talk about the players who have decided not to show up or or might not show up. So we'll get into that with Jeff Kerr next hour.

Before we do anything. Super producer and host Ryan Hickey. How are you, man? You doing good?

Doing well, JR. Weekend was fun. It's going to be back here on what is now a very busy Monday.

We've had a very, very busy Monday. You know, I had a chance to check in at the end of that USA-Germany game. We'll talk more about that game and what took place over the weekend against Sudan next hour. And then also, I can't I can't forget the WNBA had its All-Star game on Saturday as Team USA, the women who are getting ready to participate in Paris. They took on, I don't want to call them the rest of the players from the WNBA, but the rest of the players, Enrique Ogumbawale. Well, she actually got real busy for not being on Team USA.

The other WNBA All-Stars, they ended up beating Team USA. So we'll talk about all of that later on in the show. If you want to participate, knock yourself out.

I'm online. Did you know that I'm on the Internet? A lot of people are. I am there at JR Sport Brief. That's JR Sport Brief everywhere.

That is X and Facebook and Instagram and whatever the hell you call everything. That's where you can find me. I am at JR Sport Brief.

If you if you just ride around town, you ride around trying to get it, going home, going to work, going to see your family, your mistress, picking up your kids. I don't know what you're doing. You can call me up 855-212-4227.

That's 855-212-4227. Do not call me if you are into some things that you got no business being into. I don't want any part of that. This is an interesting part of the year.

You know, I just ran you through a lot of the topics and discussions that we're going to have throughout the course of the next four hours. This is like a holiday. At what point in time?

Really think about this. This is July 22nd. What has been the slowest point of the NFL calendar?

Help me out. Has there been a slow point of the NFL calendar? I mean, we basically roll into January and then we we run right into the conclusion of the regular season and then we go into the playoffs and then we go from the playoffs to the Super Bowl.

And then you blink. And then the next thing you know, you have the combine. You go from the combine into the draft.

You go from the draft. I guess it's that time between the draft and mini camp. Right.

Is that the slowest point? Yeah. And like I was going to say, like maybe somewhat of like a little summer vacation between like mini camp and training camp. But I think we even got a good amount of news and contract extensions then.

So probably you're right. Like right now, little area. But it's a very short window.

And basically, what is a 365 news cycle? Yeah, there's there's no slowdown for the NFL. I mean, the NFL has even introduced almost year round hard knocks so we can watch a team like the New York Giants negotiate with Saquon Barkley.

How exciting. It's only exciting if he leaves and he left. OK. And then we didn't even get free agency. You got free agency and who gets tagged and who doesn't get that. And so the NFL is always rolling.

But now it's time for the players to get back out onto the field. And one of the bigger stories that popped up today was the fact that Jordan Love. He's at work.

But he ain't working. Jordan Love, the man who helped the Green Bay Packers go to the postseason last year. Threw for 4100 yards, 32 touchdowns and 11 interceptions. Took him to the playoffs, beat the Dallas Cowboys 48 to 32. That's not a that's not beating them.

That's that's whooping that ass. They whooped them. And then they lost to the team that eventually went to the Super Bowl, the San Francisco 49ers.

They lost to them 24 to 21. Jordan Love is finishing up his rookie deal. And we only got one year on the guy, one full year because the man who left Aaron Rodgers, and we'll talk about him later in the show as well. Aaron Rodgers was gone. By the way, he didn't play last year.

I think you saw what happened in the first game with the New York Jets. But Jordan Love in his first full year, he balled out. Played like a pro bowler, multiple time pro bowler. He played like a guy who's going to be a franchise quarterback. Jordan Love helped the Packers finish the regular season six and two, and they got hot at the right time.

And Jordan Love found his stride. Well, because he's had to sit behind Aaron Rodgers for so long. Tom is up on his contract. What the hell are you going to pay this man after one full and successful year? This man came out of Utah.

Aaron Rodgers had a whole fit when he was drafted number 26 back in 2020. You heard what Hickey said about these contracts and the money. You got a choice. You pay him or you don't.

And really, there is no choice. You got to pay him. Is he supposed to get the fifty five million dollars that Trevor Lawrence got? Is he supposed to get the fifty five million dollars that Joe Burrow has?

