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The number one pediatrician recommended brand. Alrighty, rock and roll. Now we're number two of our radio program. That's right, it is the Zach Gelb show on the Infinity Sports Network.
New York Boulders will celebrate Sopranos Day at Clover Stadium before and during their 3 p.m. Eastern Time game versus the New England Knockouts on Sunday, June 23rd. Sopranos co-star Steve Schirripa. You know him, obviously, as Bobby Bacala will join along with his beloved Dox and Willie, who's in studio with us right now as well. You could follow at Willie the Weenie of Wall Street.
What a name on Instagram. Part of the proceeds from Steve's appearance and Willie's two at the ballpark will be donated to the Hudson Valley Humane Society. Steve, first off, it's a pleasure.
You know, I'm sure you get this a ton. All the Sopranos is my favorite show. But as someone that turns 30 in two months, it's crazy how, like, people my age have still fallen in love with The Sopranos with it ending back in 2007. But I appreciate you coming on in.
Oh, sure thing, man. Happy to be here. But look, there's a lot of young people. The show ended in 2007. You were too young to watch it when it came on the first time. Everybody discovered it. Kids in their late teens, 20s, streaming. There's more people watching the show now than watched it then.
During the pandemic, and I watched it obviously before that, but during the pandemic, I think I watched it, like, three times. You know, the thing is it holds up, like, except for, like, the cars and the computers. I mean, it holds up like it was written yesterday.
I mean, it's brilliant writing. We just had the 25th anniversary the other day. We all got together at The Beacon, and there's a documentary coming out, which is fantastic. And I saw Uncle Junior, who I haven't seen.
He's 93. I'm in a key in AZ, and Edie was there, Andrea was there, and Michael, and Pirioli, and the whole gang. And it was good to see everybody.
I haven't seen some of them in years, and, you know, we're still celebrating, man. I joined the show in June of 1999. How did you get on the show? I was an entertainment director in Vegas.
I was born in Brooklyn, but I moved to Vegas in 1980. I was working as an executive. Started acting, dabbling. You know, I had been booking comics and stuff. And I came in for a wedding, and I auditioned. That's crazy.
That was it, yeah. When did you know? Because, right, now everyone says, Sefranos, you know, one of if not the greatest shows of all time. When was it during your run that you were like, man, not only are we all starting to make it, but this is something really special? Well, I think it was like July of, I think 2000 or whatever, they got nominated for 16 Emmys, and no cable show had been nominated before. And so that kind of was like, oh, okay, now more eyeballs are on this show. Every year it got bigger and bigger and bigger. The show was small the first season.
And then it got bigger, more characters. I never really knew, but it was crazy. It was like playing for the Yankees. I know you're a Mets fan. It was like playing for the Mets in 86 when we were shooting the show here. I think you guys did more winning than them.
They only won one World Series. But you go around, you know, I mean, it was hanging around the city. We all ran around together. We enjoyed every moment, man. You know, every bar, every restaurant, we were there. We traveled together. We did appearances, casinos. Had a good time. Really good time.
And actually my cousin's husband, or ex-husband now, he played a role on the show. What happened? Tell me what happened. I'm not going to get into that business.
Was he cheating on it? What happened? No, no, no, no.
Some people you get married, you pop out a few kids and then you go your separate ways. Alright. But he was big pussy's son in the show. So when they had the scene. I don't remember.
Yeah, they had the scene where big pussy's about to put on the wire and then his wife comes running into the room. I guess they go do her makeup and they start fighting on the floor and he comes running. He's like, dad, you know, what are you doing?
What are you doing? Like he tries to get him off like you're crazy. And that was it? Yeah, that was it. That was the end of his career. Yeah, that was the end of his career.
I think he did some other actors. Nothing. And listen, everyone, you know, which was great, but you know, everybody wanted to be attached to the show somehow, some way. I ran into a guy last week. Hey, man, we work together.
So we work together. That wedding scene out in Long Island. I said I wasn't in that scene. Well, he's humble that I will say I texted him last night. We still talking and I said to him, you know, I got Steve stripper coming. He goes, don't even mention me. Why?
Why not? I hope he's doing okay. So let me ask you this because today, you know, 11 years ago, James Gandolfini passed away. When you look back at your relationship with him and then also just who he was, you hear all these great stories.
How would you kind of describe James? You know, he was just a great guy, man. We had a lot of fun, a lot of laughs, a lot of laughs, a lot of fun, generous guy.
I always I've talked about a million times. He gave all of us $33,000 one year after he had his contract dispute. He cared about you like as an actor. He cared about the crew.
He wasn't above anyone. You know, he cared about the other actors. Robert Lozier, wonderful guy, was having a very difficult time with his lines. A scene that should have took four hours took eight hours.
