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Taken It To The Street

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
July 13, 2024 12:35 pm

Taken It To The Street

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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July 13, 2024 12:35 pm

When In Mourning – What are You Really Mourning? What is the rending of your clothes? Why did Mordecai take it to the street? Where should we take it? 

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This is Darren Kuhn with the Masculine Journey Podcast, where we search the ancient paths to find ways that God brings light into a dark world and helps set men free from the struggles that we all face on a day to day basis. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds.

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How can you stop the rain from falling down? Welcome to the Christian Car Guy radio show. We are taking it to the streets today on the Christian Car Guy show.

Yes, with the Jesus labor level, we've got Scott here. But we are truly taking it to the streets, which is what cars do, you know, kind of when you think about it. But nonetheless, so if you heard that intro with Jimmy Ruffin with what becomes of the broken hearted, right? The Bee Gees, how do you mend a broken heart? Whitney Houston, where do broken hearts go?

And then Ken the Doobie Brothers with taking it to the streets. So what does all this mean, Robbie? That's the idea of all my intros, in case you were listening for the first time, the Christian Car Guy show. It is to tease you with the many things I have been studying and thinking and pondering and praying and spending time with God this week.

And so there you go. So when you mourn, right? So you got a broken heart. And I'm sure you've had one. And many of us have. Maybe you have one right now. So when you are mourning, right?

What are you really mourning? There's a good question. Why would you rend your clothes?

Right? That's another good question. Why would you do that? And it was a very biblical thing to do. Why would you rend your clothes? Why did Mordecai in the Book of Esther take it to the street, right?

Not only did he rend his clothes, he put on sackcloth. Why did he do that? And then he took it to the street with loud wailing. Why didn't he do that in his house? Why did he do that at the temple? Why did he go to the street? So how about you?

Where do you take it when you think that's the situation? 86634, 87884, 86634 truth. So this all has to do really with the Book of Esther, a little bit out of the Book of Joel. But Esther, you may be familiar with, is the only book in the Bible that I'm familiar with personally that God's name is not mentioned anywhere in the book. And actually it was quite intentional because what's taught about that is Mordecai.

I did not know that, Robbie. Mordecai wrote the book and he knew that at the time, the Persian Empire was the largest in the world, maybe the largest ever. It was 127 provinces.

That's a lot of countries, a lot of different religions, right? And that edict to kill all the Jews was going out to a whole 127 provinces. If you're familiar with the book, spoiler alert, Haman gets the king to write an edict that all the Jews would be killed on the thirteenth day of Adar. But the highlight of the book is through Esther, who's then become the queen of Persia, you know, by her help from Mordecai, she develops a plan that God gives them in order to save the Jews, and that goes out as a second edict to all 127 provinces. But when Mordecai, who wrote the book, who was at the time in the Sanhedrin, and he was also very much the rabbi of the people, he could not stand the idea that this thing was gonna get read in 127 provinces and that the name of God might be mispronounced or that it might be blasphemed. And so he intentionally left the book, I mean, the word God out of the Megillah, or the scroll is what they call it.

So the Jews, right, on Purim, which is the holiday they still, you know, celebrate every year, they are to read the Megillah, they are to read the scroll of Esther. And again, the name of God's not there, but fascinatingly, this is really, really beautiful when you think about it, the word Esther itself, in Hebrew, the root of it is hidden, the word hidden. And when you think about Esther, she was hidden, they didn't know that she was a Jew through most of it, and she hid her identity.

It was a big part of the reason that eventually she didn't spring out on them until, you know, the last minute. So she was hidden in so many different ways throughout the book, but the name of God is hidden in plain sight, as was Esther was hidden in plain sight as well. And so today's show is brought to you by the Hebrew letter Aleph, because that is the beginning of the word Esther, is an aleph. The second part of the word Esther in Hebrew is the word hidden.

And so what's hidden? Aleph, the father, you know, Abraham, you know, the whole idea of the father is the aleph, and so it's kind of cool that Esther's that. Well, Mordecai, interestingly, means to open.

