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Academy 31

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Truth Network Radio
August 11, 2023 7:00 pm

Academy 31

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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August 11, 2023 7:00 pm

Stu interviews Kim Wilson, founder and director of a new all girls Christian school in Raleigh NC called Academy 31.


This is Rodney from the Masculine Journey Podcast, where we explored manhood within Jesus Christ. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Sit back, enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. As a father of four daughters, I got real excited when I found out that a woman of God is starting a women's Christian Christ-centered academy in the Raleigh area of North Carolina. And I'm at Jubilee Coffee with a couple of our Truth Warrior interns, Mark Reed, our senior Truth Network lieutenant here in the Raleigh Triangle area, and also Richmond, Virginia and Martinsville and everywhere else. And Mark, you introduced me to Kim just now, and I got excited as I heard your story. Talk about, let me ask, let me back up.

Who is Kim Wilson? Oh wow, just saved by grace, servant of God. Just came to know the Lord at a young age of 11, 12, 13, really when God got a hold of my heart. Grew up in church, believe in everything that I had been taught about Christ and the Bible, but the Lord really gave me an understanding at that point of what it meant for Christ to be Lord of my life and not just my Savior, and gave me a real passion for His Word and a passion for ministry, serving others, and grateful to have believing parents, awesome family that has walked alongside of me with Christ. And my background is in Christian education and biblical counseling.

I have experienced teaching all levels from pre-K up through high school and also working in administration. And just the Lord has given me an incredible opportunity to sort of combine those passions, really for biblical discipleship, particularly working with young women in the middle school and high school age range at such formative ages to help them come alongside of believing parents who are intentional in the way that they're raising their daughters to know and love Christ, and that is what Academy 31 is all about. So Academy 31, if I'm a devil's advocate, someone might say, well, another school, you know, we've got all these public schools and we've got home schools and we've got all these Christian schools and a lot of these big churches have schools connected with them. Why would Kim Wilson start a girls-only academy, Academy 31? How would you answer that about someone that might be listening out here thinking, you know, why another one of these right here in the middle of the Bible Belt in Raleigh, North Carolina?

Yes. Well, for one thing, the demand for a Christian education, the demand for alternative educational options has never been higher just in this moment we're in in our culture and also just the population explosion that we're seeing in the Raleigh-Durham area. A lot of Christian schools are sort of bursting at the seams at capacity.

And then we also have families that are just looking for something that's a bit more intentional than the models that have been traditionally out there for them. And when I say intentional, it's all about, like I said, partnership and education and discipleship specifically in biblical womanhood. And so I think a lot of Christian parents have not thought about a single gender educational environment for their children.

We see that a lot more in maybe the Catholic tradition or maybe generations gone by. But as I've been exposed to this, I found out about Iron Academy, which is a similarly modeled school for young men that's been around since 2013. Phenomenal school focuses on discipleship and biblical manhood. They're able to tailor a lot of what they do, even academically in the classroom toward young men and a strong focus on mentorship.

And we are providing something very similar for young women. And especially if these ages of 11, 12, 13 come into middle school, just the opportunity for them to be in an environment where it's relatively free of distractions as the interest in fixation on the opposite sex can become the primary focus for kids at that age. It's the opportunity for them to be in an environment where they're able to be challenged academically.

Boys and girls mature at different rates, so they don't have to be held back academically in their capacity. But then to really be grounded in their identity in Christ, know who they are in Christ, their identity, which is God given, instilled in them in Christ versus image or how others perceive them to be. So this is a very strategic environment with mentors and peers that are investing in them and then equipping them with really practical wisdom for all of life and the community of support around them.

I really like that. Academy 31 is the name. Help me understand that, that number followed by Academy. What's significant about 31?

Yes. So it's taken out of Proverbs 31. So the kind of landmark passage we look to on biblical womanhood. And basically we see the woman depicted in Proverbs 31.

There's a lot of stereotypes, interpretations people have of that. We see that woman really is the embodiment of wisdom that we see represented all the way through the book of Proverbs. So this is a woman of both character, godly character and also competence for life, competent service to the Lord first and foremost, to her family, to her community and of course in our church age, the local church. And so that is really the mission of Academy 31 is training up godly young women of both character and competence. And to speak to people that are listening in Utah, Mississippi, all over the place that are great supporters and partners with us and listeners. People pray for this program all the time.

I run into people in all kinds of places and all over the country that say I love Truth Talk and they're encouraged. The greater need at large. You're trying to set that example here, but everyone may not be able to send their daughter to Academy 31, which you're starting here very soon in the Raleigh area. Kim, what would you say about the importance that parents really taking this personally? I mean, just turn on the TV and see what's going on. See the gender confusion. See the extremes of hyper feminism and other things and all the abuse going on. How would you challenge those listening, both parents, mentors, other things on the importance of biblical womanhood and how to teach that? Absolutely.

