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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
October 6, 2023 5:19 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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October 6, 2023 5:19 pm

The Matt Slick Live daily radio show broadcast is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry -CARM-. During the show, Matt answers questions on the air, and offers insight on topics like The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues-- The show airs live on the Truth Network, Monday through Friday, 6-7 PM, EST -3-4 PM, PST--You can also email questions to Matt using-, Please put -Radio Show Question- in the Subject line--You can also watch a live stream during the live show on RUMBLE---Time stamps are approximate due to commercials being removed for PODCAST.-Topics include--07- Son of God and Son of man, How many people will be saved---14- Should Christians watch horror movies---20- Halloween.-24- Will we see our family in heaven---32- Phrase Only Begotten Son.-41- Trusting God, How does God speak to us---55- Charismatic Gifts, Do people have the gift of healing today--


The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. Today's date is October 5, 2023. Hope you're all enjoying the day and maybe in October. Now here in Idaho, October is an interesting month because by the beginning of October, the weather is perfect. At the end of October, it's cold.

So October is the month. But one thing I do enjoy a lot is the kids for Halloween. And I sit by the front door with candy in a container and the doorbell rings and I just jump out. My wife doesn't even bother because I just open the door and I just love to see the kids dressed in these little outfits, particularly the younger ones, you know, like 5, 6, 7, 8.

They're so cute. I really enjoy that. I look forward to that.

And I hope it's a good Halloween for everybody. Anyway, hey, look, folks, if you want to give me a call, all you have to do is dial 877-207-2276. And let's see what else. Oh, boy, there's a yawn. Okay. Sorry about that.

Kind of caught me off guard. Sorry. I know how many people are yawning.

I wonder how many people are yawning. All right. So guess what I did. I worked on a video yesterday for a couple of hours, two or three hours, and I cannot get it to work right.

You know, everything I do is pushing a rock uphill and slipping and keep going and keep going and keep going. So I had this video I took at Salt Lake City. I'm trying to make a video and do commentary. I did all this stuff and I rendered it.

And then the video is choppy, not me talking, but the video that I imported in is choppy. I'm like, oh, my goodness. So maybe I'll release it anyway like that and just say it's just what it is and see if people like that kind of a thing. But we're trying to fix it so that I can do videos and do commentary on people's theological perspectives. That's one of the things I do want to do. Among other things, we've got to get going.

A lot of stuff. In fact, I'm so busy now I'm having to schedule things and just become more efficient. And to do that, I'm going to say this. You know, I heard Jordan Peterson talk about the carnivore diet and I went on it a couple of months ago. Lost about 18 pounds. And I'll tell you, I feel better. I feel more awake, more astute and clear of mind. So some of you out there may not think that's the case, but I do. And so I have to do anything I can to try and keep the mental acuity up because I'm almost 67.

I can't believe that. I'm almost 67. And, you know, it's not easy. It's not easy when you're pushing the years like that and you want to serve God all the more.

You have to just work with what you've got. And that's it. Speaking of which, we'll be doing Bible study tonight here. And that'll be at 9 p.m. Eastern or 930 Eastern time.

Now, the reason we do so late Eastern time is because we do it here in my home and people come into the home and teach Bible study. Now, I mentioned that some obstreperous individual who hates me. And I just love some of the stuff he said. At any rate, the guy who wrote me a 15-page letter and mailed it to my house, which scares me.

I don't like people to come into my house, mail it to my house. And so he denies the resurrection, denies the Trinity, and calls me all kinds of names and, you know, stuff like that. So I've got that on my hands. Maybe I'll go over that a little bit tomorrow.

Who knows? I've got some more hate mail coming in, more hate mail and wacko mail. So I guess I'm doing my job. That's good. All right. Okay.

So let's see. Let's get to Alberto from Savannah, Georgia. Alberto, welcome. You're on the air. Good evening. All right.

Good evening, Master. My question is, what is the difference between the Son of God versus the Son of Man? What are the distinctions between both? His two natures, the Son of God designates that he has divine nature. The Son of Man designates he has a human nature. The Son of Man title was used in the Old Testament, one like an angel, but it was a different context. In reference to Christ, it's dealing with his deity, his position, his federal headship, his priesthood role, and other things. So Son of God means God the Son.

