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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
August 18, 2022 7:23 am

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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August 18, 2022 7:23 am

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include---1- Can you be Catholic and a Christian---2- What do you think about flat earthers---3- If we are forgiven in Christ, then why are we to give an account of every harsh word that we say---4- Why aren't any bones of the giants of the Bible being found---5- I feel like I'm not getting fed much at church but more so from online studies. What do you think about that---6- What's the big deal with women being pastors-

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Abidan Shah
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Alistair Begg
The Truth Pulpit
Don Green
Clearview Today
Abidan Shah
Truth for Life
Alistair Begg
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Don Green

The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network Podcast.

Thank you for listening this Truth Network Podcast. 2 or 3 years ago we had some more internet problems and it was really interesting. It went down and I called up the company after it was down for a couple of hours. I said look what's up? They said we don't have any outages. I said well I can't get on. They said well nothing's out. I said well can you send a tech guy out here?

So we had to wait 2 days. They sent a tech guy out and he talked to me and he stared at me. After he figured out what the problem was he said you know it's really unusual. I said okay what? He said your connection in the master box was the only one disconnected.

Yours was the only one disconnected. I said okay that makes sense. He looked at me like really? I said oh yeah let me tell you what I do for a living.

I told him and it was an interesting opportunity to witness. So that's what happens and it's unfortunate. Just pray for this ministry. We definitely need the prayers. Please pray for us.

Alright so hopefully everything will be fine. If all of a sudden I go dead the plan is that Keith is awesome. I hope he's not hearing me talk about him behind his back and how great he is because I don't want to give him a big head. But each time I talk to him he's been really intelligent, competent and etc.

So he'll put something on the air quickly. I've never met him though. Get out there to the east coast if any of you guys want me to come on out to the Salem. Winston-Salem area I think is where the radio headquarters is. Anyway I'd love to get out there and meet him and all that stuff. So hey look we have four open lines if you want to give me a call. 877-207-2276. Let's just jump on the line and get to Rudolph from North Carolina.

Rudolph welcome you're on the air. Yes sir. My question is can't a Catholic be a Christian? You mean at the same time?

Go ahead. My friend was asking a question about he was saying that he was listening to the pastor and I was saying that I didn't think you could be a Catholic and a Christian because I mean they just don't add up. And he was saying that... The pastor was saying that they were Christians? Catholics were Christians? Yes.

Okay. Well then I would say that depending on what the guy meant if he says oh yeah Catholics are Christians then I would say he doesn't understand biblical theology and or does not understand what Roman Catholicism actually teaches. There are certain levels of ignorance people have. Just because he's a pastor doesn't mean he's supposed to know everything. But if anyone believes official Roman Catholic theology they cannot be a Christian. They're not true Christians. Official.

Notice I said official. That's not to say that there can't be true believers in the Catholic Church. But they would be that in spite of the Roman Catholic theological system which is soteriological synergism. And that means in the doctrine of salvation they cooperate with God, maintain God, etc. In paragraph 1821 for example it says that in every circumstance each one of us should hope with the grace of God to persevere to the end and obtain the joy of heaven as God's eternal reward for the good works accomplished with the grace of Christ. That's Catholic catechism. That's paragraph 1829. So yeah they teach a false gospel. Okay.

The official Catholic Church does. Okay. All right. Well thank you and I think you blessed me. But thank you very much. God bless you. You're welcome.

God bless. All right. Okay. Let's talk about it now.

We've got nobody waiting. It's not a big deal. But yeah. What about the flat earth crud?

I mean it makes me laugh that people believe it. But at any rate so what do you want to talk about? I don't know. There's a lot I could say.

But I ask you one thing about that permit. But why can't Genesis be like it's spread? Because like I said I don't believe it.

Why can't wait. Finish the question. Finish the question. Why can't Genesis what? Why can't Genesis say what it says and be what it says. Like when God says. It does.

It does. The water from above. From the water from above. Yeah the water above, water below.

Yeah. But see look here's the thing. The flat earthers they'll see the water above and what they'll interpret that to be is a dome of concentrated water. And you know well where does it say that in the text?

How do you know? How do you know it just wasn't heavy water in the atmosphere? Because that condition can exist. There's a great deal of concentration of moisture in the air as it is. And in certain areas and conditions you can have it be very very very concentrated. That's what clouds are. Clouds are concentrated areas.

