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Should Christians Support Reparations?

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Truth Network Radio
January 30, 2024 6:49 pm

Should Christians Support Reparations?

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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January 30, 2024 6:49 pm

Where do you stand? Tune in for another great episode of Truth Talk Live.


Thanks for tuning in to this special podcast-broadcast.

What does the Bible say about reparations? Pretty controversial subject, believe me. In the whole show, my phone was lighting up, and I'm going to be hearing about this a lot after the show. We want to hear from you. We want to work through these issues as believers, ultimately pointing people to the only solution, the only hope, and that is the hope we have in Jesus Christ and his cross and his resurrection. So please weigh in, please listen in, please share this podcast site with all your friends. Help us spread the truth, share the truth. We want to reach more folks with the good news of Jesus Christ. Now here comes the show. Enjoy it and be encouraged, be blessed, and weigh in when you can. God bless you. Okay, Christians and reparations for slavery, for the evil racist atrocities.

Should Christians support reparations? This is Truth Talk Live. I'm Stu Epperson, and I may be tidying up my resume after today's show.

I may be job hunting. The Christian Car Guy kindly reminded me in the halls, the halls, the cavernous halls of the Truth Network, the hallowed halls that he might have to tighten his up to, because we're in the fellowship, we're in the ship together, right? Christian Car Guy, who is my studio audience for a little bit of time, and he's speaking at a big group this evening. Pray for him as he's bringing Christ to a bunch of men tonight. Shout out to a baller named Josh, who lit up today and dropped some buckets on yours truly. Good baller today.

Josh is listening for the first time to Truth Talk Live. Shout out to Robin, who works with my buddy Jimmy Noble, and arguably one of the best barbecue meals I've had in some time. Thank you, Jimmy, for treating myself and my son-in-law last week at Noble Smoke in Charlotte.

Have you been there? Oh my. And I wasn't paid to say that. I just like good brisket.

I just like good ribs. And thank you, Robin, for tuning in today, giving her a shout-out, listening on the Truth app, which she screenshotted a picture of it and sent it to me. So encouraged by our listeners. We're talking about something controversial. Why? Because we want to talk about these things. Nick and I were talking before the show.

We're family, so you're going to disagree with me, I'm going to disagree with you, but we love each other. It's a Christian talk show, but we're picking up a hot potato that's become a political juggernaut like big-time, marginalizing lightning rod reparations. And the whole reparations argument is this. Whether it was the Jews and the Holocaust and Germany has to pay them back, which they did in some, you know, sense. Whether it was going back before that, the Jews coming out of Exodus and Pharaoh and slavery, and, you know, and they plundered the Egyptians in the sense that was a bit of a reparation, and should they still get some more today. But whether it was the African Americans' plight in America, the horrible slavery that atrocities on slave owners put on them, should we fund a reparations bill for them?

California passed a reparations law to pay back African Americans, to give them a bunch of money, or if, I mean, it looks like a bunch, but if you divide it up, it doesn't add up so much. So we have a guest on today who is all about reparations, but a different kind of way, and so we may not agree with him, but we're going to be nice to him, and we're going to take your calls at toll-free 866-34-TRUTH. 866-348-7884 on this program, Truth Talk Live. We always love the conversation.

Pop culture, current events, and theology, which is the most important of those three prongs, because what does God say about all this stuff? So, let's bring out, without any further ado, Mr. Mason Weaver, who claims to be a born-again Christian, who loves the Lord, he's an activist, and I'm not putting words in your mouth, right, Mason Weaver? He's laughing! Now, he's already laughing! This is a hot potato, and you're laughing! I mean, we've got to have a little sobriety here! You've got a different take, and I'm going to have to take umbrage with you on this program.

I may have to call another brother on his stuff today, Mason Weaver. Now, I've known you for some years, but this most recent stuff you're talking about is unbelievable. Okay, so give us your view. Now, your four reparations, correct? No, I'm for paying the debt that's due.

