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SUNDAY 091023

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
September 11, 2023 1:46 pm

SUNDAY 091023

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Masculine Journey
Sam Main

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See for details. The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned, my radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.

Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left. I'm radio Pastor Ernie Sanders and indeed on this September 10th, 2023, this is the voice of the Christian resistance. And the title of the message tonight was, Where is the place where light dwelleth? Where is the place where light dwelleth? And we're going to start tonight by taking a look at the miraculous King James Bible.

But also take it we're gonna take a look at the strategy of our opposition out there of the enemy. And doubting God's Word is the root and the beginning of sin. Now with the evidence of all of creation, I mean it's everywhere you turn, well you know it's impossible to have a creation while a creator, but everywhere you look out there throughout the land God's Word the Bible is verified. I mean it's right there just exactly the way God's Word the Bible said it would be. And again God's Word the King James Bible is the only absolute truthful source that speaks with absolute authority. And here it's the greatest source of wisdom and knowledge in existence.

As we go through here we'll read some of the quotes from some very great men in history and what they said about God's Word the Bible. And we start here in verse chapter 3 of Genesis verse 1. Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman he hath God said you shall not eat. Now a lot of people get the opinion when they talk about the serpent they get the opinion that here he was in the presence of a huge maybe python an anaconda snake wrapped around a tree you always see these these portraits. The fact is Satan was the most beautiful creature God ever created and in his vesture with was all of these precious stones. Now the second most beautiful creature ever created was Eve herself and she was again the most beautiful woman. She was the model she was the very first and so here what would attract the second most beautiful woman creature in the world other than the first. And Satan had been there for a while he was peering he went before he made his move he realized his circumstances he was in the garden and in this garden Adam had complete domain this was Adam God had given Adam charge over every living thing okay in that garden so Satan knew that's Adam literally had in that garden right there he had the power to take his head off now Satan was an extremely powerful the most powerful angel that God had made but in that garden there Adam had the authority so he had to he had to play things close to his vest so what did they do well he needed to find Adams weak spot and he found that weak spot in the weaker vessel and that was an Eve where was Eve's weakness discernment and so we see what what started there I carried forth to this present day here we saw that the enemy Satan looked for Eve we know that Adam now think about this first of all Adam was given the charge of naming all the animals and looking for a helpmate guys to find find yourself a helpmate now think about this here's Adam and he's going through all of these animals man he's got kangaroos and he's got porcupines and he's got lions and tigers and bear and he wasn't looking for he didn't find a helpmate that he thought by the way it was very possible that in that at that time and some of the animals this is believed by some Bible scholars had the ability to at some point actually speak but that's a theory and so here as Adam was looking at these he couldn't find one that was fit so God created woman now think about this here after going through all of these lions and tigers and bears and porcupines and polecats and all of these here is a prototype the most beautiful creature Adam was just beside himself with this with his beautiful creature and so Satan knew right then if he could get to Eve he didn't want to go directly at Adam Adam might have just thought him out but if he could get to Eve he could use Eve to get to Adam and folks to this very very day we see the enemy he wants to take a good man down he's to this very day I've seen it happen time and time again he's used pretty women to do it and so here now we read another serpent was the most settled than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman he a had God said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden but the the fruit of the tree which is in the mist which means middle of the garden God has said you shall not eat it of it neither shall you touch it lest you die okay now here God in his word in several places gives you notice that you are not to take from or add to take from or add to his word and what do we have here well where we see that Eve now even though here you know Satan realized that she was the weaker vessel but she's he at this point Eve had no sin nature in her so he had to put that there and so here when it when God's makes it clear not to take from or add to cheat she added to by saying this but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God has said you should not eat of it neither he shall you touch it well God never said that in fact God had given the command to Adam it was Adam's job to and he passed it on to Eve Eve knew that Adam had told Eve and Adam at that point right then and there should have told Eve get back to the kitchen woman and throw in the serpent out of the garden but Adam failed because he well he gave in to his wife and the serpent said unto the woman ye you shall not surely die well here and when Eve doubted God when she doubted God that would take was taking from the taking from his word in other words when she doubted here God's truth God's sovereign goodness and at that point she developed resentment against God and that's when she fell into Satan's trap so again Eve quickly added to God's Word now shall not touch it