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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
August 29, 2023 5:10 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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August 29, 2023 5:10 pm

The Matt Slick Live daily radio show broadcast is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry -CARM-. During the show, Matt answers questions on the air, and offers insight on topics like The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues-- The show airs live on the Truth Network, Monday through Friday, 6-7 PM, EST -3-4 PM, PST--You can also email questions to Matt using-, Please put -Radio Show Question- in the Subject line--You can also watch a live stream during the live show on RUMBLE---Time stamps are approximate due to commercials being removed for PODCAST.--Topics include--07- Test of a true prophet, JW.-20- Jehovah Witness.-38- Does God hear the prayer of unbelievers---47- Did Barnabas lose his faith when he left Paul--


The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. I hope you all had a good weekend.

I hope you're going to have a good time listening to the show. I had a half a day off yesterday, so that's pretty good. Actually, I got asked to fill in for somebody at an anti-Muslim or anti-Islam ministry. I know some people and they said, hey, could you fill in?

Someone can't make it and talk about why we don't accept Mohammed. I said, sure. I did that for about 45 minutes. It was a lot of fun. Worked on some stuff and here we are. If you want to give me a call, as usual, all you got to do is dial 877-207-2276. I want to hear from you.

Give me a call and we can talk. Everything should be fine. Just making sure we got a lot of switches and stuff like that.

I got a hit and all that kind of thing. If you want to watch the show, you can do that by going to either Facebook, look up You can also go to You can watch the show there, too. Not a big deal, but we do have a lot of good people who just participate and chat and have fun and all that kind of stuff. We have usually, under 16, watch it now and then it goes up to 60, 70, 80, 90 people and just kind of coming in, watching it live. It's a good time. We're also on StreamYard and we're also on Clubhouse.

You can check it out by just typing in Matt Slick live at Clubhouse and you can figure it out. All right. There you go. Now look, if you want to give me a call, all you got to do is dial 877-207-2276. You can also email me.

That's easy to do. You can just address an email to info at, info at If you do that, then I'll get to it. Please in the subject line put something like, let's see, like a radio question or radio comment and we'll get to it. All right. Well, we have nobody waiting right now, so a lot of time what I'll do at that time is I will get into some of the radio questions that have been sent in and I like doing that. I think I'll do this. Let's see. I was on the phone with you earlier and I was asking about John 18-9.

I'm sorry. I was a little nervous. I forgot to ask one more question. Have you ever heard a non-Reformed person try to use that as proof against John 6 or John 17?

I was thinking someone could try to twist that to say that all Jesus was talking about was John. I don't know what the question is, so I'm not sure if you want to rephrase that question. I'd like to build an answer to that one. I'm not exactly sure what you're asking.

Let's see. My sister recently joined up with a Jehovah's Witness and is being inter-doctinated by their elders and pioneers of the organization. She's learning how to intellectualize the Bible and ask questions that attempt to challenge Christianity. What's the best way to keep her out of these false teachings?

Well, you know, I can't say this is the best way, but what I can do is give you some recommendations on some of the approaches that I've used over the years. On CARM, there is a list of prophecies that have been made by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, by the Jehovah's Witness organization. You can go to CARM and look up Watchtower false prophecies. There's a list there.

What you can do is print that list up and give it to her. Now the reason this is so important is because the Bible says that if anyone makes a prophecy in the name of the Lord, it doesn't come to pass. They're not of God. And so that's exactly what's happened. They made many false prophecies.

They did this a lot. In fact, when they occurred, a lot of Jehovah's Witnesses left their organization. In fact, before I understand, some people brought the list of false prophecies.

I forgot who developed them. I didn't do it. But they did that and entire kingdom halls were shutting down because it was new information to them. And so what the Jehovah's Witness organization has done now is try and say, well, people made mistakes in the past. And then that's okay because they made mistakes and mistakes are all, you know, it happens. But the thing is that they claim to be a prophet of God. In fact, let me go to that.

You know what I might do? Just read some of those prophecies because, you know, it's, let's see, there we go. Good thing I typed fast or quickly, I should say. And so they, like they did. Okay, so what the Jehovah's Witnesses are doing now, the organization, like I said, they're trying to soften the blow when this kind of stuff comes up. Well, here's the thing, is Deuteronomy 18.22, if what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is the message that the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously.

