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Ryan Day Redemes Himself (Hour 1)

Zach Gelb Show / Zach Gelb
The Truth Network Radio
January 21, 2025 3:59 pm

Ryan Day Redemes Himself (Hour 1)

Zach Gelb Show / Zach Gelb

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January 21, 2025 3:59 pm

Ohio State wins it all I Will Sirianni get redemption? I News Brief

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Live from the play show yet not overly ostentatious studios of the Infinity Sports Network here in beautiful New York City, sitting on top of the 10 floor 345 Hudson Street. Welcome on in to what is a Tuesday edition of the Zach Gelb show across all of our great local Infinity Sports Network affiliates, Sirius XM channel 375, the free Odyssey app and of course as always streaming on YouTube.

855-212-4227 is the number to jump on in that's 855-212-4227. You could always get at me on Instagram where I'm straight flexing or via the good old cesspool of Twitter at Zach Gelb that is Z-A-C-H-G-E-L-B. We got a jam-packed show for you today. We will do a little NFL, but the majority of the show is going to be college football. Bobby Carpenter, the former Ohio State linebacker is going to stop by at 5 p.m eastern to pacific time as last night I was in attendance in Atlanta, Georgia which by the way it was freezing cold in Atlanta.

I thought okay at 25 degrees whatever I've always dealt with 25 degrees. It was freezing cold in Atlanta even though the game was indoors it was still freezing cold, but if you're an Ohio State fan it doesn't matter what the elements were it doesn't matter what else has happened in the past you are jumping up and down today like a fat kid in a candy store because your football team has won it all and I'm not going to sit here and pretend as if this was something that was easily predictable about six seven weeks ago because it wasn't. You look back at six seven weeks ago it was a great moment of humiliation for the Ohio State Buckeye program and also for Ryan Day and I don't think the analysis from six seven weeks ago was uncalled for or was unfair. Now you could say someone should be fired you could say Ohio State maybe needs to rethink their their college football head coaching position at the end of the season and that could be warranted at the moment even if it didn't age well because at the time remember Ohio State which used to always beat Michigan and would always win the Big Ten and would be in the mix for a national championship it was four years in a row where they lost to Michigan and the players that came back they were saying we're coming back to beat Michigan and win the Big Ten. Now here's the irony you get the ultimate prize and you would think if you get the ultimate prize of winning a national championship well you would beat Michigan and you would win the Big Ten. That didn't happen they finished in fourth place in the Big Ten but with that being said that's the new system of college football where you have more access to the playoffs so if you have a loss or two your season isn't over. So I stand by everything I said six seven weeks ago in which Ryan Day if he didn't beat Tennessee if Ryan Day didn't go on a run in the college football playoff even though he has an impeccable record even though he hasn't lost a lot of games this is Ohio freaking State for crying out loud. This is not oh just make the playoff we we pat you on the ass and say good job go get him next year Tiger.

