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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
April 14, 2022 5:00 am

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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April 14, 2022 5:00 am

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include---1- Matt compares the New Apostolic Reformation -NAR- movement to New Age thinking.--2- What are some good questions to ask when looking for a new church---3- If a church supports the -woke- culture, is that a reason not to attend---4- Does the Holy Spirit draw people to Christ- If so, does He enter that person as they're being drawn or after they have received Christ---5- Can regeneration occur before a person has received Christ---6- What does it mean in John 10 -you are gods.---7- What is meant by the Spirit of Christ in Romans- Is that the Holy Spirit---8- Who would you vote for in 2024---9- Is baptism of the Holy Spirit required for salvation-


The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. If you are new to the show, please Talk about evidences and things like that. So you have questions you want to give me a call Please do last night.

I was on clubhouse for I don't know two or three hours you can go it's an app on the phone. I did some teaching on Roman Catholicism. I went through it's a false teaching of Interesting false teaching on We're all on set salvation. Sorry got several things popped up on my screen. There's looking at things so And Roman Catholicism is not Christian folks.

I mean just flat out. It's not so I've been studying that I got a debate on Thursday night to deal with and prepping on that a little bit. I've also been doing some research on the NAR the New Apostolic Reformation, and I read something last night in a quote in a book And this book I'm gonna open it up and maybe read something out of it It's written by two women. I think there's other authors that have contributed and they The they're in the NAR the New Apostolic Reformation and and inside of the NAR there's all kinds of people and some of the bigwigs in the movement have approved of this book and so I was reading through it's really kind of interesting because of what the authors was saying. I'm just gonna say something here It was really interesting because I'm thinking man this sounds like New Age because of God wants us to be aware of the energy the light the sound the Resonance and it's all New Age stuff and it's supposed to be a book that is approved of by many people in the NAR and So I was reading through and it says The new consciousness was going to transform society. This is talking about the old stuff with a New Age movement and the hippies aligning with positive energies and removing physical mental and emotional blockage to enlightenment the burgeoning New Age movement began eagerly accepting and experimenting with Eastern and Native American religious practices So you can understand the New Age movement is occultic. It's it really bad and so this is what this person a woman Ellen Davies said and one of the authors of the book and said that she then moved to Sedona and She said it wasn't that I wanted to become a New Ager I just wanted to find out if maybe they had uncovered some truths that the church hadn't The strange thing was much of what I saw and heard Embodied biblical principles and can be backed up by Scripture so This is so dangerous. I couldn't believe it and then There's a Anyway, it's it's hard to anyway I'll say this I was familiar with the principle that whenever you see a counterfeit it means a real Exists and that a lie just proves the existence of a truth. So I decided to investigate What was ongoing and bring my scientific background and my faith in Jesus Christ into the mix of? My search for truth. I decided to examine New Age thoughts and Practice for anything precious that might be extracted from the worthless Says at that time I could find not a single a Single Christian leader who shared a similar interest in finding out if there were truths hidden in the New Age now Says now we are beginning to hear more and more revelation that this is in line with what New Agers Have been saying all along and we are hearing more and more All right. Now this is occultism And it was just it dumbfounded me that That I was reading this This book is being Endorsed By people in the Jesus culture the Bethel Church and Reading the Bethel in Reading and in Cleveland. I Think what is wrong with these people? So, I mean that's all it's gonna say really fast was that is an intro open Whoa It is so bad the NAR they accept this stuff Let me tell you folks the NAR new apostolic information is Moving in and through churches and you want to know what groups are into it the Hillsong movement is and Jesus culture elevation Church Wow Some real real caution here needs to be expressed Anyway, how about that?

It's just something in my mind. All right, let's get to let's see cliff from Miami. Hey cliff. Welcome. You're on the air Hey, mr. Slick, how you doing doing? All right, man hanging in there buddy.

What do you got? Quick question about the I'm going through the membership process at a new church Okay And they're pretty solid, you know, they want to master seminary knowledge, but I wanted to ask you ask you To give me if you can some some good questions to ask in the interview process Okay, yeah ask if they approve of women pastors and elders They don't know that one asking if they prove a women deacons They don't good. All right You want to ask if they affirm? That or firm or deny is baptism necessary for salvation If they say you must get baptized to be saved it's a bad church Okay, are you there?

