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#431 Jeff Foxworthy on America's Divided Culture: "...I want to find the things that connect us."

Hope for the Caregiver / Peter Rosenberger
The Truth Network Radio
July 3, 2020 8:21 am

#431 Jeff Foxworthy on America's Divided Culture: "...I want to find the things that connect us."

Hope for the Caregiver / Peter Rosenberger

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July 3, 2020 8:21 am

In a recent interview with superstar comedian, Jeff Foxworthy, I asked him about writing comedy in our divided culture. Take a listen to his answer. 


Peter Rosenberger is the host of HOPE FOR THE CAREGIVER.  The nation's #1 broadcast and podcast show for family caregivers, Peter draws upon his 34+ year journey as a caregiver for his wife, Gracie, through a medical nightmare that includes 80+ surgeries, multiple amputations, and treatment by 100+ physicians. 

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Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger

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Jeff, I want to ask you about this, and here's the setup. Our country right now is just, you know, we're all over the map here. But you're one of these unique individuals, because of the nature of your work, that you have seen more America than most politicians ever will, including presidents. I mean, that's part of being a stand-up comedian that you get out and you spend time in, you know, miniscule places around the country. You're interacting with America on a level that very few people really do. And as you look out at the landscape, excuse me, that's not Corona, that's hay fever. And if you look out on the landscape and you see the unsettleness of this country that I know that you love, and these people love you.

And, you know, how do you write and dig into comedy to help get them to a place of safety where they could just catch their breath or take a knee if they have to? And Barry Manilow said this years ago, and I heard this interview, and he said, I'm not there to cure cancer. I just want to help make you forget about it for about an hour and a half. And I thought that was such a great quote. And that's that's that's your heart. I know that. But how does that work now in this situation? Kind of walk us through that a little bit. Yeah.

You know, it's it's interesting you say that about Mallow. And for the last year or so, I start the show by saying, you know, I remind myself right before I walk out on stage that everybody I'm going to be looking at is going through a struggle. It might be financial. It might be physical. It might be emotional. But every single person that I look at is going through a struggle.

And everybody that you ever see on stage is going through a struggle. And so, you know, going back to the point, I don't think laughter makes the struggle go away. But but it does keep you from going crazy. Laughter does. Music does.

A lot of a lot of things do. And one of the coolest things about being a comedian as a kid, I never I never went anywhere. I mean, vacation for us was was going from Georgia to Denmark, South Carolina, to stay in my grandmother's trailer for two weeks on the farm. But as a comedian, I've been all 50 states and I haven't met many people that have been to every state and not only all 50 states, almost every part of all 50 states. And the biggest thing I learned from that is the scenery changes, the accents change. But people are people. People are the same everywhere you go.

The things that people want and desire are the same everywhere you go. You know, it's I was contemplating the other day. It's always kind of amazes me that when the country is in crisis like like it is now or 9-11 or whatever, that.

You. People rise up, people, people want to take care of each other. People go out of their way to take care of each other, which is a cool kind of phenomenon. So, you know, as a comedian, what you're looking for is what do we have in common? And that's where comedy is for me. I was very lucky very early on in my comedy career to learn what worked for me. And that was I just assumed that if I thought something or my wife said something or my family did something, I'm going to assume other people are thinking and saying and doing the same thing. And and so that for me, I didn't have to sit there and go, what's funny, what's funny, what's funny? Like, like I did a joke on the last special with Larry.

I said here, here are things that Google can't tell you. One of the things was that of all the cereal out of all the cereals, Captain Crunch is the most time intensive. And by that, I meant if you if you eat it too soon after you pour the milk on, you will rip the roof of your mouth to shreds. You wait too long after you pour the milk on and the captain will put a film on your teeth.

A wire brush can't get rid of now. And I only did that joke because I thought, you know, there's a very fine line on Captain Crunch once you pour the milk on as to when you dive in to eat it. And people burst out laughing. And so I'm like, wow, I'm not the only person to have this thought. But I operated on the assumption if I thought this, other people have thought this.

And so, you know, the biggest compliment for me is after a show when somebody comes up and goes, oh, my gosh, you've been in our house. Oh, my gosh, I've done that or I thought that. And so you realize, you know, politically in this country, we're we're as divided as I ever remember in my lifetime. But I think if you could take people from both ends of the political spectrum and just sit down with them and talk, and you would find that they probably have 85 percent of everything in common. But as a society, we don't dwell on that 85 percent. We dwell on the 15 percent that is different. As a comedian, I want that 85 percent. So when when I walk out there to talk, I don't care how you vote.

I don't care where you live. It's I want to find the things that connect us. And, you know, in an environment like we're all living in right now, hey, we're all connected. What you do affects me.

What I do affects you. Are you enjoying our podcast? I'm John Butler and I've helped produce Peter's show Hope for the Caregiver since it began. I'd like to think that I'm responsible for the explosive growth this show has enjoyed. I'd like to think that. But, well, Peter pays me not to.

So let's move along. All jokes aside, though, Peter and I do have a great time with the show. We absolutely love it. In this podcast, we not only publish things from the show, but also include special bonus materials. We really don't want to have a subscription section, but would rather make all of this great content available for free to hurting caregivers. You can help us do that by clicking on the become a patron button for as little as a dollar a month. You can be a part of the world's number one podcast for family caregivers. There's all types of gifts that we'd love to give you, depending on what tier you'd like to join.

Maybe it's five dollars, maybe it's 10, whatever you'd like. Consider sponsoring this podcast today and help strengthen family caregivers and yourself. Thanks so much. And remember, healthy caregivers make better caregivers.
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