If I have a home and a payment, I make the payment to the house. Well, let's take every question today, every question for this segment, to the foot of the cross, and not worry about what I think and what you think and how we think it. You go to the foot of the cross, and you find the answer, and we get up from that. That is the answer. If you want to know who owed reparations for slavery, you mentioned Germany, you mentioned the Jews, you mentioned even paying the Japanese at their internment.

Okay, got that. America didn't hold slaves. The Democrat party held slaves.

America did not pass laws allowing you to rape your slave or even breed your slave. It was Democrats. So if anyone owed a reparation, it's the party of the slaveholders.

Oh goodness. Okay, hold on. Are you saying the Democrat party is the party of the slaveholders? Absolutely. Okay, that is a pretty bold statement, and we're going to ask you to back it up. We're going to ask people to call in if they agree, disagree. Mason Weaver is a Christian activist, very involved, very engaged, and he loves our country.

This is what I've been told about him, but he is making some bold statements on this show, and we're going to take him on. This is truthful. It's the Democrat party after the freedom of slave back. The Democrat party left the union and started a Confederacy. It was a Democrat party army that fought against the Republican army when Lincoln.

It was the Democrat army that fought in Texas on June 2. That's who they are. They have not changed.

Your call is going to say they changed. They switched parties. But today, the Democrat party owns every ghetto in America.

It was the source. It was the purpose of every civil rights action was against Democrats. So I call them the point of slavery. Okay, so you' could you're African American. No, I'm black. Okay, well, you're black.

Everyone's been to Africa. How could you...okay, how can you attack the Democratic party? That's what... How can I attack them? Yeah, I mean, this is...I'm not attacking them. I'm just giving you the truth about them. And if they're sorry, they should apologize.

But reparations come to those who owe. They are the ones that kept black people from slavery. They're the ones that passed the laws against teaching a black person to read and write. They're the ones that put us in these segregation systems. They're the ones that have done every harm to black people. They own every ghetto in America.

So let's stop saying America and start saying Democrats. Okay, now the notes that I have this is pretty intense now, and folks, please call and help me discuss this with this gentleman in a gracious way, okay? Because the temperature's already rising here in the studio. Truth Talk Live, I'm Stu Everson, 86634 Truth.

The lines are already lighting up. Be gracious, please. You're...okay, now you're...the notes here say you're demanding an apology, and you're demanding reparations from the Democratic party. You're a black man demanding... No, no, no, no. Not Democratic. They're not Democratic, they're Democrats. Okay, okay.

And then it's also you're saying here that the Democrat party is the party of the KKK. Now that's going a little...don't you think, sir, that's going a little too far? Then I'll let you answer that after the break.

Whew, okay. I may need another...this show may be ended for me, folks. 86634 Truth, What Say You?

And what does the Bible say about this reparation stuff? And as our guest off his rocker, call and agree and disagree. Let's have a discussion. Let's reason together on this show. More coming up with our guest and your calls after this.

Hang on. Truth Talk Live! This is the Truth Network. Okay, the lines are loaded. We've got one open at 86634 Truth.

That's 86634 87884. Special thanks to our friends at VineTastic, our Facebook Live. Brand new Facebook page, Truth Talk Live. There's like two likes. If two of you will like it, you'll double our followers on their Truth Talk Live. Just find the Facebook page.

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More information is available at And so it's almost like, is this racism in reverse? Because, like, Mason Weaver, our special guest today, what should a Christian view or believe about reparations? We just talk about the tough issues, and we're going to do it in a gracious, loving way. Speak the truth in love.

Paul admonishes the Church at Ephesus in Ephesians chapter 4. So Mason Weaver, it's like, you're saying everything backwards. Like, the culture tells us that... I'm saying it truthfully. The Republicans are racist, people like Donald Trump are racist, and the Democrats are constantly calling the Republicans racist, and the Republicans are against reparations and therefore slavery and the KKK and all that. You're're telling us the opposite. Now, how could you as a black man say all this stuff?

