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THU HR 2 111821

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
November 19, 2021 12:12 am

THU HR 2 111821

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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November 19, 2021 12:12 am

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Donate and listen to the podcast at All right, we're back, and praise the good Lord that we have somebody within the FBI that's on our side. You know, it's out there because, again, like I said, the FBI has become under Chris Ware and have nothing, just another part of the Democratic Communist Party.

They're no longer, they've been weaponized against the American people by the communists, by the collective. Well, the blessing, we actually have an email that went out to the FBI from the Attorney General. And this was 24 hours before he went and testified that nothing was happening, that this was not true, that this was never going to happen. And yet the email just tells the whole truth that he sent it to the FBI telling them to do it. So, I mean, they're caught red-handed as can be, folks. Now, here's the thing, Joe. You see, it's a crime to lie to Congress, right? Yeah. But you know who has to prosecute that is the Justice Department.

And when the Justice Department lies and is corrupt, they're going to prosecute themselves? I don't think so. Lynette in Chicago pledges 100. Thank you, Lynette. All righty. So we are down. We need a whole new government.

Okay. We are down, Joe, right now to 4,800. We need 4,800 out there. So who can do 1,000? Can you do 1,000 or 2,000? Who can do 800? Give us a call at 888-281-1110. I've got about three hours left. 888-281-1110 in this week.

Or 888-677-9673. There you go. I have a thought, Pastor. A lot of people out there donate a lot of money politically to, you know, for candidates. And I believe in that and have people.

I support my wife and I. But I want to throw an idea out that we reach many, many millions of people all across this country from New York, San Diego, Florida, Texas, everywhere, the big cities. We are awakening and have been awakening probably more people than most of the politicians that I've seen anywhere, whether they're Congress critters, mayors, governors.

We've done more to wake people up. And some of you that have spent a lot of money in political donations think about the fact of how effective we've been to educating the people of the danger that's coming, the problems, the real truth. And that's why there's some of you out there that God has blessed with professional practices, businesses. And you have many employees and are able to help the economy, but you don't have a lot of time. You can let your money do some of the Lord's work. And actually, you know, God says you can lay up crowns and treasures by helping support a ministry that does His will.

So I think it might be a better place than a lot of the political donations people have made. All right. Brandon and Julia in Fort Worth, Texas pledged 50.

That puts us down to 4750. And he says, let's go, Brandon. Yeah. There you go. All righty, folks. But we have to watch the real words.

Yeah. Well, that's, you know, this is why, you know, when we were telling people out there when that first started, and I praise the good Lord, maybe somebody heard us because remember, we told them don't do that. Don't use when you use that vulgar terminology when you become like them out there. And that's why, you know, praise the good Lord that people aren't doing that now that they're saying, because it was pretty bad when you heard, you know, thousands of people in a baseball stadium using the F word. That is not good, folks. God is listening. Hey, speaking that, God's listening. We think it's funny at first, all of us, even Pastor Joe left, and then you catch yourself and realize, you know, this isn't what the Lord wants of us to do. We're better than that.

And that's the nice thing about, you can think a thought, you can have a bad thought for a minute, but you kick it out of your head, it's okay if you don't act on it and don't go out there and misbehave. All right, folks, listen, we got a call to action, a call to action out there, and you don't have to live in Ohio to do this, but Senate Bill 157, the Born Alive Protection Act requires that an infant born alive after a botched abortion shall be afforded the same life-saving treatment as all other infants. An amendment to the bill ensures that doctors who teach at state-funded hospitals and medical schools may not work with abortion clinics, which would affect institutions in Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Dayton, Ohio. This is Senate Bill 157, passed the Ohio Senate and sent to the Ohio House.

The bill was introduced and sent to the Families and Aging and Human Services Committee. Now, the first hearing will be, well, the first hearing was today, is was today, and so this is the first hearing. We need for you to call, okay, and here's what you do, okay, for details to send written testimony, you can call State Representative Susan Manchester, Susan Manchester's office, and you can speak to her aide, Anastasia, well, I can't even pronounce that, anyhow, just call Susan's office and ask to speak to somebody. Anastasia, I guess, Anastasia. Anastasia, all right. And just, and that phone number is 614-466-6344, that's 614-466-6344, we really need to do that, you really need to call.

