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JR SportBrief Hour 4

JR Sports Brief / JR
The Truth Network Radio
September 23, 2023 1:58 am

JR SportBrief Hour 4

JR Sports Brief / JR

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September 23, 2023 1:58 am

JR discusses an underrated matchup in College Football this Saturday and it involves Nick Saban and Lane Kiffin


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One-year upgrade requires financing, qualifying, device and upgrading in good condition after six months with half paid off. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. It is the JR Sport Brief show on CBS Sports Radio. I am coming to you live from Atlanta, Georgia. Super producer and host Dave Shepherd coming to you live from New York City.

Thank you to everybody hanging out here with us on a Friday night. The show gets started every weeknight, 10 p.m. Eastern, 7 Pacific. You can tune in on the free Odyssey app. Thank you to everybody tuning in on your local CBS Sports Radio affiliates. It could be called the game, the zone, the fan, the ticket, the score, whatever the hell your station is called. Thank you.

Doesn't matter to me what it's called. Just thank you for listening. Sirius XM 158. People listening on smart speakers. And a big shout out to the Uber drivers, the Lyft drivers. Shout out to the truck drivers too, all of them.

UPS, Amazon, private companies that we've never heard of. But specifically to the ride share people, Friday nights can be crazy. Colleges are back. Universities are back in business. People are going out on Friday nights.

People are drinking on Friday nights. Somebody got a drunk in the back of their Uber right now and they can't say nothing. It's a shame.

Sad. Hey, Shep, you know what? I want to I want to do Uber, Shep. I don't have time, but I want to do Uber.

I'll believe that when I say it. What, that I want to do Uber? Yeah. I like talking to folks, man. That's why you're on the radio. That's why you're a national solo host.

Yes. Yeah, but I like to drive too. I love driving. I love to drive.

I like to talk. It'd be a perfect job for me. Well, you know, it'd be really perfect if we did my show live from an Uber. If you could drive Uber. And I think to make it easy on yourself, instead of worrying about incoming traffic and pedestrians and cyclists, if you love cyclists.

Yeah. Well, in New York City, you got to worry about a lot of cyclists. Cyclists here. I had to drive around some idiot today on Peachtree Street. Oh, geez. That's not fun. But I mean, I mean, that in itself takes a lot of concentration. Maybe the compromise is you do a radio show from an Uber.

God knows you know enough of them. No. Well, I can do that, but I want to drive. I don't want to be no passenger. There would be no show quite like it.

Let's put it that way. What, if I drove the Uber? While you did your four hour national radio show. Oh, I could do it. I could. I could do that easy. Really?

Yeah, I could. You should. You know what? You should. I mean, you don't have like a Comrex or like an I.S.T.N.

You could do it on the phone. Yeah, I do. OK.

It's fine. Obviously, we'll make that work if you want. Where the hell am I driving? I'd have to drive somewhere.

I have to go somewhere. I'm not just going to drive around 285 in Atlanta for four hours. Right, right, right. It'd have to be like a secluded highway where there's not too much noise and honking and people screaming.

No, no, we need the yelling in the back. Maybe I drive from New York to Boston, then do the whole show. It's creative. Yeah, maybe. Why not, right? I don't know.

That is creative, man. Yeah, why not? What do you have to lose? You just can't. You just got to have the window up the whole time, though. Oh, well, I know. Some of our callers don't understand that. No, nor do they understand that when I tell you to get off speaker, that means specifically when you get on with J.R., make sure you are off speaker.

Yeah, well, do you also have to tell them, hey, we don't want to hear you on the bathroom or in the toilet? So I would say 97% of people that call the show get it. They know better, right?

Yeah, 3%, no matter how many times they have called, it's going to be the same thing every single time. It's going to be a bad connection. They don't understand that this is terrestrial radio. They don't understand that I'm not looking for a conversation on the phone. And unfortunately, we get what we get.

Hey, listen, it's Friday night. People are going to be doing all types of weird things. What we sign up for? Hopefully not illegal. Yeah, we don't like illegal things here.

Not illegal. Anyway, eight five five two one two four CBS is eight five five two one two four CBS. I'm going to get some of these calls in and then I have to go through. I don't have to, but I will.

