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David Shestokas discusses the new California Bill that legalizes child trafficking under the guise of Gender affirming care

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
September 21, 2022 2:13 pm

David Shestokas discusses the new California Bill that legalizes child trafficking under the guise of Gender affirming care

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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September 21, 2022 2:13 pm

Texas is being invaded and the constitution has provisions for that. How does Texas invoke those protections? Christian Coffee Company has its first amendment rights taken by a government run hospital.


My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.

And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical classes. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here.

I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day. And my, my, my, my, my, no, that's, that's not, that's not Tim. That's, that's David Shostakos up there in the corner. And we will, we'll be talking to David here in just a second. Want to let you know I've got a great, great, great program lined up. Dee Dee Logison is to be with us today. Save the Persecuted Christians. Tiaran Rose Mandelberg will be with us today from MRC and News Busters.

Also, joining us on the program today is going to be Craig Deluse from Project 21 Black Leadership. We'll talk about refunding the police. We'll also talk about the gun registry, ISO.

We, we, we brought this story up, and then it kind of settled out, and then nobody's covering it. But the ISO did in fact pass on the 12th, which would be just over a week ago, new regulations, new categories, so that credit card companies can identify gun sales and ammo sales. So now when you go into a store and you buy a gun or, or ammunition, there's a specific ISO code that will be transmitted to the bank that will be attached to your name, to your credit card. And you will be, that is a registry. And the ISO just passed that, that's the International Standards Organization. And so all banks now follow ISO. And that means that every time you use a credit card or a debit card to purchase a gun or ammunition, it will be the requirement of the seller.

To now register that under that particular ISO that the sale won't go through without them identifying it under that ISO, which associates your name with a weapon and ammunition, and for all intensive purposes puts you on a registry. We'll talk about that. We'll talk about refunding the police rather than defunding because defunding the police is not working and everybody knows it. We'll talk about the EV and why that is failing.

Hilarious. Just a weekend before last, California came out and they passed a bill that said that by 2025, I believe it is, there will be no more gas vehicles allowed to be manufactured in California. And oh, by the way, please don't charge your car this weekend.

We don't have enough electricity on the grid. Yeah. Okay. Oh, my gosh. Am I glad I got out of that state.

Those guys are nuts. All right. Joining me now, our constitutional originalist.

And my goodness, do we have a lot to try to cover in the next 50 minutes. I want to welcome to the program, my dear friend, David Shostakis. David, welcome. Good to have you. Thanks so much, Greg. It's great to be with you. It's good.

Like I said, every Wednesday, it's the highlight of the middle of the week. Well, so we're great for that opportunity. You mentioned something about refunding, refunding the police. I'm not, we're in such a dangerous situation regarding that.

I don't know that it matters too much. I was speaking the other day to a friend of mine who's a sergeant with the Chicago Police Department. And they are authorized by statute of ordinance and law. 16,000 sworn officers for the Chicago Police Department.

The number that exists right now is 4,500. And they are leaving. They are not coming back. The recruits, the recruitment is well below the attrition, obviously below the attrition. But they are actually almost 12,000 officers below the officers that are allowed under the law. They don't even necessarily, they don't have to refund. The funding is already there for at least when we're talking about this situation in Chicago. They will not because, of course, the city doesn't have their back. Any time they turn around, they're prosecuted, not the state. They just announced some felony charges against a couple other officers that were involved in an incident where they were in fact shot at and they got charged relative to you utilizing their weapons. It's a very, very dangerous circumstance.

So the refunding situation is going to be very, very difficult to make come to fruition. That even if you refund people, you give more funding to these law enforcement organizations, they're not recruiting. Well, they can't. They can't recruit because you've got an entire generation that has been told that America is evil, America is racist, all the police are bad. I mean, what's happening with the FBI, what's going on with the FBI has left a bad taste in everyone's mouth when it comes to law enforcement figures, unfortunately. And then on the street level, when you start saying that, you know, well, police officers are all racist and they're all bad guys and this and that. I mean, you've created an environment and then you wonder why, you know, you get some of the reactions out of officers that you get. Well, they are, I mean, you'd have to be blind to be a police officer, put on a uniform in the morning and not believe that at some point you're going to interact with someone that wants to kill you.

