Hey, everybody. It's the Charlie Kirk Show. Lomez joins the program as young kids get docs who are trying to help the government. We also have the latest on USAID. Jack Pessobic joins the program. What happened with Bud Light?
We recap the decline of Bud Light stock and why it has happened. Email us as always, freedom at charliekirk.com. Get involved with Turning Point USA at tpusa.com. That is tpusa.com. Start a high school or college chapter today at tpusa.com. Become a member today at members.charlicirk.com. That is members.charlicirk.com.
Again, check it out right now, members.charlicirk.com. Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.
That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at noblegoldinvestments.com. That is noblegoldinvestments.com. It's where I buy all of my gold.
Go to noblegoldinvestments.com. USAID is the ATM machine of the Central Intelligence Agency. It is the funding mechanism of the Deep State. Do you know that we spent $1.5 million to promote DEI in Serbia, $70,000 for a DEI musical production in Ireland? We spent $47,000 on a transgender opera in Colombia, $32,000 on a transgender comic in Peru, $20 million to produce Sesame Street in Iraq to promote a LGBT gay agenda, $2 million for sex reassignment surgery in Guatemala, $27 million for gift bags for deportees in Central America, hundreds of millions of dollars for irrigation and agricultural in Afghanistan that were ultimately used to increase opium supply, $1.1 billion to build a port and a power plant in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake, a project promoted by Bill Clinton, but nothing was actually built.
$74 million evaporated in 2006 under the title of promoting democracy in Cuba. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. Joining us now is Jonathan Kieperman, founder of Passage Press, also known as Lomez. Great to see you again. What is your take on USAID and should it continue to exist?
Charlie, the easy answer there is no, at least not in its current form. It's great to be here, by the way. But you know, this question of USAID and what we've seen over the last week since Marco Rubio at the State Department has taken control and tried to make transparent some of the funding schemes going on there has really got me and I think a lot of people really heated because it's very clear that what USAID is doing is the exact opposite of what is in the interest of the United States and the American people. And USAID really is a kind of perfect microcosm of both the stupidity and the malice of the unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats who run our State Department and use our tax dollars, the money that we make, and that should be helping our people and supporting our interests instead goes to spreading this international ideology, what we might just call international wokeism, for the benefit of their own pockets and of their own interests, which again are entirely divorced from the interests of the American people. So, you know, I'm really glad that this is now out there, that this is a discussion we're having and what was previously so opaque about some of this funding and this waste is now open for everyone to see. I want to thank, by the way, Data Republican, a great account on Twitter, also put together a tool at datarepublican.com where you can go and search this stuff for yourself. So I encourage you to go to datarepublican.com, type in USAID to the grant search tool and see what comes up.
I just did this, okay? And here's just one small sample of something I found. Thirty million dollars going to an organization called Creative Associates International. What does Creative Associates International do? They fund women in the Guatemalan highland to stitch their own ponchos. They also fund vague community organizing efforts in Burkina Faso.
I dare anyone listening this to explain to me why that money being spent on ponchos in the Guatemalan highland is more appropriate than spending that money to fix up, let's say, the floods in North Carolina or the fires that just devastated our people in California. And there's also some nefarious activity here as well. In addition to the extraordinary talk about how this money is also used in parallel with some of the nefarious goals of our intel agencies.
Yeah, so this is right. And I think, you know, this requires a kind of deep dive into the history of the State Department and some of our globalist policies. What some people like our friend Darren Beatty, who's now at the Department of State, has called the Global American Empire, which is really an offshoot of the neocons going back to the Iraq War, and this idea that we could spread democracy across the world.
And we would do that by force initially. It turns out that you can't just march an army into a place like Iraq or Afghanistan and turn it into a liberal democracy. So over the last decade, that strategy has transmogrified now, and we use a kind of soft power, and we use this kind of ideology of wokeness to impose the interests of this Global American Empire on the rest of the world. A lot of this is represented in things like LGBTQI plus initiatives, things like environmental justice. You see words like Latinx politics popping up all over the place when you search for this stuff. Our friend Josh Howarton, he's a great account on Twitter, he mentioned, for example, he found that a lot of Christian organizations and religious organizations around the world, this money is dangled over their head, and they only get access to it so long as they allow for and accept the leftist activist views on things like LGBT issues and trans issues.
