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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
September 5, 2022 6:47 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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September 5, 2022 6:47 pm

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include---1- What's your advice for dealing with people who have spiritual pride---2- Do you know anything about the Church of God, a split off of Seventh-Day Adventism---3- What do you think about the Mandela Effect---4- Is the word -believe- in John 11-42 the same as believing in Christ for salvation- If those Jews had believed in the miracle of raising Lazarus, would that belief in that miracle have saved them---5- When the woman who was bleeding touched Jesus, how did he know that power had gone from him- What did he feel---6- What's the difference between partial and full preterism---7- Does the phrase -Son of Man- always mean Christ---8- Matt reads hate mail.

Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick

The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. It's Matt Slick live. Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick live.

Francis taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone, welcome to the show.

I hope you're going to have a good time listening. It's a nice Friday, and let's see, wow, it is the 2nd of September already. Here in Idaho, I'm waiting for the weather to change.

It'll be in about four weeks. It's a really kind of interesting thing that happens here where I'm at. For about a two-week period, it kind of gets a little overcast, and then it changes from like summer to winter, and it's kind of interesting.

It's supposed to be, you know, you have fall, but it's really kind of a dramatic change. I like it because I'm from Southern California, and, you know, you had winter on Tuesday, and you were done, you know, and it was illegal to get below 65 degrees, that kind of thing. So I'm looking forward to the change of weather and snow that when it comes and all of that kind of stuff.

I hope you're going to enjoy the weather wherever you are. I wish it did rain a lot more here, though. I love rain. I do. I just think rain's awesome.

I'm dreaming. All right. Hey, look. You want to give me a call, all you got to do is dial 8772072276, and we can talk. All you got to do is give me a call sometimes on Fridays. I do hate mail, which I've got some ready, and we have callers coming in as well.

So why don't we just jump on the callers first. Let's get to Alex from Orlando. Alex, welcome.

You're on the air. Just finished my vitamin C drink, so I thought I'd call in. Well, what you need to do is take some, when you do that, you take vitamin C, and then you just ingest about two tablespoons of baking soda.

And then you stand on your head, and it's, oh, it's interesting. Yeah, maybe I'll add a little bleach and hot sauce while I'm at it. Yeah, I'd leave the bleach out, but maybe the hot sauce might be good. So I don't see a problem with that. And then just get some carbonation, and then just do some jumping jacks.

It'll be interesting. Put a camera on you, though. Definitely put a camera on you. So I can embarrass myself more.

There you go. What's wrong with that? I know, right? You've got to postpone it yourself sometimes, though. I hear you on that one.

That's why I look at the mirror and laugh. But go ahead. Oh, really quick. So you mentioned, I emailed you at info about Hatun Tash, the lady who is going to the Muslim ministry outreach in Southern California.

OK. So I emailed you a video of her. She's the one who goes to Speakers Corner and preaches.

And she got stabbed, actually, earlier in the year. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. Yeah, I've been invited to go to Speakers Corner.

I want to go, which is a matter of getting over there, and money, and housing, and everything else, which I can't afford. But yeah, so George and I, we talked every now and then. And he was telling me about some stuff, and it's, yeah.

But people who don't know what Speakers Corner is in England, I forget what city it's in, I think it's London. And it's a place where you go, and you're supposed to be able to say anything, basically anything. It's understood. You can say whatever you want, and people can disagree. But you say whatever you want, and you take turns getting up there. And of course, the Muslims, they don't know how to be fair.

A lot of them don't. Yeah, so before I get to my question, I want to thank the prayer team at CARM. I just got back from Belize on a successful ministry trip. We were able to hand out a lot of tracts. We did some open air preaching.

So I really appreciate them praying for us while we were down there. Good, good, good. So what do you got, big man?

What's up? Yeah, yeah, so my question is, I've been encountering some people who are spiritually proud lately. And you know, I believe they're brothers in the Lord. And I believe I should call them to repentance and rebuke them.

But I want to do it in a gentle and a loving way. So I was curious, what's your best advice on handling people that have spiritual pride? I just call them moron jerk faces and see what happens.