Another actor, and there's a lot of these actors are not nice people, you know, and impatient and think they're stars. And Jim, who was a legitimate star, was patient as can be. Somebody else would have said, get rid of him, get somebody else. He did not.
We went slow. We helped him. Jim sent a dialogue coach for him that night to help him with his lines. He was getting older, you know, so that's the kind of guy he was.
He actually cared, not without faults. And that's been publicized, not without faults, but I tell you, we had a hell of a good time. And it seems like it's funny, right? Like you watch a show and then you see all these reunion shows that you guys shot and things like that, like years ago, interviews. It seemed like it was one big happy family.
It absolutely was. You know, I mean, you know, as the years go on, people drift, you know, just, you know, people doing their own thing. But I don't know, David Chase put this group of people together kind of from the same backgrounds. Most of us were from back east. Most of us were Italian-American, not everybody. And I mean, I don't know, we had party after party. The work was very serious.
Jim was very serious about the work, as was Michael and all of us. But when it was time to have fun, we had fun, including David Chase, and it very much became a family. It was great to see everybody the other day. I mean, it was like, you know, you know, high school reunion. Absolutely. By all means, you know, good people. Bunch of good people on the show, you know. Steve Schareppa in studio with us. Well, the boy's getting impatient.
No, I haven't. You know why? Because he knows he's in a Met. This is Met time, and he's a Yankee fan.
I'm going to move far away from the door. Come on, now. He's got his Yankee jersey on, and he knows he smells something's up.
Now listen, I just want to preface. We don't hate the Mets. We're not Met-hating Yankee fans.
You know what's funny? When I was a kid, I hated the Yankees. But as I get older, like, the Yankees are everything I want my baseball team to be. So I can't sit here and hate the Yankees. You know, I mean, we don't hate the Mets. I went to a couple games last year. I root for the Mets.
No, I think that's more when you're, like, younger. You know, you go down the hall in a bit. Some of the people down there, they'll hate the Yankees. Oh, really?
Oh, yeah. Some of the Mets fans definitely hate the Yankees. Well, let's go. Bring them on. Me and Willie are ready.
Let's go, Mets fans. I always wanted to ask you this, Steve Schirripa. When you find out, when the show's coming to an end, so it's probably easier than if it was earlier, and you find out you're getting killed on the show, what's that like? You know, if I would have got killed off like Vinny Pesto on Big Pussy, right? He got killed off in the end of the second season, and he missed the whole thing.
Yeah. He missed us making money. He missed, you know, and we talk about it. We do a live show.
Matter of fact, we're going to be in Montclair, New Jersey, but I won't talk about that later. But, you know, Vinny talks about it. I mean, you're heartbroken because it's not just the money. I mean, you're on the greatest show possibly in TV history. It very much is like a family. It was like going to work to your friend. I never once said, oh, I got to work today.
It's like going to hang out with your friends. I mean, you missed out on all that. And I tell you what, you know, he did have an opportunity like after he got killed off.
Yeah. And he's a wonderful guy and a wonderful actor. And, you know, he did have a lot of opportunities.
He was the first soprano out. But if I would have been killed off early, I would have been heartbroken. I'll tell you right now. And then it keeps on coming. All you do is hear soprano soprano sopranos and people come up to you. Why you should be on the show.
I mean, it's got to drive you mad. And I was very lucky I get killed off the next to last episode. But I'll tell you what, I was afraid every step of the way because the more they gave you to do your character, the better shot you got to get killed off because the audience is invested in you. And it doesn't mean nothing if you're just a small character. They kill you. You a big you're a big character, which they killed off every season.
So a big character. So like when you find out and like we said, it was coming to an end, like, do you just get the script? And you know, I got a call. I got a call.
Hold on. Hold on for David. I picked up the phone and I said, yeah, what's up, David? He said, where are you? And I said, I'm at my apartment. He said, well, I'm coming over.
I mean, we don't we don't hang out. Yeah. Right. This is just like the boss of whatever.
Yeah. Infinity coming to your house. Hey, Zach, listen, where are you? I'm coming. I'm on my way to check my contract.
So how many years they got left on it? The doorman called. He said Chase is here. I opened the door. He's got a park around. It was in the winter, like January. And he goes, I guess you know why I'm here.
Oh, you know, it's like a real hit. I went, I guess so. And he sat down and he was very vague.
It's going to be a train. And I said, OK. And he was tapping a pencil. It was kind of awkward.
I don't know why he was tapping a pencil. And I said, were you happy with my work? He said, very blah, blah, blah. I said, thank you for changing my life. He stayed about 15 minutes and he was gone. Never took his coat off. And I was kind of flattered because I talked to Jim and he didn't bring me nothing.
