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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
March 18, 2022 11:32 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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March 18, 2022 11:32 pm

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include---1- Matt discusses tradition versus Scripture.--2- Who gave Jesus the authority in Matthew 28-18- Who, in the Trinity, has the most authority---3- How do free will and predestination connect---4- Why did God allow Satan to persecute Job---5- What do you think about Les Feldick---6- How do you reconcile Exodus 6-3 and Geneses 4-26---7- How can I deal with people who say that we are -small gods----8- Do you know anything about Ron Wyatt, who supposedly discovered the site of Noah's ark-

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Matt Slick Live!
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Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick

The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. It's Matt Slick live. Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick live.

Francis, taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody, welcome to the show. Wow, it's me, Matt Slick.

Listen to Matt Slick live. Man, I'm going to tell you, I was rushing at the last bit. It had stuff going on, and I'm laughing about it.

Well, OK, so if you hear me breathing, it's because I literally was hustling. Hey, you know what? The Lord's work, I'll tell you. It's good stuff. All right.

Hey, look, folks, if you want to give me a call, all you have to do is dial 877-207-2276. I want to hear from you. So I was having a discussion today with oneness, not oneness, but Unitarianism. And so generally speaking, generally speaking, what I do when I have discussions with people, I try to really be patient, really be polite. But I've had a discussion with one particular guy who is now working hard against the doctor of the Trinity, and he's denying that Jesus Christ is God in flesh and other things. So, you know, you have to call him a heretic for what he is, and I was going through some discussions and having discussions about that very thing. That's what I was doing and was exposing. I just really I hammered him. I was exposing to a discussion room the inconsistencies with his Unitarian position with God.

If it doesn't work, it's incoherent. I was showing it and that's what I was doing. So there you go for that. And me, you know, it's my thing.

I enjoy doing that kind of thing. So, by the way, if you want to give me a call, all you got to do is dial 8772072276. And so there you go. Wow, I was rushing.

I mean, I was rushing and I get a kick out of it because I like doing a lot of things and sometimes I multitask. All right. All right. All right.

That's enough of that stuff. If you're a first time listener, this is a Christian apologetic show. We defend the Christian faith, and I interest you in that. Apologetic show, we defend the Christian faith, and I answer questions on issues of the Bible, politics, evolution, UFOs, the occult, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian science, unity by Islam, all kinds of things, Eastern orthodoxy and deal.

I hope death blows to the false doctrines that are out there. The scripture is the final authority, and that's what I use as the word of God. The final authority is the scriptures.

And in fact, I was in two discussion rooms today discussing I'm going to go through something with you while hopefully you guys can give me a call. Is the issue of tradition and scripture, because there are groups that teach that tradition is equal to scripture and that sacred tradition, oral tradition is equal to the word of God. The Roman Catholic Church, for example, will teach that you have to believe in the magisterium and that the inspired word of God is not only the written, but it's also the verbal tradition that's given down to the descendants or the authority of the apostolic succession of the apostles and things like that. So here's something that I bring up that I discuss with them, because they're going to say, now get this, they're going to say, people do this.

They're going to say, well, you look, Matt, we have sacred tradition. We believe that there are truths that are manifested that are not revealed in the word of God. I say, really, not in scripture.

Okay, that's right. And I say, well, where are these things? Well, they're in their tradition. All right, so they're in your tradition. So what the Catholics are saying is that tradition, I'm going to find this and read some stuff from them. I'm going to show you something out of scripture, because I think it's important. That tradition is, to them, is both scripture and what is?

Well, scripture to them is tradition, the oral tradition, and also the written word. So is that the case? Is that true?

Well, the answer is no, it's not. Why do they say that? They say it because they want to submit the word of God to their church and their church authority.

So oral tradition is a form of tradition in the Roman Catholic Church where one thing is spoken and handed down to another inside the Roman Catholic Church. And so they, therefore, then know these things and will reveal them as being true. For example, the assumption of Mary, that she was assumed into heaven and didn't physically die.