and took from God's Word again by doubting by doubting the Word of God and the serpent said unto woman you shall not surely die for God doth know and the day that you eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened and you shall be as gods knowing good and evil and so here they did they died immediately spiritually they died immediately spiritually and then later on they died now they would have lived forever had they obeyed God and listened to God they would have lived forever okay but again they didn't I want to go over and the point here was to get people to doubt the Word of God and so if we go over to job chapter 4 and in job chapter 4 starting with verse 12 well let me actually go back a little bit let me start actually from verse 1 because then Eliphaz the ten might answered and said if we say to commune with thee wilt thou be grieved but who can withhold himself from speaking now here Eliphaz makes a real big error here he's talking about the innocence are protected from suffering it that bad things don't happen to good people but which is not at all true at all look at look at the Lord Jesus on the cross look at all of the the martyrs behold thou has instructed many and now has strengthened like weak hands thy words have upholding him that was felling and how strengthened the feeble knees but now it's come upon thee and now faintest touches they now are troubled so Eliphaz is telling job look all the people you counseled in the past all the good advice you gave to people and now you're not even following your own advice is not this the fear like confidence why hope and the uprightness of that ways remember I pray thee who ever perish being innocent or where were the righteous cut off well many many innocent people perished it's happening every day one of the things we call abortion is the innocent being murdered okay even as I have seen they that plow iniquity and so wickedness reap the same by the blast of God they perish and by the breath of his nostrils are they consumed the roaring of the lion and the voice of the fire fierce line and the teeth of the young lives are broken the old lion perish for the lack of prey and the stout lines welts are scattered abroad now he goes into and the shows you that he is not a man of good judgment he says now I know it thing was secretly brought to me and mine ear received a little thereof and thoughts from the visions of the night when deep sleep falleth on men fear came upon me and trembling which made all of my bones to shake then a spirit passed before my face and the hair of my flesh stood up now let me tell you something about this because there's something to this I have had to deal with several times where I've come in contact with people that were involved in Satanism once I did a television program and the fellow that was going to be on there was supposedly one of the dark princess he was a satanic priest that came out of the out of Satanism got saved and now he was going to come and give his testimony and it was an interesting thing because as I was sitting with another pastor having coffee all of a sudden the hair of my my arm stood straight up the hair on the back of my neck stood I looked and you know that's also a sign if you're out there on the golf course you're out there in a field that's a sign that lightning's about to strike and I'm looking at that and I said Fred you see this and just then I looked at here comes this fella dressed in all black with pure white hair and as he came close his his gaze met my gaze he had a look of fear and anger in his face and he looked the other way very quickly and as he passed you could almost feel a chill in the air and so it was interesting when we gathered to do the television program this was the man that was supposed to be the one that had came out of Satanism and as the gathers gathered to prayer in the name of Jesus to pray in the name of Jesus he couldn't stay he couldn't stay he he literally ran out of the room then another time as I was done I went before the Ohio parole board to speak on behalf of a death row inmate now I knew what happened with his inmate this inmate never did the crimes he was convicted of it was safe a whole satanic ritual that was was taking place I've talked about this before and this guy was a throwaway and anyhow as I was there again I was sitting talking to this man's the defense at their attorneys when same thing happened hair on my arms stood stood up in the back of my neck and as I turned and look there were two of these prosecutors who were involved up to their eyeballs were Satanists I knew that and when they their gaze when their gaze hit my gaze again the same thing a look of fear and anger and immediately they backed off they backed away and so this is what he's talking about here then the spear passed before my face and the hair of my flesh stood up it stood still but I could not discern the form thereof an image was before mine eyes and there was silence and I heard a voice saying shall mortal man be more just than God shall a man be more pure than his maker he hold he put no trust in his servants and his angels he changed he charged with folly how much less than them that dwell in the house of clay whose foundations is in the dust which are crushed before the moth they are destroyed for morning to evening they perish forever without any regarding that does not their excellency which is in them go away they die even without wisdom so what is he doing here well first of all again it goes to show you that old Eliphaz's judgment was not very good he thought he was talking to God or spear but here now what is he doing he's speaking to satanic spirit okay and this satanic spirit maybe did Satan himself he's telling Eliphaz why in the world do you trust in God don't you see do you see what he did with his own angels behold he put no trust in his servants and his angels he charged with folly don't you see how he cast them down he turned on his own angels and they're far far superior to you why in the world would you possibly think that you people made out of clay made out of clay why would you think that you people would be of any