You can actually have highly concentrated areas of water without it being visible in the form of clouds. So plus there's a theory that pterodactyls could not have flown in the present day atmosphere because the present day atmosphere is not thick enough to support their flight. And it had to have a heavier mass in the air.

I don't understand all the logic. I remember reading something like that. And they said before the flood the atmosphere was really thick. It's called the canopy theory. And that there was a lot of water above. And that the atmosphere was very thick with moisture.

And you know you'd have a problem breathing like that. It was just a lot more moisture in the air. And that because of it the light rays of the sun would refract around the atmosphere so that no part of the earth would be absolutely dark. And this could help develop and produce photosynthesis in plants.

Hence a lot more foliage and a more even temperature so that reptiles could grow even larger. Hence the possibility of dinosaurs. I read a little bit about this. There's a theory about this and it works. And so anyway the canopy just could be the waters above.

What's the big deal? So these flat earthers suddenly the flat earth is now, there's a dome of something. A firmament. Some say metal.

Some say a glass like substance. You know I just want to get in a room with a bunch of flat earthers and stare at them. You know and they'll look at me and say what are you doing?

They do. But have you ever looked up the thing about the fish bowl operation? The fish bowl? When they were shooting those, when they were firing those missiles into the air and they hit something.

It's on YouTube. It's called the fish bowl operation. The fish bowl operation? Okay. Wow. So they hit something huh? Wait a minute.

Let me get this straight. They shot fish up in the air? Is that what you're saying? No, no, no. No?

Okay what is it? They shot a missile. They shot missiles up into the air high up in the air. And the missiles hit something.

They did. They hit something. That's what in that thing I saw. Yeah. And it was hitting something. It looked like it was.

Yeah I wouldn't put any credence in that whatsoever. Okay. What about the question I asked you about the sun and the moon? Because if the moon is a reflector of the sun, why wouldn't we have a solar, not solar, why wouldn't we have a solar eclipse? Why wouldn't, if it's reflecting the light in a full moon, it's bright and not, why wouldn't it get in front of the sun, you can't see the sun. It goes dark rather than more light. That works in a globe option with the earth and the earth orbiting around the sun and the moon orbiting around the earth.

That's when a solar eclipse occurs. In the dome flat earth theory, both the sun and the moon are lodged up above. Yeah but the, you couldn't see an eclipse from down below with that scenario. It's impossible.

Well think of this. Picture a three foot diameter circled table and let's just say you have a two foot high dome that encompasses that and you're walking around on the surface and two lights are up above near the center of the top of the dome. How can you have an eclipse when there's, when the balls are rotating around each other up above, horizontally. They're horizontal to the plane of the earth. Okay, so you can't have an eclipse that way.

It would be impossible for anybody on earth to ever see one. The model doesn't work. The flat earth model is ludicrously stupid. It doesn't work. Okay? Just one question. So if this is a loaded question. Okay. Okay.

Geocentric model and heliocentric model. Is it possible, is it okay to believe a cat? Should you trust the word of a cat? The word of a cat?

C-A-T? Catholic. Oh Catholic. Well it's like the same thing you could ask of an atheist. Can you trust an atheist? Well yes and no. Just like can you trust a Christian? Well yes and no.

It depends on the person. Okay. But this flat earth stuff, you're not, come on Rudolph, you've talked, you've called in so many times, which is fine, I like that. You have good questions but you don't believe in the flat earth now, do you? I want you to answer that question when we get back, okay?

Because there's a break. I want you to tell me if you believe it because I'm going to get on to you if you do, you know, politely. Okay? Alright. Okay, hold on man. We'll be right back.

Hey folks, two open lines 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. Alright, welcome back to the show. Let's get back on the air to Rudolph. Okay Rudolph, are you there?

Yes sir. Okay, so, do you believe the earth is flat? Um, I think that there are some things that don't add up with secular science.

Okay. Um, so, but, but do you believe the earth is flat? I think that if you read it the way it is, it seems like... Rudolph, Rudolph, do you believe the earth is flat? I think it's like... Rudolph, it's either yes or no, or you can say you don't know.

Okay? So, look, the earth is not flat, okay? The earth is not flat, alright? Look, here's something a lot of flat earthers don't know about. Here's something a lot of flat earthers don't know about. Picture that little, I'll give you this and we've got to go, we've got collars, but look, picture the three foot diameter flat round thing with a dome, okay? And the north star is at the top middle, okay?