Son of Man means a man of the Son. So you could say it that way. Okay. Okay. I saw a video about that, two books, R.C.

's Pro. He said also that the Son of Man could have also a little bit also of the Son of God in a certain sense. Like he mentioned in ancient of days, you know. Yes. So it could take a little bit. Right.

Yeah. It is a little bit of that. But you have to get into all the uses of the term Son of God. And in fact, it just reminds me because there's a phrase, sons of God, which is different than Son of God, believe it or not. Sons of God deals with angels. Now the term, let's see, how many times has just the term Son of God come up?

It comes up 43 times. And in the NASB it's only occurring in the New Testament. Interesting. So the Son of God, the demonic realm knew who he was. He's the judge. The Lord's going to torment them before the day and things like that.

And if you've seen the movie Nefarious, which I do recommend people see, the demonic force talks about that at one point. Anyway. Something to worth saying. But anyway. Okay. So go ahead. Sorry. Okay. I've got one more question. When Jesus said that all of the Father had given him, he would lose any.

Right? So versus would a preacher say that God told him that 70% of the church members would stay behind because they're not living right. He said that God told him that. So in that contradiction, what Jesus said was the pastor was just a claim that God revealed to him that 70% would stay behind because they're not living right. Instead of contradiction, but Jesus said, all the Father has given me, I will lose any. What your pastor or that pastor guy is talking about is many are called, few are chosen.

Most people go to hell. And if you think God told him it was 70%, then I wouldn't put any trust in that guy. Okay. What if God tells someone else it's 68%? Mm-hmm. Yeah. You know, God told me 70%. Give me a break. The Bible says not to exceed what's written in I Corinthians 4.6.

There's no numeric value given to us about how many is saved or percentages. So anybody would say something like that. I would just automatically look at them like, oh brother, here we go again. God told me this. Really?

What else? What happened when God told you this? Were you terrified? Were you just casually, you know, in the shower and then singing God told, oh, hey, no, no, it's 70%.

How'd it work? You know? But what about if you challenge the pastor and the majority of congregation will oppose you because they'll say, well, he's the man of God and you're just a regular member and you challenge him.

If that came to that correct, but they'll most likely believe him because he's the pastor. Okay. Hold on. You're asking a long question. You're asking a long question. Okay. I know. Okay. It's a real long question.

All right. So, so what? If the congregation side with him, so what? What does the Bible say?

Don't look at men. Look at scripture. What does the Bible say? Stand on the word of God. The Bible says not to exceed what's written in I Corinthians 4.6.

It certainly looks like he's exceeding what's written there. And so I'd say, I'm sorry. I can't really credence what you say. And, uh, but I always like to talk to people who say, yeah, God told me. Really?

So what was that experience like? You know? Well, you know, I was just kind of having a conversation, you know, with God, he told me this. Really?

Okay. And so usually in the Bible, people have a conversation with God. They're terrified.

Um, so, you know, I just don't put much credence with these people who, who, uh, in my opinion, exalt themselves. God told me this. And then you're standing in front of the congregation and people go, Oh, he talks to God. You know? It's like, God, just stop. Just stop that. Okay. All right.

Right, Alberto? Okay, buddy. Okay.

Thank you, sir. God bless. All right.

Okay. God bless. Now folks, I'm not saying God can't talk to people and can't communicate to people. This is why I ask, uh, what the reaction is when God tells them something, if they're flippant and casual about it, I have the tendency to say, well, no, I'm not going to believe you.

I think you're just making it up. You know, you're self deceived, but if they say, you know, you know, it took me three weeks to recover, to tell you what I think God said when that bright light came in with a presence of his holiness was upon me and I, all I could do was weep for three hours. Now I'm going to listen, but you know, just casual issue of talking to the creator of the universe whose majestic holiness can burn holes through our souls and they just casually talk about this. God told me, I just, I have problems with that.

Now I'm certainly God can give us impressions and various things, but we need to be very careful about what we say, especially a pastor from the pulpit. It's just, you know, I just, Oh, Vicki from Ohio. Welcome.

