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The Defiant Child

Leading the Way / Michael Youssef
The Truth Network Radio
October 18, 2021 8:00 am

The Defiant Child

Leading the Way / Michael Youssef

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Sharing your faith doesn't have today. Today, Dr. Yousef continues his series on parenting with a message he's called, The Defiant Child. Now before Dr. Yousef begins, a quick reminder that leading the way is listener supported. It's made possible by the prayers and by the gifts of people just like you. Learn more.

Call 866-626-4356 or go online, Now here's Dr. Michael Yousef with The Defiant Child. Any parents who have more than one child, there is a likelihood, a great likelihood that one of those children is what we call strong-willed child. Strong-willed children are those who have more energy than boxers. Strong-willed children come out of the womb barking orders. Children who are strong-willed have no room in their world for disagreements. A child who does not understand his parents not obeying them. That's what we call a strong-willed child. A child who wants to decide when to sleep and whether to sleep. A strong-willed child more often, as soon as they can walk, they will run away. They want to decide when to walk, how to...
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-05-08 01:50:33 / 2023-05-08 01:51:33 / 1

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