Well, two things come to mind. I think first of all, you know, parenting is a stewardship responsibility from the Lord. The Lord has entrusted his people with raising up the next generation in his ways. See that from Deuteronomy six all the way through New Testament, Ephesians six, bringing your children up in the discipline, instruction of the Lord.

And there's no more weighty responsibility of stewardship. And then we look at education. Education by its very nature is discipleship. And so the world view through which your children are being educated, the character of the individuals that are educating your children are having incredible influence over the people that they're going to become. As do the peers that become more of the primary influencers through the middle and high school age range. And so I would encourage parents just to be very, very prayerful and very strategic about the choices that they're making educationally.

I'm a huge believer in homeschooling when that's a good option for families, private Christian schools that share your values, making sure that they match the level of intentionality that you desire for your children. And so really exhausting and exploring opportunities. There's a lot of really cool new models that are popping up hybrid models. Lots of states are going to school choice where there's funding available to transfer into private school if you've been in public school. And so I would say just really take that seriously and look into options that are there. And look for someone that's going to be a true ally and partner to you and to your local church. That's the voice of Kim Wilson. She's launching an all-girls Christian school called Academy 31 here in the Raleigh, the Greater Triangle Metro, which is Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Durham, Wake Forest, Cary.

It's growing up here like leaps and bounds. She's already got people interested. She's already got people I'm sure enrolling. And a lot of moms and dads are like, I want to entrust a godly woman like Kimberly with the education, with academic excellence, coupled with, you know, Christian mentorship, discipleship, Christian worldview, biblical fidelity.

I got two of my Truth Warrior interns here. Guys, you may have a question for Kim, but what is a bit obvious is both of you are young men and you're both single. Kim, can you give us some advice for them while they're thinking about that question they want to ask you about biblical womanhood, about their future wife? How should they be thinking right now with all kinds of stuff, all kinds of temptation towards young men? Proverbs 31, obviously, the golden standard for biblical womanhood is preceded by a bunch of proverbs that warn the young man. Young man, do not wander. Do not chase after this woman of the night. Do not let your mind, your eyes wander from God's word. Write my word on your heart, on your forehead, on the tablets of your mind. Do you advise these young men, John and Watson, who's my nephew?

Absolutely. That's a wonderful question. Well, we were looking with our staff orientation and training starting just this week. We were breaking down this passage in Proverbs 31.

Is it so foundational what our school is? And if we look at the context there, it's really a mother instructing her son in what kind of woman would you look for in terms of, you know, a prospect for marriage. What is the wife that you would want to look for and pursue? These are trademarks of her character and of her competence, her heart and her service, her reputation.

And so she's painting that picture really for her son. And so I would say to young men, just focus on becoming the man of God that the Lord has called you to be and developing those character traits because our young women, Lord willing, that will be graduating from this school will be looking for young men that are going to lead and guide them in the ways of truth. And so I would say focus first and foremost on just on that conformity to Christ and growing and walking out just the tenants of biblical manhood that he set forth in his word. And then when you're thinking about dating and you're thinking about relationships to look for women that have those godly Christ like character traits that are embodied in that passage as well.

And we've talked about it. It's not a matter of making your own clothing or baking bread from scratch. It's someone that is very diligent, pursuing excellence in all things to the glory of God, that has a pure heart, that is others centered, that's an encourager, and would be someone that's going to actually further your spiritual development and is going to add Christ like value and gifting to your future household and family. I love one of my favorite verses in Proverbs 31 is charm is deceitful beauty is vain but the woman who fears the Lord she shall be praised and that's the woman.

That's their theme verse I mean how cool. The woman that I'm already a big fan of this Academy 31 and I haven't even set foot inside your, your classrooms yet but I'm so excited. Kim Wilson is starting this up with her team, launching soon. Gentlemen questions for Kim we're almost out of time on this segment, my two truth warrior interns you guys have a quick question for Kim Wilson about this Girls Academy Christian Girls Academy, finding a godly woman as a wife someday anything guys real quick. John you want to go first. What would you say make sure Christian Academy different than others obviously it's an all girls school but what makes it different than the one that everybody goes to in Raleigh or, you know, what, what, what's the difference. Let's set you all apart.