No that that's not what this is. This is one of the most prestigious football programs in the country. There's a reason why Gus Johnson says the world famous Ohio State Buckeyes. There's a reason why you say the Ohio State and Ryan Day had to have a moment Ryan Day had to have some redemption and he had that in this run because this team whether it was Jim Tressel or whether it was Urban Meyer before the start of the season they said that this was the most talented Ohio State team that they've ever seen right on paper. Well if it's on paper it means jack right potential someone once told me potential means you haven't done it yet and when they lost to Oregon by one and then as a 20 point favorite I still can't believe it as a 20 point favorite Ohio State lost to Michigan. When I sat here and told you that I thought they were going to have the mental toughness they always had the talent but did I think they were going to have the mental toughness especially with the way that Chip Kelly and Ryan Day coached up against Michigan to go on this run no I didn't think so but once they had that response up against Tennessee that's when you said uh-oh college football you got a problem and it's the Ohio State Buckeyes because Tennessee right was Sampson a good defense even though Niko Yamagliava he's young right and he's erratic they're a good team very good team and not only did they beat Tennessee they took all their frustration from a few weeks prior in their loss to Michigan out on Tennessee and it didn't stop there because if they just would have beat Tennessee and then let's say even in a good game they lost to Oregon it's like okay well you didn't beat Michigan you didn't win the Big Ten and you didn't even make the semi-final or the or the final of the college football playoff but after that that that win which was the turning point up against Tennessee if you had still any questions about if Ohio State could win it all that all went out the window when not only once again did they smother Oregon they beat Oregon and Oregon could have thrown in the towel in the first round and Ohio State said I'm ignoring the towel being thrown in I'm just gonna punch you in the face for the second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth round and eventually the referee was like enough right yeah it's like in the movie Miracle when when they're doing the skating up and down the rink the suicides and it's like Herb you made your point enough right that's what it was that's the way that it felt like that's how just how much they just bludgeoned the the the Oregon Ducks that's what Ohio State did and then up against Texas they had a scare there's no doubt about it they did not play their a-game up against Texas and when Texas is moving the ball down the field and they get down to the one or two yard line if Steve Sarkisian didn't uh like act like a dummy didn't act like a rookie head coach in that moment and he's not he's a very good coach right he's had a lot of success at Texas I like Sark but he had a horrible play call in second down and I know Sawyer made the big play on fourth down that went the distance and went for the touchdown which you know that and then we'll get to Jeremiah Smith his catch those are the two signature moments that you will remember for the from this run just from the player standpoint you remember that Jack Sawyer strip sack pick up the ball and take it to the house and then you remember the third and 11 national championship game on the lineup by eight notre dame maybe getting the ball back and that Jeremiah Smith big catch down the right side and those are the two individual plays but really the story with the Ohio State it starts and ends with Ryan Dea and right I was a big-time critic I was a big-time critic of Ryan Dea I think at the time it was 110 percent warranted but he shut people like me up that's what he did and he shut his own fans up too don't just act like oh this was Michigan fans and that this was Zach Gelb and this was the national media no there is a lot of you Ohio State fans that wanted Ryan Dea out and I couldn't say that you were crazy even though he's won so many games but you have a certain standard and it's a high standard and this is the beauty of sports last night in that even some of the better coaches in the sport and you can make the case hey Ryan Dea he's a top five coach in college football you can make the case he is as high as the second best coach in college football Kirby is still one but after that whether it's two three four five whatever number you want to order it up Ryan Dea is in that top five when you were now 70 and 10 at Ohio State you've been to two national championship games and also you won one now like just don't play Michigan which you have to every year and you know Ryan Dea would not have many blemishes on that resume but he had even I could say it a feel-good moment a feel-good story with this run for the Buckeyes even though I'm not the biggest Ryan Dea fan on the planet even though I'm not the biggest Ohio State fan on the planet obviously but that was a team and that was a coach that when everyone counted you out your own people that didn't root for you everyone was against you because you gave them reasons to be against you you gave them reasons to doubt you you really find out the heart of the