And so you get the overall, you know, picture just there with those two ideas. So when Mordecai comes to understand that this plot is a foot, and he finds out about it really more before Esther, and actually he finds out more than most people know about, but this is the verse where he finds out about it. In Esther 4 verse 1, he says, When Mordecai perceived what was done, Mordecai rent his clothes. That means he tore them. And when they rent clothes in those days, what they were doing to do is expose their heart. That's why in Joel 2 13, it says, rend your heart and not your garments. So they would tear it from the collar. That's the reason the high priest's collar had a, you know, a hem around it to make sure that it couldn't be rend. Because when you rend your garments and you put on sackcloth, what you are saying is the king is dead.

That's why it was absolutely almost fatal for Mordecai to go to the king's gate wearing sackcloth and having rent his clothes. Because he's saying the king's dead. So, you know, that idea of when you are truly mourning, if you think that person has actually gone that has passed away, if they're truly gone, then you think the king's dead because you forgot that nobody, you know, that's in Christ is gone.

Right? They're in heaven. So it's a fascinating thing. So, you know, if you're mourning, to some extent, there's probably a misunderstanding going on there somewhere. I don't know. It's all, it's, you know, my mother-in-law passed away.

My wife is still in mourning and that. And you've got to be very careful with that. It's a very difficult thing. So where do you go with that is the question. That's very interesting.

Mordecai went to the street. Okay. And so part of the reason I wanted to share that, and I wanted to hear your stories today, is the actual founding of this show, if you've ever heard me tell the story, and I was thinking about it as I was thinking about a lot of different times I took it to the streets when I had my mourning going on, was when God called me that night to do this show, which I was in the car business, had no intention of ever getting on the radio.

This was over 20 years ago now. And he said to me, he said, Robbie, I want you to get on, because I was like, God, you've not heard my voice. I'm not a radio person.

He goes, Robbie, I want you to get on the radio. And I want you to talk about what breaks your heart every day. And see, he knew you were convicted. Yeah. He knew that every single day for me at the time, and we're talking about over 20 years ago in the car business, that my heart was broken by people that were going into crazy amounts of debt or bondage, as far as I was concerned.

Every day. In order to just trade in a perfectly good car to get another perfectly good car. A piece of shiny metal. Right.

Or to get the latest gidget or gadget, I want a DVD player. Whatever it was that they were doing, they were going from many, many times like a car that they still owed $20,000, $30,000 on. My goodness. And their payments were $400, $500, $600 a month. And they were taking that and rolling it into another car that the payment would be $700, $800 a month. And I would sit there and say, look, your car's, you know, why don't we get more equity in it?

But they never wanted to, they'd say, Robbie, if I don't buy the car from you, I'll buy it from somebody else. So what was I to do? But just, you know, that was my livelihood. But nonetheless, God knew the struggle that I was having with this every day of my life. And so he wants, he told me, I want you to get on the radio and talk about what breaks your heart every day. Well, the fascinating thing about that instruction is what broke my heart at the beginning of the Christian Car Guys show over 20 years ago was not at all the same thing that breaks my heart today, right? You know, I have a dear friend, in fact, interestingly, very much related to what you do for the Christian Car Guy, one of our original volunteers, right? And he passed away as part of the reason why, you know, you, and his grandson is one of those that I know does not really have the relationship with Christ, whatever.

And so he's one of the people that my heart breaks for, and all sorts of people that I know don't have the relationship with God that I have, or I would like them to have a better relationship with God than I have. You know, whatever that looks like, that's how that's changed. But the question, again, for you is where do you take it to the streets, right? We're taking it to the streets. We've got some updates.

We've given away some cars. It's all about the Jesus labor love today. We've got so much more coming up. Stay tuned.

You're listening to the Truth Network and Where do broken hearts go? Can they find their way home? Watch to the open arms of a love that's waiting there.

And if somebody loves you, won't they always love you? We are taking it to the streets today on the Christian Car Guys show, the Jesus labor love Saturday, which is always the second Saturday of the month for us. If you're not familiar with it, the Jesus labor love is car repair laborer, for the most part, for single moms, widows, and families in crisis. And often, or not often, but frequently, I guess, people donate cars to us.

