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Ukraine Update / Living in Expectation of Christ's Return

Alex McFarland Show / Alex McFarland
The Truth Network Radio
February 26, 2022 12:00 am

Ukraine Update / Living in Expectation of Christ's Return

Alex McFarland Show / Alex McFarland

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February 26, 2022 12:00 am

2/26/2022 Ukraine Update / Living in Expectation of Christ's Return by Truth for a New Generation

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TNG Radio, where today's culture and timeless truths come together. It's reasoned, relevant content apologetics, worldview, and answers to the questions that you need to know. From Alex McFarland Evangelistic Ministries.

Welcome to Truth For A New Generation Radio. And now the man who preached in 50 states in 50 days, speaker, writer, and advocate for Christian apologetics, Dr. Alex McFarland. Hi, Alex McFarland here coming to you from the Denver airport. I'm flying back east after having spoken in Colorado Springs.

And because of a delay in the airlines, I'm not able to record my regular weekend show. But as we are all praying and taking in the news reports of Russia invading the Ukraine, Wednesday night I was at an event and we got reports from missionaries in Kiev that the airport in Kiev was being bombed as of Wednesday night. So the attack really began before it even hit the news wire late, late Wednesday all throughout Thursday. About 18 years ago, I was in an event with a number of speakers, James Dobson and Norm Geisler and Josh McDowell. And one was David Noble, the founder of Summit Ministries. And people were talking about this issue and that issue and secularism. And David Noble, 18 years ago, made a surprising claim.

I heard him repeat that claim about 10 years ago. And David Noble said the great threat to America in the future, in the 21st century, would be Russia and Marxism. And everybody kind of looked surprised because, you know, around 2002, 2003, the economy was good and things were booming. And, you know, we heard repeated reports of how communism, socialism, Marxism was dead. The Berlin Wall had fallen. The USSR was no more and capitalism and Western ideas were going into Russia and even China. But Noble said 18 years ago, and then I heard Dr. Noble repeat this 10 years ago, that just before the return of Christ, the two world superpowers would be Russia and China.

About 10 years ago, I heard him name Vladimir Putin by name. And Dr. Noble said that Russia under Vladimir Putin would invade Europe and ultimately Poland and Germany. It was interesting how Dr. Noble said he didn't know if they would invade America because they could probably control America without shedding blood unless we had a strong leader in the White House.

And I remember I was in upstate New York and Dr. Noble was saying these things that the 800 pound gorilla in the room was not even Islam or liberal American politics, but it was socialism and it was Russia. And here we are. And after Europe and America are subdued by Russia, I think those of us who believe the Bible know that Russia and China will invade Israel. Now, will this happen in the relative near future?

Or we don't know. But I will say this. We're in tough times. We need to pray for our nation. We need to pray for our leaders. We need to pray for the world. We need to pray for the work of the gospel in all parts of the world. But I would say as an individual, you need to have your house ready because Jesus is coming back and we may very likely be near the return of Christ. Oftentimes the idea of the rapture and the tribulation is referred to as premillennialism. And just a few years ago when we were watching Hamas bomb Israel, I was on a radio show with a non-premillennial pastor, a more reformed Calvinistic pastor, and generally they will not be as favorable to Israel as conservative premillennialists are.

But this Presbyterian pastor with whom I was on a radio show, he said, events in the Middle East make him believe that premillennialism is almost certainly true. Now that's an amazing statement. But here is the takeaway. Have your house in order. Know Christ. Be living for Christ. Be ready for the return of Christ. But pray. Stand strong for Jesus. Pray for the peace that we so desperately need around the world that can only come through the Lord Jesus.

And also, let me just say this, pray for the United States of America at this time. How are we to live in expectation of Christ's return? What is the appropriate mindset, the right posture to maintain as we think about the return of Jesus and the end of time? Well, the Bible makes some promises regarding this in 1 Thessalonians 5, 23-24 in the New Testament. It says, and may your spirit, soul and body be kept sound and blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

He who calls you is faithful who also will do it. It says that God will keep our body, soul and spirit sound, that means preserved, blameless, we are declared righteous through our faith in Christ until the coming of our Lord Jesus. And I want to talk about that on today's program, living in expectation of Christ's return. And really four things to aspire to or to keep in mind, four things to aim toward as we anticipate our meeting with Jesus. I was with a man named Arthur Blessed.