Yeah, okay You want to ask if they affirm or deny the charismatic gifts if they affirm the gifts to what extent? Do they believe in speaking in tongues during a congregation and being out of order and things like that? These are some of the things you want to look at and I have an article on calm things to look for in a church You can always go home.

It's on calm. What things we look for in a church. And so They want to make sure they they affirm the essentials of the Christian faith and I list those essentials out there What the Bible says do you have like CRT and social justice and all that? racial reconciliation on that list, you know what I don't and I Need to I need to add it. I just need to update it.

I wrote this a few years ago You know, thanks for saying that for asking that because I need to do that. I need to update that What would you consider those as I would but correct me if I'm wrong would you consider those like? Non-negotiable like deal-breakers if they can afford it stuff like that. Absolutely. They support that idiocy You're gone because all they're gonna be doing at that point is just Within their fingers seeing what the social Construct is and then just following after that sort of letting scripture lead to the less society and its stupidity lead More specifically, how would you ask the question so I don't get some type of You know, sometimes you can ask a question in the answer where it can be answered This what do you say? What do you think of the woke culture with CRT with the issue of racism? LGBTQ Socialism, what do you say? Just ask them Yeah, yeah And because if they're a firm socialism, it's on socialism is against scripture. It is And CRT idiocy, you know forget that and There's only one race biblically the human race.

We just look different. That's all there is So it all depends on how much they're buying into the idiocy of wokeness so find out See if they say now we don't hold any of that stupidity, you know, I don't think they do but it's never you know It's never like being addressed or whatever. I just need to know if I do I can't Yeah, and you know you could ask things like what do you believe about interracial marriages is homosexuality an alternative lifestyle you just ask these questions and hopefully they'll say things like Homosexuality is not an alternative lifestyle. It's sin and they should say, you know interracial marriage, you know Yes, they call it today. There's no problem.

I mean good good. Okay charismatic gifts Can I be pre-millennial or armillennial? Do you have a position that we have to hold to on the eschatology issue?

They teach full priorism They teach or they promote universalism Or how about this? Do they have unbelievers in the worship team believe? It or not. Yeah, you gotta ask this stuff.

No, I think you have to be able to even do it That's right Yep So good stuff. I'm gonna modify that article and add those last things in there that they gotta, you know Be careful of and stuff like that It's a good for you. Hey, I appreciate a big dog like always Okay You too man, thanks a lot cliff god bless buddy All right You want to give me a call? We have three open lines eight seven seven two Zero seven two two seven six Noel from Virginia.

Welcome. You're on the air Hey Matt, how are you? Oh, I'm okay barely barely Just surviving. How about that?

Nobody else says? Oh, it's all great. Well, you know what I got eight I got abducted by an alien last week and then the feds were at my door and what else? Uh, So my car got stolen and you never hear these things like that Things are going great. So I just have fun. No, thanks for going fine.

So what do you got? All right, um So if the Holy Spirit draws a person to receive in Christ Does the Holy Spirit enter that person at the time? Like as they're being drawn or when specifically they come to faith and receive Christ I know of no verse that says the Holy Spirit draws anybody No, but we do know John 644 you can't come to me unless the Father draws you and then Jesus says in John 12 to 32 he says that if he lifted up from the earth, he'll draw all men to himself.

Now those two out of three. So I'm now I'm curious if I'm gonna do this if there's a verse that might happen or thought about this, you know, if there's a verse that says Spirit draws and I don't see anything that looks like it has that so Let's see father and draw. Let's see And it's a seed because I like to look and see you know, check things out. Yep.

That's right. So yeah, I know nothing of Spirit and and draw in the same verse so nothing there. All right, so You know, no big deal, but it's the Holy Spirit convicts and the Holy Spirit doesn't dwell now, when does Holy Spirit indwell us? Probably at the point of regeneration The Bible doesn't say though. Okay, can can regeneration occur Before the person receives Christ or?

Well, that's a good question. We receive Christ John 1 12 12 and we're talking about is what's called the ordo salutis and there's a broad scope of what that means in a narrower scope as Well, we can talk about it in the context of salvation. So we've got the break I'll talk about what's called logical and temporal priority of the dwelling So hold on and we'll be right back after the break and talk about that If you want to give me a call through up in lines eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six We'll be right back It's Matt slick live taking a call at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six, here's Matt slick All right, I went right look at right back on the air with Noelle Welcome here.