Give us your position real quick, and then let's get some phone calls in here. You're saying, how can I say black man is racist? You're saying as a black man, I must hold a particular point of view. However, if you just look at history, just look at history, folks.

So you missed the KKK. It started by Confederate, or I call them Democrat generals. I mean, if you look at...I'm coming up with another book, but it's okay because the foundation kind of talks about this. Democrat party controls the airways. They control what you hear. They control what you see. They tell you bad, bad Republicans, good Democrats.

But open your eyes up and just look around wherever you lay your eyes. They control every intercity ghetto school. They control every run-down city. Every way you saw a black man shot by a white cop at a riot happened with a Democrat neighborhood.

I mean, folks, you cannot find an example other than that across this country if you look. Okay, and basically what I'm seeing here from our producers in preparation to show, you are demanding an apology from the Democrat party for being the party of slavery, being the party to the KKK, and being racist. And you're demanding them pay a reparation, which is a real... If you're going to pay reparations. I don't really care about reparations.

I really do not care about reparations. If you're going to tax me to pay me, because we're 72% middle class now. Black folks are making money now. California has passed a bill, and they are doing that. They're paying a reparation. No, they're not. They're passing a bill. They're not paying anything. It's noise.

They're not going to pay that. Okay, let's get some callers in here. And ultimately, I want to clarify, Truth Talk Live, we're not a Republican or Democrat radio show. We're a Christian talk show, but we want to talk about these things. And you are a professing Christian, is that correct?

You love the Lord? I'm a minister. You're a minister.

Okay, a minister. But you're on the attack against a particular political party that you're calling racist. Let's see what this anonymous caller...

The political party has been the key to every miserable thing happening to black people in Wisconsin. Okay, now he keeps even drilling deeper on this. We have an anonymous caller. Anonymous, thanks for calling in. Hi. Yes, ma'am. Jump on in here. What do you say to our guest today? I heard that it blew my mind, because I thought the opposite. I really did.

I absolutely love the Lord. Okay. But I heard the same thing as this gentleman that the pastor's talking about. And I looked up to make sure... It said Democrats opposed 13th and 14th Amendment that gave freedom to slaves. I saw that again. You said Democrats did that?

Democrats opposed the 13th and 15th Amendments that gave freedom to slavery. Okay, so now this information, guys, now, you know, I didn't just wake up like yesterday, but still... People don't think that... That's not how... That's not the line we're fed. No one... I know, I know. We're bombarded by their media.

I mean, we're fed lies. 99% of them, Republicans did too, but 99% of them were Democrats. Right. But Abe Lincoln, he gave the Emancipation Proclamation. Right, right.

But he was a Republican. I was really surprised myself. Interesting. Okay. All right.

I'm supposed to have to agree with them. Okay, well, she's agreeing with the caller. Wow. So that alone, let's go to Bucksman, and we have a line open at 866-34-TRUTH.

Thank you. And if you want to disagree, please call in. It's a forum for that, and we'll have a good discussion. Because I really believe if you make these kind of statements, Mason Weaver, and you're prepared, I mean, good for you for coming on a national show, and making, you know, stating your premise, and then, you know, being able to back it up, or at least... I'm not afraid of the troops.

I'm not afraid of them at all. Okay, he told me at the very beginning, he said, bring it on. So I guess we'll get... You can not ask me a hard question. Okay, let's go to an Ohio caller.

Sir, you're on Truth Talk Live, and we do have a line open at 866-348-7884. Go ahead, sir. Should Christians support reparations, and what about our guest premise that the Democrat Party owes an apology to black people? Let's first start with the Bible, brothers.

The Bible is very clear, where I forget which prophet that God spoke through, where he said, the sins of the fathers shall not be passed on to the sins of the son. Okay. You guys remember that passage, Pastor Mason? That's very accurate. Yes. So when we think about what does a Christian do, well, a Christian thinks through Christ's redemption, now that we live in the 21st century. So whatever my great-grandfather did in time of slavery, that does not pass on to me nor my children, thanks to the blood of Jesus Christ, setting me free from those past curses and sins. Can I get an amen on that? Well, listen, I'll give you an amen, but here's what, if I'm a believer, if I'm African American, and I'm hearing this, I'm thinking, you know, an entire generation of my family were owned, beaten, and treated like animals. So why, well, by whoever, okay? Let's get beyond that.

