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CGR WEDNESDAY 020123 David Shestokas Twitter Files Reveal Govt Election Fraud Illinois

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
February 1, 2023 3:48 pm

CGR WEDNESDAY 020123 David Shestokas Twitter Files Reveal Govt Election Fraud Illinois

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War II defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

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That's We thank and praise God that God has enabled us to put the board well here in this community with the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry. And this community is so grateful because now they are getting pure and fresh water in their home and they are doing well and their health is doing good. Therefore, we would like to request all our supporters and Pastor Greg Young and the Chosen Generation Ministry that there are many villages in Punjab, those who are really having big problem of getting pure and fresh water in their villages, in their communities. And if God is putting in your heart to donate anything to do or to put the board wells in a needful and poor villages, then you can directly contact Pastor Greg Young or Chosen Generation Ministry. And we pray and we bless all the people, those who have been doing and supporting this board well through Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry. And this pastor is doing the ministry in this community and please keep us in your prayer. And we are praying for all those who have been supporting to put this board well through Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry. God bless you and God be with you all and always keep us in your prayer. We are also praying for you. Thank you.

And you can see the board well that we have put here and it's giving water for the people. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Alleluia! Thank you very much Pastor Greg and thank you very much to Chosen Generation Ministry. God bless you.

Thank you. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy. And now Chosen Generation where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now here's your host Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. Thanks so much for being here.

Got a great program lined up for you today. Some folks that you may not see elsewhere. I don't know. We'll see if they can get them out there.

But Gordon Knight is a businessman from Canada who has had to flee, literally flee, Canada because of the persecution that he has experienced. So we will have that story coming up for you, bottom of hour number three. Tiaran Rose Mandelberg, T Rose will be with me, MRC and News Busters and Sensor Track. We'll talk with her about the fake news that's going on and the news that's not being covered. We'll get some of those stories out to you. Let's see, Dick Morris is going to be with us today also. Dick Morris and Rick Manning is my co-host. We'll talk about AT&T and Newsmax and more corporate censorship.

And then Michael Austin will be with us. Did you know that there's a bishop that is running around telling people that Jesus was a tranny? Yeah.

He's an archbishop, I guess, running around talking about Jesus was actually a transsexual and so on. So there we go. We'll get into that, my goodness.

All right. Well, I'm very excited to welcome, as we do each and every Wednesday when we open our program up, our resident expert constitutional attorney. And he's the author of Constitutional Soundbites, as well as a new book, not so new now, but still new if you haven't gotten it, a new book on the Declaration of Independence and how that's all playing a role and should be playing a role in what's happening today.

And he's been talking quite a bit since he was listed as one of the 68 in the Twitter files that Matt Taibbi has been exposing. I want to welcome David Chistokas to the program. David, welcome. Good to have you.

Thank you so much, Greg. It's nice of you to mention. Strangely enough, this is a curious world because, of course, as you mentioned, I was tangentially mentioned by Matt Taibbi on the last edition of the Twitter files. And as a result of that, that, curiously enough, I've gotten almost close to a thousand new followers on Twitter since I was denoted by Hamilton 68 as a source of Russian disinformation.

So apparently there's a lot of people interested in what Russian bots have to say. Well, so what I want to get into in this conversation, and you and I have talked about this before, we've talked about the Section 230. We've talked about the supposed separation between what is the government's responsibility to the Constitution versus, and we talked about how woke corporations and the woke were kind of beginning to play out a strategy, if you will, of saying, well, okay, so the government can't do it to them, but we'll get the corporations to do it to them because there's some question as to whether or not corporations are really bound by the Constitution.

I mean, that's kind of the argument that's been going on. So let's start there. And then really, I think what Twitter files exposes is the government holding the puppet strings and corporations being forced, whether it's by DEI or ESG, DEI being the diversity, equity, and inclusion policies of this government, or the ESG, which is the environmental, social, and governance. All of this is these entities are government driven telling commerce, if you don't fall in line with these entities, then we're going to use government force to come in and do something to you. So by extension, right, that seems to draw a legal connection to me. I'm sorry, I'm trying to set the stage now for you to give me the legal constitutional perspective on the commentary that I just shared.

Sure. Let's just start with the first amendment and say the freedom of speech that's attended to the first amendment. The very first phrase of the first amendment is Congress shall make no law. And so that indicates, of course, that in fact the first amendment applied to the government and not to private individuals, private entities. The problem comes when the government employs private entities to do things that the government is prohibited by the Constitution from doing.