Love it. I'm actually so glad that you asked that because it gives me a chance to talk about some of our distinctives we've designed every aspect of our schedule to really accomplish the vision and the mission that the Lord has called us to. And so part of that is even our class scheduling so we have assembly every morning where we're, we're not just having chapel once a week we're doing like a briefer assembly every morning we're starting the day with worship devotion prayer. And, and then we're starting our classes Monday through Thursday we have a block schedule. We have our 40 minute classes so longer class periods, but classes that meet twice per week either Monday, Wednesday or Tuesday, Thursday, we're going at depth of learning practicality application of learning development of critical thinking skills varied learning activities with girls who love to be social collaborate interact, we're really capitalizing on those things. And so we'll have English social studies math science Bible elective classes that we're alternating on those days and so traditional education, a lot of times taps in just to that short term memory. And it's a lot of lower level thinking skills of just filling your minds with knowledge or data to be reproduced on an assessment but we're really focusing on development of wisdom we have a targeted learning plan that is knowledge understanding discernment wisdom. And that's the highest level of biblical thinking and living that we're pursuing. And then on Fridays we have our biblical womanhood program which is sort of the the signature program at our school everything is 100% geared toward applying God's truth to life, to hearts, relationships, the world around us, and learning how to navigate those things through intentional classes discussion based classes, guests mentors from the community coming in sharing testimonies training and life skills, one on one meetings with mentors, according to personal discipleship plans that are developed together with parents and in local church disciples. Wow. So specifically we have Academy 31, a Christian girls Academy, young late young woman of God Academy, founded by this young lady next to me who's traveled the world and she's been an educator at all different levels and now she's starting this school needs your prayers obviously and, and as a great heart for God and for equipping these young ladies to be world changers for Christ Academy 31 is Academy wonderful people can donate there they can support they can enroll they can find out more, they may someone, people may even move to Raleigh just to put their youngsters in your school.

Watson you got a quick question as we wrap up this segment of Truth Hawk Watson my nephew one of our Truth Warrior interns. Well my first question is I was gonna ask I like to ask people what's your favorite Bible verse and why. And the second thing is I went to a couple secular schools and I know the huge difference it makes teaching the word and teaching the right word for people growing up and growing in their faith and finding out how to live life through God, and that's one of the most important things and it's very refreshing being able to have this as an outlet and a new place for young girls to come. And grow in their faith in God to groom them and get them ready for the real world out there and I think that's really important.

Just props to you guys and it's going to be very exciting. Amen. Another great question so I would I always kind of go to Galatians 220 for I'm crucified with Christ and I no longer live Christ lives in me, the life I now live in the body. I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me there's so much we could unpack from that verse but the lordship of Christ and just our life being lived unto him, and our lives are not our own there to be lived for his glory. And I 100% agree with you Watson on the importance of biblical education. We're taking our middle schoolers through biblical narrative, systematic theology, through hermeneutics. We're going book by book through the Bible in the high school years, so Old and New Testament. So we're super passionate about that and believe that women of God just as men of God are called to be grounded and equipped in the word and that that's sufficient and relative and authoritative and inspired in our lives. What an encouraging word. and Kim Wilson is the founder. Kim let's ask you real quick a little bit about your testimony and how you came to know Christ and then kind of how that ended up with where you are today.

Sure. Well, as I was saying before, I grew up going to church, you know, in the Bible Belt of North Carolina, I would say culturally Christian, believing intellectually the things I was taught, but when I was 11 years old, my family moved with my dad's work, changing companies from North Carolina to Arkansas, and it was in Northwest Arkansas at a church that we went to there that the Lord, I think just really opened my heart, my eyes and ears to the gospel. I had, you know, prayed a prayer to ask Jesus into my heart, been baptized, but really didn't see any substantive change in my life and it was almost overnight. The Lord just began doing this work to kind of draw my heart to himself and give me a desire to know him and live for him. And it's part of me looking back and knowing that my salvation was all 100% of God and not myself, that it was the Lord that called me to himself. And so, you know, going through my growing up years, I'm thankful that I was in, you know, a series of churches and situations with my own parents that challenged and encouraged me to get involved in serving the church and taking evangelism classes and really digging deep into scripture, leading Bible studies, prayer groups, even as a teenager, you know, and I think that's so important for young people to really capture that zeal and energy of youth. While you're being shaped, informed in discipleship relationships, having an opportunity to really serve and give back and get involved and discover what your giftings are. And it was more through my college years where I was starting thinking of going into a medical career and then majored in exercise and sport science, sport administration.

So it's a long story. I won't get into all the twists and turns, but the Lord used some trials and adversity in my life, especially some health trials to direct my heart more toward discipleship ministry and specifically counseling ministry. I'm grateful that I was introduced to some resources on biblical counseling that were just transformative for me in my own heart and life. And then, yeah, helped equip and prepare me for ministry.

No, Kim, that's great. Academy 31 dot org. Kim Wilson, who's the head of school, and she's putting it all together.

It's opening soon. There is so much assault on our young people in education today. And so many parents that are conservative, believe in marriage like the Bible defines that life like the Bible defines it. Yeah, we spent a lot of money, a lot of time. We have to send our kid to our alma mater.