And I'm not doing that. It's just, you know, it's a direct approach. And then you see, if they get angry, you go, see, you're prideful.

So that works. But you've got to say it from 10 feet away. No, seriously, if someone's spiritually prideful, you have to question them. And what I mean is, ask them questions.

That's what I do. And when I encounter people who are spiritually prideful, like the guy did last week with the debate I had, he's the most arrogant, spiritually prideful guys I've ever encountered, seriously. I'm not joking. So with him, I just called him out on it. And I just said, look, you're so arrogant. And he goes, thank you, that means I win.

It was just better. I keep thinking of him when he said to me that he was explaining his position, which nobody understood. When I reviewed it later, people said, I don't know what he said. That's right. And he goes, even a five-year-old could understand it. Wow.

I love that. So anyway, when people are spiritually prideful, they can't see it themselves. And so you have to be careful. And you've got to pray about it and ask for wisdom on how to address it. Some people are open to being corrected, and some are not open to being corrected. You can be spiritually prideful and also be humble. And that may sound like quite a contrast, but people could not know that they have spiritual pride and yet be willing to change it if it's pointed out.

And so you can have variations of that. And so you just talk to them and see and see if they listen and stuff like that and try. Yeah, no, I appreciate that, counsel. I'm asking a few different people about it and just how to handle it.

But follow the question. So if they're very combative and it's just going nowhere, you're questioning them, it's just getting to a point where you don't want to really even talk to them anymore, when do you cross that line? When do you say that, hey, it's not really worth my time and it's actually damaging me spiritually? Where is that line or where do you think that line is? Well, it's after 656 seconds. Is that in scripture?

Well, you see, yeah, this is a book of Second Moronicals, which I'm quite familiar with. But the thing is, where's the line? The line is vague. It's the penumbra between continuing and discontinuing. Penumbra is that gray, shady area in a shadow on the ground between light and dark, for a lot of people who don't know.

So in that penumbra, it's great. Yeah, that's because I'm Sesquibidilian. And so that's why. And I'm not obstreperous right now either. So you lost me, but go on. But of course, that's condescending. It's hard to be condescending in tone and convince people that that's good. That's talent.

I have talent. So that's what my wife says, except she rubs her forehead a lot when she says things like that. So I don't know where that line is.

It's subjective for different people, because a holy spirit could be working on that person at a level you don't know. And so I just say, go until you just think, I'm wasting my time. And that could be at different times. And you could just conclude afterwards, yeah, I spent way too long on that person.

But you don't know. So just do what you can. That's all. I appreciate it. Do you have callers waiting? One. Can I ask one more question?

You just did. OK, I'll ask one more. So Church of God, I remember you mentioning them. And I encountered someone in Belize that was connected to the Church of God.

What do you know about them? Church of God Seventh Day or Church of God? They were Church of God split off from the Seventh Day. So they said they were part of the Seventh Day and blessed. And they're the Church of God.

OK, from what I remember, and I don't have too much of a great remembrance on them, there's Timothy. They want to worship on Saturday. And the thing you've got to be careful of is that the true day of worship, not Saturday, and is it a true day of worship that a true Christian worships on, otherwise you're not saved.

That's what you've got to ask them. Because I'm looking at the Church of God website. Now, if it's a Church of God, there's all kind. The Church of God Seventh Day.

So really quick, Matt. They said Church of God. They said they were founded out of the Azusa revival. That was what the guy told me.

That could be a warning sign. The Azusa revival has produced some real wackos. It doesn't mean that they're automatically bad. But out of the Azusa is heavily charismatic, baptism by immersion, speaking in tongues. They're not supposed to be healed.

They're very exuberant. And they're generally premillennial and preacher rapture, generally speaking. But from what I understand, they're within orthodoxy. Except I haven't studied them very much in depth. And there's, like I said, different groups called Church of God.

Church of God something this and something that. OK, yeah. Yeah, I don't know.

It was interesting. He just mentioned it. And I thought a lady had called in once and said her daughter was in the Church of God and it was a cult. But I can't really remember. But like you said, it sounds like there's multiple churches that call themselves Church of God and they're kind of a little different.