Jordan Love is twenty five years old, had one good season. But by all indications, you watch the guy play. He is a starting quarterback in this league.

He deserves the big bucks. And so today he's at work right now. He's at work. But he's not practicing to find him in the lunchroom. You could find him in the classroom. You could find him in the weight room.

But when it comes to actually going out onto the field and I don't know, throwing a ball to dubs or or Watson, if his hamstrings actually work or hand them the ball off to the new running back, Josh Jacobs, he ain't there. He's inside. Hickey, what do you think he's doing while his teammates practice? Staying cool. Having the breeze blow on him.

Oh, nice. Keep the feet up. Yeah, they got those big industrial fans in there probably, too, right?

Definitely. And now at this time, I mean, come on, you got to you got to stay cool. You can't be putting yourself out there in the heat, maybe suffering from heat exhaustion. Yeah, we don't need that for Jordan Love. And we know all of this because the GM, Brian Guten Kunst. He told us he spoke to the media today and he said that Jordan Love is not going outside the practice until he gets a new contract. Saturday night, you know, they kind of informed us that until we get something done that he would not practice again. So unless something gets done here before, you know, practice starts here pretty soon, he will not be practicing. But again, you know, I think this is something we're all working on and we certainly understand where he's coming from. We'd like him to be out there. It's important for him to be out there. Obviously, you guys know how important practice is and, you know, working with his teammates. So but as of now, until until we get that resolved, you know, he will not be practicing. He'll be taking part in. He reported last week.

He's taking part in everything else. Yeah, practice. Practice makes perfect. You heard that cliche before. Your miserable second grade teacher probably told you that.

Maybe somebody in your family told you that before you even got to school. Practice makes perfect. It's all about preparation.

If you don't got the time to go out there and get things together, very few people can just slap things up against the wall and see if they stick. And so Jordan Love, if they want to continue to build off of what they started last year, play off expectations now for the Green Bay Packers, they need the man out onto the field. And so Brian Gootenkuntz, he was also asked, when does he assume that he is going to be on the field? When will you guys have a deal done? And Brian Gootenkuntz, well, he was asked if this is going to be a few days.

And this is what he said. Yeah, I think so. But again, you never know. I mean, we're working really hard to get that done. I think it's really important for us. At the same time, you know, the thing that I have confidence in is that we both want the same thing. We want Jordan here for a long time, give him that stability for him, and it gives us some stability for our group as well. So, you know, Russ is doing a great, just giving me a great job with David Mulageta and their team. We've got two people who are very experienced with this, so I'm optimistic. These are big deals. It takes time.

They're not as easy as some people may think. All right. All right. Well, you could venture to say that he deserves the same amount of money as Trevor Lawrence. And that's based off of one season. That's also based off of both of these guys having the two postseason games. I know Trevor Lawrence has a much larger body of work at this point in time because Trevor Lawrence was drafted to immediately play.

Jordan Love had to sit behind the tequila sipping Egypt visiting Aaron Rodgers. OK. By the way, Jordan loves numbers just on the playoff appearances last year. The five touchdowns, two interceptions. Take take a look at Trevor Lawrence.

His playoff appearance is not from last year, obviously finished with that leg injury. Five touchdowns, five interceptions, I think, without a shot of a doubt, it sounds crazy to me. Absolutely nuts. He's going to get that fifty five million bucks like if Trevor Lawrence got fifty five million dollars. Why shouldn't Jordan Love get the money?

He should. Now, what it boils down to is the guaranteed cash. How much money is going to be guaranteed in the deal? We know a guy like Deshaun Watson. He's the only dude walking around right now with a fully guaranteed deal out of quarterback or out of anybody. Two hundred and thirty. Joe Burrow.

This man is making also fifty five million dollars a year. Guaranteed. Two hundred and nineteen. Trevor Lawrence. Two hundred guaranteed. Justin Herbert. One ninety four.

The numbers are ridiculous. I don't know. Maybe he has to settle for the same exact contract as Trevor Lawrence. Maybe he gets a little bit more.

I'd venture to say he would and not give it to him. The Green Bay Packers, and I've said this, they have hit the jackpot so many damn times. They went from Brett Favre to Aaron Rodgers and they appear to have their quarterback for the next 10 years in Jordan Love.

