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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
October 7, 2023 4:32 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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October 7, 2023 4:32 pm

The Matt Slick Live daily radio show broadcast is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry -CARM-. During the show, Matt answers questions on the air, and offers insight on topics like The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues-- The show airs live on the Truth Network, Monday through Friday, 6-7 PM, EST -3-4 PM, PST--You can also email questions to Matt using-, Please put -Radio Show Question- in the Subject line--You can also watch a live stream during the live show on RUMBLE---Time stamps are approximate due to commercials being removed for PODCAST.---Topics include--08- Friday Hate Mail.-18- Cessationism, When the perfect comes.-30- What should we do with fake Christians-37- Did Nehemiah return to being a cupbearer after Jerusalem was rebuilt-49- The Nephilim-50-- Is Numbers 24-17 about Jesus--

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If you liked the video, please subscribe to my channel. Thanks for listening this Truth Network Podcast. Thanks for listening this Truth Network Podcast. Thanks for listening this Truth Network Podcast. Thanks for listening this Truth Network Podcast. Thanks for listening this Truth Network Podcast. Thanks for listening this Truth Network Podcast. Thanks for listening this Truth Network Podcast. Thanks for listening this Truth Network Podcast. Thanks for listening this Truth Network Podcast. Thanks for listening this Truth Network Podcast. Thanks for listening this Truth Network Podcast. Thanks for listening this Truth Network Podcast. Thanks for listening. Thanks for listening. Thanks for listening.

Thanks for listening this Truth Network Podcast. See, this is the thing, is people will write stuff like this and they don't say exactly what it is. They don't say like, I'm a Mormon or I'm a Jehovah's Witness or whatever it is. They just accuse and they don't say, here's the example, here's this. They just accuse and then they leave.

It's someone like in the Bible who does that a lot, someone who's an accuser. Anyway, hey, we have four open lines, wide open lines. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. Hey, Steven with an H. Thanks for the $5 rant, really appreciate it.

Hey, we'll be right back after these messages. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. Hey everybody, welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, it is real easy. Just dial 877-207-2276. Dave from California, welcome, you're on the air.

Hey, Matt. Just thought I'd ask you because I follow both you and Apologetics Live with Andrew Rapaport. And on Apologetics Live recently, they've been discussing cessationism and I know you've had a call in about it before as well. Where do they come up with Scripture being the perfect? Because at face value reading that line, the only thing that comes to mind is Christ and it's a stretch to kind of come up with anything else. So I'm wondering, how do they get there? Well, I would say they get there by reading into the Scriptures what isn't there because they presuppose the gifts have ceased.

That's how I say they do it. And this issue is a very personal issue for me because when I was a senior pastor in Southern California and the denomination found out I affirmed the charismatic gifts, not that I practiced some or anything, I just exegetically believed in them. They said, well, I think you're a great preacher, a great guy, but you can't be our pastor. And the cost to me was immense.

I don't mean big, I mean immense. It took years and years to recover financially from that because of some ramifications because that was my source of income and then I had nothing. And I mean nothing.

It was bad. But I stood my ground on principle of what I believe the Scriptures teach. So over the years I've studied this a great deal and I'm convinced that the Reformed people who, many of the Reformed people who hold to the idea that in 1 Corinthians 13, 18, 12 that the perfect is the Bible, I believe that they are just imposing upon the Scripture the view that they want it to be.

I do not believe they're exegeting it properly. That includes Andrew. I know Andrew. I've been over at his house. He's been over here.

We're still friends and we always will be. But I believe he's wrong. So when they say the perfect comes, if it's the Bible, then the antecedent's reference in verse 12, it says then face to face because when that happens then we'll see face to face, right? And I know in part, now I know in part, but then that's when the perfect comes. I'll know fully, it's just I've been fully known. Trust me, I can talk in this a lot and I don't want to just dominate. I want you to talk, but I can really get into this quite a bit and show you why that position they have doesn't work.