Okay, we gotta give it slower, Pete. When I had a little trouble, Pastor, I'm gonna read that one more time, I had trouble writing it, I can't be the only one. 614-466-6344. That's it, give them a call tomorrow, say, what do I do? Listen, folks, call that and tell them, what can we do tomorrow? You gotta, we gotta, those little babies, these are innocent little children, now think about this here, because these are beastly people. I mean, right now here, we've got the article about how Pfizer, how Pfizer kept babies, they couldn't, they didn't want to, babies that were born alive babies, and these women probably, I hope they didn't know that they were gonna take them, and without any anesthesia, anything to kill the pain, because they couldn't pollute the body parts, they cut these babies open alive. And this is what Pfizer is doing, these are animals, these are animals, these are not, these are demon, demonically possessed animals that do these things. And so, and folks, don't take their poison, do not take their poison, I don't care, whoever tells you to take that vaccine, do not trust that person for anything at all.

Nothing. So there you go. I'm gonna throw in a personal testimony, I can't think of the lady's name, I know I'll think of it, a young lady came and helped me with a fundraiser years ago, and she had, was an abortion survivor, and she had a few little health problems, a little, she had to use crutches and walk, but she came out on stage with me and I introduced her and she sang some of the most beautiful hymns pastor you've ever heard, and she had found a nice young man and gotten married and was having a wonderful life and was out, her testimony was, you know, for Jesus Christ, and how he had blessed her with this voice and filled her heart with joy and love, and when you listen to somebody like that, and she survived an abortion and some nurse had taken and helped her, given her care, and this should be a no-brainer, a child that survives, you know, attempted murder, yes, we better treat it with some love, care, and everything we can give it. I was preaching out in front of the bloody, bloody preterm, which is Ohio's largest bloody whorehouse of death, and that's what it is, it's a butcher shop, but anyhow, a young girl came up to me while I was preaching out there, she was like a little china doll, she was 14 years old, very, very, very pretty, petite little girl, and she came up and she said, can I talk to you? And I said, yeah. Now, often, what happens is these young people, they're sent out by some of these people to, that work in there to tell us that they're pro-choice or to give us a hard time, but anyhow, she told me that she survived an abortion, she was a survivor of an abortion, and what a sweet little girl she was, and she said that because of the nurses there, they saved her life, and anyhow, and she said, pastor, my mother is an alcoholic, and whenever she gets drunk, and she says to me, why did you have to live, why did you have to live, this is, I offered to go talk to her mother, and she was afraid, she said, no, she, you know, once you're gone.

Yeah, things will be bad. Yeah, so, anyhow, there you go, I mean, but. Guyana Jensen was the name of the young girl that sang. Yeah, we had her on the program.

We did, I just, I was having one of those senior moments, I got a little brain damage and could not, I never can forget her, but for a minute, I couldn't remember her name. Judy in Vista, California pledges 50, and Maryland and Minnesota pledges 50, so that brings us down to $4,650. We need. Thank you, thank you. Pastor, we've been talking about not taking the Vax. Well, don't worry if you don't take the Vax. I've got two stories here. One comes from two Oklahoma doctors, and they've been having huge successes in treating nursing home patients with I have a metric. Dr. John Smith, Dr. David Jane, they're both different things. One, then there's another doctor, Dr. John Sutton, he's in charge of three nursing homes, he's been working over 38 years. And during the first, when the first COVID outbreak happened, they weren't sure what to do. And he lost, they had about a 30% mortality rate.

Well, by the time the second outbreak happened, he had either mectrin on hand, and some monoclonal antibodies and started treating people. And most of these people had comorbidities, and out of 56 residents in one home, they lost one. The third time it came around all three, all the residents were treated, and out of three nursing homes, only one died. And the good doctor said on the nerves, he's heard that some of the nursing homes that had a 60 to 80% mortality, and the average was 50% of the patients died. And so I mean, stuff like this, there's several stories, other doctors chipped in. This one doctor said he's a family physician, Dr. David Jane, treated hundreds of patients with COVID and achieved extremely high results. Only one went to the hospital, no one on a ventilator, none of the hundreds of patients he treated in Oklahoma died, they were all given ivermectrin. The treatment is out there.

Absolutely. We're going to play a clip before we do folks again. Right now we need 4625 because Anonymous in Boston pledged 25. And so again, the numbers are, we got to hear from you, because we're going to play a clip, and while we're playing this clip, I can't keep giving a number out, but you need to understand we're here to keep you informed. So those phone numbers again are 888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673 or you can go to our website and our address is, if you want to just send us a check if you're not on the internet or whatever, it's WRWL. That's just WRWL14781.