champion and if you're capable of being a champion when you get knocked out when you get embarrassed when you get humiliated which Michigan did to them in late November and it's the response the blood against Tennessee bludgeoning Oregon surviving up against Texas and then last night winning a national championship which by the way what a what a funky game that was that was that's how I described that game a funky game that was a roller coaster ride of emotions I love the start by Notre Dame here come the Irish right down the field 18 19 place 75 76 yards whatever it was 10 minutes off the clock touchdown Irish it was awesome and then immediately that great start that methodical start by Notre Dame the way that you could perfectly draw it up poof you had 28 no 31 unanswered points for Ohio State 21 in the first half and they put on a field goal and another touchdown before Notre Dame finally said okay we're gonna punch back but when that was at 31 7 think about that midway through the third quarter it goes from oh look at this underdog and Notre Dame right Marcus Freeman said we're not the underdogs we're the dogs right and look at what they did to open up and then poof it evaporated went up into thin air and then you're starting to think uh-oh Notre Dame about to have their national championship game performance up against Alabama 2.0 this time just being Ohio State that's what I was thinking at 31 7 I tweeted it out when it was 21 7 halftime this feels like it's going to be 45 7 but I give credit to Notre Dame a wonderful story I think Notre Dame has turned the narrative around about them which I have been a huge critic of Notre Dame through the years like good program very good right respectable one of the iconic brands but that's a program whenever they get in a big game you can't trust them well they had two huge victories in this college football playoff they beat Georgia Brian Kelly don't beat Georgia they beat Penn State right Brian Kelly never had a playoff victory and it was back then four so it was truncated and you know you can make case tougher opponents but still it's Georgia Penn State you beat them both so there's a lot especially with the talent discrepancy for from Ohio State to Notre Dame there's a lot if you're a Notre Dame fan I don't usually like when you're losing a championship game uh pat you on the ass oh you're proud you know great job rah rah that's not usually me but if you're a Notre Dame fan after where you were losing to NIU in week two and there were questions about Marcus Freeman questions about your program you still have to be proud after last night you could be frustrated because hey it's 31 7 you're not expecting much and then they teased you we're a great house who has been phenomenal in this run he had not one but two touchdowns and when that game gets to 31 to 23 and they run whatever that the Philly special for a touchdown I'm like hold on we got something here and I have one gripe with Marcus Freeman last night when they're down 16 and you're nine yards out of the end zone and how late in the game are and how limited the clock is I don't understand make it at 13 I don't you're going from a two score game to still a two score game I get it right if you get a stop and then a score and then you get another stop and a score then you win the game but you miss the field goal so that didn't even matter but I didn't like it in the moment but the way that his team responded even when they were down and out kind of shows and also encapsulates even if they didn't get the victory the Notre Dame season because they were down and out after week two and they didn't lose a game again until last night and then obviously on the final drive of the game for Ohio State when it's an eight-point game and Ohio State goes from we are the champions right midway through the third quarter everyone everyone thought the game was over and you go from that to uh-oh it's an eight point game and it started 11 I was I was with Hickey in the in the building last night and we were standing up and we were watching the game and we both looked to each other even before right they they lined up on third down we said you got to throw the ball here you got to throw the ball to the best the most talented player on the field in Jeremiah Smith that's what you needed to do and they lined up and both of Hickey and I we both agree with that the reason why you throw the ball there is you're up eight right so if you get the first down the game's over and pretty much the game's over if you get that first down if you don't all right you don't waste all right you don't waste the clock you give Notre Dame a good amount of time but they still got to drive down the field get the ball in the end zone and then also get the two-point conversion time you know two-point conversion to tie it up and still it's a tie game so I thought going for the kill shot there was worth it Jeremiah Smith's in single coverage and that's why he's just sensational I talked to him after the game and right I'm sitting there with a few other reporters and we're talking to him and it came up how he's just a freshman I said how do you top this and he goes well we're gonna win it all again next year right it's just one of those moments where that kid what he's been able to do in year one and say what you want that I don't like