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Exposing Christian ‘Hate Speech' and Answers to Your Toughest Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
July 19, 2024 4:20 pm

Exposing Christian ‘Hate Speech' and Answers to Your Toughest Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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July 19, 2024 4:20 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 07/19/24.

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You've got questions, we've got answers. It's time for The Line of Fire with your host, biblical scholar and cultural commentator, Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity. Call 866-34-TRUTH to get on The Line of Fire.

And now here's your host, Dr. Michael Brown. I have been looking forward to being with you today with our phone lines wide open. That means any question you have on any subject that relates in any way to The Line of Fire, anything you've ever heard me say, anything you've read from me, any controversy where I can help you, by all means give us a call. And if you differ with me and want to tell me why I'm so wrong or maybe even hell bound, phone lines are open for you.

866-348-7884. You might say, but Dr. Brown, how come you don't put the haters on? Well, they don't call. They don't call.

Dr. Brown, why don't you put the critics on? They don't call. It's not like I take all the other calls and don't take their calls.

Quite the contrary. My team knows we bump those to the top, but folks just don't call. They'll bash on YouTube or Facebook or social media, put out attack videos and things. I just feel bad for them. I pray for them. I feel bad for them when they come to my attention.

But no, that's the reality. We take the calls all the time if they call. 866-348-7884. And some of you just have honest questions. You're trying to sort things out. Please, let us be a help for you. Boy, I was so blessed yesterday to see immediate responses to our Frontline newsletter. People were so encouraged by the lead story about waiting for the end of the story, the lead article.

Blessed and encouraged by that other content. I've never gotten so many responses so quickly from different people. So if you're not getting our Frontline newsletter, we'll immediately send out the last one to you. Go to It comes out once a month. It's digital.

It's free. and click subscribe. Okay, I want to give you an example of hate speech in the name of the Gospel, and then I'm going to go to the phones, all right? So I want to give you this example. So a few days ago, I interacted with the alleged prophecy about Donald Trump surviving this assassination attempt with a bullet whizzing by his ear, and then all the things that would happen subsequently. I said, now here's how we would evaluate this, whether it's true or not, etc. And not knowing anything about the man's background, others have said he's had other prophecies that were way off.

Well, that would factor in, if that's the case. If he's had a history of false prophecies and gets one that seems close, you just ignore it, basically. But in any case, any case, I just went through how to evaluate it and purpose of prophecy today, things like that. And I referenced that someone might say, well, it grazed his ear but didn't shatter his eardrum, and this man said it would shatter his eardrum.

I said that wouldn't trouble me, actually, because sometimes you describe what you're seeing or hearing or understanding, and it may not be an exact description. I said also prophecy can also sometimes be a broad description. For example, Jesus prophesies in several different places, all of the discourse in several different places in the Gospels, how the temple be completely destroyed and not one stone left on another. But then he also says in Luke 19 about Jerusalem as a whole, in Luke 19 44, that not one stone of the city will be left on another. And in part, in fact, the Romans came in and then just destroyed the temple.

They raised, R-A-Z-E-D, they raised the city. They flattened the city of Jerusalem and completely knocked down buildings and structures and so on. And my colleague, Steve Ault, replying to critics who claim, well, Jesus didn't prophesy accurately there. He didn't prophesy accurately because if you go to the western wall outside of the temple, there was some stone standing there. And Professor Ault, Steve would say, oh, yeah, picture this, a Jew standing there in the midst of the rubble everywhere around him, just as Jesus said, and then pointed to one wall stone and he's a false prophet. In other words, it's a complete misunderstanding of prophecy and how it works. And of course, every word that Jesus said is true. Well, somebody misunderstood what I was saying, but I want you to see how they said it was a church on Facebook, so they have a small congregation apparently, and a church that is also listed on Facebook. They have a Facebook page.

I'm not putting their name in because I don't want to embarrass them. But this is the response. How incredibly wrong you are to say that Jesus did not get his prophecy correct in Luke 21. Neither the disciples nor Jesus were referring to the western retaining wall of the old city when Jesus said not one stone would be left in another. Speaking of the temple itself, and it 100% did come to pass exactly as Jesus said it.

Even Josephus writing after the destruction of the temple said that the Romans pried the stones from one another, looking for melted gold. You bore false witness against Christ, Dr. Michael Brown. Repent or perish. Buddy, I was referring to Luke 19, where Jesus, because I referenced, he says different things, the temple, but Jerusalem as a whole. Luke 19, he says all of Jerusalem will be flattened like that. And his words did come to pass. If you can point to a little wall here, it doesn't matter, the overall prophecy clearly came to pass. So I was saying it did come to pass. In any case, how dare you compare Big's false prophecy about Trump with Jesus' true prophecy about the temple being demolished.