That's 14781 Sperry S-P-E-R-R-Y Road, Newberry N-E-W-B-U-R-Y Ohio 44065. Oh, I got to make an announcement. There will be no evening service at Doers of the Word Baptist Church this week, this coming Sunday, because we're going to be in the church services from 9 in the morning to 5 and 5 p.m., and because of that, we're not going to have the evening service, because we're going to be there all day.

That is, this coming Sunday at Doers of the Word, there will be no evening service, only the activities during the day. So there you go. All right, so can we play that clip?

Give us a clip. Today, under one roof, I have the incredible Dr. Judy Mikowitz and, of course, the incomparable Mickey Willis, who have put together the series, Plandemic, Plandemic series, and out now is a book coming forward about their series, and they're going to make Plandemic 3. Dr. Judy, it's a pleasure. It's a pleasure, and good to be on The Steel Truth again.

Yes, Mickey. Always a pleasure. Thank you. All right, so the world right now is really holding its breath, and Dr. Judy and both of you have done an amazing job of explaining the diabolic plan that's been behind this.

There's been other contributors, of course, notwithstanding, but you two really brought it to the forefront with your movie. Right now, where do you see this turning? Let's just look at the big picture before we go into the micro stuff. Let's talk macro.

Macro for me is we won. At a scientific level now, we can fully appreciate why never can we have another inoculation and consider it a vaccination, and so we can see that when we explain that science that the CDC even changed just a week or so ago. The definition now is not immunity, but protection from COVID.

Protection, and we put it in italics. So we've won now because we can write these legal affidavits, proof of vaccination, and that would be immunization, vaccination, and that would be our God-given immunity. So for those people who had COVID, they're immune, and they exceed the CDC requirement, and then we have them certifying under penalty of perjury and illegal affidavit that they take the appropriate every monthly booster, every 21-day booster of an oral vaccination, which would be hydroxychloroquine, which was published in 2005 to be a vaccine not only for SARS, but for HIV. So there you have, we know the spike protein has HIV sequences, so we're actually helping people stay well with this immunization strategy, so they're not asking for an exemption from vaccine or immunity. They don't have to do PCR testing. What they do is say, I approve of immunization and exemption from the EUA inoculations, which we know will damage anyone's immune system.

This is so exciting. You're not going to hear this on mainstream media. So the question for you, Mickey, is because you did such an amazing job with the Plandemic series, is how are we going to bust through this censorship wall right now? Do you feel as if, when you look at, say, the resident in the White House, his approval rating is at 28 percent, okay? So we busted through the magic 70 percent disapproval. That's public opinion, their awareness. Where are we, with your temperature gauge, on a public awareness of what's happening right now and the effectiveness of what Judy just talked about?

Well, we're in a good place right now because Biden is the gift that keeps giving. As crazy as the policies and rapid push of these mandates has occurred, tens of thousands of people are waking up daily. And not only are they waking up, but they're in action. So I'm at the intersection of at least a dozen major technology inventions that are being created right now to overcome the censorship. So all this situation has done is forced the resilient human organism to be innovative and to create solutions to the problem that they've created. And so very soon we're going to see a flurry of decentralized technologies that can never be disrupted and that will be ours. And so I want to thank the tyrants for pushing us into such action so that we could get off our butts and create this stuff that's now being created. And to all of the people who have stepped up as a result of this to just get past the complaining stage and do something about it, thank you to the citizens who have stepped up to do this, because this is truly a display of incredible, I always say that the great reset has been rebranded as the great awakening. So that's where we are.

I would agree with you on that. I talk about becoming an American state national and rejecting the corporate tyranny of our federal government. And there's a lot to that to unpack. But if you take it on the premise that the administrative state is what is running this country right now, it's not our constitutional republic. The NIH, the CDC, the FDA, these are government agencies.

They are not chartered in our Constitution. How can you, Dr. Judy Mikowitz, how can you package that in a way that the lay person can understand what Mickey's talking about with thanking the tyrants, but also with the technology and what we're learning and has been proven by these administrative agencies with the ability to solve AIDS and other diseases with hydroxychloroquine. How do we take that and move forward through the government?

