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Psalms 119:123 Eyes For God

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
February 15, 2022 8:44 am

Psalms 119:123 Eyes For God

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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February 15, 2022 8:44 am

Psalms 119:123 Mine eyes fail for thy salvation, and for the word of thy righteousness.

The counsel verse of the letter ayin is beyond amazing and outlines how the Hebrew is a EYEFUL . Robby shares a dream to make the point.

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Hidden Treasures of the 119th Psalm.

I am the God of the right hand. Oh, what amazing, beautiful words we get to see today in the 119th Psalm as we are continuing in the eye and section. And I think when you get a good look at this, you can see beauty with the eye and being the idea of eyes. And it certainly is the idea of God's vision. I think you're going to see the beauty in this verse and of course, to read it in Hebrew is absolutely amazing.

But I'm going to just start off. It's verse one twenty three and it being the third verse in the iron section would be the council of the iron. And so here we go. Mine eyes fail for thy salvation and for the word of thy righteousness.

So like, man, there's so much here to begin with. The verse starts with an iron, like you might imagine, because we're in the iron section. And the beautiful thing about this particular verse is it actually the iron, the word iron and the letter iron are both, you know, the the word iron means eyes. And so the idea of vision is there, but certainly it's God's providence when you really, really study it. But it's really, really cool to me that this verse on the council talks about what we do with our eyes.

Right. And the neat second word so that iron is very cool. And by the way, when you look at the word iron, you might have heard that it's originally I heard it in the Santa Claus movie. But it means so much more when you really understand what faith is.

And so here you go. The iron is this idea of the vision of God and then a yod, which is the God's spark, and then a nun, which means faith. And so when you backed it up, you could say that believing is seeing. You might, you know, as he told Matthew, excuse me, as he told Thomas when he stuck his fingers in his side that, you know, blessed are those who who believe and then they see.

Right. And so the idea here is that when we look at the letter and the word iron, the idea is so much that if we believe we're going to see. And so the word fail here, so my eyes fail, that's a really cool word in Hebrew.

It's just is. And we studied the letter hoof and we started the letter Lamed Lamed. So that hoof is this strong, strong longing. And then the Lamed is your heart and it ends with an expression. So here's what's an expression of this strong, strong longing of our heart. And it is it is finished.

In other words, this word fail is the word that when God finished, you know, the making the world in seven days, he rested. That idea of finished is so beautiful. So my eyes are finished. Like when you look and look and look and you finally get what you're looking for.

Now they're finished. OK, when you put a fine finish like I'm working on a piece of wood right now for my sailboat and and you put on coats and coats and coats. A varnish so that it will be finished. And like it's the light of your heart when you see it. In fact, the name of the varnish is called Lust. You get the idea of my eyes are finished.

Like, man, they've just eaten this tremendous meal. Well, then comes the next word in Hebrew. Well, it's salvation in English. But the word salvation is almost exactly like the word Yeshua.

In fact, it's pronounced the same way because it starts with a yod like the hand of God, then a shin and then above and then an iron. And so inside of Jesus's name is this vision, is this God vision, is this idea of the providence of God. And salvation, of course, is is what we're looking for.

We're looking for Jesus. And it all fits in the same thing. So it's kind of cool that my eyes are just like, man, they have got this wonderful finish on them because they're looking for their service. That's, you know, Yeshua. So I don't know how to say that any better than this almost.

It's just unbelievable. And then it's so cool because the next word is and for thy word, a mirror. And so you got Yeshua and you know, Jesus is the word.

And so here is eyes are failing or finishing. Right. Looking for salvation and the word which Jesus is the word. And then the last word of the verse again, there's in in Hebrew, there's only five words.

Right. Iron fail, salvation, a mirror, which is the word word and then Zadik. Zadik means righteousness. OK, so like the word of righteousness.

I mean, here it is that when we're made right, we get to spend eternity in heaven. And so, man, if this isn't counsel, right. But we talk about all the time that in Isaiah 11, we get the seven anointings of the Holy Spirit. Well, the third one is counsel.

And the idea of counsel is to get you on the right path on the right, Derek. And so, man, I mean, how could you be on the better path than having your eyes finished right with a salvation and a mirror at the word of God itself, which is Jesus again. And then righteousness. Oh, my goodness. What an amazing, an amazing thing this is when you just look at the Hebrew of it, because there are so many laments in there, which has to do with your heart and so many ions in it, which have to do with God's vision. And then this righteousness, this idea and righteousness starts with the static.

We're going to get to that when we when we study the Zadie letter. Oh, it's amazing. So much goodies in this verse.

It's unbelievable. But, you know, I was thinking about this just this morning. I had, you know, as I was preparing to get up, I had a dream. And so I guess God was giving me example of this in that in this dream.

And it may not sound connected, but it very much is, as God showed it to me in this dream. I don't know how it was, but we were in this sort of apartment and I don't even know who was with me. I don't remember. But as no, I was in this apartment. And for some reason, there was this huge battle outside of all these big drug lords that were trying to take over the area and the police. And somehow or another, the drug lords were on one side. The police were on the other of these two windows that were in this room. And somehow or another, the drug lords got into the room with me and the other people that were in the room. And once they were in there, then the police couldn't shoot because they didn't want to shoot us in mistake. And so these drug lords had a sort of like ransom and they were going to kill me. And then they had this knife and they were playing around and all this stuff. And then they decided to just mark me for something that I didn't know what that meant. But they essentially took this jelly that this red jelly and they put it on me and I don't even know what it meant.

I have to think through that. But nonetheless, all of a sudden, I remember you remember that verse. In the Zion section, which said, you know, I remembered your name in the night, Lord, and kept by law. Well, I remembered his name. All of a sudden I went, God help me like Jesus.

Help me. I didn't, you know, and all of a sudden my eyes. You see, my eyes the whole time had been while I was in this horrible situation with these horrible people.

They were hunting for. So I was trying to find my way out of this deal. And it just seemed like it. I was looking for it to be made right. You see the idea, my whole eyes, my everything was was searching every possible possibility of ways that I could be saved.

And I couldn't find one. And then all of a sudden they got finished because it was like I remember his name in the night. I called on God and immediately.

Right. Everything just went, oh, oh, it's just we're all good. You know, this is a dream and I'm fine. And Jesus, you're right here with me. And so, you know, I'm so delighted that I have been studying this and that God has given me this. Like to see what it is that we can see in these Hebrew letters is like looking into the face of God in so many different ways. I'm so grateful for your studying it with me today. And I look so forward to talking again tomorrow. Lord willing.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-06-04 17:01:07 / 2023-06-04 17:04:57 / 4

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