Otherwise, this money disappears. So it's a way to sort of force this ideology onto the rest of the world. A quick history lesson here, okay, I'm reminded of Tacitus, who, writing about the Roman Empire and quoting a leader of the Britons, describing the wrath and devastation of the Roman Imperial Army, had the quote, they make a desert and they call it peace. And you might say something like this about the Global American Empire, which is we raise a pride flag and we call it peace. Otherwise known as the gay, the GAE. Yeah, that's right. GAE, the Global American Empire.
Just by coincidence. But you make a really astute point, which is that when we're told, for example, USAID by their defenders, at USAID by their defenders, well, we're sending American values abroad. So we think we're sending like pocket constitutions to Aboriginal tribes in Australia. Like, wow. Like you're trying to tell me that the poor people of Sudan are going to learn about Thomas Jefferson.
No, no, no. When they say we're sending American values, we are sending gender transition clinics to Sri Lanka. Like we are we're sending the worst, lower, the lowest aspects of the radical trans agenda. We're sending gay pride flags to Thailand. We are we're trying to convert the part of the world that might not believe that there are two hundred and forty two genders. And part of this is the evangelistic component of the great American modern empire. The religion, the state run religion is LGBTQ. Diversity is our strength.
Lomas. So, you know, the divide here is very simple. There is the ideology of the Global American Empire. This is what we call globalist, broadly speaking. And then the other foreign policy option that we have is a nationalist American first foreign policy. USAID has been operating on the globalist foreign policy ideology for the last several decades. Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, our patriots now in charge of our government are reasserting a foreign policy that prefers and supports the interests of the American people over the rest of the world. And part of this now is going to be revising how we spend our money and returning that money to the American people.
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Use discount code Charlie to get thirty five percent off, plus free shipping. That is balance of nature dot com balance of nature dot com. Lomas made a very astute point. Marco Rubio is doing phenomenal. The taking over of USAID is just amazing to see it now under the State Department. And you could see the worst people in our entire government are getting outraged about it. Let's just play a piece of tape here just to reinforce this. This is the ingrate, Elon Omar speaking English for a change, which is nice.
Play cut 70. It is really, really a sad day in America. We are witnessing a constitutional crisis. We talked about Trump wanting to be a dictator on day one. And here we are. This is what the beginning of dictatorship looks like when you got the Constitution and you install yourself as the sole power.
That is how dictators are made. It's good that she's now addressing the cameras in English. By the way, did we ever look into the fact about her whole brother thing? I don't think the statute of limitations has expired that. Kristi Noem should investigate. Immigration fraud is a big deal. A lot of people were saying that there might be something there with Elon Omar.
A thorough investigation, I think, is warranted. Lomas continues with us. So this is a very important story. And let me walk through it through my take. And then I want Lomas to to go with it.
And Blake has this phenomenal write up here. I don't know if I'm going to get all this, but it's worthwhile. So Doge is a special government employee project done by President Trump, Department of Government Efficiency. Who could be against that? Well, we know who could be against that.
Every little gremlin of the regime is against it. So Elon Musk has brought in his all stars. And these kids, when you meet them, their kids, 19, 20, 21 years old, these are the best our country has to offer.
I'm saying IQs that will melt the charts. I met one of them. And you could just tell. I mean, he is so smart.
He is so switched on. Just that as an example, Luke Ferritor, one of them, won a seven hundred thousand dollar prize for figuring how to use artificial intelligence to decipher ancient scrolls buried in the Roman city of Pompeii. He dropped out of University of Nebraska to take up a Teal Fellowship, which pays talented people, a six figure sum to drop out of college.
Actually, I applied for the Teal Fellowship and didn't get it way back when. Good thing I didn't get it. In response to the fact that these young prodigies are working on the Department of Government Efficiency, let's put up these images, cut 92 through 95. They are now receiving death threats to their homes. Their personal addresses are being leaked. There is fantasizing going on all throughout of left wing Twitter, which is called Blue Sky, to hunt them down. Let's please put up 92 through 95, saying Luigi intensifies, which is a direct threat.