Are you still here? Sorry doing three things actually working on an article? Yeah during the break so Okay, so you're talking about the issue of which kind of comes first, right?

Right. Mm-hmm Yeah, let me illustrate something that we're called temporal priority and then logical priority A temporal priority is when you have an event and then after a bit of time a second of event occurs because of it So example if I were to flip on a light switch and electricity enters into the light bulb and five seconds later the light Then starts glowing then that would be temporal priority where the electricity precedes the light by five seconds That's called temporal priority If however, when we turn on the light electricity is there in the light bulb and electricity and the light are at They occur at the same time Then they're they're simultaneous, but Electricity is logically prior what that means is that it precedes In order to have an effect, even though the events are simultaneous It must be the case that electricity is there in order for light to be there, but they happen at the same time So we would say That electricity is logically prior now when we look at the issue of salvation If we have a believer who becomes regenerate five seconds later That's called temporal priority and that will be a problem because it would mean then That we have someone who's a believer who's also not regenerate for a period of time and that's very public problematic If we were to say the reverse That someone is regenerate and then five seconds later becomes a believer Then that's called a temporal priority in that sense of also That'd be a problem because then we would have someone who's regenerate who's not a believer for a period of time. That's a problem so the solution is found in logical priority in that the the person is Regenerate that's logically prior to belief but regeneration and belief are they occur at the same time But regeneration must be there in order for belief to get there. So God regenerates. He makes people born again first Peter 1 3 John 1 13 1st Peter Yeah And so he does this and because he's the one who does this we then that freely and naturally believe Okay, so that's just part of the issue.

I don't know if it answers your question sufficiently, but Maybe maybe comment a little more. Okay All right, so I was just writing some of this down so basically regeneration and belief are God's work and it happened simultaneously in the moment of belief Yes We don't know how it all works We know that God grants that we believe sleepings 1 29 and we know that our believing in Christ is the work of God John 6 28 29 yet. We are the ones who believe I don't know how those work. I just know that they do so my position is that God reveals that he works faith in us and Yet we're the ones who believe also at the same time. So I don't know how it works, but that's what it is Okay, um definitely gives me some things to study on because This has definitely been Kind of part of my question about like Not this is going off topic and I don't want to go off topic, but I have been thinking a lot about genuine faith versus a false faith, right, but also how a person has like regeneration and belief all in the same time, so Yeah, there's true faith is granted to us by God Flipping to 129 to you it has been granted to believe and As flippin 129 and Jesus says in John 6 29 He says this is the work of God that you believe on whom he has sent Now a lot of people who hear this don't like it, but that's what the scriptures teach I'm just quoting it and yet at the same time we actually do the believing Now this must occur with the work of God who indwells us John 14 23 Who makes us born again first Peter 1 3 we're born again not of our own will John 1 13 So, how does it all work?

I don't know I can give theories But it's God who does this and yet we also actually do the believing So it happens Okay, all right. Well. Thank you. Okay. Oh Have a good day. You too. Thank you. Thank you.

Bye all right All right, let's get to Rudolph from Raleigh, North Carolina Rudolph welcome. You're on the air Yesterday you come to a lady in the shoe, and she was talking about this extension of the one point heaven and oh you were talking to a lady about the ascension when Christ ascended into heaven yes And and she misses some about to me I think she was talking about the two angels that was that that was because In best only come nobody ended with him so and then they said that The disciples apostles were looking up to me Appear yeah, that was appeared after it in Acts 1 9 to 11, right Right okay, so what my question was mm-hmm That's okay Oh, yeah, my question was I was reading in John in 36 or 35 I love with it when Jesus was talking to the Pharisees, and they they were gonna try to stone them and he said that What would work do you try to sell me for and? They would say we will try to sell you for a good work, but of course you making yourself Be God and he said is it not written that That is your God.

What does that mean? He's quoting Psalm 82 verse 6 Psalm 82 is an imprecatory Psalm, and it's an imprecation is a Condemnation and a wish of judgment upon someone to imprecate to wish harm to wish Judgment to wish of strong form of justice to come upon them and so they are called imprecatory Psalms and Psalm 82 is one of them and it starts off by By saying God takes his stand in his own congregation. He judges in the midst of the rulers How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? So what's happening here is the psalm is written to the unrighteous judges? who are in power in Israel and The command is vindicate the fatherless rescue the weak and the needy you're not doing it It goes on in this completely.