Top middle, that's where it would be. The problem is that in the southern hemisphere it's not the north star, it's crooks. And so it's a different north star, it's a south star. And you'd only see that in a globe, not flat earth. Simple, okay? Really simple. Look that up, okay buddy?

The earth is not flat. Yes, sir. Thank you, God bless you. Alright, buddy, God bless. Okay, well, okay. Hey, let's get to Alberto from Georgia.

Alberto, welcome, you're on the air. Yes, good afternoon and evening, my question is, if the Bible says you won't give an account for every other word on the day of judgment, how come Christ died for our past and present and future sins? Why do we still have to give an account for every other word? Because there's an accounting of our actions. He died for our sins, so we're justified by faith, we don't have to do anything in order to be saved. But it doesn't mean that our works won't be judged. And our works are going to be judged, but they won't judge us for salvation. The more we do for the Lord, the better reward.

And the less you do, if you misuse his giftings, you'll have a loss of reward. Okay? That's all that's going on. Alright, you're going to be held accountable for what you say. For our service to him, right? Yeah, and how you are to your friends and how you are to your wife and your husband and children. Did you pick that wallet up and keep it or did you pick that wallet up and give it back to the owner?

Did you do this or do that? All the little things, even the idle words that you say, they are on account. We're going to face God with them all. Now I'm not worried about losing salvation because my salvation is not dependent on my actions, it's dependent upon the work of Christ. But I'm going to be held accountable for all the things that I should have done and didn't do and did wrong and did right, etc. Okay?

Rewards, loss of rewards. Even though I confess and I'm independent from, I still have to be accountable too. Absolutely. Just because you're forgiven doesn't mean God doesn't hold you responsible for the gifts and the qualities of life that you're supposed to manifest with him. You are supposed to do that. So you are supposed to be a good, godly man.

Okay? But what about if you're a new believer, you don't know any better or you're under a pastor, don't touch your willingness or you're under a cult group that he knows. You're still responsible just because a person, well you're still responsible for behaving properly. And so someone like for example in Mormonism or Catholicism, now they're deceived.

Alright? They're still responsible before God to believe the truth. God isn't going to say in the Day of Judgment, oh you were tricked by somebody, hey it's okay you can come in.

Not your fault. No, everybody is responsible for finding the truth of God's word and to believe the scriptures. And then as Christians, we are responsible to act in a godly way before God and people.

That's it. It doesn't mean that we keep our salvation by our performance or our works. Okay?

Alright? But what about Christians? I'm not supposed to be loving, like 1 Peter 3.15 and all that. But what about, in a way I feel like sometimes when you're too loving, sometimes you feel like you're trying to escape persecution, you're trying to be so loving to the sinner that you don't want to offend them. And then you're trying to be so loving, you just want to be compromised. You know, scripture, a lot of pastors are doing today, they don't want to offend the people, they don't want to give a sugar-coated gospel. So sometimes they're justified, they say, oh I could be a loving Christian, but at the same time they're just compromising the truth.

Alberto, you come up with interesting scenarios and situations, if I ever get out there on the East Coast I'd love to meet you, just to shake your hand and stuff, I appreciate you. But I think maybe you might want to consider a little bit just focusing on a particular question or issue. Because there's all kinds of conditions that people have and you wonder about those. But look, just understand, justification is a legal declaration of righteousness, it's by faith alone and Christ alone. Sanctification is the process God brings us through to make us more like Christ. That process is difficult and in that, everything we do and say will be held accountable to us. Okay? There will be rewards and loss of rewards.

Yeah. We're not saved to be polished and put on a shelf as a trophy. I tell people, think more of being a pair of sneakers.

Instead of a trophy and a shelf, don't do anything. On the contrary, move, do, get used, get used of God, you're going to stumble along the way. But God, in his great grace, he uplifts us and he upholds us, he's already forgiven us of everything. And so what we need to do is live for him and try and walk with him. And when we blow it, that's remembered.

And it's on that day of accountability, you know, loss or rewards of loss. But we're going to be in heaven. So we need to take this seriously or walk before Christ. Jesus even said, pick up your cross daily and follow after me.

If you don't, you're not worthy of me. So this is what Christ wants of us. And we're to take our walk before him seriously. And unfortunately, a lot of Christians don't, you know, a lot do.