The government cannot achieve through the utilization of private entities what it cannot do directly. That becomes the constitutional issue. And some of the circumstances that we've seen during the course of the Twitter follow-ups were as government entities, the FBI, for instance, in communication with private entities and requesting with the heavy hand of government, that is, if you do not follow our request, we're going to exercise our regulatory authority over your other activities. They request private entities to, in fact, censor, block, shadow ban, if you will, lower the speech, lower the platform of other individuals. This is where you now run afoul of the first amendment. And this is where you wind up with a situation of what they call 42 United States Code Section 1983 laws, where you're deprived of your civil rights under color of law, which allows private citizens to sue the government for when the government interferes with the exercise of the constitutional rights. However, when a private entity participates with government in that deprivation of constitutional rights, then the private entity becomes just as liable as if, in fact, they were the government as well, because they're executing government policy.

So the bright line that people try to draw that says something like Twitter is, Twitter or Facebook, Google for that matter, are able to exercise their first amendment rights in terms of not publishing something that they may disagree with, or saying to it that, saying that somebody's speech or some topics are off limits from their platforms, then if they are doing so in the hands of the government, then, in fact, they are, in fact, violating the Constitution and interfering with people's constitutional rights. So let me, as we're going through this, so like, for example, you have, and we're talking here obviously about Twitter or Facebook or social media, but just in the corporate world in general, corporations receive their charters by states, by government. Government says you now have the right to act as a corporation, but in exchange for the right to do so, we're going to require of you that you perform your business or do business in a certain manner or a certain fashion. We're going to dictate for you some of your hiring practices. We're going to tell you that you need to have diversity, equity and inclusion in who you hire. We're going to tell you that you need to have environmental, social and governance policies in how you interact with the public as you sell your product or provide your service. So in essence, while disguising it as a privately held corporation, and the corporation then puts restrictions on their employees or makes demands of their employees, but the reality is is that those, all of that is predicated not on the heart or the will of the board of the corporation, but on the reality that they have entered into an agreement to receive their corporate charter predicated on their agreement to follow these government mandates.

This becomes extraordinarily problematic. You're exactly right. And corporate the existence of a corporation is, you are also correct, is a creation of the law of the state. There are no, strangely enough, there's nothing called a federal corporation. Corporations are in fact preachers or charterers to exist by virtue of state corporation law. And so you're incorporated as a Delaware corporation or as an Illinois corporation, et cetera.

Delaware is very popular because Delaware has very permissive laws in terms of what corporate governments can take place. Some other states are more restrictive on what kind of governance the corporation may utilize. But nevertheless, if the charter is dependent upon the execution of certain kind of government policies, that again ultimately makes the corporation an extension of the government and not a private entity and consequently subject to the strictures of the first amendment and other restrictions on government through the first ten amendments, through the Bill of Rights.

Which protects the rights of the employee as well as the rights of potentially clients or customers doing business with those corporations. Correct. Correct. And so you are, the devil's bargain doesn't actually exist because they try and, I mean, corporations will in fact do that because they want to have the heavy hand of government not on them, but that doesn't make it legal. What happens in reality isn't always complicit with the law and so this becomes problematic.

But what you describe gives you some idea of what the influence is the government has over the execution of private activities that nobody voted on. Right. And of course it also speaks to, you know, when we talk about supporting companies like, for example, Patriot Mobile who has been a sponsor here at Children's Generation Radio. This is a company that has explicitly said we are following our Christian values in how we do our business. And the corporation has that right, by the way. I mean, they can push back to a degree. They can be the one that draws the line and says, no, this is how we're going to do business. And then they can say, okay, we're willing to take on, you know, we're willing to take on that fight or we're willing to take on that battle.

We're going to take a quick break. We've got a lot more coming up. This is a conversation that you're not going to hear a lot about because there's not the time or whatever. They don't give it the impetus that it needs. I believe this is a critically important conversation and I think there's a construct here, potentially, if someone is willing to do it, to take on this battle, to take on this fight, to push back against these, you know, liberal blue state government entities that are trying to basically walk around the constitution to force their citizenry to behave in a manner that is unconstitutional by using a puppet in order to accomplish that task.

And I think that's something we need to seriously take a look at. We'll be back with more Children or CGM at little to no out-of-pocket cost. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe. I was taking the traditional vitamin and mineral tablets.