There's no point in screwing this up. There's a lot of NFL teams that wake up and wish they had their quarterback for the future. Half the damn league is probably looking for their quarterback of the future, even if they got a guy sitting in the room right now.

They probably don't want him. The Packers want Jordan Love and you got to pay him. Pay him accordingly.

You pay him before the market goes up. We know the other quarterbacks are looking for a deal. Tua Tonga Veloa wants a contract as well.

Tua Tonga Veloa is sitting around waiting. I told you, I think this man is going to get 55. You can't give him any less than Trevor Lawrence.

Adam Schefter, he was chatting it up with Pat McAfee, and he said that Jordan Love, he could be the highest paid quarterback in the league. I think both sides think they can get it worked out. It's not done. It could go either way still.

But I think by the end of the week, my guess would be that Jordan Love will have a new contract that probably makes him one of the, if not the highest paid quarterback in NFL history. He'll be right there. But they're trying to get that done.

It's not done yet. And so the prudent thing is to hold him out because he's not missing much early on the first few days until they get the pads on. And then he'll be there.

He was there during the offseason, took part in all the drills then. But they're close enough on this deal now that it doesn't make sense for him to be a part of practice. So again, they're going to try to get that done. My guess is they do get it done.

We'll see if they can figure out a way to get it done by the end of the week. Absolutely crazy. You know, I have to put aside my thoughts about he's played one year. How are you going to pay him, make him the highest paid guy after one year? Like we're in the new world.

Like all the old days are over. Well, you got to slot in and you got to earn your keep. The man earned his keep last year. And the system is such that the Green Bay Packers, they got one option. That's to pay him or don't pay him.

And it makes no sense not to pay him. They look foolish. They look stupid. They look ridiculous.

They'd be running up the price. The current system in the NFL says, if you've got a quarterback and he's good, you're in between a rock and a hard place. You've got to make that decision. Year four, year five.

What does that extension look like? How much are you going to pay this dude? How much longer are you going to keep him around? And for the young quarterbacks in the game right now, the Joe Burrows, the Trevor Lawrence's, the Tua Tonga Volois, the guys who probably haven't even reached their peak or their prime yet. The asking price is high. Jordan Love hit the jackpot for Green Bay Packers team that started four and six last year, finished the year with a record of six and two, got hot at the right time, built up towards the end of the season, knocked off the Dallas Cowboys, competed against the eventual NFC champion San Francisco 49ers.

Jordan Love. It's a new day. It's a new time. It's a new era. He deserves every penny, every dollar and every cent that he's going to get. It's a new NFL. The money is flowing. And yeah, you can get paid off a plan one damn season. No regression this year, though.

No regression. He'll he'll earn the money. Definitely. It's the J.R. Sportbrief Show here with you on the Infinity Sports Network. 855-212-4227.

That's 855-212-4227. Obviously, we'll keep you up to date on Jordan Love and his contractual status as the week continues on. We're going to get into more NFL Next Hour with Jeff Kerr. We're going to talk some ACC football as FSU and Clemson still want to bounce out of the ACC. The Major League Baseball Hall of Fame was yesterday.

Lamar Jackson is a future legend. The NBA looks like it'll stay on TNT. We got Team USA on the women and the men. A matter of fact, we're going to take a break. When we come back, I want to update you on the game that finished up right before we went on air as Team USA took on Germany and LeBron James got some big news.

Not just for USA basketball, but for the USA in whole. I'll fill you in on what it is. We're just getting started. You're locked into the J.R. Sportbrief Show here on the Infinity Sports Network. You can host the best backyard barbecue when you find a professional on Angie to make your backyard the best around. Connect with skilled professionals to get all your home projects done well. Inside to outside.

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Auto trader. You are listening to the J.R. sport brief. The J.R. sport brief show here with you on the Infinity Sports Network. 8 5 5 2 1 2 42 27.

That's 8 5 5 2 1 2 42 27. Right before we went to break, we talked about Jordan Love. He decided to show up to work. But he ain't working.

They said that this man is what you would say is holding in. Showing up to work, but he ain't practicing until he gets a new contract, which I and many presume will make him one of the highest paid quarterbacks in the game, even though he's only played one full season. I would be surprised if that annual salary falls below the $55 million that Trevor Lawrence is making, the $55 million that Joe Burr was making, even though we know Joe Burr went to a Super Bowl. Jordan Love's going to get paid.