Because often, unfortunately, too often, you know, cars get to the point where we can't get them repaired and somebody needs a whole car. And so it's amazing how God has provided us a couple of those recently, and we've actually been able to give a couple away. And so very fun, kind of an old friend at this point in time, we got Wendy, who just received one of those cars. And so welcome, Wendy. Good morning, Wendy. Good morning, guys. How are you doing? Good. You waited a long time.

It was worth the wait. I'm just so thankful and so blessed. The Lord put a verse on my heart this morning, if it's okay, I wanted to share.

Please, please do. It's from Psalm 10, verse 17. And I'm gonna cry happy tears sharing it, but it says, Oh, Lord, you hear the desire of the afflicted, you will strengthen their heart, you will incline your ear. And I just, I just want to say thank you guys, because I did, I got on this waitlist not ever knowing, you know, what the future would hold if I would still need a car, you know, just what that looked like. And, and I just want to say too, that God is a God of details.

This is a silly little thing. But the one thing that I really missed before my divorce, when I had a good working vehicle, and I had to, I had to sell it, I couldn't afford to keep it. And, and the one thing I really missed when I sold that car, traded it in was, it had heated seats in the wintertime, and I have a hypermobility disorder that my joints ache in the wintertime. And so not only did the Lord provide transportation, but I was driving home the car that you guys gave me. And I was praying and I was thanking God for just the blessing through you guys.

And, and I said, you know, God, you are, you are so good to me, to my son, you know, I'm a single mom. And, and I looked down anyway, and, and this car has a heated driver's seat. Lord, you're amazing.

Like he just goes above and beyond. And you guys have gone above and beyond, you know, fix my old car and gave me this new car. The title actually came in the mail yesterday. The permanent title. So let me tell you how good way you know, I know, I'm sure everybody listening knows how good God is, but I have to tell you some details about the car.

You probably do not know. Number one, you know, one of the huge blessings our ministry received that Jesus labor love is at the beginning of this year. For the first time, really, we had a church put, you know, some budget towards us every month. And so Pinedale Christian Church here in Winston-Salem had me meet with their missions committee actually.

And so they've started, you know, you know, investing in the Jesus labor love every single month. So certainly that makes that, but also at the same time, two members of that same church donated two cars, one of which was the Grand Prix, right? You've got the Grand Prix, am I right? Yeah.

Yeah. And so that Grand Prix, unfortunately went through quite, and Scott knows this all too well, that we were just struggling, and as we often do, to find somebody to get something repaired. And, you know, we were trying to get it fixed and it just took forever. And they said, oh, it's not going to take much. And the next thing you know, we sunk like, what, pretty close to a thousand dollars trying to get it to where it was ready and it still wasn't ready.

And so we had to take it to another place. And when they looked at it, they called me and they said, you know, gee, Robbie, it's probably going to take another thousand dollars to get this car ready. Well, you know, we don't have the richest, that was a giant investment, but I'd already put the other man out and I knew how desperately we needed cars. And rather than just sell the car and get this scrap money, I thought, no, we're, we're going to, you know, God, I don't know where the money is coming from. I honestly said that I was like, God, I don't know where that money is coming from, but let's just fix the car. And so I told David, you know, this wonderful people that helped us and said, just go fix the car. And so that was about maybe three o'clock in the afternoon, whatever day that was, whatever, a few weeks ago, that evening in the mail, we received, it was the second largest donation ever given to the Jesus labor love, which would pay the, the, the money for that car several times over. Yeah.

Like praise the Lord. Like, I, you know, I had committed to it and then I looked down, I was like, and then on the, on the, on the on the check it set or on the, the, the little letter that came from the donor, it said, I'm sorry for the delay. I sent this several weeks ago and I had the wrong address. So the date of the check was a little bit before. So God's timing was that he was going to wait until I made the commitment to fix that car.