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Take that bold step and call Addiction Helpline America at the number below or visit My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. Proceeds greatly help U.S. veterans, so please call right now. as we went into that break and and and talking a bit about it and and you said in you know in the break and and and i agree with you wholeheartedly uh but you said in the break that you know and basically you know let the market decide commerce decides people decide they vote with their dollars and i think to a large degree that's that's true obviously you know our patriot mobile as you mentioned is a is a prime example of that and we'll talk quite a bit about that with dick morris coming up when we talk about at&t canceling newsmax on dish satellite but but that having been said there's a large swath of the population that doesn't get the necessary information to know that background for it to make a difference and you just brought something up as we were coming out of the break relative to elections and then your lawsuit and the attack that you're under by news media who again a lot of their readers have no idea who you are even though you ran for attorney general in the state of illinois came in third supposedly um but but but you know even even with that even with a statewide election run and what have you there's a good swath of their readership that likely doesn't know the name david shostokis until yesterday yeah that's fairly accurate uh like i said that i'm that we we do have a lawsuit pending based upon uh the impossibility of the outcome of the election for county clerk in will county illinois and while it's an election hardly anybody you know pays any attention to it's not a small one there was 220 000 votes cast in the election and interestingly enough the basis for the suit has to do with the fact that there is in fact an algorithm that predicts the outcome of each and every electoral distribution on on that election through 310 precincts and yesterday a reporter from a suburban newspaper that's associated with the large chicago tribune did a story on that and as a result of that some downstate people and some other people on some blogs and elsewhere started saying well this is an election denier and he's a loser because he came in uh as you mentioned third you know and that no none of whom clearly read the lawsuit none of whom clearly understood what the concepts were behind it and how it was going on right and because of course it they they are committed to the fact that elections have to be considered fair and square uh they're safe and secure uh and i worry and it baffles me why there's not a knee-jerk reaction that people should in fact question what government's doing as opposed to saying oh we this is we must accept what government's doing well and i think there's something in the premise of what you said was you know it's like i go to the i go to the light switch and i flip it and i expect the lights in the room to come on i expect the electricity to work when we go to the polls and we vote we and we expect when we pull that lever push that button however however we do it you know cross out whatever piece of paper we use but when we do it we anticipate that there's going to be integrity and how in in the mechanisms that are behind that and and and so unfortunately what we have discovered if you've if folks if you're if you're really paying any attention to this and i know you my audience here are and if you're brand new to the program i i welcome you but if you're if you're paying attention to the process of what's really going on here you begin to understand that it's not that simple unfortunately and and this is where elections and appointments and elections and elections and elections have consequences there's an elected individual who oversees the elections who appoints individuals and and as the process trickles down for lack of a better term to the guys that check you in and so on and so on in your county and then and then moving beyond back up beyond that it was elections that put those people in those places and it was the decisions of the elected individuals that that you and i elected that put the people in those seats and then ultimately made the decisions regarding what mechanisms they were going to use computerized or other in order to track and monitor the vote and and so it becomes more complicated and it's not just a matter of flipping the switch and hoping the lights come on or or believing the lights are going to come on um i've talked and and then that is the problem is it is that they you know i don't understand why people in so many areas of their life live by ronald reagan's trust but verify and yet where there's so many folks in the media and elsewhere relative to what the government does tell us that we're just supposed to trust so let's hold that let's hold that thought let's hold that thought because this this really goes back and i'm going to close this segment off because i got to go into a break and then we'll pick it up when we come back but this goes directly into the question that was asked of benjamin franklin purportedly as he came out of the continental congress vote and they said to mr franklin what do we have do we have a democracy or do we have a republic and his answer was a republic if you can keep it impetus on you and i folks back with more after this are you or someone you love struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol and want to be set free from the chains of addiction then call addiction helpline america right now to get the help you need from drug and alcohol addiction to dual diagnosis treatment we provide a confidential helpline to help people like you get sober and live happy substance-free lives with one call you can be on the phone with addiction specialists across the country who will guide you on the next steps to find the freedom and healing you desperately need call addiction helpline america at the number below we provide a confidential helpline to help people like you get sober and live happy substance-free lives one phone call 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all the work it supports four areas of the body cardiovascular health immune health anti-aging and healthy cell replication vibe is available in a 32 ounce bottle for home use or a very handy one ounce travel packet for life on the go the first time i tried vibe i had more energy in about 20 minutes i started thinking