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Song of Songs Verse 8 part 2 - Real Sinners Hang In Jesus Tent

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
May 27, 2022 9:44 am

Song of Songs Verse 8 part 2 - Real Sinners Hang In Jesus Tent

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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May 27, 2022 9:44 am

If thou know not, O thou fairest among women, go thy way forth by the footsteps of the flock, and feed thy kids beside the shepherds' tents.

The Shepherd's Tabernacle would be a better translation of that word tent and as the comparison of the previous verses both the tents of Kedar, (not spelled the same way at all) or by the veiled or covered companions in verse 7 - Posers.

Jesus had the Tax collectors and prostitutes in His tent and there is where He told Peter to feed his sheep.

How about you do you have that kind of tent with shepherds where you can really share your sin?

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This is the Truth Network. Hidden Treasures of the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's. So today's episode, I am titling, Under Jesus's Tent Are the Real Sinners, as we are in the second part of the eighth verse, which is the miracle verse as we're on our quest to understand statutes and wow, wow, wow, this verse has so much, it's unbelievable. And so I'm gonna read the whole verse in English and we'll get to all that. So verse eight is, If thou know not, O thou fairest among women, go thy way forth by the footsteps of the flock and feed thy kids besides the shepherds the shepherds tents. So last episode, we talked about the beginning of that, that go thy way forth in the footsteps of the flock.

But today I want to talk about feeding our kids beside the shepherds tents. And I guess there's several things about this verse to just jump out at me. One of the gigantic ones is the word tents, which that word just ain't tense.

I mean, it's translated this in English and you look at it in most translations and it translates it that way. But if you check that word out in Hebrew, you're gonna find that that word is tabernacle. And the tents of Abraham and all that are a completely different word in that the word tents that Solomon chose to use here begins with a mem.

And as you know, the letter mem has to do with a king and has to do with more than just a tent. And so this shepherds tents is a very spectacular thing. And so to me, like if you just hone in on that particular word and you realize that that being the tabernacle is answering the question better that she asked at the end of verse seven, right?

Why should I be like a veiled one beside the tents of thy companions, which I mentioned in that episode that that is why should I be a poser in the company of posers, right? And I don't know church settings I've been to. Unfortunately, you see a lot of veiled people and the real sinners aren't there because they don't tell you that they tell you that they're fine and they don't have anything going on and there's no real struggles. And Jesus is not the hero of that story. I mean the real sinners were under Jesus's tent. I mean he hung out with the prostitutes and the and the tax collectors and you know, even Peter. Yes, you know that has so much to do with what happens here in this verse because when he says feed thy kids after he's talking about thou that my heart lovest right and and so here's this idea of if you love me feed my sheep right which is exactly what the discussion he had with a sinner who had certainly taken down his veil which we're going to get a lot to that in the as we studied this book but the idea of the miracle here is that that here we are dark but comely here we are you know dark as these tents which we go back to that verse and those tents of the Bedouins right that are poor and and have nothing here we come under the the tent of tents which is essentially Jesus's blood okay I mean that's how those sinners get to be with the Lord is underneath his blood and they only get there by admitting that they are dark but comely right and and as the tents of qadar but the idea is we seek comfort like it says in Genesis chapter 6 we are seeking to be comforted I mean not Genesis chapter 6 Genesis chapter 3 when it said I was afraid because I was naked so I hid and so we have mass that we put on all over the place and part of what the Savior is doing as he's making our kids to lie down right is is to feel safe enough to tell what's really going on in our lives right and so if you think that that that you don't have anything going on I mean I then maybe we're sometimes kidding ourselves right and I think I do that a lot but I love the idea here that he says right feed thy kids which is again the idea of these young sheep beside or on interestingly and and he uses the word shepherds not shepherd but shepherds in other words there is a community there is a community where you're safe enough somewhere for you where you're safe enough to tell what's really going on in your life where Jesus really can come in and be the hero and where he really can help you feel safe enough to eat safe enough to tell the real story and all that kind of thing and that's the beautiful thing of following the footsteps of the real sheep and so you know just to give an example of this in my own life you know want to be admitted that I'm a real sinner right it just so happens we have a difficult situation in our home and have for a while and that we take care of my mother-in-law and my mother-in-law and I don't want to stare at her because she's dark but she has her struggles with alcohol and other things that we stopped when we brought her into the house but you know we still have our struggles and unfortunately she fell and broke her shoulder the other day and then they put her on some you know painkillers that unfortunately fed right back into her past addiction problems and she became more and more belligerent and and really hurt my wife to the point that she actually felt free to call the sheriff on my wife that she had been mistreating her and then unfortunately didn't call her back so the sheriff showed up the Department of Social Services just ripped my wife's heart out I mean because she's done all this stuff you know she she takes care of her night and day and all this stuff and here comes the sheriff and my wife is just totally beside herself now let me do that I know I'm talking about other people's darkness but let me get to you where it's my darkness okay so here I am struggling and I'm you know the idea of how many times do you forgive your mother-in-law seven times seventy I'm way past you know and so I struggle struggle struggle I really do with anger with her at times I don't treat her very nice and such has been the case this week and just this morning you know and they actually last night as I went to bed you know God was just convicting me on how bad I need his blood and how much he did for me that she deserves my forgiveness and that and that we need to work through this thing because I gotta love her well because we're in a really really really difficult situation and I desperately need he has me right where he wants me where I desperately need him because I don't know how to forget I mean I my wife almost died you know almost every time I talk to her she has some new story of something her mother is pulled and so it's just a constant in interesting struggle that we have and how to love my wife well love my mother-in-law well through what is just an unbelievable situation but I bet you anything you've got things like that in your life but we got to take our mass we got to take our veils off and get by the shepherd's dance around people that we feel safe enough like we're in a green pasture and we're laying there chewing our cut with God's Word but in in a real sense with our real sin in front of us and with what's really going on and so I love love love the comparison between these verses when you start with the darkness of the tents of Kadar to Solomon's curtains and then you go from the tents of the companions in Poserville as far as I'm concerned or are we going to be by the shepherds tents where we can sit down and really be honest about our sin we can really be honest about what we're struggling with and really have Jesus be the hero because he is the hero of my story anybody that knows me knows Jesus is the hero of the story he just is and and that's the beautiful thing of wow the real sinners are under Jesus's tent thanks for listening
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-04-12 13:20:54 / 2023-04-12 13:24:44 / 4

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