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Defending Human Rights in Technology

Family Policy Matters / NC Family Policy
The Truth Network Radio
December 28, 2020 9:00 am

Defending Human Rights in Technology

Family Policy Matters / NC Family Policy

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December 28, 2020 9:00 am

This week on Family Policy Matters, host Traci DeVette Griggs sits down with ERLC’s Jason Thacker to discuss his recent article titled “What is Digital Authoritarianism?” Thacker explains how technology has been and continues to be used to suppress human rights around the world, and what we can do to protect ourselves.

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Welcome to Family Policy Matters, an engaging and informative weekly radio show and podcast produced by the North Carolina Family Policy Council. Hi, this is John Rustin, president of NC Family, and we're grateful to have you with us for this week's program. It's our prayer that you will be informed, encouraged, and inspired by what you hear on Family Policy Matters, and that you will feel better equipped to be a voice of persuasion for family values in your community, state, and nation. And now here is our host of Family Policy Matters, Tracy Devitt Griggs.

Thanks for joining us this week for Family Policy Matters. If you're like me, you love and hate technology. In the same way that it can make our lives easier, it can make us more isolated from others and can be and is increasingly used as a tool for great evil. Well, we're seeing this malicious intent played out, especially in other countries as the growing sophistication of technology is bringing with it increased attacks on human dignity, human rights, and freedoms.

Well, there's a name for that. It's called digital authoritarianism or the use of technology to suppress human rights. Well, Jason Thacker recently wrote an article entitled, What is Digital Authoritarianism? And he's written a book called The Age of AI, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of Humanity. Well, he's here with us today to discuss this very important topic. Jason Thacker is Creative Director at Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, the ERLC, at the Southern Baptist Convention, where he also serves as Chair of Research in Technology Ethics. Jason Thacker, welcome to Family Policy Matters.

Well, thank you for having me, Tracy. Well, first of all, I think it's important for us to establish that the internet can look quite different in other countries, right? Yes, exactly right. Often when we think of the internet, we think of something that everyone has access to, that we have full access to information, whatever we search for we'll find. But that's just simply not the truth. In certain countries throughout the world, especially in China, China has kind of the infamous what they call the great firewall, which they actually filter internet access by only allowing when the Chinese Communist Party considers acceptable content for their people to see. So if they Google things like Tiananmen Square, or democracy, all of those types of things are filtered out of the internet, and that's controlled by the Communist Party. And this is where they don't have access to certain sites, they don't have access to certain types of information, or even certain types of applications, because the Communist Party wants to have a tight control or this kind of authoritarian control over their people of what they say, where they can go, what they can do. And this leads to really concerning issues surrounding human rights and freedom, especially in places that listeners might be familiar with, like Xinjiang, where you have the Uyghur Muslims who are in containment camps, because China wants to have this heavy hand control over their people and control every aspect of their life. So of course, authoritarianism is not new.

But why do we say that the way that it has been digitized is new? Technology is a very powerful tool, and it can be used for good and it can be used for evil. And in the hands of those who are seeking to maintain power and control over other people, over other image bearers, the truth is that these technologies can be incredibly powerful to be used in those ways. Think of facial recognition technology, where we're having a lot of debates over the proper use of facial recognition technology and policing and surveillance and government use here in the United States. In China, the Chinese government uses facial recognition to round up dissidents to round up those who don't agree with the Communist Party, or even those who are being profiled basically because of their religious beliefs, like the Uyghur Muslims to be rounded up to be tracked and detained. And this is not just happening in Muslim faith. This is also happening in the Christian church in China, where the state tries to have a high level of control and authority to really maintain their power and prestige as a government. And so it's not that authoritarianism is new, it's that these authoritarian governments are abusing technologies that are incredibly powerful to demean and to diminish the human rights and human dignity of their fellow citizens. How pervasive is this around the world?

Do you have other examples? Yeah, I mean, outside of China, certain countries like Russia has a really tight control over their internet infrastructure, what their people can say and what their people can do. You see in places even earlier this year, in the country of Belarus, where the President Alexander Lukashenko basically shut down the internet for his entire country, he pulled the plug on it, which might sound like, wow, is that even possible? Well, in the United States, it's incredibly difficult to actually shut down the internet. But in these countries that are based on authoritarian type regime, they built their internet systems in a way that the government can essentially just pull the plug and shut it all down. And Lukashenko specifically did this in order to crack down on this mess, because the election was not free. It was not fair, it was not a democracy.

He rigged the election in order to maintain power in that country. You see this in Iran last year, this increasing role of digital technologies in the hands of authoritarian governments is very concerning on the international front, and something that not only Americans, but really the wider world needs to be aware of about the way these tools are being used and abused to violate human rights. So short of shutting down the internet, talk a little bit about the effect that this has on people when the government controls everything that they see and hear. Talk about what that daily life is like and how that influences what people think.

I mean, you think of even in the mornings when you wake up in the morning, you check your email or you check social media. We have a free and kind of open internet where we have dissenting opinions. You see that with a lot of the divisions that we even have in our nation today. But in other countries, you don't see as much of that. You see where it's kind of propaganda talking about the state and how well the state's doing and how perfect and how everything's going really well.