You're on the air. Yeah. I was on Instagram the other day and there was a thing on there that says they're talking about how Christians should not watch horror movies or scary movies because they can be possessed or Satan could get into them by watching these movies.

Okay. I'd like to know where in scripture there could be a verse that can be used to support that idea. Of course, horror movies went around that's what I thought too. So there's a lot of people who speak, uh, out of ignorance and to say, well, watch a horror movie.

You'll get possessed. That's out of the book of stupid, stupidification, you know, you know, it's like, well just stop. You know, it's just so many, so much people that they don't study the word of God. They don't believe the word of God.

They go for sensationalism. Now can you watch a horror movie? Well, I've watched one or two. They don't interest me. They're kind of dumb. And, uh, but that's just me, you know, I think alien's movies are better.

Now other people might say, well, those are dumb. Okay, but, uh, can we watch aliens movies where people are running and screaming and getting eaten alive and so, but they, to me, it's a good time. I can't watch an alien movie, but I can watch any horror movie you put in front of me. Well, you see, I can watch alien movies, but the horror movies, I don't like them. So you see, it just takes all the time.

Those are my favorite. But what if you have an alien horror movie? Now that would be tough. Actually, I saw someone a few years ago, someone said on TV, they were writing a science fiction thing. They're trying to write a science fiction horror thing. And they said, well, how hard it was to do. So I did it. I wrote a novel.

It's not exactly horror, but a sci-fi novel where it doesn't go well for the people on the ship. It does not go well. Okay. I just wanted your opinion on that because I thought the guy was a little far out there.

So I thought, I don't think that's going to happen. It's not like I'm worshiping them or following them. It's just, just watching. Yeah. He's orbiting out there near Pluto someplace or Uranus.

I mean, he's got some issues. So for the book of Stupidification, it's like, okay, where does it say that? Show me something in scripture. Don't have anything to do with the deeds of darkness. Well, okay.

The deeds of darkness. Okay. Well, can I watch an alien movie? Can I watch forensic files where they reenact things about people being murdered and how they get solved? And then what do you do if you are, all kinds of stuff you could ask, what if you're a Christian in Hollywood and they ask you to play the part of a murderer, can you do that?

I would say yes, if the murderer gets what's coming to him, but not if he doesn't. There's a thousand questions to ask. Anyway, Vicki.

Yeah, I'm a true crime person or a horror movie person. Okay. Well, there you go. All right. Well, God bless.

We've got a break. Okay. All right. Be right back, folks. Thank you.

Bye. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody. Welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, all you have to do is dial 877-207-2276. Let's get on the air with Tom from Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

Tom, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt. How are you tonight? Oh, a little tired, actually. I've just been too busy. Yeah, good. Well, I might start telling you a show about five or six months ago. We've been listening to you.

Enjoy the show. You just made a comment, though, that kind of threw us off a little bit. You said how much you like Halloween. I'd like to get your views. I know it's not in the Bible anywhere. Your views on Halloween, the Easter Bunny, and Santa Claus, those things that have never been mentioned, I've heard in your show before, but most churches have other festivals in conjunction with Halloween to take the congregation, the kids' mind off of Halloween, I believe, but tell me your views on it.

I appreciate it. Sure. Santa Claus, for example, is not real, and we always taught our children from day one that he wasn't real and that we explained what was going on. The Easter Bunny, the same thing, and yet we would celebrate those days, and the churches we went to, we'd celebrate certain things and have fun with it and just do it in a godly way. Halloween, that's a little bit different, because with Halloween, you're celebrating death, in a sense, celebrating death and spooky stuff and things like that, and the origins of it are from Hallows' Eve, and this goes back hundreds of years, and so there's some occult things, and the reason they would do masks and stuff is to scare off the bad spirits. All right, so the traditions modify, they grow, so is it wrong to have a five-year-old dress up as a fairy or a pirate and go get some candy at a door?

Of course, there's nothing wrong with that. It would be wrong to celebrate the evil that is there. That's a different issue, so can a Christian celebrate Halloween?