Yeah, that's why I like to say what website is it if they know what it is. And then I can go in. Literally while I'm talking, I'll go and look for two things quickly.

Women pastors and elders on their staff, things like that, and a doctrinal statement. Those are the two things. That's all I can do when I'm talking on the radio. And I'll go check. Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry to keep your time. But one really quick, I want to tell you this.

And when I was down in Belize, there were three people I know of that the missionary I was working with down there that got swayed by the charismatic, got supposedly healed, and ended up stopped taking their medicine and died. I mean, I figured you want to know that with all the research you've done. But to see it kind of closer to home, it was just, it grieved my spirit. Yeah. You know, something just flashed in my mind as you said that. And it just occurred to me about this. And I've never thought of it this way.

Go show, go. There's a place where Jesus heals somebody. Then he says, go to the priest and show him. And so it's for verification. And so I would say that if someone says they're healed, then go medically and be verified. There's nothing wrong with that. So go show yourself to the priest.

Let's see, Bible. Well, you know, the one person I know of that they said they were healed, they stopped taking their medicine. They went to the doctor. And the doctor said, don't. Keep taking your medicine. So I actually won them the story. They went there and the doctor said. Don't keep taking it or don't, hey, keep taking.

Which is it? No, don't. No, don't keep taking it. Like, don't do what you're doing. Keep taking your medicine.

The doctor told you that. OK, yeah, continue. OK, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so they actually tried to verify.

And they just ignored the doctor's advice. Right. OK, well, check this out. This is Luke 17, 11 through, let's see. When he was on his way to Jerusalem, he was passing between Samaria and Galilee. And he entered a village. 10 leprous men who stood at a distance met him. And he raised their voices and saying, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. And he said to them, go and show yourselves to the priests. And as they were going, they were cleansed. OK. And so I'm going to find the one where they were cleansed. And then they were instructed. It's in the Old Testament, too. They're instructed.

So it's verification of the healing after they're supposed to be doing, not just ignoring them. All right, buddy? OK, sounds good, brother. All right, man. God bless, buddy.

Take your medicine. All right. Hey, two open lines, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. All right, everyone, welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, all you have to do is dial 877-207-2276. Let's get to Walker from Michigan. Walker, welcome.

You're on the air. Hey, brother. I had a question for you about the Mandela Effect. I stumbled across something last night in regards to a couple passages of scripture. I want to ask you what you remember these passages saying before you look them up. So from your memory, what will lie down with the lamb?

The lion? Look it up. OK.

It's in Isaiah 11-6. All right. Yeah. Yeah.

OK, what's your point? The wolf. OK, the wolf, all right. Right.

Well, I'm just saying that everybody I've asked so far remembers it being the lion. Yeah, interesting. So what's up then? What's the point? I don't know. Well, yes, that's why I'm calling you.

I'm just curious what you've ever looked into. I heard about the Mandela Effect before being born again. And after that, I didn't really think much of it and got defined until. Let's read Isaiah 11-6. And the wolf will dwell with the lamb. And the leopard will lie down with the young goat. And the calf and the young lion and the fatling together.

And a little boy will lead them. So maybe they're just saying they're all together. But OK. So yeah, you brought it up. So there's a question about it or what? Well, I just wanted to, I guess, see what you remembered. And I'll, so if I could just ask you about one other passage.

And then I guess I'll say what somebody else has said might be possible that's going on here. But the other passage was the parable of the 10 minus in Luke. How do you remember that ending? Well, I don't remember. Do you remember it being consistent with the talents in Matthew?

I can't tell you. I just don't remember. OK. OK. Well, if you look up Luke 19, 27, I never remember reading this verse ever this way. So it was strange to me when I saw that and not remembering it in that way at all. That happens. I read the Old Testament and I'm like, oh, I didn't know that was there.

I didn't know that name was there. And I've been studying for 40 years. You can't just remember everything. You just can't.