Of course, the United Healthcare killer was named Luigi. Their personal information and addresses are now being made public. They're being hunted down. Antifa has been mobilized, which is the paramilitary arm of the Democrat Party, to go after these 1920 and 21 year olds. And what are they doing? They're simply trying to make government more efficient and find duplicative costs and savings.
Lomes, your reaction? Yeah, I mean, this is typical of what we see from the left now. So first of all, these kids are the perfect embodiment of what we talk about when we talk about meritocracy. They are the best. These are the people we want running our systems and running our government. We don't want to scare away these people from public service. We need them. If we're going to fix this country, we need these kids. We need their brainpower.
We need their talents. And so the left, why are they so angry about this? One is they're out of ideas. Okay, they can't argue against the kinds of things these kids are doing. They know there's waste, but they don't want to admit to it. And so what do they do? They threaten, they ostracize, they are like cornered animals gnashing their teeth. And, you know, frankly, I think it's largely impotent. Although they do want to do damage, they want to prevent these kids from being able to get jobs in the future, etc. And so we have to make sure, as you know, if we're on the right here, that we protect these people, we make sure when they get out of government, that they have a place to land on their feet.
So that's number one. The other thing to hear that's going on is for a long time, I think the left has felt entitled to this kind of young talent. The left has always assumed that young, bright people are going to join their side. But there's been a vibe shift. Okay, this is palpable here.
And we see it with kids like this. They don't want to join the left. They don't want to engage in this woke ideology that frankly, has probably made them suffer quite a bit over the course of their young lives. And now they are on the right, and they are doing what we want them to do. And so this is something that the left is very afraid of that there's going to be this massive shift.
Well, it's too late, it's already happened. The other thing here is what these kids are doing is sorting through all the waste in our government and getting rid of it. The left also feels entitled to that money. Suddenly, these whiz kids come along, and they're going to turn off that spigot. So you know, they're angry for a lot of reasons. And now they're impotently lashing out at these kids. Frankly, I think it's beautiful what these kids are doing. I am so happy to see them and we need to support them at all costs. And just look at the cross the board here.
And this is very important. We have this mass movement where we have Caroline Levitt, 27. We have these 19, 20, 23-year-olds. I mean, this is a generational takeover. You have this incredible senior staff, Sergio Gore. You got JD, who have the VP, who's young.
You got Stephen Miller, who's in his 30s. This is the untold story of this administration because they're so that the media just doesn't cover anything. This is a Gen Z millennial takeover of the federal government.
And we always thought it would be coming from the left. But this is the geriatric, the kind of nursing home regime that has been glide pathing the country into oblivion. Now, the young guns are taken over the country for the better, defending the president, issuing executive orders.
Well, the president is issuing them, but putting them on the desk and offering them. It is a generational shift. Lomez, you're great. Come back any time.
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There's no cost and it's easy to get started. That's charlieforhillsdale.com. The register charlieforhillsdale.com. Do you guys remember that bizarre moment that was almost like the cultural bottom? It was like the cultural cannon, the bottom of the bottom, where we hit the valley when that freak, Dylan Mulvaney, was paid to promote Bud Light.
Seems as if that was the low point of the kind of cultural four years. Well, joining us now is Anson Fredericks or Freericks, author of Last Call for Bud Light. Anson, welcome to the program. Thank you for being here. You are a former president of Anheuser-Busch, so I know you have a lot to share. How on earth did that all happen and take us back in time? The floor is yours.
Yeah, no, Charlie, thank you so much for having me today and you're absolutely right. I mean, this really was sort of the tipping point and when Bud Light did the sponsorship with Dylan Mulvaney, I think that was a red pill moment for most of America when they said, we've just had enough of corporations getting involved in political issues. We saw when the NFL got involved with having half their players kneel and accepted it. We saw companies like Disney who all of a sudden were promoting all of a sudden parental rights and Florida issues that were going on. And then Bud Light, I mean, the most American of brands, the most American of beers, all of a sudden starts doing this controversial partnership with Dylan Mulvaney. This is really when people had enough and this is when you actually saw customers left in droves. They lost millions of customers. The company lost billions of dollars of shareholder value.