Do not be afraid of him. So if someone claims to speak in the name of the Lord and claims to speak for God, then their prophecies they make have to be accurate. They have to be true. So what does the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society say? On April 1st, 1972, it says, so does Jehovah have a prophet to help them to warn them of dangers and to declare things to come?

These questions can be answered in the affirmative. Who is this prophet? This prophet was not one man, but was a body of men and women. It was a small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ known at that time as International Bible Students. Today they're known as Jehovah's Christian Witnesses. Of course, it is easy to say that this group acts as a prophet of God. It is another thing to prove it. So, all right, let me do, might as well do this, because maybe there's some Jehovah's Witnesses listening. Maybe some people who are listening who are thinking about joining the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, which I can talk about quite a bit and show you what they've done and so many bad things they've done.

But check this out. This is from Studies in the Scriptures, volume 4, page 621, done in 1897. And it says, Our Lord, the appointed King, is now present since October 1874. That means that Jesus, they said, was present in the heavenly realm, in the right place, since October of 1874.

And it didn't really make any sense, but that's what they said. 1899, the Battle of the Great Day of God Almighty, which will end in A.D. 1914. Wow. In 1914, with the complete overthrow of earth, present rulership has already commenced. Now that's the time is at hand, 1908 edition, page 101. In 1916, it says, The Bible chronology herein presented shows that the sixth great one thousand year days beginning with Adam are ended at the great seventh day. The thousand year reigns of Christ began in 1873. The time is at hand. Forward, page 2. This is what they said in 1916, that the thousand year reign of Christ began in 1873.

Man. So obviously, you know, they don't have all their theological positive litter box. But anyway, here's 1918. Therefore, we may confidently expect that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the faithful prophets of old, particularly those named by the apostle in Hebrews 11, to the condition of human perfection. So 1925, that's when the return of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is supposed to occur. And, well, really, 1922, they said, where was that first one prophesying that 1925 would mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

That was millions now living will never die, page 89. In 1922, it said, this is in Watchtower, September 1st, 1922, page 262. The date 1925 is even more distinctly indicated by the scriptures than 1914. 1923 comes along and it says, our thought is that 1925 is definitely settled by the scriptures as to Noah.

The Christian now has much more upon which to base his faith than Noah had upon which to base his faith in a coming deluge. That's Watchtower, April 1st, 1923, page 106. And then 1925 is there.

The year 1925 is here with great expectation. Christians have looked forward to this year. Many have confidently expected that all members of the body of Christ will be changed to heavenly glory during this year. This may be accomplished.

It may not be. In his own due time, God will accomplish his purposes concerning his people and says, Christians should not be so deeply concerned about what may transpire this year. That was January 1st, 1925, page 3 in the Watchtower. 1925, it said, this was in September of 1925, the Watchtower, page 262. It is to be expected that Satan will try to inject into the minds of the consecrated the thought that 1925 should see an end to the work.

So now it's Satan who is speaking. What's interesting is the Watchtower said, we definitely know of 1925 when this is going to happen. And then later that same year, now it's Satan who's talking about this, the thought that 1925 would see an end to the work. It's ridiculous. 1926, some anticipated that the world would end in 1925, but the Lord did not state so.

The difficulty was that friends inflated their imaginations beyond reason and that when their imaginations burst asunder, they were inclined to throw everything away. That's Watchtower. I forgot what date. I don't have it written here.

Page 232. I have to get the date on that one. Happened in 1926, obviously. And so now you see we're trying to damage control because their prophecies failed. In 1931, there was a measure of disappointment on the part of Jehovah's faithful ones on earth concerning the years 1914, 1918, 1925, which disappointment lasted for a time. And they also learned to quit fixing dates. That's in the book Vindication, page 338, 339. And then it says 1968, it says, why are you looking forward to 1975? And that's August 15th, 1968, page 494. They made false prophecies. So this is why this work that I copied from someplace, it was in the years, I don't even know who wrote it, who really did the original work.

I just don't remember. But you know, I've got so much information in my files and things like that. In fact, I was allowed at one point, when I was working doing volunteer work at Christian Research Institute where Walter Martin was doing, where Hank Canograph then took over, I was given permission to go through on my breaks of volunteering and Xeroxing anything and everything I wanted out of their files.