And that's when that check would show up. Interesting how God works. Isn't that cool, Wendy? And then, then you telling me about the heated seats and, and, you know, it's been, it's just a lot of things that we've always so appreciated you and, and, and how fun it's been to work with you and your attitude has been just special all the way through it. And, and it couldn't please Scott and I more that, that you got that car and that you got your heated seats. And so when the winner comes, yeah, listening, this car is 25 years old. It's a 1999 Pontiac Grand Prix, kind of like what Tony Stewart won the NASCAR championship in the early two thousands.

It sits real low and it's sleek, but it's, it's got a few miles, but I noticed right away, somebody had put new tires on it and it's got new suspension and, uh, still needs a little, a little, a couple of little things, but, um, I think it's going to be a good car. And for those listening out there, our, our ministry runs on a shoestring budget. In fact, everybody works for free, including me. Um, so we're just blessed to have what little bit of monies we can get. And so we're very, very pleased that we're able to help Wendy. And she's, she's been such a stalwart for our ministry. So cool. And so how cool God's got you on the street. Thanks for your son, Wendy. God bless you.

And God's all over that car. I can tell you that I, I can see that. So thank you so much for calling in. Can I share one more quick thing? We got to go to a break. So just stay, stay with us.

And we come back from the break. Wendy's going to share one more thing and I hope you'll stay tuned. You're listening to the truth network and Taking it to the streets today on the Christian Car Guys show. We're talking about a little bit about mourning and what you can do with your broken heart that, that you would be, I'm shocked at how God blesses that in so many different ways. And the Jesus labor love is definitely a way that God showed me to take it to the streets. And that's car repair labor for single moms, widows, and families in crisis. And sometimes when we're blessed, somebody donates a car and then we have a happy recipient like Wendy. That's just amazing when God does all that. So Wendy, you had another thing you wanted to share?

I did. I want to first say thank you to David because I don't know David at all, but I know he's already worked on the car and I know y'all's mechanics are such a big part of, of the ministry. So I want to say thank you. He, I think he's going to do a little more to the car and just, I appreciate everything you've put into it, but David made me think about, you know, David in the Bible and how God says the world looks at the outside, but I look at the heart, you know, when David was chosen to be king. And I just, I was thinking that about this car, you know, you were sharing that it's old, it's a 99, but it's sleek and it, it moves, you know, really well, has good shocks or stress or whatever.

And, and I was just thinking another neat thing that the Lord did in this particular situation with this particular car. My very first car was a Pontiac, a Pontiac sports car. And it, I just wanted to share that it's been like coming home to get in this car and drive it because my first one was a 1986, that'll tell you how old I am. But it was, it was very similar driving experience to this car that you've given me now. And I just got in it and started driving it. And I'm like, this feels like home.

It feels like, you know, the very first couple of cars I drove that were Pontiac. So again, God is in the details. He's so specific. And I think he does, you know, people look at how old a car is or, or, you know, different things about it, but God knows exactly the details of who's supposed to get which car. And you guys are just following his lead. I can see that so clearly in every way. And you know, we prayed about things and they happened.

Oh, they did. And I, you know, I can't help but just delight in the whole discussion because my father was the Pontiac dealer in both Tomball, Texas and in Georgetown, Texas. And so I, I definitely spent a lot of time in 1986 Pontiac sports cars. There were Firebirds and, and there were Grand Trans Ams and there were little GTOs, all sorts of interesting.

Oh, they were great, great cars. And so then I actually, after my father sold those dealerships, et cetera, I went off and worked at different Chevrolet stores and things like that. Well, when I met my wife about that same time, I went back to work for Pontiac in Raleigh, actually at the time it was called Royal Pontiac. It was Eagle Pontiac at one point in time.

I worked for both ways. I was the general sales manager there back in, I'm going to say it was 1991. So it wasn't long after you had that car. Wow.

I probably still had that car. Well, thank you, Wendy. God bless you. I appreciate you so much. And that God was able to provide for that. It's so amazing.

I'm really, really, really appreciate it. God bless. So again, if you're wondering what is this Jesus labor love, if you go to, that's our website, And there you're going to find the Jesus labor love.

There's lots of different buttons. You can push with that. You can apply for help if you need help. And we help people all across the country. And even on occasion, we've even helped people in Mexico or Canada.