Their profits plunged by $2 billion as well. And this is when all of a sudden you actually saw more companies take a step back and look at some of the really controversial divisive DEI and ESG policies that have been implemented across corporate America by sort of the Biden administration, by asset managers like BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard, by a bunch of consultants like McKinsey. And this is when all of a sudden corporations actually took a step back and said, maybe we don't need all this. Maybe this isn't good for business. Maybe we need to sort of reevaluate where we are as a company. And all the pendulum is starting to swing back.
This is still very relevant. As you've seen, certain companies like McDonald's, like Wal-Mart and like Tractor Supply Company kind of step back. But other companies are really leaning in.
Just this week you have Costco, JP Morgan have doubled down on their DEI policies. And then now there's been a lawsuit that's been filed by a lot of DEI officers at companies that are trying to undo some of Trump's recent legislative agenda. So this is very much still a topic that is alive.
And I think we're going to not be seeing the end of the DEI movement anytime soon. So it's just amazing to me. So I want to get into the details here of your book.
And your experience. But in April of two thousand twenty three, if my timeline is correct, they decided to make Dylan Mulvaney one of the faces of Bud Light and kind of do this whole thing. And the stock price was at sixty five dollars and fifty two share cents a share. Now it's at forty eight dollars and seventy five cents a share. You're a former president of Anheuser-Busch. Do you believe that this decision and the backlash has contributed in this nearly 20 percent decline in their stock over the last year and a half?
Absolutely it has, Charlie. I mean, you've just seen that Bud Light, which was the biggest beer brand in America, had lost 30 percent of their sales, 30 percent of their customers, other brands that they have. Budweiser plunged as deeply and then even took growth brands.
They have Nickel of Ultra and Busch Light. Also, those started plunging also. So it's had a huge effect on the stock price. At the same time, the broader stock market has been up almost 40 percent. So Bud Light down 20, 30 percent, broader stock market up 40 percent.
So it's had a massive effect. And it's not just at Bud Light, companies like Target, very similar. When Target two years ago got involved in Pride Month and they were having the tuck friendly bathing suits, as you might recall, their stock is down double digits over that time period where their biggest competitor, Wal-Mart, who Wal-Mart has taken a big step back. Wal-Mart ditched their divisive DEI policies. They were more focused on the customer. Wal-Mart stock has doubled over that same time period.
So I think it's very clear that you're starting to see this really diversion happen. Companies that are leading into controversial DEI ESG agendas, they continue to shed customers, whereas ones that are kind of sticking up for their customers, just focused on providing great products and services, sticking to their mission, those businesses are going to thrive, especially, I think, in the coming years. And I think those businesses are going to add a ton of value to their share price.
And then also, I think they're going to add a lot of value to just our broader sort of American environment. The private sector and companies used to be an area where people could come together, whether you were black, white, gay, straight, Democrat, Republican, who cares, and just work on the mission of a company, be united around that. And then all of a sudden, the workplace became a very fragmented environment over the last couple years, with companies taking very controversial stands on defund the police initiatives, on overturning election integrity laws, Roe v. Wade.
And there was no reason for this. I think that further inflamed a lot of the division in this country. Some companies have learned their lesson.
I think other companies have not. And that that that sort of message is, I think, still being written and will continue to be written over the next couple of years. And we'll see really some companies separate themselves and others continue to fall behind based off who's going to get involved in political issues moving forward. So, Anson, help me understand. Tell us the internal story. How did this come to pass? How did we go from Clydesdales to trannies with beer?
Yeah, there's a there's a short story in the long story. So the the short story is, is that the company really they adopted really divisive ESG and DEI policies. Now, a lot of corporate America was doing this at the exact same time. They adopted these policies because a lot of people that own Anheuser-Busch tend to be these large asset managers like BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard, that get a lot of their money from progressive institutions like the state of California, state of New York, European sovereign wealth funds. And there was a big push by these organizations, especially when Trump was first elected and pulled out of global organizations like the Paris Climate Accord, UN Human Rights Coalition, World Health Organization, that all these large progressive institutions said, if now Trump and government is not going to solve these so-called existential crises of climate change, of systemic racism, of police brutality, then all of a sudden we need corporations to do this. And for large, mostly New York and East Coast-based institutions like BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard, that manage 20 trillion dollars worth of capital, those were the ones that all of a sudden were the single largest shareholders in companies like Anheuser-Busch, Target, Disney. And they started telling these companies that we need you to start solving all these problems. And all the companies really, unfortunately, didn't have much of an opportunity to push back because these companies, they vote for shareholder proposals every single year at companies. They put companies in ESG index funds, which is our funds that you invest money into, hoping that the companies are going to return capital.