And I did it for weeks. So I have a lot of stuff. And so I have a lot of documentation on things from different sources, different places. Anyway, so the Jehovah's Witness organization obviously made false prophecies.

They're false prophets and they should not be listened to. That's one of the ways I would suggest is doing that. And then I could also talk about the Greek alterations that they've done in the Bible to make it fit in their theology. So there's all kinds of stuff. And there's ways to do it.

But that's one of the ways right there. Hey, let's get on the air with Joseph from Utah. Joseph, welcome. You're on the air, man.

Hey, Matt. How are you doing? Doing all right. Hang in there, buddy.

Oh, the break's coming up pretty quickly. What do you got, man? What's up? Well, I got a chance to try that church and it was really good. I met the woman you talked to, I think her name is Kara or Tara, you talked to her? Laura. From that church.

Laura. I know. Hey, hold on. We got a break. Well, hold on. I'm actually curious. So we can go after the break.

I want you to tell me what your experience was and whatever else you want to talk about. Okay. So hold on, buddy. We'll be right back, folks. After these messages, please stay tuned. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone. Welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, we have three open lines, 877-207-2276. So I want to hear from you. Give me a call.

Let's get back on the air here with, and oops, got to hit close to that. And I can't click it on. Oh, that's interesting. Hoping I'm not having a problem there.

So Keith, could you just get them on? There we go. Let's see what happened there. Oh, now it worked.

That's weird. Okay. Hey Joseph, you're back on. All right. Cool.

So yeah, I met Laura. She's a really nice woman and I actually liked it. It's different from the church that I'm used to because the church that I've gone to, but in the past, you know, it always starts with a worship, then it has announcements and prayers and things like that. And then more worship and then the sermon.

I like this one because they did all this stuff beforehand and then they just focused on worship music and then a sermon. And I just really liked the lesson. Well, good. Yeah. It's a good group of people that have been there.

Oh, sorry. I got a little glitch there. Yeah. They're a good group of people and Rudy's a good pastor and, uh, all the gang there. They're great. Um, so I enjoyed, feel comfortable when I'm there too. It's a nice, uh, nice facility too.

I'm glad you went, glad you liked it. Yeah. And, uh, so the question I had is there's a lesson on 3912 differences between the original book of Mormon and the current book of Mormon. Have you read both? Have you read that arc or the sermon on that?

It's not a sermon. It's 3,113 changes and it's written by Gerald and Sandra Tanner. And what they did was they took an original book of Mormon and standard told me how they did all this. They took an original book of Mormon and then they'd had, I think it was 1960s.

I think they did it or seventies. I did this and they had a then contemporary book of Mormon and they compared word by word, the original to that one that was in this, I think it was seventies, whatever one, whatever year it was. And they found, uh, thousands and thousands of changes and alterations in the text.

And she told me that there's a lot more than the 3,913. Those are just the major ones that they did. Okay.

Yeah. So have you read that yourself? Well, I don't, it's not a book you read. It's, uh, it's read it. It's just the book of Mormon with notes put in. This is what has changed.

This is excluded here, added here. That's all it is. Okay. It's a photo reprint of an original book of Mormon, right? They reprinted the original, or is it the vice versa?

And then they put all the notes in what they did. Okay. Okay. Out of all of those, what, what would you say is the most significant one that, that you may have seen on that wall looking at it? Well, now look it up because I've gone through and picked out some of them.

So let me find it on my website. Let's see, uh, changes in the book of Mormon. And then I can read some of the ones that are significant. It's some of the many changes in the book of Mormon. And, uh, so, uh, let's see. So when, like, for example, uh, the first one is first Nephi 11, 18. This isn't just all, this is not all of this is just some of them.

Okay. It says, uh, in the 1830 edition, and he said unto me, behold, the Virgin, which thou seest is the mother of God after the man of the flesh. Well, in the 1981 version, it was, uh, see us as the mother of the son of God. So they added the word son of God in the 1981 version, they added the son of, and the son of, uh, in 11 21 of first Nephi 11 32. They did that.

Let's see. Uh, here's first Nephi 19 20 for had not, this was the 1830 edition for had not the Lord been merciful to shoe unto me concerning them, even as he had prophets of old, for he surely was on. And here it says, even as the, in the 1981 version, even as they had prophets of old, I should have perished also. So they added the words.