I want to look at some own two teams. This was referenced earlier in the show. Just matter of fact, maybe last segment, we had a call to say, oh, I feel good. You know, the Vikings are going to bounce back.

I'm like, man, bounce, bounce back to what? Where were they to start? Even when they won what?

Thirteen games last season. Did you believe in that? I didn't.

I did not at all. So we're going to look at some own two teams. We're going to talk about Mr. Saban and and Ole Miss and Kiffin. We got a lot to do here in this hour, but let's go to Glenn calling from Toronto. You're on CBS Sports ready. What's up, Glenn? Good evening, sir. How are you? I'm excellent. How are you? I'm good. I'm just just almost home from work. And then I'm and then I'm going to then I'm going to introduce myself to my bed because it's been a long day.

OK, that sounds like a good deal. What's up? Yeah, I just want to talk to talk Blue Jays because I'm quietly because basically the Trump has been our like house of horrors. I'm quietly confident that they could actually make make the playoffs and make a decent run with their pitching because their pitching has been ridiculously has been really good. And the bullpen is finally actually since the first first time in a long time is actually very, very good. And if we can get some timely hitting, I think we could do some damage in the playoffs. Who who would you say is leading the charge for the Toronto Blue Jays in the pitching department?

It's difficult because I think there's at least two or three. I could coochie has been really good this year at various has been various has been a lot better. But it's if if Gosman is if Gosman's not if Gosman pitch as well. He is. He is. He is our ace. He is our and he is. We need him to be good in the playoffs if we if we have a chance.

I just I just honestly don't like Manoah is a well, I just don't know. I don't know what happened to him. He's apparently had some some cortisone or something.

So I think I think it is injury related. I don't think that's what he was. What he was. What he was playing. Yeah, he ain't playing. So we even got to think about him.

That's that's my point. Like we can we can look at the Blue Jays and say, oh, my God, the pitching is good. They got a bunch of very, very good pitchers. But yeah, I don't I don't I wouldn't even necessarily look at Kevin Gosman as as being an ace.

I would look at him as being maybe like a two on a good staff. Yeah. Yeah.

But you know what? Honestly, we only need to we only need to really get five five innings. Five or five very strong innings because our bullpen's damn good by Hicks Hicks on the back end. A maze has been really.

Yeah. But you start you start going through the postseason and this is where I think it actually matters. It's one thing to go through the regular season like that. But just say, hey, we're in a postseason game and we got a pitcher who's going to give us seven innings. I think is a lot of pitchers don't go seven Mike.

You look at that last year, last year with Houston, a lot of those didn't go seven. You know, I could be wrong. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Such a great conversation. I understand, Glenn. But a team that does have a quote unquote ace. How about this? The guy who's going to win the Cy Young in the American League this year is Garrett Cole.

All right. And we know Garrett Cole goes into the postseason. He wants to give up home runs.

But having that type of talent per se, you have a leg up. Because as you go through a series, especially as you move on, becomes more difficult to kind of cobble and patch things together, even with a bullpen. And so, yeah, I mean, you can be confident, Glenn, in the in the Jays. I would still take a look at a team like the Astros. I would take them over to Jays in the series.

But that's why they play the games. OK. OK, Glenn, thank you for calling from Toronto. He talked himself out of talking eight five five two one two four CBS.

It's eight five five two one two four CBS. Max is here from Illinois. What's up, Max? How's it going there? It's going very well. What's up? So I'm a diehard Bears fan.

OK. And I want to get into the pressure stuff with you. It does suck. I week one was at the game at Soldier Field with my dad and my brother.

Absolute disappointment. Week three. Where do you think I'm going to be there?

You're not going to watch them get smacked by Patrick Mahomes, are you? Seven hours in the car at Arrowhead on Sunday. Have you been to Kansas City before? I have never been. Oh, I'm excited to go to the city. Enjoy the food.

You don't even have to go into the into the city. Just enjoy the food, man. How's my girlfriend?

She bought the tickets before the season started. I was optimistic. But man, I don't know, man. I'm thinking about hitting that spread at twelve and a half.