They don't know understand. They walk about in darkness, and it says I Said you are gods. This is Psalm 82 verse 6 I said you are gods and all of you are sons of the Most High verse 7 nevertheless you will die like men and Fall like any one of the princes so arise.

Oh God judge the earth for it is you who possesses all nations This is what he's referencing to the Pharisees of the Jews They would know that when he said is about reading your line said you are God's He's condemning them. Hold on. I'll be right back.

Okay, folks. We have two open lines want to give a call eight seven seven two Zero seven two two seven six. We're right back. It's Matt Slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six.

Here's Matt Slick All right, buddy. Welcome back to the show. All right.

Let's get back to Rudolph. Are you still there buddy? Yes sir, I am. I'm listening. You're what?

I missed you. I said I'm listening. Oh, okay So what he was doing is because he had said you gotta understand the whole context In John 8 58 he said before Abraham was I am the pick up stone to throw at him and they wanted to kill him But he hit himself There's no mentioning of stoning until John 10 30 when he says I and the father are one They took up stones again to throw at him and he said many good works the father I've shown you for which of these are you stoning me? They said for a good work We do not stone you but you being a man make yourself out to be God And he says is it not written in your law? I said you are God's So they are condemning him because he said he and the father are one This is a claim of his equality with God and they didn't like that. They want to kill him because in their minds It's blasphemy because to them it wasn't true. Of course. It was true But they didn't know that So they want to kill him because he's claiming to be God they deny that he's God And Jesus then refers to the scriptures and says it's not written in your law notice He says your law not the law or our law but in your law.

It's really interesting. I think I think he's applying that Specifically to them when he quoted that I said you are gods They undoubtedly knew what I believe they did anyway That they knew what the Psalm that was from and it's an imprecatory Psalm where God is condemning the unrighteous leaders But he says it's not written in your life said you're God's. Why are you? What are you getting mad at me for? Because isn't it not said in the law that the judges were behaving like God's being called gods Because they had the power of life and death He says so This is what we have here He's saying why are you condemning me? This is if he called them God's next verse 35 to whom the Word of God came and the scripture cannot be broken Do you say of him whom the Father sanctified and said know the world you are blaspheme because I said I'm the Son of God so It's a brilliant statement by Jesus of course Because what he's doing is saying you're God's right?

But it's a reference to Psalm 82 and if he God called them or the psalmist that is called him God's To whom the Word of God came he's saying this was inspired and therefore the scripture can't be broken Do you say of him talked about himself who the Father sanctified that you're blaspheming because I said I'm the Son of God So he's applying this to them and forcing them to think and to justify their actions in light of the scriptures that ultimately are judging them and He uses it to Justify that they don't have the right to kill him Because he is claiming to be the Son of God and yet they are behaving as gods So who's the one who really should be condemned, and it's them, okay? Yes, thank you very much All right, buddy. You're welcome here All right All right, let's get on the phones with Jose from Texas. Hey Jose.

How you doing, man? Doing all right hanging in there a quick question I was reading while studying the book of Romans, and I happened to I Was looking into Romans 8 9 where it says however you're not in the flesh Anyways, they talk about the Spirit of Christ and I guess I understand there's no two spirits only one spirit, but can you please just Help me clarify like the difference between the Spirit of Christ and the Holy Spirit which I believe you know the that the son is the second member and the Holy Spirit the third member the Holy Spirit, but it just Gets a little confusing that in that part in terms of the Spirit of Christ I well there's different ways we can understand it one is to say That there's a trinitarian nature and essence and the word and things like that But it notes what it says however you're not of the flesh But in the spirit if indeed the Spirit of God it dwells in you now. What does God meant mean here? It could mean just the Father it could mean God is a trinity It says dwells in you well the Spirit of God. We know is the Holy Spirit So, but if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ Then he does not belong to him so the Spirit of Christ I would say is the Holy Spirit because the Spirit of God looks like it's the Holy Spirit, and it's the It's kind of a play on words That's why I think it's going on there Like interchangeable words I guess for the Holy Spirit I'm sorry the one I didn't quite hear you what?