Or they'll say that she was born without sin. Well, how do you know this? Because that's a tradition of the apostles. Well, how do you know it's true? Because the apostles said it, and they pass it down to their disciples and their disciples and their disciples into the Roman Catholic Church, and we have that because we are the true church.

Blah, blah, blah. All right. Now, what I'm going to do is read 2 Thessalonians 2, we'll read the first five verses. Now, we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to him, that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. Verse 5, do you not remember that while I was still with you, I was telling you these things?

Whoa. So that means he was, oh, I've got neighbor kids, I've got to close the window and do that during the break. That's what the screaming is, way back now.

This little girl's out playing out in the yard having a good time in the spring here. I hope you guys can't hear that, but I'll close it during the break. And so, notice what's happening here, it says, when I was telling you these things, telling is speech, that means oral, oral tradition. So the Catholic church says that once something is spoken, it's not necessarily written down, but it's spoken and then transmitted. This is exactly what Paul is telling them. He says, I was telling you these things. And notice what happens here. Paul the apostle himself was giving them the word, giving them the oral proclamation.

They were getting it wrong right away, right away. Here we have the people of Thessalonica. Paul is telling them these things. Are there disciples there? Of course there are. Are there Christian disciples? Of course there are. Are there people who were Christians?

Of course. And yet, when they heard from Paul himself, they were getting it wrong. And Paul had to write scripture to correct them.

Why? Because the oral tradition wasn't sufficient. It's right there in scripture. And I've brought this out before. I've brought it out and shown people that there's a problem with oral tradition.

This is one of the things, this is 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. Let's get to the phones. If you want to give me a call, we have 4-1 lines, 8772072276. Patrick from North Carolina, welcome, you're on the air. Hello, Matt.

Hi. I called in the other day and was asking you a question about Matthew 2018 on Jesus having all authority in heaven and on earth. Was that authority given to Jesus by the Father or God? Well, the Father is God.

He's called God. And when Jesus is on earth in the incarnate form and all of that, when he prays to, he's praying to the Father because he's under the law. And so that's why he would speak about the Father. Okay. Okay, so if the Father, Son, Holy Spirit is the Trinity, is God the fourth part of the Trinity? No. God is a Trinity.

Okay. Okay, so then who has the most authority in heaven and earth? Jesus said he was given authority because he was made under the law for a little longer than the angels. So he was in that position of humility.

And so God the Father gave it to him. Okay, that's what... Well, Jesus has more authority than the Father. It doesn't say that, does it? Why would you say that if the text doesn't say that?

Why would you try and make a problem that the text doesn't say? Well, it says all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me, which is Jesus. So that means he's got authority over the Father. Oh. So when it says all authority, that means God the Father doesn't have any authority left because he gave it to the Son? So how about the Holy Spirit, does he have any authority? Hold on a sec.

Hold on. Is that what you're saying? That when God the Father gave the authority to the Son, that God the Father no longer had any authority? Is that what you're saying? No, I'm just... I'm saying that... Okay, so... According to...

Hold on. I asked you if that's what you were saying. You said no. So then when God the Father gave the Son authority, then the Father still has authority, right? Well, I guess then they all three have the authority. Okay, we're talking about the Father and the Son. You brought up this issue of the authority in Matthew 28 18, so I'm asking you questions about this. If I ask you questions about what it is you have brought up, and then you avoid the very issue you brought up, then there's a problem. Not with me, but with you.

I'm asking you questions about it. So you've already agreed that all the authority was not removed from the Father, but that the Father and the Son both have authority. Are you agreeing with that? No, because Jesus has all authority.

Nobody else has it but him. Okay, so the Father doesn't have any authority? So the Father doesn't have any authority, is that what you're saying? So that's my question, is maybe the one that is correct is God and Jesus are the same thing. Are you saying that the Father doesn't have any authority? Well, I'm saying that... Are you saying... Okay.

Can you please answer the question? Are you saying that God the Father doesn't have any authority if all authority has been given to the Son? How can God have any authority if he gave it all to the Son? Okay, I just hung up on him, folks. You notice what happens here is I'm asking a specific question several times, he doesn't answer the question.