Yeah, and they were spending two hours on it last night on their show. A follow-up question I have on that as I was listening to it, there's questions like this in the why don't we see the miraculous here in the West or in the U.S. and whatnot. The verse that always comes to mind, I know we probably shouldn't be drawing doctrine from parable, but Lazarus and the rich man where Abraham tells the rich man that if they won't listen to Moses and the prophets then they're not going to listen to anybody even if somebody comes back from the dead. And so the thought that crosses my mind to counter things like why don't you see the miraculous in the West is we've got you, we've got Andrew, we've got Elise Trobelle, we've got William Wayne Craig, we've got access to everything at our fingertips. We shouldn't need the miraculous.

Well, when they ask me that I say, and what makes you think we don't? How do you document this? Because there's the Nita Edwards story, there's the book Bruchco, there are accounts of documented things of miraculous. I used to have a book, I lost it in one of my many moves, but it was documented miraculous healings from doctors who said that Christians were praying and things were changed and it had x-rays. Remember the book had x-rays. If anybody knows what that book is, I really want it.

And it was 30, 40 years ago that I had this thing or 20, 30, I don't know. Anyway, so when they say that I say, what you're doing is you're making doctrine out of experience because you're saying we don't see it so therefore it's false. Well, that's not the way to do it. You do it biblically. Does the Bible support or deny the continuation of the gifts? And if they say, why doesn't that happen now? That's irrelevant. The ultimate authority is scripture.

And plus there are documented cases of people who have had miraculous healings. And so what are they going to do with those? And so in my opinion they're dismissive and energetically they just don't get it. Okay, look, when the perfect comes, the partial will come away with. I got to let you go, so have a good night. All right, Matt, thanks. I'm going to talk about this a little bit and we'll get to our two callers, but when the perfect comes, look for it. This is the verse that they use. When the perfect comes, this is, excuse me, on the first question, 13, 8 through 12, love never fails, whatever gifts of prophecy will be done away. If there are tongues, you'll see.

If there's knowledge, you'll be done away. For we know in part, we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away. Okay, the perfect is the completion of the Bible. So when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away. When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child.

And when I became a man, I did away with these childish things. For now, we've seen a mere dimly, but then face to face. All right, well, what does face to face mean? Well, just so happened I taught on this last night and I've got an old article and I did another check on the phrase face to face and it means personal encounter. And I've got, I don't know, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, or 14 accounts of where the word face to face occurs.

And when you read them, it means a personal encounter. So does it mean when the Bible is completed, that's when we're going to see face to face? No. When Jesus comes back, are we going to see face to face? Of course.

That makes sense. And then also, but then I'll be known, then I'll be known fully just as I've been fully known. Well, what does that mean? Well, God only knows believers. We have been known by God. Jesus said in John 10, 14 on the Good Shepherd, I know my own and my own know me. In John 10, 27, my sheep hear my voice. I know them.

And it goes on like this. In Matthew 7, 22 and 23, he says, get away from me, those who I never knew you. He's talking about the false converts. And so if that's the case, then we can know that we have been known, we have been fully known. The phrase to be known by God, at the very least, means that it's a salvation thing. Well, are we fully known when the Bible is completed? No, it's when the return of Christ comes. And so people say, well, it can't be that.

Well, yes, it can. And one last thing. And this is what 1 Corinthians 1, 7 says. Let me tell you something. Watch this. I've talked to various people.

I won't tell you who by name. But I brought this verse up, and it says this. So that you are not lacking in any charisma, charismatic actually in Greek, any gift, awaiting eagerly the revelation, the apocalypse, the return of our Lord Jesus, so that you're not lacking any gift, charismatic gift, awaiting eagerly the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. So we're not to lack any spiritual gift while waiting for Jesus to come back.

Okay? That's what it is. Cessationism, in my view, holds no water. And I could tell you so much more about this from the Presbyterian divines, but I don't have time. You got to go.

There's the break. May the Lord bless you. Be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. Welcome back to the show, everyone. If you want to give me a call, we have two open lines, 877-207-2276. Let's get to Anonymous from Raleigh, North Carolina. Welcome. Hello. Hi. Can you hear me?

Are you there? Hello? Yes, I'm sorry. Okay. Hi. Hello? Hi. Yes. I think I think. Is this thing on? Hey, I would just say instead of Anonymous, it's 66 calling.

Anyway. I called a couple nights ago. Did something happen?