It's inevitable. Hickey, what are your thoughts on him holding in? And what do you think about that number? I have no problem holding in. Again, at this point, if you're Jordan Love, there's no reason to be out there and risk a small injury, at least before you get your contract. And it sounds like both sides are pretty close, so I expect this to get done sometime this week.

So you're not missing much. So I have no problem with him holding out. And when it comes to the number, it's not anymore, you have to be the best quarterback in the NFL in order to get the most money.

Basically, whoever's next up gets the most amount of money. And the only question is, do you feel good and strong enough that this guy could be a franchise quarterback for the next five years? I think if you're the Packers, you feel very strongly, based on what you've seen in that second half, to say, we feel very confident in our future for the next five years.

And Jordan Love, especially with how many young players, receiver, tight end, running back that were around him, and they still played well and he elevated them. I think you could feel very strongly for the Packers that this is a guy worth paying, and if we have to skimp out other positions, Love is a quarterback that can make others around him better. So the number I have no problem with, because the question for me more than just the number itself is, can he be a franchise quarterback? I think the Packers rightfully can say the answer is yes.

Yeah, we've seen that. He looks set. Also, I'm real interested to see what Josh Jacobs does, you know, now that he's with the Packers. He's talked a lot of crap about leaving the Raiders and them being pretty much used to losing.

He's like, I had to get out of there. Well, what are you going to do in Green Bay? We know Aaron Jones is certainly a versatile back in his own right. Aaron Jones and Josh Jacobs, not the same type of player.

Josh Jacobs, more of someone who's going to pound the ball and they'll see how he works out in Green Bay. I'm real interested to see, you know, how they do. Also, right before we went to break, I did tell you, I had a chance to listen and watch a little bit of the USA versus Germany friendly as I was on my way into the studio. Team USA basketball is going to play its first Olympics game, first Olympics game this upcoming Sunday against Serbia. They took on Sudan this past Saturday.

We'll talk about that next hour later on in the show. And it was a little closer, I think, than most people, including myself and Hickey, thought it would be. And so Saturday is in the rearview mirror and in today further cemented that Team USA basketball, they ain't guaranteed no gold medal now, OK? They took on Germany, which has several NBA players. Daniel Tice is there, Dennis Schroeder.

They have both of the Wagners, Franz and Moe from the Orlando Magic. And so the USA barely beat Germany. The score 92 to 88. The game took place in London. And so it was an afternoon game here stateside. It was an evening game out in London. This was Team USA's last game before the real Olympic start, as I told you, versus Serbia on Sunday.

When I started tuning into the game, it was like 72, 70, 74, 70. Germany was beating the United States. And I said to myself, Team USA is going to play these games close. And then Team USA is just going to say, hey, Lebron, here, do it.

And that's exactly what happened. Lebron James, almost all 40 years of this guy, went out there and had 20 points. That's a lot in international basketball. He scored the last 11 points for Team USA. This man just gets the ball, goes to the basket and ain't nothing nobody can do about it, even at, let me say it again, almost 40 years old. There was no Kevin Durant. I guess between now and Sunday, maybe he'll come off the bench against Serbia.

I don't I don't know about that. Strain Cavs still not able to play. Team USA finished undefeated here in exhibition play, 5-0. And most certainly, Team USA basketball can give everybody a heart attack on their way to the gold. But don't be surprised if they get knocked off by France.

I mean, they played Sudan and the game was much closer than anybody would have thought. Now, having said that, before tonight's game, before this afternoon's game, Lebron James got some big news. And when you're Lebron James and you're a billionaire, what's going to surprise you? What's going to shock you?

What's going to get you going? Well, Lebron James, he found out he is going to be the first flag bearer. But for USA, forget basketball. During the opening ceremonies, Lebron James is going to be one out of the two flag bearers to represent all of Team USA athletics. That's Lebron James. Now, Lebron, take a listen to this.