importance to God why do you put your trust in him so the idea here was to get Eliphaz to doubt God and then use Eliphaz to go to Joe job remember job this was a testing of job and the point was he was to go and you know influence job if not try to convince job look what God has done to you why do you put why do you keep trusting him why then I I want to go over to the strategy of Satan and those on the left and get that's to get the world's population to doubt God's holy sovereign absolute truthful nature so with the help of man and his sin nature that was going to be an easy except for those of us that resist him James 4 7 says to resist the devil that he will flee from you and that's who we are we're the voice of the Christian resistance so when the left strategy strategizes they conspire to demonize and the whole point is to try to dishearten us by continually trying to silence us with the well and well by weaponizing all the institutions against us again here that strategy is to get the righteous to be so well disheartened so totally demoralized was is the point that's what they want to do how do they do that well they try to silence us there they weaponize the IRS the FBI the CIA the NSA the CDC the FDA all of these they weaponized them against us we see our own government turned against us then they try to force their immorality abortion or sodomy their pedophilia drag queens transgenders whores they try to push all of that on us and it's like a continuous barrage they try to overwhelm us with evil and here we have a two-edged sword we have a mighty mighty weapon and that's this word right here God's Word the Bible is the greatest source of wisdom and knowledge in existence it's the only absolute source that this speaks with absolute authority and absolute accuracy of the past from the very beginning from the very beginning of time it tells you what is happening here right now during our presence and then it tells you we complete and total accuracy what the future will be and so here president Ronald Reagan once said indeed it is an indisputable fact that all the complex and horrendous questions confronting us at home and around the world have their answers in that one single book that's right folks all the answers you see it kind of works out this way man has few answers and a lot of problems God has no problems and all the answers and so here he has given this to us in this book and they've tried and tried and tried to destroy this book oh they have brought out counterfeits they've done everything they've tried to burn them burn them gather up all the Bibles and burn them but guess what it's out here today and God's Word is the Lord Jesus said the Word of God heaven and earth the past but his words will never pass away and so God's Word is out there now it's stronger than ever amongst the believers amongst the body of Christ and God always keeps the remnant and as it looks like what it's what's happening how they keep predicting that people will no longer believe in God no God will keep a remnant and what you're seeing for those of us that are biblically literate we understand that all of these signs of the things that are happening the artificial intelligence where again the cloning of people the changing of our DNA all of these things you know here when you have the Democratic Party literally has chosen the Church of Satan to be their religion you've got pedophilia is absolutely rampant rampant okay right now here in Ohio this issue one is is a legislation right from the pit of hell it's as if they open the doors of hell and said here take this and make this the law of the land and this is what they call issue one in Ohio you want to vote against this this is it folks you know you you can't afford to lose it this time you can't and so all of these things here are all a part of the assault upon us but again we have this wonderful book that God has given us Napoleon who he knew a little bit about wars he liked to go to war Napoleon said about the King James Bible it's no mere book but a living creature that conquers all that face it that's kind of come quite a compliment and then Newsweek magazine back on December 27 1982 I remember this wrote about this book the Bible and it said how one book unites us divides us and still defies finds us and that's exactly right that's exactly what God's Word the Bible does it unites believers together it also will unite unbelievers but it divides us the righteous from the unrighteous the right from the left Jesus said I come not to bring peace but I come to bring a sword to set father against son mother against daughter and what he was meant by that was that his presence was going to be those that that believed upon him and called upon his name and received him would be at odds would be at odds with those that rejected him and that's exactly what has happened okay I'm probably everybody listening to me out there tonight has a relative or a friend or it's our acquaintance anyhow that has turned away because of their faith I know I do those that have rejected Christ we can have no fellowship with at all and so here when we look at the genius and by the way so many scientists have come out and stated that God's Word the Bible that this King James Bible that I have right here was put together by an extreme extreme intelligence light years ahead light years of head of everything we have today folks and so in fact that fella Einstein was known to be a pretty smart guy and referring to the Bible and God he he said that God unlike him himself God does not have to theorize in other words God doesn't need there he already knows the answers okay and so there was a mathematician and a scientist his name was Peter Stoner and he decided he was going to apply the rules of probability now it would take me all day to go and show you how this list of the works and the rules of probability it was it's very very complex how they decide the rules of probability but anyhow he decided to take just eight of three hundred prophecies that have been fulfilled and and take and write the mathematical probabilities of this taking place without supernatural without a