clear even believe i slept better get yours today at coupon code chosen gen radio at checkout and receive 20 off your first order of 50 or more that's coupon code chosen gen radio get yours today these statements have not been evaluated by the u.s food and drug administration nico products do not treat reduce cure or prevent disease did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer visit to support chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation now back to chosen generation with pastor greg and welcome back to chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses i'm your host pastor greg my very special guest david schistokas and uh so david um well you know we're we were talking again as we went that's perfect uh it it's all cleared up uh we were talking as uh as we went into uh to that break um you know again about going back to the elections and and it really falling on on us um let's transition into the lawsuit and and so people know what this lawsuit is about what is the crux of it and and uh and we can kind of dispel uh the the the disinformation that media is putting out? John Ligato Yeah certainly there's that it involves an election um about three quarters of the way down the ticket in will county illinois involving the county clerk's office and strangely enough the county clerk is in fact the one that is in charge of running the election in in that in the county uh that's typical not typical that's standard around the state of illinois that the clerk's office uh is of the county is in charge of running the election and a curious there was a curious anomaly because typically when there's a as you get down the ballot uh vote voting participation drops off that is uh you know people vote at the top of the ticket when it comes to governor and other statewide offices and the further you get down uh because there's less spent on it there's less there are less uh there's less media coverage uh people know less about the office or the candidates people participate less in that and this was very strange in that the county clerk uh candidate for um the democrats in will county got more votes than the governor candidate for the democrats that has got more votes than JB Pritzker in the uh in the county of will county illinois and we thought that to be rather strange and so uh there's uh we sent this out to uh some mathematicians and statisticians including uh professor walter dory um professor emeritus of statistics and computer science from texas a and m university and uh professor dory and another fellow that i would characterize as a data savant uh mr edward solomon uh came back and described for us that there was in fact an algorithm that predicts the outcome and the distribution of the vote within every every precinct all 310 precincts of the election for will county that this and and to be clear so so so what i'm just trying to create a so i repeat back to you please what i what i'm understanding you to say so these first of all here we have an an understanding that within a within this county situation you you have x number of of total voters that go to the polls to vote and oddly very oddly you have the county clerk in that county getting more of the vote than the governor of the same party right in in the party ticket on that party ticket um which which is rather unique but then because there was some puzzlement and saying this is really strange we asked some mathematicians to do a mathematical statistical analysis across 310 precincts and when they did the analysis they found that there was a corresponding algorithm that revealed itself statistically across all 310 precincts in other words the same end result the same algorithm the same percentage number basis happened in 310 precincts all across illinois which is statistically nearly impossible not nearly impossible greg actually one of the exhibits in the uh one of the exhibits in the lawsuit is called the miracle of will county and in fact describes what you described and says and not only but demonstrates that it's not nearly impossible that it is uh so impossible as to be the probability is to be in the trillions uh one in x number of trillions for this to actually happen for this to actually take place to happen but to happen by to happen by natural happenstance is is is an impossibility it it there there there's only one way for it to happen and that is is that it had to have been something programmed into the computer into the voting machines so that they distributed the incoming votes and and this is you know i can tell you as as somebody who's been involved in the grassroots side of this we've had i've heard presentations and we've had presentations here in texas about this same kind of anomaly and and basically it you know it goes back to i i don't remember who the famous person is that said it but uh you probably will know david but you know it it doesn't matter who casts the vote it matters who counts the vote yeah that's um that's um latimer uh it's very very well known that may be why i blocked that i'm not sure maybe that is that who indicates that it uh the most important election is the in fact the person that counts the votes uh you know they're the one that has the determination of the outcome and that's the that's the principle at work here yeah and and it's very strange and it's unusual that you know i i just find it very very curious that rather than read the lawsuit and try and try and put your put your mind around the concepts that is and are involved in the lawsuit people just go out and say oh you're crazy uh this is uh you know you're some sort of election denier you would think that generally speaking people that are interested in seeing to it that our government accurately reflects uh the will of the people that um everybody people would be on board to question how the government measures the will of the people well the other piece about that is is we you know i mean you can take this into into another uh area but when you talk about you know the cdc and the fda specifically the the cdc coming out and the things that they've said about this virus about the vaccines and so on um you know i mean they're they have they have been changing their variances changing their opinions fauci who was in charge of all of this i mean the evidence is overwhelming that he misled us uh that that that you know it astounds me that people you know when we're in this situation now where everybody's getting apparently taking sides between the vax and