I should have perished also. And first Nephi 20 verse one, it was changed in the 1964 edition, but it says in the 1830 edition Harken and hear this. So house of Jacob, which are called by the name of Israel and are come forth out of the waters of Judah, which swear the 1981 says and are some forth out of the waters of Judah or out of the waters of baptism who swear. So they added or out of the waters of baptism. And, uh, Mosiah, uh, Mosiah, uh, 2128 says King Benjamin had a gift from God and it changed it to King Mosiah had a gift from God.

Uh, and let's see, how about this? They took out in the 1981 version, they took out, I'll emphasize the words. This is third Nephi 3 23 and the land and the land, which was appointed was the land of Zarahemla. And this is what they took out and the land, which was between the land of Zarahemla. This was taken out and the land of Bountiful. So they took out and the land, which was between the land of Zarahemla. And they took out in third Nephi 10 4, O ye people of the house of Israel in third Nephi 16 10, they took out and shall subject the fullness of my gospel in third Nephi 22 4, they added and shall not remember the reproach of the youth in ether nine two, they took out which were not or which changed the meaning of the text.

So who did this? Some of the significant changes in the book of Mormon, if it's the most correct book of any on earth, why are so many changes in it? Why it even changes them?

Yeah. Yeah, that's one of the things that Rudy was saying, too, about the the Bible is that, you know, it doesn't change. And I also saw that on the, I guess I know it was on a TikTok video that it's always been consistent, it's never changed. Yes, the languages have changed. So that way, you know, people can read it in other languages, but it never contradicts itself not once. Right. Here's the thing is a lot of Mormons will say, well, there's textual variants in the New Testament, for example.

So yes, there are. And what I'll do is I take the 3913 changes of the Book of Mormon, I take that book, and then I have my New Testament with the it's in Greek. And I have the tip was called a textual apparatus, which shows textual variants, the New Testament is 2000 years old, the Book of Mormon is 200 years old.

So the New Testament is 10 times older than what the Book of Mormon is. So what I do is, is I fan through the New Testament. I've done this with Mormon missionaries many, many times. In Southern California, I would do this a lot.

I'd drive all over the place. I had these books in my trunk of my car, and I would stop them and talk to them. Many missionaries left their mission, I was told, and they quit after seeing the facts. So I'd take the New Testament, I'd fan through it, and just randomly stop and say, let's count the variants like the word the is missing, which is a single letter, you know, here's the word chi, which is and you know, might have it, you know, chi anthropos or anthropos chi. And so I'd show them as you count them like, you know, 345, you know, do it again, you know, two, three, you know, kind of get one, you can only get four, you know, I see now let's do the Book of Mormon. And I would just fan through and I'd show it'd be like 12, 14, 18 per page, you know, 12. Every single time I did it except for once, the Book of Mormon had far more variants than the New Testament documents did.

Every single page except for one time I did it is the only one that ever occurred. And many, many times I've done it. And the Mormons are shocked. And I say, how can you trust it? And you say the the New Testament's not that trustworthy. But look at it.

Of course it is. Hold on, they got another break coming up. A lot of info there. Okay, folks, we'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned.

We have three open lines 8772072276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 8772072276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, welcome back to the show. Let's get back on here with Joseph. Joseph, welcome.

Bring it back on. All right. Hey, thank you. So, yeah, I like what, you know, I want to be able to read that I was, unfortunately, I only found it on on the web, but I'm trying to find an actual copy of like some kind of book.

That way I can always have it on hand with me. Because, as you know, living in Utah, there's a lot of LDS people here. And, you know, I would like to be able to talk to them and just kind of show them some of the things that's going on, you know, but all I have is it is it on just on the web. I don't have an actual any kind of book form of that. Yes. What I recommend, maybe if Eric Johnson or Bill McKeever is listening by any chance, they could call in and fill us in about what might be done with that. They'll know why I'm asking them. So, Utah Lighthouse Ministry,, they, or Sandra retired. And so, the bookstore is no longer there across the street from the baseball stadium. So, a new facility is going to be generated here pretty soon with a new thing going on. So, I don't know what's going to be happening with those books and with the printing and stuff.

So, I don't know. But I would contact MRM, Mormonism Research Ministry,, and just ask them about that if they have any access to it or what they might know about it. What you could also do is just go online and look up, just say 3913. It's 3913. 3913 changes to the Book of Mormon and see if you can find an order.