Do we have to burn down the government at large as it is, or do we have a path forward with the existing tyrannical infrastructure? Well, I think we have to change those agencies. On our call to action slide yesterday in our talk, it said immediate moratorium on all inoculations, on all vaccines other than the oral vaccines. It said eliminate the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. You know, completely restructure the FDA, the CDC, the NIH.

It's criminal. It's an organization of censorship. And I think because we show the science, our last book or our latest book, Ending Plague, the subtitle is A Scholar's Obligation in an Age of Corruption. So knowing my colleagues and knowing the good people in science of the last 40 years, I simply put the science out there, and I wait for scholars like Stephanie Seneff, like Joe Cummins, like Luke Montanay, like Chris Shaw, and we highlight them. And so those scholars came to us and offered solutions, and that's what we're providing everybody. So the innovation in the tech industry is the innovation in the science industry. So so many people came to me with solutions, and we can heal this. And then science will start publishing truth again because you just can't cover up the data.

That's a beautiful sound. And again, these are some informations that you all are both dropping haven't been even published anywhere yet. So we're very appreciative of your time. I'd like to address the fact that right now, you know, practicing medicine is practicing for a reason. It takes science, but it takes practice.

It's not a definitive art. However, there's been some times when science has proved things to be very black and white, a la hydroxychloroquine and other agents that have positive impact. How can you assure the public?

I'm going to start with you, Mickey. How can you show the public going forward that we can put trust back into our medical agents, not even agencies, but our medical professionals? Because we feel like we've been misled.

And the Nuremberg Code calls for those that even if they're not perpetrating the crime against humanity, but they're aware of it and saying nothing, they're guilty as charged as well. Well, you know, one of the ways that we restore trust and faith is by being trustworthy. And one of the things that I want to mention, too, is because you mentioned the phrase, you know, did we burn it down? And I will say that, you know, my former party, that's their job to burn everything down. Our former our responsibility now is to use the Buckminster approach, which is to build a new system that renders the old system obsolete.

And so we don't have to get involved in the burning down or the tearing down of anything. We just need to keep creating and innovating systems that are so much better that the old systems just pale in comparison and people will jump off of them. And so even the people that are still stuck on one side of the fence, the doom side of the fence, they know that something's wrong, at least. You know, they know something's wrong and their lives are not working that well. They're not, you know, their marriages are collapsing and their families are falling apart. So they know something is wrong. And so if we can provide for them an alternative, they understand that Facebook is a cesspool of hate and Twitter and all of this. They're all responding to that and recognizing that they're not as happy as they were just a few years ago.

And so if we can provide a space where we allow for the true expression of the human spirit at all times and to restore our ability to listen to each other and to communicate, which is pivotal for any relationship, then they're going to gradually migrate to where the energy is better and the experience is better and more supportive of their life and their dreams and their passions and their purposes. And so let's just keep creating from that space. And back, and Captain Iceman pledges 25. Thank you, Captain Iceman. Now we're down to 4,600.

4,600 right now. Folks, circle on your calendars December 1st on your calendar and take part in the National Day of Action to overturn Roe v. Wade. That's right, created equal and is heading towards Washington, D.C. for a massive rally outside the Supreme Court building on December 1st and is counting on you to join us. December 1st is the day the Justice will hear opening arguments in the Mississippi Dobbs case. This is the case that will decide whether states can ban abortions after the unborn child has reached 15 weeks of life in the womb. Like you, I'm hoping and praying that the court will do that. Joe, I don't know, I don't have a whole lot of confidence in that court, but anyhow. That's why we have to be in prayer.

Yep. And not only that, but to use this case to overturn Roe v. Wade completely and to end legalizing baby slaughter on demand in America once and for all. This has been in your goal of mine for 40 years.

God cannot bless a nation that kills children created in his image, his children, and a nation that continues to shed innocent blood gives a nation that God cannot bless. It's pretty simple. Absolutely. So a number of pro-life groups have all partnered together to put on this massive protest, so folks, mark your calendar to go down there December 1st right there on the steps of the Supreme Court. Be there, folks.

And if it's possible, Joe, I might even try to make it again myself. You know, I went 43 times to the March for Life. Not only did I go, but I brought busloads of people.

People there, yep. You have done a fantastic job on that right to life. I've got a story, though, that I want to get out tonight. Let me get the numbers first. 888, because the phones haven't been ringing.

Since we started that clip, the phones have not rung. We've got to hear from the phones, Joe. 888-281-1110. That's 888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673. That's 888-677-9673.