If we can, we will. And there is another ministry, actually, I'm trying to think of the name of the country that's just above Greece. And they fashioned a ministry. They called and asked if they could use our name and all that stuff. So there is one in other countries.

So to some extent, Scott, we're a little international. I don't know how that happened, but God is good. But that's all at And so you can see how you can donate a car or you can give to the ministry.

You can certainly join our prayer team. All those things are at And again, that ministry, I was asking God again, you know, I know you want more for this show.

And he wanted to take it to the street. He wanted single moms and widows, you know, it's just like it says in James, true religion is what? You know, is looking out for single moms. And I could see clearly when I started the show, and maybe you've heard me say this before, Scott, almost every email that I got on the show when I started doing it was from either a single mom or a widow. And they were the ones that needed, how do I fix this? What do I do with that? You know, my air conditioner isn't working or whatever was going on.

All those emails were telling me that, man, oh, I had never thought of this. And so God just made it plain. And so we just kind of took it to the street, and that's just, you know, how that went. So we're talking about, interestingly, when Mordecai took it to the street. Now what he knew, maybe I'll share this with you, maybe I won't. He knew a lot more than you might think he knew about what was actually going on in heaven, not just what was going on with the king and Haman.

Because things don't happen down here on earth without some huge—because our battle's not against flesh and blood, it's against spiritual forces in high places. And so Mordecai knew a great deal. And he was going out there, and he was taking it to the street because he needed some action. He needed some action because he knew that literally the entire Jewish race would be exterminated.

And guess what? The other big problem was it was time for them to go back to Jerusalem, and they weren't. They were becoming Persians rather than becoming, you know, Jews as they needed to be, and we needed to have Jesus come and all those things.

So that was a big, huge deal. Well, when Esther finds out of this information, interestingly, she declares a fast. Well, the fascinating thing about when she declared that fast is if you look carefully, in the third chapter of Esther, it says that they made this edict on the first month on the 13th day. Well, the first month on the 13th day is Passover. Okay? So at the 13th day, according to what God told Moses, you are to take the Passover lamb, right?

And maybe you're familiar with this. I hope so. That is Holy Week.

Okay? It's not only Passover, it's Holy Week. So the Last Supper happened when? It happened on about the time, see, Esther got the word from Mordecai on the 14th day of the month.

Well, guess what? At twilight on the 13th day becomes the 14th day, you see, and there is when Jesus was both having the good supper. That night is when he was betrayed by Judas, and then he was tried and he literally went on the cross. How long did Esther ask for them to fast, Scott? How many days were they supposed to fast? 30.

How many days was Jesus in the tomb? Three. Correct. Do you think that's a coincidence?

Do you even think? And if you look, again, it's there. It's pretty clear. On the 14th day, she declares a fast for three days. Well, you know, it lines up perfectly that that was Good Friday.

Guess what? Come Sunday morning, you know, the Jews are not exterminated because the king holds out the golden scepter. And Esther is allowed to have her, right? And we know that the story is that the good guys win.

Okay. So this gives me tremendous hope, number one, for a lot of reasons. Number one, Passover, the celebration of Purim, which is very much connected to Passover, and then Holy Week, all like God's painting a picture. And he's always painting a very similar picture is here you have the beginning of freedom is when you come to Christ. But then it's a journey to your sanctification, and that's a journey. It's actually a really, really fun journey if you're journeying with Christ, but there's a lot of bumps and bruises.

We were talking about, you know, Scott and I were the difficulties of, you know, ministry sometimes. There's a lot of shenanigans happen when you're given a car or whatever, but they have those opportunities. They just keep coming your way. So I want to add my favorite taking it to the street story. And by the way, I'd be delighted for you to tell me when you took it to the street, 866-348-7884, 866-348-7884. So this story is something that'll always be near and dear to my heart. So when I was the general manager, or excuse me, when I owned the Chrysler store in Moxville, I had an employee by the name of Johnny Hendricks. He'd worked for me every, you know, all the time since I'd been there, and he was actually my number one salesman. Now he shows up in my office one day, and he's like, Robbie, I need you to pray for me. Well, that was a little unusual because Johnny never wanted to talk about religion. I'd invited him to many Bible studies, Christian business committees, you know, Christmas parties, nothing.