So, you can find one someplace just to see. Maybe if people out there have copies they want to give up, they could contact me and I could make an announcement on the air about that. So, on the website, which is still up, it does have stuff there for ordering. But I don't know if it's, it says out of print. Okay.

So, it does say out of print right now. So, there you go. Okay. It was $16.

It was done in 1996. So, that's all I could tell you. I've got mine. I won't give it up.

Okay. It's really useful. So, see if, contact If you ever come across one, you know, let me know or stay on the radio and I'll, if I listen and hopefully I'll catch it and then I can find a way to buy it because I would like a copy of it, too. It's very useful. It's very useful. And what I also recommend is for witnessing purposes is to get the Greek New Testament.

It's in Greek, but you don't have to know Greek because the textual apparatus is at the bottom. And I would use those in concert with each other. And I'll tell you, many missionaries just left their mission from that and other things when they saw the facts, when I could show them. And there's another thing I do, I used to do.

I didn't do it in the morning because I don't drive that much because I work on the website so much. But I used to have a Book of Mormon that I labeled, thumb labeled, thumb tapped, with a certain pattern so that they could see all the Christian doctrines and anti-Mormon doctrines in the Book of Mormon. And that shook them up, too. That really shook them up.

Because the Book of Mormon teaches things contrary to what Mormonism teaches. And people are just stunned by that, but it's true. So, yeah, there's things you can do. If you have those three things, maybe I should find the stuff to show how to do that and then do a video on it. But if you can find those three books and do those, it's powerful.

It is really powerful. Okay, yeah. I'll look those up. And then other than that, I just want to say thank you, Matt. I appreciate you and listening to you on the radio and recommending the church to me. I'm definitely going back next week.

I'm not sure about my mom, but I know I want to go back next week, you know? So thank you. Oh, good.

Yeah, you know, and they've let me preach there a couple of times. And anybody that would let me preach in their church either has really good character judgment or not very good character judgment. So that's up to you to decide, okay?

I think it's good character judgment. Okay. All right. Well, when you go back there, say hi to everybody and, you know, Rudy's great and Laura's great.

And so they're good people there too. All right. All right. Thanks, brother. Love you and you take care and God bless, man. Yeah, you too, man. God bless. All right. We'll see you. Okay. All right.

That was Joseph. If you want to give me a call, all you got to do was dial 877-207-2276. Let's get to Kit from Tucson, Arizona. Hey, Kit, welcome here on the air.

Hey, Matt. I wanted to talk about something else, but I would say there have been a lot of changes to the Book of Mormon since Gerald and Sandra Tanner put that out, especially in 1981, because they had just changed their racist doctrine that, uh, you know, you get white skin after becoming a believer, which was all through the Book of Mormon. So they had to change all the places that say you will get a white, uh, skin to, you get, uh, you become pure and delights them. So there are hundreds of more changes. Yup. Oh, it's called white and delights them. Yeah.

Second, the 535 verse six. Uh-huh. Many generations. I'm sorry. What? It's still all over the Pearl of great price, by the way, that if you're a bad person, you have the dark skin.

And if you're a good person, you have white skin. Anyway, what I want to ask you about. That's good. The pre-existence so we can get into that later, but go ahead.

Go ahead. So what I wanted to ask you about is there's obviously a uh, passage in the Bible that says, God doesn't listen to the prayers of unbelievers. Uh, is this a blanket statement about all prayers of unbelievers, or if an unbeliever were to say, uh, dear God, I've always believed in evolution, but if you're out there, please show me, um, is there any circumstance under through the prayer of an unbeliever and answer it? Well, uh, it's a tough one because what is happening here is the Pharisees are the ones talking about that in John nine.

And they're the ones making that, that statement. So the question then, is it true? And if so, in what sense now we don't want to just throw the baby up with the bathwater and say, the Pharisees said it, therefore it's not true, but also in Job 35, 12 there, they cry out, but he does not answer because of the pride of the evil men. So when it talks about not hearing the prayers of people, it basically means the issue of answering them, answering them according to their desires, the way God would do that with a believer, because their motives can never be pure and have to be right before God and are not filtered through the blood of Christ. So does God hear the sinner's prayer? Of course he hears the prayers that sinners offer. He hears them, but the issue is of him responding to them, uh, according to the work and will through the person of Christ for the redeemed, but that doesn't happen. So the Pharisees are right in one sense, you know, not just the issue of not hearing, but it has to do with answering, uh, because they're not God fearing and that's what's going on there.