Well, it depends. If he or she is convicted that he or she should not, then you shouldn't. If they say, well, you know, I'm free in Christ, and I'm not worried about this, I'm going to take my kid and go door to door, just have fun and check the candy, that's just fun, then that's not a problem. We do have freedom in Christ. There's something in 1 Corinthians 10 that talks about meat, sacrifice to idols, and so this is the closest thing I can show to kind of show a parallel because what was going on back then is that different pagan systems would sacrifice animals to their false gods and then they would sell the meat in the marketplace. Well, can a Christian eat that meat? And Paul's answer is, yeah, you can, it's not going to hurt you because they know that these things aren't real, they're not real gods, they're just demonic stuff, but it's not really affecting the meat and you can eat it, but don't do it if it's going to stumble somebody else who's weaker to faith.

And so you're free, but you've got to be careful in your freedom, and this is what he talked about in 1 Corinthians 10. So the same kind of thing goes on with Halloween. Go ahead. Yeah, most of the preachers that I've talked to say that the devil disguises fun and evil ways to attract people, so he should avoid it, but, and I just want, we choose not to, but I appreciate your opinion, thanks for your time.

Yeah, sure, here's something to think about too, the devil does have a lot of disguise evil and fun. What about sports events? What about boxing? What about MMA? Where people are literally injuring each other for the pleasure of others. Now is that something that you should be watching? Go ahead.

You're breaking up. Yeah, we don't support those either. Okay, we understand. Yeah, good. Yeah, and so it's, here's one more point, is that if you're convinced you shouldn't, then that's how it should be, but you can't judge others for doing that, and if you go to Romans 14 for that, the first five verses, we'll talk about the principle of not judging another, and that thing in the Bible says we can't celebrate going door to door and having fun with stuff like that, but we don't want to be on the cult of compassion.

Agree 100%, we don't judge others, we just warn them of the dangers of falling into the devil's trap, but we don't judge them. That's right. That's right. Amen. Thank you so much. Have a good night. You too. God bless. Well, let's see who's next longest waiting. Let's see.

Shyla, welcome. You're on the air. Hi.

Will I see my spouse in heaven? I don't know. Okay. Are you there? Hello? Yes.

Yes, sir. I don't know if you're a Christian, don't know if she's a Christian, don't know if either one of you is or not, so I can't tell you. Okay. We both are Christian. Okay. We both are Christian.

We live in God. Well, if you're Christians, then you die, you both go to heaven, if you're real Christians, not fake Christians. Okay. So, if you're both real Christians, really trusted in Christ, really trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ, God in flesh, died on the cross, rose from the dead, salvation by grace alone to faith alone in Christ alone. You affirm those things, the Trinity, et cetera, and you live accordingly, not to prove yourself to be worthy because you're not, but as a manifestation of the truth that's already in you, well then, functionally, you'd say you're a Christian and both will go to heaven if that was the case.

Okay. Will I recognize my spouse? Will I recognize my spouse in heaven? Can you what your spouse? I recognize.

Can you what? My man. What about marriage and family in heaven? No marriage and family in heaven. Now, there's a ceremony of us going through the marriage feast, the marriage wedding of the lamb, but that's symbolic.

There's going to be some sort of ceremony there of some sort, but we, like my wife and I, when either one of us dies, the other is automatically no longer married till death do us part, and when we're in heaven, we're not married, and hopefully we'll see our children there. We can visit each other, probably. Okay.

I don't see why not, but there's not going to be any marriage like that. Okay. Mormons say there will be, but it's not true. Okay. Will you see your wife there too, if you die?

Well, no, I won't see her in heaven because she'll be so far above me in glory that I have ultimate reservations, a thousand years in advance to go see her. All right. Get there. So you can't see each other only if you cannot see her. I'm sorry. Yes, I'm sure I will be too. You can't see her.

Yes, I was joking about that. So I'm sure that we'll be able to see each other in heaven and glory in the majesty of the Lord Jesus Christ. Okay. What about your children? What about my children?

What's your question? If your children die and then you go to heaven and you see your wife die, your children die and you can see each other, your family. If they're saved, yes.

If they're not, I'll never see them again. Okay. That's how it is. All right. Okay. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Okay. Yeah.