Ohio State and I've been the biggest fan of Ryan Day I don't know if I've had a player that I've been more of in recent memory in college football than Marvin Harrison Jr you like already forget about Marvin Harrison Jr and the excellence that he displayed in college because this kid is that much better and last year I set up if I had one pick in this NFL draft of something that's guaranteed to be Hall of Famer I said it's Marvin Harrison Jr Jeremiah Smith he's still got two more years left of of college football and you know if he was in this draft you know sorry Travis Hunter sorry Shidor Sanders sorry Cam Ward Abdul Carter, Will Johnson like whoever you want to say some of the better players in draft class heck I would even think about taking him if I was a team that needed a quarterback because that's how how great Jeremiah Smith is where I think Cam Ward could just be good I'm not ready to say he's going to be elite Shidor Sanders I think could be good I'm not ready to say that he's elite but you saw how awesome he was in that moment last night championship players make championship plays and that's what he did to become a champion reeling in that big catch down the right sideline and it goes from Notre Dame's going to surprise people to Notre Dame's going to get blown out up Notre Dame's coming on back to the Ohio State Buckeyes ruling the day with Ryan Day as he gets his ultimate moment of redemption now right it's still going to pop up can he beat Michigan and all that stuff but you're a national champion now right like I have friends that went to Ohio State who still today are annoyed about the loss to Michigan one of them went out of their way to I'll read you the text message later went out of the way to be like yeah it's great that we won the national championship but I'm still annoyed about the Michigan game like just shut up like I understand you want to beat Michigan but you just won a national championship you destroyed Tennessee you destroyed Oregon you survived up against Texas and you beat Notre Dame so take a bow Ryan Day 70 and 10 at Ohio State has it been totally perfect absolutely not but when you were down and out when you were embarrassed when you were humiliated when a lot of people including yourself you know myself wanted you gone you got off the mat and you got that team which could have easily broke which could have easily just succumbed to all the public pressure and all the embarrassment all the public pressure and all the embarrassment all the humiliation and you found a way to give four really damn special games and you won a national championship so Ryan Day had his moment in the spotlight last night and Ryan Day had his day for the Ohio State Buckeyes as their national champions how do you react to Ohio State winning it all 8 5 5 2 1 2 42 27 8 5 5 2 1 2 42 27 there is an NFL coach that reminds me a lot like Ryan Day and I think there are some alarming similarities could that NFL coach have his Ryan Day moment coming up rather soon in the NFL tell you who that coach is when we come on back it is the Zach Gelb show right here on the infinity sports network as we're back in New York City after a fun quick little trip to Atlanta for the national championship where we saw Ohio State unfortunately win it all because we got to get to stew next and stew I'm looking at you right now I'm going to tease you well we will we will not get to stew until the other side but if I didn't know anything about stew I would think today that he's an Ohio State Buckeye fan and we know he's a fan they're already in fighting Irish he's wearing he's wearing red and black because he's a Liverpool fan you have to stew I know that probably angie dresses you anyway or like you just went into your closet last night in like a state of depression and said I'll just grab whatever clothes for for the morning but now you're wearing red and black today that is a questionable and I mean a questionable wardrobe decision and maybe it's for the funeral of hiding Irish we'll take a time out we're coming all back all righty this is that Gelb show on the infinity sports network day after Ohio State wins the national championship you know it's amazing how just some people don't get it like why I shredded Ryan Day six seven weeks ago is because Ohio State has a certain standard and they weren't meeting that standard with him you know you could win all those games you want in the regular season you weren't winning big 10 championships you weren't beating Michigan and you weren't winning national championships so can you afford in a season to lose to Michigan not win a big 10 championship yeah as long as you win the national championship so like you know someone in the youtube chats like oh you're like Ryan Day he stinks blah blah blah blah blah no Ryan Day was a very good coach very good coach but in the big moment against Michigan couldn't get the job done but now you could consider him a great coach now he's no longer a fraudulent coach you still got to eventually beat Michigan right and do that again but when you win a national championship it does ease the pain from Ohio State fans that you would think that they suffered after losing to Michigan because when everyone had you counted out you got off the mat and not only got off the mat you threw some serious haymakers and had the other