And that's it. So a lot of Christians want to be in the world at the same time, friends with the world, the Bible says, we become the enemy of God. So they want to be with the world at the same time as being in church. But basically, the Bible says that you can't serve two masters.

Right. And we ought to serve our Lord. And of course, we're just people and we blow it and we sin and we make mistakes. And sometimes we're unrighteously angry and overly judgmental. Well, on that day of judgment, Jesus says, as you judge, you'll be judged.

Judging rewards. This is not a fearful thing, because we're safe in Christ. But it is a thing of honor to God. And are we giving him the glory that's due his name because of his great work for us?

And are we loving him? And because we're responsible for God, then what will happen is he's going to bring account of the things that we have done and the failures, the successes. It's all going to be reviewed.

And then reward will be given to us. Okay. If they review, like only he sees it, they're not going to put a big screen. I don't know. I don't. I don't know. I hope it's not a big screen. I hope it's not 3D.

It could be pretty bad. Okay. For me. All right, brother. God bless. Okay.

All right. Hey, three open lines. If you want to give me a call.

877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. Hey, everybody. Welcome back to the show. We're still live. Internet's still staying up. That's good.

All right. We have three open lines. If you want to give me a call. 877-207-2276.

Josh from Utah. Welcome. You're on the air. Hi. Thank you. Yeah.

So what do you got? So I'm just I'm just thinking back to my childhood, how big museums were and dinosaurs. And my question is, why are there no giant bones being found? But we find they find giant bones or dinosaur bones all over the place. Who says there aren't any giant bones found? There are many. I guess the United States government just keeps it quiet or something.

I don't know. I'm just saying that that there's lots of reports all over the world of giants of different forms. Furthermore, what would constitute a giant? You know, I'm six feet tall. And, you know, I know a guy who's six, seven. My dad was six, four.

Well, you know, 2000 years ago, from what I understand, because of nutrition wasn't as readily available. People were like five to five, six. Would I be a giant to them? If I go to Japan later this year, which is a possibility, the average I think height, there's like five, four or something like that. Would I be a giant? I've got a friend who's six foot six. And when he goes to Japan, he's a giant. So it's a relative term for one thing. But there are many accounts of archaeologists finding very large bones and somewhere the heights are seven to nine feet range. And so you can do research on this and you'll find all kinds of stuff like that.

There's a lot of it. Are you there? Yes, I am. So about nine foot, the biggest I get. Well, you know, I've heard that eight, nine feet is kind of large. I've seen pictures of bones, femur bones, human femur bones that are huge. Three feet, four feet long.

I've seen pictures of all kinds of stuff that's really old. You've got to think about this because let's just say hypothetically, let's just say that they find a treasure trove of humans that were nine feet tall. Let's just say that they find a place.

There's 20, 30 skeletons and there it is. Then what's going to happen? What would happen in the scientific community if something like that was found? I'm not accusing the scientific community of being dishonest, but scientists have their own ways of suppressing information in order to promote the status quo. Not everyone does that, but I'm quite familiar with how certain scientists are forced to keep their religious beliefs in the wraps, in the dark. And there's a lot of this oppression going on.

In fact, there are accounts of people who are going to speak at a place, and the scientific community doesn't want them to even speak and give their opinions if it doesn't fall in line with the status quo of science. So these kind of stories are out there. There's lots of them like this. Now, the reason I'm bringing that up is because what if you do find a scientist who finds a skull that's nine feet tall? Well, what are you going to do? Is he going to report it?

Because if he does report it and then defends it, is he risking his career? This is stuff you have to think about because it doesn't fit the status quo. Like I said, let's just say that they find 39 feet skeletons, average height, whatever. Well, then that would mean then that there was a race of giants. And then you've got issues to deal with because in ancient Greece, there were legends of giants.

Oh, now all of a sudden, there they are. In the Bible, there's speech of giants. Well, does that give credence to now myths and the Bible?

We can't have that now, can we? So, you know, there's stuff there. I'm not an expert on this, but I have seen lots of information over the years about varying bones that have been discovered. Do you know how big the giants in the Bible were? I don't know how many cubits high, but how much is a cubit? A cubit is the length from the tip of the hand, tip of the finger, to the elbow. And some say it was as small as 12 and some say as high as, I think, 20 or 22 inches as long. And the average, as I've heard, is 18 inches.