What wicked, wretched, acid, vomit from hell, you speed forth on this recording, but this is normal for you sir, you are a forked tongue liar. So this is the kind of ignorance that we seek to combat here. We can have differences. So this person, this individual, wrongly understood what I said, okay? So I was talking about the prophecy about Jerusalem as a whole, said that he spoke of the temple, and that he spoke of Jerusalem as a whole, and it would be wrong to say false prophet because one part of one wall was still standing somewhere.

Obviously his prophecy came to pass. So he misunderstood. Misunderstandings can happen, but for it to turn into the repent or perish, acid, vomit, forked tongue liar, indicates how much sickness is in the souls of the people posting venom like this. And it's on all sides. I see it a lot from the hyper critics with venom and garbage like this. And so many times if I sat down to debunk what they were doing, I actually went through the material line by line.

It would demolish so many of their positions. And one group was attacking me online. I didn't read the articles.

I saw some links here and there. And I said, I'm happy to interact with you, answer your questions. Just tell me who you are. I don't know who you are. You could be an 18 year old kid that read the Bible the first time the other day. I have no idea who you are. You could be a group that has been completely disfellowshipped by all the local churches in your area. If you tell me who you are, I'm happy to interact with you and ask your questions, even though I consider you to be hypercritical.

They wouldn't do it. So here, no one's hiding behind anonymity. I'm the one covering them up because I don't want to embarrass them on the platform that we have. This is the type of venom that is so misguided, so contrary to the spirit of Jesus, so contrary to the spirit of truth. And honestly, don't feel bad for me, Dr. Brett.

No, no, no. I feel bad for anyone that has that much junk and venom in them, that they can spew it out like that. That's what grieves me. May we all step higher. May we all grow. And may we learn to listen, listen before we respond.

I saw one excerpt, the latest attack, someone that sent me a link. The only way I could describe it is tabloid scholarship. And I'll get into it.

I think this one may deserve a rebuttal. But the only way I could describe it is tabloid scholarship. But you see, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. It'll get the clicks. It'll get the likes.

It'll get the eyes. It's just like when you have a headline story, front page news, false report, and then three days later, correct it, 11 pages into your publication in a small note, the word gets out, the false report gets out. That's unfortunate. But hey, we speak the truth in love and know that in doing so, we're honoring the Lord.

And we pray for those that have this kind of venom inside of them to really know the Lord, know his word and grow in grace and truth. All right. To the phones we go starting over in Oklahoma with Chandler. Welcome to the line of fire. Hi, Dr. Brown.

Thank you so much. I was listening to your show the other day. You were talking about like cessationism. I come from Pentecostal background myself, and I'm not a cessationist, but it was more in regards to you'd said you could make a strong case for Calvinism or for pre-trib. And I know what you meant, you know, like, you know what they're saying, what their side is saying, but you know why you don't believe in it. But it got me thinking about like denominations, interpretations, if there's all these different beliefs, then we can't all be right. So like, where's the real truth in it all?

Yes. So the answer, sir, is that the core convictions, the heaven, hell, life and death convictions, we better know that we know we better really be sure because we're staking our lives on that. We're staking eternity on it. We're staking our honor of the Lord in this world. And are we representing him rightly or not?

So go outside of that and look at the bigger issues. I'm a Jewish follower of Jesus. Well, Judaism tells me I'm dead wrong. Islam tells all of us we're wrong.

Hinduism tells us we have a misunderstanding of the deity or the manifestations of the deity, whatever. So even there, atheists tell us we're all wrong with any faith in a God or gods. So obviously not everyone can be right, possibly.

There's got to be right or wrong. So we have to know that we know that we're sure. We're sure about the existence of God. We're sure that Jesus is Lord and Savior. We're sure that the Bible is God's word. We're sure about fundamentals.

And then there may be other things that are absolute core convictions. I've no question whatsoever that the gifts and power of the Spirit are for today. I've no question. I've been praying in the Spirit, praying in tongues in a real way for almost 53 years now.

I have zero question. But I don't divide over that. Brothers and sisters that don't hold to that but are not hostile, we can work together the same way. Even though I said I could make a stronger case for Calvinism than for pre-Trib.

I believe they're both wrong. I can't make any biblical case for a cessationism. It's just too unsupportable with Scripture. But within that framework, I'm not so arrogant to think that I'm right on every sub-point.