Yeah, no, it's a dangerous situation and I had this talk for about 45 minutes and of course, it's all areas of law enforcement too, not just the guys on the street, not just the guys that are doing those kinds of things. When I applied to become a prosecutor 30 some odd years ago, there were 20 openings with the Cook County State Attorney's Office. There were 2000 applicants. They were the most sought after jobs for new attorneys because you could get into court, you could do good, you know, it was just a unique opportunity to wear a white hat in the law, in the legal profession. Right now, the State Attorney's Office in Cook County has, from what I understand, about 150 openings. From what I understand, the Will County, which is the Joliet Southwest of Chicago, they've got a tremendous number of openings.

I've just been offered jobs in two other downstate communities as a prosecutor at the moment. They can't get people because the prosecutors are being asked to essentially either not do their job or do things like prosecute police officers. And so it's very, very, they're having a tremendously difficult time getting quality lawyers to be in those positions. It's through the whole, it's systematic, it goes beyond the police. Well, and the presumption, too, then is that somebody, you know, that every charge that's brought is prejudiced so that there's some crooked, underhanded deal. And again, as you said, it's weighted that the criminal knows that everybody's going to assume that the system is framing them. And, you know, I mean, that, man, that just, I mean, it creates a danger. It's like having, I've said this, well, you and I talked about this, and I don't know if you used this in your speech, but I talked about, you know, it's like having an employee handbook. The reason that you have all that is because of the fact that you have employees that you're not going to be able to trust, that aren't going to do their job. And so you have to have something written so that you can deal with their inappropriate behavior that is a danger to your own business.

But if the presumption becomes that the employer is somehow doing something underhanded and you tie the hands of the employer relative to disciplining their own employees, now you ultimately, you've just destroyed that business. That company will go out of business. It will be over.

It will be the end. That company will go out of business and we now will have institutions that were respected and were the pillars, if you will, or the underpinnings of the civil nature of society going out of business. Because you can't recruit people to do the jobs. And none of those jobs really paid very well.

When I was the first prosecutor, I was getting about $40,000 a year when a good attorney near the top of their class was starting 80 or 100 somewhere in that range. In a private firm, right. But the value of the job was the respect that you got associated with the job. Actually, I had to carry a badge. And the psychic income and the respect from the community, none of that exists.

None of that exists. So you can't get good people to do these jobs because they don't pay well and we ask people to do very, very important and yet dangerous things. Not that you're a police officer, but actually I went to crime scenes and did investigations and interviewed dangerous people at the scenes of crimes. And there's actually specific laws that keep prosecutors' information from being out in the public because bad people can go after them for trying to put them in jail. Absolutely. Well, I was a private investigator, so I understand some of that.

I had to go through the training classes and so forth when I was out in California. So I have some understanding. Yeah, so they can start throwing money at this stuff to do something about it, but it won't do much unless somebody stands up and says, you know, these people are important. They do important work for us. We need to respect them. It used to be young boys wanted to grow up to be policemen and firemen, you know, and other service, elements of service industry.

Shoot, I had toy army guys, you know, and whatnot. But this is all, you know, I mean, we could tie this into this is all part of the of the communist agenda, which is to break down all of our institutions, to destroy them in such a way so as to again cause America to implode upon herself. Because, you know, going back to the Constitution, the Constitution is arranged in such a manner so as to guarantee freedoms, liberties and rights. And as our founding fathers clearly understood and clearly stated, without the proper moral base, without the proper moral foundation, all of that freedom and liberty is going to turn into anarchy and lawlessness, because the good laws are only good for good people.

Well, there there are no good people as a minister, I can tell you all for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. It's in our nature to do selfish and evil things until that nature is changed by an encounter with Jesus Christ. That's what our founders understood. And that's why they spoke about morality. And that's why they based all of our laws and our rules on a Christian foundation. We're going to take a quick break. We come back. Newsom wants to legalize child trafficking.

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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation by visiting And now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses.