I've had thousands of encounters over the decades with individuals who just refuse to answer a simple question based on their theological or logical position. All he has to do is say, no, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have any authority. Okay, then we move on. That's all. We just move on to the next statement, okay, now what are you saying then?

And he can't even get to that point. The reason this is important is because you've got to understand that if a person holds a position, there are ramifications to that position and we can ask questions about the position. Now, sometimes people can say, well, you know what, I haven't thought of that, I need to think it through. Sure, that's fair, but when I ask a very detailed question and then he hymns and haws and backtracks on the same thing and he doesn't answer, then my experience has just shown that the conversation continues in the same vein where nothing gets addressed. He asks questions, he doesn't answer, he asks another question and nothing occurs and that's just not conducive to a good conversation, so bye-bye, you know. I just ask people, please answer questions. I answer questions and, you know, let's go back and forth.

That's respectful, I think. We have four open lines if you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. Let's get to Julie from South Carolina. Julie, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt. How are you? I'm fine. How are you? Good. I'm hoping you can help me. I entered into a spiritual conversation with one of my friends and you really sparked my interest in predestined election.

So I guess I'm not struggling. I know that the word of God is the word of God and I'm kind of just trying to understand and maybe there aren't things I'm supposed to understand. Anyway, so predestined election when it comes to free will and how all of that kind of intertwines. Sure. No problem. No problem. Want me to explain it? Maybe you can help me out. Yes, please.

Sure. Free will means that we're free to make choices and we make them. We make them in a manner that's consistent with our nature. The reason I say that is because God has free will and he can only do what is good because that's his nature. We don't want to define free will from a human perspective and say that's what true free will is and it wouldn't apply to God.

So we can choose to sin and not sin, but God can only choose to sin. I mean, oh boy, I hate it when I do things like that and I say stupid things that come out wrong. You know, somebody could just get a collection of the times where I put my foot in my mouth and put it together and say this stuff. So anyway, I messed up, of course. We'll be right back after this. Okay. We'll get to this and I'll explain it some more. Okay. Sorry about that. Hey folks, please hold on.

We have four open lines. If you want to continue to listen to this heretic, please, please do. We'll be right back after these messages. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right. Welcome back to the show everyone. Julie, are you still there? I am. Okay.

Sorry about that. All right, let's try it again. Free will means you can choose without being forced. We'll just leave it at that. Okay. Not being forced to make a choice.

Okay. Now, when God elects, what that means is he chooses people. That's what election means. And there are different words for elect and choose and chosen and the word church. So I'm going to pronounce them in Greek and listen to the first syllable of each. Eclectas, eclegami, eclegae, ecclesia. Word church is ecclesia. We're the called out ones. All the world deserves damnation. We all fell in Adam, Romans 5-19, 1 Corinthians 15-22, Romans 5-18. We all deserve damnation. What God did is he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world, Ephesians 1-4, that would be holy and blameless.

He chose certain ones to be that. Those who would be holy and blameless are going to be the saved ones. The unbelievers aren't holy and blameless.

They're dying in their sins. So God, from all eternity, chose us and he predestined the ones he chose. He worked in their lives and in circumstances to bring them to the faith. And at the time of his choosing, he grants that they believe, Philippians 1-29, and he grants them repentance, 2 Timothy 2-25. He has it, our work is the work of believing in Christ. It's actually God's work.

This is the word of God that you believe on whom he has sent, John 6-29. We're still free. So when we choose... Go ahead. Yes. Go ahead. So when we choose Christ and we accept him as our savior, that could not have happened unless God chose us first, correct? Correct.

That's absolutely correct. Okay. You see... I'm sorry. You're breaking up. You're breaking up. Try it again. Okay.

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just fascinated by this because that is the case. And why would we go... like what about those, and I know this probably has been asked before, in what purpose is it that we go and we try to preach the gospel to people on islands that have never heard of Jesus, if God has already... Because we don't know how God elects. We don't know how he has made that choice. We don't know... Here, let's see if I can say this. We don't know what that God has by his ordained will used freewill creatures redeemed that from eternity he's decreed that they make these choices by which he uses to choose what he's done because it's his decree to do so.