He got the news. And this is what he had to say, courtesy of USA basketball. Definitely being a kid, we all come from different walks of life, different cities, different upbringings. I think the last thing on our mind we will ever have is carrying a flag representing our country during the Olympics. So it was never a thought, it was never a dream, but it's an absolute honor. And to be able to share that moment with you guys is going to make it even more memorable. So I just appreciate it, man. Team USA has given so much to all of us, to me over the last 20 years. And I understand it right now in a country that's so divided, I hope this moment and that moment will unite us or bring us together. Even for that split, even for those split seconds or those hours that we're traveling across that water in Paris.

So I will hold that responsibility with a lot of honor. And good for him. I mean, we've only had two other basketball players who've been flag bearers and they've participated on the women's side, Dawn Staley and then also Sue Bird. And so surprisingly, LeBron James is going to be the first male to do that for Team USA from the basketball side. This is what Steph Curry, who's also making well, he's not also he is making his first appearance in the Olympics.

Steph Curry been a little too busy in the summertime trying to win championships. This is what Steph had to say about LeBron James holding that flag. On behalf of myself and the entire men's Olympic basketball team, we would like to nominate LeBron James to be the flag bearer for all of Team USA.

We understand how much of an honor it is to be in that position. And I think Ron's entire career on and off the court speak for itself as him being worthy of that honor. He started back in 2004 representing Team USA as an Olympic athlete. And now in 2024, going for his fourth Olympic medal, his NBA career speaks for itself. But I think more than that, since 2004, he's represented what it means to be excellent both on and off the court. And his commitment to service and to uplifting the community in all ways that he knows how has been a lifelong passion and the work speaks for itself. So between his I promise school, the LeBron James Foundation and all that he's done to impact lives, not just in the U.S. but around the world, I think puts him in a position to be worthy of this honor. Good for him.

Good for him. I remember that LeBron James carried the flag. I got to be honest. I don't I don't remember who carries the flag. I don't remember. Like, I remember. And this is a little bit different when the Olympics were here in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1996. Like, I remember Muhammad Ali lighting the cauldron. I remember Naomi Osaka lighting the Olympic flame in Tokyo Olympics in 2021. Supposed to have been in 2020, but we know what happened that year.

That year sucked. I don't remember other flag bearers. I just I got to be honest. Hickey, do you you keep track on the flag bearer?

No. Tremendous honor. But I couldn't I didn't even know Naomi Osaka was the flag bearer in 2021. Couldn't tell you one USA flag.

She she lit the torch in Tokyo and she lit the torch. I don't have different honor. My apologies. Yeah, I don't even. Marco, do you do you keep track? Do you remember anybody carrying the flag? No, not at all. You mentioned the only moment I remember is Muhammad Ali with the cauldron. That's it. That's the only one. Yeah, I'm probably not going to remember. I will only remember this flag because it was LeBron.

I'm not going to remember anybody else. Also, very interesting to note this year's opening ceremonies for the Olympics is not going to take place at the Olympic Stadium. How they have it all set up and planned out.

I have no idea. I do know it's going to take place on the Seine River in France. That's right where the Eiffel Tower is. And that's also the river where they said they're going to have competitions.

But everybody says the water is filthy. And so people competing, they might come up as mutants. We don't know. But this should be a very, very, very visually.

I don't even know. That's like saying we're going to have the you know, the opening ceremony at the Statue of Liberty. I mean, instead of some arbitrary stadium. So it's going to be real, real good to take a look at the opening ceremonies. We're going to have something visually attractive. The opening ceremony is this upcoming Friday. I leave it to you to find out what time and where, depending on what time zone that you live in. It's the JR Sport Reshow here with you on the Infinity Sports Network eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven.

That's eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven. LeBron James, almost 40 years old, still dragging basketball teams by himself. And he's showing up to work. Jordan Love is at work, but he ain't playing. LeBron James is at work still helping people out, people out all over the country, all over the world. When we come back, I'm going to tell you about a guy who showed back up to work and needs to let everybody know about it because he can't help himself. But stay out of the way.

I'm going to tell you about this quarterback on the other side of the break. Doors take us to summers away or winter adventures and afternoon getaways. Your dedicated fidelity adviser can help you open those doors by working with you on a comprehensive plan to help you reach your wealth's full potential because doors were meant to be opened.

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Talk to your pediatrician or visit Y vaccines dot com. Brought to you by Merck. You are listening to the J.R. sport brief. The J.R. sport show here with you on the infinity sports network. A five five two one two forty two twenty seven.