Go ahead, Joe. All of us at some point will be in a nursing home, and we all know that they're expensive, that it's difficult to find a good one. Well, I found out in this Build Back Better plan of Biden's, it's going to have a horrible, horrible impact on nursing homes.

They've hidden some stuff in there. The American Healthcare Association and National Center for Assisted Living, representing about 14,000 facilities, is screaming against several provisions in the new Build Back Better. They want to change everything. They want to force all these organizations to have an RN on hand 24 hours a day. Right now, the law says there have to be somebody there eight hours a day, make a long story short.

Here's the problem. The nursing home industry has already lost over 200,000, I think it's 221,000 jobs. They're not recovering people. And some of the new law requiring staff would require hiring more than 21,000 registered nurses. That's $2.5 billion a year in cost. The social spending package would also require homes to accommodate new health regulation changes, staffing ratio, all things conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services within one year.

These new things could cost billions. The homes would have to hire another 150,000 new caregivers, and then they've got a whole bunch of other rules in there I don't have time to go into. But basically, right now the nursing home providers are doing all they can to get people back in.

The applicants aren't there. If they bring this in, there are going to be a lot of nursing homes that close because they can't meet the staffing requirements. The cost of the nursing home is going to go up exponentially. They're already so affordable.

Most people cannot afford without giving up their home and everything they have to go into one. And this is going to cost billions and billions of dollars, and they hide this stuff and they build back better. And there's, what is it, how many thousands of pages? Nobody's read through them yet, and we just keep finding hidden, hidden bad things, folks. You've got to call your Congress critters and Senators and say, you know, do all you can to tell them to vote?

No. We can't afford this build back better. It's going to destroy the country. You know, Joe, I've got an article there on the rhinos, and I'm going to be talking about that in a minute, but here, I want to say this. For all of these years and all these years, you know, we've been very active in pro-life and we've supported the pro-life and all the different pro-life organizations. But now, tonight, they're supporting us. We're going to get, from right to life, a donation of $1500. Oh, wonderful. How many, you've been raising money for them for what?

For decades, yeah. And so, now, that takes us down to $3100. Now, I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to take doers of the word, Baptist Church, and we're going to do $1100. We're going to do $1100. And so, that cuts us down to... Yeah, we've done, but, you know, this is, there's no better, we're talking about saving people's lives, okay? Yes, we are.

And so... Spiritually, physically, and spiritually. So, okay, from the right to life. And then you go, so that puts us down to $2000. Now, if somebody out there could listen to us and maybe four people, four people could help us with $500 apiece, or maybe two people with $1000 apiece, or one person with $2000, but we need to hear from you folks again soon. We need to hear to stay on the air, yes. Right now, we've got approximately, let's see, 20 minutes, and we've got, we need $2000. That means what? It's $100 a minute, isn't it, Joe?

Pretty close. Okay. I'm just thinking, it's such a blessing. Your church has just been so wonderful. I'm just so proud to be, you know, associated with the church and the ministry. But folks, think of the other churches that you belong to out there, or organizations. You might be involved with a group of golfers, or a hunting group, who knows what association, but you could talk to those groups and, you know, get them to donate so much a month to help keep this radio ministry on the air. It could be a men's club, a church, it could be a sewing circle, like out here in Missouri there's a lot of quilting groups that make quilts and donate to different causes, different things.

People belong to a variety of things. Talk to your friends, your neighbors, get your church involved, get your group that you belong to involved, and make this ministry a donation. All right, Joe, we've got 18 minutes left.

888-281-1110, 888-281-1110, or 888-677-9673. We've got 18 minutes left and we need to raise another 2,000. Wait a minute.

Are these new ones or is those... Okay. All righty. Well, you better bring me up to where I know where they're at.

Okay, go ahead. There you go. So... You know, do you remember just about a month ago there was a big battle past Ernie over the debt ceiling? We had to increase the debt ceiling or the world was going to come to an end.

We wouldn't be able to pay our debts and our status in the world. Remember all that? Yeah. Well, it's going to happen again December 15th. We're already just one month. We're right back in the same mess.

We're going to be broke before Christmas, according to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, told lawmakers this week. She's now urging them to raise the debt limit. And we might even hit it by December 3rd, she says.

By the 3rd. And, you know, we've just got to do this. Now, just think. Congress extended the debt limit by $480 billion last month so the government could keep borrowing. Remember, you know, you don't borrow money.