You know what I'm saying? So you hold to the fundamentals of the faith with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, all your strength. And then you might say, look, as best as I understand Scripture, it teaches Calvinism, or it teaches Arminianism, or it teaches Amillennialism, or it teaches Dispensationalism, or it teaches Infant Baptism, or it teaches, and again position after position I differ with, but ultimately nothing that's going to divide us in the Lord. And then recognize that somehow, somehow, that each group that loves the Lord and is serious about the word has some insight on something that would be helpful. So what I want to do is hold firmly to my convictions in an unwavering way, and then work together with all those I can who are brothers and sisters for the common good of the Gospel and reaching a lost world. And then see in the midst of our differences, maybe there's a perspective you have. And for example, my five years as a Calvinist helped me never to fall into a lot of man-centered, wrong-headed thinking that we have in other parts of the body. So let's learn what we can from each other and hold to our views in humility and with conviction. God bless, my friend.

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I commend them to you. 800-771-5584. It's the line of fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. That is the number to call. 866-348-7884. We do have a couple phone lines open and as we've tried to do here and there, if you're watching on YouTube and you have a question, go ahead and post it. If you're unable to call in or just prefer not to call in, not everyone likes to call, not everyone's able to from where they are, but go ahead and post your question. Just put at the line of fire at the beginning so it'll stand out for our team.

At sign the line of fire if you're posting a question on YouTube so we spot it and I'll try to answer some of your questions there. One last thought for our last caller. When our students were graduating from a ministry school in Pensacola, they had been in the midst of the fires of revival, part of a historic move of God where people came from 130 nations to meet with God and have a life-changing experience. And they were now going out and serving in different capacities and speaking in different churches or interning different places.

And I would tell them, there may be a church down the block that is cessationist, that is replacement theology. They believe that the church, the largely gentile church, has replaced Israel on the purposes of God. They may hold to leadership structures that we differ with, etc. But if you serve there for a number of months, you'll learn something.

They'll have something we don't have. That's just the nature of family and body. If they're part of the body of Christ, there's something we can learn from them. There's something good that God is doing among them.

I'm talking about if they're legitimate churches, gatherings, and fellowships of believers. So that's always my attitude. And many years ago, it was early 1980s or mid-1980s, I came back from a meeting. In the early days before I'd written books, just had this table with our cassette tapes and people could buy. And someone gave the folks men in the table a letter for me. And I read it.

And this guy is like crazy, just crazy stuff. And I told Nancy, I said, I've got this crazy letter. It's hate mail. And now, of course, I just go any second of any day and find hate mail online.

It's in abundance for any of us to have any kind of platform. Obviously, people like us, people don't. But I showed it to her. And she read it because she thinks there's any truth to it. I said, the guy's loony. She goes, no, I know. I know. She thinks there's any truth to it. So I've often shared it. But that's the environment I live in.

That's the environment I live with. And that's my wife to this day. That she's going to find fault. She's going to find what's missing.

She's going to find something I could do better. So we can all learn. We should all be in the growing stage, humbling ourselves before the Lord being quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.

And then if it turns out what people are saying is bogus, there's nothing to it. Okay. But we're always open to hear and grow even from people in different camps. Let us go to California.

Jeff, welcome to the line of fire. Hi, Dr. Brown. Can you hear me okay? I can, sure.

Awesome. I just want to say thank you for everything you do. My question is in regards to eschatology. I agree with you on a whole lot. I do think the Jews are still called to service by God.

Your debate with Gabe was excellent, not just because of your demeanor, but your hermeneutics were outstanding as well. And I've all but embraced the post-tribulational rapture view as well. But the thing that's kind of been one of the last holdouts for me has been this idea of preterism and whether there truly is anything in store. Now, I think you kind of quickly mentioned during your debate with Gabe how you point to something like Luke 21, where Jesus says that Jerusalem would be trampled upon until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.

So, it started in the first century, continuing until now potentially. But then my question was, what's your response to someone who would bring up something like Matthew 24, specifically verse 29, where Jesus uses the word immediately to talk about how after the distress of what sounds like the temple, immediately afterward the Son of Man would come? I do think that there's still more in store, especially as I look at all the chaos happening with the Jews around the world.

I kind of see Satan's hand behind that. But biblically speaking strictly, I'm not sure how to respond to that. Yeah, great. And thanks for the kind of words, Jeff.

Thanks for processing this. And this is a key thing. When you're looking at something and you make a paradigm shift and something doesn't seem to fit, well then stop. Let that be, okay, let me think about that. Don't just now make that fit the new paradigm, right? And I may do something like, all right, I've got a hundred verses clearly saying this.