And they were threatened to be not putting these funds or to not have the support of these large asset managers that were using other people's money to force these policies on them. And so, unfortunately, Anheuser-Busch was uniquely susceptible. The company was bought by a European company called InBev about 10 years ago.
This European company allowed them to, unfortunately, switch the ideology away from American values, just focusing on the bottom line, focusing on shareholders, more towards this European model of being beholden to your stakeholders, being involved in programs like ESG and DEI. So the company all of a sudden switched their focus from Clydesdales winning the Super Bowl Ad Meter award every single year in the United States. Totally the greatest ads there were. Yes.
Greatest, greatest. This was by far the company that was the best in terms of winning Super Bowl Ad Meter. They won more of them than any other company, but haven't won one since 2011. And that was one of the reasons why that was one of the reasons why everyone got so upset is that this wasn't Patagonia, which was well known as like a left wing environmental company. This is Heartland, St. Louis, as good as it gets. Right. The people you're drinking, just great American consumers.
They too are kind of bending the knees. So were they just like trying to be trend followers? Did people inside the company warn them?
What was the process that this is actually went about? These guys were trend followers. They were not leaders. This used to be a company that was leaders in America, leaders in terms of setting culture, leaders about humor. And to your point, they had a clear mission historically that Bud Light was supposed to be easy to drink, easy to enjoy. It was the most popular beer in America because it was enjoyed by people across the political spectrum. Everybody loved Bud Light. It was about humor. It was about football. It was about bringing people together.
It was authentic. It was not Ben & Jerry's. Ben & Jerry's is a brand that tells you that we use ice cream to advance a socially progressive mission. So great. If you're eating Ben & Jerry's, it's free market, go eat it.
You know that you're going to be supporting defund the police causes and giving land back to Native Americans and all kinds of things Ben & Jerry's does. But if you drink Bud Light, you were just about, I mean, this is using the VP of Bud Light at the market. It was kind of a fratty beer. That's what it was. And it was a fun beer. It was kind of the life of the party. And that's what they really lost when they tried to switch the company more from just one folks on its mission, easy to drink, easy to enjoy, to one that was about a more socially progressive beer. And that's where they really got caught, Charlie, when all of a sudden they do this partnership with Dylan Mulvaney, it blows up in their face. You have Kid Rock that's using the AR-15 to be able to take out a bunch of Bud Light cases. And now the company all of a sudden, because they had adopted an ESGDEI policy, they couldn't apologize to their loyal customer base, but they couldn't also go and say that we're kind of more about the Ben & Jerry's type of brand because they're going to lose even more sales.
Really quick, I want you to plug your book and answer this question. Do you think they've learned their lesson? So in the book, Last Call for Bud Light, I don't think they've learned their lesson because here's the deal. If this company's ever going to be redeemed and their customers, really the path to redemption, it goes through forgiveness.
But to be forgiven, you have to admit that there was a mistake. So I think this book, it talks about not only the mistake of broader corporate America getting involved in ESGDEI programs that didn't look for any shareholder value and were more divisive, but it really uses the story of Bud Light and uses the story of this company to tell that story, to really make it easy to understand for folks because Bud Light was the biggest brand. So I would love you to read Last Call for Bud Light to learn more about what went wrong in corporate America and to learn what Bud Light needs to do to move forward and get its customer base back. Thank you, Anson. Really appreciate it.
Talk to you soon. Thanks, Charlie. Appreciate it. Thanks, Anson. Go to roughgreens.com. Use the promo code Charlie.
So good your pet will ask for it by name, roughgreens.com slash Charlie. I want to thank my great friend Jack Pessovic for stepping in for me for our third hour. He's a great addition to the Salem Radio Network. And Jack is here. Jack, welcome to the program.