It gets tough. We know on a simple level that God tells us to. And for some strange reason, when we preach a lot, more people get saved. There is somehow some way of interaction. I don't know what that is. I don't know how it is.

I know that God elects people from the foundation of the world. I know that. But I also know that the more we preach, the more people are saved. Now, how that works, I can't tell you.

It's above my pay grade. So what I do is... it is, you know. As a friend of mine said, Bill McKeever said this, I'd like to give him the credit where let's do Bill McKeever from Sandy, Utah there. He says we're not in production, we're in sales. We're the ones who try and convince and God is the one who produces.

So we're not in production, we're in sales. So what we do is give an answer and we go and preach and teach and then we just trust that God has got it all worked out from eternity past and yet the more we preach, the more gets saved. And I believe that. Which is why I witness a great deal. I probably witness and teach more than most or every Christian. I'm not boasting. I'm saying, I am doing, maybe Christians in seminaries and things like that, teaching, you know.

I have the opportunity to do radio every day and write articles and I'm on debate rooms a lot and so I could do this a great deal. That's all I'm saying. More than the average Christian.

And yet I believe God predestines and elects because the Bible says so. It doesn't stop. Right. It encourages me.

Because I don't know how God does it. Okay. Yes. Well you're a blessing. I'm reading Chosen by God by R.C.

Sproul. Yeah. I don't know if you've read it, it's just fascinating and I'm just so drawn to this topic and the more I tell people, the more, it's just spiritual conversation but there's obviously things I just don't know and I'm like, that's a really good question, I need to call Matt and Mike. And you know I've been discussing this, teaching on it, trying to answer objections and things on this topic for, I want to say 30 years, maybe longer, yeah 30 years.

Wow. And it certainly doesn't mean I'm right but I've had a lot of questions asked and I like to think I have some answers and I'm just going to tell you, maybe I'm wrong about some things. I'm not just saying it, giving those words, lip service, no I believe it, maybe I'm wrong. I just ask God, show me where I'm wrong, teach me where I'm wrong, by the word. But what I see in the word is, Ephesians 1.4, it says he chose us in him before the foundation of the world. Okay, he chose us. He says he predestines us, that's what it says in Ephesians 1.4 and 5. Okay, he works all things after the counsel of his will, Ephesians 1.11. He turns the heart of the king where he wishes it to go, Proverbs 21.1. We can't come to him unless it's granted from the father, John 6.65. We're born again not of our own will, John 1.13. He causes us to be born again, excuse me, he grants that we believe, Philippians 1.29. These are verses I know and I know them well and I can understand them all so to speak simultaneously when you, you know, I have to go consider that one.

I've been doing this for so long, I'm like, okay, how do they all fit? And my conclusion is this, God's in absolute control, nothing surprises him, he's ordained everything that comes to pass, yet at the same time, what we do somehow makes a difference because from all eternity, God's ordained that it does. That's what I believe. Yeah, that does make sense, the way that you say that, for sure, when I'm in conversation I can say it like that. Do you have time for just one more question as it pertains to this?

Sure, really fast, go ahead. Okay, what about the story of Job? I often wonder how it fits into the why, and maybe, I mean, obviously it's a bad one. Why did God allow Satan to persecute him? Yes, when his faith was so strong. Because it was for us and ultimately to demonstrate the truth of who God is. See, Job was righteous in one level but not in another, and God knew him and Satan challenged him and Job was right, he was vindicated, and it is a book that teaches wisdom and there's hidden things in there. There's different philosophical positions that are taught by the different opponents to Job, which I need to go through and study that, and that idea was given to me by somebody and I have to go through and look. But there's a lot going on there, and so it's more than just, why would God let him be persecuted?

God does everything for a reason, and we could offer a list of reasons for the greater glory of God, to humble Job even further, to give him a greater reward later on, to demonstrate the truth and the power of God even over Satan, to show the limits of Satan, there's all kinds of things that are in there. Okay? We've got a break. We've got to go. I'll be back in a moment. If that's not it, please take me to the other side. All right.