I have one that seems to say something else. So, I'm going to go with the testimony of the hundred, but I'm going to leave a question mark by the other one rather than try to squeeze it into my system. So, first question, do you believe Jesus is coming back to Jerusalem?

Yes. Okay, why Jerusalem? It's what he outlined and what the prophets outlined in the Old and New Testament. All right, do you believe that according to Matthew 23 39, where he says after speaking woes on religious hypocrites and then on Jerusalem, he says, you will not see me again until you say, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. In other words, you will not see me again until you welcome me as the Messiah.

So, do you believe that that must happen for him to return? Correct, and that's not referring to the Palm Sunday, right? Because that was chronologically before. Right, right. In other words, that already happened, they welcomed him, they said those very words, we welcome you King Messiah, to paraphrase.

Then they rejected him and he said, you won't see me until you receive me. Okay, so we agree, we agree on that. Okay, that's correct. All right, so that would indicate then that there is still a future role, a future purpose coming back to Jerusalem received by the Jewish people. So, that stands, even if you had an entirely predatory of Matthew 24, you could still hold to that view and say, okay, the coming it speaks of there is this coming in power in the destruction of Jerusalem, which is the Preterist view. But here's why I don't hold to that. When you look at Old Testament prophecy, for example, Ezekiel 36, leading up to the dry bones prophecy in 37, the clear context is the return of the Jewish people from Babylonian exile.

That's indisputable. He is a, Ezekiel is writing from Babylonian exile. Yet what it speaks of only happened in part. The return, the changing of heart, the glory to follow, only part of it happened. It's the same with the prophecies in Jeremiah and Isaiah of the return from exile.

All of them say the same thing. It's going to be this glorious return. According to Isaiah, all flesh will see the glory of the Lord. According to Jeremiah, the nations will come flocking because of what God does in Jerusalem. Not only will the temple be rebuilt, but the glory will be there and the whole world will be amazed and staggered. Instead, what happens is that only a remnant comes back from Babylon.

The temple is rebuilt. The people continue to fall into sin. So, part of it happened, but the rest didn't happen. It would almost be as if I had a word or two, Jeff, I see that something's suddenly going to change and you're going to be elected president. And then once you're president, it's going to happen in two years. I don't know how, but once you're president, you're going to lead a reformation movement in America. And sure enough, it happens. I mean, Jeff becomes the president of the United States, but you don't need the reformation movement. It's like, okay, I don't get this. I don't understand. Well, in this case, it's a long-term prophetic fulfillment, just like the prophecies about Jesus coming into this world.

Jewish people reject him to this day because he didn't do what the Messiah is supposed to do, establish peace on the earth and this and that. We say, well, he'll do that in his return. That's just a cop-out because he should have done that the first time.

You're copying out. We say, no, there are two phases to his coming. So, in the same way, when you read Ezekiel 36 and other prophecies, Isaiah 40 through 48, other prophecies about the return from Babylonian exile, you'll see that they happen in part, but not in full. And now we're seeing moving towards that more with the return of the Jewish people to the land and little by little, God moving more and more within the land. And then that will continue to intensify, we believe, until he returns. My point is, when you read Ezekiel 36, it doesn't make any distinction. It doesn't say this is for the present, this is for the future. I'm going to show you the same pattern in Matthew 24. In other words, it's like overlaid and the distinctions become clear.

Yeah, or partial fulfillment the first time, greater fulfillment the second time. I'll open that up on the other side of the break. Hey friends, Michael Brown here. My delight to serve as your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity. We are living in such urgent times today, friends, that all of us are in the line of fire. There's a target on your back.

There's a target on my back. If you simply seek to live by biblical values or just conservative moral values, you could be canceled. You could be cast out. You could be put down.

You could be silenced. I'm here to say, friends, that I am not about to be silenced, and I don't believe you are either. It is time for us to stand up. It is time for us to say enough is enough. It is time for us to push back in Jesus' name, not fighting the way the world fights. No, overcoming evil with good, overcoming hatred with love, overcoming the flesh with the power of the Spirit, overcoming lies with truth. And that's what we're here to do on the Line of Fire broadcast.

And friends, it's not just a broadcast. It is a movement of people around the world, God's people standing up saying enough is enough and saying, Lord, here we are. Send us, use us. I want to urge you today to join our support team because we are on the front lines together, and we are literally touching people around the world in America, in the nations, in Israel. And together with your help, we're going to amplify this voice and spread this movement around the globe. So I encourage you, go right now to Click donate monthly support. Click donate monthly support. When you do, you become a torchbearer. We immediately send you two great life-changing books. We immediately give you access to many classes I've taught. Others have to pay to take those.