supernatural intercession in this and so out of just eight of 300 prophecies that have been fulfilled the odds came up to be one with 18 zeros behind it one with 18 zeros now he went on to write this this is not merely evidence it is proof of the Bible's inspiration by God's proof again this is not merely evidence it is proof of the Bible's inspiration by God proof definite that the universe is not large enough to hold all of the evidence I want to go on to say we're gonna take a look at some of how God's Word the Bible was so far advanced and I've had a number of scientists and nuclear physicists on my radio program and they talked about the dimensions and they talked about how God's Word the Bible is is a book that actually releases knowledge and wisdom even though it's printed the prettiness is finished but there there are things in there that man cannot understand until God opens their eyes and loves that information for them to receive that information that's already been written in the book for decades and centuries and so here for an example of that if we go to Luke chapter 17 verses 30 to 36 even thus shall it be in that day when the Son of Man is revealed in that day he which shall be upon the housetop and his stuff in the house let him not come down to take it away and he that is in the field let him likewise not return back remember Lot's wife whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it I tell you that in the night there shall be two men in one bed one shall be taken and the other shall be left two women shall be grinding together one should be taken in the other left two men shall be in the field the one shall be taken and the other left now what is he doing here he's telling you that in that in this day when it's daytime on one part of the earth that these things are going to happen and as half of the earth is daytime the other part is a nighttime these things are taking place that in the daytime when the two men are on the housetop at the same time it's going to be nighttime and two men are going to be sleeping he's telling you that there's going to be a time when the two women are grinding and he said I tell you there in the night there should be again and then one will be taken and one will be left and then the two men will be in the field one will be taken the other look so he's telling you that he's showing you that here that the earth is round because it's going to be daylight on one side and nighttime on the other side and so here again this was written you know way way before they knew that the earth was round in fact here I want to go down to Isaiah 40 as a better example by the way that passage of Scripture is referring to the rapture and so again when the Lord comes it will be night when men are in bed but it will also be in the early morning when women are grinding a meal it will be at midday when men are working in the field and so again this is only a possibility if the earth is rotating on its axis as we know but then if we go over to Leviticus no I'm sorry make that Isaiah 40 in Isaiah chapter 40 I'm gonna have to whip my whistle here Isaiah chapter 40 verse 20 verse 22 it is he that set us upon the circle of the earth and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers that stretches out the heavens was a curtain and spreadeth them as a tent dwelling now here how could Isaiah know in 700 BC that the earth was round 2,000 years before Magellan sailed around the world by the way I don't believe Magellan lived but a ship returned from the very same place that it and left from was it now I have I have some friends that that believe that the earth is flat and of course those that believe the earth is round why don't in fact I listened to some debates on that and I gotta tell you this I said I I'm gonna settle this here I'm gonna show you how you're both right they said what so I took a coin the coin was round and the coin was flat and I says here you see here this is like the earth and so what Magellan did he just sailed right along the edge okay and kind of left both parties speechless there okay but how did Isaiah know and 200 and 700 BC that the earth was round 2,000 years before Magellan sailed around the world and returned to where he started and so also in Job if we go to Job and in Job chapter 26 Job 26 I believe and I believe verse 10 if I remember yes Joe 26 verse 10 he that hath compassed the waters with bounds until the day and night come to an end well here when it says compass the word compass is the Hebrew kug k-h-u-g word there as translated circle it's circle in Isaiah 40 22 here which we just read and here again we see that and it says this that he that compassed that means circled he circled the waters with balance until the day and night came to an end and then also in Proverbs in fact if we go over to Proverbs and in Proverbs chapter 8 I believe it is we read and this kind of that Proverbs 8 verse 27 and when he prepared the heavens I was there when he said a compass upon the face of the depth okay so that word compass there this is circle okay it's the same word again and that means a circle so he said again when he prepared the heavens I was there and when he said a compass a circle upon the face of the depth and then again that was in Proverbs and that was way before that was a thousand years before that Magellan sailed around the world and then you've often heard the sayings life is in the blood life is in the blood well if we go back to Leviticus in fact if we go all the way back on with six thousand years into Genesis chapter 9 where he says life is in the blood here in the vedicat 17 10 and 11 we read and whatsoever man there is of the house of Israel or the stranger that sojourn among you that eateth any manner of blood I will even set my face against that so that he does blood and will cut him off from among the people for the life of the flesh is in the blood and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls it is the blood that maketh an atonement for your souls now this is very very interesting here here it indicates several things one that indicates that the blood circulation is the key factor in