teams on the mat lying down but I'll tell you I think this is the minority of the Ohio State fan base but I have a friend that attended Ohio State huge Ohio State Buckeyes fan and we were going back and forth today and I couldn't believe what he was sending me so he goes some more thoughts on this am I super happy we won the CFP of course am I excited about the future absolutely but the game has changed the thought of Ohio State making the Rose Bowl pre-2014 with the loss against Michigan is laughable how would Duke fans feel if John Shire never won a game against UNC and still somehow won March Madness after five years happy but jaded I don't know about you Stu anytime my team has won a championship and I had a team that won six of them right I've never felt jaded after winning a championship and I understand how important the game is right and rivalries are in college football and don't get me wrong you can still be upset when Michigan who can't even complete a forward pass this year was able to beat you because of the arrogance at the time of Ryan Day and Chip Kelly in their game plan but when you win then four games after that and you blow the majority of the teams that you played out and you win a national championship how can you be thinking about Michigan last night like I have two friends two close friends at Ohio State fans that's one and my other buddy he was texting me last night talking about Michigan I don't know about you Stu and let's say Notre Dame lost to USC this year and then they went on to win the national championship but let's say they couldn't beat USC for like the last four or five years would you be thinking about USC last night if Notre Dame won a freaking national championship wouldn't even be in the top 10 of my thoughts it would be very low on the total poll I don't think I'd utter the words USC if that was the case it's it's crazy but there there is a portion I think it's been already the fan base that is gonna sit there today and be like all right I'm still not happy like I'm happy but I'm not really happy which is just wild to me let's go to Connor in Ohio first up eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven after Ohio State wins the national championship last night in Atlanta up against Notre Dame Connor with shaken uh thank you so much for taking my call I really appreciate it uh I'm pretty dang happy I'm I'm very I'm very satisfied with the result but and you know this is gonna sound really weird but thank you Michigan thank you for beating us I appreciate it um you needed the wake up call right opened our eyes okay and it it kick-started us and it kick-started Ryan Day it kick-started the entire team and and they were they were not gonna let anything stop them they were not gonna let Michigan have that last laugh and so I I actually do not mind that Michigan beat us I think it was the best thing that could have happened um let me ask you this though Connor did you did you think that was necessary like did you believe if they let's say beat Michigan did you still think this team definitely would have won the national championship or do you really felt as if they needed that wake-up call I don't I think they needed that wake-up call I think they were getting cocky and I think that they were getting um I think they were getting overconfident and so I think one if they'd beaten Michigan then the woo then they would have really been they would have been like we're talking cloud nine they would be uh out of their game and they would be over way too overconfident yeah because because if you look back at it they would land there they would they would take their foot off the pedal yeah they would they would they would go at it at like 90 or 80 percent they wouldn't go at it a hundred percent but they wouldn't put the same kind of effort that they put into it had uh had they won against Michigan because you look back at the season like after that Oregon game where they lost and you had the the Will Howard and and Ryan Day Chip Kelly clock management problem you know they barely beat Nebraska you know they beat Penn State I thought that was a level of toughness but Penn State even though they were in the Final Four is not the greatest team in the world but that game was closer and Penn State made some mistakes all right you blow up Purdue everyone blows out Purdue you beat Northwestern um and then the Indiana game I thought was interesting because the Indiana game there was a real moment of elation from that football team where like they celebrated as they won a national championship after beating Indiana because I guess they were ignored with signetti and then the week after that 13 to 10 the offense was just inexcusable so you know I actually agree with you I'm not saying that they couldn't win the national championship Connor without having that loss to Michigan but I do think that it brought this group that had so much talent and maybe they were individuals and really made them a team and that's why they won it all yeah I completely agree and and look it's fine that they lost to Oregon I guess Oregon was the number one seed okay what was Michigan's seed Michigan was was very low in the totem pole like I can't exactly remember their exact uh rank they were they were on right I believe they were unranked yeah at the time and and so it was