The Bible says so. Now, what's bad? Why do we have to have this extra money? Well, we just passed the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill that's not really about infrastructure.

Only a small part of it's about infrastructure. And that's why, because they have to fund this to pass the bill. So they've got to turn around by, appropriates the, there has to be $118 billion for the highway trust funds, and these funds must be transferred to the highway trust fund within one month of the enacted legislation.

The transfer will be completed on December 15th. So in this bill, they have these things the government has to start paying out the money, and $118 billion by the 15th. And by law, they have to do this. So what they did is they couldn't get approval to raise the debt ceiling any higher, but they went and approved a $1.2 trillion bill that's going to force everybody to vote to raise the debt ceiling, or the government can't pay its bill. See how they put us in a catch-22 to force everybody later to have to vote to raise the debt ceiling, or maybe the Social Security checks won't go out, maybe the Medicare won't be paid.

You know, they go through this all the time. Joe, Joe, Joe, listen, I heard, I heard Sleepy Joe, I heard him, he said not to worry, he said, it's paid for, it's paid for, it pays for itself. All you have to do is print out more money. All you have to, it's paid for, it's paid for. I heard him say that, okay?

Yeah, that's the new build-back better. He forgot to mention, he really didn't pay for this infrastructure bill, they're going to have to... Yeah, don't worry. Wanda in Texas pledges $1,000. Thank you, Wanda.

Oh, thank you, Wanda. That's all we need. Anonymous of Florida pledges $50, that puts us down to $950. We need $950, $950. 888-281. Wanda, I didn't hear you, what did you say? I was just going to say, maybe we could call Bill Gates or one of those guys and say, hey, how about a $118 billion check and we wouldn't have to extend or raise the budget. 888-281-1110. Now, the guy on the board is trying to communicate with me, so just hold still, permanent joke. Now go ahead and say that again. Mark and Ann Arbor, let me see.

Okay, no, I didn't get him, so there you go. Mark and Ann Arbor pledges $100, so that puts us down to $850. $850. Quickly, thank you, folks. Yeah, and we got, let's see, how much time do we have?

About 14 minutes left, I think. Those two numbers again then, 1-888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673. We do this as seldom as we can. We do it one week a month and pay the radio bills.

We don't have advertisers, we don't have sponsors that'll panic every time we say something, and the world would like nothing better to see this radio ministry taken off the air. And they don't like to be called out on their lies and their dissemination like this debt ceiling thing. We're one of the few places that just tell you like it is, they do something to force the debt ceiling to be raised, they don't tell you, they vote for this $1.2 trillion mess, and then say a month later, oh, we've got to raise the debt ceiling now because we need the money. They knew they didn't have the money when they passed the $1.2 trillion bill, and they do all this stuff with smoke and mirrors and lies, and you really cannot trust the government, folks.

Not a single thing lately have they done that you could trust them. I hope people get the message, Pastor Ernie. All righty, now we've got Gloria in Michigan pledges $25, Nancy in Wisconsin pledges $50, Steve in Minnesota pledges $200, and Constance in Minnesota pledges $500, so I'm going to have to see what we can do. I think we made it, let me see here.

So this would be, all right, let me see now, okay, that puts us down to 100, and let me see, pardon. Okay, all right, well, no, it actually takes us down to, because I didn't do, actually, it takes us down to $25. $25, we need one more pledge of $25 to make it tonight. Just remember, folks, everybody there is a volunteer.

We don't have any on staff mathematicians or accountants. They're all volunteers. That's why it takes a few minutes to get the figures to you. Yeah, Joe, you know, last night we came up short. We came up about $800 short of what we needed.

Right. So, folks, we'll be glad to let you keep calling tonight. We'll gladly let you keep calling tonight so maybe we can make up that difference. I'll cover the $25 when I send my donation in. I'll cover the $25 extra. We're on our goal, but now we'd like to catch up that $800 we're behind.

All righty, very good, yeah, and that's what we'd like to do. The bills are still there, aren't they? Hey, in fact, do you guys remember, pastor, do you remember way back when they had the shovel-ready jobs back in 2011, Obama-Biden? Uh-huh, okay, we just got a pledge for $175 from Harry and Akron, so that puts us down to $625. We need $625.

Okay, wait a minute. Wait a minute, Joe, we just got, let me see here, $625. And we have here, Craig in Illinois pledges $100. Okay, and then Celeste in Michigan pledges $100. So that puts us down to $425, $425.

