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Q&A With Koloff- #150

It's Time to Man Up! / Nikita Koloff
The Truth Network Radio
December 7, 2023 1:00 am

Q&A With Koloff- #150

It's Time to Man Up! / Nikita Koloff

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December 7, 2023 1:00 am

Today Nikita answers questions from his friend Scott Teal. Listen for another great episode of Q&A.

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Enjoy it, and please share it around with all your friends. Thanks for listening, and thanks for choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is set for one flaw. Introducing first, from Lithuania, he weighs 123 kilos, the Russian nightmare, Nikita Kolov. Welcome to another episode of Q&A with Kolov, the devil's nightmare. Today, today, today, all the way from the volunteer state of Tennessee is Scott Thiel. Scott, welcome to Q&A with Kolov. Thank you very much, Nikita. It's great to be with you, as always.

Well, great to have you here today, and of course for our listeners out there, Scott, let's give them kind of a quick insight as to who Scott Thiel is. I said the volunteer state, but give them a few more details. Well, we live in Gallatin, Tennessee, God's country. I'll give you North Carolina as part of God's country as well. Carolina blue sky, come on.

Yes, that's right. I live here with my wife, and we have our children here real close to us, grandchildren, and just blessed to be retired after 37 years in UPS, and just have an opportunity to be retired and be able to spend as much time as I want in God's Word, working at our church, plus working on my wrestling books. Although, in these later days, it seems like I'm taking, spending less and less time on the wrestling books as part of it, and spending more and more time studying God's Word.

Yeah, I kind of have to give you a hard time sometimes. Like, dude, I'm like, you're busier now than in, quote, retirement than you were when you were out there working full-time for UPS. So, your bride, two children, how many grandchildren? Have six grandchildren.

I shouldn't say that. We have seven grandchildren. We had a granddaughter that died when she was five months old. She had Down syndrome, and bless her, she's in Jesus' lap right now. So, she doesn't have to face all this stuff that we're facing here in the world. She's already living that great eternal life that we're all going to see one day. Resting in the arms of Jesus, that's what she is, right?

Yep, absolutely. So, you know, you mentioned, of course, 37 years out in the marketplace, working and that sort of thing, and your bride is very engaged with the church and involved with that as well, right? I don't think you guys host, don't you host like a home group, a life group, and the churches have different names for them. Yeah, our life group, we have 21 people in our life group, and on average we have 16, 17 people every week, and we dig into Scripture. I just really dig in, and I don't want it just to be a thing where we just sit and talk about how we feel, but I want people to learn about God's Word and learn more about the different things in life.

What I look for most of all is when I'm teaching, I want people to go, oh, I didn't know that. I look for the aha moments, things in the Bible that's, you know, like prophecy, you know, something prophesied back in Isaiah, and then it came true in Jesus' day. So many people don't realize how much of the Bible is prophecy. About one-third of it, approximately one-third of the Bible is prophecy, including the man himself, Jesus, who spoke very prophetically.

Go read Matthew chapter 24 someday, folks, just as an example of Jesus kind of laid out the picture of what it would look like prior to his second coming, prior to his return. And so go check that out. And of course, I know, you know, you were instrumental in helping me with my last book, Nikita, A Tale of the Ring and Redemption through your company, Crowbar Press, but that's just one of many books you've been a part of.

Oh, yes. I've been involved in 60 books so far, and oh, I've got probably another 15 right on the desk, you know, working on now, but I just don't, I don't have as much time as I used to. I'm retired.

That's what's so funny. I'm retired. That's like an oxymoron there, Scott.

Retired, but you don't have time. Come on. Absolutely is. We've gotten so involved, like I said, with our church and things with the community, and it's just, I don't know. When you, at this point in life, I'm realizing more, I love working on the books. You know, I love bringing up, telling the history of pro wrestling and preserving it, but I'm learning more and more. There's more, so much more that we need to talk with people about.

We're in the end times right now, and we, the whole reason we're, God hasn't put an end to it already is because he wants as many people into the kingdom before he starts that tribulation. Yeah, what's interesting. That's what's so important to me right now. Well, yeah, for real.