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Donate monthly. It's The Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on The Line of Fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH.

Here again, it's Dr. Michael Brown. Thanks, friends, for joining us on The Line of Fire. If you're watching on YouTube and you haven't subscribed to our channel, go ahead, click subscribe.

If you're watching as the show started, again, I was typing it at my computer, just pulling up Matthew 24 in front of us. You've got questions. We've got answers, 866-34-TRUTH. Thank you, all of our torchbearers, all of our monthly supporters. You go around the world with me. You help us bring the gospel to Jewish people every day of the week through so many resources that we have. You help us stir hearts for revival and stand for gospel-based moral and cultural conviction here in America.

You'd be so gratified to meet the people we meet, to hear how our ministry has touched and changed their lives. It's a joint effort. It's a team effort. So thank you, all of our supporters, all of our prayer warriors. Thank you. You help carry us. We're in difficult waters sometimes, and God gives us grace to swim right through them. So thank you for your support. If you want to join our support team, if we've been a blessing to you, scriptural principal, as those who've been taught by the Word should share all good things with their teacher, if you're able not to take away from your local church or home congregation, but if you're able to stand with us and feel our mission is important and you want to help multiply it and accelerate it, go to and click donate. So Jeff, what I want to point out is that in Matthew's gospel, he has an account at the beginning, which Mark 13 and Luke 21 do not have, the parallel passages. Now if you read Luke 21, some scholars believe it's a little easier to divide what was primarily for the second temple then and that generation and what is primarily for the end.

What I'm saying is there's clear overlap. Many things happen then for that first generation, but many others will only happen in the final generation, but it's going to be similar, like the old Yogi Berra saying, like deja vu all over again. And here is the key. Matthew 24, Jesus tells them the temple is going to be completely destroyed. As He's sitting on the Mount of Olives, verse 3, the disciples came to Him privately. Tell us, they said, when will this happen and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age? So in their mind, this is all simultaneous, that it's one of the same, the destruction of the temple, His coming in triumphal power, and the end of the age. That's what they understand. They're actually asking Him two or three distinct different questions.

He answers them all together with this typical prophetic overlap, which is seamless. So it's only over the course of time that you can see what was for the one generation and what was for the other. I raise those other verses to say it's the same principle at work there. So, for example, we know the phrase end of the age does not mean the end of the age of sacrifice as some predators try to teach it, far be it.

That phrase... That's what I've heard a lot. I'm not sure how to respond to that. Well, you respond with what Jesus Himself says. So this same phrase, end of the age, occurs, this identical phrase, occurs three times in Matthew. So there's no ambiguity to it. And by the way, there was no concept, no concept whatsoever in...

Hang on, I'm just going to pull up these other references. There is no concept whatsoever in Judaism of that day, in Jewish literature that the end of the age could refer to the end of the temple age, zero. Zero literature that would use that phrase in that way. But Jesus in Matthew 13, as He's giving parables there, speaks of the harvest and says that the harvest is the end of the age. And that's when you're going to have the separation of the good from the bad. So this is the parable of the net. Once again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down, etcetera. It goes on from there and He explains that this is the end of the age.

When these things will happen, the separation will come. To try to apply that to what happened at the destruction of the temple is absolutely... It's not applicable. It's not what happened.

It was not the separation of the good from the bad. But, more telling, tell me the last words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. Quote it for me if you can. Matthew 28, 20.

Go ahead. Yeah, make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And lo, I'm surely with you even to the end of the age. Right, so get rid of the word even because that's not there in the Greek.

But I'm sure I'm with you always to the end of the age. So that's the exact same phrase on the lips of Jesus. So I'm with you always to the destruction of the temple. I mean, everyone interpreting that throughout history, basically, has not thought he meant until the destruction of the temple. Of course not.

Of course not. So it's to the end of the day, forever. Another way of saying forever. Now, in Hebrews 9, the end of the ages, it's a slightly different phrase, in the plural there, is used for the culmination of things in the days of Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross and what happens there in that generation. So it's used in a certain context within Matthew, the three times it's used.

Two, it's indisputable. Matthew 28, 20, there's no possible way to dispute the meaning of that exegetically. And you're just not going to find through exegesis in history that anyone saying it means to the destruction of the temple. So he's now going to explain the things, if you read them and realize, okay, they're stated in such a way that a lot of it does happen with that first generation, but there is a fulfillment that has not yet happened, that it's for the end. That's why some Christians read Matthew 24 entirely eschatologically and forget it had to have application to the people then. And then others just don't.

