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Your Caregiver Minute: "Don't Believe Everything You Think"

Hope for the Caregiver / Peter Rosenberger
The Truth Network Radio
July 10, 2020 5:50 am

Your Caregiver Minute: "Don't Believe Everything You Think"

Hope for the Caregiver / Peter Rosenberger

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July 10, 2020 5:50 am

Peter Rosenberger is the host of HOPE FOR THE CAREGIVER.  The nation's #1 broadcast and podcast show for family caregivers, Peter draws upon his 34+ year journey as a caregiver for his wife, Gracie, through a medical nightmare that includes 80+ surgeries, multiple amputations, and treatment by 100+ physicians. 

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Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger

I'm Peter Rosenberger, and this is your caregiver minute. Physical isolation is one of the most challenging issues caregivers face, but our thoughts become isolated as well. In those lonely moments, our minds can play tricks on us and take us down dark roads. Like a pilot flying through clouds without looking at instruments, we can become quickly disoriented.

In those moments, we need external input, an emotional GPS, if you will, to help us regain our heading and proceed safely. We don't need to believe everything we think. The book of Proverbs tells us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and to not lean on our own understanding.

You know why that's in there? Because we lean on our own understanding. Serving as a caregiver is simply too difficult to do alone. Don't lean on your own understanding. Ask for guidance and help. Don't believe everything you think.
Whisper: medium.en / 2024-01-24 06:59:44 / 2024-01-24 07:00:29 / 1

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