But I don't know. Forget forget about the game's going to be an ass whooping. How long are you staying down there? Oh, we're heading down there tomorrow. So we'll be there Saturday night. So we're going to enjoy the city Saturday night. OK. You know, leave one twenty five. So we're going to leave after the game.

Drive back to St. Louis, stay in St. Louis and head back to Illinois. But oh, man, I'm excited. But I'm I'm not excited for that.

But I'm going to watch. Yeah. Some guy that you never heard of is going to be on a receiving end of like three touchdown passes from my homes. Yeah.

Yeah, I know. Man, I hope they do something cool. At least if I can see a field, a cool field rushing touchdown, a twenty twenty two version field rushing touchdown. I think I'll make it through. Hey, I do want to pose a question.

Yes, I do want to pose a question. So you talking about the Niners earlier and you're talking about Purdy and how he's been questionable. And I'm with you on that. What do you wait, wait, wait. Purdy.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Purdy questionable for what? The throw into accuracy. Was that you or is that a caller that was saying that I didn't say nothing about that.

Not me. OK. OK. What do you think if they had fields right now? You think you think they'd be better off than they would be with Purdy right now? What? And a hypothetical if they had taken field instead of Trey Lance.

Well, what do you think that would look like for them? I'm just I'm just spitting. I mean, look, this dude doesn't look like he can consistently throw a football. Yeah, it doesn't have everything to do with the coaching, even though that's what he said. And then he changed his mind on what he said. And now they they all love each other, obviously, which is a lot. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Don't worry about that.

You know what? Thank you. I know you said you don't want to be depressed, but I want to I want to play fields right now.

So everybody can hear a quarterback say something that he should never say, OK? All right. All right.

Thank you, Max. A caller from Illinois here. Here's a young quarterback in Justin Fields. When asked, like, what's wrong with the offense? Why you ain't doing better?

This was his response. You know, could be, you know, coaching, I think. But, you know, at the end of the day, they're doing their job when they're giving me what to look at and stuff like that. But at the end of the day, I can't be thinking about that when the game comes. I prepare myself throughout the week. And then when the game comes, it's it's time to play free at that point.

So I'm thinking less and playing more. OK. And then, of course, he tried to clean up that statement afterwards. And everybody, the coach, the GM, oh, he's not a finger pointer. He's not a this.

He's not a that. And as we have this conversation and I look up here in the studio, ESPN was actually is actually talking about this very game. Eighty two percent chance. ESPN Analytics says that the Chiefs have to win this game. Eighty two percent chance. So, yes, if you're traveling to Arrowhead from out of town to watch the Chiefs and the Bears.

Good luck. Eight five five two one two four CBS. It's eight five five two one two four CBS. Marty's here from Westchester. What's up, Marty? Yes. Good morning, JR. Yeah, go ahead, Marty. What's up? Yes.

We're talking about the football and two teams, and certainly there are like nine of them. Marty, Marty, I got to I got to something. Say something.

Try again. Say something, Marty. Can you hear me better now? No, no, no, Marty. Sorry, Marty.

I think it's like my favorite Martian. That's not good. Doug is calling from Georgia. What's up, Doug?

Hey, you didn't even. What's going on, JR? How are you? What's up?

Doing awesome, man. Good. Yeah, I'm excited about the Falcons. I mean, looking really good.

And I think nothing but positive coming on. And, you know, you talk about fields. Yes, buddy. A couple of years ago, given the Falcons all kind of crap for not taking Justin Fields.

Yeah. I think it's a blessing that we didn't take. And yeah, the Falcons have been able to develop. And that's a credit to Terry Fontenot. He's been able to develop the entire roster. And pretty much the the last piece that needs development is really the quarterback.

And that's it. Yeah, I'm just excited about it. Just love listening to you guys. You know, Shep does a great job. And credit to you guys, man. I appreciate you. Have a great day.

Well, thank you, man. Enjoy the game on Sunday, OK? Yeah, Falcons are going to be taking on the Detroit Lions. So that's going to be a fun match up. Everybody here in Georgia going to be watching that one. I'm going to certainly tune in as well. Eight five five two one two for CBS.