Arthur Blessed was very famous in the 70s, 80s and 90s. He walked around the world carrying the cross. He said, every day the presence of Jesus is so powerful and so sweet and so wonderful.

And I know what he means. Jesus is that friend who sticks closer than a brother. If you are a believer, Christ is with you. And the intimate, comforting, empowering presence of Jesus is a joy all day every day. But Arthur Blessed said this too. He said that he would win souls and he faithfully served Jesus courageously.

But here is part of what his motivation was. Thinking about the return of Christ. That Christ is coming back. 1 Thessalonians 3.13 says, may he make your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his saints. Amen.

Now you think about this. Christ's return is a reality. It is a comfort. It is a motivation. Christ's return is really an incentive because there are the promises related to his return, but really a warning that we are to be without spot or blemish. We are to stay faithful. We are to be ready.

So stay tuned. We are going to come back after this brief break and we will talk about four things to aspire to as we anticipate our meeting with Jesus. DNG Radio Send your kids to a summer camp that will change their lives for the gospel and equip them to defend the faith. Truth for a New Generation presents the Unashamed Biblical World View Camp, Go Deeper with God at the Refuge Camp of Eastern North Carolina, July 17th through 22nd. Your eighth through 12th graders will hear from evangelist and apologist Dr. Alex McFarland, as well as conference speakers, pro-family activists and radio hosts Will and Miki Addison from American Family Radio as they share with your kids ways to effectively engage and transform the culture. Campers will also enjoy swimming, canoeing, fishing, soccer, volleyball, archery, and a whole lot more. A great summer camp of fun and faith building. The TNG Unashamed Biblical World View Camp, July 17th through 27th at the Refuge Camp in Aiton, North Carolina.

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As Christians, we are called to make disciples of nations. Together, we can change the course of our country for good. Join Truth and Liberty to connect with believers and organizations who not only want to see a change in our nation, but a community that is actually doing something about it.

Join us online for our broadcast and subscribe for relevant updates on our website, Welcome back to Truth for a New Generation. We're talking about the end of time, and we opened up with 1 Thessalonians 5, 23-24, about our body, soul, and spirit being kept blameless. Do you know, we are three parts. We're made in the image of God, and God is a trinity – Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Now, human beings are not God. We are not the divine creator that Christ is. We are the creature.

We're made, but we're made in God's image. And there is a certain trinity to man – body, soul, and spirit. In the New Testament, it talks about, really, the part of you that lives forever somewhere is your spirit and your body. Of course, you know what your body is – your tissue, flesh, and bones. We often talk about the soul being, you know, your soul will go to heaven. But really, the word for soul is the word psyche, which is your mind, your knowledge, your will, your emotions. And all of these things are beneficiaries in Christ's redemption – your body, soul, and spirit. Now, one day you'll get a glorified body. But even right now, and I think Paul was alluding to this when he talked about renewing the inner man, your soul and spirit can be strengthened and renewed day by day as you feed on the Word of God.

Now, think about these things. It says, you'll be kept sound. The word is really preserved. 1 Thessalonians 5 23. In the original Greek, may your spirit, soul, and body be kept sound.

The implication is a preservative that is administered from without. And the wording there, sound, really means guarded over. Do you know that the Lord Jesus is guarding over you right now?

He really is. And it says that we are to be kept blameless. Now, this very same word is found in 1 Thessalonians 3 13, and it means without fault or defect.

Isn't that something? In the eyes of God, you're blameless if you're a born again believer. Because the righteousness of Christ has been attributed to you without fault or defect. Unblameable, says 1 Thessalonians 5 23. The Greek word there really means above reproach because morally pure.

Do you know in the eyes of God, if you're a born again believer, even you might struggle, you might stumble, we all do. But you are above reproach because you have been declared righteous in the eyes of God. And that word, it's interesting, it's also found in Philippians 1 verse 10, this word appears.

And I want to read it right now. It's a fascinating verse because it means in this context, appropriate. It says that you may approve the things that are excellent, and that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ. Without offense, if you're a born again believer. And so we often beat ourselves up and we say, Oh, I blow it all the time. And you know, I've messed up again.

Yes. And that's why in the Bible is 1 John 1 9. Now we often use 1 John 1 9 in the context of evangelism, but it's really written to believers. And it says, if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So as we anticipate our meeting with Jesus, we are to stand in our soundness, letting God preserve us, guard over us, guide us to understand that in the eyes of God, you're blameless, you're declared righteous.