He never attended anything like that. But this day he walked in my office, wanted me to pray for him. He wanted me to pray for he had been diagnosed with cancer. But very tragically, there's some certain kinds of cancers you don't want to have, and one of those you really don't want to have is cancer of the pancreas, right?

That's what he had. And so, oh, the story of taking it to the streets that comes as a result of Johnny Hendricks' pancreatic cancer. When we come back, stay tuned. We are taking it to the street today on The Christian Car Guy Show, and we've been talking you know, interestingly in this mourning process. When you feel like the king is dead, however that works out in your life, where do you go with that? And it's fascinating, we were talking that, you know, often God will tell you to take it to the street, like he did Mordecai. Mordecai didn't do this in the temple. He didn't do it in his house.

He didn't do it out in the woods. He went to the streets, and he cried bitterly, and he was in sackcloth, and he was doing all this. And the story I'm going to relate is one of my, like, I guess just the story that I'll never, ever, ever, ever forget, and I hope to have the reunion in heaven with Johnny. So Johnny had pancreatic cancer, and you know, he asked me to pray for him that day, and I was really, really busy in the middle of like 40 things that I thought were really important at the time. And so I totally blew this particular conversation.

I really did. I said, well, I will pray for you, Johnny. You know, I survived cancer. I'm sure you will. This is, you know, it's going to be hard, but we're with you.

You know, whatever I can do, I'll be praying for you. You know, that kind of conversation. Now he had knocked on my door and come into my office to talk to me. That's how much time I gave him.

It was, this is beyond sad. Like, this is a man who had never wanted to talk about God, and he finally wants me to pray for him. What do I do? Blow him off.

Essentially, I'm too busy doing absolutely stuff that would actually amount to absolutely nothing. But anyway, God gave me another chance, as you find out. So two weeks later, his wife calls me. Johnny's in the hospital. He's in a coma. He's in critical condition.

Will you please come? He's in intensive care. And so I come, and when I come, you know, the near relatives are there with him, and, you know, she's in with the doctor, whatever, and everybody's saying, you know, it looks like this is the end for Johnny. Like, this is just like two weeks after he'd asked me to pray for him, and oh, man, I'm feeling lower than you can imagine I would feel. And she comes out, and she says, Robbie, they only allow one person to end with me, and I want that to be you, because I know you'll pray.

Well, now I'm not even lower. Like, man, oh, God, oh, God, I can't believe that I'm here with this, and like, man, I so blew this. And so before I go in the room, I said, well, Geraldine, you know, Johnny would never talk about Jesus with me. Do you think he knows Jesus?

And she goes, Robbie, I don't think he does. He went to church years ago and got mad at the pastor and never been back since and never wants to talk about it. So then I was faced with, oh, my goodness, Johnny could be spending eternity in hell, and that would be unbelievably horrible, and I couldn't face that. But I went in and I prayed with her. I prayed with Johnny. But then I was brokenhearted that I had had this chance to share Jesus with him. I'd worked with him for six years, and I did not know where he stood.

I was totally brokenhearted, and so I could not bear it in the hospital. I actually asked his best friend, Bruce Rollins, I said, Bruce, do you know if Johnny knows Jesus? And he said, I don't think he does, Robbie. And I'm like, oh, my gosh. And so I had my confirmation. I said, I got to get out of here. And I went, I got in my car. I took it to the street.

I didn't know what I was doing, but I did it. And I got in the car, and there was a certain place that I prayed every morning on the way to dealership, and I always really sensed God there. And so I did often go drive there in order to pray. And so I got in, you know, I took my car, and this is at Forsyth Hospital for those people who are familiar.

You know, it's right off Interstate 40, and so I'm heading towards Moxville. I hit my billboard. I begin to pray, right? And I'm like, God, I have blown this. This is so horrible.