It's eight five five two one two for CBS. Nick. Nick is calling up from Rhode Island.

You're on the JR sport. What's going on, Nick? What's up, man? How are you doing? I'm very well. What's on your mind?

Yeah. So I just want to talk about the Dolphins a little bit and our recent struggles over the past couple of years. So I know we were doing pretty good last year and we fell short because we were playing a third string quarterback in the playoffs. But I got a lot of hope for Tua and the Dolphins this year. You know, we got Tyreke, you know, we got Jaylen Waddle. We honestly, in my opinion, as a Dolphins fan, I might be a little bit biased, but I think that we have the best wide receiving core in the NFL, maybe second to the Bengals. So I really think that we're going to be putting in a lot of work this year. And I think that they're going to finish first in the AFC East.

I think they're going to finish strong, especially after the injury with Rogers. So I just kind of wanted to get your thoughts on that, JR. Yeah, I think. Yeah, well, yeah, I think it's between both they and the Bills. I'm not going to dispute. Well, I mean, you can look at plenty of teams if you purely only want to look at wide receivers.

Then you could go out there and certainly make that argument. But yeah, I can also look at the team that played on Thursday and smashed around the Giants. I mean, the 49ers are not short when it comes to offensive weapons is pretty much everybody. It's a pass catcher, whether it's it's Kittle or Debo or even Christian McCaffrey capable of having a 1000 yard season.

But you can't take away from how dynamic and how fast both Hill and Waddle are. And yes, so in the AFC East, there isn't any real reason outside of the defense that people should feel confident in the Jets without Rogers. Patriots. Oh, absolutely.

Yeah, no, I totally agree with you. But at the same time, I think we finished 10 and seven last year and half of our games are with backup quarterbacks. I really think that we're going to make a massive turn this year.

And I think that we're going to be able to push for, you know, late January, maybe early February, to be honest. Yeah, if they stay healthy, that's that's that's that's a big if, obviously, that's, you know, they got to start somewhere. Mike White, if Mike White comes in like we can't really be trusting that, obviously.

Well, but here's here's the thing. There's so many teams that have, quote unquote, been in front of them in the line right now where Miami would be taking a jump. If I got to think about the past several seasons, the Buffalo Bills are still sitting there. The Ravens are still sitting there. We know the Chiefs are still sitting there. And so if the Miami Dolphins want to go ahead and take a seat at that table, knock themselves out. Let's see if they do it to a has to show through. Oh, he's, you know, in better shape and and he's avoiding hits.

He knows how to take these falls now, et cetera, and so on and so forth. OK, let's let's see you do it for a whole year. Let's see you do it.

We'll find out what you want to do when it's freezing cold. Let's see you do it. So the time is now. So who do you have for week three? JR, the Broncos or the Dolphins? Have you seen the Broncos?

I have. So what do you want me to do? You want me to sit here and tell you I'm going to choose the Broncos over the Dolphins? I want you to boost my confidence right now.

I want you to take the dog. Come on, man. Have you listened to the show? Maybe. Have you heard me talk about that? Have you heard me talk about Sean Payton and the other guy, Russell Wilson?

Yeah, I hear you trashing them from time to time. Yes. So, yeah. So here, let me just be a jerk to you.

I got the Denver Broncos beating the Dolphins, OK? That's my answer right there. I appreciate it, JR. Have a good night. No problem, Nick.

Thank you for calling from Rhode Island. Come on, man. I want and it doesn't mean it's going to happen. I'd love and sorry to my friends in Denver. My apologies. I'd love it if they lose every game.

I'd love it. Here, listen to this guy. I don't know if this is an excuse. I don't know if he's a politician.

This go round. I don't know what he is. But it's Russell Wilson. I'm sorry.

Go with the latter. If it's Russell Wilson, he's going to try to sound politician and diplomatic-like. It's Russell Wilson. And he's going to explain to everybody why the Broncos suck the first two weeks.

Listen. I think we just have to play cleaner in the third quarter. You know, coming out, you know, in the third quarter is a really important quarter, especially when we get the ball. And when we defer, it's a good thing because, you know, we get the ball.