So what's the issue or what's the reason you're bringing this up? Well, so a couple guys were saying that it could be possible that God would be allowing these things to be changed in history as part of the great deception that could come. Wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

So somebody's saying that God could be allowing what, people to not have perfect memories? No, no, no. An actual supernatural changing of these passages. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Hold on. A supernatural changing of the passage. So in other words, God is changing his own word? Well, I'm not saying that God is doing it, but he could be allowing some maybe demonic supernatural occurrence to change these things. OK, you're not being clear or precise. So are you telling me then that like Luke 19, 27, slay them in my presence?

Like, for example, that verse that all of the thousands of copies will be altered? Yeah. Yeah?

Wow. So then that would mean then that you couldn't trust God's word. That sounds like Satan talking. Yeah, I realize that. I'm just saying that. So I'm not saying that's what's happening. So then people are saying, reading the idea around, that God will allow his own word which represents his character to be altered in order for people to be deceived, which is exactly what Satan would want. So I think there's a bit of inconsistency in that someone needs to slap themselves up by the head a little bit while they're doing some thinking, OK, knock that out of their heads.

It's nonsensical, and it doesn't make any historical sense either. OK? Yeah. Yep. Yeah.

OK. The deception is something different than altering God's word. It's how people will see what they look at in the world as being true. They're not going to trust in God's word. They're going to trust in their own. You either trust in what God says or your own. And their own is going to be either believing in a political party, believing in a religious something other than God, because it's all going to be under their own subjective experience and desires of what they think is going to be right. You trust God, or you ultimately are trusting yourself.

And people who trust themselves will put that trust in a political party, in an evolutionary theory, in whatever it is. Sure. Yeah. Yeah.

I get what you're saying, for sure. OK. All right, then. OK. Well, I appreciate your thoughts on that. All right, man. Thanks a lot.

All right. Let's move along to Dave from Greensboro, North Carolina. Dave, welcome.

You're on the air. Dave's not here. Dave, you there?

Dave. Yes. How are you? Good to talk to you. Good.

Yeah, a little muffled, but we'll see how it goes. So what's up? Yes. John chapter 11, verse 42. OK. John 11, 42. Yeah. I knew that you always hear me, but because of the people standing around, I said it so that they may believe you sent me. OK?

All right. That word, belief, is that the same word that we would say as to be born again or to be birthed into the kingdom of God by what they saw and heard? I don't understand the question. Are you saying the word, believe? Yeah, it said that they may believe that you sent me. Is that word, believe? When he used that word, believe, is that, and he wanted them to, that they may believe by watching this miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead, is that, was that bringing salvation to them?

Was that saving their souls? Believe in what? It doesn't say. See, the word, believe can have a. OK, well, we're going to break, so hold on, and we'll see if we can tackle it when we get back. Three open lines, folks. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back after these messages. It's Matt Slick, live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. OK, everyone, welcome back to the show, Bottom of the Hour. On this great Friday, by the way, we'll not be live until the end of the show. We'll be right back after these messages. We'll be right back after these messages. OK, everyone, welcome back to the show, Bottom of the Hour. On this great Friday, by the way, we'll not be live on Monday, and this holiday, and so back on live on Tuesday.

It'll be a recorded show on Monday. Let's get back on the phones with David from Greensboro. All right, Dave, you there? Yes, yes, yes. I apologize for maybe not asking my question clearly.

You sent me. When he says that, he's talking to those Jews that were with Mary there at the raising of Lazarus during this miracle. So my question would be this, that they may believe, if they did believe, is this salvation for them? It doesn't say.

Salvation of their soul. I believe it. Can't tell. You can't tell, because there's different levels of belief and different objects of belief. But generally, the idea, we can make the case, if you're believing that Jesus is sent from God the Father, that would tend to be supportive of the idea of being saved and regeneration.

Tend to. I wouldn't put my, I wouldn't die in that hell, but it would tend to imply that, certainly. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I was just wondering, because I know Satan believes and trembles, but that's all saved Satan. It's impossible for him to be saved. That's called ascension. There's different kinds of faith, ascension and fiducia. Ascension is mental assent. That's what Satan does.