I think I might have already figured it out or it was already answered. But regarding, come on now, First Corinthians, about back matters. Where did I write it? I'm sorry. Oh, First Corinthians 511 through 13.

I had a neighbor I thought was a believer or whatever, just did something really very vicious, underhanded. And I won't get into it. I just, I'm without words. And that's, I just, and the words, I haven't even used that word, back matters. I've never even used that word in my life and the word that came to mind.

What do you, how do I, how do I deal with, how do I address that? I'm not sure what your question is. So. Okay, it says back matters, that they're not, the brothers and sisters that say that they're a believer, I'm sorry about posing this right at all.

So what do you do with those who are claiming to be Christians but don't act like it? Well, because I'm not supposed to, you know, strike back or anything. But is that your question though? Yes. Thank you. Okay.

So the Bible tells us what, I'm sorry? Like pulling keys, right? Yeah. Well, you know, I mean, people get on the radio sometimes they're not sure what to say.

Sometimes you got to talk till you know what it is you need to say. But I get it. What do you do with people who claim to be believers but just don't live like it?

Okay, what do you do with them? Well, the Bible tells us, like you said in 1 Corinthians 5, starting at verse 11, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he's an immoral person, covetous, idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler. Don't even eat with them. And so you are to not fellowship with those who claim to be Christians and they're not living like Christ. Don't fellowship with them. That's what the Bible says. I see a neighbor like right across the hall and so am I just, I mean, not just supposed to, so I just, well, I pray.

I ask God for continuous strength, for I, you know, that would be a good idea, right? Yeah, now if you're right across the hall, if you're across the hall, you're going to meet them, you're going to talk to them, you know. The idea is to witness to them. But what it's talking about in 1 Corinthians 5 is it talks about those who are hypocritical and in the culture, people were religious, people were very dedicated to God or gods. And so when people would claim to convert from one religion to Christianity and they were living like the devil, well, then don't associate with them.

Don't have that. Don't participate because in that culture, you would eat with somebody meant real serious fellowship and agreement, not to do that. And so it's not to say that you can't, you know, give them, you know, a leg up when they need help, you know, they're putting their groceries in from the car and, you know, you're helping them bring them up.

That's okay. But you don't want to party with them. You don't want to go over and hang out with them. No. Just because in their sinful stuff. If, however, say they're inviting you over for dinner and you pray up, you go because you want to use that as an opportunity, that's okay.

So this is what the context, the cultural context here is different than our cultural context because to go over to someone's house to eat for the purpose of evangelism is different than participating in what they're doing and helping them out along the way of their evil, which is what 1 Corinthians 5 is talking about. Okay. Okay. Hey, thank you. I appreciate it. And you've been a great teacher to me and so many others. And I thank you. And you're in our prayers. Oh, thank you. So God bless you.

And be watching. I couldn't get access last night about the charisma, the gift of healing. I tried. I follow you all, but I couldn't get in. But I'll try again. We'll just go to forward slash mattslickbiblestudy and that will take you to it.

And rumble is a video thing, okay? Okay. Right, right. Okay. Hey, thank you so much. All right. You're welcome so much. All right. God bless. All right. Thank you. That was anonymous. I forgot her name. I want to give a shout out to Mr.

Kit for a $12 rant. Thank you on rumble helping us out. Really appreciate that.

And we need every bit we can get. All right. Let's get to Inez from Charlotte, North Carolina.

Inez, welcome. You're on the air. Yeah. Hello. Hello.

Thank you for taking my call. Yes. I have a question.

The king's cup bearer, Nehemiah, he left to go rebuild the city. Okay. But did he ever return to his job? Oh, I don't know. That's a good question. Okay.

I've been looking and reading but I don't see where he returned. Well, I'm not aware that he did. It's possible. But sometimes the writers, what they'll do is they'll just write the information that's necessary to get the idea across. So other than that, you know. Okay.

I'm just curious and I'll just keep searching. But thank you for taking my call. Sure. No problem at all. Thank you. No problem. Okay. God bless. All right. Hey, we have wide open lines. If you want to give me a call, all you've got to do is dial 877-207-2276. All right. So here's some more hate milk.

We've got nobody waiting. And this is a good one. I like this one. This really shows you how bad Catholicism can be.