the unvaxed and uh those kinds of circumstances i don't understand why there's a side it seems to me people should be able to decide for themselves uh what they what they choose to do it shouldn't be that any sides and the fact that my and my personal situation as you know a couple three years ago i had my own near-death experience as a result i have a cardiologist and in the spring of 2020 when the vaccines were out for just a couple of months three months at the time i had the cardiologist asked me said are you going to be you know getting it taken getting back sit vaccinated and i asked the doctor i said doc these vaccines have been out and around for about three months he says that's correct i says can you assure me that there will be no adverse effects at four months after having taken the vaccine the doctor says no i cannot give you that assurance i said in that case i said i'm gonna pass that and it wasn't a political decision it was had nothing to do it just had to do with my own view of what the assurances i felt i needed before i would be comfortable in uh participating in in the vaccination program why it's become some sort of political thing is beyond me that just seems to be a reasonable question that reasonable thinking people should have asked and and i and yesterday tom havaland retired major tom havaland was on he's he's done some follow-up on on sudden death and and done a massive study statistically talking to the embalmers all across the country but in addition to that he's also developed because of his background some some psychological analysis of of of the very thing you're talking about and he came up with you know isolation uh the lack of purpose anxiety over an unknown uh floating anxiety because people don't get it don't they don't know we don't there was a sense that we don't know what it is we're dealing with we don't know what we're fighting we don't know what the battle really is we just know that there's a that there's an issue going on um and and you know and that this has created this mass psychosis to a degree that has created the fear in people and so i think part of the sides was is well if you didn't take it then you're you know you you're you could make me sick and there was and of course we discovered afterwards this goes back to the conversation about the government telling us truth or lies we discovered afterwards that in fact it was the people who were vaccinated that were suddenly showing up and they were at the highest rate of infection and with this newest most virulent uh kind of covid whatever it is dr mccola was on my program last week and said the people coming into his clinic are are showing signs of a more virulent virus and that all of the statistics are showing and the cdc is saying if you were vaccinated you're more likely to get this new strain and we'll be back to talk about uh again you know the the going back to the constitutional questions that are associated with this and our rights again and we'll talk about the ninth and the tenth amendment and i love david when we talk about this because again we talk about who has rights who has powers and and folks this this is this is how we answer the question that was asked of benjamin franklin and why it falls to us we'll be back with more right after this hi i'm tim shep a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years i went under issue to a product that changed my life the product is called vibe available at i thought i was on a good nutritional program 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biblical class you can support chosen generation and make a tax deductible donation by visiting and now back to chosen generation with pastor greg look i am for marriage between a man and a woman i am for life from conception i am for following the bible and i believe that our founders started this nation on biblical principles i am in support of our military and believe that america should play a role in world security i believe our constitution was intended for a moral people and that the bible contains the only true moral code i believe we are all born sinners and that god in his grace and mercy sent his son jesus christ to die for our sins and that if we will confess our sins he is just and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness i believe salvation is not just accomplished in a little prayer but it is found in how that transformation is lived out jesus is to be the lord of our lives and we should follow biblical precepts this is not legalism or works but a life lived out in love and honor towards the one who died for my sins faith without works is dead and is no faith at all i believe that we will fall and that we need to have a repentant heart and that god will ultimately bring us into perfect action through jesus christ spirit man perfected and soulish man in progress i believe that we are not to live in guilt and shame when we fall but we repent and get up and move closer to jesus i believe that if our nation will repent and turn from wickedness that god will heal our land i believe that as a christian i must occupy until he comes and that to call evil wicked and to warn about those evil acts is a part of the mandated christianity that to love also means to be willing to take the risk necessary to confront a friend with the truth in hopes that their heart will be turned because their life matters even if it means in that moment they will possibly hate me it means that i must risk scorn to stand for truth and that i can never sit silently by while evil attempts to conquer the world god is my everything and jesus is the love of my life that does not make me weak but strong not silent but bold and not fearful but courageous therefore if you are my friend while we may not fully agree know that i share what i share because i care if you strongly disagree with these beliefs they are not debatable for me and you can if you choose unfriend me i do not say this in anger but in love i wish for you eyes to see and ears to hear that jesus christ is the only way to salvation and that god not man gets to decide what is truth life and the way god bless you and welcome back to children generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical classes and my very special guest is david schistocus uh so david we're we're talking about you know to a degree this this idea of the of the disinformation that that that goes out the responsibility of us as as people and and i want to do i guess kind of come at this now