Fiducia is a trust in and a heartfelt trust in, and that's what we do as Christians. OK? Yes.

OK. All right. When Lazarus came forth, he had been dead four days. Would you say, of course, Jesus has not been crucified yet, but during that four days, where was Lazarus? Was he in heaven?

I don't believe so. I believe he was in the holding place, because Jesus had not yet been crucified and died. The sin offering had not occurred. Those who died before the crucifixion, I affirm, went to Abraham's bosom. And then out of Ephesians, chapter 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, read that pericope.

It talks about Jesus having led captive a host of captives. And I lean towards the idea that he went to paradise during the time between his death and resurrection and formed the people who died in faith, who he was, what would have happened, and then led them up into heaven. So since Jesus had not yet been crucified, I don't believe that Lazarus was in heaven, but in paradise, in the waiting place.

OK. When he was in paradise, was he active? Was he able to communicate and or to do anything? Yeah, I absolutely deny soul sleep. Soul sleep is, I believe, a false teaching.

And people are conscious, apart from their bodies and things like that. That's the Bible does teach. So yeah, I believe he was certainly capable and aware. Absolutely. OK. Well, you raised him up from the dead then.

Do you think Lazarus had memory of where he had been for the last four days? Sure, I would say so. So he had quite a testimony, didn't he? Yes. Yep, he had quite a testimony, yep. Yes. That's what I was wanting to ask you about.

OK. Ask about what, the testimony? Or? Yes, what a testimony he would have had. Yeah, of course. Not only being raised to death, but telling these people where I have been. And certainly, that would cause a person to maybe believe much more faith. Yep. But people tried to kill Lazarus or stuff.

That's what goes afterwards. But yeah, now here's a question. If this is all true, then why didn't it record what his experience was in the Bible?

Wouldn't that be tremendous to have that record? I was wondering about that. Well, here's what I think. And I thought about the scripture where it says that all the books in the world couldn't contain the things that Christ had done.

And I said, well, man, this is possibly one of them. Well, yeah, it could have. The writer John could have just put a quick mention in there of what he said he saw.

But I think he didn't. I don't think the Holy Spirit wants that because they don't want to put. There's something to be hidden, and they don't want to have us look to individuals other than Christ in a redemptive sense. Because you could easily make an idol out of Lazarus if he said, I saw this, this, this, and that.

Doctrines could be developed out of what he said, and it could be problematic. So I think it's just why. That's why.

That's my opinion. Yeah. OK. Well, great.

I appreciate you. Well, at least somebody does. I like it when that happens.

That's two people, I think, this year. That's pretty good. I'm getting better.

Better than last year. You are getting better. That's right. It's good to talk to you. OK. God bless, buddy. All right. God bless you.

OK. All right, four open lines, 8772072276. Let's talk to Martin from Virginia. Martin, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt. Hey, God bless. God bless.

Thanks for the announcement. Sure. So what do you got, buddy? A couple of good things. You had a previous caller commented on the Mandela aspect. And I've looked at that for several years. And pretty much all that is, well, I don't want to say all that is. It's kind of a big deal.

But it's sort of a human nature type thing where how we are, we can play kind of turkey things on our mind, on our senses, on our sights, and what we hear. I mean, you asked somebody about Smokey the Bear. Most people say it's Smokey the Bear.

But no, it's Smokey the Bear. Same thing with Mandela effect, with that Queen song. I forget the title of it. I mean, I know you had some history with some good rock and roll stuff. We're the champions of the world. And you asked people, hey, what are the last three words of that song? And they think it through, and they sing it through, and they say, of the world. But no, that's not the three words that end that song. I think we are the champions.

I mean, are the champions, not of the world. Yeah, we just develop habits and things. And yeah, there's lots of stuff like that out there. But yeah, that's true. So yes, Winfield Gross.

Lazarus did have to die twice. Yes, Winfield in the chat room was asking. So what do you got, buddy?

What's up? What's your question? Yeah, so I don't recall the exact quote in Gospel. But there was a woman who, you know, Jesus was pressed in with the crowd. And a lot of people were around him. And she touched him, and she was healed.