So if you were to go to 18 inches, then you can get some stuff, some calculations. So depending on the cubit that was used, Goliath would have been up to nine and a half feet tall, or even much shorter depending on the cubit. But if that's the case, then it would have meant, say he was nine feet tall, then David, I don't know if it gives his height, but proportionally he might have only been four feet tall, if that's the case. Excuse me, I was thinking ahead. If the real height of Goliath was, say, six feet, or six and a half feet, which is not unreasonable, then David would have been four feet, if there's a comparison of the length of heights of cubits and things like that. So there's a bit of relativity there. But, yeah, there are many accounts all over the world throughout the past few hundred years of giant bones being unearthed.

You can check them out. In fact, I just randomly did a research during the break on this. A New York Times article dated with a dateline of December 19, 1897, said one of the three mounds discovered in this town had been opened. It was found inside a skeleton of a man of gigantic size. The bones measured from head to foot were over nine feet. In 1912, the New York Times reported discovery of 18 giant human skeletons in Lake Delavan in Wisconsin.

Their heights ranged from 7.6 feet to 10 feet. I'm just scanning through this article where they get this from, I've never done an article on this to see. I've done the research on it. So in Wisconsin, they found them? With what?

In Wisconsin, you said? Yeah, there's different ones apparently. I'm just reading. I just did a search and to see. So even Josephus, interesting, the great Jewish scholar historian who wrote about the early days of Christianity, told about giants where they, quote, for which reasons they removed their camp to Hebron and they had taken it.

They slew all the inhabitants. So, you know, I don't know. I don't know. So I need to do some more search for that.

I need to find sources like National Geographic and Discovery and things like that where they find more newer stuff, because I want to make sure that it's legitimately documented. Okay? Great. How about this? I wonder about dinosaurs and if it was giant bones maybe, because the Bible doesn't speak about dinosaurs, right?

Yes, it does. Just go to the last couple of chapters, three or four chapters of Job. In fact, let me do this. Let's see, karm dinosaurs. Whoops, spell it right might help. And I went through and extracted the information out of there. So the Bible talks about different ones, different kinds of things. Anyway, in the book of Job, in front of the exact references. But, yeah, you can check it out, okay?

Okay, thank you. There's a huge land-based creature and a huge water-based creature. One of them brings forth fire. Another one, the tail moves like a cedar. Cedar's a big tree. So there's these descriptions in there.

It's huge, okay? All right? All right, thank you. You're welcome. All right, man, God bless.

Okay. Hey, folks, if we have, oh, no, if we have, we have four open lines, 8772072276. We have almost a minute left, I think, before the break. Give us a call. Tim from Salt Lake City. Tim, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, how you doing, man?

Doing all right. I wanted to talk a little bit about church. I've realized this point in my life I was almost Bible illiterate, but, yeah, I've attended churches. And for the last two years I've been studying online with just great scholars that open up that word. And I get, you know, seven, eight hours a week study, verse by verse, chapter by chapter, where I get a phrase or two in church and a sermon and, of course, all the ceremony. I know Christ definitely loved his church, and there's reasons to go to church, but I wanted to get your opinion on it. On what? Going to church or the level of instruction in churches as a whole?

Yeah, the level of instruction, where I just get dearly fed by some of the best pastors in the world. All right, well, tell you what. We've got a break, so hold on, because I want to comment about that.

I think it would be an interesting topic. Hey, folks, there is the music. That means we've got a break before the last segment. If you want to give me a call, four open lines, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone, hey, give me a call, 877-207-2276.

We have four open lines. All right, let's get back with Tim from Salt Lake City. Okay, Tim, so are you still there?

Yes, still there. All right, so I'm smiling, okay? So you're saying, then, that you go to these churches, not all churches, of course, but these churches, and you're not really getting fed much, is that right? That's correct, comparatively.

Yeah. Now, see, that's a problem I've had for years, and I've always chalked it up to I study more than the average pastor by far, and been doing this for 42 years, get super in-depth on things. I'm not saying, hey, look at me, I'm great.

No, no, no, no, no. So I've always had a problem when I go to church. I'm like, well, okay, let's see. And they'll often quote a reference, and I know the reference. Sometimes I'll know what the Greek says. Sometimes I'll know cross-references. I'll know theological points, and they don't get touched on. And it's a little frustrating, but I say, oh, okay, they can't know that, and they're not apologists. And that's okay. They're doing pastor stuff. I need to focus and learn. Sometimes I will learn things that I just didn't know, you know, I don't know everything.