We got it. They got to wear those colors. They got to go to that dorm. They got to join that frat.

And when they come out espousing Marxism and communism, we're all mad. Like, well, what happened? Well, what do you think happened? What comes?

What goes in? Let's go out. And so there's this. Well, but but who's going to win those people with that secular college to Christ if I don't send my kid? It doesn't mean every kid shouldn't go to a secular college. But the premise of Christian education, the premise of all education is you pay them to teach your kids, whether it's at the college level, the doctorate level, the Ph.D. level or the elementary school level. You are you are counting on that teacher. You don't see your kid to teach the teacher everywhere you go.

You're supposed to be a witness. Will you talk about the importance, the framework, the groundwork, the fundamental. The foundation of if a parent has an opportunity to get their kid educated with a Christian world view like you're doing at Academy 31.

But speak to everybody across the country, even they may not be able to come to Raleigh to enroll in your school. Absolutely. I think that should be a huge priority for every parent and thinking through the character, the world view, the knowledge and experience of whoever is going to be educating your young people now. And I think what you're saying, you know, the arguments to be made for sending children, some of it to public schools or public universities is one of your wanting your children to be salt and light, you know, to a culture that needs Christ. We 100 percent, you know, see those commands in scripture.

And that's our mission. Great commission that Christ has given us. But there there is a time of preparation for that preparation is required if your son or daughter does not or is not firmly anchored in who they are in Christ. And does not have firm convictions that have been formed through careful study of scripture and careful interaction with every field of study from a biblical perspective.

They're ill equipped to go into an environment of darkness, of deceit, of, you know, the enemy's lies and temptations, subtle deceptions that they're going to face. There's there's wisdom that's required and there's strength and conviction of character and faith and courage that can be fostered through these formative years. And so that's the encouragement I would have is make sure in the formative years of your child's life that they're in an environment that's going to prepare and equip them to go out and be a bright light and to be salt.

That truly has that preservative effect that hasn't lost its saltiness and is good only to be thrown underfoot and trampled by men. And so really putting the investment financially, time wise, whatever is needed to provide your children with the education they need so that they can fulfill the call of God in their lives. Luke 640, Jesus said, a disciple becomes just like their teacher. So I want my children, my daughters to become like that lady right there I'm sitting next to, Kim Wilson, godly woman who started his academy to build girls up in the Lord.

She's not out here tearing down other educational systems and all that, but she is exalting Christ in every area, in every academic discipline, science, math, arithmetic, you name it, from geology to theology. And thank you for doing that, You're just launching and your quick shout out to everyone who maybe is interested in this neck of the woods to sign up or learn more all around the world.

Absolutely. We are continuing to enroll for this fall. We're starting August 21st, first day of school. So we're opening with grades six and seven here in Raleigh.

We can draw from anywhere the greater triangle area. If you or anyone you know has children, grandchildren in this area, daughters going into sixth or seventh grades, we're enrolling right now. You can go to our website,

It has a link there to sign up for a free educational consultation. You can come by and tour our newly renovated campus. Meet me, learn about the school.

And certainly if you have younger daughters, younger granddaughters in the area, we'd love to talk and meet with you as well as you start thinking and planning ahead toward middle school. I love it. There's no better place to do a national radio show than from a coffee shop. And I've got that's why you've heard dogs barking. You've heard young ladies walking by laughing.

You've heard the sips of the coffee, the ice cold ice drinks. Thank you to construction over here. Thank you to our wonderful TruthWear interns, John and Watson, Mark Reed for putting all this together. And our special guest, Kim Wilson, for being just doing what you're doing.

Thank you so much for being a blessing to all of us. Hope you've been encouraged by this segment. We'll make it a podcast. You can throw this up at your website for people to learn more about the Academy 31 and to be a blessing and to really be the deeper issue. You've got to kind of mentor us. You've discipled us and all of our audience in thinking, how am I educating? You're always educating. The question is, am I passing on a godly education and just living or am I just passing on a trivial kind of worthless nothing? You know, like what happens in your conversation with your children?

And I'm trying to be more proactive with my daughters talking about the Lord and encouraging them. And you have certainly challenged me even greater that over this delicious jubilee coffee and that sea salt heath bar chocolate chip cookie. They heat it up for us. Now, it's July weather. I might need a coat.

It's a little bit get a little cold out here. But that cookie, unbelievable jubilee coffee shop at North Hills in Raleigh. Stu Epperson signing off. Learn more at our website and her website And please like and share this and thank you to everyone. All the stations brave enough to carry this radio program. All of our wonderful partners for sponsoring with us to keep this program on the air and our prayer warriors out there. We love you. Please pray that truth talk will reach people and continue to share the truth everywhere you go.
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