that was even worse they were unranked and they were awful this season and we lost and and they left and they let Ryan Day let Michigan get into his head I think the whole team really let Michigan get into their heads and did and so I but I'm glad we got at least the the last laugh I guess yeah is what I'm trying to say well Connor do you think it's fair then I think Michigan should be able to claim this national championship if they spark this run for you don't you think that it should be a joint national championship yeah sure sure sure uh maybe maybe in a maybe in another uh universe maybe in another universe anyway Connor congratulations to your Ohio State Buckeyes there he is Connor in Ohio calling on in all righty Stu give me the emotions you look like an Ohio State Buckeye fan with the black and red but I know you were rooting for Notre Dame last night your Notre Dame Fighting Irish and what was a crazy national championship that looked like it was going to be a dub but then got good towards the end yeah I mean I'm not surprised they lost I'm not surprised they lost by double digits I kind of thought that's what would happen I didn't think they'd have a drive opening drive as dominant as they did and I also didn't think their house they would score 31 unanswered points I thought it'd be closer and then you know house they would inch away you know once we got to the third or fourth quarter um I'm not too bent out of shape I mean I thought it was a great season Ohio State's just way better team do you do you find this I know that you don't feel good about Notre Dame losing right you rather have your team win but do you find the Ryan Day story a feel-good story to you sure yeah I I do I I think you know he had a lot of criticism this year and in previous years and he did a really good job with this team it obviously wasn't perfect they lost to Michigan they lost to Oregon earlier in the season but he got the job done when he needed to for sure so let me just make an NFL comparison here if you're a certain NFL team and you have a coach right that has been dragged through the mud even though he's won a lot of games but I understand dragging that coach through the mud I've done it if I'm an Eagles fan last night I'm inspired by what Ryan Day did because Ryan Day 70 and 10 now is the head football coach at Ohio State now has won a national championship Ryan Day though up until last night was synonymous with winning a lot of games but losing to Michigan Ohio State under his watch taking a step back in terms of winning big 10 championships winning a national championship they didn't do so up until last night under his tutelage and then losing the game and he got dragged and I dragged him probably like no other and deservedly so after losing to Michigan this year because Michigan wasn't in the same league as Ohio State Michigan couldn't complete the forward pass their defense was really damn good but they didn't have all their starters on defense when they beat Ohio State and that was the ultimate low moment for Ryan Day at Ohio State and he took his beating and they stood back up and we know the run that they did go on in the last four games I think it could be similar to what Nick Sirianni is trying to do Nick Sirianni right now as the head football coach of the Philadelphia Eagles is 48 and 20 Nick Sirianni has made the playoffs every year as the Eagles head coach Nick Sirianni had the team in a Super Bowl a few years ago but when you're 10 and 1 and your players walk all over you like a doormat last year and you have and you have one of the worst choke jobs in NFL history that created a lot of doubt that created skepticism and that created people like me saying up the Eagles should move on from Nick Sirianni go hire Bill Belichick go hire uh Jim Harbaugh go hire Mike Vrabel Pete Carroll you know the guys that were available that are the creme de la creme coaches that were on the market but the Eagles didn't do that and look at the way the Eagles have responded now the job's not done yet but they're 60 minutes away they have a home NFC championship game on Sunday from going to a Super Bowl and if you win that game you're one win away from hoisting the Lombardi Trophy so maybe what Ryan Day did kind of lays the blueprint and lays the road for what Nick Sirianni could do and I see some similarities with the way that we talk about Ryan Day with Nick Sirianni and Ryan Day had his redemption moment last night now we'll have to see if Nick Sirianni could do that in the next few weeks and get two more victories because if he does it's very similar coach that's won a lot of games has had some success but was down and out after embarrassing moments but ultimately got the last laugh Day got the last laugh last night now let's see if Nick Sirianni with two more victories can get the last laugh at many of us who made fun of him for what happened last year when they were 10 and 1 and couldn't find a way to do anything down the stretch other than win one lousy game alrighty Zach Gelb here with you on the Infinity Sports Network we will take a break we'll update you some of the biggest stories the world of sports with some audio with the news brief next update time first here's Zach time for your daily news brief we get you caught up on the rumors reports and reconnaissance from the day in sports