But he did. I was kind of on it because most people found out, you know, in a phone call, you know, you know, you were on the set and he would say, can I talk to you for a minute? What's the matter? It's OK. I like my question. He's nice. He's a nice boy. A nice boy. Say hello.
Say hello. He's a nice boy. He's a meth fan.
I should have bought it. OK. Brought it. He smells the Mets coming out of you.
Smells Steve Cohen coming out of you. So, you know, that's how I found out some guys got phone calls. You know, listen, it was inevitable. It was what it was. And it was scary. But it's really amazing.
The writing. And I know that you talked about that earlier, but it was so ahead of the time and the way that society is now. It feels like he hit it right on the head. Capitalism, the state of America.
It's like he predicted the future. Now, it's I mean, isn't it crazy about the corporate America, about all this stuff? That's exactly what the show is about.
The show was a mob show, but it was. But but not about that. You know, mental health, sexuality, like things that are big topics today to recognize with with Tony and going to the whole show based off. I'm going to the therapist.
You said David was in. I guess, you know, those character. It probably still is this therapy. Vito's character. It's all different now. I mean, back then it was like now, you know, 20 years later, it's no big deal, you know. But but it was about the mob, but it wasn't about the mob.
It was about a family. You know, we'll get to the Sopranos date in just a second. I'll get you out of here because I'm sure Willie wants to go. Willie doesn't want to go. They're kicking us out, man. You know why? Because you're wearing a Yankee jersey.
Go Yankees. What's your favorite scene that you shot? Well, I have two favorite scenes of the show.
One that I'm not in. It's the scene where Tony and Carmela, they have the breakup and she says, I've been fantasizing about Furio. And he goes out of his mind. You think he's going to punch?
He punches the wall. That's as good acting as two people will ever have. I mean, I don't care.
Movies, whatever. That was a couple breaking up and it was very, very, very real. And that's one of my favorite scenes, you know. And then, of course, the fight scene with me and Jim. We were up there for two weeks. All that Lake House stuff was a lot of fun. It was me, Edie, Aida and Jim. Just the four of us. And it was a lot of fun.
We were actually up at that Lake House for two weeks. Wow. And they say Babe Ruth. I'm not kidding you. They say Babe Ruth owned the house next door. No way. Are you serious?
I'm dead serious. And there's all pictures of Babe Ruth. Now, the house we shot in was Roy Scheider from Jaws. OK. That used to be his house.
His wife got in divorce. She rents it out. The house next door. Supposedly, they said in the winter he would take showgirls up there. Babe Ruth. There was all pictures of Babe Ruth in there.
The house next door. For real. Yeah. You know, so that's fine.
You can walk around. Zach's getting nervous. You know, if he takes a dump, I can't help you. Yeah. Well, someone else takes a dump.
One of my producers pick it up. So I'm going to be Sunday night. Boulder. I'm going to be in Pomona, New York. You got the info.
Boulder, New York. We're going to have a great time. We just did Somerset.
Double A team. We're going to be out there. Great minor league baseball. It's going to be great. Me and Willie will be there at his meet and greets. We're going to be on the concourse taking pictures.
Willie will be on the field. We're going to throw out the first pitch. It's going to be a lot of fun. It's soprano day. It starts at two o'clock. So we're going to have a really good time and come out. You're doing that.
You want to watch good baseball this Sunday, the 23rd, New York. Boulder's Pomona in Rockland. And the last thing I'll ask you. Did you enjoy the scene when you showed up in the in the camp gear for the Pine Barrens and they had you dressed up? Listen, you know, Jim said to me, he already had seen the outfit, right? So he goes, how are you going to make me laugh tomorrow morning? So in the morning, I don't know what to do. I talked to the prop guy. You got anything to make me left? The guy gives me a three foot dildo.
It was like an Italian brand. I don't tell Steve. The Chevy's direct and I don't tell him. I don't tell anyone. And I turned the corner.
You know, I'm off camera. Jim's pouring the bottle of liquor and I start twirling it around. And what you see, if you go back and look at that scene, he's pouring the thing. He bust out laughing. And that's what he was looking at instead of me. And then Uncle Junior almost cracks. You could see Dominic almost crack. And so that's that scene. I know I don't bother. You know, Tony Serico said to me, because, you know, I had to sit in the Santa suit, the patch. I will leave the hose in. I had all the trains at the end.
All these things. He said to me, you know, they'd like to dress you up like a moron. So once again, the New York folder celebrates Sopranos Day at Clover Stadium before and during the 3 p.m. Eastern Time game versus the New England knockouts on Sunday, June 23rd. Sopranos co-star Steve Chiripo is here with us right now. We'll join along with his beloved Docs and Willie.