I mean, I get it, you know. Books won't be here for eternity, but no person's soul possibly will be. Just a question of where, right? Where in eternity? And so, yeah, we do live in very daunting times and critical that we sound the alarm, you know, because, you know, I'm just thinking, I'm thinking about, you know, it's like, yeah, it's going to be like in, you know, the days of Noah. You know, they're marrying and getting married, you know, and eating and drinking and, you know, doing, doing life, right? And, uh, and then all of a sudden, boom, there was a flood. Boom, here he is.

He said, I'm going to come quick and when you least expect it. So hence the importance of having your heart in the right place because you never know from one day to the next when it's your last day, right? So absolutely pretty important. So, well, if, if people did want to learn, at least learn more about your books and maybe they're kind of intrigued, they're wrestling fans.

We get a lot of wrestling fans on the show. And of course, there's some love history and all that sort of thing. You've got a website, right?

Yes. crowbar like a pry bar that you use to take off the tire or something. and lists all the books I have as descriptions and excerpts from each of the books. And in fact, one of the great books on that website, and I'm sure you won't argue with this is Nikita, a tale of redemption. Ring of redemption. I appreciate you putting that plug in.

And, and so there's, there's the course, get the hard copy and, and just more recently, I know Amazon has your kid that has the Kindle copy of that. And now, now on Amazon and iTunes and ACX is an audible version of Ring of redemption in my own voice. I spent about 25 hours in the studio, um, uh, making that happen. And boy, I had no, no idea of the amount of work that that was going to take, but a fun project. And that's exciting. That's exciting because I would never thought of that myself.

And when you called me, told me you had plans to do another, well, how cool is that? Because when I write my books, what I try to do, I don't try and make it sound like, like, especially if I'm working with somebody else and helping them tell their story. I don't want it to sound like they wrote, wrote a story, wrote the book. I want it to sound like when the readers sit reading Nikita Koloff's book, they're sitting across the kitchen table from Nikita and he's telling them their story. This, what you're doing now is taking that even a step further.

Not only can they read it and feel as if Nikita is telling them their story, but now they can actually hear Nikita tell their story in his own voice. Yeah, no, that's, that's great. Well, Q and A with Koloff, questions and answers. We'll, we'll kind of turn the table here and, and, uh, uh, transition to, to getting to your questions. I appreciate, uh, appreciate all the help with, with the book and all that, all that you do, all that you're doing for your community and all that you're doing really for the wrestling community as well. And so, so if you have a question for me, Scott, fire away at that first question.

Sure. I guess the one thing that really stands out is when you look back, you know, I'm sure there was a time in your life and you thought I'm going into professional wrestling because I'm going to make a lot of money and this is going to be my livelihood. And it's an exciting, uh, exciting business to be in. Did you ever, when did you come to the realization or have you ever just really thought about God? It was God who led me into pro wrestling.

It wasn't a decision I made, but God led you into pro wrestling, not for the time you were in the wrestling business, but for what would happen in your life afterwards. You're listening to the Truth Network and Nikita Koloff here and I am excited. Did you hear the huge announcement, the big announcement?

Well, maybe it's a minor announcement. Anyway, Facebook, go look up my new fan page, Nikita Koloff fans and like it and follow today. If you would like to support Koloff for Christ ministries for a gift of $25, Nikita will send you his two CDs, adoration and declaration for a gift of $50. Next, Nikita will include his book Wrestling with Success and for a gift of $100 or more, Nikita will include a signed copy of his newly updated life story, A Tale of the Ring and Redemption. Go to and donate today.

You're listening to the Truth Network and It's a great question. Let me first clarify. I had no clue if I was going to make any money, Scott, in professional wrestling, right? I just thought, well, here's an opportunity.

Let me go see what happens. Because, you know, some who know my story know football was my passion and my love, if you will, and, you know, some of my buddies got involved, right? You know, Road Warriors and Curt Hennig and Rick Rude and some different guys. Barry D'Arso and some different guys that went to high school, you know, all got involved. And so I thought, well, you know, I'll give it a shot. It doesn't work out. I'm still going to pursue the path of football.