Right, but my point is, should there not be some sort of renumeration for those that are doing so well now, because of how we were objectified and treated that way? No. No, there's this thing called forgiveness. There's this thing called forgiveness, fellas. And can those black people prove without a reasonable doubt that their grandparents were in fact abused by black men? Can they prove it beyond the reasonable doubt?

I would say absolutely, but the question is, what do we do with that information? Because there's been countless evil atrocities on all kinds of folks. But you can't deny, just like you can't deny the Holocaust, you can't deny that slavery happened. But, Bucksman, I appreciate your call, and he's jumping up with, it's a powerful word, forgiveness. He's taking us to the cross and to that, and so let's go, we've got another Ohio caller on the line, let's bring him in.

Can I respond to what he's here for first? Go ahead. We're going to stand up here, folks. Republicans sent 360,000 of their brothers to fight their own brothers, the free strangers. They went into battle, singing, my eye has seen the glory of the coming of the Lord. His truth is marching on. They did that because they were Christians.

The Civil War. Okay, we're in a hard break. We'll come back with that and more of your calls. Christians and Reparations, 866-344-TRUTH.

Don't touch that dial. More coming up right here on Truth Talk Live. This is the Truth Network. Christians and Reparations, go back to the archives, friends.

If you haven't listened, go to our podcast channel for Truth Talk, Truth Talk Live. Listen to the show we did with a Christian bookstore owner who said on this show nationally, he would not rat out his customers for buying Bibles. As our federal government, our president has assigned a whole group through tech and high tech to flag every believer that buys a Bible. And he said, I'm not going to turn in anyone for that. Listeners called in and said, I'm going to keep buying Bibles.

Fascinating. Well, that special guest, that bookstore owner, is on his way over right now to bring me some mustard seeds. Now, why is he bringing me mustard seeds? Because Jesus told a powerful parable in Mark 4 about mustard seeds, and that's on tomorrow's Wednesday in the Word edition of Truth Talk Live. What about the parable in the Word?

How could a little thing like that grow up into something big? And that's the power of God's Word getting in you and going through you and just germinating and growing like the fruitful vine of John 15, like the beautiful tree planted by the river water of Psalm 1. So that'll be tomorrow's edition. You won't want to miss Truth Talk Live tomorrow as we jump into the Word on Wednesday in the Word.

Today, we are walking through the minefield of... We're playing the race card on Truth Talk Live today, Mason Weaver, with a black gentleman who's a... What's that? I thought so. Okay.

All right. He's getting jabs in here left and right, man. I'm taking punches in here, Nick. I don't know if I can take it, man. Our producer's in there. He's like, Stu, how am I even?

Good thing I'm sitting down or I'd be on the floor. He's about to drop the knockout punch on me, but he's a black pastor who is calling on the Democrat Party to apologize for racism, for their role in slavery, and for their role in the KKK, and he just dropped a big one on us a second ago saying that they're the ones that promoted the Civil War, which cost thousands of lives, a lot of bloodshed in that particular horrible season in our country's history. The number's 86634TRUTH. We've got a caller from Ohio listening to us on the new 106.5 FM there. Mike, you're in the hot seat on Truth Talk Live.

Jump on in here. Christians and reparations, what say you, sir? I don't believe in the reparations.

This is a deep subject, and I think... In the Bible, they had slavery, and the reason people went into slavery is because if they didn't go into slavery, they wasn't taken care of. So back in the Bible days, my understanding is that they volunteered to be a slave to a rich person who would return, take care of them for goods and for the work they did. That was indentured servitude. And yes, there may have been some of that going on in America, but most of America was a lucrative, you know, was a little different from that.