in our in our final uh segment with with the positive with a positive solution which rests with you and i and and what are our constitutional power is if you will which is found in the ninth and tenth amendment talking about rights yes and that's of course uh something that we've talked about before and i think it bears repeating because uh you were mentioning um education things like that what you didn't mention is that a basic principle of advertising that people have to see something 10 11 times before it becomes part of their knowledge sure so um repeating uh issues regarding the ninth and tenth amendment are very very worthwhile uh the tenth amendment of course reserves to the states whatever powers or whatever governmental authority is not granted to the federal government by the constitution and the ninth amendment also indicates that the that people have rights that belong to them belong to people not the not the government and the fact that the first ten amendments outline rights doesn't mean that that's all the rights that people have and so that's i think it's a really important distinction to understand that people have rights the government only has authority that's granted to them by the people and so we should we should you know the whole misnomer we've run across this folks say states rights states have no rights states are only people have rights only people have things that are given to them and and frankly only individuals have rights there are no rights there's not rights in them in a particular race there's not rights in a particular income group there's not rights in a socioeconomic standard there is a right in an individual to have free speech to freely associate with others to organize petition the government to practice their religion and that's yeah and that yeah and that speaks what you just said too about the group side of this really speaks to the danger of us continuing to talk about strictly democracy because a strict democracy is more about mob rule it suggests that it is the rights of this group this majority this and and and and subsequently then the right of the individual becomes trampled i i you know we were talking in the break about you know the the some of some things that i had had watched relative to uh you know deviance and degeneracy and what have you um being identified and i talked about this hook in the program yesterday but being identified as a press as the appropriate thing and the person who was calling those things out as being the bad guy in the situation and and there is and and then we were talking about critical thinking and that was kind of how we got into that common sense and critical thinking and that common sense and critical thinking are something that are not taught today so so a lot of folks come out disarmed with the ability to be able to process these things with critical thinking in mind and and common sense kind of gets tossed out the window yeah you talk about education and i went to a private catholic grammar school and we even in grammar school had courses in what they call logic uh you know that they actually teach uh understanding syllogisms if this then that and how do i determine faulty how to see faulty syllogism how to see when they're when things do not relate to one another and yet they're fault they become faulty arguments and we do not teach people to think uh like that we teach them these days unfortunately they're taught to accept and if you are not if you do not accept then you are attacked and that's like this like full circle to the election lawsuit and and some of the recent attacks that have been on me for filing that uh calling me a loser and an election denier and etc as opposed to let's analyze the arguments and let's talk about the arguments and let's believe that in fact the most important thing is that we determine accurately the consent of the government as opposed to saying well you just have to accept what the government says is how we determine it and that's our problem yeah well and and and you know it and i it's interesting because on the one hand you you're you're you know as you suggested in the break talking about reagan right trust but verify and we want to hope that we can trust uh those that we have placed and and i think we have to change our perspective of how we see government government is representative that that has to be at the forefront of our mindset they are they are not the authority the authority is us because we're the ones that hold all of the rights we give them the ability to represent us and their sole purpose their whole purpose is to defend our rights government was created in this nation in this country for the sole purpose of defending the rights of the individual and one of the key components of that is this issue of elections if we don't put the right people in place that understand their their sworn duty to defend our rights we're going to be in trouble david justokas has been my guest michael austin coming up right after this a bishop running around suggesting that jesus christ the son of god uh is is trans that that's that's what he has said that that he actually was trans uh folks it it you you couldn't you couldn't write this stuff anymore radically david thanks so much for being with me today want to again remind folks constitutional sound bites you can pick that up and also you can get his book on the declaration of independence and how that was created and folks you you you can't do one without the other they go together we'll be back with more chosen generation radio coming up our number two straight ahead my passion is the fight for freedom my father fought for a world war ii defending our country today we are no longer fighting with guns instead we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights i am patriot mobile that was a shooting gallery up there i could hear the trombone in his voice she suffered a very severe being the the video is is pretty graphic justice for us seems almost impossible it's not fun to watch somebody die and they knew she was in mortal peril they had not asked the hard questions why was the capitol intentionally insecure that day the fbi had information about security concerns before january 6th they're out for blood and they're getting it they appear to be winning were the actions of the capitol police out of line were there violations in use of force now i describe it as an inside job ready to do whatever god calls me
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