And then others just read it for the people, then forgetting it has to have application in the end. Even if you went as far as to say, well, there is a certain aspect of a coming of the Lord in the clouds, in destruction, in Jerusalem, a certain aspect, but clearly it's not the eschaton. When Jesus tells the high priest, quoting from and alluding to Daniel 7 in Matthew 14, you'll see the Son of Man coming in the clouds. He knows exactly what he's talking about. It is the eschatological coming of the Son of Man as a divine regent from Daniel 7.

That's why he tears his clothes. And even the idea of calling his elect from one end of the earth, it just is so unbelievably forced to read of the destruction of the temple. So just step back and realize, okay, there's overlap there.

And there's some things for that generation and some for the final generation. And it's in total harmony with other prophetic literature. All right? Yeah. Yeah. I think last thing is just even Paul too, like when he talks to the Athenians in the book of Acts and he tells them, you know, repent because God determined in which he's going to judge the world. I mean, how does that have any relevance for them in Athens if it's only localized to a temple being destroyed in Jerusalem? So anyway, thank you.

Oh yeah. And by the way, when you really get into serious, preterious stuff, like when I've had debates with Dr. Gary Damore and things like this, and he's published several things attacking my work since, so I've just responded to the material, the erroneous interpretation of scripture and things like that. But in point of fact, everything ends up being the destruction of the temple. It's like, so when 1 Peter 4, the end of all things is at hand, instead of saying they had this sense of the end of the world being near and just like every generation, Jesus is coming in our generation, Jesus is coming soon.

They live with that same sense. When you get to 2 Peter, okay, so there's a putting off of things a little bit longer. But the idea that people living in the diaspora, that the destruction of the temple was this big event for them.

For Gentile Christians living outside of Israel, that the whole world is turned upside down with the destruction of the temple, it was a non-concept to them, it was not a big deal. So, all right, hey, thanks Jeff, glad you're sorting this out, I appreciate it. Thank you. All right, 866, three, four truths, because that's a rapidly growing misunderstanding of scripture, and one, by the way, that gets my attention, because it often ends up being anti-Israel, often happens, and then sometimes goes beyond there to become anti-Semitic.

But I want to take extra time because it's something that buzzes around and lots of folks get wrong. All right, let's go over to Colorado. Lauren, welcome to the line of fire. Hi, Dr. Brown, how are you? I'm doing very well, blessed. Thank you, sir.

I just have an easy one for you this afternoon. And just as a precursor, I'm a big Donald Trump supporter, and I in no way think that he's the Antichrist, but my wife and I, it prompted, when he was with the assassination attempt on Saturday, my wife and I got into a discussion with both Christians. But I was wondering, in Orthodox Judaism, is a wound to the ear considered to be a head wound? Why wouldn't it be? It's not actually the skull, but it's just the ear. Okay, I've never been asked that question or thought about it, sir, so I don't want to speak authoritatively, but I'm 99% sure it would fit as a head wound. I'm also 100% sure that it's not prophesied in the Bible, the attempted assassination. Oh, no, no, no. Okay, because people have already pointed to Revelation 13, but it's the Antichrist or the Christ. Okay, so to my knowledge, it would be considered a head wound.

I'll see if I can find out during the break, because Jewish law can be hyperspecific, but I'd be 99% sure just with my understanding of things that it would be considered a head wound. What do you ask, sir? Okay, pardon me? Why do you ask? Oh, why do I ask? Oh, it just got me to thinking if the Antichrist ends up getting shot like that or maybe in the nose or something or in the ear again, would that be a fulfillment of biblical prophecy? That's why I'm asking.

Got it. Yeah, well, let's just say if Revelation 13, so Revelation 13 and what happened, I see nothing in the Bible. I see no prophecy in the Bible connecting what happened to President Trump with the biblical prophecy, zero, no connection. But someone warned me the other day, watch, we're going to see Revelation 13, three, they're going to bring it up and it's a wound to his head, he recovers. So to me, you're talking about a mortal wound.

You're talking about if this is to be understood in a literal way, because Revelation is full of symbolism, but if it is to be understood in a literal way that an Antichrist figure will actually be mortally wounded and then similarly resurrected, yeah, then I would say that's in the Bible. What happened to President Trump, thank God, he was spared. That being said, and not to say you shouldn't vote for him, that's not my issue at all, but he really missed a golden opportunity to unify and to solidify his position last night. Just my view and the view of others that I've interacted with, that if he got up, recounted what happened to him, everything, all the beautiful part about how he survived and honoring the firefighter that was killed, and then just to look, we have deep convictions and no one's going to change those, pro-life, pro-choice, etc., but let us be civil one towards another. Let us put down the violent rhetoric and let's try to work together for the betterment of America.