Hopefully the first game we scored right before half with, I don't know, 15 seconds left or wherever it was in the first game. We got the ball back and we that first drive. We want to come out and really excel.

Same thing the second game. We got to come out and excel in that in that part of it. So that's just the focus and be able to do that. That's that's something that detail and all of us doing it together.

Oh, what? Anyway, hope the Dolphins smoke them. It's the JR Sport Brief Show here with you on CBS Sports Radio 855-2124 CBS. That's 855-2124 CBS. On the other side of the break, I'll get to your calls. I have to mention, I must discuss Lane Kiffin and Nick Saban.

And that's what we'll do. So don't move here on CBS Sports Radio. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. Call in now at 855-2124 CBS.

It's the JR Sport Brief Show here on CBS Sports Radio. Yeah, I got something for you folks. Listen, eBay Motors.

It's here for the ride. All the parts you need at the price you want guaranteed to fit your ride every time. eBay Motors.

eBay Motors dot com. Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. Somebody who had a crazy motor. Alex Highsmith. Man, that guy was getting busy. Monday night football against the Browns. He's intercepting passes for scores.

He's creating fumbles to go back for scores. And this is going to be interesting. We got Pittsburgh and Vegas on Sunday night. If only I thought that this was going to be a ridiculously exciting match up and it could be.

It's just you never know. Vegas just got smacked by the Buffalo Bills. Jimmy Garoppolo, if you breathe on him the wrong way, he's going to get hurt. And in Pittsburgh, you know, even after that game, Mike Tomlin was standing around saying, man, we we got to find our mojo offensively, especially with Kenny Pickett. Listen to Mike Tomlin sound like only Mike Tomlin can. We have to get our mojo back. We got to get that mojo that we had in the preseason where we're playing fast and fluid with confidence, individually and collectively.

We've lost that. OK. Where do you get a mojo now? Now, do you get where do you do you buy or you get on? Hey, chef, this is a question for you. Where can you get your mojo from?

Self-reflection. No. Yeah.

No. The gas station shop, the gas station. I'm not aware of that kind of a mojo. They sell it at the counter. I don't know what that is. Oh, OK. I don't know.

I've never bought it, but I heard that's what it does. I don't know. Anyway, eight five five two one two four CBS. So that's Sunday night football on Monday night. We have two more of these stupid double headers. We have Philadelphia and Tampa. That should be good, especially, you know, Baker Mayfield.

He must feel like he's on Cloud nine right now. And then in the second game. Oh, man, can we skip this one? And then maybe not. It might be a good game. You got the Rams in Cincinnati and we have no idea. And why do I say let's skip it? I don't know if Joe Burrow is going to be out there.

I have no idea. Nobody knows if Joe Burrow is going to be playing. Jamar Chase is saying he needs to relax. And Zach Taylor gave an update yesterday and he ain't say too much. Listen to the head coach. You're pretty much still in the same place.

Listen to this. Do you have an update on Joe's status? No, not yet.

Just taking a day to day right now. Will he practice full today? We'll see. I doubt it before if he's out there, but we'll see. It's, you know, soreness is an issue right now.

And so giving him some time is best. And so that's all I'll say about today. Well, Friday, Joe Burrow was throwing an individual drills. Jamar Chase was predicting that he's going to sit out on Monday against the Rams. They're in a damned if you do. Well, they're pretty much damned either way. They're screwed. They're 0-2 right now.

Yeah, they started 0-2 last year. Joe Burrow is running around on a busted up calf. And so what do you do? Do you run him out there to further risk injury where maybe he can get hurt and and miss significant time? Do you rest him and fall further into the hole and have not a chance at anything for the entire season? And I just think that you probably take the risk that he does play. It's up to him.

It really is. They're going to say, hey, how are you feeling? And if he says he's good to go and he can be any type of mobile or he shows that he can't be, they're going to give him a quick hook. I think that's just what it is, because what's the likelihood that they start off 0-2 in two consecutive seasons and then just go on a run last year? What, 10 straight wins at one point and almost Super Bowl? What are the odds that that happens again?