No, I'm sorry. Yeah, it's like like interchange They entertain to the words like the Spirit of Christ and the Holy Spirit Okay, yeah Spirit of God Spirit of Christ and the Spirit and notice there's it was interesting in the verse There's three of them is that a hint the Trinitarian essence you know I don't know But then it says if Christ is in you though the body is dead because of sin well How is Christ in you in John 14 23 Jesus says the Father and I will come and make our abode with you This is where we have mystery in the scriptures in the very nature of God There are things that revealed in Scripture. We don't have understanding of we just believe them So we know for example that Christ is in us, but yet he's also a man So how is it that a man could indwell us? Well when we understand that the attributes of humanity and the attributes of divinity both Belonged and still do to the person of Christ and the nature of God in his divine aspect is to indwell us Then we could say clearly that the attributes of indwelling are ascribed to the single person Of Christ who could then say he's indwelling us So there's it sometimes it gets a little sophisticated and the question you're asking is a really good question But in order to answer it we can't just say simply yes, no Oh, it means this we get into other things that we theologians or the theologians in the centuries have said hey Let's look at this. Let's spend five months looking at one verse and they do that and they come up with things like like Communication of the properties you know which is the communicario idiomatic Related to the hypostatic union and then diethylitism and then the attribution of both natures ascribed to the way they get into these things Not because they're trying to confuse, but because they're trying to understand And so right This is what happened.

Would you uh? Would you affirm that the three persons indwell in the believer? Yes, the Father, Son, and the Spirit all indwell us. In John 14 23 Jesus says the this father and this and I the Father and Son will come and make their abode in you and Here it says if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you we could easily make the case that that's the Holy Spirit Got it Okay Okay, hey, would you mind if I ask another question with the politics? I know you mentioned, I heard I heard you last time Talked about the politics about you're not a of course. You're not a Democrat nor you're a Republican, but once once it comes to like Elections when it was just coming up in 2024 Would you rather I guess vote for the red side or Well, I can only tell you who I won't vote for and I won't vote for any Democrat because I believe that the Democratic Party is evil, and when I say that it's not because I'm I'm angry It's because I've done research on the Democratic Party It's the party that promoted slavery that promoted the KKK It's the the party that was against the equal rights stuff in the 50s in the 40s 50s and 60s And a bunch of other stuff I got it documented and so it's stood in the way of all kinds of good things and it promotes itself by using lies and Accusation, you know I do not understand how any true Christian who understands a Democratic Party Could ever be a Democrat.

I don't get it. I do not understand that it's also the party Yeah, good for you. It's also the part that promotes socialism, and that's unbiblical socialism is not biblical. I've talked about socialism before and what it does and whenever it's it It causes decay it causes death Socialism does right, but then they say no, we'll do it the right way You know the arrogance of people, you know, we're better than everybody else in history.

We've learned our lessons But no they haven't and so this is a problem. So I'm a constitutionalist I believe the Constitution needs to be upheld and I don't believe that Biden. I believe he's an incompetent buffoon Who's in office and that he should have been impeached a long time ago. And unfortunately Harris isn't much better and But at least he's incredibly bad and that the if the people were right and they were decent people they already would have gotten rid of him because he is breaking the law by opening up the border and saying that People can come in illegally and then having them shipped throughout the country and we know that the ultimate reason for this is to get more Democratic votes.

I'm telling you the Democratic Party is an evil party and the Republican Party isn't it's better But not much better in a lot of ways So I'm not either one right institutionalist Yep. Yeah Yeah, no, no, my president is a border patrol where okay Because anyway, so I have some hold on hold on hold on hold on I want to hear about it because I have a friend who's retired border patrol And so I'm interested what you have to say. Hold on buddy. Hey folks. You have three open lines I want to give me a call eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six If I have offended you about being a Democrat and a Christian, that's your problem. You need to repent. Hey, we'll be right back Please stay tuned It's Matt Slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six, here's Matt Slick And right up and welcome back to the show.

I know I offended a lot of people Let me tell you if you want to talk about the Democratic Party do some research online It is it has a history of evil and you need to study it and don't believe the lies the news media is telling you Folks, it's time for people to think Study make decisions based on facts and truth Okay, let's get back to Jose. Are you still there? It's now I'm here.

All right So where were we? Oh, yeah, you're border patrol. Go ahead border patrol, right?