Charlie, just want to say thanks so much. By the way, Salem Network, incredible network that they've done. I was a longtime listener to Bill Bennett in the mornings. So it's incredible to be there at nine ninety a.m. in Philadelphia. So, Jack, talk about it.
You're going to be doing your show to also be simulcasted on Salem Radio Network. Tell us about it. Well, that's right. So it's it's really just kind of a happy accident in many ways. Or perhaps, you know, you could say we planned it that way, given that it was a Charlie Kirk idea. It was probably planned out in advance that way. But so it's you know, you had the 12 to three, but then my show was always sort of two to three. And so the idea being that we were up on Real America's Boys at that time, but then you were covering down two to three on both. And so we were sort of simultaneously overlapping each other. So it turned out to be that when we were looking at this third hour said, OK, what could we do with it? That, hey, I was already doing a show in that hour to begin with.
And so it just sort of made sense to say, well, why don't we just put that show out? And being able to have a few conversations with the Salem team and having them understand that I'm not only all about what their values are, but in many ways, I was able to learn the values of the conservative movement and actually learn what it means to be in a conservative in America by just listening to Salem. And in fact, for people who for people who don't even know the deeper backstory, humanevents.com was actually under Salem at one point, and it later went independent. But now I kind of feel like it's it's almost like human events and Salem are rekindling that great partnership.
And so it's an incredible place to be with everything that's going on in our country. So, so, Jack, this is a total blitzkrieg right now that we're seeing from President Trump. Talk about the media strategy of flooding the zone and overwhelming the system. Do you think it's working? Well, Charlie, it's absolutely working. Look, I talk to journalists a lot frequently, a lot more frequently than than in the past. You know, we used to have this more antagonistic relationship, but suddenly they realized that, oh, if they want to actually know what's going on, we might have to talk to people like Jack Pazovic or Charlie Kirk, and they're all telling me, we can't keep up. What you guys are doing is so fast, and they don't realize how many years people in this movement have spent studying these issues and understanding these nodes. So you've got Mike Benz on USAID.
That's just one spot. If you think that was big, wait till you see what comes next. When it comes to Tulsi Gabbard and the intelligence community, RFK, with the Maha movement, with the FDA and the FTC even a little bit, and a number of these places. And so they didn't realize that President Trump had this ability with this all-star team that he put together to go through and be firing down on multiple avenues, multiple verticals at the same time in a place where they don't even know where to put their resources, because look at the corporate media. They've actually been downsizing over the past couple of years. Why?
Because people are checking out of corporate media. And then Elon comes in with X, and what does X do? X democratizes information. You can go right on there. You can post anything.
Boom. You can see what's going on in any one of these verticals, and there's no censorship. So you don't have anyone telling you what you need to think. You can actually go. You can watch this program. You can watch a hearing. You can see what's happening. You can look up research. You've got Grok. You've got all these different features.
It is fantastic. And so what President Trump has done is utilize this, and his team, the comms team with Stephen Chung, with Caroline Levitt as the press secretary, they've understood that the way to get ahead of the media is to literally drive faster. Caroline Levitt just a couple of minutes ago announced that these illegal alien flights are already beginning down to Guantanamo Bay. The media hasn't even been able to pick up on any of this yet because it's all moving way faster than. And I'm sorry, guys, you're going to have to start working or you're going to be left in our dust.
That is right. Jack, in one minute remaining, what is on the horizon that you're looking at right now? Big fights where the MAGA faithful need to be aware and manning the ramparts. Well, look, we know Tulsi Gabbard, that's going to come up in a couple of minutes. I feel good about this vote right here. Of course, all of this goes down to the floor, though.
So you've got Bobby Kennedy, Kash Patel, Tulsi Gabbard. It still has to go down to a floor vote. A lot of people think the committee vote is the floor vote. I get it. It's wonky.
It's the system. We have to work with what we have. But understand, none of these people have been confirmed until they're confirmed by the United States Senate.
And there's some senators out there, Charlie, who I think might need a little bit of our attention, maybe just to hold their hand as they walk them down the aisle so that they can go and make sure to confirm the president's cabinet. Very good, Jack. Good luck. You have a program in about 20 seconds.
So get ready for that. Jack, thanks so much. We'll be all right, Charlie. Thanks. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always. Freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com. Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to Charlie Kirk dot com.
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