This was like a lucrative human trafficking and stuff like that. Which, by the way, there's estimated over 40 million people enslaved today across the world. Slavery is still real. There was also, my understanding, there was also some white slavery as well.

You know what, caller, let me say something to you. If you think that blacks are not going to volunteer to come here to eat, if you believe that the Egyptians, I'm sorry, the Jews volunteered to work for the Egyptians, then you misled. Slavery is good and bad. I'm not a victim. I agree. The Jews don't owe me anything.

They don't owe me a thing. I agree with you, sir. We won.

We won. So you're both agreeing, but here's a question, Mason Weaver. If you did a little genealogy of DNA search and you look back at your heritage and you found out that your great-great-great grandparents were truly enslaved, mistreated, abused, etc., etc., and you found out the folks that owned them own a billion-dollar company, why wouldn't you go demand them give you some money to pay you back for all that? Because I intend to compete and have my own billion-dollar company.

Oh, gosh, okay. We won the rights, the civil rights was legal rights, the rights to compete. I don't give a fat rest behind if my neighbor don't like me. But I had the right to go to Berkeley. I won a right, and I went to Berkeley. I got a degree.

I went out and competed, and now I'm retired with no debt because I put my brain against everybody in America. And anything black men think we can do in spite of white men not liking it, we dominate. We want to play football. We dominate basketball. We dominate.

How did Charlie Brown become the first black country in a single decade in the South? There is no more racism that affects me right now. Folks, I am free. I'm going to act like it. Okay.

All right, Mike, thanks for your call. I think you guys, it sounds like you guys agree on a lot more than it even sounded. It's a deep subject.

It's a deep subject. Sound bites don't do it justice, but we're talking about it, and hopefully this will create more conversation maybe around the dinner table. And I love, like what our previous caller said, let's open the Bible. Let's go there, which is what we try to do on this show. We'll go to Joshua, our next caller. If you want to join the conversation here on Truth Talk Live, I'm Stu Epperson. Our special guest, Mason Weaver, he's against reparations, but he's saying if anyone has to pay him, it's the Democrat Party, which is the absolute antithesis. And we do on this show. We try to have people on we disagree with. And he is definitely coming at it from a different perspective. 866-348-7884, we want to hear your perspective. Is he all wet, or do you agree with him, as some of the callers actually have? Joshua, you're on the air.

Welcome to Truth Talk Live. Yes, sir. How you doing? Great.

Thanks for calling in. All right. I just want to say something without being interrupted real quick. I'm a contractor. I'm very young. I'm going on 33 years old.

I'm just saying this just for learning purposes. I'm well off, so I have a couple hundred thousand dollars in my bank account, and I'm black. So I agree with what he just said as far as you can work hard to make it. And I didn't have anything growing up as well. I grew up in the country, so my family didn't have anything. And we didn't grow up on welfare, so I grew up hunting. I had to learn how to really get it. My dad, he's a farmer, so we grew our own stuff. But now I live a good life. I guess you could say hi on the hall.

But what I wanted to say, and I'll just say this real quick and I'll let you go. The majority of the Confederates that were Democrats back in the day, back in those Civil War times and before that, their families transformed into Republicans nowadays, modern times. A lot of those Republicans that wear the Confederate, subs of the Confederate, daughters of the Confederate, jackets and all of that that I see down south where I live and from, there are Republicans.

And all the people that I come across that are supportive of the Confederacy in modern times are Republicans. And also, you can't just take, like if you just did one generation, let's say my father was somebody's slave, and he never got a chance to get education or get me any money. He worked for free for his entire life. Then when it comes time for me to live, even if God Jesus forgives your prayers for enslaving mine, it still doesn't affect my inheritance. I have no money. I have no education for myself.

My dad couldn't provide me with anything while he was here. And now I'm just out here. That's a great point. You could have a whole generation of people, a whole generation of people with no God. But to Joshua's point, Mason Weaver, and stay on with us Joshua, that's a great point. What about, I mean, you have a whole generation that they got stuck. The guy came out saying he's worked hard and he's done well, but he's like, what about those that get stuck? Go ahead, Mason.