the defensive player of the week is sponsored by the navy federal credit union who proudly serves the armed forces dod veterans and their families their members are the mission learn more at navy this week's players chiefs edge rusher george karlofftus and saturday's win over the texans the third year man out of purdue sack cj shroud three times to go along with five total tackles the chiefs as a team had eight sacks in the game chief spills coming up this sunday afc championship game alrighty let's uh start off this news brief why don't we with quinchon junkins of the ohio state buck guys he wanted to talk about his head football coach in ryan day i think coach day has great leadership all the guys in the locker room we all follow him he's been tremendous as far as motivating us being a great players coach and just keeping us motivated throughout the season he did a great job at that that's what i think ryan day's best quality is is i think it's likeability with the players and i think that there is enough respect where sometimes when you have such a player's coach they could become a doormat um and i think it's easier in the nfl to become a doormat than it is college football because even though college is different now with name image and likeness and the transfer portal and the player has more power than ever the college football coach is still king where in the nfl the coach isn't king but in this case i think because the likeability that ryan day has with that program and in that locker room really made his team full of talent come together as a team after that humiliating loss to michigan and it brought out a different gear and they used that as a rallying cry hey everyone's saying our coach sucks everyone's saying that we're a bunch of frauds let's go win this for ryan day and you saw it being on the field last night when the game was ending you saw just the genuine joy that those players have for their head football coach like you're always going to have joy when you win a championship but how many were going out of their way not necessarily just to celebrate with teammates but running over to ryan day and saying this was you this was you this was you here is ryan day on his group winning a title the story gets to get told now and it's a great story about a bunch of guys who have just overcome some really tough situations and there's a point where there's a lot of people that counted us out and we just kept swinging and kept fighting it's the reason why you get into coaching is to see guys overcome things learn life lessons and then reach their dreams this is what happened tonight you know and as a longtime supporter of ryan day obviously because he's a two-time member of the temple tough club since he was at my alma mater two different times you know i think that's what he learned at temple it was to be temple tough it was to be someone that overcomes adversity and you know i never doubted right never ever ever doubted ryan day i was always his biggest fan his biggest supporter never was a critic of his and yes his team did overcome adversity actually this morning stew so i got back to the hotel last night i don't know 130 and then i went to bed at maybe 2 215 alarm did go off at 4 30 or something and i had to get in get in the uh i was supposed to take a shuttle from the the the hotel we get to go on the shuttle too many people were on the shuttle so i was like all right whatever i'm just gonna take an uber uber was like 10 bucks so there was this other guy there who kind of got screwed out of the got screwed out of the shuttle as well and he just told the front desk hey call a taxi and i'm like oh what terminal he goes i'm like you know i'll just call an uber but i guess since it was so early in the morning and no one had their coffee yet he didn't hear me say that so he thought i was going in the same taxi with him so my uber came and he just jumped right in my my uber and then he realized oh this wasn't the taxi that was called this was your uber he goes you know can i give you a few bucks for it i'm like no i'm like dude it was like eight to ten bucks the the taxi oh the uber i'll be okay don't don't worry you know he's a high estate fan i'm like congratulations he goes yeah actually my college roommate was ryan day and he said to me right away he goes a lot of criticism about him he really needed that i go yeah i go i was extremely critical of him and we started you know we talked and asked me what i did all that stuff and he goes yeah you you could say that you were critical so that was uh you know i was giving my takes and whatnot he goes he really needed that so pretty cool you know just what are the odds that you go to the airport uh with ryan day's college roommate i would say the day after and technically the day after but hours after winning the national championship here's will howard on a loss to michigan it made us come together and it really challenged us man like we were we were in a rough spot and uh and i just got to give all the credit to the guys in that locker room man for for coming together and not letting that separate us but letting it make us come closer and i i really don't think we'd be here um if it wasn't for some of the adversity that we faced this year and man it makes it that much sweeter yeah easy to say now but i do think there's