And he stopped him. By the way, I don't know the wording, but I'd like to get your take on it. You mentioned he had stated something that I had felt my power, or I felt someone touch me.

I'd like to know what that translation is. What did he feel? Was it going out of him? Or he just sensed that someone was healed? We don't know, because he just said he felt power going out. So what we can say is he felt power going out. That's it.

What's that like? I don't know. But he knew.

And let's see. So it's in Matthew 9, and also in Luke 8. She came up behind him, touched a friend. Immediately her hemorrhage stopped. Who touched me? He said someone touched me. I was aware that power had gone out of me.

That's Luke 8.46. So we don't know. All it says is power had gone out of him, and that was it.

That's all we can say. And the word is dunamis. So we get dynamite from that.

I'm sorry, what was that? Dunamis. Oh, dynamite.

Or dunamis. And we get dynamite from that word. And it's like the word for a lot of Greek words, like work.

And other words in Greek. But at any rate, so here's a question. Why is it she touched the fringe of his garment?

The hem of his garment? Why would that be? Because look, think about it.

Oh, let's not go down that path. Oh, I can tell you. I can tell you. But think about this. I know what the answer is.

But here's the thing. There's a crowd of people pressing around him. This woman, who had had a hemorrhage for 12 years, that means she was unclean. She's in a crowd of people. And it's a little risky for her being unclean. If they knew she was unclean, she'd get pushed and shoved to get away from me. But touching her, they'd become unclean.

It's a little risky. Came up behind him and touched the fringe of his cloak. Now, the fringe is down low near the ankles. So why would she press through the crowd and reach down and touch the edge, the fringe, the hem, and immediately she was healed?

Well, the answer is simple. A teacher of the what's that? I mean, it'd have to be based on her belief too, right?

Yes. But what was she reaching for when she reached the hem? What she was doing was going for the talit and tzitzit. The talit and tzitzit were the patterns of knots that were put in a garment that signified the law, the Old Testament law, the word of God. And the teachers of that law, the teachers of scripture, would wear a cloak that had that hem as part of their garment. Jesus was a teacher of the law. Jesus was a teacher. He most probably was wearing that very garment, that very thing, recognizing his place as a teacher.

She reached for that, the word of God in faith, and was healed. OK? That's what's going on. Good. Thank you, Ben.

All right, buddy, God bless. Hey, folks, five open lines, 8772072276. We, by God's grace, be right back after these messages.

Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 8772072276. Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody, welcome back to the last segment of this neat Friday. Let's get to Roy from North Carolina. Roy, welcome here on the air. Hello.

Hey. Can you hear me? Yes, I can. Yes, I can. OK, great. I called before once, and you mentioned that you were a millennial.

And that whole area there is a little shaky to me. As far as a millennial, pre-millennial, post-millennial, and even, I watched the, I'll just say R.C. Pearl, I trust him on YouTube, explained all the positions.

I know you've heard a little, what's that called? Preterist? Yeah, he would have been a partial preterist. Yeah, partial preterist is fine. You did not believe that the final return of Jesus was in the future, but a lot of it happened in Jerusalem, fall of Jerusalem. Right, that's called partial preterism. Right.

The book of Revelation was actually written earlier than most scholars, but it was written prior to the fall of Jerusalem, not 80, 90 after. So what's your question? He never really explained what his personal position was. So I was like, I watched all this, and I still can't figure it out.

So what's your question? Well, the amillennial position, or the partial preterist, because I know you're not a pre-millennial, or even a post, but I guess, has there ever been a partial preterist and amillennial? Partial preterism, partial, no they're not, partial preterism is contrasted with full preterism.

Full preterism says that all the stuff in Daniel, like Matthew 24, Luke 17, were fulfilled by right around the time of 70 AD, or shortly before it, and or. Well, I've got to say, that part's confused me. It's all that's happened once in a while.