physical life and that was a discovery that was made only in 1616 by William Harvey and so the blood carries water and nourishment to every cell maintains the body's temperature removes the waste material of the body cells the blood also transmits the very breath of life carrying the oxygen from the lungs throughout the body to all the cells this relatively modern scientific insight merely confirms what God revealed thousands of years ago well how did Moses know this how did Moses know this thousands of years ago again it was in 1616 when this was discovered prior to that this was was really unknown and then here going back to the early 1900s dr. Lester discovered that the blood provides the body's immune system which is again in the blood and how did how did they know this thousands of years before so-called signs find out how did Moses know well because again we had all this information right here and God's word the Bible but God instructed this is all in the Word of God now here today you have oh boy do we have those that hate the Word of God those that want to do everything possible this is why they brought out all the New Age perversions of the Bible out there today some have learned to repent of that but others have not and we see for example today you've got that Yuval Harari Yuval Harari and Klaus Schwab's evil wicked little partner there and he has been saying that there is no God that lives above the clouds and now that AI artificial intelligence has now brought out its own Bible the artificial in which will they believe will we soon replace the Word of God well I got a feeling God's gonna have something to say about that and I think you'll feel Harari you may have bit off a lot more than you can chew this time but throughout history throughout the centuries there's always been those enemies of the cross enemies of God enemies of us Robert Ingersoll remember him in your history class he was the famous agnostic he once held up the Bible and said in 15 years I'll have this book in the morgue well guess what happened folks exactly 15 years later Robert Ingersoll was in the morgue and the Bible is still alive and still well and you're hearing from it tonight and then well you remember that famous man that famous French philosopher Voltaire he wasn't quite as smart as Napoleon remember what Napoleon said that when it came to the King James Bible it's no mere book but a living creature that conquers all that face it well I think Voltaire kind of found that out because Voltaire said a famous French philosopher of the 18th century said in 100 years the Bible will be forgotten and absolute and found only in museums well in less than 50 years Voltaire was dead and the Bible was still alive as it is today and you're reading from it but here's the irony of this thing here that the Geneva Bible Society bought Voltaire's house they bought his house and they turned it into a printing operation where guess what they printed Bibles they printed Bibles right from that house where Voltaire made his statements and then wanted to say this that today we have a lot of phrases and sound bites and that the people say all the time every day without realizing that the origin of those phrases and those sound bites are right from God's Word the King James Bible that's right for example Leviticus 25 10 it says proclaim liberty throughout all of the land where do we see that that was written right on the Liberty Bell and what do we hear today we hear people talking about proclaiming liberty today and what about numbers 31 15 have you ever heard that saying every man for himself well that's where that came from right from numbers 31 553 what about Deuteronomy 32 10 he's the apple of the his eye the apple of his eye well we hear that that phrase spoken of often what about and judges 2 3 he's a thorn in the flesh with a thorn and in your sides so both of them a thorn in the flesh or a thorn in your side what about judges 421 have you ever heard the phrase he fell fast asleep fast asleep what about 2nd Kings 2 3 hold your peace hold your peace what about 1st Chronicles 9 25 from time to time from time to time what about 2nd Chronicles 34 22 and to that effect to that effect then job 415 the hair of my flesh stood up well we just read that here tonight the hair of my flesh stood up and job 1920 escaped with his skin of his teeth how many times have you heard that he just got he got it barely got away with the skin of his teeth and what about Psalm 90 12 to number our days our days are numbered our days are numbered what about Psalm 107 27 they're at their wits end they're at their wits end what about Proverbs 23 6 the evil eye the evil eye have you ever wanted where all of these sayings have come from here what about Isaiah 40 verse 15 it's a drop in the bucket a drop in the bucket and what about ecclesiastics 10 20 a little bird told me a little bird told me and what about Isaiah 52 8 seeing eye to eye see eye to eye what about Isaiah 60 verse 1 arise and shine rise and shine all of these things we hear how about Matthew 15 14 blind leading the blind blind leading the blind how about Matthew 16 to fair weather what about Matthew 22 12 and he was speechless and these are all quips all sayings all that we have today little phrases these are all little phrases that we that's common today but people if you ask most people where'd that come from very few know what about this oh this is a very good one Matthew 22 12 and he was speechless he was speechless how many how often do you hear that and then in marked 321 he is beside himself pastor fed used to always say that I'm beside I'm beside myself and pastor Hal says that often now he's beside myself the I'm beside myself he often says and mark 1472 called to mind called to mind and Luke 21 or 12 1 in the meantime in the meantime how about Luke 15 27 he's safe and sound safe and sound so here and in Romans 13 11 it's high time it's high time and first Timothy 4 7 old wives fables old so all of those sayings were in the Bible and tonight I want to go over to 1st Peter chapter 1 and in 1st Peter chapter 1 verses 20 through to 25 seeing you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the