Make sure you give a follow at Willie the weenie of Wall Street on Instagram. We'll go to Steve's appearance and Willie's too at the ballpark and will be donated to the Hudson Valley Humane Society. Now, right now, Montclair, New Jersey, the Wilmont Theatre. We're going to be in conversation with the Sopranos. We got the great comic Joey Kohler, Michael Imperioli, me, Vinny Pastore. It's a great night.
Slides. We should call an extension from when you do you and Michael still do the podcast. We don't do the podcast anymore. It's over. We went to all the episodes.
That's true. We've been doing this for years. If you're a soprano fan, we've done it all over the country. We've done it in Australia. We were in Wilmont earlier in the year in Montclair. We have very few dates. We're doing Westerly, Rhode Island, November 23rd. Me and Michael Imperioli will be up there.
And then Montclair, New Jersey in November 30th, Thanksgiving weekend. You're tired of your pain in the ass relatives. You can't stand them.
You say, I got to go out and go to the show. So you're about to go on down the hall with Tiki Barber, Evan Roberts and Sean Morash. Yeah. Sean Morash and I, we have a big feud because he gets annoyed with me and my family on Thanksgiving. We got rid of the turkey years ago.
We just do lasagna. OK. I understand that takes big issue with that. I understand that because I don't like the turkey so much.
Thank you. I'm tired of that kind of turkey. It's just nothing. I don't you know, I agree. Nobody eats it.
You're just picking at it. You know what I mean? Oh, I like all the other stuff and the lasagna.
Over here. Tony, I could do I could do without the turkey. You know, I like him, but I could do it. Well, we'll let you go find Willie. I appreciate. I'll talk to him about that when I get down there.
I don't know if he likes me or not. He was he was growling at me. Really? I don't know. I did. I don't think I made a good impression on. All right.
Oh, no, no. Willie, he growls at everyone. He's fine. Oh, yeah, he's fine. But he left. I don't know where he went.
I'm going to try to find that. He's Steve. Sharipa to Zach Gelb show. The Infinity Sports Network will take a time out and come on back after these short messages. You're listening to the Zach Gelb show. All right.
Rocking and rolling. It is the Infinity Sports Network right here on the Zach Gelb show. Steve Sharipa was just in studio and that was wonderful. You know, there are some times that like you may have some selfish segments.
And I think that was a selfish segment. A scepter where like to me, that's, you know, some people go, why are you talking on sports? Why? Why?
Why are you talking on sports? That to me is my favorite TV show of all time. The first time I saw The Sopranos, actually, like watch an entire episode was the last episode.
It was two thousand and seven. My parents love The Sopranos. And as a family, my dad's like, this is iconic TV show coming to an end. Everyone has to sit down and watch it. And when they're in the final scene in the restaurant and you have don't stop believe in playing and that comes on. And then it just fades to black.
I kid you not. You remember the the old cable modems that were with cable vision and it would have like a card. And you'd have to sometimes, you know, if you wanted to reset, take out the card and press the reset when the screen faded to black. And it took a few seconds until the credits rolled up.
I thought that the cable went out. And I'm like, because you get told things when you were a kid. What?
Two thousand and seven. I was in middle school. So my dad's greatest TV show of all time, greatest TV show of all time. And, you know, being a big radio listener in New York, you know, the show would air and then the following day.
Right. They would always talk about it on the radio. So like you knew stuff that was going on, even if I wasn't watching every show and every episode. But when that screen faded to black, I thought for sure that the cable box just went out in my parents home on Long Island. I think a lot of people thought that. And it's an old Andy Kaufman joke where Andy Kaufman, you know, years ago, back in the 70s, he did a whole bit on TV where they intentionally made like static on the TV and forced people to start banging on their TVs at the time. And it was all a bit and nobody's TV was messed up.
So I feel like David Chase probably pulled something like that, like, hey, let me just mess with everybody. But also it was a very iconic kind of moment when you look back at how they ended that show in the moment about today. It's still very frustrating, I think, at the moment, because people thought maybe their TVs went out or maybe they didn't like the ending once they thought. But as you look back and you realize exactly what they're getting at by having it go blank in the middle of the scene. Well, it depends on how you interpret it. No, there's no interpretation. No, there's that's what makes it great.
I know that Santa's very stuck in his ways and it's his way or it's the highway. But to me, the fact that that ending from 2007 is still talked about today and you have 9000 interpretations, it shows you how creative it is because it makes sure that the show lives on forever. And Steve's right, it's more popular today than it was when it was airing, which is crazy. It's not like it ended two years ago. This ended in 2007.