I said, but if there's any way in the world that you would give Johnny more time, you know, I will either introduce you to him or introduce him to you or, you know, help him to get to know you better, whichever you would prefer. And so, whichever one works. Well, I get back to the hospital, and they're like, man, there's no brain activity. There's nothing going on. We think we need to pull the plug. And I said, don't, don't, don't, don't. I really sensed God wants to do something. Please don't pull it.

Don't, you know. Well, that was the first day, second day, third day. It went on, and every day I was sitting there looking at the family, and they're like, Robbie, they're saying, I'm saying, don't do that, right? Well, the fourth day, Johnny sits up in the bed, like, like he's fine. He doesn't, it's like somebody's been in a coma for four days.

He's like somebody that just sits up in the bed, and he puts on his ball cap, looks like he's from Davie County, and he's like, man, he's right there. And I'm like, oh my gosh, this is clearly a miracle. I mean, it was a miracle, and clearly, clearly, I had pulled off his end of the deal.

Now it was my turn, right? And I did not know what to say. I'm like, I don't know what to say. This man never wants to talk about Jesus.

He's very closed about those personal things, and I don't know what to say. So again, I don't know what else to do, so I take it to the street. I go back and get in my car, go to the same place. I'm like, God, what in the world do I say? I said, I know you did it, you did it, you did it, but I gotta be honest, I don't know what to say. And he said, Robbie, Johnny is a car salesman, and to a car salesman, a deal is a deal.

I gotcha. And so I go back to the hospital. I walk into the room. Johnny's sitting there looking at me. He's got his ball cap on.

He's got a big smile on his face. I said, Johnny, I made a deal with God. Got his attention. He said, what kind of deal did you make with God, Robbie? And I said, well, I made him a deal that if he would get you to come out of that coma and you would be able to speak again, that I would either introduce you to him if you don't know him, and if you do, right, then I would help you to get to know him better. And Johnny says, you better get to it.

That was his answer. You better get to it. And so we started going through the Gospel of John, and I was doing the I am statements, and I came to the hospital room for, you know, two, three weeks, whatever it was, and we got to the part where, you know, where I'm the bread of life, I'm the water, all living water, all these things, and he goes home. And it seems like the first day that he was home, we were gonna work on I am the resurrection, which is the story of Lazarus, right? And so we talk about that, and it seemed like just a regular study, and he seemed interested, but I'm still not seeing the light come on. You know, it's just, okay.

So I go home. The next morning, I come down to have the study with him again, and there's cars all up and down the street. And I'm like, oh, somebody could be dead. You know, this is not a good sign when there's no, you know, like, but instead, when I go in there, the whole neighborhoods, and I mean, all sorts of people that Johnny knew, and his brothers and sisters and the pastors there by the name of Jimmy Lancaster is a good friend of mine. And as soon as I walked in, he says, Johnny, tell Robbie what's happened. And Johnny says, well, you know, Robbie, right after you left, we were talking about Lazarus, my sister came, and she brought a whole stack of Gather CDs.

And the first one she puts in is four days late, but right on time. Darrell Bock I'll be darned. Darrell Bock And he said, I realized I was in that coma for four days. And I realized that this was no, you know, so they asked Jimmy Lancaster to come over.

He accepted Christ that day. And here we were, man. I mean, I can't tell you the many, many, many blessings that have happened as a result of that story or the chances I've had to speak at funerals and churches and all sorts of places to tell that story. But see, what I'd never seen until this week is that I took it to the street. In other words, my heart was broken and all that stuff. But I didn't, you know, what I did was I went out in the street and I mourned and I told the story. And then God came through and, you know, we see once again, you know, a deal is a deal. So I don't know where God has your heart right now. But if you're in mourning, you might consider doing what Mordecai did.

Take it to the street. Wherever it is that you pray and you feel like you've sinned, God, it's a great thing to do. Well, thank you, Scott. We want to remind you that the Jesus Labor Love, it's car repair labor for single moms, widows, and families in crisis across the country. It's all there at Jesus Labor Love. And remember, as always, slow down. Jesus walked everywhere he went, got it all done in 33 years. This is the Truth Network.
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