That's your true identity. We are to live like it. And then 1 Thessalonians 3 13 blameless, listen, then holiness. Now the word is really sanctification.

You know, this word, I'm sure sanctification to be set apart, set aside, um, in Strong's Concordance. This speaks to quote the Holy Spirit's influence, preparing the believer for eternity. Now you think about that the longer you walk with Jesus, the more the old things don't even have a pull on you anymore, or they shouldn't at least the old ways, the old behaviors, but even the old emotions and the way you act and the way you react, you are more and more and more sanctified, brought into conformity with the nature of Jesus. And I love what Strong's Concordance says, the Holy Spirit's work of preparing the believer for eternity. You see God's sanctification in your life that brings the gift of holiness. It means that you can fully enjoy eternal life now and in the hereafter. Now regarding holiness, we really ought to be living in such a way that when we do transition from out of this world into heaven, there should not be a lot of culture shock.

Now think about that. There are a lot of believers and yes, they have trusted Christ and they are born again, but they have not really shaped their mind in accord with scripture. They are not really living that new life and when they leave this world and they are suddenly in the presence of the Lord in heaven, there is going to be a big change because here on earth there hasn't been change. Sanctification means we are doing our utmost to be in conformity to the Word of God, in conformity to the nature of Jesus and we are letting the Holy Spirit lead our lives and do the driving. That is what sanctification is supposed to be about. And then finally, we are supposed to be pure. I mentioned Philippians 1.10, there is a word in that verse for purity to which we have been called.

As C.S. Lewis said, there is a purity to which all believers are called. It says that we may approve the things that are excellent and be sincere and without offense until the day of Jesus Christ. The wording in Philippians 1.10 really means uncontaminated. As a believer, are you uncontaminated or is the stench of the world still about you?

Maybe your vocabulary, your language, the way that you talk and the way that you fly off and you lose your temper. There is a joy, friend, and a life surrendered, submitted, I am going to say subjugated by the Holy Spirit. Now as we think about the return of Christ, as we look toward the end of history and we may be close, it is time to get our house in order. It is time to be prepared. Revelation 22.20, he who testifies to these things says, yes, I am coming soon. Jesus Christ is coming back. We need to be ready. Now stay tuned to this edition of Truth For A New Generation.

Alex McFarland here. We are talking about living in expectation of Christ's return. Don't go away. The Apostle Peter wrote 1 Peter to remind us that Christians have true and lasting hope in their Savior, Jesus Christ. Because Jesus conquered death in an incorruptible, glorified body, we can be sure that our salvation has permanence as we walk through everyday life. The Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove presents Jesus Christ, Hope That Lives, Hope That Lasts for Every Believer, a special three-day seminar with Alex McFarland. Alex will dig into 1 Peter to help you gain truths to live by and assurance to keep going. Come to the Cove near Asheville, North Carolina, July 8 through 10 for three days of in-depth Bible study, fellowship and refreshing. Jesus Christ, Hope That Lives, Hope That Lasts for Every Believer, a study of 1 Peter with Alex McFarland. Find out more and register at Have you ever wanted to raise your hand during a sermon?

Well, here's your chance. Hi, Alex McFarland here from the nationally syndicated radio program, Exploring the Word. For more than 10 years, my cohost Bert Harper and I have taught scripture and answered hundreds of Bible questions. We've compiled a brand new book of the top 100 Bible questions from listeners of all ages, from questions about supposed Bible contradictions to apologetics facts that prove the truths of scripture. This new book features practical content that will make the Bible come alive for you.

Can we really be sure that God exists? Are there contradictions in the Bible? I need a book that will help me understand the Bible better. There's so much good content in this book. 100 Bible questions and answers published by Broad Street Publishers and available at your local bookstores and also through In the midst of a culture obsessed with relativism, Alex McFarland is a voice you can trust to speak the timeless truths of Christianity in a timely way. You're listening to Truth for a New Generation Radio. Welcome back to the program.

We are talking about living in expectation of Christ's return. But before we get into that verse, I want to mention two things. For one, March 8, 15, and 22, we've got three television tapings in High Point, North Carolina, where we do our television program. I would like to invite you to come if you want to be a part of our studio audience. Very special tapings, 6 to 7.30 p.m.