And here's part of it. Part of the reason why I didn't watch it until maybe four or five years ago was back then, you didn't have Netflix and you didn't have HBO Max and you didn't have all these different streaming services. So unless you're recording it like on a VCR every week, if you missed an episode, you're screwed. You know, you can just go back.
Yeah. You can just go back and watch it on demand or go back and watch it on some streaming service. So I missed the first like season and a half before people started talking about it. And at that point, it was too late for me to go back and start watching all the seasons unless I started buying the DVDs and catching up.
But I wasn't doing that either. So I think what's happening now is a lot of people who missed these kinds of shows, these epic shows during these times are able to go back now and and able to watch it. And that's what I did. I was able to go back on HBO and watch them all and record them all. And I watched it and it was it's amazing. It's definitely a top 10 show of all time. So it's my favorite show of all time.
Hands down. What's your what's your favorite show of all time? To me, Breaking Bad is not only my favorite, but Breaking Bad is the best show of all time. I have I've said this before and I think people are like blown away when I say this. I've never seen Breaking Bad.
It was the same reaction people had when I told them I never saw Sopranos until five years ago. So it's it's a show that, Jack, I'm telling you, the first scene of Breaking Bad will get you hooked in seconds. And then from that point on, you're going to be hooked on that show. It is so good.
It is so well written and so perfectly acted. How many seasons? Like five or six, right? It is six seasons, but the fifth season was like broken up into two long season because they had the writers strike right in the middle. OK, but it was so good episodes like per season around. Oh, man, I think 20 something episodes says eight.
Go ahead. Depends. So I think some of them are like 10 to 12 and some of them are less than that, I think. OK, so on average, it's about like 11.
It's an 11 person. And how long is an episode? 56 minutes. 56 minutes. OK, I could I got some time on my hands.
Yeah. Sopranos, Entourage, Curb and 24 would be the first like four, four shows I would think of in my favorite shows of all time. You know those Seinfeld in there? I like Seinfeld. I'm not like live or die with Seinfeld.
Talk about bad endings, by the way. That got poked fun at. That made the ending of Curb Your Enthusiasm.
Literally. I'm sorry if you didn't see the end of Curb Your Enthusiasm. I didn't see any of Curb Your Enthusiasm. The problem with Curb Your Enthusiasm as much as I love Larry David.
Genius. Seinfeld gave you a level of cringe where you're like, oh, that's kind of cringy. And then it kind of moves on. Curb was all cringe all the time. And there's only so much cringe that I can watch, like like Meet the Fockers or or I can't compare.
No, no, no. Or like Meet the Parents, like those kind of cringy movies where like it's this constant embarrassment after embarrassment. I get uncomfortable and I can't keep watching those shows. And so Curb, it was so uncomfortable that after like four or five episodes. The Fockers when Ben Stiller gets up on stage after he got like shot up with true serum and starts spilling out his heart. You didn't like that. All those embarrassing.
Or when the baby starts saying a word that I can't say on on the radio in that voice. Though all those kinds of it sounds a little bit like mass. Yeah. Yeah.
I said mass to be clear. Yeah. Just know all those kinds of shows where it's just constant embarrassment, embarrassing moment after embarrassing moment after embarrassing moment. I just I can't stomach it. And that's all Curb is.
It's just cringy, embarrassing moment one after another after another. And I can't binge that. So like I watch 10 minutes of an episode and have to stop and like wait a day before watching your TV.
Your TV watching parameters are a little bit more serious. It's only for Curb, only for Curb. Every other show I can I can you know, if I like it and I like Curb, I just can't stomach too much of it. What's your favorite TV show of all time? Right now, it's always sunny in Philadelphia. That's that's pretty damn good.
That's a great answer. Is that your favorite? Yes. Your favorite TV show of all time. Always sunny in Philadelphia.
I did not peg Boyle as an always sunny in Philadelphia guy. Yeah. Big time.
Love it. From the moment my brother showed me going back to when I was in high school, I've watched. Oh, my God. I mean, there's they've got probably over 100 episodes now and I've watched you like probably events in the city. Yeah. And I probably watched, you know, a girl that she would go with like her brother to all these like pop up, always sunny in Philadelphia events and do like these massive like in-person shows. Well, Rob McElhenney, who's Mac, is huge now.
He owns the team with Ryan Reynolds, Wrexham, the soccer team. And that show is awesome, too. That that show. Oh, wait.
Didn't they send a bunch of free crap to the studio? Yeah. Yeah. I have a Wrexham walking around with the scarf. I have a Wrexham scarf outside. Are they saying like a scarf?
No, but the show is so good. And following Wrexham, the team, I've become a Wrexham fan. Where do they play? They're in Wales, but they're in part of the English Premier League. Well, they're not in the Premier League, but they're in the English subdivision. They start out in the very bottom league. In the past two years, they've been promoted twice. So they're now in the second level down. They have their Division two. Then they have one more level, which is the championship.