My my cousin. He's a border patrol for the San Benito, Texas downtown in Texas anyways, we're a Mesa Ford Mexican Americans, but we're both citizens and my family members happen to be a little bit disturbed that you know, he works in that area and because you know, I guess for the conflicts of you know a Mexican China cross the border and He's stopping them and you know, and then that being complex like hey, you know It everybody has a dream. But see the thing is the way back my cousin see is it? Hey, they want to come there come legally, you know, or else we have a mess and he sees a lot of things Not just people coming or not just good people if you see all kinds of bad people and people just don't know how crazy it gets in the voter and it just the media won't even cover that I did drugs and Nothing. I think one of his friends got killed shot and killed last week on Because one of the criminals they just jumped the fence like aces. It's laughable the fence not even you know it's it's like it's very laughable how people just can just cross I could kick across it and Yeah, and they're saying that you know, it's a big conflict going on and he says I regret this I kind of I love certain my country says but I kind of just You know, I I was good for this job right now.

It's such providing being a president cuz anybody's taking advantage And it's just like this kind of job. They're just like they're leaving They're just they're actually coming in and going back and those are constant for you. Is that right? You've heard if you're There the people that Yeah, so anyway, well, you know what it's just a That Matt how here's this for something that people aren't gonna like sounds to me like your relatives are racist Because they're saying hey, you can't stop them because they're Mexican Well, what if they were Arabs? What if there were white people coming in from other countries, whatever Is it okay just to come in illegally? The answer is no Come on in legally.

Just do it by the law. That's all we're asking And now they're saying no we need to excuse that have them separate from the law and they can come in illegally because they're Hispanic Yeah Yep, you actually live in San Diego and you know, I speak enough Spanish to get by and I'll tell you there's illegals They're all the time and I understand they're trying to make it and I don't blame them. You know, I don't blame them but The whole area was being affected.

We're being You know everywhere there were stores you couldn't even speak English in because it's just what it was and then I remember talking to people who but been there for years and Never learned the language and you know, come on if you're gonna come in learn a language become Americans. That's all And that's what we want Right. Well, he's mad.

Thanks for the car. And yeah, just what I've got audience keep The border patrols and repairs because they're having the very rough time. They really are one of my board of directors is retired Border Patrol, so he's got stories. He tells me stuff and Yeah Uh-huh.

He's glad he's retired. Yep right But it was mad. Thank you You tell your uh, you cuz I'm gonna tell him and you know, thank you for serving our country till appreciate. Oh, yeah I do all the time. I always text cuz he works midnight and that's where the accident is the action comes, you know at night and You know, it's it's if I would tell you what what happens it just is very I've heard of things that happens in it.

I wouldn't be able to finish this phone call. But anyways, oh, I know I know how the Mexican military has guarded the cartel and drug runners to come over I know what they do to their own people. They put them in I don't the coyotes do Yeah, we can't even mention You yeah. Yep. Uh-huh. Very bad.

It's very very bad and the news media doesn't touch it and Because the news don't the news media is just the publishing arm of the Democratic Party That's all it is Yeah, let's go with the truth, yeah Tomorrow all right, man. Absolutely. Okay, buddy. Okay.

Bye All right You know someone's gonna save this stuff Might as well be me Let's get to let's see Patrick from Charlotte, North Carolina Welcome you're on the air Hello, Matt. Hello My question is is the baptism of the Holy Spirit required for salvation Depends on what you mean by baptism the Holy Spirit Because it's not defined in Scripture So if it's not defined in Scripture, what are we going to say it is and it seems For those who believe in our baptized will be saved but those who do not believe will be condemned So if that word baptism there means baptism of the Holy Spirit, I guess that would prove it would be needed for salvation But what does baptism the Holy Spirit mean? You see the hold on. Let me explain the way Baptism of the Holy Spirit occurs in Scripture is the pouring forth of the Spirit That's what it means The Spirit is poor Mm-hmm You know, have you been baptized in the Holy Spirit? Well, what does it mean to be baptized in the Holy Spirit?

I Think you've proven it with the testimony. No Hold on. Hold on Patrick Patrick Patrick Patrick first things first define our terms What do you think baptism in the Holy Spirit means?

Well baptism of the Holy Spirit is involved with living water and repentance Like Jesus said you must be born of water. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.

What is it? What is defined baptism of the Holy Spirit? It's when you're born again, okay, so what does it mean to be born again? Born again is well you bet my best evidence is your personal testimony when you were on your knees crying You omit that right?