I wouldn't say hi. And so actually, when you start looking through the NFL teams that are 0-2, it gets it gets dicey. You know, we heard from Russell Wilson on the other side. Are the Broncos going to turn things around?

I don't think so. I don't think they're healthy enough. I mean, you got Cincinnati. We got New England. What are they doing? Houston. There's nothing to turn around there. The Chargers 0-2.

What an embarrassment that is. Minnesota, Chicago 0-2, Carolina 0-2, Arizona 0-2. You know, realistically, if there is a team that might be able to fight back 0-2. As much as I hate to say it because I can't stand him, I think he's just a good, very good QB who doesn't win anything when it matters. It's Kirk Cousins. Minnesota Vikings are probably in the best spot. I mean, who cares about New England? They'll be about 500, give or take, and people will be mad at Belichick.

That's just the way the world works right now. 855-212-4CBS. It's 855-212-4CBS. Mike is here from Cleveland. Go ahead, Mike. Hey, what's up? How are you? Good, good, good, good. I like the show. I used to listen to your other dudes you replaced and you've grown on me. Good job, dude. Are you from Atlanta? I'm from New York.

Okay. Hey, what did you think of Mink and Fitzpatrick? You think that was a dirty hit? No, I thought he was playing football. Okay, because a lot of people are saying that it was a dirty hit. Like, you know, somebody went high, he shouldn't have gone low.

Well, yeah, I mean, if you're listening to sports radio... I mean, he was getting stood up. I'm sorry?

He was getting stood up. I mean, it's like a no thing. You're not supposed to go low again. No. So, are you telling me what other people are saying or are you telling me what you think? I think I'm going with what the experts are saying and there's like a low rumble that's starting to say that that thing was not on the up and up.

It was dirty. Well, from what I've heard... From what I have heard from various people who have played the game, it's pretty much split. Right. So, if you're asking... Well, I mean, usually it's either one way or the other, it's not split on something like that.

I mean, that could be a square and a twirl. Oh my God, that guy's unbearable. Sheesh.

I know he's not married to anybody. Oh my God. I wonder what he does for a living.

Geez. What do I think? I don't think it was a dirty hit. I thought the guy's playing football. He's trying to tackle one of the biggest dudes in the NFL at the running back position. He's trying to get him at the legs.

And unfortunately, when you got one guy moving hella fast and another dude powering through, it happens, man. I don't think in that split second he's like, oh, I need to take this guy's legs out. I need to take his knees out. He's trying to hit him in the thigh.

He didn't hit him in the thigh, he hit him in the knee. Game over, okay? Damn. Haven't had a cigarette in years.

It's going to make me want one. Chef, where can I get a cigarette? Well, we've talked about gas stations all night.

That would be the first guess. Yeah, there's one on 14th Street on the highway. I need to go over there.

And according to you, if you go to any other city aside New York, people bum off cigarettes all the time. Yeah, but I got to go downstairs and wait for somebody to smoke a cigarette. Oh, I see what you're saying. I mean, I have a feeling you can make it for the next 20, 25 minutes. After him? He spoke for, I don't know, 30 seconds and he wore me out. Well, listen, that's the type of caller where clearly you're either the first or second person he has spoken to all day. You think so?

I think the first person and last was himself. Well, I tell you what, he doesn't lack aggression. I'll give him that. Is it aggression or just the ability to pause? I don't know.

Both. Anyway, it's the JR Sport Brief Show here with you on CBS Sports Radio. We're going to take a break, get some more of your calls, some that will actually make sense.

We're going to talk about Mr. Kiffin, Mr. Saban before we roll out. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. I just want to tell you, dude, I'm a late night guy. I've been listening to your show for a long time. This is awesome. I want to talk to you. I just want to be a ray of sunshine for you tonight.

Call in now at 855-212-4CBS. And it's the JR Sport Brief Show here on CBS Sports Radio. You know, with everything going on over the weekend is all the football, all of it. There's college, there's the pros, and we talked about Colorado, and we even talked about Notre Dame. And we didn't get into Nick Saban and Lane Kiffin. Lane Kiffin used to work for this dude. Three years under Nick Saban as offensive coordinator.

