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The Wonder of -What Does The Door To Your Heart Look Like?

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
August 30, 2023 10:28 am

The Wonder of -What Does The Door To Your Heart Look Like?

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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August 30, 2023 10:28 am

come Wonder with us...

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Did you ever wonder? Did you ever wonder?

I do. Did you ever wonder? Why the sun always rises, but the stars never fall?

Why dry land is never satisfied by water? And why fire never says enough? Enough. Let my love open the door. Let my love open the door. Let my love open the door to your heart. Let my love open the door to your heart. Let my love open the door to your heart. And so, you know, they ask a question that I actually have been pondering since they originally asked it in that podcast is, you know, what does your door look like, the door to your heart, the one that Jesus stands there and knocks on? And it's an interesting thing, you know, obviously, to begin to concern myself with. And so I just went there with Jesus today and spent a lot of time there and thought it might be helpful for you to ask that question of Jesus yourself and maybe get a picture in your mind of what your heart might look like, the door to your heart might look like, not what your heart might look like, the door specifically or the door opening.

They're two different things. And so I, of course, went there in Hebrew. But I also wanted to describe that, you know, in Genesis, you might remember that sin crouched at Cain's door and it wanted to have him. Well, that's the word door opening so much more than the word door, because interestingly, you find both kinds of doors in the story of Lot and the angels and the people that are trying to come into his house.

And the angels slammed the door, you remember? And there you have both the door opening, which is a pay and a tav and a het. That's the door opening that God told Cain to be careful of. And then there's the door that swings itself, which is a beautiful, amazing, it is actually the word dalet, which means, you know, that third letter, fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It is dalet, that's like a door, and it's actually the thing that swings in the doorway and then lamed and then a tav. And so that idea immediately that came to me is like, why in both cases do both the opening have a tav and the door itself that swings, why does that have a tav? And the answer, I believe, is that your door to your heart or other doors that you deal with require a judgment. And that tav is simply the idea of dan, because it is a dalet and a nun that are kind of combined to create this idea of judgment. And it's also the last letter in the Hebrew alphabet.

It's very much God's stamp on something. And so the question is, does God want whatever it is to come in the door or is this where it stops right there, as in the case of Lot's door? And so you got both the doorway and the thing that swings require judgment. And interestingly, you know, the idea of the doorway has the letter pay, which has to do with your face or specifically here, your mouth. And so I don't know if you've thought about your mouth being a door, but it's a door for interestingly two different things.

What you eat will certainly become part of you. And also what you say comes out of you are things that come out of your heart. You got a door that swings both ways there when it comes to your mouth. And so there's so much in scripture about the mouth. And that's why I believe the opening itself starts with the pay, which is pretty beautiful. And then the last letter in the word, you know, opening of the door, the pay, tav, het is that idea of the union, the het, the eighth letter in the Hebrew alphabet, which is the miracle letter from my standpoint, that somehow or another we get united with Christ. And it looks like a hoopah very much. And I don't know if I was really picturing it this morning that when God told them to strike the lintel, the side post of the door and the top post, they were making a letter het.

That's the letter that it would make if you did that very thing. And that looks like a hoopah and that idea of being united with Jesus. And so it's kind of interesting to me that that blood, I'm quite certain, is over the opening of my heart. And of course, what comes through that opening, you're going to be united with, right?

If it comes through the opening of your mouth and you're eating it, it becomes part of your each cell of your body or whichever cells it infects. And if you take something into your heart, you know, certainly you're being united with it in an interesting way. So that idea of the opening is huge. But then the idea of the door is also really cool, the thing that swings. And then it begins with that dalet, again, which is humility.

And you might remember the dalet has to do with receiving. In other words, in order to get something, you have to be humble. And so to open the door to eat something or to receive something from somebody or to let Jesus come in requires humility. And it just does.

And it's really something to ponder all by itself. And the second letter in the door itself, the thing that swings, is a letter lomet. And that letter has to do with your heart. It begins the word heart, but it also has to do with loving and learning. And so we tend to let things that we want to learn into our heart, into our mouth, out of our mouth, and things that we love.

We got in and out of our mouths as well as, you know, the idea of a kiss. I don't know what you thought about that, but, you know, the idea of love and all that is very much connected to that. And then the thing that swings, the door, it ends with letter tav. In other words, like, don't open that thing unless it's something that God wants you to do that requires judgment. And so with all that in mind, you know, you can't help but think that the opening is this whole idea of your mouth when it's open and the door is what you swing back and forth to close.

But the thing of it is, is yes, you know, how do I get God's judgment on what to let into my heart or what to let into my mouth as far as when I'm eating? But also, you know, the thing that occurs to me is, you know, that interestingly there was a gate in the temple called beautiful, right? And I think that your door is absolutely beautiful in so many different ways. And that idea of beautiful is a reflection of God in some way. Anything that reflects God is beautiful. And so I'm quite certain, if you're listening to this podcast, that you have a beautiful door. So a wonderful idea is to picture how does your door reflect God?

How does it reflect you? And when you go to go through that door, when you go to let Jesus into that door or make sure that things stay in that door and not go out to the wrong person. In other words, cast your pearls between before swine, you know, what's involved in those processes, all things for you to pray about. Think about, you know, I won't rob you of the joy of, you know, by telling you what all I saw in the door of my heart, the thing that swings, what I saw in the doorpost. Other than I can tell you that the doorpost itself did have that that blood strike to cross it, because I know that in order for me to go through that same kind of doorway. In other words, Jesus is the way to the Father, which is all of what this has to do with, I'm sure, is it is a narrow gate and it requires Jesus to get in there. So again, thanks for listening. I hope you enjoyed it.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-08-30 12:57:24 / 2023-08-30 13:00:54 / 4

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