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Sharing Jesus in Haiti

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Truth Network Radio
December 13, 2023 7:00 pm

Sharing Jesus in Haiti

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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December 13, 2023 7:00 pm

Stu interviews a brother in Christ from Haiti. Listen as guest Richardson shares his passion for the people of Haiti as well as his testimony to help believers be thankful and to give God all the Glory. Enjoy this challenge from a brother with love.

Truth Talk
Stu Epperson
Truth Talk
Stu Epperson
Truth Talk
Stu Epperson
Truth Talk
Stu Epperson

This is Darren Kuhn with the Masculine Journey Podcast, where we search the ancient paths to find ways that God brings light into a dark world and helps set men free from the struggles that we all face on a day-to-day basis. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Enjoy it.

Share it. But most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network. Thank you for being with us today. How did you enjoy Wednesday in the Word?

What? Did you enjoy it today? Oh yeah, I'm enjoying it today. I'm enjoying your message. Very good. And you told me when you say that, found someone preaching Jesus. That's so exciting. That's what I was doing in my country. You know what I'm saying?

And I'm back in the U.S. right now, so I'm so excited to meet you. Your family's here and you came, but you, you know, you could be dead right now. I mean, like you were in Haiti and some bad stuff. They didn't want you alive. You're spreading the gospel. Our friends at Lander Rescue and some other key kingdom folks, tell us your story.

First of all, how did you get saved? OK, yes, I was living in Fort Jack. It's a town in Haiti, you know, Fort Jack is a town that I was living with my family, my son Jonathan and my wife, Manista.

So she went to work on Saturday and I was staying in my house. So I heard that the gang is coming. They came.

The gang shot is, you know what I'm saying? And people scatter and they come in my house and I moved to another place. OK. And a friend called me and said, Robinson, come here. And I stay in a place for two months.

That's terrible. And it's it's it's a risk when you go outside to buy food. You know what I'm saying? Go somewhere.

You know what I'm saying? Because the gang is controlled every hour. They're looking to either kill you, take you captive, rob you. It's dangerous. They can kidnap you, asking you money that you never counted in your life. So that's because since the assassination of the president, the country upside down, you know, corruption, you know what I'm saying? So I call for help.

You know what I'm saying? I call for help. And because the guy used to have different trips from Haiti.

And when I call them, they'd be excited to sponsor me and to come here. Wow. Yes. So, Lord, just two connections. I mean, because Brother Craig from Ohio, we've been friends forever. We got him hooked up with Land and Rescue. He's been supporting them. They're doing great work saving little children out of all this horrible human trafficking all over the world. And they developed some friends and contacts in over in Haiti. And there you were stuck with your family trapped. You could have been dead like the next day. The gangs were trying to kill you, especially when they find out you're a believer in Christ.

Absolutely. Because they they are very wicked person. You know what I'm saying? They need Jesus.

They need somebody to talk to them about Christ. Because I said to you, since the assassination of the president, the country upside down, like, corruption, you know what I'm saying? But for me, it's a pleasure to be here because my message for all people who are listening this radio network, the truth network radio, stop complaining. Don't be complaining. You have the Holy Spirit. You have Jesus. You have everything.

You have the gift. And you have water. You have food. You have electricity.

Because since the assassination of the president, no electricity in my country. People begging for food. Why are you complaining? You have to give Christ worship.

Worship the Lord for what you have. You know what I'm saying? Because people in Haiti, they are dying. They are suffering. They lack of a lot of stuff that they have. They don't have.

But you have everything. Give God glory. Dr. Carson, we have so much in America. You have a ministry called Date the Word, which is really a bunch of networking. God just got you and me together and you and a bunch of other folks together.

I get your email every day from Date the Word. You hear Robinson's story about how God miraculously delivered him and his family from the clutches of death. They were serving Christ in Haiti and the Lord just opened a door through just a network of people connecting to Land and Rescue, connected to these guys.

And next thing you know, there's armored guys there bringing you out and saving you. But Dr. Carson, what is it a testament to Christ's care for us, how he works through his body? Well, this is that testimony of the body of Christ at work.

You got the apostle Paul. When he first got started, he needed a Barnabas. Then he needed others to come alongside and helped him get rolling. And then he is able to help other people. And so this is just a testimony of how the body of Christ comes alongside, sees the needs of a brother and goes to work to meet those needs.

And it is its work dedication so that others who are in bad situations can be brought out. And this brother has made it so clear what the Haitians need more than anything is the Lord Jesus Christ, because he changed his lives. And that could bring an end to that horrible corruption there, because righteousness exalts a nation.

Wickedness is what's destroying Haiti. And what Robinson shared about not having anything. Here we have in America, we have so much. And Thanksgiving is upon us is this time of year.