God bless you. Hey, folks. We'll be right back after these messages at 877-207-2276. Give me a call. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. Hey, everybody. Welcome back to the show. Let's get on the line with Boyd from Greensboro, North Carolina. Welcome. Welcome back to the show. Let's get on the line with Boyd from Greensboro, North Carolina. Welcome.

You're on the air. Thank you, Matt. I just wanted to get your thoughts on the guy that comes on TV, Les Svelding.

Yeah. I've been hearing some more and more names come up and I don't trust him. So I'm going to just say that for now. I probably need to do a bit of research on him. And I think I will just because you called up about this and because his name's come up before and I finished another person's research.

I'm going to expand it on Andy Stanley and then I'm going to, I think I'll just do one on Les Svelding. But I looked at his statement of faith during the break and his statement of faith is pretty good. Now this doesn't mean that he's teaching everything right.

But I've heard enough warning statements that I'm just concerned. So he believes in the gap theory and which is ridiculous. From my understanding that the earth was flooded twice, he says that.

And that Adam didn't want to lose Eve and that's why he chose to fall. Things like this which are not in scripture. So when people start doing things like that, you've got to be very, very careful. And then we have various things and I won't get into it right now. But I'm going to start to, I'll probably start working on it tonight, get a more comprehensive analysis of this guy. Because there's a lot he's producing and I've got to do that. So that's all I know right now and I think Charlie has stuff in the text that he does things.

He studies things I don't study sometimes. And I don't see anything. So that's what I'll do. I'll just research call back in next week and let's see what I've come up with. OK. But for now.

When COVID started, that's when we're all shut in and couldn't get out and I just ran across the TV. I would definitely say he's a dispensationalist, no doubt. And I couldn't find any problem with his, the fact that he believes scripturally that we're saved through grace, no doubt. But he definitely does give his own opinion.

Like you said, the Gap Theory, why Adam let the, I mean, why Adam sin. And there's a lot of things. And he says, and he does clarify a lot of things by saying, now this is my opinion, you know. But sometimes when you step out and give your opinion, you get away from scripture.

Well, I tell you what, and anybody else who's listening. If you have any information on him that is worth looking at any concerns, then what I'd ask you to do is give me the quote. If it's in a book, it's in a writing, it's in a web address. If it's in audio, provide that and say, go here and on page whatever. Or here's the quote. Or it's on this article here.

Or it's in this audio at 8 minutes and 17 seconds. Because sometimes people will send me a two-hour video and go, here's where the quote is, and I'm just not going to listen to it. And so I need that help. Because there's just so much to do.

I got so much. But if people want to do that. But I will say, having looked at his statement of faith, I scanned it. I couldn't find anything wrong with it. So that's good. Well, thank you, sir. You can have others who say some things that are good, but doesn't mean they are. And something at the back of my mind is just bothering me.

And I don't know what it is. But I don't want to say something inappropriate either. I don't want to misrepresent him and say he's not a good guy if he is a good guy. So let me just do some homework on him and call back next week. And let's see what I come up with, okay? All right. Thank you, sir. And thanks for calling. Goodbye. And thanks for bringing that up, to bring it to my attention.

I need to do work on that. All right. Let's get on the phone with, let's see whose next longest waiting person is. Nelson from Bakersfield. Hey, Nelson. Welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt. God bless. Been a minute.

Thanks. Hey, the verse, okay, I got a question about Exodus, verse, Exodus chapter 6, verse 3. How can I reconcile that verse with the very last statement in Genesis 4 in that passage? Okay, Exodus 6, where it says God appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God Almighty. And then you're saying in Genesis 6, the last verse in Genesis 6, or was it Genesis 4?

I forgot which one. Genesis 4. Okay. It's the last verse in Genesis 4, which says to Seth- That's the end of that verse, that's the second part of that verse. Yeah, it says he began to call on the name of the Lord there. Okay. Yeah, because on the other one it says that God Almighty appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but to them they did not know his name as God. Yeah.