That's eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven. We talked about Jordan Love showing up to work but not playing, waiting for that brand new contract, that brand new deal. We talked about LeBron James, his performance about two hours ago, helping Team USA basketball beat Germany in its final friendly before the real game start out in Paris. And I told you that LeBron James, he turns 40 years old at the end of the year. LeBron James birthday is December 30th. He will be 40 and he is still one of the best basketball players on earth. He is performing like the best basketball player on Team USA.

LeBron James cannot be stopped. And I don't know, maybe we got a new trend. Years ago, it seemed that athletes, they'd stop in their 30s, their mid 30s, they were done, they were cooked.

It was time to go out there and hang them up. I guess from a quarterback perspective, people can look at Mr. Tom Brady and they have some something else that they can go out there and reach for. We know Tom Brady wanted to play. We know Tom Brady, there were no ands, ifs or buts, there were no conversations, there were no hemming and hawing. It was like, I'm here, I'm healthy, I'm going to play. Until he did it because he needed to take his ass home to his family and move on to something else. That's it. I'm sure if Tom Brady had no kids, no wife or ex-wife, Tom Brady would probably still be playing football right now.

I feel very strongly about that. There's another guy who's 40 years old, who's still an active athlete like LeBron, unlike Tom Brady, who's going to be on Fox later this year. Actually a few months, how about that? Aaron Rodgers turns 41 years old.

41 years old on December 2nd. This man was supposed to come and help save the New York Jets. Unfortunately, due to their offensive line, Aaron Rodgers could not last more than four plays last year. He was watching on the sidelines. He was watching in California while he was rehabbing.

He was watching and then joining podcasts on Mondays and Tuesdays like he was the head coach of the New York Jets because pretty much remotely he was. Couldn't get enough of Aaron Rodgers as the New York Jets did absolutely nothing but look pathetic offensively. And this certainly isn't what the New York Jets expected when they traded for Aaron Rodgers and then signed him to a contract. You get a four-time NFL MVP with a team that's already made the win now.

You want to go to the playoffs? Well, everybody got a mulligan. The New York Jets had Coach Rob Salah got a mulligan. Aaron Rodgers got one for being hurt.

And so the New York Jets, they run it back. And so this entire offseason, things have been rather quiet. Jimmy Kimmel threatened Aaron Rodgers with a lawsuit for jokes about Epstein and sexual assault. And then Aaron Rodgers kind of Disney kind of said, OK, enough of this.

And they said, we're not doing this. Well, Aaron Rodgers, he just practiced and then things were quiet, right? Until he didn't show up for work and head coach of the New York Jets Rob Salah had to tell everybody Aaron Rodgers has been here all offseason. But now he's gone. He let us know that he was going to be gone.

But it's an unexcused absence, but we had it planned in advance. What? What? What? In other words, tell me this is favoritism for Aaron Rodgers without telling me like we already know this is Aaron Rodgers team.

It's pretty crazy. Aaron Rodgers has more influence with the New York Jets than their head coach Rob Salah. Aaron Rodgers has more say so about what takes place and what goes on with the New York Jets than their own head coach. And Aaron Rodgers doesn't need to stand around at a press conference. Aaron Rodgers just pops up on podcast and says what he wants to.

We found out a couple of weeks ago that Aaron Rodgers is unexcused absence. It took him to Egypt. I don't know, maybe he wanted to visit the Pharaoh, maybe he was looking for some new drugs to do.

I have no idea. It took him to Egypt. And so now that he's back stateside, now that Aaron Rodgers is getting ready to practice with his guys and hopefully stay healthy with all the offensive line help that they got. Aaron Rodgers spoke on a podcast to who else?

Not Pat McAfee this time. But Aaron Rodgers spoke with pardon my take the guys from Barstool, of course. And he said, yeah, I wasn't at OTAs.

I was in Africa. The thing that I think people don't understand is that when I was in the NFC North and playing for that team years ago, there used to be a real thing called mini camp where it was you had one of them usually sometimes it's right up for the draft. But either way, it was five practices in three days, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. So two practices on Friday, two on Saturday, one on Sunday. Now it's not mini camp. They can arbitrarily put a tag on whatever week of OTAs they want. So this is the mini camp week, which makes it somehow more mandatory than the other weeks. But it was an OTA schedule. That's how it's, you know, how words can be a little deceiving from time to time.