He missed a golden opportunity. Just my observation and we move on. I thank you for the call, Lauren. Hey friends, many of you know about the radical lifestyle change in my own life when I went from 275 to 180 pounds in less than eight months.

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You can also go to and use the code BROWN25. Let's get you healthy and strong. It's the Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the Line of Fire by calling 866-344-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

All right, let us go straight back to the phones in Texas. Juan, welcome to the Line of Fire. Yes, hello, sir. How are you doing?

I'm doing very well, thanks. Okay, so I have a really quick question. It's something that I've learned growing up in church and stuff like that, that we're no longer under law because Jesus has fulfilled the law. But then there's also that other argument that the law was never for us, it was for Israel. How would you respond to something like that, like people that have grown up learning that, that you know what, we're no longer the law because Jesus already fulfilled the law?

Right, so the first thing I want to know, what does that mean? In other words, can we now murder because Jesus fulfilled the law? Can we now worship idols? Can we now commit adultery because Jesus fulfilled the law? So obviously no one means that.

So I have to ask, what do you mean? So first, let's affirm, because Paul does say you're no longer under the law, but under grace. Let's first affirm what that does mean. It means we're no longer under the condemnation of the law, which would have pronounced us guilty and damned for our sin. We're no longer under the law as a system of righteousness, meaning that we have to do more good deeds than bad deeds, as if that would make us righteous. And we're no longer under the law as a guardian to bring us to the Messiah. So in that sense, the law is like a scaffolding around the building before the building is standing.

But once it's standing, it still has that certain shape and form. So Jesus fulfills the law, meaning he brings it to its full and highest meaning. So what's the purpose of the sacrificial system that finds its culmination in his death on the cross? The priestly ministry, it finds its fulfillment, highest expression in him. The biblical holidays, the meaning of Passover and these things find their fulfillment in him. But when it comes to the moral standards of the law, what does he do?

He takes them to a higher level, doesn't he? So after he says in Matthew 5 17 that he didn't come to abolish the law but to fulfill, he begins to teach on what that actually means. And think of this, when he says I didn't come to abolish but to fulfill, if fulfilling meant abolish, or if when you work out fulfillment, it's the same as abolish, then what was he saying? Like I said, I didn't come to abolish the speed limit but to fulfill it. So now there's no speed limit.

Well then I just abolished it. So he takes the moral requirements of the law to a higher level. You heard don't murder, I tell you don't hate. You heard don't commit adultery, I'm telling you don't ruin your heart.

He takes these things to an even higher level. So my response is that the aspects of the law that were for all believers or all of God's people for all time, those are reiterated in the New Testament and taken to a deeper level. Those commands that were just given for Israel, like the Sabbath observance or dietary lawyers, were never given for the whole body. And the New Testament explicitly says they're not for everyone.

If you choose to take them on you can. But Paul says for example in 1st Corinthians 7-17, if you were called to salvation, circumcised, don't become uncircumcised. And if you're called salvation uncircumcised, don't become circumcised. So Jews can continue to live as Jews in Jesus.

Gentiles as Gentiles in terms of Jewish customs, things like that. But as far as the moral requirements of the law and God's standards, those are brought to a higher level. So a little bit of a lengthy answer. You can tell me anything that's unclear in what I said. No, it's just because I know that a lot of people, when they preach it, they always just preach like, oh, you know, we're no longer law under grace.

Like to say that, okay, we're good, you make mistakes, stuff like that. They completely just completely ignore the law in general. And they say, well, the law wasn't even for us, it was for the Jews.

So what we have to do is qualify the statements, because you're right, they can be used irresponsibly in such a way that you throw out everything. You ignore the five books of Moses, you don't realize that faith establishes the laws, Paul says in Romans 3, and that we now fully understand the purposes of the law through the gospel. So yeah, you could do that or say, well, we're not under the law, that was just for Israel. Well, no, no, not all of it was just for Israel.

Much of it was for everybody. In other words, when God rebuked the Gentile nations in the book of Amos, the first chapter, and then into the middle of the second chapter, or the beginning of the second chapter, He rebukes them for violating covenant one another, acts of cruelty. When God establishes things before the Torah is given, all the way back in Genesis, in Genesis 9, 6, He forbids murder for all people. So there's certain universal prohibitions found within the Torah, and those are now reiterated in the New Testament. And then there are other things that were part of God's covenant calling on Israel to help them identify as a people and retain a separate identity, and that's not binding for the church today. But many times, sir, what happens is, we throw out standards of holiness, we throw out conviction of sin, well, it's the law, as opposed to saying that these are key things God wants us to walk and understand.