Okay, now I understand. I understand the question. Yeah, so, because it says in Exodus 6, which is the time of Moses, which is after Seth, and it says, but my name, Lord, my name Yahweh, I did not make myself known to them.

I'm actually glad you brought this up, because I haven't had to deal with this thing, this issue, in 10 or 15 years. I just remember, I know what the answer is, but it has been so long, and I'm smiling because you're causing me to remember, which I like, it's no big deal. So anyway, I'm thankful for that. So it says, then he began to call on the name of the Lord. It looks like what's happening in the issue of Seth, he called upon the name of the Lord, called upon the name of Yahweh. When it says, in Exodus 6, 3, it says, God Almighty, but by my name Yahweh, I did not make myself known to them. Logically, we could say that he did not let himself be known to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as Lord, as Yahweh, as his name. We could say that, because his name was not revealed officially until God was talking to Moses in Exodus 3. So we know that, and Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were before then.

But Seth was before that time as well. So it looks like what Moses did is this, he wrote in that Seth was calling on the name of the Lord. See, to call upon the name of the Lord is a generic phrase that means to pray to, to seek God. So he was doing that, and it looks like what Moses did was just backpedaled and put the name of God in there as that phrase that represents his trust and faith in the true and living God, even though he didn't know his name. That's one possibility. The other possibility is he did know his name.

It was somehow revealed to him, and that it's Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that didn't know his name officially. Those are logical possibilities. Some are more satisfying than others.

The one I lean to is that what Moses did when he wrote Genesis is he just inserted the phraseology as an idiomatic expression to call upon the name of the Lord, which is to seek the true and living God, and in the case of the word Lord Yahweh, call upon the name of, that's what it is, and that he retroactively inserted it into the text as to what they were doing to the true and living God. Okay? Okay, okay.

Got it. Yeah, because I was seeing that with it Tuesday, and I was like, huh, call on the name of the Lord. It reminded me of what it said next to the sixth street.

But good for you. See, these are the kind of questions I think are great because it does cause us to see and to think, and you're putting things together from different places. It means you're paying attention, and praise God.

But yeah, I've had to deal with that before, and that was the answer that in my research I came up with. It looks like it's a retroactive statement that Moses put into the text to signify the phrase. Because it's not that he knew his name, but there's a phrase to call upon the name of the Lord. And in some cases we can wonder, does it mean that they had the actual name, or does it mean that they were calling it hematically, the expression would say, calling upon God and the name of God as in the great being one.

So we don't know. And then there's also the issue that some may have had an idea of God's name before the time of Moses, when Moses, who was raised in the court of Pharaoh, wouldn't have known the name of Yahweh. And it could have been, there's some theories, I would theorize, that the name of God could have been revealed elsewhere at earlier times, but he didn't know it, and they didn't know it until that time.

There's several explanations that are possible, okay? Okay, okay, well thank you Matt. And just for a little bonus for the viewers, listeners, I was talking to a brother right now a little bit ago, and he was doing the study of names of the Bible, and he came across the name of Cain, and the definition of Cain means, there's two definitions, which means one is demon, and the other is dagger. I was like, wow, that was pretty interesting, I was like, wow.

Let's see, let me take a look, let me take a look, let's see, Cain, and so, here we go, and it means, it occurs 17 times, Cainite wants eldest son of Adam, Eve, first murderer, murderer, tribe of witch, Cainite possession. I don't see the definite translation of it, that's a good look for some more research, but it's interesting, gotta go, there's a break, okay buddy, I'll call back again, man. All right. Thank you very much. Thank you, thank you.

Thank you, everybody. We have three open lines, if you wanna give me a call, 877-207-2276, we'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276, here's Matt Slick. Hey buddy, welcome back to the show.

We have three open lines, 877-207-2276, Nate from California, welcome, you're on the air. How are you, man? I hope everyone, everyone in the family is doing good, God bless. Well, we're hanging in there, what have you got?

Life isn't easy, believe me. I called you, and I was the last one, so you told me to call today, so I'm a person that has to. What is it that, I studied it, but then I forgot about it, this friend of mine, he believes that we are small gods, you know, like, not God, but just young gods, and it made me remind me of the book of hand canographs of Christianity in crisis, and I didn't read it all, I think I read part of it, or listened to it.