The guy is lucky, number one. Number two, the idea about the party changing is crazy. They have never changed. They didn't switch. They didn't switch. You asked, you asked not to be interrupted, sir.

You asked not to be interrupted. Give us the history lesson then, Mason. If you're saying the party didn't switch, why is it that there are racist, you know, why are there racist Republicans then? Explain that.

I don't know any, but if you do, great. I don't really care what race the party members are. You look at Biden, the Democrats, and Trump, the Republicans.

Somebody tell me what Biden has done as president that you want more of, what Trump has done as president that you want less of. The fact is... I'm a Republican, but you need to stay on the subject.

Don't get off subject. We're talking about how did slavery not affect the generation that was free. I didn't say it didn't affect the generation. I'm saying that the negative effect of slavery was due to Democrats. Okay, so you're laying at the blame, you're not saying it didn't affect, you're saying you're laying at the blame of that particular party is what you're saying. That's why Democrats should pay reparations. That's the reason why. Okay.

Let me say this and I'll go. It's hard to put the blame on just a particular party when people can switch parties. So you don't know who is who.

Because if a family, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person that feels like this, if the majority of the Republicans support the Confederacy and everything the Confederacy did, then they switch parties now in modern times. So if the KKK is lying... Okay, well hold on. Let me ask this question. Joshua, let's go deeper. Let's go deeper.

Mason Weaver. You went to Berkeley. You're articulate. You're an author.

You're our guest. How come then, today, not back then, today, even though you're saying that the Democrat Party was the party of slavery and all that stuff... Still is.

Okay, but how come more African Americans are Democrat today and not Republican then? So what happened? It changes. What changed it? That's a great question. That's a great question. That's what I want to know.

Nothing changed except... Wait, wait. I'm sorry. I'm not going to... Go ahead. Want to answer for me? Go ahead. No, we want to hear your answer, but we're going to hear it on the other side of the break. And Joshua, thank you for calling in and for sharing and for your hard work, man. God bless you.

Okay? Hold on the line, Joshua, one second. Everyone else hold on. 86634 Truth. We're coming right back after this on Truth Talk Live and what the Bible says about reparations. More coming up right after this. Hang on. This is the Truth Network. Uncle D. White has delivered the mustard seeds and he walked in and I said, man, these are tiny.

He's like, well, what'd you expect? So tomorrow, Wednesday in the Word, in our men's group all over the area, North Carolina, all the darios, we're going through Mark chapter 4 in these wonderful parables. And then on Truth Talk Live tomorrow afternoon, we're going to jump right into the mustard seed.

How could such a little seed produce a massive, massive shrub, bush? They're all over the Middle East and I've got some goodies now, thanks to Dwight, Gollion, Gollion's Christian Supply, wonderful partners here at Truth Talk Live. He was in the hot seat last week. Go get that show.

Should Christians... would you buy a Bible if you knew the government was going to flag you and potentially go after you for doing so? And that was the topic and he did a great job and it's up there at our website, our podcast channel, Truth Network, or Truth Talk. Look for that for Stu Epperson. I'm so glad to be with you today and it's been a great hour and thank you to all of our callers. We've got more coming in, potentially. I'm going to give a number. As we wrap up the show, we have a few more minutes with our guest, Mason Weaver. He's an author of a book called It's Okay to Leave the Plantation.

I want to ask him about that book in specific and I want to ask him a little more about his premise and how he wants to reply and give us a little history lesson. If you want to weigh in on what the Bible says about reparations, if you want to weigh in on the Christian's duty, and if you want to weigh in, too, on something very important, that is how can we listen and love each other through a very controversial hot potato such as this without more anger and more... and that's what I... and I talk to people all day today and they basically said, look, we've got enough hate and anger and vitriol in our country, everyone race-baiting and this and that, for Pete's sake, Stu. I said, well, that's why we want to do this show.