spirit and unfeam love of the brethren see that you see love that you love one another with a pure heart fervently being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God which liveth and abideth forever for all flesh is as grass and all the glory of man has the flowers of grass the grass withered then the flower thereof fadeth away but the Word of the Lord endureth forever and this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you here you go you note there in verse 22 where it talks about that truth that truth obeying that truth that's God's Word it's talking about and here when he's talking in verse 25 when he says but the word of the Lord endureth forever so what is he talking about it's it's for more and it's more and more above the internal nature of God's Word and so he refers to which by the gospel is preached unto you here he's referring to that ever lasting gospel the everlasting gospel and so here I'm gonna stop right there and I'm gonna pick it up with where we started out tonight the entire purpose of the opposition out there is to demoralize to dishearten to give you the opinion that what's the use you can't win look at look at how they're all against you you've got all you've got the entire federal government has turned against you you Christians look what they're trying to do look what they're doing in the public schools look what they're doing and like I said here here now in Ohio on this issue what a November 7th folks you better you better listen to me when I'm telling you this is right out of the pit of hell itself we got to stop that now and so the idea is to dishearten you to tell you that you can't win what's his use of fighting well look let me just explain to you this okay God is on his throne God is in complete control God knows exactly what is gonna happen and only what he allows to happen if you're out there listening to me tonight and the Bible says here there's only two ways God recognizes two kinds of people the saved and the lost the saved and the lost folks and here's reality reality is this just like we've telling you through God's Word God's Word is absolute truth absolute truth all of you out there listening are gonna die that's right everybody you know is gonna die that's a fact and when that happens and this is a fact that it doesn't matter if you believe it or not because if you don't believe it you will believe me there's absolutely no chance that you woke there are no unbelievers in heaven or hell everybody in heaven or hell believe okay and when that happens if you die you're either gonna go to glory if you're saved if you've called upon the name of the Lord Jesus to receive Christ as your Savior or you're gonna go to hell and you're gonna be in torment for eternity that's reality why well that's what God has said believe me when it comes to these things God gets his way now you don't have to end up going to hell you don't have to do that if you're smart if you're smart you'll want to avoid torment folks torment is not fun and if you're smart you'll realize that Christ did for you what you could never ever possibly do for yourself he did for you which you could never you ever do for yourself he took your sins upon him he paid the price for you and you would have no chance that even come close to doing anything like that now what you have to do you have to call upon his name you pray to the Father you prayed to the Father and you asked Heavenly Father Lord God forgive me of my sins for I'm a sinner forgive me please and then you call upon the name of the Lord Jesus you say Lord Jesus come into my life be the Lord of my life all of my life with no reservations I put you first and foremost in everything now if you do that God will honor that commitment God is the only one that you can continuously absolute every single time count on he will honor that commitment and you will become a new creature a born-again believer an heir of the kingdom and from that point from that time on right there you will be entwelt with the Holy Spirit and now when that happens as a new creature you will start like a babe that learns to crawl on the walk you're going to learn to crawl as a Christian you're going to be fed on the milk of the word until you're ready for the meat and you will be on your way to eternal life night again you've got God's Word upon that and there's nothing nothing nothing that's as sure as the Word of God so you've got a decision to make and I hope you made that decision tonight I hope you prayed that prayer with me here tonight and if you did we'd like to hear about it I'd sure like to hear about it you can just call leave a message on our phone at four four zero three three eight one three six seven four four zero three three eight one three six seven and again if you're out there listening tonight apart from Christ don't run out of tomorrow's tonight all across this world that's gonna happen people are gonna run out of tomorrow's tonight you don't want to be one of those that run out of tomorrow's tonight so with that as we come to this time and place every night we always do the same thing we say to you good night and God bless and always always always and I do mean always keep fighting thanks for listening to the voice of the Christian resistance what's right what's left hosted by pastor Ernie Sanders to learn more about our ministry please visit us online at please tune in next time for another edition of what's right what's left the preceding program is sponsored by what's right what's left ministries and is responsible for its content selling your car to Carvana is as easy as easy as pie sure all you have to do is enter your license plate or bin as easy as a stroll in the park okay then just answer a few questions and you'll get a real offer in seconds as easy as singing why not schedule a pickup or drop-off and Carvana will pay you that amount right on the spot as easy as playing guitar actually I find that kind of difficult but selling your car to Carvana is as easy as can be visit Carvana comm or download the app to get an instant offer today
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