And then they're up in the Premier League. So they're they're moving up and like Ted Lasso, basically. But imagine Ted Lasso.
But like just better as far as as far as as far as their promotional set. Ted Lasso had a strong start. Then it lost me a bit. And then I thought they did a good job patching it up at the end. Yeah, I think Ted Lasso is another one of my top 10, top 15. That's that's such a good movie.
Great life lessons, incredible script, awesome acting. Yeah. But I think people on the YouTube are very annoyed with this four frame.
Every time you guys go in the four frame on on YouTube, on the YouTube stream. What's wrong with it? I think it messes up everybody's.
I think I think because of our system, it doesn't sync up my my audio to to when I'm actually talking. Really? That's I don't know. That's what people are.
I think it's the background, too. It's like getting hit with the flashbang. I kind of like this, though, four shot.
I think this looks good. I don't know what the heck you guys are doing. Steve Schirripa was and you guys were like zooming in on like my my nose hairs. It was it was it was a little you guys were like very up in my face. Technical difficulties, technical difficulties. Great time to have them. Let me tell you about you.
So as long as we were getting Willie and getting Steve, that's all that matters. Yeah, I felt bad for the dog. Yeah, dog sitting here for like 15, 20 minutes now.
Well, you know, I mean, listen, should have brought in some Gaba Ghoul. You know, maybe some you need to learn to be more dog friendly on the show. Very dog friendly. Dogs love me. Some people call me Nigel Thornberry with the animals.
I don't love you. That dog ran out of here as quick as it did. Yeah, I opened the door.
He ran down the hallway to his mom. Yeah. Who's Nigel Thornberry? That's from the Wild Thornberry Show. That guy talks to the old Nickelodeon show.
I'm Nigel Thornberry. My they're a bunch of hippies. One of my second cousin talking about shows was one of the writers for Boy Meets World. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. I had a crush on Topanga back in the day. I think I think every young boy had a crush on Topanga.
I was going to say Topanga. And then in the movie, the Sandlight Sandlot, the peppercorn, whatever name is. Yeah, peppercorn. Yeah.
Yeah. Peppercorn. Wendy. Wendy. Wendy. Boyles like I know what Kelly Kaposki was another one for for the young young bucks out there. Boyles like I watch that scene more than a few times.
Kelly Kaposki. Oh, yeah. Squints.
Squints was my hero. It's an all time move. One that you can't do today.
You can't get away with that today, but not be a big lawsuit. Yeah. And that movie, you know, mouth to mouth, pretends to drown, makes out with a lifeguard. Boyles like we used to call it a Tuesday for him back in the day. And at the end of the movie ends up marrying her.
Yes. We actually had the great hambino on the show back a few maybe a year ago. Patrick Renner is he's he's like courtside at the NBA finals. He was a celebrity for the NBA final. He's a big time sports fan. I was really funny, really interesting guy.
I know, but I wasn't expecting him. The great hambino. Yeah. The courtside at the you played ball like a girl. But by the way, just real quickly doing this, then we'll get the part since we're on the topic of TV shows. This is like my favorite summer radio video.
What's the one show that's very popular that you just can't stand? Like was your curvy enthusiasm? Santa. That's what it seemed like.
No, I wouldn't know. I enjoyed it when I watched it. I have to think about that for a second. A show that I couldn't like Big Bang Theory.
But like, mm hmm. I couldn't stay. Is there a show that you had that a lot of people love and you just just didn't give a crap about?
Off the top of my head. No man. Walking, showing up to work today or no. Walking Dead was another show that I could never get into. I like zombie stuff. I have work on it, but I'll let Boyle go first. Go ahead. The office.
Wow. Most people's favorite show of all times. And it's not that far.
The best New York City pizza. It's just not that funny. Mine's game Game of Thrones. Yeah. You just you're not a sci fi guy.
You wouldn't like that kind of stuff. So I love Game of Thrones. First off, you assume a lot about me, Santa.
I forget what it was. Oh, you're like, oh, you're not a golf guy. I'm like, I actually am a golf guy. So you don't know what I particularly like or dislike. I don't see you being a Star Wars or Star Trek or Game of Thrones or any of that.
Any of that. Harry Potter. You're not into Harry Potter. OK, good. All right. Harry Potter.
I like. Yeah. Well, Harry Potter for you. Yeah. Harry Potter.
I was a Slytherin fan. No, I would be. You would be.
Of course I would. It's a great troll. You're a villain. Harry Potter.
