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The Wonder of Habakkuk 2:20- There's A Kinda Hush All Over The World Tonight

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
March 3, 2023 10:32 am

The Wonder of Habakkuk 2:20- There's A Kinda Hush All Over The World Tonight

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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March 3, 2023 10:32 am

Hab 2:20 But the LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.


Amazing all that is in these few words - as they begin to sink in you will just go silent in awe. 

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This is the Truth Network. Bible Wonders of Habakkuk.

Oh, how fun! We get to the Resh verse in the second chapter of Habakkuk. That's the 20th verse, and the letter Resh—the Hebrew letter Resh—I want to talk about that a minute, because I hope as you listen to this verse you think about how well it illustrates this letter, and then I just think it's absolutely beautiful. So a couple verses from the 119th Psalm that illustrate it well, as the letter Resh has to do with considering, and so—and you may know in the 119th Psalm, every verse starts with one of the 22 letters, and so there's a whole section of eight verses on the letter Resh, and the first of those letters—I mean, the first of those verses in the Resh section says, consider my affliction and deliver me, for I forget not thy law. And the last verse in the Resh section, the miracle verse, is spectacular, and think about this one when it comes to this particular verse. Thy word is true from the beginning, and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth forever. Again, the idea of that Resh being both to consider, but it also has to do with beginnings, and it has to do with sort of the headship of a river kind of thing, and so when you think about this verse in Habakkuk chapter 2, I'd love to sit there and just consider this, and I think you'll see why that—anyway, we'll read it in English, it says, but the Lord is in his holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before him. So it's a very amazing ending to just a spectacular chapter of Habakkuk 1.

I will never forget this journey as long as I ever live, and we've certainly gone through all this how the righteous will live by faith, and then clearly how the unrighteous will certainly, you know, be tortured in a hellish situation as total paranoia sits in and all this, you know, idol worship and all these things of finding themselves with an orphan spirit and all alone, and just a horrible place to be in all sorts of different ways. So it's really cool that the way this comes together in this 20th verse, it says, but the Lord—and it actually uses the Jehovah, you know, the YHVH—is in his holy temple, and that word temple is really, really cool. It's almost like an extension of the word all, and the word all in Hebrew has to do with the letter hoof and with the letter lamed, and this is the way that people worship, you know, is both by desire and to aspire, and those are those two letters to a great extent, and they do that with the idea of both their spirit and their soul, or with their soul and their spirit in that order, depending on how you want to look at it, and those two letters have to do with, you know, the soul has this, you know, aspiration and the spirit has this desire, and so those two things, you know, come together to be all, and that has everything to do with the idea of holy temple, and then, you know, let all the earth keep silence before him. That word silence, I will never ever forget after studying this verse, because it literally means hush, but hush has to do with an idea of expressing, the idea of expressing the letter psalmic, okay? It's a hay and a psalmic and another hay, and so when you hear somebody say hush, you can actually hear the H and the S and the H, you know, in other words, isn't that cool? It's kind of like, oh wow, hush, yeah, well, think about this, when you try to consider expressing the letter psalmic, think about that a minute, I mean, that is the force that had David trembling, that is the force of gravity, that is this in infinitive force that that is behind a hurricane, is behind a tornado, it has to do with the circle, and oh my gosh, is it a force to be reckoned with, it just wholly is, and so there, and when I sit there and try to consider how to express that, you know, I'm trying to right this minute, and it can't be done, and so you might as well hush, because when you just, when you just sit and think about all the power that's involved in the gravity of the earth revolving around the Sun, or the way that, you know, all the planets, all that works, I don't have any idea, that's way more energy, way more force than I can possibly reckon with, and God has his hand on that, and the beautiful thing about it is it's in the middle of the word hesed, you can hear that same S sound, well the word hesed has to do with God's loving kindness, you say it when you say the 23rd Psalm, surely goodness and mercy, that word mercy, that's translated mercy, is hesed, and so when you think about all the force that's there, you just might as well hush, and so all of us are gonna be, all our desires, all our aspirations are gonna be in his holy temple, all the earth, right, and we will be silenced because of just how great thou art, I don't know how to put it other than that, but then it says before him, and that word before him has to do with with the letter pay, and with us all being present and accounted for, okay, and if you do the cross-reverences on this verse, or just on that letter, on just on that word hush, you're gonna find that word hush where it says silence there, that specific word in that specific word in Hebrew is throughout the Scriptures a prophecy, it's in Amos and it's in Ezekiel, I mean excuse me, in Zechariah, in the prophecies of the end of the world, right, that you know this force that's gonna make everything right, believe me, is a force that's unbelievable, and so you know I don't know if you've ever been around a situation where all of a sudden the entire group that you were in were in awe of God, and at that moment they were in such awe of this amazing force that there was this sense of hush, right, like oh my goodness, the way that that happened for me, and I've never ever forgotten it, is that promise keepers had an event, I think they called it the Million Man March or whatever, but they wanted a million men, and I'm pretty sure they got a million men, to come on, I forget what it's called, the concourse there, in the capital of Washington DC, you know that great big long straight concourse, well anyway, you know men from all over the country came there to pray, I couldn't tell you what year it was, but I can tell you that I went, and I'll never ever forget they were they were playing you know worship songs, and they had great speakers, and there were prayers, but there were two or three times when the entire crowd went hush, and with all those men, with all those people aspiring, and all those people desiring the Lord with all their hearts, and with all their souls, and with all their minds, and all in the same place, all present, and in the presence of God, like oh my goodness, it's gonna be, when all that's going on, that is his holy temple, okay, I'm just saying, it is completely his holy temple, and oh do I want to be there on that day, and this is where the righteous truly will live, that we will be hushed by the power of Almighty God, as we see that man, there was a reason to have faith, because he's never been in any kind of trouble, okay, there's nothing to worry about, because oh my goodness, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but the delight in the fear of the Lord is the seventh anointing of the Holy Spirit, again thank you for just enjoying these verses in the second chapter of Habakkuk with me, I will never be the same, and I'm gonna guess that if you really thought about these 20 verses like I have, you won't either, thanks for listening.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-03-03 12:30:55 / 2023-03-03 12:34:36 / 4

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