Check this out. You must pray to the angels and saints and the mother of God as the Bible clearly teaches for your salvation. Now notice what's lacking in here. Jesus or God. The person says you must pray to the angels and saints and the mother of God as the Bible clearly teaches for your salvation. Nothing in the Bible says to pray to angels, saints or Mary. Nothing in the Bible says that.

And then for our salvation, no. Jesus is the one who has all authority in heaven and earth. Matthew 28, 18. And so where do we go to him?

Jesus says in John 14, 14, ask him anything in my name and I will do it. He says, this person goes on, the Protestants are so bad for believing in false teachings. But this guy is believing false teaching. This guy is believing something cultic. And that reminds me, you know, I had to go do some errands today and I listened to Catholic radio.

And I have my app on my phone. I listen to different stations from different parts of the country. And I listen because I want to be exposed to Catholicism's flavor. And I pick up stuff that you won't pick up just reading a book about Catholicism. Stuff like come home to the church, come home, or the Catholic church is the true church. It's all about the Catholicism. And I hear these guys, even priests, they get on and they talk about the power of the Eucharist and the grace that's infused.

And I'm just going, man, I would love to talk to these guys and say, let's go to the scriptures and see if what you're saying is biblical. And it's not. So anyway, to me it's entertaining. I don't listen to radio. In fact, my car radio only gets FM and it doesn't get AM.

And it's going to cost, oh man, a lot, 800 bucks to fix everything because it's an older model. And so I can't listen to AM stations where the good talk shows are on. I can listen while I'm driving and running errands. So I have to do it with Bo's headset and my phone. And that's how I do that.

So it works. But the advantage of that is you can listen to all kinds of stuff from all over. That reminds me, one time here in the Boise area, I was actually in Boise proper. And I don't know, 10 years ago or so, I was still on the radio out here. And I was at a gas station. I just could get gas.

And there was this Catholic radio van. I pull up right next to it. I get out of the car. I look at it and go, whoa. And this guy's getting gas. And I'm looking at this van. And he's looking at me.

And it says Catholic radio, Catholic this, you know, mother of God, mother of mercy, pray the rosary, all this stupidity. And I walk up to the guy that says, you're a Catholic, huh? And he goes, that's right, Matt. I know who you are because he recognized my voice. He said, we know who you are. And I said, you want to talk about it? He goes, I don't want to talk about anything with you. I said, okay, all right.

While I'm pumping gas, I'm going to look at any opportunity I can to witness. So, that didn't go. And he says Protestantism and not praying to angels and saints is one of the most unbiblical things there is. This guy doesn't know his Bible.

He couldn't argue with his weight of a wet paper bag. Hey, there's the music. I'm out of here yet. Sorry. We'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody.

Welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. All right.

Let me check this out here. We've got some more hate mail. We've got nobody waiting right now on the line, so if you want to give me a call, you can, or you can email me a comment or a question to info at

Info at karm, C-A-R-M dot O-R-G. Just type in the subject line radio question or radio comment. Okay, so here's another hate mail to the Antichrist Matt Slick. Now, look, folks, you need to take a lesson from this guy because if you're going to insult me and say hate mail, that's how you do it. You start off with the Antichrist Matt Slick.

It's short, it's succinct, it's to the point, and he gets the point across, you know, and oh, I get it. So he thinks I'm an Antichrist. Okay. He says, I'm not a Jehovah's Witness, but I've studied with them and I've also studied the Bible. Now, I find it strange that in your website you have different religions. However, the only religion you're against is Jehovah's Witnesses. Well, that's not true. Christian Science, Unity, Islam, Roman Catholicism, Mormonism. We do Christians, I think Baha'i, all kinds of stuff, Hinduism. So, no, it's just, anyway, people, you know, they don't think.

They just react. I wish people would stop doing that. Anyway, but it's interesting. I don't see anything that you saying biblically other than saying you have studied this and that. Stop hating since you call yourself a man of God, then show us. Stop trying to be famous about others.

Jesus wouldn't have done what you're doing. Yeah. And I enjoy talking to people like that because I'm not trying to destroy them. But I'll say, well, have you thought about what you're saying? Have you thought about this? You know, look at what you're saying.