Fantastic, bless you, folks. But I was thinking, I remember back, the government, they were going to have these shovel-ready jobs back in 2011, Obama-Biden, remember Biden was there. And we're going to do all this infrastructure, well, only about $48 billion of all that money went to infrastructure, most of them went to junk. Harvard economist Martin Fieldstein had calculated each job that the government was going to create would cost the taxpayers $200,000.

But the government said we can't measure it that way, the Treasury Secretary said price tag is the wrong way to measure a bill's worth. Well, Joe, you have to understand something, too. You know, Buttigieg, he's the transportation secretary, he was saying that some of our roads out there are racist. And some of the bridges, some of those bridges and roads are against black people, brown people. Right, the buses carrying the black kids couldn't get under the bridges, but the buses with the white kids could get under to go to the beach. I got to go see that bridge. Some of those roads only would take black folks through bad neighborhoods, they wouldn't take the white folks through those neighborhoods, those roads. And some of those bridges, too, you know, only white folks could cross over on those bridges. I mean, Buttigieg knows all this kind of stuff, right? I guess he does. It's a big country.

I wonder when he traveled all the different roads. All right, we're down. Douglas in Indiana pledges $100.

That puts us down to $325 we need to make up for last night. And let's see. Oh, what did you say?

What did I miss? Okay, so Gloria in New York pledges $25, so that puts us down to $300. Yeah. Anyway, my point was this new $1 infrastructure, the thing is 2,700 pages long, and I'm going to bet my britches that the Congress didn't read everything in it, and I'll bet most of them that signed it had no idea what's in it.

Then I found out it bails out. There's a highway trust fund that's in the hole, and it has been suffering from chronic deficits because of overspending for years. So rather than bring up and pay off that debt, they're going to do another project. So the amount of debt that the highway trust fund is going to be is going to be increased by $118 trillion. It's going to go further into debt. So instead of paying off the debt and starting new, they're just increasing the debt with new money. So in other words, the debt's growing bigger, and the more I look into this thing, Pastor, I haven't had time to read the whole thing, but there are more gimmicks and tricks. They want to sell oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to foreign countries to help raise money to pay for it. They want to have some extending some fees.

There's a whole bunch of complicated business fees in there. You know, Joe, here's something you're not going to hear about on the lamestream media, what they call the mainstream, and that OSHA suspends enforcement of the vaccine mandate after court-blaxing. See, what's happening to these woke corporations? They don't know. They don't know that they do not have to do that. In fact, the courts has ruled against it. So these woke corporations that are mandated, and like Cleveland Clinic out there, you know, tomorrow you're going to have that big protest at noon tomorrow, Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals. They don't know, apparently, that OSHA has suspended enforcement of those vaccine mandates, and they say, guess what, it's not constitutional.

We can't enforce them, Joe. We've been doing that for several nights, haven't we? Yeah, we have. We have been saying that for several nights. And so, folks, again, I wanted to remind you tomorrow, University Hospitals, and I had that, I want to go back very quickly and give that very, very important, that we give those announcements over and over again.

People show up and go out and help support those wonderful health care workers out there, the doctors and nurses. Absolutely. They really need to do that. Well, they're fighting for your freedom too, right? Absolutely. They're fighting for all our freedoms. Right. They have to get out there.

And like I said, what happens? That's going to hit the news across the country. When people see that out there in Cleveland, understanding that these are the people, these that have to deal with us, that know the score when it comes to these so-called clips, or not clips, so-called vaccines, and I'm trying to find my announcement here. I lost it. I had it up here. Well, you find it. These are the ones that ran to the battle and risked their life before we knew anything about it, except that there was a horrible problem.

People were getting sick and dying, and those nurses and doctors and technicians all went to work and bravely went and served. All right. Hey, Joe, guess what? Douglas, let's see. Bill in Ohio pledges $100. That takes us down to $200, Joe. And Henry in San Diego pledges $30. And so that takes us down to $170, Joe, who we need to make up for yesterday.

So very good. Now, here is the announcement. Both Cleveland Clinic and University Hospital unvaxed employees have received an ultimatum from the hospital to get vaxed or to be fired. These people are willing to get fired other than, and it's again, you got to stand with them. You people out there got to stand with them. You have to stand with them.