And now, now it's time for them to go up against each other. Lane Kiffin, I think, I mean, is he going to have the upper hand for the first time ever? Or is Nick Saban going to go out there and, let's just say, whoop his pupils ass? We're going to have to see. I mean, as an overall, and not being at Ole Miss.

I mean, we're going back to 2009. Lane Kiffin versus Nick Saban. L, L, L, and L. Lane Kiffin, man, you got an opportunity this time to actually walk away with a W. Is Lane Kiffin going to do it?

I don't know. He needs to take a few things that he's learned from Nick Saban. And what have been those things is what Lane Kiffin had to say. Things that I learned from him defensively, things I learned from him organizationally, discipline. So I'm extremely grateful to him and he really helped me at a really challenging time in my life. You know, like they kind of say sometimes, I guess.

You don't really figure out yourself sometimes until you're kind of torn down and have to rebuild yourself. And I'm grateful for him being part of that process. Damn, he sounds just as enthusiastic about talking about Saban as some of these head coaches talk about the bum quarterbacks that they have to watch play. Oh, that might be Nick Saban.

No, not really. Nick Saban is just playing close your eyes and pick a quarterback right now. Jalen Milro is going to be back out there after having to stand around and clap. And so Nick Saban actually spoke to Pat McAfee and shared some words on his QB situation. We want our players when these things happen to direct their feelings in a way that's going to help them be better players.

Jalen did that this week and I'm pleased with his performance. He's got nothing to prove. You know, here he's our guy. He's the guy that, you know, I have confidence in and I just had a meeting with him a little bit ago and clean up some fundamental things and watch him play. Okay.

If you got to sit around and debate about who your starter is and justify why they are the starter and what you look for them as a starter or backup, then you don't have no quarterback. Sorry. 8 5 5 2 1 2 4 CBS Alabama not sitting around in that top 10 anymore Ole Miss man. They need to take advantage of this. Let's get some more your calls before we roll out.

Let's roll the Dutchman calling out of Birmingham. Go ahead. I'm just curious here. I miss your nerd and college earlier. I want to know where you stood on that whole situation. I'm a very small shamrock and a big Red Sea.

But then Alabama, but I grew up right by the stadium. So I feel like this is the first time in a long time that you know, we've had a spark my street. I can sit here and feed you or shovel you you know what but the fact is both of these teams have beat the living hell out of nobodies to begin the season. And so it's hard for me to give you a full justification when the games are like 60 to nothing, you know. No, absolutely. I'm excited to see them. Actually have something they got a face, right? That's real competition. Right, right. Yeah, they both haven't faced anybody yet.

And I feel like Ryan days in a spot that he's scared and Marcus Freeman's got fire. Oh, so which way so but if you're a shamrock, you're a shamrock got you. What are you going? You going with Notre Dame?

Oh, yeah. And what's the score there? I grew up 40 minutes from the stadium. I live and breathe gold.

Nothing but gold. How long you been in Birmingham? 10 years. Okay.

All right. How often you get back up there? It's been three years and I was supposed to go this weekend and unfortunately financially I was kidding.

I couldn't say yes, but he might bought me a ticket, but I told him to sell it. It hurts. I was I was up in Notre Dame two years ago and I was trying to get a Uber out of town and I couldn't even get a Uber ride man. Where's the way no, I don't even think South Bend still has you know, they do they do it take you 30 minutes for it to come. And I'm like, where's the Uber? Why what the college students?

It took me a minute to realize all these college students here. They don't need they don't need the drive. They have money already so they don't drive. At Notre Dame, that's for damn sure.

Yeah, they don't need to drive Uber on the side. So hey, good luck to you guys. Okay. Thank you brother. Thank you Dutch man for calling from Birmingham. Heard a squalor from Pittsburgh. What's up heard? What's up JR? How are you doing tonight?

Very well. You know, I'm I was doing very well until I heard that couple callers ago from Cleveland. Originally, I was going to call you about the upcoming game, but I don't even care about that right now, you know, my my boy Minka, you know, if you look at his size compared to Chubb. He was doing what he could to tackle him. He wasn't torpedoing a knee.