Is this true? And that's what I do. I just take segments of what they're saying and just deal with them and analyze them. And, you know, a lot of times they just, you know, they just get mad because they react emotionally.

They react emotionally. All right. Let's get to Joe from Winston-Salem. Joe, welcome. You are on the air. Hello? Hello, Joe. You're on the air, buddy. Hey.

Hey, Matt. How you doing? Doing all right. Hanging in there, man. Good deal.

Same here. My question is, after the flood, did the fallen angels come back and create the Netherlands and the giants again? In my opinion, yes, they did. Yeah. Okay.

That's what I thought. Yeah. Yeah. Because they killed Goliath. Right. The Nephilim, the Anakim, and the Rebouim or something like that. And, yeah, so it looks like they continue to do this and so to cause more problems.

That's my opinion. That was part of the 400 years where Satan had the time to come against the Jews before they got there, right? The 400 years? Well, the Promised Land, when they were in Israel, I mean in Egypt for 430 years, that during that time, I assume the Nephilim were doing their stuff.

But then later on, David was there. So, that's what I hold to. Okay? Yes. All right.

That answered my question. I appreciate that. Thank you. Sure. No problem. No problem at all. All right.

Oh, there's a caller coming in, but I don't have the information yet. So, let's see. Let's see. Let's see.

How about this hate mail? Matt with one T. I do not think you know very much about true Christianity, okay? After Jesus Christ obtains the Holy Spirit, wow. Jesus Christ, that's Christ actually, Jesus Christ, he says, orders the saved to go after the cross for Christ. The leader is made Marian's dead.

Yeah. The leader is made Marian's dead. Meeting up with God in heaven made Marian's dead discovers that a marker that reveals the location of the cross for Christ is in the dungeon of God's one true temple.

Escaping from Jews, fire, gunmen, and a ship made Marian discovers that the dead is being held in Moses' death. This is probably just a prank email, you know. That's okay. Whew. Let's get on the air with Kevin from Talos. Kevin, welcome. You're on the air. Okay. I didn't think you were going to answer.

I don't know. It's funny watching you online and then getting on the call. Yeah. It was like a 15 second delay, but yep, here I am.

Yeah, so awkward. I wanted to know numbers 24 and 17. Is it talking about Jesus? Let's go here.

Numbers 24, 17. I see him, but not now. Behold him, but not near. A star shall come from Jacob. A scepter shall rise from Israel.

He'll crush through the forehead of Moab and tear down all the sons of Sheth. I don't know. See, generally, I'm familiar with the majority of the verses that are messianic and second coming, but the majority doesn't mean I know them all, and so a star shall come forth from Jacob.

And so it could be that somebody would interpret it that way, but I don't know if it is that for sure. Okay. Okay.

I guess it made me a little uncomfortable. I was talking to this guy and he paralleled it to Amos, the ninth chapter, where it says that I can't find it. I can paraphrase it and try to find it on my phone if I can. No, that's okay. I've got Amos 9 up. Just paraphrase it. I'll see if I can find it. Go ahead.

Okay. So Amos 9, and I believe starting at verse 10, there's a verse there about the wicked of God's people being killed by the sword, and then after that, I found it as well. So 10 through 12, in parallel to Amos 9 verses 10 through 12. So it says the calamity will not overtake or confront us, and that day will raise up the fallen booth of David.

Booth is also the word shelter, tabernacle, and wall up its breaches, also raise up its ruins, rebuild it in those days of old, that they may possess the remnant of Edom. No, I wouldn't say that, and all the nations who are called by my name declares the Lord who does this. No, I wouldn't say that.

It's parallel to Numbers 24. I just wouldn't do it. All right. So who is this who said this? Well, I was talking to this black Israelite guy.

Ah, that explains it too. He said Numbers 24 and 17 was a prophecy about Christ, and he told me that I'd go into slavery, and it seemed pretty compelling once he pulled up Amos the 9th chapter, but we had a lengthy conversation. We even talked about Ezekiel the 37th chapter, talking about that tabernacle of David. So his question posed to me was, when Christ rules, if this is a prophecy about him, what does this mean for you?