I'm your host, Pastor Greg, my special guest, David Shostakos, our constitutional originalist. All right, let's get to Newsom and the California law because this is this is a big deal. The House and the Senate in California have passed a law that essentially says that if a if a young person has is convinced that they want to change their sex, the bill declares war on parents throughout the country who don't want their children sterilized because of their gender dysphoria, a condition that resolves itself in most cases after a child reaches adulthood, according to Greg Burt, director of Capital Engagement with the California Family Council. Senator Weiner thinks he's making the state a safe haven for kids, but if passed, he will turn California into a threat to every family in the country.

SB 107 is the bill. And David, it essentially takes away the rights of parents, and it says that the state of California can, in fact, take take your child from you and and hold them. There's a provision in there for for temporary custody, but it does no no limits on it. And the state can then take control of that child and start them on the drugs and convert them while the parent supposedly has no rights. And outside any outside agency, state agency from the state where the where they came from, according to this law, will supposedly have no power to issue a warrant or to extradite that child back to their home state. Yes, well, of course, that law, if you call it a law, if it were to pass, theoretically would not have any would not have any legitimacy on two counts. One is, is that there's something called the Uniform Interstate Child Custody Act that governs, to which at the moment California still remains a party. That's an agreement between that between states to, in fact, return children to their parents when the child when the child is found in those states. California would still be bound by that.

But of course, there's nothing no reason to believe that California won't won't simply ignore it. Then we wind up with the other situation about the United States Constitution, called the Full Faith in Credit Act. Full Faith in Credit Clause, excuse me, where one state will give effect to the official acts of another state. And when the official acts of another state include custody that's been awarded to a particular parent, then the state where the child is, is bound to, in fact, give effect to the order of the other state when it comes to things like child custody. This proposed law, which apparently Newsom has yet to sign, runs afoul of several things. But even though it runs afoul of it, we have, of course, have the problem because California winds up having their own troopers, their own police, their own courts, and when that is very, very difficult for a competing state or a competing parent to go into a California juvenile facility and get their child back.

Well, here's the other part to this that seems to be the most dangerous piece to this. You know, remember that you had the Supreme Court made a decision about a year, I think it was a little over a year ago, where they changed, I think it's called Title Seven, where they, where they, where they elevated sexual orientation, right? They reinterpreted what that meant, and what they thought that the founders, that the guys who wrote this Title Seven in the 1960s, well, you know, sex meant, you know, sexual orientation. And so they elevated sexual orientation to a, to a, to a, to a class.

Yeah, its own class. Okay, so what this, what they're saying that this bill does is it, it elevates gender affirming health care to a special class. So therefore, if, if the child is now under the care of someone for gender affirming health care, and someone comes along and tries to attack that or take the child out of that, that special class now supersedes everything else. Yeah, no, it puts the state of California into the kidnapping business. That's what I think. It makes, it makes California a child trafficker, it makes California a kidnapper, it makes them, puts them in violation of the United States Constitution.

This is, this is the problem. California obviously becomes lawless. They, they call it a law, but they, they're becoming lawless through their legal system. And, and it becomes a really difficult problem, like I said, because as a practical matter, if you've got a parent from Nevada who has a legitimate custody order, or is in fact just simply a legitimate parent based on the birth certificates through the state of Nevada. Traditionally, not traditionally, by both the full faith and credit clause of the United States Constitution, and, and the interstate contacts to execute that, California is duty bound to turn that child over to that parent. California doesn't care. And well, and now this changes that by suggesting that this gender affirming health care is a higher law than the one you're talking about, and therefore they're bound to support it and protect it.

We'll be back with more after this. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I went under issue to a product that changed my life. The product's called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.

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Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. My very special guest is David Shostakis, our constitutional originalist attorney.

And, you know, again, folks, so we so now and I was just explaining to David what I had shared yesterday, which is in just in a very quick roundabout. So you go from a situation where you have this this very left and what I would consider very evil entity that tries to use the Constitution of the United States. And they basically move against the Constitution and they try to institute things and silence people and all of these kinds of things, all in violation. I mean, January six is 100 percent a violation of freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, because there was press there that they suppressed freedom to assemble and freedom to redress your government.