So these are on three consecutive Tuesday evenings. Now Tuesday evening, March 8, we have Will Graham in the studio, grandson of Billy Graham, phenomenal Christian communicator, author, in person, Tuesday night, March 8. Then Tuesday night, March 15, in person, in studio with us, David Barton, the famed historian, hands down the greatest expert on the religious history of America, David Barton, March 15, 6 to 7.30 p.m. And then finally on March 22, live in studio, Lauren Green of Fox News. You can be there. We want to have a really good studio audience.

So if you email me, alex at, alex at If you want to come on Tuesday night, March 8 with Will Graham, Tuesday night, March 15 with David Barton, or Tuesday night, March 22 with Lauren Green of Fox News, email me alex at and we'll tell you how you can be a part of the studio audience as we film our TV show. The other thing I want to tell you is our brand new book. My other radio program is called Exploring the Word, heard live every day on the American Family Radio Network.

And my co-host of that program, Bert Harper and I, wrote a book together, the top 100 questions from the first 10 years of Exploring the Word. And we've got all sorts of questions. You know, what about the Bible? What about Jesus and the resurrection? What about transgenderism, gay marriage?

Should a Christian attend a gay wedding? There are 100 questions and answers. It's published by Broad Street Publications.

It's on Amazon right now. All the Christian booksellers, any Barnes and Noble, ask for the book, The 100 Bible Questions and Answers by Alex McFarland and Bert Harper. But right now, living in expectation of Christ's return. You know, by the way, this is the subject of eschatology, end time things. And I want to make a point here to say that the Bible makes no provision whatsoever for reincarnation or what some people say, quote unquote, a second chance. I've had people tell me that, well, you know, if they didn't make it in this life, quote unquote, they would come back multiple times. But the Bible says in Hebrews 9, 27-28, And as it is appointed to men once to die, but after this the judgment. So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many, and to them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation. Jesus is coming back.

I mean, really, think about this. Israel is in their land. There's instability around the world. Every day we're watching the calls for a cashless society, going to crypto currencies.

Look, the mask mandate of the last year, year and a half, shows how governments and culture itself will pressure people into doing things. And friend, there's really nothing that stands in the way of prohibiting the rapture from taking place and Christ calling out the church. Seven years of tribulation will ensue. Matthew 24, 30 talks about the day that he would return, and he said, quote, The sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. Now, Zechariah 14, three through four, says Jesus will stand on the Mount of Olives. The Mount of Olives will split in two. Jesus will ride to earth from heaven on a white horse and will rightly and victoriously assume his place as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Revelation 19, 11 through 16. You know, it's interesting just as the Red Sea was parted and just as the Mount of Olives will cleave and split in two, there is a line of division going down through history. And look, the line of demarcation by which we delineate human beings, it's not fundamentally male and female, although that is objectively true. Genesis 1, 26, 27, God made male and female. Friends, transgenderism is false.

But listen to this. The fundamental division criteria of history, it's not rich or poor, East or West, Jew, Gentile, Oriental, Occidental. Look, it all boils down to are you saved? Have you trusted Christ? When history concludes, there will be those that received Jesus and those that didn't. And so we are to live in expectation of Christ's return. And for those of us that know the Lord, we are to help others find the Lord. And as Arthur Blessed said, we are to be committed to evangelism. You know, when I was with Arthur, we were talking about the end of time, and he was talking about that in one of his books, The Crossbearer.

Let me read a little portion here. Arthur Blessed said, There are many who bear the cross, but they do not follow the Lord. They've come for salvation, but they're not really surrendered to Jesus. They forget that salvation is not merely a future admittance to heaven, but is an immediate enjoyment of the presence of Jesus. Here in our life now, as a friend, as our guide, taking up the cross is but an incident.

It is indispensable indeed, but is not the whole of our duty. We are to hunger to be a true crossbearer following Jesus. And we are to overcome the conflict between Jesus and the world, between Jesus and religion, overcome the conflict between Jesus and myself. We are a pilgrim every day, says Arthur Blessed, allowing Jesus to be at work in us. And he said, Be assured the process can be painful.

And it really can. But do you know what's even more painful than the discipline of discipleship? That pain that many will experience of meeting Christ unprepared.

Are you ready? Are you sound and blameless and holy and set apart and letting Jesus be Lord, God, Messiah, Teacher, King? He is the Lord of all that you are? I pray for you. And I hope you're praying for us. I hope you're following what we believe God is telling us to teach and proclaim, that we are to be pure and blameless, because we will meet Christ face to face one day. May God bless you. May God be with you. Stand strong for the truth. Thank you.
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