That helps. If an atheist wants to try God without mocking him, is there any chance that God is going to respond to that kind of prayer? Because that's the context we were in last night when this came up. It actually came from an atheist that was talking about, he was saying that there's no purpose in praying to God since they don't believe in him. Well, that's, that's his view. No purpose of praying to God because that's his view. But as the Christian goes, we pray because that's what God wants us to do and that's what we ought to do.

And so does it make a difference? Our prayers do avail much with God, James 5, 16, 17, I think it is. And so what about the prayers of an unbeliever?

Well, if God, here's the thing, God grants people faith and he works all things after the counsel of his will. So if he's drawing them, John 6, 44, as he draws them and they are in that state of being drawn and they pray, they say, you know, Lord Jesus, please receive my guilt and cleanse me, you know, just take it. Well, that's the prayer of, so to speak, a sinner. Now, when it says, you know, in John 9, 31, doesn't hear the sinners, there's different kinds of sinners. There's sinners who reject God and sinners who accept God, sinners who believe in God. There could be sinners who are in temporary rebellion. So what's going on here is mainly the idea of him not adhering to, listening to, answering the prayers of those people whose motives are evil and ungodly. But when it happens when God's drawing someone and that person finally receives Christ or asks Christ to forgive them, that prayer of course is heard because it's what God has worked within them.

So there's different there's different senses which we could talk about. Okay, that's, that's what I'm thinking, too. And when I when I teach somebody long enough, and I think God is drawing them, I say, why don't you enter into our worldview just for a moment and pray to God, you know, as if he exists and see what happens. And obviously, I'm not telling them to mock God or, or anything like that. And I believe he hears those prayers. I guess that's where it comes from. I sometimes ask atheists to enter into our worldview, just for a moment.

That little tiny bit of faith. That's right. All right, brother, there's a break. So we got to go. All right, man. God bless. Okay. Well, God bless you. Thanks for the show.

Thanks, kid. Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone. Welcome back to the show. We have three open lines.

If you want to give me a call 877-207-2276. Alberto from, I'm going to close this out and go this way. Here we go. Alberto, welcome. You're on the air.

Well, good evening, Matt Slick. Yeah, I got this passage, Second Timothy, chapter four, verse 10, for demons has forsaken me, having love in this present world, and has departed to Thessalonica, Crescents, for Galatia, Titus, and for Galmencia. My question is, why do some of the preachers always add to the scripture? They always say he departed from the faith, but the Bible never says that. He departed from Paul. Why do they always say they departed from the faith? Why do preachers always say that?

I don't know. I have to look and see if it has any other stuff about him, and so far to look in the text, and so it doesn't say anything about that. But I don't know, people often add to the text and reinterpret things. It says, having love in this present world has deserted me. So it doesn't say he lost his faith. It might mean that he got caught up in the needs of his family, or he got tired of the travel, he got tired of something, and deserted Paul, and says, look, I'm done. And it doesn't mean he lost his faith at all. If they were to say that, preachers were to say it, I'd say, well, it doesn't say that, you know, but I could see why they could imply that.

Okay. Because they say he haven't loved the present world. So, so that's what I'm implying that says that?

Well, it actually says this present age is what it says. I own not in the Greek, but that's all I would say is, it may be that he lost his faith, but we can't say with assurance. It might be that he just got tired of everything, and couldn't handle it anymore. He got tired of being persecuted, and he left, left him.

It could be. So, so, so the preachers, preachers say that he's a persecuted believer, but once you're saved by grace through faith alone, now, in his case, even though he's secure internally, you're not saved, you're not kept by your work, your performance. So, because he's forsaken, he's still saved, but still would have happened though, right?

Right. Well, we don't lose our salvation, according to Jesus, John 6 through 40, but in John 10, 27, 28, he teaches this. So, if he really was saved, it certainly could be possible that he just, he got, he left Paul, he goes, I'm done, you know, and it doesn't mean he's not saved. There are many Christians who can't handle too much, and they're not knocking them.