Absolutely not. And if he did then he then he's a hell of an actor because he was over there, you know talking to him and and and and I think trying to explain his case, you know, listen her people people got to come up with something to yell about and that's that's real easy to do, you know, you know, I sit up all night. You know, I 29 year Pittsburgh firefighter and you know, I sit up here all night turn trying to trying to stay awake just wake my boys and and man that that got under my skin.

I mean, I just I don't even know what to say about that. Is that a fire like what's that mean? Yeah, so he's on 315 working zone 315 work and truck truck. Let's roll.

You gotta go get a file. What is that about? It's called live radio.

That's what that's about. That's almost like the guy who was getting a ticket. Getting a ticket. No, it's like the guy who called from Baltimore and he works security and an alarm is going off in the background.

You've heard that. But there was a guy who was calling you that got a ticket but got out of a ticket because he listened to Jr. Yeah, I remember that but that's that's different than I'm talking about people who are working not committing crimes. Gotcha. It is a guy who works security and a massive alarm went on in the back. It's one of the bumpers, Shep. Yes, I know what you're talking about.

OK, got it. OK, Ramon is here from Indianapolis. What's up, Ramon? Hey, how you doing, Jaron? Thank you. Well, that was real life radio right there.

Nice. I hope everybody's OK. I hope everybody's OK and I hope that you make it OK. Real quick with the Bears and Fields and being a person raised in the Chicago area, we've seen that go all the way back to my Bob Avelini and Mike Phillips and Vince Evans. And, you know, Jimmy McMahon used to call his own plays. He said Ditko would say one thing and he would call another. So we've we've just had this away for so long. You know, Grossman got to Subo, but it was mainly the defense. Ramon, we're up against the end.

You got to tell me about the real fast. And then and then I like what Washington is doing. I think Eric the enemy should be getting some credit that he's calling the plays now.

They're looking good. I just want to throw some some words out there for Airbnb. Thanks for taking my call.

No doubt about it. Thank you, Ramon, for calling from Indianapolis. Daniel, the Uber driver calling from Chicago. Go ahead. Hey, the man of respect. Thank you. Go ahead.

I don't want to I don't want to have you cut off at the end. What's up? Oh, yeah. Well, I'm just letting you know that we're going to be a surprise for everybody on Sunday at 325. That's what I'm saying.

Didn't you call me the other day and say that the Bears are going to stink the rest of the year now? Yeah. You know what? You know, because they understand what is going on, what's going on now. They understand what's going on. They are themselves. They understand what they're going to do. So I think it's going to be all right. Okay.

Here's a here's an important question that you need to answer me before I have to leave. Did you steal the lawnmowers from the stadium? Was it you? No, I got my lawnmower. I got my lawnmower. Who stole a lawnmower from Soldier Field?

There was a hundred thousand dollars worth of lawnmowers. Who stole it? Oh, yeah. I don't know about that. You didn't see it on the news. No, I don't know. Can we play that real fast?

It seems the kids just keep coming for the Bears. Someone broke into Soldier Field Wednesday night, stealing right along lawnmowers and John Deere Gators. The equipment belonged to a contractor.

The cost of the damage and the equipment, one hundred thousand dollars. All right. I don't want to say it.

Hey, Daniel, I think you did it. Okay, go get the lawnmowers back. No, I enjoy my driving Uber. Okay.

Well, do you do that? You be safe out there. I got to go. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Have a nice weekend. Okay. You too.

Give the lawnmowers back. Hey, Chef, thank you for hanging out. Have a great week. Great week as always, Jared. Thank you, my friend. Have fun hosting tomorrow.

My voice made it. What? Have fun hosting tomorrow. I will. Hey, for anybody who gives a damn, I'm going to be on New York City radio after the Yankees, just telling the Yankee fans to relax and telling them how awful their football teams are. It's the Jared Sportbree Show here on CBS Sports Radio.

You can catch me tomorrow, New York City on the Odyssey app if you're not in New York. But don't move. Don't go anywhere now. Why? Ryan Hickey. He's coming up next.

And Shep will be here when Shep? Sunday, 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. every single week, JR. Yeah, listen to everybody. Because they're great.

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