Okay. The 15,000 employees are vital to the health care of our entire region. How well can the hospitals function with 25 to 40 percent of the health care professionals going? See, again, what's happening is hospitals have lost legitimacy. People don't want to go there. They're afraid. They're afraid they're going to die now. Well, it's true that once they went to the hospital with COVID ended up, that's where the highest number of deaths were.

People that stayed home had a better chance of living. It's a fact. Yep. Okay. And so what did I do?

Did I get the... Let me see. I'm looking if there's any new ones. No new ones. Anonymous in Illinois does 25, so that puts us down to $145. $145 we need. Okay.

Okay. The number is 888-281-1110. We're running out of time quickly. 888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673. Now, tomorrow, Friday, November 19th at noon, meet at the clinic's Miller Pavilion for a march to University Hospital.

You can find parking at the clinic's 100th Street Garage, or you can carpool. Also, a second non-march protest is planned for Tuesday, November 23rd at 5 p.m. at Fairview Hospital at 18101 Lorain Avenue in Cleveland. Folks, get out there. Bring your signs if you want. The object is you've got constitutional rights. They're not going to make you mask up, and you're not going to take the poisonous poke. You're not going to trade your health so that Pfizer and these other animals out there can make a lot of money killing people. There you go.

I've got one more thing I need to add. This $1.2 trillion thing, they sold it to us, the people. There was going to be airports, highways, bridges, repaired, fixed. But I found reading this, much of the new spending is going to go to mass transit in cities. It's going to Amtrak. So more money is going to mass transit in Amtrak than to highways, even though buses and rails are only a tiny bit of our travel. And this bill is full of set-asides.

Now, a set-aside usually benefits the interest of one of the congressional members or their families. They're going to spend $50 million to combat weeds, $2 million per year for bee-friendly landscape. They're going to make sure that these contractors have to give the unions the head-up on contracts, which will make the building more expensive. There won't be any free bidding on it.

So all the nonunion shops won't be able to get any work on it. Okay, very good. They're set-asides I haven't found yet, but they're still buried in there. All righty. Peggy in Ohio takes us over with a pledge of $200. So thank you, Peggy.

All right, there you go. We can thank you, but God is the one who says if you support a ministry that does his work, and we have been the watchmen on the wall, pastor and especially for 49 years. He also says, Joe, you must be born again. You must be born again. And folks, this is why we come to the most important part of this radio program. You say, why do you say that the last week?

That's the last thing we want you to remember when you're listening to this program is the most important thing. Because, again, you know, when you hit that pillow tonight and close your eyes, you need to be thinking about, am I born again? Am I born again?

You're going to receive again. Now, here's what God has said. He's made it very clear that there's no in between. You're either saved or you're lost. God has said that. God has also said that it's appointed to all men once to die, and then the judgment. So you're going to die, and that's not the tragedy.

To die in your sin don't get any worse than that. There's no shade of gray. It is totally black and white in this case, right? Absolutely. So here, that's one thing you've got to know for sure, okay? You can't have any doubts. This is why I've preached so many times on making your salvation sure. And it's not a difficult thing to do, okay? First of all, you've got to believe on the Lord Jesus.

You need to do this. Pray to the Father. Jesus said, here, not heart, pray to the Father and ask for forgiveness of your sins. You see, the good news is only sinners can be saved, right? Right.

I know, I was one. Yep, so you ask for forgiveness of your sin. And then once you've done that, God is always, God always honors.

God always, always, the only one that we can trust again, we can always trust, that could never fail us is God. He will honor your commitment. So ask for forgiveness of your sin.

Then what do you do? He says, call upon the name of the Lord Jesus. He's the one that took your place, you see. He's the one that bought you.

You were bought with his blood, okay? And so you call upon his name. You ask him to be the Lord of your life, all of your life, without any reservations.

You've got to go all the way, folks. That's what he did for you. If you do that, you will become a new creature. You will become a born-again believer. You will become an heir of the kingdom.

And God has said that when the time is right, you will become immortal. You will receive eternal life. Now, you know, Joe, I get letters from nut cases out there that really get angry when we give this invitation. I mean, giving this invitation makes them angrier than anything else. They must not be saved, because a saved person would want someone out there. If only one person hears God's invitation that we give and accepts the Lord Jesus tonight, every born-again believer out there is going to be glad. All right, you're right.

Only an unsaved person would be upset. Okay. Folks, we're out of time for tonight. So as we say at this time every night, God bless, God night, and keep fighting the fight! Join me next time for another edition of What's Right, What's Left. The preceding program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content.
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