So there's a blessing. But I have found generically the pastors that I've experienced don't teach very deeply. I think they might be afraid. I don't know. Don't they know these deeper doctrines? I don't know.

But that's the same problem I have. Well, the pastors I study under online, they're very bold. And they're out there, and they condemn a lot of churches for not standing up. But, you know, it opens the Bible when you get these scholars that understand all the languages, even the early Asian languages. They just open that word up for the, you know, for the last few years. I've learned, I mean, I'm addicted to it.

I want to learn God's word. You know, I'm from Southern California. And I don't know if you've ever heard of Walter Martin, Dr. Walter Martin, the late Dr. Walter Martin. Have you heard of him? No.

No. Well, you ought to look him up. Dr. Walter Martin. He was a very gifted speaker and a very gifted teacher and had apparently a photographic memory. Now, that's quite a high standard.

All right? And so I would go down there. My friend Charlie and I would go listen to him. And he was a fantastic preacher and communicator. And so that's a pretty high bar. And then when he passed away, it was just very difficult to find a church that would engage.

That's a good way. There was a lot of stuff that was just the surface level. You know, it reminds me once locally, a few years ago, I went to a church. I'd heard some good things about this church. And so I went and checked it out. No one said hi to me.

Remember that. I just walked in. I wasn't rude, wasn't hiding. I think it was a nod or two, and that was about it. But no one, you know, talked to me.

And I remember sitting alone because all the people were mingling and doing this stuff with the people that they know and, okay, whatever. And the pastor gets up, and I remember this so clearly, and he opened up and he said, I returned to Colossians 3. I went, ooh, ooh, this is good stuff. And then he read these four verses. And I'm going to read them to you. Therefore, if you've been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on the earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is revealed, or excuse me, when Christ who is our life is revealed, then you also will be revealed with him in glory.

And I went, oh, no, this is awesome. This is, what an incredibly rich text. I mean, right in there, raised up with Christ. Really, the crucifixion of Christ, his death, burial, identification with him. They had to deal with Romans 6 and federal headship.

Absolutely. Seeking the things above where Christ is. This talks about the glory of God, the majesty of Christ, his authority's position. You go to Acts 7, 55-60. At the right hand of God, set your mind on the things above.

This is why. To continued action, we're to do this, to be renewed by the transforming of our mind and the things that are above, not on the things of the earth. You have died, your more federal headship, your life is hidden with Christ in God. The phrase in God is really important. With Christ hidden, I mean, all this stuff. When Christ who is our life is revealed, that means the return of Christ. You'll be revealed with him in glory, the resurrected body, the fullness of what we are, all this stuff. And he skimmed over it with such light speed, lightness and quickness, that I was severely disappointed. And it was just, it was, I'm like, oh no.

And how about this? This is for the pastors and the elders out there. You go to a sermon, I heard locally, I went within the past year of time, I went to a church that was reformed.

There's quite a few around here. I went to a reformed church and this pastor, I was told, is going to be a really good pastor. And he's a great preacher.

Okay, I'm going to go listen. And he preached moralism. Do you know what moralism is?

Oh, you bet. Okay. Well, for those who don't know, moralism is preaching morality. So, you know, the Bible says don't lie.

Okay. So you don't lie. So don't lie because lying is bad, because lying hurts people, because lying is a sin.

So don't lie, therefore, don't lie. Great stories don't lie or they collapse at the end of the sermon. That's moralism. Moralism occurs when a sermon can be preached identically in a Mormon church, for example, or even a Roman Catholic church or a Jehovah's Witness church. Moralism is being moral for the sake of being moral, be good for the sake of being good. Christ-centered preaching is the reason we don't lie is because we have been bought by the blood of Jesus Christ, who redeemed us and bore our sins in his body.

You are no longer your own. And therefore, after all that's said, this is the reason you're not to lie. Not only does it offend God, but not only, but because that sin brought Christ, the second person of the Trinity, incarnate to the cross where he spread his arms and died.

I mean, this is the difference. And these kinds of sermons, the Christ-centered sermons, aren't going to be preached in those other kinds of churches because they don't believe in the true gospel of Jesus Christ. So I went and heard moralism. I heard the fullness of God, like you said, and they cut it off. Me, I'd love to hear you talk about the fullness of God. You would say more than one sentence.