truth there when you lose to michigan like that you could have easily just never got back up and you know be humiliated and just listen to what everyone was saying which all those things were true but you use that as a rallying cry and you ended up punching on back and you punch back four times and then ended up taking home that national championship trophy all righty let's go to marcus freeman you know i love what marcus freeman has done this year but when you're down 16 in the fourth quarter kicking a field goal doesn't really make sense this is marcus freeman on why he attempted the field goal uh when he was when the ball was at the nine yard line i believe it was it was for notre dame i think it was fourth and nine or ten and i just thought you know instead of being down 16 let's try to go down 13 and i know it's still a two-score game but you have better a better probability of getting 14 points and you do 16 points and so if it was a shorter fourth and fourth and goal situation i probably would have gone for it but i just felt fourth and nine was not a great chance for us to make that and you know i decided to kick it and make it so here's my problem you got to trust your defense either way so if you don't get it there ohio state is still backed up in their own end and it's still a two-score game if you make it but you didn't make the kick too but if you make the kick it's still 13 you still have to get that stop get the ball back score then get another stop then score again okay then you win the game i thought he should have just thrown the ball there that i i would have gone for it and thrown the ball there but he didn't do so here is uh chris sims on up and adams with k adams he actually blames lamar jackson for mark andrews dropping that two-point conversion okay i haven't heard this listen up when he played right here this is perfect okay throw it throw it throw it it's too late lamar jackson's making 55 million dollars a year that ball needs to be on time and it was not accurate mark andrews needs to catch it don't get me wrong but lamar jackson's making 55 million dollars a year he double clutched it and threw it like a dart and now there's mark andrews where it's cold he's worried about getting in the end zone i'm just gonna say this and i love florio chris sims every time i hear him speak he pisses me off he really does and maybe it's because he used to always go after the patriots even though he was fine when he worked there with the patriots but he would always say some ridiculous things i don't get me wrong did lamar jackson hesitate yeah did it take lamar jackson a little longer than you would like to throw the football yeah was it a perfect ball no it was still in your hands so i don't care if you thought it was late if you hesitated if it wasn't the greatest throw this game isn't a perfect game did lamar jackson hit mark andrews in the hands not just one hand both hands did he yeah you got to catch the ball stop making excuses that's just jackassery from chris sims if you ask me here's patrick rickard of the ravens on lamar not having a super bowl ring it's inevitable he's going to win a super bowl and i want to be a part of it and it just sucks as it happened yet you know i personally feel bad for him because he deserves it just because of how great of a player he is like he deserves to be considered one of the best quarterbacks he already is but he'll get it one day you know i always love people who compare him to pain man and pain manning was three and five in playoffs the same amount of spend on lamar is and he wanted to win a couple so there's still time he's still young he's definitely going to get one at some point so i can't say that lamar jackson will never win a super bowl he is 28 right so he still has a long career hopefully ahead of him but when you keep on getting so close but yet so far it creates the doubt now let's see if you can have your ryan day moment now let's see if you could have your pay demanding moment and we'll see if the lamar jacks can do that but the last two years you've had golden opportunities and they were wasted here's damico ryan's and chris boyd pushing a coach during that game we can't lose our minds in that sense of taking our helmet off we still have to remain poised i don't think he was pushing frank in a disrespectful manner i think it was more so he was fired up overly fired up then thought he made a play to help us so that narrative that he's pushing a coach or that's that's incorrect yeah i don't that's a tough sell for me we didn't talk about that yesterday because there was so much that was lost in the shuffle when you saw that you were like what the heck what's going on on that sideline i just this is what pisses me off with a lot of these coaches a player does something wrong everyone knows they did it wrong and then they just have verbal diarrhea because they want to protect their players so much the player was in the wrong and championship teams you could have interactions you could have some contentious relationships but you don't usually see that happening on championship team sidelines i hope people say oh well andy reed and travis kelsey pushed each other that was different that was completely different what we saw this past weekend coming on back you
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