Every word that God spoke is valuable and important, we just need to rightly apply. Hey, thank you for the call. Much appreciated. Thank you.

All right. 866-34-TRUTH, we go over to Oregon. Paul, welcome to the line of fire. Are you there? Or did we lose you? Hey, can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. Go ahead, Paul.

Hey, awesome. Yeah, no, you literally answered every question I had for you in that last call, so that was awesome. I just want to quickly say one thing. I was really led astray by Tovia Singer, and you really brought me back to the truth, so I wanted to thank you for that. And I just really wanted to put it out there that I don't know why he doesn't talk to you, because everyone wants that.

Why won't he talk to you? Yeah, so Paul, what's your own background? You raised a gentile home, Jewish home? I was born to a Jewish mother, but I was raised as an atheist. Okay, got it. So you were a follower of Jesus, and then you watched Tovia's stuff, and it influenced you?

No, no, sorry. No, I was never a follower of Jesus, actually. I initially was an atheist, and then I kind of was getting into the Judaism, because that was kind of where I came from, like as my roots, and I was kind of just thinking of Judaism as a thing of Christianity, of polytheism, as he was describing it.

Got it. I was really believing him on that, and then I researched the Trinity more. I was like, wait, what?

That's not polytheism. That's ridiculous. So he's just a straw man, and I don't get how he gets away with it.

Yeah, well, that is part of the problem. We've only put out about 11 videos so far debunking his videos. We have other material in writing and other form, but just taking it video by video. I know he's got hundreds of videos out there. As we have opportunity, we spend some time doing it, and every video that I've watched has a complete straw man statement or something absolutely absurd, but that's the whole thing. It's sensationalistic clickbait, and whether he believes it or not or knows better or not, God knows.

But our own history is very interesting. There was a very intelligent Russian Jewish man who came to faith in the early 90s, and very intellectual, I should say, and he invited me to his home. He said, some rabbis are coming in from Baltimore, lived in Maryland at that time, and they're willing to have a debate with you in my house about who is the Messiah according to Isaiah. I said, are you serious? He said, yeah. I said, I don't believe you. He said, no, no, really. I said, they agreed to that subject? He said, yes. I said, okay.

Well, then let's do it. I get to his house, and he lied to me. So he's a brand new believer, hadn't been fully sanctified yet, but lied to the others as well. So a fellow named Mickey Miller had come in, not a rabbi, but had done counter missionary work. Michael Scoback, who instilled this counter missionary rabbi. Tovia Singer, counter missionary rabbi.

So they came in from Philly, most of them from Brooklyn. And then a woman named Joanne Chinkers, who was living as an Orthodox Jew then and doing counter missionary work. That night was pivotal in her life, helped her to come to faith. And she served as a missionary in Nigeria for years and just great heart for the Lord ever since. When people ask her, who led you to the Lord? She says, Rabbi Tovia Singer.

That's a little way of saying that his failure that night really helped open her eyes to the truth. But the Russian guy set the thing up so that neither of us would be prepared to see who could do better. So Tovia subsequently asked me not to release the tapes, because people just put tape recorders on the table, not to release those tapes.

So I told them I wouldn't. I didn't know if we still have them. But anyway, we subsequently did another debate on Sid Roth's show. Sid had a radio show that blanketed New York, New Jersey in those days. And we did a show there. And then subsequently, the three of us worked together to edit it down to 90 minutes, because that was the longest cassette tape you had there.

And that got widely distributed. Thereafter, I really got burdened for Tovia. We started to talk by phone. We were both late night people. We would talk by phone. I remember leaving a Christian school where our kids were, parent-teacher meeting. I told them, I got to go.

I'm too burdened. I went home just to pray, cry out to him. So I really pressed in in his own life. And then he cut me off. His subsequent reason was, well, we edited the tape without it.

No, no, we edited it together. So he's refused to deal with me under any circumstance over 30 years now, under any circumstance. And whether he believes his narrative or not, God knows. But he's had endless opportunities to debate. In fact, he's called places to set up debates with someone. They said, great, we'll do it. And then when they tell him it's with me, he's backed out.

So this has been years and years and years. My offer still stands. I don't see how it could hurt because he has a certain platform and a decent following, and he can articulate his point. I have a certain platform, decent following.

I can articulate mine. Put it all out. Let's do it six, eight hours. Let's do a mega, mega event, live stream for the world to see because the truth is on our side and his cannot withstand the light of truth. May God expose the lies and reveal truth for the salvation of his people. God bless.
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