All five of those issues, the entire First Amendment was wiped out on January six. All right. That's being pushed back against. So they said, OK, well. Yeah, we'll give you a little bit of room over there. Now we're going to do it in the corporate world.

We're going to do ESG's. We're going to silence people. We're going to we're going to have corporations that won't hire people, won't do business with people unless they owe this this party line. Well, that's begun to backfire in the fifth circuit court just said, hey, we're calling you on that. And Texas passed a bill.

And and so there's a battle going on with that. So they said, OK, that's fine. Well, now they've got California. And now they've got a state that has instituted within its state powers given to it by the 10th Amendment. An ability to create laws. That essentially impact the other 49 states without the other 49 states having been given.

The proper due process that should happen, because this kind of thing actually is the reason we have a federal Congress and a federal Senate and an actual president of a United States. David, did I did I explain that? I mean, do I am I understanding that right?

You are understanding that perfectly well, Greg. And as we were saying earlier, there are several constitutional provisions that this approach of California runs afoul of. But as a practical matter, if California decides to enforce these matters, it's very, very difficult to work against it. If they actually take custody of this child, how does how does somebody go in? If the California court is enforcing California law and they've got the California police outside the whatever, whatever level of law enforcement authority is there, if they've got them outside the facility where the child's kept.

What is that? What is a Nevada parent supposed to do, an Arizona parent, a Texas parent? What are they supposed to do? They can go to federal court and try to get a federal order. But then how long is that going to take? The idea of the Constitution is for, in fact, to be a safe and cooperative and work with and recognize the laws of each other as opposed to as opposed to trample on the laws of your sister states.

And this is it's the break day. It is literally the breakdown of the country. California may as well succeed when they do this. Well, I was just going to say so this so this also then ties into, to a degree, the conversation I wanted to have with you with regards to Texas and the First Amendment or the article one, section 10, which which basically well, let me let me let me let me pull that piece up that I was referring to.

No state shall without the consent of Congress lay any duty of tonnage keep troops or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or combat with another state or with a foreign power or engage in war unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. There's other pieces of this that are that are in front of that, that that are the some of the things that you're talking about relative to California. My question is, on the Texas side, we have an invasion at our border, we have 8000 people per day, that we know of coming across, that does not include as Victor Avila has said right here on this program doesn't include those that are being smuggled and it doesn't include those that are basically going unidentified, that they have a pretty good idea what those numbers are, and it's at least double that number per day.

Okay. So we're talking, you know, anywhere from 16 to 20,000 people per day, coming into the state of Texas. And mind you, every single one of them, even these 8000 that are counted, are coming illegally. It's an illegal entry into our sovereign state. Yes, and because of those provisions that you're talking about, the provision in the Constitution that you talk about is actually designed to limit states from getting involved in military matters, and assuming that the federal government does in fact effectively defend the country and its borders. Currently, of course, the federal government is not defending the country and its borders, and Texas, as a practical matter, is in fact being invaded.

And the problem is, of course, the historical understanding is that invasion is something that's conducted by a nation state with an army, and that's kind of what people think of when they hear the term invasion. But as a practical matter, at the very least, the nation state of Mexico is approving of this, if not facilitating. So with the approval of Mexico, I would suggest that it is in fact an invasion, and that Texas does have every right to defend its borders with force if necessary. And so because the federal government is not doing it, because there also is the provision, unless the danger is imminent, that it requires action without delay.

And I would suggest that it does in fact require action without delay. Something else, too, I was going to see if I could look it up, but there's a big deal going on right now about the fact that Florida flew some people out of San Antonio. And by the way, we'll cover this with George Rodriguez this next Monday regarding the sheriff of Bexar County and his declaration that he's going to start some kind of investigation into Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida.

And I'm just going to make this statement very quickly publicly, and that is this. George Rodriguez has up on YouTube, El Conservador, his report directly across from the San Antonio immigration center, there are prostitutes prostituting. These are women who are being forced into prostitution out of the immigration center in order to be able to pay whoever they're having to pay. OK, this is happening in in Bexar County, in San Antonio, across the street from the immigration center that this, quote unquote, sheriff is all upset about. And he's not doing anything about the prostitution, which begs the question, which begs the question, how much money is he making off those prostitutes? I just want to know how much money is he making off of those prostitutes that he's so upset that they're suddenly that their business is being disrupted.