They don't have access to information and talking about dissenting views. You see that even when they could leave their house where there might be facial recognition cameras throughout their cities, not only tracking their faces, but tracking where they go and what they do and what they look like in order to maintain this kind of heavy hand of control, this iron fist over these people. And so you see that not only through facial recognition technology and access to information, but even the ability to gather and specifically in faith services or faith gatherings. Even the Christian church in China has had to go underground because of the type of surveillance technologies that have been used.

But then you kind of zoom out and you see this play out in elections. You see this play out in international affairs and world affairs where these authoritarian regimes are bent on retaining power. And specifically in China, you see this where in the United States, we have a separation between private entities and government entities.

And there's kind of a line where there might be partnerships and things like that, but they're very separate. But in China, that's simply not the case. The government has a heavy hand of control, even in private businesses about the information they gather, being able to not just request it, but just take the information and use that for nefarious purposes. This was a lot of the controversy surrounding the use of TikTok here in the United States, where the United States government was concerned and raising the alarm about the way that China was in cahoots in many ways with TikTok's parent company and being able to harvest that data and use it for nefarious purposes. And so it's a very broad kind of way that these authoritarian governments go in and use these technologies. But it's in many ways just to control every single aspect of someone's life, because the ultimate goal is not human freedom and liberty. The ultimate goal is to retain power and authority and tight control over fellow image bearers.

All right. Well, speaking of access to information, let's talk about that in regard to the pandemic, because some people got very upset when social media platforms began censoring discussions that the social media people considered to be bad science or conspiracy theories. They were alarmed that these companies were setting themselves up as filters of truth for the entire nation. Is this something you feel like we need to be concerned about?

Yes. And in many ways, we have a lot of really healthy debate going on in America right now about the role of social media companies and Internet platforms and the role of the digital public square. And so there's lots of questions that need to be answered. But there is considerable debate about the role and the ways that these companies enact certain policies for their platforms and a free society. They are private companies. And so they can in many ways control the type of things that happen on their platform. But as they've grown in size and the ability for many millions of people to connect, there are really legitimate questions about what should these policies look like? What certain types of information should be allowed and shouldn't be allowed? And a lot of this centers around what's called Section 230 that listeners may be aware of, which is a part of a 1996 Communications Decency Act that says that platforms have certain types of immunity or they take away liability for information that's posted on their platforms.

But that was to encourage them to have safe online platforms to keep issues of child abuse or pornography away from those minors or taking these kind of illegal acts off of these platforms. And so there are considerable debates that need to be happening surrounding the role of social media in our society. But it's definitely something that we should be a part of and having those conversations, because I wouldn't say that this is digital authoritarianism per se, because the government isn't mandating it. But we do have legitimate questions that need to be answered about the proper relationship between private companies, governments and individuals.

Right. So besides participating in some of these conversations on a public policy level, what can we do personally, do you think, to break or limit the effect of technology in our own lives? Yeah, I think first and foremost is recognizing how we're using technology, how technology is being used.

One of the best ways to combat a lot of this is just through education, is realizing the power and the ubiquity of technology in our lives as we recognize those things, being thoughtful about how we approach it. So even in our own families or our own personal use of social media, maybe it's slowing down a little bit instead of just sharing information that we see because it confirms maybe a position or a belief we had. Maybe we slow down and read the entire story before just retweeting it or sharing it to make sure that we understand a full context of what's being said, how it's being said, being people who stand up for truth. Or maybe we should be the ones who are slowing down and not treating the person on social media as just simply an avatar, but to recognize that they're a flesh and blood human being, a fellow image bearer just like us, and have dignity, value, and worth. In our digital age, it's so easy to treat the person on the other side of the interaction online as simply an avatar, as just simply a combatant, someone that we can argue with and say whatever we want because it's just digital, it doesn't really matter. But in reality as Christians, not only is our relationships with our family and those in our community very important, but even our relationships online are also important. And we need to make sure that we're recognizing the value, dignity, and worth of every single human being, digitally or in person, to make sure that we're upholding, we're proclaiming the truth, the truth of the gospel, that we can only be saved through a relationship with Jesus Christ. And that changes us.

It changes the way that we interact, not only in person, but also digitally in this new kind of digital first world that we're proclaiming Christ in everything we do. Wow. Yep.

Great point. And of course, there are organizations such as yours, ERLC, that does a great job of staying informed on this and keeping people informed on this. And tell us how people can connect with you. For a lot of our technology work, the easiest way is to go to my website, which is There we host a weekly podcast called Weekly Tech. We also have a weekly newsletter where we try to keep people up to date on technology issues. Technology is such a wide ranging issue that can be kind of overwhelming for folks amidst all of the other pressures that we have in our daily lives. So this is a way and a resource that we at the ERLC want to put together a newsletter and podcast, but also going to, staying up to date on our videos, our podcast, our articles, all surrounding a lot of these difficult questions surrounding technology.

All right. So that was and Jason Thacker with the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, thank you so much for being with us today on Family Policy Matters. Thank you so much for having me, Tracy. You've been listening to Family Policy Matters. We hope you enjoyed the program and plan to tune in again next week to listen to this show online and to learn more about NC Families' work to inform, encourage, and inspire families across North Carolina, go to our website at That's Thanks again for listening and may God bless you and your family.
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