Of course, you know, those who know my story know it did work out and I never looked back and, you know, never pursued the path of football. So I didn't know if I'd make a nickel, you know? And in those early days, you know, there was no contracts.

There was no pay-per-view TV. We were, in fact, called independent contractors. And the guarantee, so here's, here you go here, the guarantee for Jim Crocker promotions, whether there was five people or 5,000 people, was $50.

Five, oh, that was the guarantee. And out of that came your travel, your gas money, you know, you had to pay for gas, you had to pay your own meal. If you're staying in a hotel, you had to pay for your own room. You know, there was no catered, there was no catered dinner, lunch or dinner at the television tapings. If there was any food, it's what you brought in your cooler, you know? So that's the reality of it.

And I remember in 1984, plenty of small crowds and receiving that $50 guarantee for the night. So, fortunately, it all worked out. And as far as part of God's plan, I feel confident to say, you know, I wasn't serving God back then, really wanted nothing to do, you know, had nothing to do with God. He wasn't in the forefront of my thoughts, you know, wouldn't even, I don't even know he was on the back burner. But all that to say, I feel like I can look back because as an unusual away as I broke into wrestling, which maybe there's somebody out there that doesn't know my story.

So now you can go get the Audible, go get the Kindle, go get the hard copy and read more of my story. No training, no amateur background, no professional training. And I debut on television in Raleigh, North Carolina.

No pressure there. And then that sets me on a path, a meteoric rise in wrestling to become World Tag Champion, World Six Man. 13 months later, wrestling the Nature Boy Ric Flair for the World Heavyweight title and then walking away in a very unusual way at the age of 33. Not typical for that business, but little did I know that 11 months later, I'd be at an altar 17 October 1993 surrendering my life to Jesus.

Fast forward 30 or so years later, not in a gazillion years did I ever think I'd be authoring books, you know, writing books and have a radio show and a podcast and a TV show and travel to 36 countries. And all 50 states and do man up man up man camps and man up conferences and all the things I'm doing. And and Scott have a part in helping lead some of my peers to the floor or discipling some of them.

Sting, Lex Luger, Road Warrior Hawk, Uncle Ivan Kolov, Magnum TA, guys that have had some a part in helping to either minister to them or help disciple them. And so when I think of all that, I think Scott, here's what I think. God's got a sense of humor. You know, I know God's got a sense of humor.

You know, I know that. In high school, Pete Gregelko, that just sounds like a wrestling name, doesn't it? Pete Gregelko.

Oh yeah, that'd be a good one. Yeah, he was the he was the PE teacher, my PE teacher and the wrestling coach. And man, he wanted me to go out for us. And I'm like, well, I got a nice and grabbing some other sweaty guy in his little underwear in front of 12 family members.

Right. You know, I used to peek in on those matches and I'm like, hey, nobody in there, but there's more cheerleaders than there are fans, you know. And those guys are in there sweating and grabbing, grappling.

And then I watched all those guys lost weight. And I'm like, I like to eat. I don't know.

You know, anyway, all that said, here's how I know God's got a sense of humor. What do I end? Because I was like, give me a helmet and shoulder pads.

Let me knock somebody's head off. And what I end up doing for a living in a worldwide audience, by the way, in my little as my daughter's called my onesie. I'm like, it's not all it's a singlet. It's not a onesie. It's a singlet. Yeah.

Is is grabbing sweaty guys for a living in my little my little onesie. So there you go. God has a sense of humor. And clearly, Scott, I look back and go, go. I feel like a setup from the Lord that he opens a door in a very unusual way.

I have this, quote, famous career in wrestling walk away to give my life to him and now honor him with wrestling being a platform to honor his name and make his name famous. Thank you, Lord. Absolutely.

Thank you, Jesus. Absolutely. Great question. Great question.

We got got one more for me. Yeah, when you meet wrestling fans through these conventions or your your ministry, do they seem as a rule more interested in talking about wrestling or does it? You found it fairly easy to talk to them about God and things about God.