It stinks. And this is a guy that will take your guns. This is a guy that will violate your constitutional rights. This is a guy who has said that illegals are welcome in Bexar County and and created a sanctuary environment for violators of our Constitution. And he wants to go after Governor DeSantis.

But we'll get into all of that with George on Monday. It is, you know, so so to the point, Texas is under invasion. The federal government is not doing its job. It would seem that that that the governor of Texas. Should and and would have every right to make a declaration that we are under invasion. You were mentioning Venezuela. I read something last night or the night before about the Venezuela. What popped in my head about the Venezuela? Let me draw that back for you, folks, was is that there was basically Venezuela was sending very dangerous criminals with very specialized militarized skills. Through the border into the United States.

Who are under the control of of of high level drug cartels? Dangerous people, David. Well, anybody that's crossing. And this is where and this is where it's so much of it goes wrong to begin with. The very first act of crossing is illegal and it's criminal.

So you just you just start there. And that's why it's and that's why it's so long. And some of these things, everybody tries to make them much more complicated than they are or drawn drunk or go to that these are dangerous, specific people. Because they want they don't want to be classified as being anti-immigration or racist. No, then whoever crosses, I don't care whether they're working for the military or whether they're a mother with a child, they are breaking the law at that moment in time. And that is, in fact, a criminal act. And so there's no good reason to not enforce the law. And it's an invasion. And the other thing to understand, too, is it's a humanitarian crisis and it facilitates the prostitution I just talked about.

It facilitates that these women are forced into those kinds of acts because of the illegal status and how they're brought. We'll be back with more. We're going to talk elections after this. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

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I am Patriot Mobile. And welcome back to Second Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. My special guest is David Shostakis, our constitutional originalist. You can find David, by the way, at You can pick up. He's got a book out that is about the creation of the Declaration of Independence, and you can pick that up, and also constitutional sound bites. And I encourage you to grab one and or both of those books and just be informed about how our nation was founded. It's so important for us to understand the base and the roots and how we got here and what we come from and the connectivity between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and how those two documents really work together. They're not isolated. They truly do work together.

It kind of brings a circle from your opening in that respect because they are connected together. You mentioned the importance of the moral underpinnings of society and how they connect. The Constitution, and you mentioned the Bill of Rights, all those things that we talked about. Last week was Constitution Week. We had Constitution Day on Saturday.

I participated in several events and gave talks and several things, and this was an eye-opener for any number of people in trying to understand our document. I mentioned in a couple of these presentations that, of course, the Constitution of the old Soviet Union and the current Russian Federation indicates that people in Russia and the old Soviet Union, and currently in the People's Republic of China, they have freedom of speech. They have freedom of religion. They have freedom of assembly. All these guarantees are written in the constitutions of these totalitarian regimes. The only reason that they don't get along, the people have to enforce these things. The people have to be the ones to say, no, we enforce those, and there has to be a feeling within the government institutions that the obligation of the officials is to enforce those things.

It comes from your heart. You can have all the laws written in the world. You can have all the things on the paper of the Constitution, and yet it still has to have this general respect from people. The general principles have to be respected by people and society, regardless of what the writing is. The writing gives us power. The writing gives us the ability to say, no, this stops. But if there is a general situation where the government doesn't obey it, it's very, very difficult to overcome, because these rights are written into the documents of so many totalitarian regimes around the world, and they just don't care.

What happens to David is that the people don't care. I've talked to my friends who escaped from the CCP, and they talk about that without any kind of faith base, without any kind of God base, something outside of themselves that validates those liberties, those rights, those freedoms. They take what the state gives them. They don't look for anything independent of that. So it's whatever the state gives them. And then what becomes the motivation of that is this.

It becomes all about the money, all about the dollars. They will do horrific things. That's what the guards said. There were five guards that are in the film finding courage that defected from the CCP.

They were the guards that actually tortured the family that I met. And they said, look, you know, it was the money. We were atheists. We had no God. We had no morality. We did what the state told us to do. And as long as they paid us, and they paid us well, we did what they said to do.