I think everyone's been even the disagreeable callers. I think everyone's had dignity with each other and agreed to disagree, but Mason, give us a little... first of all, you wrote this book, It's Okay to Leave the Plantation. What in the world does that mean? Well, you know, the plantation won't leave you. If you allow a master to raise your kids, he's going to raise your kids to work for his kids. He's never going to raise your kids to compete. So when I was at Berkeley, I started realizing everyone kept saying the white man got us down, but how in the heck did I get to Berkeley?

So It's Okay to Leave the Plantation was my first book, Max 97, my last book came out in 2019, my 16th book, but I want to give that guy's question, great question. Why is it that the majority of black people vote Democrat? First of all, they don't. Your perception is they do, because the Democrat press and news tells you they do. They take a survey, an exit poll after every election, and they only take exit polls in the ghetto. Interesting.

So they get their number from the ghetto. Most black folks I know are Republican, and in the beginning, all black people were Republicans, but they've done this with Republicans, Eric Trevor was Republican, NAACP was founded by black Republicans, and all through the system, black folks were a leader to the Republican Party until the civil rights movement and one thing happened. So Scott King, one of the king's wife was arrested.

And I'm sorry, he was arrested in in Alabama. And the governor said he will throw a support against anybody who came with aid. And Nixon was quiet. But Kennedy made a phone call.

And one of the king's father made a comment, I will support even a Catholic to help my little girl. And they came up with a call a blue bomb, saying Nixon, silent Kennedy action, and black folks are voting. And now we got our master controlled our schools, which on our entertainment, which on the gang neighborhoods, which on the drug trade through the neighborhoods. That's why we were duped and fooled into serving master again. Wow.

Okay. That's a pretty strong statements, a little history lesson 86634 truth, if you want to weigh in and talk to our guest, even if you disagree, we'd love to hear from you. 86634 truth, should the Democrat Party apologize for the the horrible slavery that they start that he's claiming that they supported inaugurated whatnot?

Should they pay a reparation if reparations are to be paid? And because because the typical attacks of racism comes from that party, typically to the to the white Republicans, I mean, let's just get the elephant out of the room. The typical thought is black Democrat, white Republican. It's horrible.

It's terrible. I feel racist even saying that because I because because I believe that we need to come together as one. And but you know, folks, there's nothing a racist can do today to stop me from making my money.

It doesn't matter anymore. If you will not go to dinner at this program, we go to a restaurant and it has a sign that says white only you wouldn't go in there. Then what a business racism and there's no bit of a profit except this emotional stress from Democrats and black folks to keep us angry, keep us frustrated, keep us victimized. But there is no effect on racism today.

None. OK, so off the air, you made a comment to me that these neighborhoods that are that are you mentioned the word ghetto, which I hate that word, but you mentioned that word that they are there. And you're saying that you're saying that they're run by Democrats. They're funded by Democrats and all the politicals are all they're all Democrats, all the political power. And they get worse and worse and worse.

They want more money, money, money. And the education's horrible. The crime's horrible.

And it just keeps getting worse. Now, how do you back that up? They you can't name a city that Democrats control, that black folks are the empowers can't name a city. Everywhere they touch, they bring poverty, drugs, games everywhere to touch.

It's founded every year and also the public that founded every black college Spelman is named after Roosevelt's wife. Every black college Democrats do not want educated black people, but we still go dancing their praises. But now you see a shift. You see even rappers now are against Democrats. You see the shift in Chicago, the rebellion against Democrats. You see it.

But the water's cracking. People are going to think. You cannot think and be a slave.

Okay. Now, earlier you said you're a pastor, you're a man of God, a preacher of the word. How do you offer a solution?

Because like at the end of the day, hell will be full of Republicans and Democrats, because you don't have the Lord joining a party ain't going to save you. So give us a solution here beyond just some, some temporary what the caller already did it. He had hit the solution for goodness. When I was at Berkeley before I went to the Navy, I was a high school dropout working in the Navy and a white racist dropped 2,800 pounds of steel on me trying to kill me. I was disabled, no skills anymore, no money anymore, no hope anymore.