You can make a story of the fact that I missed a mini camp when it was really two OTA days. Right. Interesting.

I came to the first ten. Oh, my goodness. Hickey, when when he's done, like when he's done playing football, is he going to like kind of fade away out of the public a little bit? Or is he going to try to explain everything from the past 20 years has ever involved him?

You know the answer to that question, right? He's going to stick around and explain his entire is he going to write a book? Is he going to do it in podcast? What is he going to do?

All the above? Probably the guy's a narcissist. He has to be heard. He has to give his side or really excuse for everything he does. And he wants people to, you know, give him attention. So he is absolutely going to make noise. Talk about this.

Talk about that. Write this podcast that maybe a movie. Hell, who the hell knows whatever it is to get Aaron Rodgers back in the news. He is going to do as a player.

And then when he retires. I don't know if Joe Douglas smokes. I hope he doesn't smoke. If I were Joe Douglas, I would be in the New York Jets Atlantic Health headquarters facility. I'd be in there.

I'd be in there smoking a pack. Because, you know, this man, somebody messages or e-mails him or he has an alert every time Aaron Rodgers says something. And I'm sure Joe Douglas is just like, oh, my God, can he just show up to work and play football and not sit around on podcast?

Aaron Rodgers, I got to tell you. Something nobody has been talking about, you know, pretty much for the past couple of weeks is where you've been. And now you've got to come back and you've got to explain to everybody, like, what are we doing? Just go play football for the Jets, please. Give them something to cheer about. The New York Jets have been looking for a quarterback. They bet on you, even though you're pushing 40 or were pushing 40.

Now you are 40 and now you will be 41. Just show up to work like everybody else. It's like if Jordan Love said, hey, I'm going to go to the Packers camp, but I'm not going to practice. And then meanwhile, I'm going to sit down and explain it to everybody like it's not necessary. Like, just go play, man.

You've been around long enough. Does he need a hug? I think he does. You know, I asked the question, what does Aaron Rodgers do?

When he's finally done. When he's not in the NFL, when he's not having a press conference or have required attendance, what does he do? Ben Roethlisberger started a podcast. Peyton Manning's on ESPN. Tom Brady. You can hear him every Sunday on Fox.

Drew Brees was on NBC was. What the hell is Aaron Rodgers going to do? I can't see anybody hiring him. Well, I could. A couple of wacko people. You know, here's a better question. Aaron Rodgers. When the hell are you going to retire?

This is what he told them. How many more years? I don't know. I'm not sure. This one for sure.

This one for sure. I'd like to do. I wanted to do two good ones and to give us a chance to retire a jet, you know, win two Super Bowls. Yeah. And then do the Kyle Orton. Yeah. Is that how you retire? Legend. Of course. Retire a jet.

You know what? I like the Jets. I'm a jet fan. I do. I like them. Don't ask me why, but I do.

A lot of suffering and pain. I don't expect anything from them. So it don't matter to me. I'll be happy one day if they win. It's one of those things. Can I even say cautiously optimistic?

The answer's no. Retire a jet with Super Bowl. If the New York Jets should be so lucky, I'll tell you what's more likely to happen.

That Aaron Rodgers, his tenure with the Jets. That it just retires everybody. That it gets him out of a Jets uniform. I don't know. Does any other team want to? Maybe.

I don't know. That Rob Salah is gone as the head coach of the New York Jets, has to start off as a defensive coordinator again somewhere. And maybe Joe Douglas, maybe his tenure as a New York Jet is retired as well. He is the guy that took Zach Wilson. He is the guy that had to clean up the Zach Wilson mess.

By bringing in the man who has never met a microphone, a camera, and I'm sure a mirror that he has never liked. And that's Aaron Rodgers. The New York Jets knew it was risky when they brought him in. Let's see what the next nine months look like with Aaron Rodgers. Lots of podcast appearances, I bet. More podcast appearances than games played.

It's the J.R. Sport Reshow here with you on the Infinity Sports Network. When we come back, we'll get into some more NFL. We'll talk some ACC. And I have to kind of, I got to tell the truth about USA basketball. They cut these games kind of close.

We'll get into it. The J.R. Sport Reshow. The Infinity Sports Network.
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