The more they paid us, the more we would do. And there was no sense of, you know, you think about moral outrage about, you know, torturing someone or bending someone over a rack or starving someone or beating someone to death. But when you have no sense of the value of a life, and they aren't alive, they would look at you and me and say, you're nothing. You're nothing. And if the state says kill you and hands me enough money, I'm going to kill you because you're nothing.

Not only are you nothing, but they're their own family that they look at is, you know, whether it's their kid, their wife, whatever. There's no one has value. And that's what the difference is, even with a John Locke situation, because again, Locke is holding value out here in the hand, either from man or from God. Our founders said no, it's not out here in anybody's hand. It's here.

It's in here. And if you believe it's in here, if you believe that the value of life is who you are, then you also believe that the value of life is who they are. I believe that the value your life, David, has intrinsic value that God put in there that no one can steal.

No one can take away no matter what. You mentioned one of my books, Creating the Declaration of Independence. There is a section in the book that deals with eight important words from the Declaration where Jefferson described the legal existence of the United States. And that was the law of nature and of nature's God. Those eight words explain why it is that the United States has an existence. Everybody talks about the rule of law, but nobody ever says the rest of that phrase. And it's the rule of law, not the rule of men. So if you're going to have the rule of law and not the rule of men, you have to start with something that is higher than men, that is immutable, that can't be changeable, that's universal, and eternal. And that's where Jefferson started, and that's the whole legal existence of the United States, the law of nature and of nature's God. And if there's one section, if somebody were to get Creating the Declaration of Independence, if there was one section that they were going to spend some time with, spend some time with those eight words, contemplate those eight words, the law of nature and of nature's God, that explains the whole existence of the United States, and that is why people going around that want to overtake the country want to destroy our history, want to destroy our first principles, because in fact, if we understand our history and our first principles, we won't let them do the horrible things that they're trying to do to us. Well, and then that goes, and we're coming into our final minutes here, but that goes directly into who you elect.

And folks, that becomes so important. You want to elect the people that understand this, because they're the ones that will actually do the right job. You don't want to elect people that don't understand the laws of nature and of nature's God.

You don't want to elect someone like a Gavin Newsom who wants to sign a bill that says that we're going to kidnap children from their parents. And we're going to give them drugs that are going to permanently damage and change their mRNA, their RNA, their DNA, their hormones, their entire physical makeup, and we're going to maim them and mutate them. And it's going to permanently damage them. And I was saying yesterday, I remember when even a woman who was facing breast cancer would be hesitant to have a mastectomy, either a single or a double mastectomy, even though she knew there was cancer in her breast, it was still a major deal. Now, we have 11, 12, and 13 year old girls that are being convinced by these radical psychiatrists to have double mastectomies in their teenage years and remove their ability to become a woman. This is sickness. The people that are doing this are perverted and sick. And Walt Heyer Ministries has story after story after story of women in their in their early 20s, who who went through these processes, who are now crying out and saying, my God, my God, my God.

Why were there adults that didn't see what the real issues were inside of me and allow this mutation of my body that can't be undone? It's it's it's criminal. All right. Yes, it is. It is criminal.

And I don't know how that that doesn't compare to the outrage of female genital mutilation that takes place in other cultures when they try and execute that what their cultural norms are in this country. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.

I was taking the traditional vitamin mineral tablets, wasn't really feeling any different. So I tried Vibe. Vibe is an all in one vitamin mineral supplement. It's a liquid multivitamin. It's cold pressed, whole food sourced, non-radiated, gluten free and has no pasteurization. Vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work.

It supports four areas of the body, cardiovascular health, immune health, anti-aging and healthy cell replication. Vibe is available in a 32 ounce bottle for home use or a very handy one ounce travel packet for life on the go. The first time I tried Vibe, I had more energy in about 20 minutes. I started thinking clear.

Even believe I slept better. Get yours today at, coupon code chosenjinradio at checkout and receive $20 off your first order, $50 or more. That's, coupon code chosenjinradio. Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration.

Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. Hi, this is Pastor Greg and you're listening to Chosen Generation Radio. Get more at That's Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glass.
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