Yes, you were on your knees crying. Okay, you're not you're not telling me what it is So do you teach that you have to be baptized in water in order to be saved? No, I'm telling you gotta be baptized with living water with tears of repentance So wait a minute you mean you are you saying you have to cry in repentance to be saved it's a cry I've heard you. I've heard you say that hold on Patrick Patrick Patrick. Are you saying that crying is? Part of what you need to do to have true repentance and be saved Yes, because of the water Jesus.

Okay, so so Patrick Patrick. I asked a simple question Okay, I asked do you say that crying shedding of tears is necessary in order to be saved? Is that you're saying right? Yeah.

Okay. Can you show me any scripture that says you have to cry? In order to be you know when this happens to be saved John 7 37 to 38 Jesus says the last last and greatest day of the festival. He stood up and cried and said anybody who? Is thirsty come to me and drink forever who those who believe hold on dreams of living? Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on mr. Heretic Okay, I don't want you teaching false doctrine on my show. So I ask you to hold on. I want you to hold on When you say Jesus cried, it doesn't say that he said he cried out And what that means is to proclaim to speak loudly to exhort That's what it means Crying wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, it doesn't say smoking in Okay, I'll tell you what I want to do. I'm gonna keep you quiet. Okay?

See this is the good example. Ladies and gentlemen, I got him on hold I've got it's a good example of someone who can't think critically But thinks according to an agenda and then doesn't listen and doesn't think about what he's saying. I Asked him for a verse that says you must cry in order to be saved crying Have tears of repentance. He said that I asked him for a verse Because it has to be established in Scripture then he said Jesus stood and cried Didn't say cried but cried out and it's from Krodzo in the Greek. It is a word that means To exclaim to proclaim to cry out from pain to To speak loudly and assertively. That's what it means. He cried out Doesn't mean he was crying It's different and when I want him to examine what the text actually says notice what happened folks. He wouldn't do that This is the mind. I'm sorry. What's the mind of a cultist and I'm not saying he's not a Christian But this is the a cultic behavior when they don't listen don't look at the textual It actually says but just say this is what it means and they don't listen and they don't examine and they move on You can't do that So let's try this again Patrick.

Are you still there? Yes Does your verse that you've cited say that you must cry and shed tears in order to be saved? I Believe John 737 to 38 explains it in a metaphor So you don't have any affirmation of Scripture.

Jesus stood and cried out saying if anyone is Thursday Read John 7 37 Excuse me, Patrick. I was actually reading it when you interrupted me. You didn't read the whole thing.

Okay, okay He doesn't this guy this guy can't think his way to a white paper bag folks. Look I was actually Reading the whole thing and he interrupts me. So you're not reading the whole thing. I'm in the process of reading it all What so I'm gonna do is just do this. He's gone So this is what it says in John 6 37 through 39 Now on the last day the great day of the feast Jesus stood and cried out saying if anyone is thirsty Let him come to me and drink He who believes in me as the scripture said from his innermost being will flow rivers of living water But this he spoke of the spirit whom those who believe in him were to receive for the spirit was not yet given Because Jesus was not yet glorified He did mention verse 40 which says some of the people therefore when they heard these words were saying this certainly is the prophet So this pericope of Scripture does not state that you have to cry in order to be saved That crying is what's necessary Now you may know or notice when I talk about things like this and people make these statements Oh, I'll get specific.

Wait. Are you saying this specific thing? People think sometimes I'm being a little bit pedantic, but I'm not I'm trying to become very clear a lot of times what people will do and they don't realize this is they'll say things they haven't thought through what the what they saying means and Then what they want to do is make the scripture submit to what it is. They're saying I Hold the scriptures in high regard We need to verify from Scripture Is this necessary and when it says now in the last day the great day of the feast Jesus stood and cried out saying?

If anyone is thirsty, let him come and drink to me doesn't mean he was crying and shedding tears It's a phrase cried out And so he was just simply inaccurate and the verse doesn't support that and you'll notice he wouldn't listen We wouldn't wouldn't allow me to go in read through see what it says and do comments and this is unfortunately, it's The tactic of a lot of people in cults who don't hear don't listen don't care And I always say go to the word see what it actually says instead of what you wanted to say And there's the music may the Lord bless you and by his grace. Ladies and gentlemen, we'll be back on there tomorrow And hopefully we'll have another Interesting show god bless. Have a great evening. We'll talk to you later Another program powered by the truth Network
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