I had to drag myself to college and drag myself in the business. And I had to forgive him because God required me to, I want to kill him. I want to kill him.

So that was a racist attack. It was like a hate crime and you're saying you forgave that person. I had to forgive him, but it took me 10 years of hatred. And when I forgave him, guess what happened to me on that freeway? When I forgave that guy at three third in the morning and accepted Jesus back in my life again, I was healed instantly because God showed me that the anger was keeping me down, not him. The anger and the hatred I had had to be lifted off of me. If black people forgave the blood, forgave the Crips, if the Jews forgave the Muslims, if we forgave this country, we have peace and harmony.

Hatred keeps us apart. Okay, let's go to, we got time for one more caller. Steven's on the line on Truth Talk Live.

I'm Stu Everson. What does the Bible say about reparations? Steven jump on in here.

You're on with our guest, Mason Weaver. Well, I do agree with him on the forgiveness and all that about the, you know, the Democrats destroying all the cities that they've been in fire yet. And along with those lives, you know, my belief is, yeah, the government and the, uh, government policies out of the families, you know, bring the fathers back into the families that not reward the mothers for, you know, leaving the fathers. Okay. That's the point. Mason, isn't the Democrat, the party, the pro family party. I mean, don't they support the family nation pro dead babies.

That would do me. Yeah. Margaret Sanger Democrats, you have, you have folks, the different party does not want strong families. They cannot control you. That's all made it in the family. They're eager to lift up related to the best strong independent.

So that man can't deal with them. They take the babies and become the daddy. The government becomes a daddy.

They train your kids to hate the father. That's what's happening. They'll take strong men, take these women by the hand, put them in their arms, say, we're going to take care of you and stop this mess. The government makes too much money off of misery, off of failure and make too much money off of torn up families.

They are pimping us. Let's stop this mess. Okay. Steven, thanks for your call.

Appreciate your call. And, uh, thank you so much. And then Mason, I appreciate you being on today and braving the airwaves. Now what's if folks want to learn more about you and your ministry, what you're doing, what's the best website.

And even, I want to say this for folks that thoroughly disagree. My phone is lighting up and I've got texts. I got calls from people here in the show that won't, we don't want to come on the air. So I'm going to be facing the fire after this program and well, I, you know, my aunt Jackie just texted me, she's listening and so she, you know, she, she may be, you know, she may be, uh, you know, giving me, um, some, some, uh, you know, aunt, uh, advice or rebuke here, but, but, but look, we love the feedback. We want to talk about this and, and ultimately from a Christian perspective, we got to move beyond the, all the partisanship and the racism and move, like one of our callers said earlier, which I thought was profound out of the gate, to the cross and to the ground is level of the foot of the cross, Mason Weaver, because you can, you can argue someone and, and convince them to join a certain party and vote a certain way, but at the end of the day, if their heart hasn't changed, then eternity will, will, will be really miserable for them.

Right? And the whole point of life is, is, is life in the sun. So would you agree with that statement and give us your final challenge out there? In the Bible, you never see the people of God go into captivity while they're worshiping God and never see them come out until they start worshiping God. Black folks came over here, changed on Obama's leadership, worshiping all kinds of false uses God and being a Christian movement with the Western church and the Christian church and minister Harry B. Stoll and Reverend John Brown, there, black folks, they went to battle singing God's glory and hymns, and black folks came out of slavery praising God. What's going to save our nation is not reparations, but is going back to praising our God. Wow.

What a statement. What's your website for folks who want to learn more? Mason Weaver, our guest today., and my Christian site is Oh wow, okay. God bless you, thank you. God bless all the callers for calling in.

We'll tackle this again. Love your feedback in our Truth Talk Live Facebook page. Watch the whole program there. God bless you. More tomorrow right here on Wednesday in the Words edition of Truth Talk Live. Your program powered by the Truth Network.
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