I like. I never got into Star Wars. Game of Thrones, though, especially when I was in college. My friends religiously watched Game of Thrones and I watched two episodes of it. And I said, this is not for me. This is stupid.
I went to all the parties. People like pregame. Well, there's a new season of House of Dragon, which I cannot wait to start watching. Really? Yeah. Well, is that like it's the prequel spinoff? It's a spinoff, but it's basically the prequels. What happened in the centuries before Game of Thrones happened. So all the stuff that they referenced in Game of Thrones. This is the show that kind of is all that. Another show that you should watch if you haven't gotten into is The Boys.
I don't feel like superhero movies, but this is a dark, like villainous superhero movie. It's a show. It's awesome. OK, we'll take a time out. Is that guilt show. The Infinity Sports Network, Bart Winkler is going to join us next.
Sanders got good taste in TV. I think we reached our quota of compliments. We don't need his head. Get it. Not possible.
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Excludes restaurants. Additional terms and fees apply. Start your summer road trip at Midas and get up to $30 off your next repair service. Plus, get a free Closer Look vehicle check to make sure you're road trip ready. So if you need a brake service and alignment check or tune up, hit up Midas for up to $30 off.
For more details, request your appointment at Midas.com. You're listening to the Zach Gelb Show. It's an epic battle for the Infinity Sports Network. Zach, lethargic, putrid, pathetic. Quitters, they're quitters. What a joke, Bart. Something fun to talk about. That's what we do here. It's like, hey guys, it's like we're just hanging out at a bar talking sports. It's time for Winkler Wednesday. Only on the Zach Gelb Show. Bart Winkler joins us right now on the Zach Gelb Show for Winkler Wednesday. You can listen to Bart on many of these same stations Monday through Friday from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Eastern time. And Bart joins us right now.
What's up, Bart? Don't like. Wow, that was bad. What? What was bad? Bart Winkler's here.
You can find him at night. Sorry. Sorry.
Because I usually have such high energy when I'm not at a thousand. You get your I've got to be careful with what I'm about to say on the radio. You get your feelings. I know what you're going to say. And you're right. I do.
So they are absolutely in that position. You know what? Time out. Botcher, can you play me the open again here? Play me the open one more time.
We'll do this from the top because Bart is like the diva now of the Infinity Sports. You want me to go to the graphic too? The whole thing? No. Just play me the intro.
Go ahead. It's an epic battle for the Infinity Sports Network. Zach, lethargic, putrid, pathetic quitters.
They're quitters. What a joke, Bart. Something fun to talk about. That's what we do here. It's like, hey, guys, it's like we're just hanging out at a bar talking sports. It's time for Winkler Wednesday, only on the Zach Geld show. If you don't listen to Bart Winkler, you suck. Bart Winkler joins us from the Bart Winkler show.
You could listen to him right here on the Infinity Sports Network weeknights, 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Eastern Time. If you don't listen to him, you're a meanie. You're a jerk. You're a douche.
Is that better for you? God, will you tone it down? I'm literally just Bart Winkler. All right.
From the top. All right. Welcome back to the Zach Geld show on the Infinity Sports Network. I don't really like to speak loudly. So, Bart Winkler, he hosts an average radio show and he joins us right now.
That's what I was looking. OK, I got enough promos for you today. I got a question for you, because I know how well covered you are and you love to give all the sports the proper amount of time. Out of the four major sports, who's the best player right now? Is it Patrick Mahomes? Is it Connor McDavid? Is it Shoei Otani? Or is it Nikola Jokic?
I think it's Patrick Mahomes. OK, why? We did a topic last week about if you were an NFL quarterback or an NFL team, feel free to use this and go through the NFL.
It's great summer content. Trust me. Sure.
Take a note. And you had like you have your quarterback. But you have a 50-50 coin flip. And behind door number one, you get Patrick Mahomes. And behind number two, you get like, I don't know, Kyle Bowler or someone still.
I don't know. You get like worst quarterback or Patrick Mahomes. Patrick Ramsey? Yeah. I think that all but maybe five or six teams do the risk for Patrick Mahomes. OK, so I would look at that equation for other teams. Like, are we doing that for Jokic? Are we doing it for McDavid?
Yeah. You know, Jokic is different. Basketball is different. But it is I think it's out of the four sports right now to figure out who the best player is in their sport.
I think basketball is the toughest. The answer is Nikola Jokic. He's a three time MVP. But I feel like in basketball, since LeBron is is no longer at the right without a doubt, the number one guy. And it's not KD anymore. I think for a little bit, we went to Steph, then a little bit. We went to Nikola Jokic for a while. One of those MVP should have been one of them. One of those MVP should have been Yanis is correct, right?