It's just I'm trying to stop dead air. But go ahead. Go ahead. Do you celebrate October 31st? No, I don't celebrate October 31st. It's Reformation Day. But I like to see children come to the door and dressed up as horses and pirates getting little bags of candy. I enjoy that.

I think they're cute. I don't go to any occult anything. I don't celebrate anything scary. I don't participate in anything like that. I don't think Christians should. Okay.

All right. What is Reformation Day? What is Reformation Day?

When Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses to the Wittenberg door. So you celebrate that one? You know, sir? That's kind of. But anyway, I get to preach on that anniversary of the 500th. It was really great. Got to go, buddy.

There's the break. Hey, folks. I'll be right back after these messages. Please give me a call. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone. Welcome back to the show. All right. If you want to give me a call, two open lines, 877-207-2276.

Ed from Virginia. Welcome back. Hey, how you doing, Matt? Doing all right. How are you doing? Can you hear me?

Yes, I can. I hear you. Yeah. Oh, all right. All right.

Okay, good. Hey, by the way, there are alien horror movies, you know. Yeah, the movie Aliens was like that. It's my favorite movie of all time. The movie Aliens, which I've seen 73 times.

Yeah, that's the one that scared me the worst as a kid was that one. Yeah, Alien. Yeah. Alien was good.

I like the aliens better. But yeah. Yeah. I got a question for you.

Let's see. God's only begotten son, since you talk about the son of God being his, you know, showing his deity. But, you know, a lot of cults will use God's only begotten son as, you know, biological birth or whatever. But how do we understand that phrase as Christians? How do you clarify that God's only begotten son, which, you know, he didn't give birth to Jesus, because Jesus was always eternal.

Position. The father sent the son on 6-37, and this sending was arranged from eternity past of Ephesians 1, 4, and 5. Yet the father chose us in him, that's in Christ, before the foundation of the world, that we behold him blameless, that he predestined us. So it's a relationship. So we have two genders, male and female.

Oh, what a shock to the present world. And so the father sent the son. Now, it could have been the mother sent the daughter, but it wasn't. It's the father sent the son. Because a gender, well, there you go.

Male or female. And that's basically how it is. There's more to it, but that's the very basics. Okay, but again, yeah, still trying to understand God's only begotten son. How exactly do we understand that only begotten? Let's take a little bit of a clue from Abraham and Isaac, because Abraham had two sons, Ishmael, and then 13 years later, he had Isaac. And God said, take your only begotten son, Isaac. Only begotten designates a unique structure and a uniqueness related to a certain event, a certain thing. The son of Ishmael was not as legitimate as God had with Isaac. So we've got a little background noise there, but I'll also keep going.

I don't know if you're driving or what, but it's there. The thing is that the word monogenes in Greek is only begotten, but it's also a diphthong formation from two words, mono and genato. And mono and genata has a diphthong formation of two vowels, and it becomes the word monogenes, but monogenes is also the word unique. And so only begotten and unique are kind of puns in Greek. And so it's just talking about the uniqueness of who Christ is, because only He comes from the Father, only He has a Holy Spirit to overshadow a woman to make her pregnant, and only He has two natures, divine and healing.

Okay, that makes more sense to me. I've never heard that before, so that's pretty good. Which part had you heard?

Excuse me? Which part had you not heard before? I'm just curious. The uniqueness aspect, only begotten being the unique aspect of His birth, and Isaac and Ishmael in that aspect.

Right, right. And so Isaac was a type of Christ who was offered, and there's a lot of correspondence between Him and Jesus. So God wants a unique individual. Isaac was unique in a certain way. He was the only begotten son of Abraham by designation, which is by decree.

It's really interesting. The same thing goes in with Jesus, who was decreed to be the son from eternity past by the Father, and the Son became flesh. The Word became flesh dwelt among us.

That's who He is, unique. Okay, good, that gives me a lot of understanding, the monogoneo aspect. You were talking yesterday about Jesus' baptism. I like how that guy called, and he just could not get that baptismal way.