But hold on, hold on, hold on, you asked me, hold on, hold on, hold on, Roy, Roy, you asked me, I'm trying to explain and give you the answer, though, OK? So I'm just telling you what they say, all right? So that's full preterism says that. Partial preterism would say that a lot of what was spoken of in those chapters was fulfilled, but not all of it, and there's more to come as Christ returns than the rest of it will be fulfilled then. So there you go.

That's what the difference is between full preterism, partial preterism, OK? Yeah. OK.

So there you go. So then on the amillenias, like, your position. Amillennialism says. How, I mean, how is that different from things of course? OK, but they're not the same thing.

They're different categories. Amillennialism says that the millennial reign of Christ, this 1,000 year period, is not literal, but figurative, because it's used in a figurative context. And Satan was bound at the time of Christ, and 1,000 years but a day, days but 1,000 years, the word 1,000 is used figuratively. And so they say, well, we just hold to how the Bible's pattern works in describing these things. And so therefore, they believe that Christ is reigning and that it's the 1,000 years is a figurative period of time. The premillennialists will say that the 1,000 years is a literal 1,000 year period that's in the future. The postmillennialists are basically amillennialists with an idea that everything's going to get better.

And so that they're going to do the preaching, the teaching, the gospel. Yeah, I don't see it either. I'm a pessimistic amillennialist, and I have a friend who is a postmillennialist.

And we've discussed things, but I think it's got problems. But at any rate, so those are the views. They're all with us.

I appreciate you explaining that to me. That was pretty much all I had. OK. Yeah, I personally think the postmillennialists just doesn't make sense for the full threaderists. And you know, reportedly, my mother started listening to the full threaderists. She was talking, and I read it, and I'm like, this is just, you know, this is like reading the book of Jehovah, you know, the Jehovah's Witness. I got one of those, and I ended up tearing it in half and throwing it out the door window.

The Jehovah's Witnesses is a non-Christian cult. OK, so you should stay with me. Yeah, I know. I figured that out after reading so far, and I ended up tearing it in half and throwing it out the door window. You mean you littered? I didn't want somebody to find the whole thing. Yeah, I don't advocate littering, but yeah, I get you.

When it's better than someone reading that, falling for it. No, you take it home, you put it in the trash, that's all. Yeah, yeah. OK, sir, well, thank you much. All right, man, God bless. OK, let's get to Joe from North Carolina. Joe, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt, how are you? Haven't talked to you in a while. I've been reading in the book of Ezekiel, and I know a lot of times in the Old Testament, sometimes the phrase, Son of Man, sometimes refers to as Jesus.

Am I mistaken there? Oh, he cut me in a yawn. Sorry about that. I always like to say, give me the verse, and we look at the context. That's what I like to say. And so the phrase, Son of Man, does occur in Ezekiel. He said to me, Son of Man, stand on your feet that I may speak with you. Well, that's not Jesus, the pre-incarnate Christ.

It's Ezekiel. Gotcha. OK. Well, OK, so I was mistaken there. Well, no, it doesn't mean that later, doesn't mean there can't be a verse that refers to the future coming of the Son of Man. So I'm just saying, you always got to look it up in context.

That's all. Well, I know in a lot of verses, well, I shouldn't say I know this, I was told that in some verses that when it says Son of Man, it refers to as it being Christ. And was I taught wrong? It depends on what the context is.

Always look. Yeah, because Jesus is the Son of God, but he's also called the Son of Man. So that's referencing to who he is as a human. The Son of God references who he is. OK, well, let's go back to Ezekiel. Who are they referring to as Son of Man in the first three or four chapters of Ezekiel? Well, what I'm doing is actually scrolling through a search I did on the Son of Man in the book of Ezekiel.

And it occurs a lot of times. But if you're saying the Son of Man, Son of Man, Son of Man, I'm going, and I'm confused, who is the Bible referring to as Son of Man? OK, the phrase means what it means in its context. And don't assume that the single phrase, Son of Man, only means one thing in all contexts. Don't assume that.

You need to see how it's used. Then he said to me, Son of Man, stand on your feet, that I may speak with you. It's Ezekiel he's referring to there. Then he said to me, Son of Man, I'm sending you to the sons of Israel, two rebellious people, Ezekiel 2-3. OK?