So what's your question, though? I want to know what is it that they, how can I answer them correctly, that we are not gods, or little gods. I'd say 4310, 446, 448, 455, no God created before God, no God created after God, doesn't even know if we are gods, we're not little gods. When they go to Psalm 2-6, which says you are gods, and Jesus quotes it in John 10-34, it's a mockery of the unrighteous judges, so these people are arrogant fools, who raise themselves up and say they're little gods, yes they are, absolutely yes they are. Yes they are, they need to be corrected, alright, can you say those verses again so I can write them down later? Just go to Isaiah chapters 43, 44, and 45, and just read through those three chapters and you'll see lots of verses in there that say that God is only one God, doesn't even know of any other, those are three chapters that are just full of that kind of thing.

It's good stuff, okay. Yeah, that is God, but how about little God? There are no little gods, there aren't any little gods. And this was in the Bible, it's not a fact, I read through it, it says you are a little god or something.

No, that would be in the book of Deuterectomy, or 2nd Moronicals, okay, it's not there, alright. So even though it says in the Bible that you are a little god. It does not say, it does not say anywhere in the Bible you're little gods. It doesn't say that. We are, that we will be little gods, that we are little gods. Okay, it never says anywhere in the Bible that we are little gods or will become gods. It's not there.

It's not in scripture. Alright. The same thing in my catagraphs, check it out. Thank you, I truly appreciate it, and I hope that everyone in your family gets better. Thank you. Everyone has pain.

I'm epileptic. I ask you to pray for me too. So. Well we have a prayer team, and people are willing, if they want, they can just email us, and we have people whose ministry it is to pray for people, that's what they do, so it's a prayer. That is the best, yeah, a prayer team. To me, to me it is great to be that scripture, to pray for people who truly need it.

Amen. Can I ask you one more question? Yeah, I was going to say, the address is prayer at, and you can always get to us that.

Everybody has any prayer needs. Okay, one more question. Okay. Throwing the pearls out there, is it the pearls to the pigs, because I have several friends who I tell them about Christ and stuff, and they just don't want to hear it, isn't that like throwing the pearls to, or Jesus said, or someone, I forget, I forget verses, that don't throw the pearls to the. Matthew 7, 6. Right.

Don't throw your pearls in the forest or in a little trampoline on your feet. Right. Yeah, so if I see them again and have a party with them, don't mention the Bible at all.

I can't tell you that you should not mention the Bible at all when you have a gathering of people. I'm not going to tell you that. But we have to be wise.

Well, I wouldn't either, but, you know, me, for me, I would. Hold on, let me answer, okay. But you have to be wise, and when the right time is, to bring up the truth of God's word.

You don't want to be offensive, and you don't want to be overbearing, but you don't want to agree never to bring up the Gospel message, and then ask God for wisdom when the right time is. Okay. That's what you got to do. Are you there? All right. Yeah, I'm here.

I'm here. Thank you very much. Okay.

I will call again for another question that I have, but I don't want to keep people waiting. God bless. Okay. Keep it up, man.

Keep it up. All right. All right, man.

Well, God bless, buddy. Okay. Okay. All right.

Bye. Thank you. Thank you, man. And I'm here with my friend, North Carolina Travis.

Welcome. You are on the air. Hey, man, how you doing, buddy? Doing all right.