And I'm not going to say I crapped myself or anything, because it would just be figuratively speaking, but it made me unsettled. You can understand, do you know who the black Hebrew Israelites are? It's a multivariate movement, but it's a racist, hate-filled movement that denies the true gospel. It is very racist. Are you familiar with this at all? Well, that's another thing.

That also was something we talked about. I said, there's no way Jesus is racist or God is racist, and he said, if God's not racist, then how could he show preferable treatment to one people over another? And it was a pretty interesting question, you know, he said, racism at the baseline is just preferential treatment, so how does that work? He did pick the Jewish line, because God did this for himself, but we are not to construct any idols or statues made of our own hands, and this is what the black Hebrew Israelites are doing. They are constructing false doctrines out of the various texts. Now, I know somebody who's an expert in, I know two guys who are experts in BHI, black Hebrew Israelites.

I can get them on the phone, do an interview sometime, we can go over some stuff, I can ask them questions and they can answer them. But you have to understand that what you do with BHI is you always read the context and you'll find out that 99 times out of 100 they're ripping things out of context, and they're not looking at basic echogetical systems. So when I'm looking at numbers 2417, I can see why a BHI would use that. Because they want to tie it into black Atlantic slave trade and white people are evil. Now, not all of them do that, but a lot of them do. And I've been told I'm a white devil, that I'm going to be a servant in their heaven, and I have to do whatever they tell me to do. I mean, and I say why, because I'm white? And they say yeah. It's insane, it's racism.

And it's a horrible religion. I wish we were able to stand with me talking to this guy, because it's like, I can hear the argument, you know, and I don't necessarily agree with them, but good points are good points. And I like to get down to the grid of it. What would the context of 2417 be? No, they're not good points. They sound like good points, they aren't good points. Like I said, always read the context. I've done it with the BHI before, they'll say a certain verse. And what they like to do is take obscure verses out of the Old Testament, and then they do weird things with them, and then they'll find another obscure verse, and then they put them together. Well, I'm not aversed in all of those obscure verses. So what I do is I'll just say, look, read this one in context.

Oh man, just trust me, you're just a white man. And I say, no, look, I'm going to read it in context. And they generally don't want to do that. And when I do that, most of the time it's very clear what the context is, and it doesn't say what they're saying.

And if I can't figure it out from the context, I'll say, look, I need to get back with you on this, because I need to read it, I need to study it, and do some more research. And that's fair. And I have done this several times, well, not several, but many times with Blackheaver islets, and they implode when you examine them in context, and you call them out for what they are. They're racists. They're full of hate and condemnation and racism. Okay? They are. Okay.

Well, that is fair. Well, looking at Amos 9, then, what would be the proper context? And for example, in verse 12, what does that mean for me? You know, they say, I'm an Edomite, if I am an Edomite, what does that mean for me? They may possess the remnant of Edom and all of the heathen, which are called by my name, sayeth the Lord that doeth this. And they parallel that to Isaiah 14.

Yeah. What does that mean? So the Edomites are from Jacob and Esau, and Jacob's the good, and Edomites are the bad. And then they'll call you a filthy Edomite. And what they're doing is just by the color of your skin, so you're a descendant of Edom. And so the Edom was cursed, and so therefore you're cursed because you're white. But the people from Jacob, they're the ones who are the dark skin. They'll even say Jesus was dark skinned. They'll deny that he's God in flesh, they'll deny the Trinity, they add works to salvation.

It's really a bad thing. So I've written down the verses that you've said, and I have notes on black Hebrew Israelite, which I don't get to very often, because I don't encounter them very much. And my notes are probably my shortest outline, and it's only nine pages long. And many of them affirm the Apocrypha as well. So I'm looking to see if I have any notes done on those verses that you mentioned.

Numbers 24. And we are out of time, so what I'm going to do is write this down in my notes and go take a look. Okay?

And I'll do that. All right, buddy. We're out of time. Well, we're going to do this again sometime soon. Absolutely. If I have one more. Call back next week? Okay. Call back next week. All right, man.

I'll check this stuff out. Thank you so much. All right, God bless. All right. Hey, folks. We're out of time, and the Lord bless you. By his grace, back on the air on Monday, we'll talk to you then. See you. God bless. This is a program powered by the Truth Network.
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