And who knows when anyone will hear this podcast, broadcast. But the idea of being thankful and everything Dr. Carson, you just heard from a new said, Look, there's no electricity, there's no power stuff we take for granted. No food begging for food, your family could have died. How, what's the message of Thanksgiving here, Robinson, and Thanksgiving that I can praise the Lord for what he's done in my life. First thing is save me spiritually first, and physically. That's what I am praise the Lord that I have my son and my wife.

They are safe. And I'm pretty sure they are saved spiritually too. This is my, my thanksgiving that I can give God all glory is belong to God.

And there is nothing is impossible to God, just believe, like the lepers in believing come to Christ with confidence, with faith, and bless. So the Thanksgiving date the word and others a lot of verses on Thanksgiving, you read one earlier, you know, Psalm 911 for someone's birthday was on, you know, September 11. Dr. Carson, your reflections on Thanksgiving as a man who, on a dark night, just a few nights ago was driving and you could be dead right now after a near fatal crash deer traffic crazy stuff and you call me trembling and we thank God that he's not done with you yet. Yeah, you you find yourself saying Lord I'm thankful for life I woke up this morning I saw the sunrise. And, and then you're thankful, again, for even the smallest of things and, and I would challenge your listeners, walk through your house and look at every little item you have, and what we complain about other people around the world would be incredibly grateful if they had it. And here we are complaining about these small things, go through your house and give thanks for all the different things God has allowed you to have it then realize to whom much is given much is required, we've got to take the gospel to the entire world, because we got the greatest message of all and we should never be holding to ourselves.

And I'm thankful for all these men in here we got guys from India we got guys from Haiti we got guys from Ohio Sharon, there's my son in law and praying with a guy over there. Just a lot of ministry happening right here a lot of pastors here encouraged us to go. God is on the move. A lot of you, I just talked to a guy walked out of here, Fred, who has been leading the evangelism class forever. He said I got a call from a lady who was in my evangelism class three years ago.

I said what'd she say she said she has led 55 people to Christ, he said she she listened she took notes he said I had no idea. So what a blessing but Haiti is still on fire there's still a lot of kidnapping corruption. So a lot of how can we pray for Haiti Robinson and give us an update and how can we pray for for the country and for everyone there. First thing that you need to pray for the government, because the government they are the one who lead the country.

When there is a corruption, nothing works. That's why we need to pray for the government, pray for the police officers, because one thing that you need to know, when I was in Haiti, the gang that killed the police officer, they use the uniform. They can come to you talk about if you had the gang, and he talking about bad about the gang, they kill you.

That's, that's really bad because you don't know who you can trust. You don't know the true police officers, you don't know the false police officers, there's Christians over there that need prayer, there's pastors, there's some people who are faithful, some pastors, some missionaries there, they keep preaching, they keep seeking the Lord. So we need to pray for them, for the children also because some children when they go to school.

Anytime the teacher needs to call the parents come quickly to get your children because the gang is coming, and they can kidnap them asking the money. That's why you need to pray for them. So, you have a hard to go back at some point but you're here in America right now serving Christ tell us give us an update on Robinson how we can pray for you. Pray for my son, pray for my wife to also and pray for me, for God can guide in me to involve me in the ministry.

You know I'm saying, and for God, increase my knowledge to speak very properly and people can hear my message because you know I'm, I have a different accent you know I'm saying sounds clear French, you know I'm saying. So, that's what I need you pray for me and God can use me manually and to keep switching, keep pushing the gospel to everyone. Just your word on Thanksgiving earlier really blessed me that we you know it's we have so much we need to be thankful and we need to be. We need to be conduits or channels of Thanksgiving to spread the good news to people, people should be wondering why is he so thankful, and then that opens the door for me, like Peter says be ready always to give an answer of the hope that is in you Dr Carson give us a Thanksgiving closing verse what is a verse, a Thanksgiving verse you want to leave our listeners with to challenge and encourage them as we get out of here. Well, right now I'm just thinking of Philippians one three I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, who is that person that you're just giving incredible thanks for when you remember them and for us it's it's a friends, and for some of you is going to be your pastor, some of us can be family but Philippians one three just a great verse for for Thanksgiving. Okay from Dario great Wednesday in the word a lot of prayer a lot of ministry going on, and Dr Carson brother Robinson from Haiti pray for Haiti pray for his family as they minister here and pray to go back and Dr Carson what's the website so folks want to learn more about date the word and get your I get your email every morning. It's a verse for every day of the year if you have a birthday he'll tell you what your verse is what's the what's the website for folks to learn more about that, www dot date, the word da t, t, h, e, w, o, r, d, date, the go to it and check it out, see what your verse for your birthday is. This is the Truth Network.
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