It's just, there's a lot of Christians who can't handle. You know, in this ministry, for example, we have every now and then, people who want to work with us, and I got some, that's right, somebody else wants to work with some video stuff. I got so much to do. Anyway, so, I've trained people before, and they want to volunteer.

I say, yeah, sure. And so, after two or three weeks, they're done. They just disappear, or they say they can't do it anymore. And usually what I'll do beforehand is I'll warn them. I'll say, this is not an easy ministry. You come here and work, even as a volunteer. I said, it's a spiritual battle, and you may come under spiritual attack, and just be ready for it.

Your spouse know if you're married and your situation. And I've had more than one person just say, I can't take it anymore. They're done. And they left, because they said, you weren't kidding. I said, yeah, I know. I told you. And a lot of times, nothing really bad happens. But I have to warn people. So, there's a situation where they have deserted, so to speak, the temporary commitment they had, at least, to work with Karm.

And it doesn't mean they're not saved. To me, I've been skipping your website all over where I live at, downtown, everywhere. I write down a piece of paper, a Dollar Tree. I buy a booklet and write down your website, slash media. And I've been giving to a lot of people all over, so they can know about your ministry.

I've been doing it for a good while now. So, you have to put me in payroll, okay? You just gave me an idea, because I had business cards. I could whip up some business cards, where I could send them to people. Or people could do that, I guess. I don't know.

I figured out where it's forward slash media. And you could just hand them out to people. They're just designed for that. I wonder if you would want that. Because then we'd have to mail them out. It would cost. That's the thing. You have to order them. Then it costs mailers and things like that.

I wonder. But we might have something in the works where we can do, it's called a drop ship, something. We're just starting to negotiate with a group of Christians, where we could have something like that in our store. And they just order.

They take care of all the orders. That would be great. And one of the things they'll be able to do is write out tracts. And I want to write some Christian tracts, and then just have them until they can be ordered. Yeah, that's the best way. I should do that.

I forget about total. My friend at my ministry will print tracts out that my church has to go to. It's the same 10,000 tracts in a box. I should give them out to people all over to them and Jordan all them places. I mean, many times I order like three times basic, I give out 30,000 tracts alone, but by myself alone.

Oh, wow. People in the streets in the neighborhoods in a project. I go to I go everywhere, the bus stops, the bathrooms, I put on getting people in person, buses, I mean, foot everywhere. So there's no excuse for people don't want to do it.

And the hot sun. So I don't make excuses. I just do it. I go everywhere. I go to wherever the projects I go, the neighborhoods, I mean, everywhere on foot. So I've been doing it for a long time.

I gave me some school books out of my, my class uses. And we don't even know more and get into people, the streets and all that. It's all free. A lot of people think that about money.

I said, No, it's all free, free, free, free, free, free, free, free. So what's another question to how do you handle a church member who is not teachable? Do it faster. Get them in a headlock. And, you know, that's usually what works.

They cut the oxygen off the brain a little bit. When they get a little loopy, then you start saying, you know, you just shake your finger at them. That's one way. But that's not generally recommended. If they're not teachable, you pray for them.

All right. And you can tell them they're not teachable. And just let them know. And you have others who pray for them. That's all.

It depends on what it is. You know, Unknown Speaker I talked to this guy today. He said, in the bus stop, he said, he read the Bible, and now he doesn't eat pork, because the Jews and most importantly, pork, the main reason he doesn't eat pork, because when Jesus cast out the spirits out of the demon act, the maniac, because there's an experience went to the pigs. So that's the reason why he doesn't eat pork, because every time you if you buy pig meat, you have it, if you will be taking spirits in your body.

I said, Unknown Speaker It's not what it says. It says it went into those pigs. They're all pigs, does all pigs have spirits in them. That's, that's pretty ridiculous.

When you eat them, they get in your body. Yes, that's whacked. Yeah, that's pretty bad. Unknown Speaker I know. I teach him, but he's, he was, you know, he's, that's why you are interpreted yet. But you can interpret in light of your, your, your understanding through scripture, scripture interprets itself. I cannot put my understanding through scripture, that's X, with a text doesn't teach that.