Right. So these places are referencing Ezekiel. And here's one in Ezekiel 5-1, as for you, Son of Man, take a sharp sword, take and use it as a barber's razor.

So there's lots of places. Now, when we go to other verses, I have to look at all of them and see, well, what does it say? It says, Son of Man, prophesy. Now, we can go, for example, in the New Testament and look up the phrase, Son of Man.

And it's in reference to Jesus in Matthew 8-20. So the term has different meanings in different contexts, OK? OK. OK. OK. Well, then I won't continue reading it.

You don't like to have any of them. You don't read it. No, read it. Just look at the context, OK? That's all you do.

Just read through the context, see what it's saying. All right, my friend. All right?

Thank you very much. OK. All right. All right, well, God bless. OK. All right. We've got about five minutes left in the show, maybe four minutes.

And there's nobody waiting on line. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to jump in. And let's do a couple of hate bails.

I know that people love hate bails, a lot of people do. So let's see if I can find one. I'm going to just check this out. Here we go.

I haven't read it from someone named Taylor. This is from a while back. I was researching through Google and came across your website. I was astonished at the blasphemy on which you put forth for public view. Wow.

Man, that's good stuff. The editors at CARM are apparently oblivious on all accounts of any, wow, I love this stuff, of any religion. No, I've only written 140 articles on Islam and 182 articles on annihilationism. I've written over 100 articles on Mormonism, 100 articles on Catholicism, 100 articles on Jehovah's Witnesses. And yet, I'm ignorant, yeah. There are an account of ignorant of any religion, including their own. This is awesome, including their own. So how would he know?

That is awesome. How would he know? How would he know? I'm ignorant of my own religion because I'm writing this stuff, right? And me and their ignorant of their own religion. How do you do it?

So I can see somebody come up to me and say, Matt, you're ignorant of your own religion. They go, I am? I didn't know that. Thanks for telling me.

I appreciate it. What am I ignorant of? Tell me because if I don't know something, I should know. Tell me what it is. OK, OK, OK. So this person goes on. I'm learning as I go into this one.

This is a good one. Something you must know about Wicca. Oh, it's a Wiccan person. Is that they are not devil worshippers, as you so boldly stated. Well, what I said about Wicca is they don't directly believe and advertise that they worship Satan. But ultimately, that's what they're doing.

That's what I said. Ultimately, they don't know it. They're unaware in the occult. Anyway, if you were someone of a greater mindset, OK, a greater mindset. I'm not sure what a greater mindset is. Bigger head, higher IQ, or you have to agree with Wicca.

Then you're a greater mindset, whatever that means. Anyway, if you are someone of a greater mindset, you would know to read and evaluate the things upon your sightings, sittings, that are very much like Native Americans. OK, that made no sense.

OK, it just made no sense. It's like, you know, I have talked to Wiccans and go, well, we're like the Native American of theologies. Yeah, so does that mean it's true? People say, well, Native Americans are the first, and therefore it's true. No, it's not.

We're getting this stuff. You know the ones that were in this country first? I don't know if the Native Americans were the first ones here.

I don't know if there were people before them. Anyway, I don't know. But I am sure such smart persons, such as yourselves, would know that. I'm going to send a letter to someone of internet security at safety and have your sight removed. Yes, I understand the First Amendment of freedom of speech, but you must know about freedom of religion and from all the research you have done to condone someone's faith as devil worshippers. You must know Wicca is a religion. Enjoy your lives behind those rose-colored glasses that you so kindly wear.

How do you kindly wear glasses? I don't get this. People say things, and they just say it. And they're like, what? What are you saying? I don't get it.

So I think the guy who wrote this was, let's just say, a little bit tweaked and just wasn't thinking very clearly. Just, I'm going to take this. I'm going to just take this out and hit send. And there I showed him. Hey, that was fun for me.

I don't know about you. You know, by God's grace, I'm back on the air on Tuesday next week. Have a great, great weekend. May the Lord bless you. And by his grace, we'll talk to you then. Have a great one, everyone. God bless. Another program powered by the Truth Network.
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