It's got to be immersion. Is that on your website? That was a really, really unique understanding. Of course, I knew that there were certain rituals that the Jews had to go through in order to prepare themselves for ministry, but you were real clear about how He had to fulfill righteousness by fulfilling the law of what He needed to do as a Jew.

I thought that was really, really neat. Is that on your website, those verses and the explanation of that? Yes, all you've got to do is go to CARM and look up, Why Was Jesus Baptized? It will give you all the references, New Testament, Old Testament. Now, the thing is that in the Old Testament context, I recommend you read them. There are several things that Jesus did not do that are recorded.

Here's the thing. We know that Jesus had to fulfill all righteousness, and there's no place else in Scripture where I've looked and others have looked. I learned this from someone else, and then I've adapted it and modified it a little bit. This initial idea of fulfilling that law of a priesthood, wow, that's interesting, and so went in and looked. Well, okay, so I think what happens is in Matthew, what Matthew did was give enough of the information that the Jew would then recognize what was going on, because you've got to understand something about writing. Writing was expensive.

You had to get papyrus or vellum, and you had to have a scribe, and you had to hire him. Matthew's a tax collector, so he probably could write, but his instrument and his paper would be expensive stuff. So a lot of times what people would do is just write the basics of something to get the point across, and I think that's what was going on with Matthew, which is why he didn't include everything. If Jesus were to be 30 years of age, receive a blessing, and sprinkled with water as this law seems to imply, then it would make sense why he put that in there.

Matthew did. Oh, okay, so he's entering into that priesthood. Oh, that makes more sense than we can see.

So it's there on the car. Well, I'm on the road delivering, and sometimes I have less freight in the evening, so I've got my little car which can get you on the radio, so I'm excited I've got my Matt fix again tonight, my slick fix. I'm enjoying the things I'm learning. Your Airbnb sabbatical, that was just an awesome story. Oh, man. Oh, it was so horrible. You know, it was so bad that I have to dismiss it. It can't be how bad Airbnb is, because it was just that bad. Well, we did an Airbnb in Rome, and it was great, but unfortunately my younger son who was very tired, and the guy spoke very little English, and I never knew in Italy that I hardly speak any English at all, but my little son who took a shower, locked himself in the shower, and he fell asleep in the shower. I mean, we literally had to call the guy and get him to come unlock the door and everything.

It was a nightmare for my wife. Oh, I guess he probably has a nice guy about it, but, you know. He was. He was, but we had a good experience there. The guy was real nice, had nice rooms, except they can only turn the heat on a certain amount of time during the year.

There were some interesting things about Italy. We had to learn about the Airbnb. Anyway, I got to get back on the road, get to work before it gets dark. All right. Well, God bless.

So much. God bless you. All right. Take care. All right.

Now let's get to Shanika from Winston-Salem. Welcome. You're on the air. Hello. Thank you for taking my call. Hi. I wanted to ask you a follow-up question.

I was listening to the show a little earlier about the guy who was talking about God talking to people. I just wanted to give you a little context and get your opinion on something from my personal experience. At one point in time in my life, we were not very well off. We had concerns about bills and all these things, and I'm the type of person that likes to do.

I don't sit back. I'm very anxious, so to speak. So I can't just sit back and do nothing if there's something that I need a lot of times, but that's something that troubles me.

So at this particular time in our lives, I had no money to pay our electric bill, and I was going crazy trying everything that I could to earn the money to cover it, and I just came up with nothing. My husband is always saying, you're not patient. You have to just leave it in God's hands. Just stop trying to do things on your own. Well, that's good.

That's true. We've got a break, so people can hold on after the break, and we'll continue on this, okay? Sure.

All right. Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages, and if you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. Hey, everybody, welcome back to the show. Last segment of the hour. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276.

I keep doing that from the habit of the break. Hey, let's see. Sorry, I got the wrong one there. We've got to get back over to Shanika. There we go. We've got to get back on the air with you. There you go. All right. You're back on.