Like it was Yanis for a little bit. But I think the last two years, the answer has been Nikola Jokic, like Jason Tatum winning the NBA finals. Don't get me wrong. He's a phenomenal player, but no one saying Jason Tatum is now the best player in the league. If maybe Luca Doncic won the championship, you would have had that conversation. So I think Nikola Jokic is in at fourth. But you could give me any of Mahomes, McDavid or Otani.
And I can't really debate you on it. The argument for Mahomes would be because he has the championships too. But man, Otani, think about it. And I probably would have said Mahomes at first. But the reason why I think I'll go Otani, and I know he can't pitch right now, but even with taking away the pitching abilities, he's still the odds on favorite to win the MVP because he's that great at the plate. And it would almost be like when he is able to pitch if Mahomes also then played corner, let's just say, in addition to playing corner. Yeah, I would need to brush up more on hockey.
I do know that they're winning games when McDavid scores, and they're not when he doesn't. He's the best player in the league, hands down. Indicator. Yeah, I'm going to say Mahomes, and then I'll go to bed. And then in the middle of the night, I'll be unable to fall asleep, and I'll be like, should I have said Otani, though? So that's where I am on that answer. Yeah, I think the way that I would rank it, and I can't crush you for Mahomes because he's won three Super Bowls already, and no one has an answer for him, unless if Tom Brady's on the other side of the line, which now he's going to the Fox booth.
It's Otani one. I went Mahomes two, McDavid three, and Nikola Jokic in at four. So that's the way that I ask you a question. Go ahead. Because I view you as somebody who's more professional than me. I could be unprofessional, but compared to you, yes, I'm like the most professional button up broadcaster that's ever existed. I think my emotions take over too many times.
You think? I've been following some of the feuds you've been in recently. It's tough to keep up. I know. Well, that usually if there's like a chart of when my feuds happen, it's usually during championships is when I get a little unhinged.
Yeah, I did go after the other day a little bit like a little jab. I thought it was a little lame of you right when the Celtics won the championship. Start going after people for saying, oh, it's the 18th banner for the Celtics. Well, it's the 18th banner for the Celtics.
That's right. But why don't we how come every time I say the Green Bay Packers have won 13 championships, people always respond with. But how many Super Bowls? How did why is there a clear line in the NFL when there should be in the NBA also?
How come it's Celtics won nine of their championships when there were nine teams or less. You know, I'm not going to respond. I'll let you let it. I'll let you get it out of your system. Go ahead. Give me the argument. OK, so my other question I have for you.
Yeah, go ahead. Because I take things personally. And there's there's several cases that Drew holiday would have been the MVP in other years. I know you said Jaylen Brown, probably the right answer. Seven votes. But there were 11 people voting. How does Jason Tatum one get four votes?
And if you're Doris Burke, who we're all proud of, great achievement. But the big complaint against you is you love Jason Tatum as if he was your own flesh and blood. How do you vote for Jason Tatum for the MVP? So I didn't even think knowing you made the debate. I think she just threw him a vote knowing he wouldn't win. But because she has to keep up with the rhetoric that she's the big Jason Tatum, I think she's in on it.
So I think the debate, it shouldn't have been a debate. It was going to be Jaylen Brown after what he did down the stretch in Game three when they're about to blow that game. That one in the MVP after game one, though, the answer or game two after game two, the answer was Drew holiday. But, you know, defense just doesn't usually win you an MVP award, but because it's not sexy.
But what Drew holiday did from a defensive standpoint, along with Jaylen Brown and Derek White was phenomenal in that series. Yeah. And I can't believe that the team that traded him to Boston is getting no, you're so sensitive heat. You are.
You are so sense. Everybody looks at like the game, the Boston. They did not. And they didn't play in the playoffs.
And you know what? Looking back, we're saying it's got traded to another team and then to the team that beat the team. Where's the heat there? Even still, though, I understand we all look at this and like from the last year, the Bucks were right to go trade for Damian Lillard. They traded Drew holiday to the trailblazers and the Celtics at a magnificent job, right when the Bucks started to take the baton and taking that baton right back and getting drew holiday because he was enormous.
That team's championship this year. There's no doubt about it. I think he should have been the MVP.
I know it should have been Jayla Brown, but that's okay. Anyway, I hope my energy was good enough for you. I know that people are talking about TV for five minutes before he finally got to me. That was good use of your time. All right, let's get Bart off the show. Kick him off the show. Get him out of here. Sick and tired of this guy.
Jeez. I've always been a good friend to Bart Winkler. Always been been his biggest supporter when he was out of a job and let him fill in for me.
And now this guy wants to just take a baseball bat and smack me in the cabeza. Oh, next week, I may just take off for this segment. I may have Sam to host the show. Let him deal with Bart and his antics coming on back.
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