Hanging in there, by God's grace. So what do you got, buddy? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Well, I had a couple questions for you. Maybe kind of a, I don't know, am I big, but I didn't know if you'd ever heard of Ron Wyatt archaeologists from you know the 80s and 90s passed away in 99 and I was curious if there's anything with his message that would be legitimate and viable you know I just I don't know because I don't I don't know what he's saying now I'm looking at the name and is this the guy that one of two guys who went and looked for this wasn't that Noah's Ark but Noah's Ark he did yeah the two other guys I'm thinking about was it wasn't Noah's Ark that they were looking at they were looking for something else and they apparently found it it was the mount where he found the Ark of the Covenant in Jeremiah's grotto okay underneath I guess archaeology archaeologically went under there dug back in the 80s and claimed to have found and I was far-fetched it was for me and I just did he touch it you know try it well apparently and like I say there's videos on YouTube you know this is kind of gotten me kind of spawned back into you know get myself right you know and do what I'm supposed to well basically found the blood dripping on the mercy seat of the art in Jeremiah's grotto below Calvary I don't know I know that sounds crazy yeah I would I I don't know about that and um it would be blood for 4,000 years dripping I you know I'm not convinced of that at all well you know over I don't know he was just going on saying that like there were you know you get 24 chromosomes from your mother or 20 some chromosomes from your mother but there was only one why chromosome or one why meaning that there were no other chromosomes from the father which is gonna do with Noah's Ark I'm waiting so well apparently found Noah's Ark in Turkey Noah's Ark State Park or something I know I know it's our pitch I just didn't know if you'd ever heard of it and I won't I won't take your time I know well um I think I know what is being looked at here I've seen on the web I've seen this grotto or this area that looks like Noah's Ark yeah that's exactly I'm looking at a video from him it's exactly what it is and I'm not convinced that a formation that looks like it there's a phenomena called pareidolia pareidolia occurs when you look into a cloud you say hey look there's a frog there's a you know a guy carrying a log okay it's called pareidolia and now I'm not saying it's not the case but we have to be careful with the issue of pareidolia when you see a formation now I'm looking at this and I it looks like a boat and maybe it is I'm just saying what I've seen in this video I'm not convinced they would have to show an entrance and then a wooded structure inside then I go okay now we're talking you know I don't know if I've seen that and so I'm just asking you know it's just something you'd have to dig into because the pun intended and and like say I'm not I'm not 100% convinced but you know it's just something that can help boost your faith like I say I was listening to your show earlier I'm kind of what you would call falling away Roman Catholic I was born Methodist well and raised Methodist stay away from Catholicism okay stay away from it that's you know that's kind of what I'm feeling especially with you know revelation and all talking about what the the horns or whatnot and there's one coming out I'm you know basically the church and I doesn't teach her there the Catholic Church little C doesn't really teach much about revelation but it talks about you know all Rome and stuff like that yeah now you're jumping around top of the topic but I'm trying to follow you but as far as the Ark that goes I don't know if what he said is true it's not been verified as far as I understand personally I believe that the Ark is out there I believe I suspect it will be discovered and verified it may have already been discovered and they're keeping it quiet I don't know I don't have any problem with either of those I think they're logically possible but I would be you know I'd be careful okay I'd be careful now I said Methodist did you go by any chance of the United Methodist Church yeah United Methodist I'm sorry yeah I was and that's where I'm at now you need to get out of there you know my wife need to get out of there the United Methodist get get out okay you know I'm not in this church it is I would never recommend anybody go to the UMC and I would also recommend they get out women pastors women elders promotion of homosexuality inclusion of transgenders as being perfectly viable operate your operations of homosexuals in clergy things like this okay don't go there like I say that's you know was my home church like I guess I'm still speaking I got you don't go it's not it it's not an issue here you don't go to a false church you just don't do it I don't care if a lot of friends are there you don't attend a false church you don't support a false church here in Boise the UMC Church on a Sunday morning had a Muslim preach for the pulpit to everybody at heresy the woman pastor allowed it to another error I passed out literature we have a we have a you know a male good and then why is he so then in a denomination that supports women homosexual pastors and women pastors you got to ask him the question because I'd say you know you got a better have a really good reason if he says I'm in here in order to witness to this denomination because it is going downhill and it's pagan he's been missionary in that context okay but for the average Joe don't go to a church like that don't go to a church in the past on a boat I am well you've got to figure something out you got to trust God it's better to listen online to good preaching in the timid bad church in person okay you're not supposed to go to we've got to go hey sorry got it's better to go to a church online to watch online good sermons that attend a bad church in person okay gotta go buddy hey folks right at time the Lord bless you by his grace back on there tomorrow and we'll talk to you then have a great night another program powered by the truth Network
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