Hello. So to continue on story, I was at the end of what I could do myself, and I decided I was just going to sit down and pray and trust in God and say, God, I'm just putting this situation in your hands and I know that I don't know any other way to do it by myself. I've tried everything. I know I need to learn patience, so I'm just going to give it to you and forget about it. About a week later, I would say it was I was driving home from work, and I heard a commanding voice that said stop and get the check out of the mailbox. And I said, I'm thinking to myself, there's no check in the mailbox. Why would I stop and get a check out of the mailbox? And I almost drove past it, and again, I heard the voice, stop and check, get the check out of the mailbox.

So I pulled over and went to check the mail, and it was certainly a check in the mail, and the check was for the amount of money that we needed for our bill. And so I wanted to understand what your opinion is, because I think I heard you say that people don't generally hear from God in that way. No, they can't. And that's one of the times that I have had this voice talk to me that's not from me, but it's not really my thought, if that makes sense.

Absolutely. I've experienced that as well. I was talking about pastors in the pulpit. They say, God told me last night, and they're flippant and casual about it. And that's a problem, especially if it was a pastor.

He's going to be very careful. But certainly, God can put impressions upon our hearts, and I think we need to be very careful about that, particularly when you're a public figure, and if you're a pastor, you need to be very cautious. So this is an issue that is present in a lot of churches today where the casual attitude of communicating with the infinite holy God of the universe.

God told me this last night. You're different, and what you're talking about is a prayerful need before God and an impression probably from the Holy Spirit that just came upon you, and that's from God. But it's not God speaking to you.

It's God informing you, God putting it in your mind. And we can say it's speaking. But there's a bit of a difference there. I need to clarify that. Okay.

Thank you for that. And my last question was going back to the lady who mentioned something about scary movies. I am a horror film fan historically, but in recent times I haven't watched as many films that are out there because I do see and I have heard people who used to work in the industry say things like they are intentionally casting spells on the viewers of these films. I've seen in some like Disney movies, for example, they put witchcraft in it.

They call them loons in these films. So what do you think about that? Yes, it's real. And there are some occult things specifically input by the wicked people in Hollywood in order to influence children as well as others.

Yes, it's there. We need to be very careful and guard what we watch. When my wife and our children were in the house, now they're drawn and gone, we guarded what they watched because we're not going to participate in that. And that's okay. Now that they're responsible for themselves, they can do what they want. So we would, however, take them, for example, Halloween, we'd go to Trunk or Treat at a local church with the other cars being lined up, trunks would be open and we'd go get this stuff there. That's how we did that. So yes, and I've known two people who were in Hollywood and who were on the inside of some stuff. And both of them, I'll just say this politely, told me that it is exceedingly sinful, exceedingly lecherous, narcissistic, self-indulging stuff.

I want to say it over the air. Okay. Yeah, there's wickedness there. So we've got to be very careful. I don't watch Harry Potter stuff. I think it's a dangerous thing because it shows people how to do occult stuff. It encourages them into witchcraft and there's lots of TV shows.

In fact, I preached on Sunday in Provo, Utah. I preached on this very issue and how we've got to be careful about it and how the evil is creeping into our society more and more through TV, movies, radio, all kinds of stuff. Yeah, the Internet. Yep. Yeah, we try and be careful with what we let our kids watch.

At the same time, it's kind of challenging because you don't know before you watch it what's in it. Yeah. We did the best that we can. We did Sesame Street with them and then one day my wife and I were watching with them and one of the Muppets said, it's okay to be angry. It was a child Muppet throwing things and throwing a tantrum.

It's okay to be angry and throw things. What? That was it. At that it was done. No more of that. Man, we used to watch SpongeBob.

And that's not even because they went woke. There's a lot of that going around these days. I was thinking about the horror films.

It's October, as you mentioned. A lot of people are watching these things. My husband still loves to watch horror films. A lot of times I just don't want to see it because it concerns me what might be in it, even though I know that I have God and Christ is with me and greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world. But I would rather be more cautious.

I agree. The Bible says to focus on the things that are good, and horror movies are filled with a lot of evil and mayhem and blood and guts and murder and fear. Well, there's the same kind of thing in war movies, too, but then it's depicting something accurate. So this is not easy to discern. What I tell people is if you're an adult between you and God, you watch what you want, you know that what you watch has an effect on you.

Is it glorifying God? My wife and I, she likes to watch it more than I do. Forensic files and things like that. Someone was killed and they track them down. They'll show scenes.