Very good question. So early on, here's what's interesting. An evangelist from South Africa in 1995. So I've only been walking with the Lord at this point for not not even two years. We were in West Monroe, Louisiana.

We just finished. He just finished a 17 day revival. I went down to simply be a Jonathan, simply serve him, didn't ask for a nickel, went at my own expense, bought my own hotel room for 17 days, you know, paid for my own meals just so I could serve him and and be fed, be fed the word of God and grow in my faith and grow in my relationship with Jesus. And he said to me on the on the final night, he goes, you know, Nikita, you see, he goes, right now, people are familiar with your wrestling career. And that's always going to be a part of who you are. And they're going to invite you into their church because you're wrestling background, you're wrestling persona for that reason.

He goes, but there's going to come a day that they're going to be more interested in the evangelist Nikita than they are the wrestler Nikita. It's got I've seen that play out that, you know, some might know that as or look back and go, well, that was a prophetic word he was speaking to me, and there's no 100% I feel that that has been fulfilled. And the greatest compliment I get now at these comic cons and legends signings and all the different, you know, and even in church settings is when fans come to me now and someone will still talk about, you know, their favorite match or their favorite memory. And by the way, I love hearing about that. I love hearing how the guy says I was 12 and I was at the Great American Bash 1985 when you wrestle Ric Flair for the first time.

And like they go, he flew in on this helicopter and, you know, they give a vivid description of it, right? And when they meet me, it's like they go back to being 12 again, by the way. And so it is fun to hear those stories, you know, I kind of probe them to tell me your favorite story, you know, wrestling story. But the greatest compliment I'm receiving now is when they'll come up and not tell me about their favorite match, but they'll go, you preached at my church like 17 years ago and here's the message. Like, wow, wow, wow, okay, like, wow, you know, it's a big wow, right? And so more and more and more people talk about the ministry and the messages, the sermon, their church, their man camp experience or conference, man up conference experience. They'll talk more about that and I'll just say this, I'll mention this as well. Numerous times, well, I can't even count how many times that I have built relationships with wrestling fans and felt prompted on the spot.

I don't care how many people are in line. I'm like, they start sharing their story with me and I'm like, I need to pray with you right now. And I'll just pause, pause all the signing, pray with them. And then later on, Scott, they'll message me or, you know, social media, whatever, email and say, here's how God answered the prayer, you prayed for me. Awesome. And yeah, so I'm hearing more and more of those testimonies as well.

So what an opportunity to be, just be salt and light. That's why I still like to do the signings and be out there and meeting fans and as well as so that I can just, you know, be a witness for God's kingdom. So, yep. Absolutely.

There you go. You know, when I think of you, whenever I, and this is, I've never told you this, but whenever I read the verse, Romans 8, 28, and it says, and we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose. That's not directed to non-Christians, that non, you know, non-believers. That's directed to people like you who are called. God called you for his purpose and you're doing God's work. And I love that verse.

And like I said, I think about you every time I hear it. God bless you for what you do. I appreciate it. And you likewise, and yeah, I tell people my goal at this stage of life is not to acquire things or be famous.

My goal is to build God's kingdom and make the name of Jesus famous. So, well, I appreciate you being on Q&A with Koloff. And hey, go check out some of this guy, 60 books. He has 60. Oh, 60 books. Go check out some of Scott's books. And of course, Nikita, A Tale of the Ring of Redemption should be at the top of your list. But anyway, Scott, thanks so much and look forward to seeing you somewhere here down the road. Thank you, Nikita. I look forward to it. So you can get up here.

We'd love to see you. All right. Thank all of you for tuning in to another episode of Q&A with Koloff. God bless you. And as you go out and live a God-filled, God-blessed day. This podcast is made possible by the grace of God and your faithful prayers, support, and generous gifts. May God bless you for your continual contributions. Go to and donate today.

By Nikita Koloff, be sure to check out The Man Up Show, now available on television, broadcast, and podcast. Go to or the Truth Radio Network. Check out your local listings or better yet, download the Truth Network app today. Nikita Koloff here.

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