But it was, I couldn't get through. So I told him to go read Genesis chapter nine, verse three, when God told Noah, after he got off the ark. So hopefully he read that verse. And also Timothy chapter four, I think I think verse one through five, is about that too. You know, Unknown Speaker Romans, Romans 14, Unknown Speaker Romans 14. Unknown Speaker And then first Timothy also, right?

Chapter four. Unknown Speaker Yeah, but Romans 14, Romans 14 is the best. Okay, don't be a judge about what you eat or drink. Each person should be fully convinced in their own mind. If it's a law that we're not supposed to eat pork, then why does Paul speak to the contrary? Okay. Romans 14 is a very good chapter for that. All right.

Unknown Speaker You can also quote about Peter, we say, Peter said to Jesus, in another man clean, don't you call on people that clean, you know, so I'll call that verse one. So anyway, I won't hold up any longer. So thank you. Unknown Speaker You're welcome. All right. Well, God bless, man. Okay. Unknown Speaker Bye bye. Unknown Speaker Oh, heady on right there. Hey, we have wide open lines.

If you want to give me a call real quick 8772072276. So Alberto reminded me of something I did once. And that was when I was in San Diego, and a place called North County Fair off the 15 freeway. And it was a mall, let's call it North County Fair.

And so, as the case with most malls, they're surrounded by a parking lot. So what I did was I had this track that I've written called the warning track. And what it does is it is really brief intro and warning about the two cults of Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses. And I documented in the track, a lot of stuff from it.

And it's designed that you can have an eight and a half by 11 sheet of paper landscape, cut it in three, and you have three tracks per eight and a half by 11 double sided. Dr. Walter Martin, who was the founder of Christian Research Institute, he wanted to order 100,000 of them and distribute them. But he passed away before that happened. So he liked them. All right. So what I did was I got a few thousand of them together and I got some friends. And I said, let's go to the mall.

And everyone has to synchronize their watches. And I said, what we're going to do is picture the mall and a clock, the mall in the center and you have noon and two and three and around the clock. I said, so you go over to the noon position in the mall, you go over to like a three o'clock.

We spread ourselves around the mall parking area. And I did research on the legality of this. And it's certainly legal because it's private property that's open to the public. So it's functionally public property until a representative of that private property asks you to leave. And then you have to leave because then the representative has stated so. This is what I researched and I found out. I talked to a lawyer about it.

He says, oh yeah, that's what it is. So I said, you can pass out literature and you can also, you have to worry about, you know, you put something on their car windshield, which is what we did. And I'll explain what happened.

And if someone takes it and throws it down the ground, you're not responsible for their littering, but you have the right of the right of the freedom of press and distribution and petition and things like that. And so I did all the research. So anyway, we got to, I think five or six friends and we went around the mall and we went during a heavy time when it was really packed full of people on a Saturday. And I said, don't anybody start until exactly, I don't know what it was like 3 p.m., you know, whatever it was, 3 p.m. And look at your watch when it's exactly 3 p.m., just start putting on windshield wipers and don't stop and talk to anybody. We want to get out as many as you can because you can get out 600 an hour.

That's, I did actually do a test, get out 600 an hour. And so if we have like five people, that's 3000 tracks that we can get out in like an hour. And I said, now don't take your cell phones with you either because when the people get the tracks and they go report them, they're going to tell the security, security's going to give out and tell you to leave.

And they'll say, tell your friends to leave and say, you don't have my cell phone on me. So they have to go to each person, tell each person to leave. And so we did this and that's exactly what happened. They came out after about 15 minutes and so we had to leave.

So I left, I'm not going to argue. And we met at a certain place and we debriefed and we got out, I think 2000, 1500 or something like that. And the interesting thing was that for months afterwards, we would get feedback about those tracks from different people.

And I'd never talked to two Mormon missionaries and they didn't know who I was. And they brought up the track and they said, yeah, this track has caused a lot of problems. And I'm laughing at him, I'm chuckling. I said, really?

He goes, oh yeah. And I said, really? I wrote that thing. And they said, what? They said, thanks for the encouragement. It really worked.

So anyway, I need to do that kind of a thing again and find the local laws. We should get those republished and printed up and use them. So there you go, folks. We are out of time. May the Lord bless you. And by His grace, we'll be back on there tomorrow. And Lord willing, we'll talk to you then. So have a great evening, everyone. God bless. Goodbye.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-08-29 10:18:39 / 2023-08-29 10:37:36 / 19

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