Yeah, and it all depends on the context, too. I went to this one church this one time. Maybe the pastor was going through quickly for a reason, but I was just frustrated that time. I'm not saying he wasn't a good pastor, but I was just frustrated. And when I went to hear this supposedly really good pastor and all I heard was moralism, I was like, what is going on?

And then you don't hear much depth of stuff. You know, when I teach my Bible study on Thursday nights, and I'm working on it today, yesterday, and I spent a couple hours a day on it, I'm going through the Greek. I'm showing the Greek. I'll be talking on the issue, the nature of the fall and pride and humility and the initiation of the fall and the person of Satan.

I'm probably going to be getting into the issue of free will and the issue of libertarian versus compatibilist free will because these are necessities to talk about the origin of sin, which is the foundation of pride, which James 4 says, resist the proud. And so I'm going to get into this, and I want more. I want depth. You do, too.

Hey, you and I are alike, you know? Yeah. Well, so your Bible study, is that online on your website or is it on the radio? It's on, yeah, it'll be on Matt Slick Live. Maybe Charlie knows exactly which one, but it's on Matt Slick YouTube.

Matt Slick YouTube, I think it is. And then I post, just do the link, and then I have a TV above me, and I go through the notes. The goal is to put all the notes up online first so that when anybody joins in, they just go to the link and they can look at the notes.

And it's evolved now. What I'll be doing is going through the same link, the same notes, and scrolling through them on my laptop. As I sit, people can see above. They have notes in their hands. When people come to my Bible studies, I hand them the outline notes, and I preach through these, and people are writing notes. And when I'm done with the book of James, they've asked me to go through the doctrine of the Trinity again, where I have a 500-word statement that I've developed that I teach.

So it takes five one-hour to one-and-a-half-hour sessions to go through each of the five sections on the nature of God, the acidity of God. I know you really get deep. Some of it's above my head, but I follow Melissa Scott. She's out of Glendale. Her husband was a baby. Yeah, I know about him. Yeah, that's right. He blew it because she's a pastor, and he couldn't find anybody qualified, and so he got her to be the pastor, and she shouldn't be a pastor.

So that's wrong. What was his first name, Charlie? Gene Scott, right?

No, no, no. Her name is Melissa. I'm trying to think of her husband. He was a famous pastor.

Yeah, he has a record for being on TV the most. Yeah, Gene Scott? No, it wasn't Gene Scott. It was somebody else. Yeah.

No, I think it was. He made the gene sounds familiar. Gene, her husband was Gene Scott.

Yeah, someone typed in. So, yeah, and I used to watch him, and I've learned stuff from him. He's quite gifted, and he passed away, and I think she was a Playboy model or something like that and married him for something, and he'd smoke cigars on TV.

She has the largest private collection of manuscripts and old documents in the world. Right, because he developed it, and she has it now. But I won't listen to her because she's a woman pastor in that place, and I'm sorry. I'm just not going to go that way. Well, Timothy was having problems in the church with some women. I don't believe it means all women. Look at how he used women in the Bible.

When the men wouldn't stand up, he'd send the women. I understand, but women aren't to be pastors and teachers, that's all. If she was not a pastor, that's fine.

I would listen because she's got a lot of knowledge, and she learned a lot. But we need to stick with Scripture. We need to stick with Scripture, okay? All right? Yeah. Okay. All righty, thanks so much. I'll listen to your Bible study. Okay, well, sounds good, brother. All right, God bless. Thank you, Pat. You too. Bye-bye. All right. All right, well, hey, there you go. I've got less than a minute left on the show.

I hope you enjoyed the show, and by God's grace, look back on the air tomorrow. Tonight, I'll be on Clubhouse, or Clubhouse on the phone, Club Deck on the computer in two hours from now. It'll be 9 p.m. Eastern time, where I just do Q&A. People just fire questions at me.

Sometimes hostile people come in. We have some pretty deep discussions. And then tomorrow night, I'll be teaching on, or through, continuing through the book of James, starting in James chapter 4, and that'll be online as well.

Whew. Anyway, there you go. May the Lord bless you, and by his grace, look back on the air tomorrow, and we'll talk to you then. We'll see everybody. God bless you, and God bless you.
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