They'll show actual pictures of things sometimes. That's okay, I'll watch it with her. But it's not my thing. That's okay. Sometimes it is. So we just have to be discerning about what it is. We don't want to restrict ourselves so much.

We don't do anything, but it's a tough one. I understand. Well, I appreciate you taking my call once again. Thank you. I enjoy listening to your show and reading your articles.

So I just wanted to call in. Well, thank you very much, Anika. I appreciate it. Okay. Have a good evening.

You too, God bless. All right, let's get to anonymous from Raleigh, North Carolina. Welcome, you're on the air. Hey, good evening.

I called a couple of nights ago. I have a question I would try to make it quick. I heard on radio, I guess it was, about someone that had been in 30 or 40. Well, I mean, I've been in 30 or 40 automobile and motorcycle rides, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. This gentleman had also been through a lot of, well, similar, and was told that he had a gift of healing for others. And I'm trying to, I mean, I do pray with and for others, but I was just curious about that. I'm interested if you know anything on those lines. Well, I'll be actually talking about this tonight. I will study a little bit of the charismatic gifts. Are you kidding me? I'm not kidding.

Oh, wow. Yeah, it's out of Romans 12 in the Charismata. So this is an important topic to me because I was a pastor in an informed denomination, and when they found out I affirmed the charismatic gifts, long story short, they said, well, you can't be our pastor anymore. So can someone today have the gift of healing? That would depend on how it's defined because even the apostles didn't have the gift of healing. They were able to heal, but not always. And so if you have the gift of healing, how is it defined? Is it defined as, oh, I can heal whatever I want, or is it defined as sometimes God uses that individual to heal people, and they call that a gift that God will put an impression upon their heart or steer them to a certain place or situation. He or she prays, and the person gets healed.

I don't have a problem with that kind of a thing as long as it's done reverentially and for the glory of God. So I think it's even possible. And I know for being… Oh, sorry. Go ahead. I've been delivered from all sorts of stuff. I talked to you Monday, I think, anyway, evening, and been delivered from everything. I'm a 66-year-old. Anyway, you're young, and we've been delivered.

I'm 60, almost 67. Oh, wow. I'm getting up there.

Well, me too. So, I mean, we know that Romans 8 28, that all that, you know, is being used, to where, you know, testimony to help other people be brought out of the darkness. Psalm 40, you know. So what is that? So you're going to give the information to when that will be on or where I can look that up? Because I will be there. I will be there. Well, it's just a general Bible study. I'm going to go through stuff and what gifts you have and discuss these things lightly. But it's tonight, and it's at 930 p.m. Eastern time because we do here in Idaho, and it's 730 for us people who get here.

So I used to teach for about an hour. And you can just go to, I believe, you know, it'll be here on Rumbl. You can go there. Rumbl. and do a forward slash Matt Slick Bible study. But I think it'll also be on our calendar.

I think Laura puts it on our calendar and things like that. So you go to carmen4. Wow. Now, is that My Own Private Idaho by Pocking Heads? No, I didn't. No, that's by the B-52s. Oh, Live Air.

The B-52s did My Own Private Idaho. I love that. Oh, never mind. Hi, everybody.

God is good. Good night, my friend. God bless you, brother, and all of you out there listening. All right, bye. Okay, bye. All right, we've got about 30 seconds left on the show.

I just want to tell you guys, we don't have time to get to the next caller. But in April, we're going to go to a tour, It's an expensive tour, I'm going to tell you. But it's going to the nation of Turkey, which I've been there before. It's great.

Really, it is. And we're going to Greece and then Italy. I've not been to those other two countries. We're going to be doing the footsteps of Paul. And everything's included except for airfare getting to, I think, Chicago or is it Dallas where we're going to start the trip from. But go there,, and you can check it out. I'll be going. Several other people are going with me. And we have a couple, three openings if you're interested.

Check it out. May the Lord bless you. And by His grace, we're back on here tomorrow.

We'll talk to you then. God bless everybody. God bless you. God bless you.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-10-06 11:17:10 / 2023-10-06 11:36:28 / 19

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